home - Children 0-1 year
Trace the outline of the big one and the small one. Exercises to develop a child's graphic skills. Trace coloring page

Dear mothers, during our thematic week “Geometric Shapes” we discovered a common problem that worries many mothers:

  • The child is unable to trace the shapes along the contour,
  • refuses to complete tasks such as tracing and coloring,
  • does not like to draw, does not want to draw with pencils,
  • does not know how to hold a pen and pencil in his hand.

I have prepared a number of articles in which we will try to help mothers understand the sea of ​​questions that torment them:

? Are the problems described so important? Should I insist and teach my child how to trace along the outline and color pictures? Why does a preschool child need to learn to carefully trace shapes, paint over pictures without going beyond the contours, and draw simple shapes on their own?

All these exercises prepare the hand for future writing. Beautiful handwriting in the future and easy mastery of writing depends on how well the child can master a pencil and pen in a timely manner, learn to regulate the pressure and smooth operation of the hand when writing.

When can I give my child written assignments?

The optimal age at which a child can already be asked to trace simple geometric shapes and paint over pictures with a minimum amount of detail is 3 years. As always, I remind you that this age is conditional and depends on how ready your baby is and what work has been done preparatory work. For example, I suggest that my kids trace letters by dots when they are 2-2.5 years old; we do this in the game “Traces” (I talk about it in my author’s course).

How to teach your child to hold a pencil correctly?

How smaller child and the less developed the motor skills of the hand, the larger the drawing for the outline should be and the thicker the “tool” - a thick pencil (soft or watercolor is best) or a felt-tip pen (most children prefer them)! Regular colored pencils are not as good for toddlers because they require more pressure to draw. In addition, it is difficult for a baby’s undeveloped hand to grasp the thin barrel of a pencil (and even more so, to do it correctly!).

To form a correct grip, there are thick triangular pencils (it’s better not to take short ones).

Special overlays for regular pencils and pens also appeared on sale.

By the way, about pens: now you can buy training pens in stationery stores. Their feature is a special rubberized thickening with grooves for the correct placement of fingers while writing. Little ones will be attracted by a pen with such a funny figure:

For those who are older, simpler pens will suit them. Please note - there are such pens for left-handers and for right-handers.

How to properly teach a child to trace along a contour?

Start learning by drawing straight lines and then wavy lines and simple points. geometric shapes. At the next stage, invite your child to dot-draw animals and color them.

Before you begin writing assignments, be sure to complete finger game gymnastics

The most important thing at this age is the simplicity, accessibility, and dosage of such activities. And of course required condition to involve the baby - a playful form.

We don’t just give instructions to draw a circle, but ask you to help the sun shine and warm the frozen bunnies - circle it and draw bright rays with a felt-tip pen. We don’t require you to paint the square, but we suggest painting the booth for the sad dog so that it becomes beautiful and bright, and the dog becomes joyful.

At first, you can do the outline together with the baby, hand in hand.

Act very gently when doing this, do not squeeze the child’s hand, try not to cause him discomfort - this may discourage the child from wanting to engage in further activities. With some children, you have to first establish tactile contact - play games like palms, massage your fingers. A good trick: let the mother’s fingers say hello to the baby’s fingers, touching them in turn.

Trace one or two shapes together, and then release your baby's hand and offer to do the same yourself. Another good technique is tracing with your finger. Before the baby picks up a pencil, invite his fingers to walk over the drawing that needs to be traced - show yourself how you can trace the figure with your finger to feel it.

After elementary lines and shapes have been mastered, encourage your child to draw animals using dots and color them. We'll talk more about painting shapes and the benefits of coloring books next time.

I hope these tips will help your little one tame pencils and learn to trace and draw. simple figures on one's own.

Children sooner or later get bored with toys, and they begin to look for other exciting activities. An excellent solution in this case could be our selection of coloring books, and not ordinary ones. In order to start coloring, the child will need to first trace the outline of the drawing. Such simple-looking games are not only interesting, but also extremely useful for children; they develop fine motor skills, perseverance, attentiveness and memory. With their help, the child learns to find correspondence between drawn objects and those that he sees in real life.

Tracing is a great way to develop logical thinking. Guessing the images in the picture, the child can supplement them with his own ideas, displaying them in the drawing. In addition, they help in the development creativity. The first time it will be difficult for your child to trace the image exactly, but over time the pencil movements will become clearer and more confident. With such skills, it will be easier for a child to master copybooks at school, because they are created on the same principle as our coloring books. Make your child's leisure time even more interesting and useful, download a wonderful set of coloring pages and outlines from our website!

Trace the outline of the Duckling

Trace the outline of the Kid

Trace the Puppy

Outline the Frog

Trace the outline of the Bunny

Trace the outline of the Piglet

Trace the outline of the Worm

Trace the outline of the Donkey

Trace the Mole

Trace the outline of the Lamb

Outline the Horse

Outline the Pussy

Outline the Mouse

Drawing by dots for children of lines, shapes and animals. Draw by dots to develop writing skills.

Beautiful handwriting and successful learning to write depends on proper use of a pencil, skillful pressure and the ability to draw lines of all kinds of shapes. Start by teaching dot-to-dot drawing of lines and shapes, and then have your child do to dot-to-dot drawing of animals and coloring them.

We draw by dots, developing skills gradually

Drawing lines with a pencil or pen is an excellent practice that helps accustom your hand to writing, develop small muscles, and teach your baby to hold something tightly.

