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Very long beautiful eyelashes. Why do you dream about eyelash loss: detailed interpretation

The dream of huge, luxurious eyelashes is interpreted in dream books as the most stable symbol, predicting many positive events. For example, admiring the reflection of your own eyes in a dream, you should open your arms to great success in life. Men's eyes were looking at you intently - this is a sign of a new, secret love affair.

It happens that eyelids do not have natural beauty. If you see these among your night dreams, be careful - this is a sign of betrayal and grief. But when eyelashes lend themselves to makeup or extensions, the meaning of such a dream has a completely different meaning. It foreshadows a romance. And who will be his hero - a dream interpreter will help you figure it out.

Miller's Dream Book interprets such visions, guided by the appearance of eyelashes. Beautiful, bewitching - they predict positive changes in fate for the dreamer. Very often they announce the appearance of a loved one.

Seeing an eyelash in a dream, which got into the eye, following the interpretation of Dennis Lynn, means that the person who dreamed about this does not want to see the truth, his consciousness refuses to accept unpleasant events and sees only what is dear to him.

Long, fluffy, attractive

Why do you dream about long eyelashes?, events can be predicted real life when the dreamer has the ability to greatly exaggerate the significance of a particular event.

Very long eyelashes predict anxiety, the implementation of long-term plans that will bring great success.

Thick - to joy. Is waiting for you financial success, which we never even dreamed of.

Your eyebrows and eyelashes seem too frowned - beware of possible conflicts with friends or relatives. Don't give in to your emotions.

While asleep you saw seductive eyelashes - expect positive changes. Everything that happens will seem so exciting and unique that you won’t want to go back to the past.

Someone else's elongated eyelashes symbolize secret sexual dreams. If such “beauty” is in front of a man’s eyes, then most likely he is interested in you, but you don’t want to admit it to yourself.

Man-made beauty

Fake eyelashes can symbolize frivolity, because of which the one who dreamed of them may end up ruined. The details of the dream will indicate mistakes.

A dream about eyelash extensions promises a warning that someone is planning to deceive the dreamer. But most likely real events will turn out to be an unfortunate misunderstanding.

Have you dozed off and imagined that you were looking at your painted eyelashes in the mirror? In life you may find yourself at the epicenter of intrigue.

Do you touch up someone else's mascara? You will be able to deceive this little man. Although the dream book strongly recommends: before you cheat, consider whether it’s worth it.


A dream about applying lengthening mascara to your eyelashes foretells a short love affair. The relationship will end quickly, but will leave behind pleasant feelings. Such a vision may also mean that the dreamer’s attempt to attract the attention of an interesting man will be unsuccessful. He will not appreciate her advances.

The girl applies mascara. Her subconscious speaks of dreams about love, about the girl’s readiness to experiment on the love bed.

Mascara that lies idle warns of false feelings. Moreover, both partners can pretend to be in love.

What does it mean to put on makeup in a dream?

While sleeping, someone happened to tint his eyelashes - fate provides an opportunity to use his weaknesses for his own purposes, but you need to weigh everything in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Getting dirty with mascara while doing makeup is a surprise.

You are doing your makeup for the party, and guests will arrive.

You put on makeup, but you don’t see the result – it’s a waste of time.

If instead of cosmetics you use “improvised” resources to make up your face, get ready for romantic adventures involving several people at once.

In such dreams, the subconscious gives a sign that at the current time you need to be careful not to deceive your partners, not to promise in vain. Otherwise, everything could end very badly.

Actions leading to loss

Expect an unexpected trip that will ruin your plans if you cut your eyelashes in a dream. Another version, according to Medea’s dream book, interprets such a dream as a warning: do not do anything that can harm yourself.

Pulling out your eyelashes in a dream suggests that you will soon have a chance to change your life in better side, getting rid of everything unnecessary.

The twitching of eyelashes without pain and unnecessary effort is interpreted in the dream book as a warning against decisions and conclusions that you will regret, but cannot change.

