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Identical numbers on the clock 20 20. Decoding the meanings of the same numbers on the clock

Since ancient times, people have noticed numerical coincidences and attributed them different meanings. Wherein special attention paid attention to the coincidence of the numbers on the clock. Now, it’s probably no secret to anyone that the time and date of a person’s birth can tell a lot about him. Therefore, if you often notice combinations of the same numbers, it’s definitely worth thinking about. In this article we will reveal to you the features of the meaning of the numbers on the clock.

Vedic numerologists believe that numbers have a very strong impact on every person. Their importance in our daily lives cannot be underestimated.

Surely, you have once seen the same numbers on a clock, but you might not have known that with the help of a special interpreter it is possible to find out the decoding of the meaning of these numbers.

This is explained very simply - such coincidences are nothing more than a hint from your guardian angel, who is trying to draw your attention to something in this way. He uses this to try to get in touch with you. Our heavenly protectors almost always know what to tell us.

And if you notice such coincidences quite often, you should definitely pay special attention to this point. If the same number is repeated, angelic numerology will tell you about its meaning.

If the numbers dropped are different, they will tell about a person’s very good intuition and ability to receive and correctly interpret tips from the Higher Powers.

What does each number mean?

Each of the numbers has its own specific magical meaning and meaning. What does each number that you can regularly notice on the clock mean?

  • 1 – represents an energy sign. If a person constantly sees units, this will indicate his increased self-centeredness or, on the contrary, indicate that he should be more concerned with his own personality.
  • 2 is a symbol of moderation in emotional terms and in matters of relationships. The frequent appearance of twos in your life will indicate that you need to improve your character - become softer and search for compromises in the current situation.
  • 3 – often begin to catch the eye of those individuals for whom it is important to establish the right life goals and guidelines. Also important to them are the thoughts of the past, present and future.
  • 4 – this number is associated with hard work. And if she began to often look into your life, begin to perceive different things more practically life situations And more attention Pay attention to your own health issues.
  • 5 – symbolizes a thirst for adventure and risk. Five will tell you that you should be more careful in life. Due to blind risk, you can suffer serious losses.
  • 6 is a peacemaking sign, which indicates that you need to develop honesty, both regarding the people around you and yourself personally.
  • 7 – this number symbolizes success. If you regularly come across combinations with sevens on the clock, this is definitely a positive signal. The appearance of sevens will tell you that the person has every chance of experiencing the harmony of the world.
  • 8 – acts as a symbol of infinity; it will tell about upcoming changes. When the number eight begins to appear frequently in your life, it is worth tackling those events that require important decisions to be made. At the same time, be very careful, since your actions today can have an impact on your entire future life.
  • 9 – the number is associated with development. And if it often begins to appear in your eyes, it means that the Higher Powers want to demonstrate to you that many things in your life are repeated. And if you want to save further development– start fighting obstacles.

Find out what different combinations of numbers on a clock mean

This is a kind of fortune telling. To complete it, you will need to think about your deepest desire, and then look at the dial. It is forbidden to make wishes that could harm someone - you don’t even have to try to make them, because they won’t come true anyway.

Fortune telling for the first half of the day

01:01 - this combination promises to receive pleasant news from a representative of the opposite sex;

01:10 – what you started, unfortunately, will not bring you the expected result;

01:11 – this combination promises to receive a very profitable offer. The offer can be absolutely anything, it is important that you receive it within the next 24 hours. And abandoning it is extremely undesirable;

02:02 - foretells receiving an invitation to visit or to some other interesting event;

02:20 – today, more than ever, you need to learn to cope with your aggressiveness and not be fooled by provocateurs. Otherwise, you risk getting seriously hurt;

02:22 – the combination predicts finding out information that has been hidden from you for a long time;

03:03 – a positive combination, foreshadowing great love;

03:30 – disappointment or non-reciprocity is expected;

03:33 - indicator of luck and success. Today will be an incredibly happy day for you;

04:04 – if something is really bothering you now and you ask about it, the Universe advises you to consider the worrying issue from a different angle. Then you will quickly find the right solution to the problem;

04:40 - a combination that speaks of a bad day;

04:44 - it is expected that you will receive a reprimand from your boss (a teacher or an older relative may also be meant instead);

05:05 – something bad is now being planned against you. Your enemies are now becoming more active, so you need to prepare for their possible dishonest machinations;

05:50 – now water and fire pose a danger to you. Therefore, reduce all contacts with these elements to a minimum today;

05:55 – you will meet a very wise man;

06:06 - if you are in a state of loneliness, then you can begin to rejoice, since this combination of numbers promises a quick meeting of your soulmate and a wedding. And if you are already in a happy relationship, great luck will visit your home today;

07:07 – a person in uniform (most likely a military man) poses a danger to you;

08:08 - a great day for work issues, you will solve them very successfully;

09:09 - remain vigilant so that nothing is stolen from you today. You need to be very careful about your belongings and not take anything of value with you;

10:01 - very soon a very influential person will appear in your life;

10:10 – the combination is a harbinger of changes;

11:11 – think about the fact that you are at risk of possible dependence on a person or a bad habit. The Universe is trying to warn you that something like this could happen soon;

Characteristics of numbers in the second half of the day

12:12 – this day promises to be very successful in matters of personal life for you;

12:21 – meet an interesting representative of the opposite sex;

13:13 - enemies now pose a danger to you;

13:31 – promises the fulfillment of your secret dreams;

14:14 – the combination is a harbinger of good luck in love affairs;

14:41 – the meaning is not very positive, such a combination is fraught with trouble;

15:15 – numbers promise to receive very valuable advice that can help you in the current state of affairs;

15:51 - start preparing for whirlwind romance, which, however, promises to be short-lived;

16:16 – be careful on the roads and in everything related to transport;

17:17 - now you may be in danger of being robbed or attacked by hooligans. Therefore, take care not to stay outside alone in the dark today;

18:18 – danger regarding transport is foreseen. It is worth paying attention;

19:19 - any endeavors and activities that you engage in today will certainly become successful;

20:02 – you should be wary of intra-family squabbles. Throughout the evening and throughout the next day, be as patient as possible and do not be fooled by the provocations of your spouse or relatives;
20:20 – possible start of a scandal within the family. Make every effort to minimize negative outbursts;

21:12 – now some new stage begins. Alternatively, it could be pregnancy, or perhaps a change in occupation, some new project;

21:21 - experiencing a passionate romance or the beginning of a positive period in normalizing relations with your loved one;

22:22 - very soon life will give you a new acquaintance that will be important for you;

23:23 – the combination will tell about a dangerous connection;

23:32 – health problems arise.

In general, it should be noted that the coincidence of numbers on a clock can be considered significant only in those cases when you turn your gaze to them purely by chance. And if you specifically wait for a certain period of time to look at the dial, then this, of course, will not give the desired result.

Is the coincidence of numbers mystical?

How much can you trust the coincidence of the numbers on the clock? Can numbers really have that much impact on human life?

If you delve deeper into this topic, you will understand that each number has a certain mystical meaning in every religion and country. For example, the notorious number “13”, which brings terror to people all over the world. Residents of the United States of America are so afraid of this number that they don’t even have a thirteenth floor, and after the twelfth the fourteenth immediately follows.

