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Onegin's explanation with Tatiana. Analysis of the episode (but the novel “Eugene Onegin” by A.S. Pushkin). Essay “Analysis of Tatyana’s last date with Onegin Where Tatyana met with Onegin

During the first meeting, Onegin is a bored and relaxed metropolitan dandy. He doesn't experience any serious feelings to Tatyana, but says, nevertheless, that it is she, and not Olga, who represents something interesting. That is, he pays attention to Tatyana, but his devastated soul only touches with its tip the true, heartfelt perception. Tatyana at the moment of their first meeting is a completely inexperienced naive girl who secretly dreams of great love(which is trivial) and carrying enough internal strength for this (which is not so common).

During the last meeting, Onegin is full of renewed spiritual strength, he understands how rare happiness he has missed. The important fact is that significant changes are taking place in Onegin. And now he can see it, experience sincere feelings. Tatyana with her powerful inner core appears spiritually very strong personality, that is, its development throughout the novel is also obvious. She not only resigns herself to the forced marriage, she forces her to treat herself as the queen of the very light in which she never dissolved, unlike Onegin.

Eugene Onegin. How the first and last meetings of Tatiana and Onegin determine the characters' characters

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  • how the first and last meetings of Tatiana and Onegin determine the characters' characters
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  • first and last meeting with Tatyana
  • Onegin's last meeting with Tatyana

Finally, we come to the analysis of the 4th chapter of Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin”. The drama is growing. “Hardly anyone wrote poetry in Russian with such ease as we notice in all of Pushkin’s poems. He has an inconspicuous job; everything is at ease; a rhyme sounds and calls out another,” Voeikov wrote about the poem.

Onegin came to Tatiana in the garden. The scene of Onegin's meeting with Tatyana is key in this chapter, carrying a psychological load. And to emphasize this, Pushkin does not insert any significant actions into this chapter.

Having read novels, Tatyana expects that after her confession, secret meetings with her beloved hero, love adventures and experiences will await her. But Evgeny behaved not like the hero of her favorite novels, but like a common person. While he was walking into the garden, he remembered his stay in St. Petersburg, his love affairs, and the bitter experience he had accumulated.

Before you judge our hero, put yourself in his place. He barely had time to notice Tatyana behind the flashing servants, the samovar, and cups of tea. Remember, when the friends were returning home, Onegin was the first to note his mother.

By the way, Larina is simple,

But a very sweet old lady;

The sad, silent girl could hardly attract attention to herself. And even more so, a person who knew women could not fall in love in a couple of hours. Tatyana was clearly in a hurry with her confession.

Once again, I propose to put ourselves in the shoes of our hero. He receives a letter. Even if it’s touching and sincere, from a girl she barely knows. What should he have done? Any decent person, no matter whether he was a nobleman or a bourgeois, would have done exactly the same in his place. Even today, 200 years later. There are 2 scenarios here. The bastard would have taken advantage of the girl’s naivety and inexperience, cheated her and abandoned her. And he would have made him famous all over the area. However, in Russian society in the 19th century, morals were much stricter, and he would have to answer to the assembly of the nobility. He was not ready to get married. So he did what he should have done.

He offers the girl his brother's love and friendship. The author also says that Onegin could have taken advantage of the love of the inexperienced Tatiana, but nobility and a sense of honor prevailed. Onegin invites Tatyana to listen to a confession, but his monologue is more like a rebuke. He admits to Tatyana that he does not seek to tie the knot, shows what kind of future awaits Tatyana if he marries her.

Believe me (conscience is our guarantee), Marriage will be torment for us. No matter how much I love you, Having gotten used to it, I will immediately stop loving you; You will begin to cry: your tears will not touch my heart.

And at the conclusion of his monologue, Onegin gives Tatyana advice: “learn to control yourself.” This phrase has become popular in less than 200 years.

Tatyana did not answer Evgeniy.

Through tears, without seeing anything,

Barely breathing, no objections,

Tatyana listened to him.

But what confusion, what storm of feelings reigned in her soul, the reader can only guess. The nobility in Eugene’s characterization is emphasized by Pushkin’s carefully selected vocabulary: “silenced feelings,” captivated, “young maiden,” “bliss.”

At the end of the conversation, in order to soften the harshness and coldness of his words, Evgeny gave her his hand, on which Tatyana leaned, and they returned to the house together.

