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Sample letter of recommendation for quality performance of services. How to write a letter of recommendation

If you need to write or receive letter of recommendation sample the composition of which you want to find, for example, on the Internet and cannot do this, then this article is just for you. Below we will answer the question of why a letter of recommendation is needed at all, how to write it correctly and what is best reflected in it.

Letters of recommendation are, from a legal point of view, nothing more than a relic of the past. No employer has the right to demand the provision of such a letter, much less put it forward as a mandatory requirement for employment.

A letter of recommendation is a free-form description that reflects the professional qualities of the applicant. Such a letter is drawn up at the place of the citizen’s previous work or at the place of his training and reflects important qualities for the employer that are ready to attest former employer or educational institution.

For sample letter of recommendation does not exist (if we talk about an established model, or the most common applicable form). Since this paper is for informational purposes only, when writing a letter you should be guided by standard rules used when writing business letters. These rules include the use business style speeches (exclusion of artistic phrases that do not carry a semantic load, which are used to decorate speech), compliance with the requirements for addresses (you, colleague, partner, etc.), indication of a specific compiler, certification of the document with the signature of the person who compiled it.

So, as we said above, such papers are drawn up locally former job or the applicant's studies. Upon registration sample letter of recommendation it is not necessary to follow. However, in the most general outline sample letter of recommendation, looks something like this:

  1. In the upper right corner, the specific employer for whom the applicant expects to work is indicated (if he is known), and if unknown, then the purpose of the letter can be indicated - “for presentation at the place of request”;
  2. In the middle of the sheet the name is indicated: “LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION”;
  3. What follows is the direct text of the letter, which may be something like this: “I (full name) during the period of time from “__”______20__. by "__"_____20__ was the leader of Ivanov I.I. During this period, Ivanov I.I. held the position of __________. His job responsibilities included the following:______________. During professional activity in the specified position Ivanov I.I. mastered the following skills:___________. During his time at Lyutik LLC, Ivanov proved himself to be a positive side, as further evidenced by such successes and achievements as ___________.”;
  4. The next part of the letter usually indicates the reasons for dismissal from the previous job;
  5. The information part of the letter ends with a subjective assessment professional qualities applicant. the former employer expresses his opinion about the employee. Talking about sample letter of recommendation, then its ending looks something like this: “In view of the above and guided by our own assessment of Ivanov I.I.’s professional qualities, we note his full compliance with his previously held position and readiness to perform similar duties in the future. We wish Ivanov I.I. further professional success and improvement in the chosen area of ​​activity";
  6. At the very end, the signature of the official who compiled the letter of recommendation and the date of compilation are placed.

Most often, the letter of recommendation contains the signature of the applicant’s immediate supervisor (this may be the head of a department, branch, or structural unit). Currently, in view of the development and expansion of the powers of personnel services and the so-called “personnel managers,” there is a tendency to draw up such documents directly by them.

If the letter of recommendation is not drawn up at the applicant’s former place of work, but, for example, at the place of his studies, then the student usually has to sign letters of recommendation from the head of the department, the dean or (much less often) the rector.

If the applicant has attended any preparatory courses or courses additional education(advanced training), then drawing up and signing a letter of recommendation falls on the shoulders of the director of these courses.

In the West, a candidate without a letter of recommendation simply will not be hired for a responsible position. In Europe and the USA, this document has become an important element of a person’s “business image”, evidence of his competence. In Russia, many employers have also managed to appreciate the benefits of written recommendations. A person who gets a job at Euroset will be hired without a letter, but a recommendation will help a talented, valuable middle manager quickly find a new one promising job.

What it is?

A letter of recommendation to an employee is a document in which the manager eloquently describes the professional qualities, abilities and skills of his former employee. It is usually written by the employee himself, because the manager is too lazy, but it is always signed by the employer.

This letter will be useful to the employee as an additional trump card when applying for employment in another organization. A letter of recommendation is a kind of confirmation of the information included in his resume in the “skills” and “about himself” sections. A good recommendation really increases the appeal of a resume and the chances of its writer. Imagine that during an interview the applicant showed you a recommendation signed by the director of some reputable company. Surely you will be more loyal to such a candidate than to a guy who only has a set of standard presentation (and pretentious) phrases in stock? Surely yes.