But for some reason the Koreans and Japanese did not like the number “4” and for this reason, after the 3rd floor they immediately follow the 5th floor. Italians dread Friday the seventeenth. And the Spaniards are afraid of the numbers 4 and 44. This list can continue for a very, very long time.

At the same time very a lot of attention in numerology, the number 11 is given importance. The inhabitants of Ancient Babylon perceived the number 11 in the same way as we now perceive the number 13.

And Indian traditions claim that there are a total of eleven forms of incarnation of the Deity responsible for destruction, and the cycle of activity of the Sun is exactly eleven years.

Researchers studying numerology have managed to blame the number 11 for many troubles and misfortunes. They cite as an example the well-known tragedy that happened in America on September 11, 2001. Then two airliners crashed into skyscrapers. Moreover, the flight numbers were “seventy-seven” and “eleven”. And New York itself is located in the eleventh state of America. But then it’s even better - there were 92 people on one liner (that is, 9+2 = 11), and the number of passengers on the second liner was 65 (again, 6+5 = 11).

We can also mention another tragedy that happened on April 11, 2011 in the metro in Minsk (Belarus). Then a bomb exploded there and only fifteen people died, and two hundred and three people were injured. If you calculate using the method of numerology, it turns out: two plus three plus one plus five equals eleven.

Also, speaking about the mystical role of numbers in human life, we can cite the example of the famous German composer, conductor and art theorist – Richard Wagner. There were a lot of strange coincidences regarding numbers in his life.

So let's start with the fact that the composer was born in 1813, if you add up all the numbers of the year, you get the number “thirteen”. For thirteen years, Wagner was in exile; he wrote thirteen operas. In addition, he opened the theater on the thirteenth of August, and died on the thirteenth of February. Is it possible to say that all this is simply a coincidence or more of a mystical pattern?

Whatever answer you would give to this question, it is difficult to argue with the fact that numbers still have a very strong influence on our lives. After all, we encounter them all the time and they have influenced, are influencing and will influence us regardless of whether we want it or not. The only question is that for each person a certain number will become significant, which will periodically appear in his life, as in the case of the German composer.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Original message by Alla81
yes all combinations. Daily. Whenever I look at my watch, I get into the car, pick up the phone, on the treadmill, car license plates - wherever there are numbers, wherever I don’t look, there are mirrored or paired numbers. there is one more number - which simply haunts me, I see it more often than others - also everywhere. Even when I check the balance on my phone, the numbers are often 66.66, 44.44, 11.11... and Lately even on receipts in cafes and stores, they are also paired or identical in a row. This has been going on for a year now and is getting worse......

Good day! My friend (she has the same thing going on with numbers as you) defines it for herself this way: if the numbers are paired - for example, 12:12, then she is doing everything correctly, thinking, moving in in the right direction. If the numbers are mirrored, for example, 12:21, then something is wrong somewhere: in thoughts, feelings, decisions, conclusions, etc.
So that you don’t have to look for the post in my diary, I’ll give the text right here: maybe it will help you in some way. So
Angelic numerology. Part 1
Sequence of Numbers from Angels
Message from Doreen Virtue

Angels do everything in their power to draw our attention to themselves and communicate with us. This is how they help us heal our lives. However, we often ignore the signs they send us, attributing them to mere coincidences or our imagination. The angels say: “We cannot write our messages to you in heaven. You need to pay attention and believe when you see any pictures appearing in your life, especially in response to any questions you have or prayers you have formulated. When you hear a song repeating or see the same numbers repeated, who do you think is behind it? Your angels, of course!”

Sequences of Numbers
Your angels often send you messages by showing you sequences of numbers. They do this in two ways. First, they whisper softly in your ear so that you raise your head in time and notice the time on the clock or the phone number on the bulletin board. The angels hope that you will notice the repetition of the same numbers. For example, you may often see a set of numbers 111, and it will seem to you that every time you look at your watch, the clock shows 1:11 or 11:11.

The second method is how the angels show you sequences of numbers that have meaning. For example, by physically placing a car that is driving in front of you and has a sign with a special number that they want you to see. Those who are familiar with this phenomenon become experts at reading various license plates. So the angels may actually be giving you detailed messages. Here are the basic meanings of some number sequences. One way or another, your personal angels will tell you if your situation has a different meaning for you. Ask your angels, "What are you trying to tell me?" and they will happily give you additional information to help you decipher the meanings of their numbers.

111 – Watch your thoughts carefully, and make sure that you only think about what you want to think about, and not about what you don’t want to think about. This sequence means that great opportunities are opening up for you and your thoughts are manifesting into physical form in record time. 111 looks like a bright flash light. This means that the universe has photographed your thoughts and is manifesting them in physical form. Are you satisfied with the thoughts that the universe photographed? If not, correct your thoughts (ask your angels to help you with this if you are having difficulty controlling and monitoring your thoughts).

222 – Our newly planted ideas begin to sprout into reality. Keep watering and fertilizing them and soon they will hatch through the soil so you can see evidence of their manifestations. In other words, don't miss five minutes before this miracle. Your manifestation will soon become obvious to you, so keep working hard! Keep holding positive thoughts, keep repeating affirmations and visualizations.

333 – The Ascended Masters are near you, wanting to show you that you can count on their help, love and companionship. Call on the Ascended Masters often, especially when you see sets of numbers with 3 around you. Some of the most famous Ascended Masters are: Jesus, Moses, Mary, Kuan Yin, Yogananda.
444 – Angels surround you, assuring you of their love and help. Don't worry because angelic help is nearby.

555 – Fasten your seat belts. The main life change is ahead. This change should not be seen as "positive" or "negative" because all changes are just a natural part of the flow of life. This change may be the answer to your prayers, so continue to be at peace.

666 – Your thoughts are not in balance now, they are too focused on the material world. This set of numbers asks you to keep your thoughts in balance between heaven and earth. Just like the famous Sermon on the Mount, the angels ask you to focus on spirit and service, and remember that your material and emotional needs will automatically be met as a result.

777 – Angels applaud you, congratulations, you are in the flow! Carry on Good work and know that your wish is coming true. This is an extremely positive sign, meaning you can expect even greater miracles to happen.

888 – A certain stage of your life is ending, and this sign is a warning to prepare. This set of numbers may mean that you are ending an emotional career, or a relationship phase. This also means that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Additionally, it means, “The harvest is ripe. Collect it and enjoy it." In other words, don't hesitate, move forward, or enjoy the fruits of your labor.

999 – Completion. This is the end of a major phase in your personal or universal life. Also, this is a message to the lightworkers involved in healing the Earth, meaning, "Get to work because Mother Earth needs you now."

000 – A reminder that you are one with God, so that you feel the presence of your Creator's love within you. It also means that some situation has come full circle.

Number Combinations
Angels often send you a message containing combinations of two or more numbers. Here are the basic meanings of three-digit, two-digit combinations. If your messages contain three or more numbers, combine responses from different combinations of numbers. For example, if you keep noticing the combination 312, use the value of the combination of numbers 3 and 1, plus the combination of 1 and 2.
Or, if you feel prompted to do so, add the numbers together. Continue adding until you get a single digit number. Then look at the meaning of this, in particular, the numbers in the previously recorded list of digital sequences that contain the same numbers (for example, 111, 222, 333, and so on).

