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Why is a limited liability company called that? What is LLC

If there are several founders, then the required amount is divided into parts, according to the documents. The first and most important of them is the organization's charter. It contains basic information about the company: about the founders, principles and fundamentals of operation, etc. The article is devoted to the question of what responsibility the founders of an LLC have today.

Founders and their number

Society with limited liability Citizens of the Russian Federation can create from 1 to 50 people. In addition to individuals, legal entities can also be founders. If the founder of the company is one person, then all issues, as a rule, are resolved quickly, without unnecessary discussions, the powers of the founder of the LLC are clear and transparent. However, in the case of shareholders, the situation becomes somewhat more complicated, since they may have directly opposite views.

Therefore, when there are a considerable number of them, a governing body is created: general meeting. The fate of the company and the answers to the most important questions depend on his decisions. At the general meeting, an executive body is appointed to carry out the activities of the organization and responsible for the actions of all employees.

Share of participants

All founders of a limited liability company contribute a nominal share, the size of which is determined in fractional and percentage terms. The amount is determined by the law adopted at the time of registration of the organization.

At the same time, the authorized capital cannot be less than 10,000 rubles. Up to 20,000 rubles incoming common property can be assessed by the participants of the limited liability company themselves. For a higher amount, a professional appraiser is invited.

Authorized capital funds are expressed only in rubles. Shareholders contribute property valued at banknotes, things or real estate with confirmed rights to them. Contribution to the authorized capital is carried out with supporting documents of ownership. Copies of invoices or receipts must also be provided. In order to determine the final cost, they sign the corresponding document or keep a document from an independent appraiser.

LLC management by founders

The founders of a limited liability company create an organization for the purpose of generating profit through the implementation of certain activities. For certain areas, licenses may also be required. An LLC, as a rule, is opened for an unlimited time, unless otherwise stated in the charter itself.

As mentioned, the main governing body is the general meeting, where an executive body is elected, often one person, in the form of the general director. The manager acts in the interests of shareholders. If he causes damage as a result of his unqualified actions, he is liable.

There are often 20 or more founders of an LLC. In this case, it is necessary to create an audit commission. It may include more than just one founder. Those who are not interested in the results of the organization’s activities are also allowed to participate.

Material liability

If values ​​are lost during the work or inaction of the general director, he must bear for it financial liability. This includes reimbursement for the costs of the person whose rights were violated, as well as payment for the cost of damaged or lost property, which may include lost profits.

If the manager acted unlawfully, he may be subject to subsidiary liability. The founders of an LLC, for example, may be concerned about the fact of bankruptcy (after all, the general director could have brought the organization to this stage deliberately) or the discovery of facts of distortion of accounting and other reporting.

Criminal liability

Illegal actions may result in prosecution for economic crimes or crimes against the human person. There are different penalties for these types of criminal offenses. The offender may get away with a fine or imprisonment. In this case, measures can be combined.

If the crime is of minor significance, then the offender must pay a fine as punishment. If the illegal actions were of a serious nature, then they are punishable by imprisonment.

and punishment for them

Let's look at several types of crimes and punishments for them.

For the following series of criminal offenses, a fine of up to 300,000 rubles may be imposed or imprisonment of up to 7 years, as well as community service.

The liability of the LLC founders and, in particular, the manager extends to deliberate bankruptcy, non-return of funds due to illegal manipulation and non-payment of large sums of money.

Due to various types of discrimination in hiring, illegal dismissal of vulnerable citizens, violation of rights to an invention, obtaining secret commercial information and other information through the use of physical force, criminal liability is provided.

In addition, actions that, although falling under the article of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, were committed in a special large sizes, become a criminal offense.

A more serious punishment, namely a fine of more than 300,000 rubles, imprisonment for more than 12 years or 5 years, awaits the offender in the following cases:

  • When distorting information to the tax authorities in order to achieve bankruptcy status, monetary bribery and bribery.
  • If there is a proven fact of large concealment of large sums or non-accounting of property in order to reduce tax debts.

Administrative responsibility

For committing less serious offenses, liability is imposed under the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Thus, the head of the company is punished with a fine of up to 5,000 rubles in the following cases.