The dotted line serves as a guide and helps the child, because at any time you can slow down the speed of drawing, increase or decrease the pressure on the pencil, without spoiling the picture, and, therefore, without losing interest.

As soon as the child learns to draw lines, straight lines and all kinds of waves using points, move on to shapes and then to animals. The curves of the dotted lines will develop drawing skills enough to begin learning how to spell letters and numbers.

When offering your child a printed material with a picture on which you need to draw something dotted, first ask the child to trace the lines index finger his right hand(or left if the child is left-handed). Then ask him to draw with his finger not on the sheet, but as if in the air above the picture. Repeat the exercise several times, and then complete the task with a pencil.

When your child learns to draw dots with a pencil, offer him a pen or marker.

Pay attention to drawing animals point by point, without lifting your hand from the paper.

How else to develop fine motor skills, besides drawing with dots?

If your child for some reason is not interested in dot-to-dot materials, you can have fun developing fine motor skills in other ways.

  1. String large beads together on strings or sort out the beads;
  2. Glue a large sheet of paper or old wallpaper onto the wall and let your child draw his own pictures on the sheet. Drawing on a vertical surface requires more effort and the pens are trained faster;
  3. As soon as your child is already able to hold small things firmly enough in his hands and does not let go of them if he pulls lightly, start teaching him how to tie shoelaces or braid braids from any ribbons or ropes;
  4. If you read newspapers or magazines, give your child a marker and encourage him to circle all the headlines with it;
  5. Good grip and index finger The easiest way to develop this is by transferring beans or even peas from one bowl to another, using only two fingers rather than the whole palm.
  6. Frosty windows or foggy bathroom mirrors are a great place to learn to draw with your index finger.

If desired, you can use Everyday life each of the development methods fine motor skills your child, this will help him learn to write faster in the future.

"Skillful hands"- graphic exercises for the development of fine motor skills.
Kurylenko Tatyana Alekseevna, teacher-speech therapist, MDOU d/s "Zemlyanichka" r.p. Posevnaya, Cherepanovsky district, Novosibirsk region.
Description: The recommendation is devoted to the problems of developing fine motor skills, dexterity and coordination. It offers corrective and developmental exercises and tasks that help prepare the hand for writing.
Purpose: The material is intended for parents of pre-school groups.
Target: develop initial graphic skills through corrective and developmental exercises and tasks that help prepare the hand for writing
1. develop visual-motor coordination of movements and visual-spatial concepts;
2.develop large (hand) and fine (finger) motor skills, right- and left-hand orientation, attention;
3. developing interest in performing graphic exercises and tasks;
4. foster a sense of collectivism when performing joint actions.
Training the movements of the fingers and hands is the most important factor stimulating speech development child, helping to improve articulatory movements, preparing the hand for writing and, no less important, a powerful tool that increases the performance of the cerebral cortex, stimulating the development of the child’s thinking. The implementation of exercises will allow you to develop and improve precise movements of your fingers and coordinate dexterity of movements. To develop graphic skills in a child, it is necessary to teach him using a system of special exercises.

To develop graphic skills you should use:
drawing lines: straight paths, curly;
drawing by dots, along contours by cells;
performing hatching: with different directions of hand movement, silhouette hatching.

To develop fine motor skills of the hands you should use:

finger gymnastics;
exercises for mastering objective actions.
When performing various types of tasks, the child gains experience in graphic movements. It is necessary to immediately teach the child the correct techniques actions:
draw a line from top to bottom and left to right;
be able to make lines of various thicknesses and shapes;
hatch evenly and without spaces, without going beyond the outline.
When performing exercises, you should pay attention to:
correct seating at the table;
You need to start with simple tasks and gradually increase the complexity.

Regular lessons with your child will ensure correct and beautiful writing.
Special exercises to develop graphic skills
Straight tracks
The child is asked to draw a line in the middle of a straight path without moving off it or lifting the pencil from the paper.
Curly tracks
The child is asked to draw a figured path; when walking along the path, the child should try to follow all the bends and turns of the line as accurately as possible.
The pencil should not come off the paper, and the sheet should not turn over during the task.

Drawing by points
Asking the child to connect the dots according to the instructions under the pictures. The pencil does not come off the sheet of paper, the sheet is fixed and its position does not change.

Drawing along contours
The child is asked to connect the dots to create a complete drawing.

Drawing by cells
On checkered paper, the child is asked to continue the pattern according to the given pattern.

Performing hatching(with different direction of hand movement)
The child is asked to do different kinds hatching according to samples:
vertical (top to bottom)
horizontal (from left to right)
“balls” (circular movements of the hand)
in semicircles.
The lines should be made with one movement of the hand. The hatchings should initially be large; as the child acquires the skill to perform them, their size decreases.

Finger gymnastics for the development of fine motor skills of the hands
Games and exercises with fingers are presented in literary sources in different options.

Mastering subject actions
To develop fine motor skills, you can use exercises using a sandbag or ball. Depending on the child’s individual capabilities, the nature of manipulations with objects can be varied, using techniques such as shifting, tossing, catching: changing the pace of work and the degree of its complexity, the number of objects involved at the same time. For a child with insufficiently developed fine motor skills, mastering object actions causes difficulties.

Remember! The development of fine motor skills stimulates the development of intellectual abilities in general! Do not neglect graphic exercises - these tasks will help your child not only learn to write, but also prepare in general for school.


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