Combinations containing 1
Combinations 1 and 2, such as 121 or 112 – Our thoughts are like seeds that begin to sprout. You may have already seen some evidence of your desires coming true. This means that things will move in the direction you want. Keep believing!
Combinations 1 and 3, such as 133 or 113 – The Ascended Masters work with you on your thought processes. Different ways they act as mentors, teaching you the ancient wisdoms associated with manifestation. They send you energy to keep you from getting discouraged and encouragement to keep you focused on your soul's true goals. Additionally, the Ascended Masters may offer you counseling, guidance, and advice regarding the meaning of your life. Always, however, they teach that every creation begins at the level of thought and idea. Ask them to help you choose wisely what you want.
Combinations 1 and 4, such as 114 or 144 – The Angels strongly indicate that you should monitor your thoughts now. They advise you to make a wish, since you are at a point that realizes your thoughts at the present moment.

Combinations of 1 and 5, such as 115 or 551 – Your thoughts create changes in your life. Continue to direct your thoughts in the direction you have chosen. If the coming changes are not desired, you can stop or change them by changing your thoughts.
Combinations 1 and 6 such as 116 or 661 – Keep your thoughts elevated and avoid worries related to the material world.
(NOTE: Combination 611 means “Ask for help in correcting something in the material world that irritates or bothers you in this moment»).
Combinations of 1 and 7, such as 117 or 771 – This is confirmation that you are doing excellent. You are on the right track, keep moving! This means that you have chosen your thoughts correctly and that you should focus more on your tasks. Add appropriate emotions to your thoughts, such as feeling grateful for the gifts you have received in your life. Gratitude will speed up your manifestation process.
Combinations of 1 and 8, such as 118 or 881 – You are approaching the end of an important phase of your life. If you are tired of some events in your life, be glad that healing or replacing them with something better will happen soon. Humble yourself and release the parts of your life that are not working because your thoughts are about better life come to realization.
Combinations of 1 and 9, such as 119 or 991 – New doors have opened for you as a result of your thoughts. You have the opportunity to look at your thoughts and come face to face with your own creations. Let the old go because it is being replaced by the new according to your wishes.
Combinations of 1 and 0 such as 100 or 110 – Mighty Divine guidance from God and the angels is asking you to change your thoughts. Perhaps you have been praying to become happier and healthier. If so, this is the answer to your prayers. God knows that the solution you are looking for comes from your thoughts. Ask God to guide your thoughts and support you during your transition.

Combinations containing 2
Combinations of 2 and 1, such as 221 or 112 – Our thoughts are like seeds that begin to sprout. You may have already seen some evidence of your desires coming true. This means that things will move in the direction you want. Keep believing!
Combinations 2 and 3, such as 223 or 323 – Ascended Masters work with you as co-authors of your new project. They tell you that they share your excitement and know what's going on the best way for you. These Masters can see that your future is already guaranteed to be filled with the happiness you seek. Enjoy this new phase of your life!
Combinations 2 and 4, such as 224 or 244 – As the spiritual scripture, A Course in Miracles says, “Angels cherish your newborn purpose.” This is a sign that you are receiving help from above in making the transitions you desire. This is the time when you especially need to know that you are not alone. The combination of numbers 2 and 4 is a signal from your angels telling you that they are working very closely with you from now on.
Combinations of 2 and 5, such as 255 or 225 – Your prayers and your intentions are pure, strong, and unconditional, so expect change to come even faster than you may have expected. Don't miss the moment when your wishes come true. They may come in unexpected ways, so don't lose hope. Talk to God often and ask for comfort.
Combinations 2 and 6, such as 266 or 262 – A new purchase or acquisition awaits you.
Combinations 2 and 7, such as 277 or 272 – Have you recently contacted new job, admission to school, or about a loan? These numbers mean good news. They ask you to hold on and not let your faith waver.
Combinations 2 and 8, such as 288 or 282 – One door begins to open and another door begins to close. Listen to your intuition very carefully now because it will guide you through steps that will bring you continued abundance during these transitions.
Combinations of 2 and 9, such as 299 or 292 – If you have recently experienced a loss (of a job, a loved one, etc.), expect it to be repaid in the very near future. Everything is working for your good, even though there may be so many scenes left behind when you thought God had abandoned you. Don't worry! Feel the energy of life moving forward in the moment. You have not been punished by your recent losses. On the contrary, the universe is preparing you for something new.
Combinations of 2 and 0, such as 200 or 202 – God wants you to know that he has not forgotten or abandoned you. He loves you very, very much! In reality, God is preparing a wonderful new phase in your life. Talk to God often and you will feel this miracle coming. God also reminds you of the importance of "Divine Timing". Sometimes certain factors must match so that your desired result can be achieved. As long as you keep your faith, nothing can stop you from achieving your desire.

Combinations containing 3
Combinations of 3 and 1, such as 311 or 313 – Ascended masters work with you on your thought processes. In many ways they act as mentors, teaching you the ancient wisdoms associated with manifestation. They send you energy to keep you from getting discouraged and encouragement to keep you focused on your soul's true goals. Additionally, the Ascended Masters may offer you counseling, guidance, and advice regarding the meaning of your life. Always, however, they teach that every creation begins at the level of thought and idea. Ask them to help you choose wisely what you want.
Combinations 3 and 2, such as 322 or 332 – Ascended Masters work with you as co-authors of your new project. They tell you that they share your excitement and know that everything is going well for you. These Masters can see that your future is already guaranteed to be filled with the happiness you seek. Enjoy this new phase of your life!
Combinations 3 and 4, such as 334 or 344 – You have the opportunity to get a lot of help at the moment! Both the Ascended Masters and the angels are with you to help, guide and love you. Reach out to them the same way they reach out to you.
Combinations of 3 and 5, such as 353 or 335 – The Ascended Masters want to prepare you for a big change in life that is inevitable. They want you to know that they are holding your hand through this change and that everything will be okay. Embrace the change and look for the blessings in it.
Combinations of 3 and 6, such as 363 or 336 – Your Ascended Masters are helping you manifest the materials you need to fulfill the Divine purpose of your life. Whether it is money for training, or facilities for your teaching or healing work, the Masters are working to give it to you. They want you to know that you deserve this help so that you can give it to others.
Combinations of 3 and 7, such as 377 or 373 – Ascended Masters are happy. Not only do they see your true inner Divinity, but they also approve of the path you have chosen. They want you to know that you are worthy of happiness, let the flow of sacred bliss that comes with your Divine heritage and chosen path flow.
Combinations of 3 and 8, such as 338 or 383 – “Keep going”, the Masters tell you. Increase the energy and focus of your thoughts and feelings. Rebuild your worldview based on the knowledge of your unity with God, everyone and all life
Combinations of 3 and 9, such as 393 or 339 – This is a strong message to let go of situations in your life that are not whole or that have served their purpose. Don't artificially hold on to these situations out of fear. Know that you are cared for every moment. It is necessary to maintain a positive outlook towards yourself and your future. This perspective actually creates what you experience, so ask the Masters to help you choose your thoughts from a higher perspective of love.
Combinations of 3 and 0, such as 300 or 330 – God and the Ascended Masters are trying to get your attention, more so in relation to a matter related to the fulfillment of your Divine task. Have you recently ignored any instruction? If so, you may be struggling right now. This number combination is a heavenly method of alerting you to do your part in the co-creation process. This means listening to and following your Divine guidance in doing certain things.