But if Tatyana had chosen as her confidante not her nanny, who knew nothing about love, but her mother, the plot of the novel could have developed differently. Mother would not allow her to write this letter, because she understood that this could only scare off a potential groom. But Onegin would have been laid such networks that only noble mothers are capable of. There would be thousands of excuses to invite Onegin to the Larins’ estate, and Onegin would not be able to refuse them. All conditions would have been created for Evgeny to get to know Tatyana better, and then, lo and behold, he would fall in love with her and propose to her.

However, dear reader, you have the right to disagree with our judgment.

As mentioned above, apart from Tatyana’s meeting with Onegin, the author does not develop the narrative and does not describe any significant actions in this chapter.

First, he analyzes Onegin’s act, noting that

very nice of you

Our friend is with sad Tanya.

What follows is a discussion about friends, which can be expressed in one proverb: God, deliver me from friends, and I myself will get rid of enemies. You never expect anything good from your enemies. That's why he is an enemy, to expect a stab in the back and betrayal from him. But when slander is repeated by a person who calls himself a friend, it is perceived differently by society and hits harder.

In conclusion lyrical digression occupying 5 stanzas of the chapter, the author gives advice that has become the slogan of our 21st century - love yourself.

Pushkin again returns to the image of Tatyana, describes her state of mind after a conversation with Evgeniy. Unrequited love left a heavy imprint on Tatiana's heart. She completely lost her taste for life, her freshness. Neighbors from the district villages began to pay attention to her condition, and they said that it was time to marry her off.

But while Tatyana was silently withering away, Olga and Vladimir Lensky were happy, they enjoyed simple communication with each other, and the wedding day had already been set.

To conclude the analysis of the 4th chapter, attention should be paid to Lensky’s antithesis to Onegin in the last stanza. Lensky is young and not as experienced as Onegin. He believes in Olga's love and is therefore happy. “But the one who foresees everything is pitiful” - this is about Onegin. Knowledge and excessive experience often interfere with living and being happy.

Lyrical digressions at the end of the chapter indicate that a time interval will be allowed between the events of the 4th and subsequent 5th chapters. Onegin's explanation with Tatyana took place in August - early September (the girls were picking berries in the garden). The actions of the 5th chapter will take place in January, at Christmas time.

At the center of the novel “Eugene Onegin” is a love story, a story of failed happiness. Moreover, the love plots of the heroes are compositionally symmetrical: Tatiana’s love, her letter, the explanation of Onegin and Tatiana in the garden - and Onegin’s love, his letter, the explanation of the heroes in the prince’s house. In these stories, the characters' characters, their way of thinking, inner world, dreams and thoughts.

Having received Tatiana’s letter, Onegin “was keenly touched by Tanya’s message.” His reaction in this situation could be quite definite and predictable. However, he does not for a moment allow the opportunity to take advantage of her naivety and inexperience. And in this regard, he is noble: he is far from thinking about easy, non-binding flirting. But in the same way, the hero is far from the thought of genuine, true love.

Reading a stern “sermon” to Tatyana, Onegin tries to be sincere and objective. He objectively evaluates his character, habits, and lifestyle. However, in the very objectivity of this assessment, skepticism creeps in every now and then. Onegin experienced everything in life, learned everything in it. Friends and friendship, social pleasures, balls, women, flirting - all this quickly bored him. He saw secular marriages and was probably disappointed in them. Marriage for him is now not bliss, but torment. Onegin is unconditionally sure that there is no place for love in his heart:

There is no return to dreams and years;
I will not renew my soul...
I love you with the love of a brother
And maybe even more tender...

The hero considers himself an excellent expert female psychology. Being captive of habitual stereotypes, he thinks that he has recognized Tatyana’s nature, her character:

The young maiden will change more than once
Dreams are easy dreams;
So the tree has its own leaves
Changes every spring.
So, apparently, it was destined by heaven.
Will you fall in love again...

V. Nepomniachtchi notes here the absurdity of comparing Tatyana with a “tree”. In terms of the hero, a person is compared to a tree, to inanimate nature. Usually this kind of comparison is used in a completely different context: by comparing it with a tree, they emphasize the stupidity of a person or his insensitivity. Onegin, on the contrary, here speaks of living, genuine feelings. Doesn't this comparison mean the hero's unconscious projection of his own (insensitive) worldview onto spiritual world Tatiana?

Onegin prepared an unenviable fate for their future family:

What could be worse in the world?