Spontaneous loss

Dreams in which the loss of eyelashes is seen are considered negative because the people who see them are very closed, easily vulnerable, and it is difficult to establish contacts with them.

In everyday reality, fallen eyelashes predict disappointment in life, as well as the possibility of financial troubles and anxiety due to personal problems.

Such a dream can also be a signal that the situation is getting out of control. You have set your priorities incorrectly, forgetting about main goal. We need to pull ourselves together and get back to business.

Other dream predictions about eyelashes

If you dreamed about someone’s long eyelashes, this means that you are interested in a certain person sexually.
Fake eyelashes - you are too naive, you are easy to deceive.

Cutting them off means a sudden change of plans due to an unforeseen trip.

To pull out - your life is in your hands and only you are able to change it for the better. Analyze your mistakes and move towards success.

Pulling out, but not feeling pain - beware of thoughtless actions that cannot be corrected.

If you see completely bare eyelids, someone is taking advantage of you, creating the appearance of cooperation.

The interpretation of the dream that you paint your eyelashes in front of a mirror has different meaning depending on the day of the week:

  • Dreaming against Monday means people will stop respecting you.
  • I dreamed about Tuesday - you will become famous.
  • On Wednesday night, something old will remind you of itself.
  • From Wednesday to Thursday - trust your intuition.
  • From Thursday to Friday, a long separation is expected.
  • A dream against Saturday - financial losses cannot be avoided.
  • From Saturday to Sunday - life will present serious challenges.

Psychological book of interpretations

This dream book interprets dreams from the perspective of the human subconscious. Thus, in a dream, a person is signaled about his “talent”; he takes life’s minor ups and downs too seriously. You need to be simpler, less interested in the problems of others, find more reasons for joy
Eyelashes, which emphasize the severity of the face in a dream, warn of some troubles. In most cases, these are conflicts with relatives. Therefore, in order to avoid quarrels, you need to react more calmly to provocations, otherwise the situation may develop into a complete scandal.

What to do if you had a bad dream

Not always bad dream portends bad events. It can also portend positive changes in life. It all depends on the phases of the moon. For example, if they saw him when the moon began to wane, it means that all life will disappear into oblivion. Dreams have no meaning on 2, 9 and 13 lunar days. So, if you have nightmares, take a look at moon calendar and find out what day it is in relation to the moon.

There is no need to panic even if the moon is in its waxing stage. Because there are ways to protect yourself from negative dreams:

  • When you wake up, silently stand in front of the window and, looking into the distance or at the road, say 3 times: “Where night goes, sleep comes.”
  • Throw a small handful of salt into a container of water. At the same time, say: “As the salt melts, so my dream will disappear without harm.”

And most importantly, remember that you are the architect of your own happiness. You can always avoid trouble by controlling your actions, thoughts, and words.

And if you treat your family with respect and don’t give in to bad thoughts, no bad dream can affect your destiny.

List of used literature:

  • Freud Z. Interpretation of dreams. - M.: Contemporary issues, 1913
  • Fromm E. The Forgotten Language: An Introduction to Understanding Dreams, fairy tales and myths. Per. from English - Angarsk: JSC “Format”, 1994.
  • Exegesis of Dreams: European Chronicles of Dreams. - M.: Eksmo, 2002.

Why do you dream about eyelashes?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Eyelashes in a dream symbolize tender feelings.

Seeing someone's beautiful and long eyelashes is a sign of sympathy between you and this person. If nothing like this is observed in reality, the dream foreshadows that some event or incident may make you change your opinion about someone for the better.

At the same time, dyed or false eyelashes speak of false feelings.

To meet a man without eyelashes in a dream - bad sign. You may soon be faced with someone's indifference or even senseless cruelty.

Why do you dream about eyelashes?

Spring dream book

Eyelashes - to conceal obvious facts.

Why do you dream about eyelashes?

Summer dream book

Eyelashes - the moment will soon come when you will be ready, closing your eyes, to run in any direction from problems.