Combinations containing 4
Combinations of 4 and 1, such as 441 or 411 – The Angels strongly indicate that you should monitor your thoughts now. They advise you to make a wish, since you are at a point that realizes your thoughts at the present moment.
(NOTE: the combination 411 means: “Ask the angels for some information that you need at this moment”).
Combinations of 4 and 2, such as 442 or 422 – As the spiritual scripture, A Course in Miracles says, “Angels cherish your newborn purpose.” This is a sign that you are receiving help from above in making the transitions you desire. This is the time when you especially need to know that you are not alone. The combination of numbers 2 and 4 is a signal from your angels telling you that they are working very closely with you from now on.
Combinations of 4 and 3, for example 443 or 433 – You have the opportunity to get a lot of help at the moment! Both the Ascended Masters and the angels are with you to help, guide and love you. Reach out to them the same way they reach out to you.
Combinations of 4 and 5, such as 455 or 445 – Your angels are participating in one of your significant life changes right now.
Combinations of 4 and 6, such as 446 or 466 – Your angels are warning you that you are focusing too much on the material world. They ask you to convey your concerns to them so they can intervene. Balance your focus between heaven and earth, and know that your resources are truly limitless, especially when you work hand in hand with Divinity.
Combinations 4 and 7, such as 477 or 447 – The Angels congratulate you and say, “Keep up the great work! You are in the flow. Keep your thoughts focused because they have a great positive effect.”
Combinations of 4 and 8, for example, 488 or 448 - This is a message from your angels that some stage of your life is ending. They want you to know that when things slow down, they are with you and will help guide you to new situations that are more suitable for your needs, desires and goals.
Combinations of 4 and 9, for example, 494 or 449 - The angels are telling you that it is time to let go of the situation that has ended. They remind you that when some doors close, others open. The angels are definitely helping you open new doors and heal you from any pain that accompanies this transition you are currently experiencing. Please ask your angels to help you have faith that these completions and these beginnings are answers to your prayers.
Combinations of 4 and 0, such as 440 or 400 – God and the angels want you to know that you are very, very loved. They ask you to feel this love because it will answer many of your questions and solve any problems.

Angelic numerology. Part 2

Combinations containing 5
Combinations of 5 and 1, such as 511 or 515 – Your thoughts create changes in your life. Continue to direct your thoughts in the direction you have chosen. If the coming changes are not desired, you can stop or change them by changing your thoughts.
Combinations of 5 and 2, such as 522 or 552 – Your prayers and your intentions are pure, strong, and unconditional, so expect change to come even faster than you may have expected. Don't miss the moment when your wishes come true. They may come in unexpected ways, so don't lose hope. Talk to God often and ask for comfort.
Combinations of 5 and 3, such as 533 or 553 – The Ascended Masters want to prepare you for a big change in life that is inevitable. They want you to know that they are holding your hand through this change and that everything will be okay. Embrace the change and look for the blessings in it.
Combinations of 5 and 4, such as 554 or 544 – Your angels are participating in one of your significant life changes right now.
Combinations 5 and 6, for example, 556 or 566 - Your material life is changing a lot, for example, purchasing a new house, new car, or other purchase.
Combinations of 5 and 7, such as 577 or 575 - This is an acknowledgment that you are on the verge of an imminent change that will enrich you either physically, emotionally, or intellectually - or a combination of all three. Stay the course and you will soon see evidence of how the change will impact your life and those around you.
Combinations of 5 and 8, such as 588 or 558 – This combination of numbers symbolizes that you are at the 11th hour, right in the face of change. Don't be afraid of it because you will be supported and loved during this change that is now inevitable.
Combinations of 5 and 9, for example, 599 or 595 – In order for a new change to occur, it is necessary to let go of the past. This number combination asks you to let go of the past and know that it served a vital function in its time. However, life is fluid and change is inevitable. Know that the new is standing on your doorstep, waiting to be let in. You can let in the new when you let go of the old with love.
Combinations of 5 and 0, such as 500 or 550 – An important message that tells you that your life changes are happening in a Divine and superior order. They are a gift from God and in accordance with the will of God in the name of your higher Self.

Combinations containing 6
Combinations of 6 and 1, such as 611 or 661 – Keep your thoughts elevated and avoid worries related to the material world. (NOTE: Combination 611 means “Ask for help in correcting something in the material world that is annoying or bothering you at the moment.”)
Combinations of 6 and 2, such as 622 or 662 – A new purchase or acquisition awaits you.
Combinations of 6 and 3, such as 663 or 633 – Your Ascended Masters are helping you manifest the materials you need to fulfill the Divine purpose of your life. Whether it is money for training, or facilities for your teaching or healing work, the Masters are working to give it to you. They want you to know that you deserve this help so that you can give it to others.
Combinations of 6 and 4, such as 644 or 664 – Your angels are warning you that you are focusing too much on the material world. They ask you to convey your concerns to them so they can intervene. Balance your focus between heaven and earth, and know that your resources are truly limitless, especially when you work hand in hand with Divinity.
Combinations of 6 and 5, such as 665 or 655 - Your material life changes greatly, for example, purchasing a new house, a new car, or other acquisition.
Combinations of 6 and 7, such as 667 or 677 - Recognition that your thoughts and work in the material world have been highly appreciated. You have successfully balanced your thoughts and activities, you take care of your mind, body and spirit. Keep up the great work!
Combinations of 6 and 8, such as 668 or 688 - You are about to part with something from your material world, for example, selling property. If you have no intention of getting rid of or selling something from your material world, you can change your thoughts and change the course of events. However, if you are considering selling something or getting rid of something material from your life, take this sign as a signal that your dream is coming true.
Combinations of 6 and 9, such as 669 or 699 – Let go of your material things, especially if you have an obsession with some material acquisition. This combination of numbers asks you to let go. It is also a message that something in your life will be replaced by something better. Be open to new acquisitions that exceed your expectations because you are ready to renew. You deserve the best!
Combinations of 6 and 0, such as 600 or 660 - This is a message from your Creator about your material life. Divine guidance from God asks you to focus less on Earthly desires. This does not mean that God is asking you to live a life of poverty, but rather that your Creator is asking you to try to take a more spiritual approach to addressing your needs. Know that God is within you and he is your source of everything you need. Just keep faith and gratitude, and be open to signs or new opportunities that will bring material benefits to you. “Seek first the kingdom of God, and everything else will be given to you,” is the essence of the message of this combination of numbers. You can get more information about this process by reading the book “The Book of Abundance. The 40-Day Happiness Program by John Randolph Price (The Abundance Book by John Randolph Price) or by reading “ Sermon on the Mount"in the Gospel of Matthew.