Families where the poor wife

Sad about an unworthy husband,

Alone both day and evening;

Where is the boring husband, knowing her worth

(However, cursing fate),

Always frowning, silent,

Angry and coldly jealous!...

Evgeny is condescending and full of consciousness of his own superiority, generosity, nobility in his explanations with Tatyana. Refusing love, he feels like a wise and experienced man. In fact, Onegin had already “noticed” Tatiana, singled her out from everyone: “I would choose another, If I were like you, a poet.” As S. G. Bocharov notes, the relationship between Evgeny and Tatyana begins here. Onegin cannot yet recognize the vague, unclear feeling in his soul, guess it, give it a “clear definition.” But having received Tatiana’s letter, Onegin was “deeply touched”:

The language of girlish dreams

He was disturbed by a swarm of thoughts;

And he remembered dear Tatyana

And pale in color and dull in appearance;

And into a sweet, sinless sleep

He was immersed in his soul.

What about him? what a strange dream he is in!

What moved in the depths

A cold and lazy soul?

Onegin is “in a strange dream,” but his soul plunged into this dream earlier - when he first saw Tatyana.

However, Evgeny does not want to admit this. He does not even allow the thought of nascent love, mistaking his excitement for “ancient ardor of feelings.” “The feelings in him cooled down early,” Pushkin notes about his hero. And did these feelings really exist? Enjoying his youth and secular entertainment, Onegin succeeded only in the “science of tender passion.” Flirting, whirlwind romances, intrigue, betrayal, deceit - everything was present in the hero’s heartfelt arsenal. However, there was no place for sincerity:

How early could he be a hypocrite?

To harbor hope, to be jealous,

To dissuade, to make believe,

Seem gloomy, languish...

How he knew how to seem new,

Jokingly amaze innocence,

To frighten with despair,

To amuse with pleasant flattery,

Catch a moment of tenderness,

Innocent years of prejudice

Win with intelligence and passion...

Nowhere does it talk about love. Apparently, this feeling was inaccessible to Onegin. Social life was full of conventions, lies and falsehood - there was no place for pure, sincere feeling in it. In his explanation with Tatyana, Onegin is sincere for the first time in his life. And here is the paradox - the hero is deceived in his sincerity. Onegin trusts here only his reason and life experience, not trusting your soul.

Onegin not only forgot how to “hear” and understand those around him, he forgot how to “hear” himself. All the hero’s thoughts and conclusions during his explanation with Tatyana are unconditionally subordinated to his past life experience, locked in captivity of the stereotypes familiar to him. However, according to Pushkin, life is much broader, wiser, more paradoxical than the existing experience of one person. And the hero begins to realize this at the end of the novel.

Compositionally, the scene of Onegin’s explanation with Tatiana in the garden is the denouement of the plot associated with the image of Tatiana. Let's consider the language tools used here by the author.

Pushkin’s novel is divided into stanzas, which allows the reader “to feel where he is in the narrative, to feel the proportions of the plot and deviations from it.” The Onegin stanza is a stanza of fourteen verses of iambic tetrameter, it includes three quatrains (with cross, paired and sweeping rhymes) and the final couplet: AbAb VVgg DeeD zhzh (capital letters - female rhymes, small ones - masculine ones).

As M. L. Gasparov notes, the Onegin stanza provides “a fairly rich rhythm: moderate complexity - simplicity - increased complexity - extreme simplicity. The meaningful composition of Onegin’s stanza fits well into this rhythm: theme - development - climax - and aphoristic ending.” All these components are easily isolated in the stanzas of the fourth chapter. For example, the eleventh stanza. Here the theme (“Tanya’s message”), its development (“Onegin was vividly touched: The language of girlish dreams disturbed his thoughts in a swarm…”), the climax (“Perhaps the feelings of the ancient ardor took possession of Him for a moment; But he deceived I didn’t want the gullibility of an innocent soul”), ending (“Now we will fly to the garden, Where Tatyana met him”).

Pushkin uses emotional, expressive epithets in this episode (“stormy delusions”, “unbridled passions”, “windy success”, “pale color”, “dull appearance”, “sweet, sinless dream”, “gullible soul”, “innocent love” ”, “pure, fiery soul”, “strict fate”, “light dreams”), metaphors (“The language of girlish dreams disturbed him with a swarm of thoughts”), periphrases (“what roses will Hymen prepare for us”). Here we find “high” vocabulary (“hearing”, “thoughts”, “virgin”, “said”), archaisms (“in the evening”, “unkindness”), words of “low”, colloquial style (“blame”, “ enrage"), gallicism ("wist"), a definition derived from literary term(“without madrigal spangles”), Slavicisms (“young”, “around”).