Why do you dream about eyelashes?

Autumn dream book

Eyelashes - to embarrassment.

Why do you dream about eyelashes?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Taking care of your eyelashes in a dream means that in reality you will experience regret by refusing to take part in a party because of a stupid whim.

Paint your eyelashes - having gained trust from your superiors, you will lose it from your subordinates.

False eyelashes are a sign of lies and duplicity; black, long and beautiful in a woman - they will entrust you with a heartfelt secret; for a man, you will be surprised by an unexpected trick.

Unattractive eyelashes mean bad changes, fallen eyelashes mean illness and loss.

Why do you dream about eyelashes?

Esoteric dream book

Seeing your eyelashes thinning means tears and sadness.

Thick - for secret dates.

Paint - you will be deceived.

Paint someone else's - you will deceive.

Why do you dream about eyelashes?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Long eyelashes - happiness in the intimate; absent - betrayal; invoices are someone else's secret.

Why do you dream about eyelashes?

Modern dream book

Seeing surprisingly long eyelashes in a dream means great profit and abundance.

If you dreamed of thick eyelashes, you have a profitable business ahead of you, happy marriage.

Painting eyelashes in a dream is a sign that you will have a very pleasant acquaintance with a person of the opposite sex.

If your eyelashes fall out in a dream, this means that all your most cherished desires will be fulfilled.

Why do you dream about eyelashes?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Lush, long eyelashes - happy, mutual love; rare - losses.

Why do you dream about eyelashes?

Dream Interpretation of Happy Omens

Long eyelashes are a sign of happiness and unexpected luck.

Why do you dream about eyelashes?

Everyday dream book

You see someone with thick eyelashes in a dream - the business you take on will be profitable, the marriage you enter into will be happy. What do eyelashes mean in a dream - A girl dreams that she paints her eyelashes - this girl will meet a pleasant young man; to strengthen the acquaintance, the girl will make signs of attention to this person; but let her remember about the line between increased attention and obsession.

Why do you dream about eyelashes?

Dream Interpretation of A. Mindell

You had a dream of Eyelashes - You see in a dream someone has long eyelashes - a very favorable dream, promising profit, profit and future abundance.

Why do you dream about eyelashes?

Online dream book

According to the dream book, eyelashes that amaze you with their length promise you enrichment and prosperity in everything.

If they are very thick - to a promising enterprise, a happy marriage.

Applying mascara to them is a sign of meeting someone who seems very attractive to you.

Seeing that your eyelashes are intensively crumbling means that everything you have planned will come true.

If there are none at all, someone will act dishonestly and meanly towards you.

They are artificial - you will be privy to someone's secrets.

If they stick together, you will have to find out in more detail the very essence of the person close to you.

According to the dream book, long eyelashes promise you success and joy in personal life, especially regarding love pleasures.

If you began to dye your eyelashes in a dream, this portends you a promising meeting that can develop into a real romantic adventure.

If you dreamed that your eyelashes fell out, this is revealed as a reflection of a clear desire to bring something new into your usual way of life.

Why do you dream about eyelashes?

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

Looking at eyelashes in a dream - the interpretation breaks down into medical and psychological aspects, depending on the dreamer’s feelings.

Rare, falling out - a sign of emptiness of the energy of the kidneys, which cannot be favorable for health and business (the condition of the hair depends on the kidneys).

Lush, thick eyelashes are often a sign accompanying lung weakness (tuberculosis, breathing problems).

Long eyelashes are often accompanied by a sad look. Constant sadness is a diagnostic sign of empty lungs. When there is not enough vital energy, a person develops a fear of overload and excessive activity. The person is quiet, calm, needs protection, seeks and finds sympathy: love and good attitude after all, they add energy, and sadness, combined with long eyelashes, soft, even behavior and beautiful eyes, can evoke both sympathy and love. Moderate sadness helps to adequately assess the world and one’s place in it, so a person with not very strong lungs, being smart, creates pleasant, soft and stable relationships around himself, and to the best of his ability, he loves not only to receive energy in love, but also to give it away. Absence stressful situations and tenderness attracts such weak people stronger, strength and calmness harmoniously complement each other. Therefore, we can say that long silky eyelashes are favorable for personal intimate happiness, and admiring them in a dream is also favorable.