  • With constant deception of clients, violation of the registration procedure, changes in tax information.
  • When working without obtaining the appropriate license, concealing information about bank accounts and refusing to submit a tax return.
  • In case of systematic violation of sanitary rules at the enterprise, deterioration of the epidemiological situation, or failure to maintain accounting records.
  • In case of violation of trading rules.
  • In case of violation of reporting with currency.

The general director faces a fine of up to 30,000 rubles, as well as a three-year disqualification in the following cases.

  • When an organization is driven to bankruptcy or competitors are illegally eliminated.
  • When replacing products with a quality certificate with cheap analogues, non-compliance with sanitary standards and technical specifications.
  • Failure to comply with the rules regulated at general meetings and illegal adoption of important decisions.

The manager may face a fine of more than 30,000 rubles in the following cases.

  • In case of violation of fire safety rules.
  • Without properly obtaining a special permit for this.
  • When concealing information about an account in the currency of other countries abroad (the fine in this case reaches 50,000 rubles).
  • In case of illegal currency transactions, liability is provided for from a third to the full amount of proceeds for violation of the deadlines for the return of foreign currency funds to Russia.

Liability for debts

If you read the law “On Limited Liability Companies”, you will find out that the founder is not responsible for the debts of the organization. At the same time, the LLC also does not pay off the obligations of this person. But the charter may provide for cases when participants in a limited liability company are nevertheless involved in it.

For example, the founder may be required to pay an amount of money, but not higher than the amount he contributed to the authorized capital.

Due to improper management, an organization can be driven to bankruptcy. As stated above, in this case, the director of the LLC may be liable. At the same time, the law on limited liability companies also provides for subsidiary liability for this type offenses.

If an enterprise is liquidated through bankruptcy proceedings, the organization's debts must be paid. If the property of the founder of the LLC is insufficient to repay it, then you will have to pay with your own monetary and material values.

Responsibility for different LLCs

There are cases where an LLC is created from a partnership. Then the former comrades, and currently full participants, are liable for two years for debts.

There are situations when the founder of an organization is a legal entity. Then, if there is a debt, he will also have to bear responsibility if the share of the founder is such that it may affect the resolution of issues raised at the general meeting. The subordinate organization may even demand compensation from the parent organization for losses that arose due to the improper influence of the main founder on the company's activities.

Moreover, the parent organization is also responsible to the tax authorities in the event of liquidation subsidiary. She will have to pay the main fines and penalties at her own expense or, if possible, from the amounts received after the sale of the property of the subsidiary.

However, the rights of the LLC founder, as well as his responsibility, extend in accordance with the size of the share capital that was contributed when registering the organization.

Liquidation of the enterprise and creditors

When a company is liquidated, the founders are required to pay legal costs and fees only when they are subject to subsidiary liability.

The creditor should try first to collect the debt from the main debtor. If this is not possible, the material debt is presented to the person bearing subsidiary liability.

There are, however, situations where a person bearing subsidiary liability sues the main debtor for an amount that would satisfy the creditor's claims. In this case, the creditor cannot demand subsidiary liability from him. The guarantor notifies the creditor of this. And if the latter again presents his demands, he has the right to demand that the main debtor be brought to justice.


LLCs are active not only in Russia, but also abroad. Such enterprises conduct their business very successfully, for example, in France and Germany. Since little initial investment is needed to run a business and one, three, ten or even fifty founders can participate, this form has every chance of existing for a long time, remaining popular. At the same time, the founders realize that by creating it, they will still be responsible for the future fate of the organization.

In this article, without going into too much legal detail, we will try to give general idea about what an LLC is and why it is usually necessary to create one.

Fortunately, the time of the dashing 90s has long sunk into oblivion and the forms of doing business of that time no longer work today. This is not to say that having an LLC already makes you a businessman. But its organization is mandatory if you intend to work in the legal field. Simply put, forming an LLC gives you the ability to run a business.

Is it possible to run a business without forming an LLC?

Without acquiring legal status, you will not be able to develop and expand your business. Let's imagine the simplest situation with the sale of seeds. If you are ready to trade only them all your life, then the algorithm of your actions will be as follows: you go to the market, buy a bag of raw sunflower seeds, bring it home, fry it in a frying pan, prepare bags, go to the nearest stop, sit there at your own peril and risk and start trading until you are kicked out of your home. All. The maximum you can hope for under favorable circumstances is to expand the range of seeds.