A letter of recommendation is something like a witness statement in court. It’s not a fact that it’s true, but it comes from a third party and therefore deserves attention. This is the whole point of a written recommendation. True, its importance should not be exaggerated either - an experienced HR manager knows that often these messages are written by the employee himself. Yes, the manager signs them, but it usually doesn’t matter to him how the resigned employee described himself - he left, and that’s fine.

Letter structure

The structure is generally the same as a standard business letter:

  • title (just “Letter of Recommendation” - no need to invent anything);
  • confirmation of the fact that employee such-and-such (full name) actually worked in your company (which is called so-and-so) for certain period(from such to such date) and held a certain position;
  • a list of his responsibilities (as complete and detailed as possible);
  • a list of personal and business qualities;
  • description of achievements;
  • reasons for dismissal;
  • your position, full name, contact phone number;
  • date of writing the letter.

The legislator has not established a specific form for a letter of recommendation, so it is not necessary to check each of these points when writing. If you want to add something of your own or change the structure a little, please. The main thing is that the meaning is clear.

In the body of the letter, try to answer several questions:

  • what are strengths employee?
  • How can it be useful to a new employer?
  • Why did the employee leave your company?
  • “the employee showed himself to be efficient, responsible, and proactive”;
  • “the employee performed his duties satisfactorily”;
  • “in some cases showed commendable initiative”?

The employee will write all this on his resume even without you. It’s better to name specific achievements, numbers, actions:

  • “Ivanov I. I. developed a new phone call script, due to which sales increased by 18% after one month”;
  • “As a result of negotiations conducted by I.I. Ivanov with suppliers, it was possible to reduce the purchase price of goods by 10%.”

“Vladimir Vladimirovich Kuritsyn worked at Uot-tak-uot LLC under my leadership from June 20, 2012 to September 18, 2014 as a senior salesman. His responsibilities as a senior salesperson included advising customers on product characteristics, posting goods, issuing invoices, placing orders, and performing cashier functions.

During his time at the company, Vladimir Vladimirovich established himself as a deeply erudite, energetic and persistent worker. He carefully and meticulously studied the principle of operation and characteristics each of the products presented in my sports nutrition store (protein, creatine, amino acids from Russian manufacturers), made a high-quality presentation of the product (based, among other things, on statistical data presented in the issues of the authoritative magazine Men’sHealth for June 2012 - September 2014). Kuritsyn V.V. did not limit himself to studying theory. Three times during the period of his work at Uot-tak-uot LLC, he was consulted by such trainers as V. Ulyanov, Y. Spasokukotsky and D. Borisov. Alexander Alexandrovich used the knowledge received from these trainers when selling the Titan protein, and within three months (January-March 2014) managed to increase sales of this product by 80%.

Kuritsyn Vladimir Vladimirovich navigates the Russian sports nutrition market at the expert level. Vladimir Vladimirovich owns effective sales technology, with the help of which he made from 20 to 50 sales per day.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Kuritsyn’s departure from the company is due to the fact that it takes him too long to get from his place of work to the gym.

Professional skills and personal qualities Kuritsyn V.V. allows us to recommend him for a similar position.”

Remember that a letter of recommendation can serve you well former employee good service. If he worked conscientiously and did not allow gross violations, it would be correct on your part to answer him “good for good” and give him a good recommendation. Don’t be lazy and compose the letter yourself – it will take literally 15 minutes.

Having a recommendation from a previous place of work will significantly increase the chances of employment for a new position and will help to single out a certain candidate from the general list of applicants. However, it does not even guarantee 100% results. The information written in it will help the future manager evaluate the professionalism of the employee in the early stages.

This article will tell you how to write a letter of recommendation correctly. Sample forms and main points that must be voiced will be described in more detail.

A letter of recommendation is a document that describes a short letter; when composing it, you must adhere to a business style. To write it, you need a letterhead with the logo and contact information of the company. This document is signed directly by the manager, indicating a telephone number by which, if necessary, you can contact him directly to clarify or verbally confirm the data.

As a rule, such a letter is drawn up with the purpose of recommending an employee, telling about his achievements, professionalism, and success in his work.