In this episode, Pushkin uses compound and complex sentences, introductory constructions (“believe me,” “it’s true b”), and direct speech.

There are practically no literary reminiscences here. As Yu. M. Lotman notes, to Tatyana’s letter, who is ready for both “happy dates and “death,” Onegin replies “not like literary hero..., but simply as a well-educated secular ... quite decent person” - thereby Pushkin demonstrates “the falsity of all cliched plot schemes.”

Thus, the tragedy of Onegin is not only the tragedy of the “superfluous” man of his time. This is the tragedy of failed love, the drama of failed happiness.

In Boldin, the long-term work of A. S. Pushkin was practically completed - the novel in verse "Eugene Onegin", work on which, long and persistent, falls on the most flourishing period of his work. The poet called his work on the novel his literary “feat.” “Eugene Onegin” is in all respects, both in time of writing, and in meaning, and in scale, the central Pushkin creation. It is in “Eugene Onegin” that Pushkin as a “poet of reality” grows to his full height.
The relationship between Onegin and Tatyana Larina constitutes the main plot line of the novel, however, in this personal love conflict, far-reaching content is visible upon closer reading - it is in it that the most complete answer to the question posed by the poet about the sad loneliness of the main character is contained. actor the novel in the reality surrounding it, about the main reason for a special phenomenon - the so-called Russian blues of people like Onegin.
Evgeny Onegin and Tatyana Larina differ from each other in absolutely everything, from upbringing to way of thinking and life perception. Onegin was raised by a French tutor, and Tatyana grew up in the society of ordinary Russian people, under the supervision of a nanny - a woman whose prototype was Pushkin’s own nanny. Onegin leads a social life, usual for young people of his circle. He dresses fashionably, constantly moves in the world, has lunch and dinner in restaurants with friends, and spends his evenings at the theater. The hero early learns the “science of tender passion.” IN secular society Often love from a sincere feeling coming from the heart turns into a sophisticated game, a confrontation between a man and a woman. This is exactly what happens to Evgeny Onegin. Being still quite young, he perceives relationships with the fair sex with skepticism, if not cynicism.
Tatyana leads a completely opposite lifestyle. She grew up in the village, surrounded by nature, in ordinary family landowner, where foreign innovations did not take root:
At Shrovetide they had Russian pancakes; Twice a year they fasted. They loved round swings, observance songs, round dances...
Hence her spontaneity, captivating sincerity in expressing feelings. Pushkin with great warmth and love draws the image of Tatyana, embodying in her best features Russian woman. The author emphasizes the absence of unusual, out-of-the-ordinary features in Tatyana, but at the same time she is surprisingly poetic and attractive. The simplicity of the character of the heroine is emphasized by the author and the name chosen for her - Tatyana.
Tatyana Larina is distinguished by thoughtfulness, silence, a desire for reflection and loneliness; she reads the novels of Richardson and Rousseau and believes them completely, since she does not find answers to her questions from those around her. In novels, Tatyana saw heroes whom she dreamed of meeting in life. There was no one next to her who could explain to this inexperienced girl that bookish feelings and experiences are most often very far from reality. Tatiana accepts all these romantic descriptions at face value and dreams of feeling the same feelings, meeting the same heroes described in sentimental works.
The appearance of Onegin falls on prepared ground, Tatyana is ready for strong feelings and imagines Onegin as none other than the noble hero of her favorite novels and innermost dreams:
And a thought sank into my heart; The time has come, she fell in love. So the grain of Spring that fell into the ground was revived by fire. For a long time her imagination, Burning with bliss and melancholy, Hungered for the fatal food; For a long time, heartache had been pressing on her young chest. Her soul was waiting for someone, And she waited - Her eyes opened; She said: it's him!
Tatyana's soul has long thirsted for love, she is experiencing a new feeling for herself. In a night conversation with the nanny, Tatyana admits that she is in love, she decides to write a love letter to Onegin, but there is no answer from Evgeny. Having received the news that Onegin has come to them, and seeing his stroller, Tatyana runs in confusion into the garden, where Onegin finds her. One can imagine the feelings of Tatyana, who decided to write a love confession to a man, neglecting the rules of decency, at the moment when her fate was about to be decided:
In her heart, full of torment, keeps hope dark dream; She trembles and glows with heat
Having received Tatiana's letter, Onegin is touched by the girl's sincere feelings, but nothing more. By this time he had already developed a manner of communicating with women.
He no longer fell in love with beauties, but was dragged around somehow; If they refused, I was instantly consoled; They would change - he was glad to rest, He looked for them without rapture, And left them without regret.
In Tatyana’s letter and in the upcoming meeting with her, he did not see anything unusual or exciting for himself, and did not realize the storm of feelings that tormented the girl. Onegin does not try to prevaricate or pretend, but immediately reads such a rebuke to Tatyana, after which she will not be able to come to her senses for a long time. She listens to Onegin “barely alive”, all hopes for happiness have been taken away from her.
Onegin does not want to notice the impression that his words have on the girl. His speech is not similar to the speech of a young rake, but rather resembles the moral teachings of an old man experienced in life:
Believe me - conscience is a guarantee, Marriage will be torment for us. No matter how much I love you, Having gotten used to it, I will stop loving you immediately; You start crying, your tears will not touch my heart, but will only enrage it.
This is indeed the honest truth. Onegin does not want to ruin Tatiana’s life, but, without wanting it, he breaks her heart. He justifies himself by saying that he cannot regain the enthusiasm and joy of sensations and is not able to respond to a strong feeling. However, it is difficult to imagine a more terrible phrase “learn to control yourself” in this situation.
Tatyana is rejected, her pride is defeated, because she was the first to confess her love to a man and was refused. At this moment, she still does not understand that Onegin is not worthy of her love. She herself attributed to him traits that he does not possess. She will understand all this later and, unwillingly, will take revenge on Onegin by rejecting him. But for this time will have to pass, but for now “Tatyana fades, turns pale, fades away and is silent! / Nothing occupies her, nothing stirs her soul.” From that moment on, Tatyana is indifferent to everything. She will not contradict when her parents arrange a profitable match for her with Prince Gremin. Tatyana Larina carries in her soul love for a person unworthy of her, like her own cross. When Onegin meets her as a married woman and an ardent feeling awakens in him, Tatyana can no longer reciprocate: “After all, I was given to someone else and I will be faithful to him forever,” but she has a vivid memory of that meeting in the garden that turned her whole soul upside down. .