Go ahead. Suppose your “business” is thriving, trade is going on, no one is chasing you, and the idea will definitely come to your mind to replace the banal newspaper bag with a colored, waterproof bag. You will learn that similar products can be produced by a local printing house. You go there, place an order and encounter the first obstacle: they refuse to take payment in cash because the printing house doesn’t have cash machine. Of course, you can go to the bank and pay the issued bill as an individual. But after paying a commission to the bank, which will significantly impact your budget, you will definitely begin to be interested in other forms of transferring money.

After a while, you realize that your “business” is expanding and now you may need not just a bench and an overturned box, but a stationary kiosk in which hired salespeople will have to work. And you are already planning to trade not only seeds: bakery products, soda, candy and chocolate - all this will be difficult to carry in a bag from the nearest store, and with your markup, few people will buy all this from you. Therefore, we need to look for a supplier. And to purchase the first batch of goods, you may need initial capital - an amount that exceeds your savings from street trading.

Here you will encounter not just one, but an avalanche of obstacles. The local municipal authority will refuse you permission to install a kiosk, the bank will not open a current account or give you a loan, not a single supplier or seller will be able to work with you. The first will require a current account, the second - at least a stamp in work book, pension contributions and social package. And all because you do not have registration with the Federal Tax Service (tax office), you are not an equal partner in relations with the listed legal entities (supplier, bank, municipality). You are not an LLC.

Advantages of LLC

It is clear that the described situation is hypothetical and greatly simplified. However, it conveys the essence and benefits of creating an LLC. By registering with the Federal Tax Service, you automatically receive the right to fully conduct business. As an LLC you can:

  • open current accounts;
  • conduct activities in Russia and abroad;
  • enter into supply and sale agreements - interact with other legal entities. persons;
  • rent real estate and acquire ownership of it as a legal entity. face;
  • obtain permission to conduct various types activities (licenses, certificates, certificates);
  • take out loans, borrowings and advances from financial institutions for business development
  • many other things that business owners have to constantly deal with.

Although sometimes it happens quite the opposite. Many young people, having registered an organization in their name, begin to consider themselves businessmen. Competent business management requires the creation of a legal entity. faces, but these are not interchangeable concepts.

Definition of LLC

Now let’s finally define what an LLC is.

A limited liability company is a commercial organization created by one or more individuals/legal entities for the purpose of doing business and making a profit.

LLC is distinguished by the ease of creation in comparison with other forms of doing business (OJSC, CJSC), the situation is simpler only with individual entrepreneurs (we recommend reading). To create an LLC you need:

  • the decision of at least one person about its organization;
  • write the charter;
  • document the financial and economic activities and authorized capital of the company;
  • appoint the executive body of the company (director);
  • draw up a package of documents according to the list and submit it for registration to the inspection.

After completing the registration stage, which lasts 10 working days, the director of the LLC receives a copy of the Charter, a certificate of registration and. This moment can be considered the beginning of the organization's work.

In the Russian Federation, the activities of limited liability companies are regulated by the law of the same name No. 14-FZ (dated 02/08/1998). It spells out in detail how to organize and how it should work, what rights its founders have, how to manage it, reorganize and liquidate it.

Other forms of doing business (IP, OJSC, CJSC)

Perhaps you already have a question: are there any other forms of doing business and aren’t they easier to organize? Yes, I have. Eat joint stock companies(open and closed), production cooperatives, forms of individual entrepreneurship. It cannot be said that any of them have certain “pros” or “cons”. Each of them differs in the ways of organization and management. And each is designed for specific specific purposes.

Current economic conditions suggest the existence large quantity various forms of ownership. One of the common forms of ownership, which in Russia, according to statistics, is used especially often, is a limited liability company (usually abbreviated as LLC). LLC is a business entity (firm, enterprise, etc.), which can be organized by one or more individuals. persons or legal entities persons. Basic characteristic feature This form of ownership is the division into parts, shares, shares - the authorized capital of the enterprise. The owners of these shares are the participants of the organization. Participants of the organization are simultaneously considered its founders. At the same time, the founders of the company bear responsibility and bear the risk of financial losses that may arise in the process of financial and economic activities only within the value (size) of their shares in the authorized capital. The founders are not personally liable for the obligations incurred by the LLC.