If there is a recommendation from the place of work (the example is based on the experience of foreign companies), the applicant has more opportunities for employment in a prestigious job with a high wages and career growth.

Modern prestigious companies take the selection of employees very seriously, therefore, upon dismissal, by agreement of the parties, you can ask for a recommendation from the place of work. Sample correct spelling of this document:

  1. Title, depending on the enterprise (domestic or foreign).
  2. Full name of the company, contact details (address, telephone, e-mail) and field of activity.
  3. Full name of the employee, date of hire and dismissal.
  4. Full list job responsibilities specialist and the results of his work.
  5. A brief description of personal qualities that directly influenced the achievement of goals.
  6. Reason for transfer or dismissal.
  7. Recommendation for a potential employer.
  8. Full name of the manager providing this information, his position, contact phone number and signature.
  9. Date of document creation.
  10. Availability of a seal.

Letter of recommendation. Sample for domestic enterprises

Pretesnaya Natalya Sergeevna worked at the company Gramadastroy LLC as a secretary from September 28, 2001 to January 1, 2010 under my direct supervision.

Her job consisted of performing the following duties:

  • accepting and sending documents;
  • compilation;
  • maintaining employee time sheets;
  • office work;
  • its preparation and registration;
  • organizing events;
  • registration and control of electronic document flow.

Over the 9 years of working together, Natalya has proven herself to be good. She was always efficient, hardworking, proactive and conscientiously fulfilled her duties. She enjoyed respect and authority among the team. Her main quality is the ability to properly organize and distribute work. This allowed her not only to complete assigned tasks on time, but the best way complete ahead of schedule. Also, its invaluable advantage is the organization of leisure time for staff.

Thus, I can recommend Natalya Sergeevna Pretesnaya for the position of assistant to the head of the technology department, as she has sufficient professionalism, knowledge and qualities that are necessary to perform this job.

LLC "Gramadastroy"

Foreign companies, in particular American ones, have their own requirements for the preparation of recommendation documents. They are designed as a cover letter, which is an addition to the resume.

Automotive concern "General Motors"

Ivan Leonidovich Sokol was hired by our company on December 14, 2002 as a project manager. During his work, he successfully coped with his job responsibilities, in particular, he managed projects, negotiated with partners, selected professional employees, and reported to his superiors on the progress of new developments.

During his work at the entrusted site, income increased by 8%, which can characterize him as an initiative, purposeful and competent specialist.

I have no doubt that Ivan Leonidovich Sokol will do an excellent job in a similar position and will contribute to the development of another enterprise.

As a rule, there is a certain list of positions where references are mandatory. This mainly applies to management.

Alina Stanislavovna Ivantsova worked at the Junior company as head of the advertising department from March 23, 2004 to November 11, 2012. Her personal qualities, such as self-confidence, initiative, communication skills, the ability to properly organize the work process, and determination, contributed to development of our company. It is worth noting that during her leadership the number of circulations increased by 25%. At her suggestion, new system developments were introduced, which increased the publication’s income and allowed it to expand significantly. Over 8 years of working together with Ivantsova A.S. the company found many new partners and significantly expanded the list of its advertisers.

I would like to especially highlight her focus on achieving high results, her ability to quickly and efficiently solve complex problems and find a way out of any current situation.

In some cases, university graduates are required to bring a letter of recommendation when applying for employment in a large company. This information can be provided directly educational institution, teacher or mentor.

Belaya Elena Anatolyevna entered the Moscow State University of Humanities and Economics (MSHEU) in 2003 to the faculty foreign languages, Department of Turkish Language. During her studies, she proved herself to be a purposeful, responsible, proactive person, ready to learn and striving to achieve great success.

Participated in extracurricular activities educational projects and Often took on the task of translating texts.

While writing my diploma, I completed an internship at a prestigious foreign company, directly related to my profession. Characterized as an executive and responsible worker.


When leaving an enterprise, it is better to immediately ask for a letter of recommendation, since its presence can become an additional trump card when applying for a new job.

Letter of recommendation to employee- this is an assessment of the professional qualities, skills and abilities of an employee by his former boss or colleague. This document is usually used when searching new job and is attached to the . Having good recommendations makes a resume more attractive and increases the applicant's chances of getting hired.