Combinations containing 7
Combinations of 7 and 1, such as 711 or 771 - This is confirmation that you are doing everything perfectly. You are on the right track, keep moving! This means that you have chosen your thoughts correctly and that you should focus more on your tasks. Add appropriate emotions to your thoughts, such as feeling grateful for the gifts you have received in your life. Gratitude will speed up your manifestation process.
Combinations 7 and 2, for example, 722 or 772 – Have you recently applied for a new job, admission to school, or about a loan? These numbers mean good news. They ask you to hold on and not let your faith waver.
Combinations of 7 and 3, for example, 773 or 733 – Ascended Masters are happy. Not only do they see your true inner Divinity, but they also approve of the path you have chosen. They want you to know that you are worthy of happiness, let the flow of sacred bliss that comes with your Divine heritage and chosen path flow.
Combinations of 7 and 4, such as 774 or 744 – The Angels congratulate you and say, “Keep up the great work! You are in the flow. Keep your thoughts focused because they have a great positive effect.”
Combinations of 7 and 5, such as 775 or 755 - This is an acknowledgment that you are on the verge of an imminent change that will enrich you either physically, emotionally, or intellectually - or a combination of all three. Stay the course and you will soon see evidence of how the change will impact your life and those around you.
Combinations of 7 and 6, for example, 776 or 766 - Recognition that your thoughts and work in the material world have been highly appreciated. You have successfully balanced your thoughts and activities so that you take care of your mind, body and spirit. Keep up the great work!
Combinations of 7 and 8, such as 778 or 788 – Have you ever felt like some part of your life, such as a job or relationship, was ending? This is confirmation that your feelings are correct. An ending can represent a significant positive change in a situation, or it can mean that some part of your life is coming to an end. No matter what, this combination of numbers heralds news of an upcoming positive change, including the end of a tense situation. Hang in there because your life is about to get easier.
Combinations 7 and 9, for example 779 or 799 – Congratulations! You discard old parts of your life that no longer suit you. You are living a more authentic life, which is about connecting with your highest self. This combination of numbers welcomes your decision to live wholeheartedly.
Combinations of 7 and 0, such as 700 or 770 – “Well done” directly from God, giving you praise for the mental, spiritual and physical work you do. You are helping yourself and many others by following your true path, and God asks you to continue your great work.

Combinations containing 8
Combinations of 8 and 1, such as 811 or 881 – You are approaching the end of an important phase of your life. If you are tired of some events in your life, be glad that healing or replacing them with something better will happen soon. Humble yourself and release the parts of your life that are not working because your thoughts of a better life are coming to fruition.
Combinations of 8 and 2, such as 822 or 882 – One door begins to open and another door begins to close. Listen to your intuition very carefully now because it will guide you through steps that will bring you continued abundance during these transitions.
Combinations of 8 and 3, such as 833 or 883 – “Keep going”, the Masters tell you. Increase the energy and focus of your thoughts and feelings. Rebuild your worldview based on the knowledge of your unity with God, everyone and all life.
Combinations of 8 and 14, such as 884 or 884 - This is a message from your angels that some stage of your life is ending. They want you to know that when things slow down, they are with you and will help guide you to new situations that are more suitable for your needs, desires and goals.
Combinations of 8 and 5, such as 885 or 885 – This combination of numbers symbolizes that you are at the 11th hour, right in the face of change. Don't be afraid of it because you will be supported and loved during this change that is now inevitable.
Combinations of 8 and 6, such as 886 or 866 - You are about to part with something from your material world, for example, selling property. If you have no intention of getting rid of or selling something from your material world, you can change your thoughts and change the course of events. However, if you are considering selling something or getting rid of something material from your life, take this sign as a signal that your dream is coming true.
Combinations of 8 and 7, such as 887 or 877 – Have you ever felt like some part of your life, such as a job or relationship, was ending? This is confirmation that your feelings are correct. An ending can represent a significant positive change in a situation, or it can mean that some part of your life is coming to an end. No matter what, this combination of numbers heralds news of an upcoming positive change, including the end of a tense situation. Hang in there because your life is about to get easier.
Combinations of 8 and 9, such as 889 or 899 – Some important phase of your life has come to an end, bringing with it other events that also end in a domino effect. Like a train arriving at its final stop, one car stops while the following cars linger before braking to a stop. This combination of numbers is a message that you are going through a chain of events where many parts of your life are slowing down and stopping. Don't worry, though, because these changes are necessary to start new combinations and circumstances for you.
Combinations of 8 and 0, such as 800 or 808 – This is a message from your Divine Creator indicating that upcoming completions are part of your Divine plan. They are answers to your prayers and are in accordance with God's will for you. Ask God to help ease any fears or worries you may have about these upcoming changes.

Combinations containing 9
Combinations of 9 and 1, such as 991 or 919 – New doors have opened for you as a result of your thoughts. You have the opportunity to look at your thoughts and come face to face with your own creations. Let the old go because it is being replaced by the new according to your wishes.
Combinations of 9 and 2, such as 992 or 922 – If you have recently experienced a loss (of a job, a loved one, etc.), expect it to be repaid in the very near future. Everything is working for your good, even though there may be so many scenes left behind when you thought God had abandoned you. Don't worry! Feel the energy of life moving forward in the moment. You have not been punished by your recent losses. On the contrary, the universe is preparing you for something new.
Combinations of 9 and 3, such as 993 or 939 – This is a strong message to let go of situations in your life that are not whole or that have served their purpose. Don't artificially hold on to these situations out of fear. Know that you are cared for every moment. It is necessary to maintain a positive outlook towards yourself and your future. This perspective actually creates what you experience, so ask the Masters to help you choose your thoughts from a higher perspective of love.
Combinations of 9 and 4, such as 994 or 944 – The angels are telling you that it is time to let go of a situation that has ended. They remind you that when some doors close, others open. The angels are definitely helping you open new doors and heal you from any pain that accompanies this transition you are currently experiencing. Please ask your angels to help you have faith that these completions and these beginnings are answers to your prayers.
Combinations of 9 and 5, such as 959 or 995 – In order for a new change to occur, it is necessary to let go of the past. This number combination asks you to let go of the past and know that it served a vital function in its time. However, life is fluid and change is inevitable. Know that the new is standing on your doorstep, waiting to be let in. You can let in the new when you let go of the old with love.
Combinations of 9 and 6, such as 966 or 996 – Let go of your material things, especially if you have an obsession with some material acquisition. This combination of numbers asks you to let go. It is also a message that something in your life will be replaced by something better. Be open to new acquisitions that exceed your expectations because you are ready to renew. You deserve the best!
Combinations of 9 and 7, such as 977 or 997 – Congratulations! You discard old parts of your life that no longer suit you. You are living a more authentic life, which is about connecting with your highest self. This combination of numbers welcomes your decision to live wholeheartedly.
Combinations of 9 and 8, such as 998 or 988 – Some important phase of your life has come to an end, bringing with it other events that also end in a domino effect. Like a train arriving at its final stop, one car stops while the following cars linger before braking to a stop. This combination of numbers is a message that you are going through a chain of events where many parts of your life are slowing down and stopping. Don't worry, though, because these changes are necessary to start new combinations and circumstances for you.
Combinations of 9 and 0, such as 900 or 909 - This is a message from your Creator, indicating that the part of your life that has just ended was guided by God. Nothing was actually truly lost. There is no death and there are no accidents. Your recent life change, in which an important part of your life was interrupted or changed, is actually an answer to your prayers. God is letting you know that He is not taking anything away from you and He is not “causing” hardship on you. Instead, your life plans or prayers caused this change in your life through your God-given power. Be willing to forgive everyone involved so that you can be bright and free as you enter a wonderful new phase of life.