What is an LLC? What are the features

For this form of ownership, as for any other, there are certain restrictions. In the case of a limited liability company, they are established in terms of limiting the number of participants. There are also certain requirements regarding the minimum allowable amount of authorized capital. Currently, the minimum authorized capital limit has been set at no less than ten thousand rubles. There are restrictions on the moment of payment of the authorized capital, namely: one half must be paid at the moment when the organization is registered. The second half must be paid within the next year after registration of the organization.

It is possible for one participant to participate in the capital. It is necessary to re-register a limited liability company into another form - a joint stock company - if the number of participants exceeds fifty people.

In order to register an LLC as a form of ownership, certain documents are required. Including, in order to be able to register households. Ltd. (let me remind you that this is a limited liability company), a legal address is required. There may be cases when the founders of a limited liability company (i.e. LLC) are not individuals, but legal entities.

In this case, if one of the founders of the LLC various reasons is a legal entity person, the nature of the documents will change and the following documents will be needed:

  • Certificate of state registration;
  • Certificate of registration (tax registration to be more precise) with the tax office;
  • a copy of the passport of the head of the enterprise;
  • a copy of the certificate of assignment of the TIN to the head of the organization (read also:);
  • the size of the share of this legal entity. persons in the authorized capital of the LLC, and in addition, the type, respectively, of this contribution.

General meeting of LLC participants and its functions

The governing body of a limited liability company is the so-called general meeting of participants of this LLC, the exclusive functions of which include:

  1. making changes to the company's charter - the main document of the organization;
  2. change in the size of the authorized capital of the enterprise;
  3. election of members of the board of directors and the audit commission (sometimes its role is played by an auditor) organizations, and in addition, termination of powers of these structures ahead of schedule if necessary;
  4. approval of the organization’s annual reports, as well as: balance sheets, accounts of profits and losses received or incurred during the activities of the company, distribution of profits received and losses incurred during the activities of the LLC. In this case, the presence of the conclusion of the audit commission of the company is taken into account. In certain cases, an auditor's report on financial activities enterprises;
  5. all questions and problems that are related to the procedure for reorganizing the enterprise, if the reorganization occurs;
  6. if a liquidation procedure has begun and is ongoing at the enterprise, then the creation of a liquidation commission and the resolution of all issues related to this are the functions of the general meeting;
  7. making a decision on the appointment of a chairman or liquidator in a company if the company is undergoing a liquidation procedure.
  8. the problem of intermediate and liquidation balance sheet of the enterprise, the general meeting is also involved and this is within the powers of this body; If the decision is made by a court, then this is an exception;
  9. making a decision on the allocation of assistance, sponsorship;
  10. determining the procedure for conducting such an event as a general meeting of LLC participants in the part not regulated by the norms of economic legislation. general rules, as well as other standards. legal acts, including various constituent documents and other local regulatory legal acts of households. about-va;
  11. election of a director or general director of an enterprise, as well as the issue of early termination of the powers of the executive body;
  12. resolving all issues regarding the authorized capital of the company;
  13. decision to introduce new members into the society;
  14. making a decision on the issue of public securities.

The general meeting of the society is convened on the initiative and decision of the executive body of the society.

Current management of activities is carried out by the executive body. It deals with issues such as: recruiting personnel, making transactions, concluding contracts with suppliers and customers, providing incentives to employees, imposing various types of penalties, and resolving issues that are not part of the functions of the general meeting. An important point is that he carries out actions on behalf of his society and protects its interests.

In conclusion, I would like to note that, regardless of what form of ownership of the enterprise is chosen for its activities, an effective management system, in its essence, presupposes the optimal implementation of economic activities. This implies the rational use of all types of resources, production, human, financial.

An effective management system involves achieving maximum effect from financial and economic activities. It also implies the maximum effect from the product being produced, whether it is a product or a service.

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Effective and rational management of the financial and economic activities of enterprises creates favorable conditions in the market for further successful development and long-term economic conditions.

In business and in various dialogues: both business and simple conversations on the street, you can often hear many abbreviations. Their use makes life much easier, since by using abbreviations a person significantly reduces the time required to write some rather long expressions.