Lush eyelashes are also a symbol of easy fatigue, but calm relationships allow you to live at your own favorable rhythm. So, with reasonable behavior, unfavorable medical data can be made favorable, so weakness can turn out to be no weaker than strength. The diversity of life and its manifestations is unpredictable.

Why do you dream about eyelashes?

Dream Interpreter of 1829

To see your eyebrows and eyelashes longer than usual is a sign of impoverishment and dishonor for the rich, poor and artisans - a sign of joy and happiness;

Fluffy and long eyelashes, seen in a dream, are considered one of the most durable symbols. The dream book advises to take what such art means in dreams as an omen. Show off your eyes in the reflection, a dream vision foreshadows you major success. A man's eyes looking at you promise a hidden meeting or love affair.

Eyelids that are not endowed with natural beauty for various reasons indicate a bad sign. Such a created image marks grief and betrayal. Another meaning comes from beauty made by hand: eyelash tinting or eyelash extensions. Such an act is primarily expressed by the novel. The dream interpreter will tell you who will become his entertainer.

Miller's dream book explains dreaming eyelashes by their appearance. Beautiful, eye-catching images promise joyful events and favorable achievements in the dreamer’s fate; often what is considered in a dream relates to love relationships.

When you dream of an eyelash in your eye, according to Dennise Lynn’s dream book, the dream obliges you to look at the surroundings with open eyes and perceive what is happening as it truly happens. What is seen in a dream indicates the dreamer’s desire to ignore unfavorable events, and also expresses something valuable that is dear to him.

Long, fluffy, attractive

Why long eyelashes are dreamed of often indicates the dreamer’s tendency to exaggerate the significance of incidents observed in reality.

Long-length eyelashes promise disturbing events, the implementation of long-awaited plans, thanks to which you will achieve triumph.

What does thick eyelashes mean in dreams? mandatory will make a sleeping person happy. The dream book explains such a vision as a sign monetary well-being, acceptance of income, the magnitude of which will exceed expectations.

When the eyebrows and eyelashes in question appeared thick in a dream, causing the face to look frowning, the dream book warns of a possible conflict with friends and family. Try to keep your emotions under control during such an exciting period.

What dreams of attractive eyelashes mean is generally considered a sign of change for the better. Events will seem interesting and exciting. After them there will be no desire to return to your old life.

The elongated eyelashes seen by strangers represent hidden intimate desires that take place in reality. When a man’s eyes are decorated with such art in a dream, the dream book explains that you have an interest in this person, despite this, and at the same time do not want to admit this to yourself.

Man-made beauty

Why dream of false eyelashes expresses excessive frivolity, due to which a person will soon suffer losses. What is seen in a dream indicates an incident that is beneficial to the manipulator.

The dream book explains what dreams of eyelash extensions mean as an attempt to mislead. Such an act will be planned or unexpected. It is likely that all events will become an exceptional misunderstanding.

Look in a mirror at your own colored eyelashes in a dream; the dream book warns that in reality it will not be possible to prevent participation in the intrigue. Try not to become a victim of a deceptive situation, do not waste yourself on minor troubles, set priorities.

Why dream of tinting someone else's eyelashes with mascara? This dream portends that you will soon be able to deceive this person. The Dream Interpretation recommends promoting everything to the smallest detail several times before going for it.

Actions leading to loss

If you had to cut your eyelashes in a dream, the risk of an urgent unscheduled departure increases, which can upset your existing plans.

Medea's dream book warns that if a person had to cut his own eyelashes in a dream, in reality there is a possibility of harming himself.

If you pull out your eyelashes in a dream, the dream book reports an upcoming chance to find strength in order to improve your life by removing unnecessary things from it.