Love storylines Romantic poets most often use it in their works. After all, love is not only in books, it lives among us, people. Love interests and emotions are familiar to each of us. Therefore, it is interesting to read about love, it is interesting to read into the love experiences of the main characters, to feel for yourself all the emotions that arise between two dear hearts.

In the novel "" Pushkin builds several love lines. This is the relationship between Lensky and Olga. This is the relationship between Onegin and Tatiana.

Falls madly in love with a young man. She dreams about him, experiences an insane attraction and confesses her feelings. But Onegin does not reciprocate her feelings, although, years later, he greatly regrets it.

For the first time, young people meet and get to know each other in the village where Onegin is running away from social life and city bustle. There he meets the modest and quiet Tatyana. She was a rather lonely person, didn’t hang out with her girlfriends much and looked for the ideal man in the books and novels she read. And so, on her life path such an unusual young man appears. She writes a letter to Onegin and tells about all her emotions. Evgeniy replies in a few days. And he doesn’t please the girl with his mutual feelings.

Why is this happening? I think it’s all to blame for the society from which the young guy fled. He was spoiled by social evenings, he tried to maintain the mores of that society, he could not go against his environment. Therefore, hardened by his former life, Onegin did not see the pure and naive Tatyana, who was so in love with him.

It really touched Eugene, but he was never able to find within himself a feeling of love for the main character.

In his response letter, he finds hundreds of excuses, protects the girl from his picky nature, which may get tired of all this after a while love story. Onegin thinks only about himself, he does not understand how different this girl is from those who consoled him in city society.

With his stupid arguments, he breaks Tatyana's heart. Tatyana doesn’t answer Evgeniy. Her first and most pure love rejected, the soul is split into pieces. The frankness and naivety of the village girl dealt an irreparable blow to her loving heart.

The history of the relationship between Tatiana and Evgeniy is quite tragic. Social influence made a revolution in their minds, therefore, the main characters were unable to build real, personal happiness.



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