Combinations containing 0
Combinations of 0 and 1 such as 001 or 010 – Mighty Divine guidance from God and the angels is asking you to change your thoughts. Perhaps you have been praying to become happier and healthier. If so, this is the answer to your prayers. God knows that the solution you are looking for comes from your thoughts. Ask God to guide your thoughts and support you during your transition.
Combinations of 0 and 2, such as 002 or 020 - God wants you to know that he has not forgotten or abandoned you. He loves you very, very much! In reality, God is preparing a wonderful new phase in your life. Talk to God often and you will feel this miracle coming. God also reminds you of the importance of "Divine Timing". Sometimes certain factors must coincide in order for your desired result to be achieved. As long as you keep your faith, nothing can stop you from achieving your desire.
Combinations of 0 and 3, such as 003 or 300 – God and the Ascended Masters are trying to get your attention, more so in relation to a matter related to the fulfillment of your Divine task. Have you recently ignored any instruction? If so, you may be struggling right now. This number combination is a heavenly method of alerting you to do your part in the co-creation process. This means listening to and following your Divine guidance in doing certain things.
Combinations of 0 and 4, such as 040 or 400 – God and the angels want you to know that you are very, very loved. They ask you to feel this love because it will answer many of your questions and solve any problems.
Combinations of 0 and 5, such as 050 or 055 – An important message that tells you that your life changes are happening in a Divine and superior order. They are a gift from God and in accordance with the will of God in the name of your higher Self.
Combinations of 0 and 6, such as 006 or 300 – This is a message from your Creator about your material life. Divine guidance from God asks you to focus less on Earthly desires. This does not mean that God is asking you to live a life of poverty, but rather that your Creator is asking you to try to take a more spiritual approach to addressing your needs. Know that God is within you and he is your source of everything you need. Just keep faith and gratitude, and be open to signs or new opportunities that will bring material benefits to you. “Seek first the kingdom of God, and everything else will be given to you,” is the essence of the message of this combination of numbers. You can get more information about this process by reading the book “The Book of Abundance. The 40-Day Happiness Program by John Randolph Price (The Abundance Book by John Randolph Price) or by reading the Sermon on the Mount in the Gospel of Matthew.
Combinations of 0 and 7, such as 007 or 070 – “Well done” directly from God, giving you praise for the mental, spiritual and physical work you do. You are helping yourself and many others by following your true path, and God asks you to continue your great work.
Combinations of 0 and 8, such as 088 or 080 – This is a message from your Divine Creator, indicating that upcoming completions are part of your Divine plan. They are answers to your prayers and are in accordance with God's will for you. Ask God to help ease any fears or worries you may have about these upcoming changes.
Combinations of 0 and 9, such as 099 or 090 - This is a message from your Creator, indicating that the part of your life that has just ended was guided by God. Nothing was actually truly lost. There is no death and there are no accidents. Your recent life change, in which an important part of your life was interrupted or changed, is actually an answer to your prayers. God is letting you know that He is not taking anything away from you and He is not “causing” hardship on you. Instead, your life plans or prayers caused this change in your life through your God-given power. Be willing to forgive everyone involved so that you can be bright and free as you enter a wonderful new phase of life.

(2008, Angel Therapy, Inc. All Rights Reserved. To learn more about Doreen Virtue's wonderful work, please visit her website

There is an opinion that watches are a magical element that can radically change a person’s destiny. They are not given as a gift, as this gift will represent separation. Unless you sell it for a symbolic amount. This was the only way to get rid of the negative meaning of the gift. It is not surprising that the meaning of the numbers on the clock takes on some meaning. You need to figure out what the same combination of numbers can mean.

There can be a lot of versions

When you begin to notice identical numbers on the clock board or on your computer monitor, thoughts immediately appear that something good awaits you in life. Or not really. But something is bound to happen. There are quite a lot of versions that can explain the meaning of the numbers on the clock.

There is a widespread belief among numerologists that the coincidence of numbers leads to changes in life. Moreover, they will be significant. And much will depend on what particular combination of numbers was noticed. Perhaps your career or health will change. Maybe the changes will affect personal life or friendship. Or maybe something will happen not to the person himself, but to his loved ones.

Maybe this is the work of our subconscious?

Some people began to notice this kind of phenomenon after a certain event had occurred. For example, after successful meditation, a wedding, or the birth of a child, they noticed repeating numbers on the clock. The meaning in this situation was different. Again, a lot of it came down to what exactly happened. Perhaps this phenomenon simply does not allow you to forget something, gaining a foothold in the subconscious and bestowing certain emotions.

We all have reflexes

What could be the meaning of the numbers on the clock? What do they symbolize? The third version is based on Pavlov's theory. According to it, every person has reflexes. And when someone first notices the coincidence of numbers on the dial, then the next day he is intuitively drawn to look at the clock at the same time.

Perhaps it was an internal alarm going off

According to psychologists, every person tries to concentrate on a specific task that is important to him. Accordingly, the body begins to adapt. At this moment, the setting for a specific time occurs. The internal alarm clock will subsequently go off, causing the person to look at the dial and discover an amazing phenomenon. This is the simple meaning of the numbers on the clock, according to psychologists.

There are other opinions. As already mentioned, they simply exist in unlimited quantities. And if you notice this kind of phenomenon day after day, then perhaps it actually means something. It is worth considering another fairly common version. It considers all the same numbers on the clock. The interpretation of the meanings of their combinations may be unexpected.

What do the numbers on the clock tell us?

Did you look at your watch and see the time is 00:00? This means that you and the energy of the Universe are one. In other words, something has ended in your life. You are open to new opportunities and events. You should abandon false beliefs and stereotypes, starting all over from the very beginning.

The combination 01:01 suggests that you need to focus on your experiences. At this moment, everything you think about will be translated into reality. With the help of willpower, you need to achieve control over your emotional state in order to prevent something bad from happening.

The numbers 02:02 symbolize that allies will appear soon. You need to take a close look at your new acquaintances and show responsiveness to someone else’s misfortune.

Have you seen 03:03 on the dial and don’t know what these identical numbers on the clock mean? The interpretation of the meanings of such numbers is as follows: you need to trust your intuition. You should not be afraid of any changes in life, boldly move forward.

The combination 04:04 indicates that you have chosen the right path. Whatever decisions you make, you will be able to achieve everything. There is no need to despair. You just have to learn to wait and believe that the outcome will be successful.

Combinations 05:05 indicate that fateful changes await you. There is no need to rush or rush, everything will happen by itself. The numbers 06:06 indicate the need to think about your spiritual values. It is necessary to evaluate the actions. As a result, luck will return and new prospects will be opened. The combination 07:07 is successful. The interpretation states that wishes will come true. Soon you will meet your soul mate.

Did you notice the combination 08:08? Meaning identical numbers on the clock in this situation will have the following interpretation: good luck awaits you in material matters. You have excellent financial prospects, with the help of which you will be able to realize your plans and ideas.