But in order to understand how this or that abbreviation stands for, you need to have certain knowledge behind you, otherwise this abbreviation will look just like an illogical set of letters. One of these abbreviations is LLC - a limited liability company, which has its own characteristics.

LLC is a limited liability company

The abbreviation LLC stands for quite simply - it is a “limited liability company”. In fact, this organization can be founded either by one person or by several people who decide to open it together. A limited liability company can be defined by the following characteristics:

  1. members of the organization bear limited liability for their
  2. The authorized capital of the organization is formed from the contributions of all participants
  3. the organization was created by one or more individuals or legal entities

It should be noted that, despite the fact that an LLC can be created by one person, it must include several participants. More specifically, there can be from two to fifty people. If the number of participants exceeds fifty people, then in accordance with the law, it is necessary to create a production cooperative, or an open joint-stock company.

An LLC can engage in any activity unless it is prohibited by law. In order to open a limited liability company, the first step is to determine the founder, the composition of the company, and the share of each participant in the authorized capital. Also, the organization must have a unique name, have its own and, in which specific goals and the tasks of society.

At the next stage, the legal organization is determined. For this purpose, the address of an office, private property, or place where any member of the LLC resides can be used. For registration legal address An application is created in a special form, signed by the participant responsible for it, after which it is notarized.

After , charged upon registration legal entity, and also after the type of activity of the organization is determined, it receives a special static code. The taxation system must also be determined: for this you need to submit certain documents and a receipt for payment of state duty to the tax office.

LLC is a limited liability company. It is an organization created by one or more persons. It should include from two to fifty members, from whose contributions the authorized capital of the LLC is formed.

LLC structure

The LLC must have a clear structure

The LLC has a supreme governing body, which is considered to be the General Meeting of Company Participants. Special federal law the exclusive competence of this body is determined. With its help, various organizational issues can be resolved.

The activities of the organization should create a sole executive body of the community ( CEO, president, etc.). In some cases, in addition to it, the collegial executive body of the community (directorate, board, etc.) is also used.

The creation of a collegial body can be formed if necessary, and a sole body can be formed in mandatory. These bodies are responsible to the general meeting of participants, as well as to the board of directors.

The board of directors is a special supervisory board of the company, the creation of which may be provided for by its charter.

In accordance with the charter, this supervisory body receives certain competences, which must correspond to current legislation. Thus, the board of directors has the right to create executive bodies of the organization, resolve various issues regarding major transactions, as well as prepare and hold general meetings.

In addition to all these bodies, the LLC must create a special audit commission, which does not belong to the organization’s bodies. Thus, the current management of the company’s activities is concentrated in the hands of the executive body, which is subordinate to the highest body - the general meeting of all participants. All major issues related to the life of the organization are resolved exclusively within the framework of the general meeting. These questions include:

  1. changes in the constituent papers of the LLC
  2. creation or liquidation of executive bodies and auditors
  3. approval of annual reports
  4. distribution of profits and

The structure of a limited liability company consists of various bodies, the highest of which is the general meeting of all participants. Also, without fail, each organization must have an executive body and an audit commission.

Advantages and disadvantages of LLC

LLC has both advantages and disadvantages

A limited liability company in a modern economy is the most popular type of organization, which has certain advantages and disadvantages.

The obvious advantages of an LLC include the possibility of establishing it by several participants. Moreover, they can be both legal entities and individuals.

In addition, for an LLC there is no limit on the size of the authorized capital. Not including cash, securities and other things can be invested in this capital, and investors are not responsible for the actions of the organization. The first disadvantage is the possibility of the investor leaving the LLC at any time, which in some cases may lead to the liquidation of the organization.

There is another drawback associated with the possibility of a participant leaving an LLC - the company may not destroy the authorized capital by returning his share to the participant, but simply by buying it out, thus, the participant’s contribution is returned in material form.

This can be used to deceive the participant on the part of other investors: the share of the withdrawing participant passes to the LLC from the moment the corresponding application is submitted, but its value is determined depending on the accounting statements of the organization for the period in which the application was submitted.

What does a limited liability company entail, what are the principles of its activities, how it is created and managed, the laws relating to this type of business partnership, as well as the definition of the authorized capital.

LLC - limited liability company - an association whose purpose is to carry out commercial activities.