Its writing begins by indicating the title of the document.

Then there is an appeal to a specific employer (if necessary).

After this, the period, place of work of the applicant and who he was with the recommender are indicated. For example: “Anastasia Igorevna Serova worked at Veres LLC under my leadership from September 10, 2010 to August 30, 2013,” “I collaborated with Anastasia Igorevna Serova from September 10, 2010 to August 30, 2013.” and so on.

Next, the position of the applicant is indicated, his functional responsibilities, work skills, abilities, professional achievements and successes, and strengths are described. You can also indicate the reason for leaving the company here.

The main text of a letter of recommendation to an employee ends with the recommendations and wishes of the recommender. For example: “The professionalism of Anastasia Igorevna Serova allows us to recommend her for work in a similar position in another company. I wish her creative success, further development and prosperity."

Obtaining recommendations for potential new employees is a fair desire of employers when searching for candidates for vacant positions. Sometimes it is written in the text of the vacancy as a request, and then it is better to try to ensure its availability among other documents provided to the employer. The employer cannot refuse a candidate due to her absence, but there will be those applicants who will fulfill this request, and their chances of getting a new position will be much higher.

In contact with

A recommendation from a place of work is a review provided to an employee by an employer in order to confirm work experience in the organization and describe professional skills and personal characteristics specialist, demonstrated in the performance of his official duties.

It can be provided orally or in writing. In the first case, HR managers independently contact the recommender, asking him questions about the candidate. In the second, the time for the recruiter to obtain additional information about the applicant is significantly reduced, since it is received in the form of a letter of recommendation.

For an employer, receiving a recommendation can be either a pure formality or a significant stage in the selection of candidates. Thanks to her, the future employer makes conclusion about the reliability of the applicant and the absence of conflicts at previous places of work, because a brawler or a slacker is unlikely to be able to receive recommendations, and even on official letterhead with the organization’s seal. At the same time, recruiters understand that with current technical capabilities, you may be faced with providing a high-quality fake, but this can be easily verified with one call to the company.

For an applicant, a letter of recommendation from an employer is an excellent addition to a resume, since it is not his personal assessment of his own professional qualities, but opinions of those who worked with him when solving real work problems.

Recommendation-characteristics can be drawn up by different specialists of the enterprise. But it is important for the employee that it is signed by the immediate supervisor. The higher the status of the recommender, the greater the weight and significance of the presented characteristic. Have the greatest value letters signed by top officials organization or CEO. But not everyone has the opportunity to get them.

Recommendations for top managers provided by colleagues of equal status look illogical. Also, reviews received from managers under whose direct subordination the specialist has never been will have less weight.

How to write a letter of recommendation so that it is favorably received by the addressee? There are two main forms of letters depending on who exactly is the object of the characterization: either the employee or the organization itself.

Typically, the document is drawn up on the letterhead of the company indicating its details. But there are some cases when the recommender may be a private person. In this case, there may be no form as such, and the author himself chooses the form for presenting information. Most often, this option is used when it is necessary to provide protection to a well-known person.

A letter of recommendation (a sample is given below) from one organization to another is of particular importance at the beginning of cooperation, when sending commercial proposals, in order to confirm the quality of the services provided.

To characterize the company, a review from an ordinary buyer can be used - individual. An example of this is the reviews on the pages of online stores, which are written by people solely at their own request and in free form, containing information about the quality of service and recommendations for cooperation.

Design rules

  • use of the official letterhead of the organization;
  • indication of the organization's details;
  • presence of a signature indicating the position, surname, first name and patronymic of the recommender.

Most often, a characteristic recommendation is drawn up without specifying a specific company, in which it will be presented in the future. Therefore, instead of filling out the right side of the form indicating the recipient’s details, write standard phrase“For presentation where required.”

Letter structure

There are no uniform requirements for the structure of the recommendations provided. Each employer draws it up at its own discretion, and sometimes creates a form of letter of recommendation - sample for structural units to facilitate the task of providing references to resigning employees.