Did you look at the dial and see 09:09? The meaning of the same numbers on the clock in such a situation speaks of the need to sacrifice something, to get rid of unnecessary things present in your life. 10:10 - this combination suggests that you need to stop fussing in order to get rid of minor troubles. We must be careful in our affairs.

Is it 11:11? This suggests that success, fame, and achievement of your goal await you. 12:12 symbolizes that a good alliance will soon be concluded, capable of changing the worldview and achieving success in financially. 13:13 warns of the need to exercise control over your emotional state. The combination 14:14 hints at a possible journey that is simply vital.

Do you see repeating numbers on the clock? The meaning of a combination such as 15:15 suggests that you need to pay more attention to your loved ones. 16:16 - these numbers speak of the need to restrain your selfish impulses. If you see the numbers 17:17 on the clock, then expect material benefits. To do this you need to be more active. The combination 18:18 says that among your acquaintances there is a person whose acquaintance is not beneficial and good emotions. Don't be afraid to let people go. Sometimes this is necessary.

The meaning (19:19) symbolizes that one should not be distracted until important things are completed. The numbers 20:20 convince us of the need to make serious decisions. Don't be afraid of change. What does the combination 21:21 mean? We must act intuitively. This will help you change your life for the better. The combination 22:22 warns that one must be consistent. Rushing things will not lead to positive results. 23:23 - these numbers indicate the need to think about the consequences of your actions. Perhaps you need to correct mistakes, ask someone for forgiveness.


Are you accompanied in your actions by the coincidence of numbers on the clock? The meaning of this can be ambiguous. But you have to remember that it's all in your head. And if you have confidence that the same numbers on the clock lead to some events, then it will be so. And one more thing: if you wait for trouble, then someday it will happen. Therefore, there is no need to tune in to bad events by seeing the same numbers on the clock. Interpretation of meanings will help you understand this phenomenon.

Many people want to get a hint from their Guardian Angel. The connection between a person and higher powers is established by angelic numerology on the clock. It is important in decision making. The magic of numbers and various coincidences indicate events that will happen in the near future, warn about something.

Types of combinations

The angelic message on the clock can be of three types:

  • triple repetition;
  • equivalent minutes and hours;
  • mirror type reflection.

If by chance an unusual combination appears on the clock, you need to immediately decipher its meaning in order to understand the message, because the angels are talking about something important. Signs of higher powers give tips on how to avoid various disasters and troubles.

Same numbers

It is rare to see all identical numbers at once, but they are of great importance in a person’s life:

  • 0000 - good luck in achieving your goal. You shouldn’t give up, you need to fight for your activities and your loved one. Don’t put things off until later, otherwise there may not be a next time.
  • 0101 - something incredible will happen after a while, but it is important not to frighten off this luck with premature joy. It is better to postpone an important matter, otherwise it may be spoiled;
  • 0202 - pleasant and fateful meeting. Angelic numerology by the hour gives a sign that this meeting will become fateful.
  • 0303 - strong love soon. It is important not to give in entirely to feelings: the fervor will pass, but the consequences will remain. Everything will end in trouble.
  • 0404 - the angel wants to help understand the situation. It is necessary to reevaluate everything and look at the problem with different eyes, otherwise the result may be disastrous.
  • 0505 is an important sign that warns of possible enemies. You need to take a close look at who behaves and how they behave - friends, colleagues, friends. Maybe someone is being a hypocrite. It’s better to figure it out right away than to solve the problem later.
  • 0606 - a new stage in life, pleasant changes are coming. For girls who have been dating a guy for a long time, this is a sign that marriage is imminent. For workaholics - promotion at work, career growth. All big plans need to be done now.
  • 0707 - danger sign, warning that there will soon be problems, government house. You should not contact the public service, everything will end in trouble. You need to be more careful with your finances and avoid problems with the law.
  • 0808 - best time to start a career that will bring financial stability. Angel advises not to be afraid to approach your bosses for a salary increase.
  • 0909 - financial collapse. You should be extremely careful and do not throw money around. Avoid fraud, theft, and keep a close eye on your valuables. It is better to refuse large transactions.
  • 1010 - failures pass. Angel guarantees good way and prospects for doing what you love.
  • 1111 is a difficult activity that you can easily cope with. The Guardian suggests that you do not need to carry a heavy burden on yourself, it is better to choose something more comfortable.
  • 1212 - luck in the lottery, gambling, you just need to trust your intuition.
  • 1313 is an important warning that promises serious problems in love in the near future. You should communicate with your loved ones with restraint and not quarrel. A lonely person will suffer from unrequited love. The angel advises to refrain from a romantic meeting or acquaintance.
  • 1414 - sudden feelings will give a happy relationship. You can’t miss your chance, you should go to a crowded place, to a restaurant, to a party with friends.
  • 1515 - you should listen to other people’s opinions more often. The angel indicates that some actions require serious adjustments, so it is better to listen to the advice of others.
  • 1616 - need to rest, go to interesting trip, which will bring a lot of fun and new experiences.
  • 1717 is a financial sign warning of a possible loss of money. Don't make deals or make big purchases. Hide your money from prying eyes, otherwise they will take over your property.
  • 1818 - it is better to refuse to travel in public transport. It is also worth excluding sports activities to avoid serious injury.
  • 1919 - it is necessary to complete all matters and move on to another stage. It is better to abandon new projects, because they will not bring success. It's time for a complete rethink life values, relax, completely relax, find harmony in yourself.
  • 2020 - angels warn of imminent quarrels and conflicts. To avoid this, it is better not to resolve important issues related to the family and postpone the conversation until later.
  • 2121 is an adventurous, romantic period. Angels advise not to drink alcohol, otherwise you may wake up in the morning with a stranger.
  • 2222 - fateful meeting. Perhaps someone close to you is your future life partner.
  • 2323 - a rival appeared on the horizon. It's better not to keep the person close. A new long-awaited love will soon appear, which will bring real happiness.

Fateful mirror numbers

The numbers are not always repeated. Sometimes the combination turns out to be a mirror one. These meanings also influence life and speak of important events:

  • 0110 - a sudden meeting with a friend who has not been seen for a long time. Possible promotion.
  • 0220 - don’t say it’s terrible, otherwise the enemies will take advantage of the situation and cause serious harm.
  • 0330 - it’s time to think about why there is such torment with a person next to you if there is no happy future.
  • 0440 - you should not enter into serious transactions, otherwise they will be unsuccessful.
  • 0550 - you should be wary of fire and water. Before going to work, carefully check that everything is turned off to avoid a fire.
  • 1001 - see you soon important person, on communication with whom the future may depend.
  • 1221 - meeting a person who can radically change your destiny.
  • 1331 - it is necessary to take measures so that numerous risky situations in life end successfully.
  • 1441 - real success will come soon.
  • 1551 is an unusual acquaintance that will give you a lot of love and pleasure.
  • 2002 - a quarrel with loved ones can lead to a serious conflict.
  • 2112 - the time has come to reveal your talents.
  • 2332 - you should pay close attention to your health.

Successful combinations

Psychologist Doreen Virtue is sure that the language of numbers is of great importance for a person. It is necessary not only to pay attention to the repetition of various combinations on the clock, but also to immediately unravel the meaning.