If you saw in a dream that when you pulled out your eyelashes you didn’t feel any pain and it didn’t take much effort, the dream book gives advice not to make reckless conclusions. You need to know that some of them cannot be changed.

Spontaneous loss

A dream where eyelashes fall out is considered a sign of a lack of strength for life. The dream book indicates that in this situation it is difficult to establish a good relationship with people. Resentment, accompanied by the rudeness of an opponent, can cause trauma to the soul.

In a dream, fallen eyelashes predict a possible loss in reality. life values. Probably, financial troubles and worries arise as a result of failures in your personal life and broken relationships.

What dreams of eyelash loss means expresses the inability to keep the situation under control for a given period of time. A large number of You spend your energy on fulfilling extraneous desires. It takes time to find a solution and gather all the forces in the right direction.

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Taking care of your eyelashes in a dream means that in reality you will experience regret by refusing to take part in a party because of a stupid whim.

Paint your eyelashes - having gained trust from your superiors, you will lose it from your subordinates.

False eyelashes are a sign of lies and duplicity; black, long and beautiful in a woman - they will entrust you with a heartfelt secret; for a man - you will be surprised by an unexpected trick.

Unattractive eyelashes mean bad changes; fallen eyelashes mean illness and loss.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream Interpretation - Eyelashes

Symbolizes tender feelings.

Seeing someone's beautiful and long eyelashes: a sign of sympathy between you and this person.

If in reality nothing like this is observed at the same time, dyed or false eyelashes: they speak of false feelings.

Meeting a person without eyelashes is a bad sign. You may soon be faced with someone's indifference or even senseless cruelty.

Interpretation of dreams from

Why do you dream about long eyelashes? The dream book calls them a favorable omen: there is a stable income ahead, a profitable business, the implementation of plans. A vision in a dream also promises a happy marriage, new hobbies, but warns against excessive gullibility.

Mutual sympathy, prosperity, happy marriage

Did anyone have a dream like this? In reality, the dreamer sympathizes with this person, they have complete mutual understanding.

Seeing beautiful long eyelashes in a dream means: good luck, stable income, and prosperity await you soon.

Why do you dream if they are thick? The dream book promises: enter into a happy marriage with your lover (lover).

Profitable business, implementation of the plan

If they were thick, there is a profitable business ahead that will meet all expectations and may even exceed them.

Did you dream about long eyelashes? The long-developed plan will soon come true, bringing profit and recognition to the sleeper.

Good luck in your personal life, new hobbies

Have you seen them in your dreams? The dream book is encouraging: there will be unexpected success on the personal front. Maybe you'll meet something interesting young man with whom a relationship will begin.

Also, seeing yourself with lush eyelashes promises: new hobbies and interests will appear. They will bring bright impressions and positive emotions.

Why dream of someone else's beautiful eyelashes - on a person with whom you don't quite get along? Soon, some event will make you reconsider your opinion about this friend for the better.

Did you dream about someone else's long eyelashes? They foreshadow pleasant events and useful accomplishments in the dreamer’s life.

Having your own makeup in a dream means: you will prove yourself well before your superiors, they will trust you more, says the dream book. However, colleagues and subordinates will experience dissatisfaction and disrespect. You need to remember about relationships with employees so that their negativity does not over time overshadow your achievements and desire to please management.

Who did you see them with?

Remember who had thick eyelashes:

  • you yourself are successful undertakings;
  • girl - you will be entrusted with a heartfelt secret;
  • child - a joyful incident or good news;
  • guy - do an unexpected thing and surprise others.

Miller's Dream Book: you want to hide something

Why does a woman dream of wearing long false eyelashes? The vision suggests: she strives to seem different to everyone than she really is. The plot also indicates: the sleeping woman wants to hide something from her lover.

Don't be too trusting - there may be misconceptions

But if you dreamed of invoices, you are too trusting, this can do a disservice. Try not to trust everything that others say, but, if possible, check the information.



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