The document may include the following sections:

  1. The general part with the details of the enterprise.
  2. Introductory information about the company and confirmation of the employee’s period of work.
  3. The main part with the employee's characteristics.
  4. The final part with praise and compliments.
  5. Visa of the person providing the information.

What to include in a letter

The main task of the introductory part is to confirm the fact that the specialist works in the organization. To do this you can specify:

  • period of cooperation;
  • position and structural subdivision where the employee worked;
  • information about the immediate supervisor;
  • information about internal movements indicating a specialist’s career growth.

In the main part you must provide description of the specialist’s qualities. What can be included in the characteristics:

  1. Key functions of the position in which the specialist worked, or areas of his responsibility.
  2. The results he achieved, his effectiveness.
  3. Professional competencies that allowed you to achieve results.
  4. Personal properties that influenced interaction in a team and are necessary for interaction, for example, with company partners.
  5. If necessary, you can indicate the reasons for the specialist’s dismissal.

When preparing this part of the text, the question often arises whether it is necessary to write about what skills the employee needs to develop further. Of course, this is left up to the author, but it is important to understand that a characterization that is too smooth and “combed” can be alarming due to its ideality. If a decision was made to reflect not only best quality employee, then the information can be presented in the form brief description possible development prospects, for which the employee has all the capabilities.

In the final part, it is necessary to confirm your readiness to recommend a specialist for consideration for a vacancy, compliments about the employee’s qualities. It is appropriate to supplement this section with the contact information of the recommender and express readiness to provide verbal explanations and additions if necessary.

Example of a letter of recommendation

In order to simplify the task of preparing recommendations, we provide examples of letters of recommendation for an employee from his previous place of work (sample) and for the company.

Ivan Arkadyevich Smirnov worked at Commerce Center LLC as a key account manager in the Sales Department under the leadership of the head of the sales department, Natalya Ivanovna Guryanova, from 02/10/2015 to 01/22/2017. Having joined the company as a sales manager, a year later he was transferred to the position of key account manager.

Ivan Arkadyevich performed the tasks of supporting the company’s key clients. Created commercial proposals, conducted presentations and negotiations with heads of sales departments of client companies, prepared proposals to expand the range, was responsible for the timeliness and quality of shipments, and successfully resolved issues related to accounts receivable from partners. During his work, he regularly fulfilled sales plans.

Ivan is a leader in the team, has a calm and non-conflict character, and knows how to provide support to his colleagues.

The specialist left the company due to at will in connection with moving to a new place of residence.

I recommend Ivan Arkadyevich for consideration for the position of manager or leading specialist in working with key clients. I am sure that he will be able to contribute to the development of the business of the company where he will be hired. If necessary, I am ready to provide additional information by phone. +7 (xxx) xxx-xxx-xx or I will answer your request by e-mail: [email protected].

Head of Sales Department of Commerce Center LLC Guryanova N.I.

Business LLC has been working with Consult LLC since 2011. During our cooperation with the company, 12 projects were completed in the field of describing our company’s business processes, developing regulations and procedures for processes, and assessing the qualifications of our company’s personnel.

Consult LLC is a professional team of consultants capable of solving complex problems within the time limits specified in the contract. Thanks to completed projects, our organization was able to make changes to its work processes, which allowed us to increase business efficiency, change staff motivation, and create a personnel reserve for the company.

CEO Business LLC Kulikov Ilya Mikhailovich

Applicants are not always able to provide written recommendations and therefore provide contact information for references to provide verbal feedback. However, there are times when companies refuse to provide information over the phone, and the HR manager has to send an official request to receive data.

In order to do this, it is necessary to clarify email address employee who could characterize the candidate and direct written request. It is acceptable to send it using fax.

When applying in writing, you must indicate:

  • Goal of request;
  • the name of the vacancy for which the applicant is being considered;
  • the range of questions that need to be answered;
  • words of gratitude for the time spent providing information;
  • contact information for sending a response to the request.

Important! You should not ignore the request you receive; the rules of business etiquette require employers to prepare a written review for an employee who has moved to a new place of work and send it in response to the request received.

Preparing letters of recommendation requires some preparation, but is not overly challenging task. The main thing is to decide what information needs to be reflected in the document, and remember that the provided characteristics will help the employee find a job, continue his professional development and realize his ambitions.



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