Combination with 01

Higher powers hint that wishes are already coming true. You need to believe that everything will be fine. It is especially important to pay attention to several combinations:

  • 01 and 07 - perseverance will lead to victory.
  • 01 and 08 - you will soon be able to get rid of the disease. It's worth throwing away everything old and buying new. There will be changes in life in the near future.

Combination with 02

If 02, 20, 2 and 00 often appear on the clock, life is successful, there is a lot of positive things in it. Now it seems that the dark streak will never end, but you need to find a positive attitude.

Repeating 02 and 05 attracts good luck. If you don’t lose confidence in your abilities, the result will be amazing.

Combination with 03

Repeating 3, 6, 23, 3 and 00 indicate that the Universe will help you to realize yourself. A little more and you will be able to achieve your goal, everything will come true, for this you just need to use your knowledge.

Repeats 03 and 07 indicate the correct direction. The guardians promise tremendous success.

Combination with 04

The numbers 4 and 5 are important for destiny. Positive changes will soon occur that will help streamline a complex life.

Combination 47 indicates encouragement of the Guardians. Higher powers support all endeavors.

Combination with 05

The numbers 56, 5 and 00 on the clock are a pleasant material surprise. The combination of 5 and 7 suggests that life will soon change completely. Just don’t slow down, self-improvement will help you achieve success.

Combination with 06

Frequent 6, 7, 16 - you cannot stand still, you need to develop, gain knowledge, and use it in practice.

The combination of 6 and 8 indicates that it is time to get rid of everything unnecessary. Do not rush to buy expensive things, otherwise the deal will not be favorable.

Combination with 07

Constantly appearing 7 and 8 indicate favorable changes in life. Don't put off unresolved issues until later. The number 7 from 00 indicates the approval of the guardian angel.

Combination with 08 and 09

There will soon be unplanned meetings in life that will not bring happiness. Only surprise will help you improve yourself. In any situation you need to remain calm.

The combination of 8 and 00 suggests that all wishes will come true if you have a little patience, don’t give up, and remain calm.

Triple repetition

Guardians warn of trouble and point out human shortcomings by repeating numbers. The same numbers on the clock are important.


You need to be alone for a while. You shouldn’t waste precious time on noisy parties, it’s better to retire and rethink your life.


You can’t constantly drive yourself into a corner, you need to learn to be a winner. The Guardian Angel will help you reach the top, you just need to start taking action.


Self-love destroys everything. People around me can't long time being close to such a person, so they will soon refuse communication. It’s worth coming down to earth, being simpler, starting to treat people normally.


Equal threes are a divine sign. It's time to start realizing yours creative projects. It's important to listen to your inner world and do something useful for other people.


The guardians are unhappy that lately you have been aggressive and pessimistic about the world around you. We need to reconsider our position and thank life for the beauty it gives every day. Higher powers always support good goals.


Repeating fives indicates a loss of self-confidence. Don't be afraid of failures and mistakes.

You should not come up with messages yourself. If you deliberately wait for the same combinations, they will lose quality. Angelic time numerology shows signs at unexpected times. The clue should be random.

It is also important not to deceive yourself. Negative or unpleasant angel message- this is a reason to correct mistakes.


If you regularly notice the message on the clock, write down the same numbers and find out their meaning, life will become easier. Guardian Angels and numerology protect us from various troubles. With the correct use of tips and signs, you can radically change your future.

It happens that we see the same time on the clock: 10:10, 12:12, 20:20... If you notice these numbers over and over again, it probably means something! And what - says the expert Astro7.

If you are haunted by the same numbers on the clock day after day, you definitely need to remember their meaning and decipher their meaning as soon as possible. The point is that through these matching numbers Higher power trying to give us some kind of sign. Therefore, it is important to understand what they want from us and what exactly the subtle world signals. I will briefly review the meaning of time symbols so that you can further develop your intuitive skills and learn to read the signs of number magic.

What do the same numbers on the clock mean?

The numbers 00:00 on the clock mean that you are one with the energy of the Universe. One important life cycle has ended, and new opportunities and new way. Give up false beliefs and stereotypes, start with a clean slate.

Numbers 01:01 on the clock: pay attention to your thoughts and emotional experiences. At this moment, the Universe embodies everything you think about. By force of will, control your emotional state and thoughts, concentrating on the positive.

Numbers 02:02 on the clock: the period when allies and helpers appear in your life. Try to take a closer look at new acquaintances, chance encounters and be responsive to the misfortune of others.

The numbers 03:03 on the clock mean that you are being guided by Higher Powers, you need to trust your intuition, go with the flow, not be afraid of change, responding to any innovations. Feel free to move through space and don’t be afraid of losses.

Numbers 04:04 on the clock: a sign that you are on on the right track. Whatever your problems, all obstacles can be overcome. You cannot despair and become despondent; learn to endure and wait, believing in a successful outcome.

The numbers 05:05 on the clock: a sign of cardinal, fateful changes. There is no need to rush, fuss and doubt. Be confident in own strength and show calm - then everything will be resolved by itself.

Numbers 06:06 on the clock: think about spiritual values ​​and evaluate your own actions. Good luck will smile on you and good prospects will open up if you act according to your conscience, giving priority to the spiritual rather than the material.

Numbers 07:07 on the clock: a successful sign that symbolizes achievements, fulfillment of desires, prosperity and joy. If you are single, it means that you will soon meet your soulmate.

The numbers 08:08 on the clock symbolize successful material opportunities, good financial prospects or a profitable acquaintance with a patron who will help realize your ideas and plans.

Numbers 09:09 on the clock: a symbol of completion, you need to sacrifice something, get rid of everything unnecessary. Your life is full of useless things and actions, it’s worth thinking about and prioritizing.

The numbers 10:10 on the clock warn of useless fuss and minor troubles. You should be more careful and not take risks.

Numbers 11:11 on the clock: a sign of success, glory, obtaining the desired result and enjoying one’s own achievements.

Numbers 12:12 on the clock: soon you will have a fruitful union that will change your worldview and improve your financial situation.

Numbers 13:13 on the clock: know how to restrain your emotions, especially anger. If you manage to cope with them, victory and triumph await you.

Numbers 14:14 on the clock: travel and a change of scenery are essential for you. This is the only way you can get answers to your questions and get rid of problems.

Numbers 15:15 on the clock: learn to be part of the whole, pay more attention to loved ones and family. This is a sign that your loved one needs your support.

Numbers 16:16 on the clock: restrain your own selfish impulses, learn to give, then you will get the desired result.

Numbers 17:17 on the clock: Material benefits await you, be active and use new acquaintances for good.

Numbers 18:18 on the clock: in your environment there is a person who wants to break off the relationship. Don't be afraid to let go of people who don't value you.

Numbers 19:19 on the clock: feelings can take over you and distract your attention from more important things, be rational.

Numbers 20:20 on the clock: friends will provide you with support that you do not expect. Learn to believe in people.

Numbers 21:21 on the clock: time to make serious decisions. Don't be afraid to change your life, believe in your strength and act intuitively.

Numbers 22:22 on the clock: do not overestimate your strength. Be consistent and don't rush into making big decisions.

Numbers 23:23 on the clock: time to stop, think about the consequences of your actions and correct mistakes by asking for forgiveness from those who were unfairly offended.



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