Authorized capital is the contribution of the founders of the enterprise. It is necessary to create a basic financial component and further generate profits. A limited liability company in Russia can be created only if it exists. The authorized capital (sometimes called nominal capital or authorized capital) has an organizational and legal form, and numeric values contributions are determined by agreement when creating a commercial enterprise. A limited liability company is a rather complex structure compared to an individual entrepreneur. This applies to registration in general and taxation issues.

An important issue when creating an LLC is the choice of taxation system.

Creation of an organization

A limited liability company is created as follows:

  1. The final definition of the purpose for which the organization is created in comparison with other types of business entities.
  2. Drawing up an official verbal designation.
  3. Determination of the specific address at which the limited liability company operates. To do this, the owner of the main premises provides a letter of guarantee to the tax service. For correct compilation letter of guarantee You need to carefully read the writing sample and take into account every formality.
  4. Selection of activity codes - goals of a limited liability company. This process requires contacting OKVED. Certain activity codes are selected that indicate certain functions of the future organization.
  5. Selecting the type of taxation in accordance with calculations of the minimum tax burden.
  6. The process of preparing the documents necessary for the establishment, namely: regulations, which were confirmed by the participants of the limited liability company (two copies), a bank certificate of payment of the state fee, minutes of the meeting of participants, an agreement on the creation of an LLC, a form (P11001) application for registration of the creation of an organization, confirmation legal address.
  7. Contacting a notary. With its help, documents are certified, namely, signatures on the application, which are sent to the tax office. The applicant is the director of a limited liability company.
  8. Payment of state duty.
  9. Registration with the Federal Tax Service.
  10. Creation of a seal containing: the corporate name of a limited liability company in the Russian Federation, an indication of the location of the organization, and the form of ownership.
  11. Opening a checking account. This procedure is carried out in any bank upon issuance of all required documents.

Establishing a limited liability company requires strict adherence to the above points. Articles about limited liability companies posted in this section will help you understand all issues related to registration, including here you can learn how to draw up certain documents of a limited liability company.

Distinctive features and activities of LLC

In addition to the main goals of making a profit and subsequent development, a limited liability company also has other operating principles:

  • the transfer of operational management of the company is carried out by all the founders in relation to a certain executive body, which is one of the employees of the organization or a certain person from the outside;
  • with the help of meetings of participants having a certain frequency periodicity, there is strategic management enterprise by other founders. During participation in meetings, the management of a limited liability company may change, for example, it is possible, by unanimous decision, to assign any additional rights to one of the participants;
  • profit can be distributed not only in accordance with the size of the founders’ investments, it is also calculated by other factors, for example, certain clauses in the charter;
  • any participant in the organization can sell his share, and also has the right to leave the organization; for this, the bodies of the limited liability company carry out all the necessary procedures, but only if this possibility was initially provided for in the charter;
  • participants have a pre-emptive right, according to which it is possible to purchase the share of one of the founders if his intention is to sell his share to third parties;
  • the charter may also provide for the rights of a limited liability company to prohibit the alienation of shares of a specific participant or group of participants in the organization;
  • in the event that one of the participants exits the enterprise, the LLC is obligated to pay this person funds that are actually equal to his investment, or to provide any property of equal share value.

A one-person limited liability company provides for the election of an executive body that exercises primary control over the operation of the system. Participants retain the above rights.

However, much more often the organization of a limited liability company requires several executive bodies. However, not every commercial organization requires certain management bodies. The main ones are:

  • general meeting of participants (GMS);
  • the general director, who has additional powers that are not available to other participants and is the most important part included in the definition of a limited liability company;
  • a commission that checks documents related to the activities of the organization; this body can also carry out checks on the proper functioning of the company.

The law on a limited liability company does not provide for the mandatory existence of a Directorate or a board of directors, but often their presence contributes to more careful coordination of the activities of the enterprise.

It must be remembered that periodic analysis of the work done and constant monitoring of the correct performance of functions makes it possible to determine which partnership is a limited liability company only on paper. After all, careful compliance with all clauses of the Federal Law on a limited liability company does not yet carry a guarantee of success. Sometimes it happens that an individual entrepreneur rises to the top, and an LLC falls. However, everything depends on you.



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