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Official letter of invitation in English. Business invitation letter in English - Invitation letter

An invitation letter in English can be written on the occasion of a birthday, wedding or any other holiday where you want to see the person you invite. So, let's see what expressions can be used in an invitation letter.

Useful phrases

- We would be delighted if you could attend...
— We would be very pleased if you could visit...

- Please come to our party on...
- Please come to our party...

— Can you make a meeting at 8 pm?
— Can you meet at 8 pm?

- Would you like to come to dinner on...
- Would you like to come for lunch at...


Often in letters you can find abbreviations and acronyms of established phrases that the inviter does not want to repeat every time.

R.S.V.P means you want an answer, this acronym comes from French(Repondez s’il vous plait) and means “Request to respond.” It may be important to the party host exactly how many people should be expected and who won't be able to attend.

ASAP (or A.S.A.P.) serves as an abbreviation for the phrase as soon as possible and translates as “as soon as possible.” This abbreviation can also be found in business correspondence.

Also, any invitation can contain the date and time. To accurately indicate the time, the Latin abbreviations AM and PM are used, the first means the time from 12 midnight to noon, and the second from 12 noon to midnight.

Invitation letter

Sample invitations

Read through a few sample invitations and note the differences in language style.

“Mr. and Mrs. Stone

Request the pleasure of your company on the wedding of their daughters Jennifer with Mark.

"Mr and Mrs Stone

They ask you to please them with your presence at the wedding of their daughter Jennifer and Mark.


Here is another party invitation, note the simple colloquial language used when addressing a friend.

Hello Jerry!

I am going to throw a party on Sunday, August 7, to celebrate my 16th Birthday! Don't forget your swimsuits! I’m planning a poolside party! Come to my place by 7 pm. Please RSVP, regrets only by August 4, so I can plan accordingly. I hope to see you.

“Hi Jerry!

I'm going to have a party on Saturday August 7th for my 16th birthday! Don't forget your swimming trunks! I'm planning a pool party! Come see me at 7 pm. Please confirm cancellations with regrets only until August 4th so that I can plan accordingly. Hope to see you.

All the best,

You are invited - You are invited

See how different an invitation letter can be English language on the occasion of the same holiday.

"Dear Jane and Steve,

We cordially invite you to attend a party to celebrate Mike Gellar’s ​​16th Birthday. The occasion will be celebrated at his home at 7 pm. Please dress casually. Please, no gifts — we request only your company.

"Dear Jane and Steve,

We cordially invite you to attend Mike Gellar's 16th birthday party. The event will be celebrated at his home at 7pm on August 7th. Please wear casual clothing. Please, no gifts, we only ask for your presence.

Add your lexicon you can also use the expressions from this video, which will demonstrate various options wedding invitations:

IN Everyday life We very often invite our friends, acquaintances, and relatives to visit some place with us. We can also make offers for people. This is exactly the topic of our lesson today. We will learn how to invite and propose correctly in English.

Most often in English, three basic phrases are used for invitations. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Let's imagine the situation. For example, you say: I am having a birthday tomorrow. - It’s my birthday tomorrow. And now, you need to invite your friends.

Invitation and proposal in English

1. Would you like to come to my birthday? - Do you want to come to my birthday?

The phrase Would you like to is used when we want to politely invite someone somewhere. After the expression Would you like to always the base is coming verb, and then the rest of the sentence. The particle to is not used with nouns.

Would you like to buy a new car? - Want to buy new car?

Would you like to eat a sushi? - Do you want to eat sushi?

Would you like a pizza? - Do you want pizza?

2. Are you coming to my birthday? - Will you come to my birthday?

Here we just used time Present Continuous. This type of question is more open and is usually used between people who know each other well.

Are you buying a travel package? -Are you buying a tourist ticket?

Are you going to the gym? -Are you going to the gym?

3. Do you feel like coming to my birthday? - Would you like to go to my birthday?

The phrase Do you feel like can be translated as: are you in the mood, would you like it. And note that after this phrase the verb is written with the ending -ing.

Do you feel like making a mistake? -Are you ready to make a mistake?

In the section on the question English! You need to write an invitation to a friend's birthday, about 100 words! given by the author Wake up the best answer is Dear Ben,

Hope to see you on the party!
Your best friend,

Answer from Arseny Bystrov[newbie]
Dear Alisa,
YA khotel by priglasit" vas na svoy den" rozhdeniya, kotoryy sostoitsya 20 August. Moya vecherinka nachinayetsya v 7 vechera v moyem dome. Budut vkusnyye delikatesy i napitki sody. YA obeshchayu, what eto will be krutaya vecherinka. YA nadeyus" uvidet" vas there!
Lucy ty smozhesh priyekhat" v krasnoyarsk

Answer from Flush[newbie]
For morons with:
English: Dear Ben,
How are you? I"m fine, I"m in a good mood.
What are you doing on Saturday night? I invite you to my birthday party in cafe Soffit. We are going to have fun, eat pizza and ice-cream. And, of course, we are going to dance and sing popular songs. I have invited Ann, Lucy, Freddie, Steven, Judy. It"s going to be fun! If you accept my offer let"s gather near park, between restaurant and shop at 5 pm.
Hope to see you on the party!
Your best friend,
Translation: Dear Ben,

Your best friend,
With love

Answer from Lololololololololololololololololololo[newbie]
share the texts

Answer from Alexander Lozin[newbie]
Dear Ben,
How are you? I"m fine, I"m in a good mood.
What are you doing on Saturday night? I invite you to my birthday party in cafe Soffit. We are going to have fun, eat pizza and ice-cream. And, of course, we are going to dance and sing popular songs. I have invited Ann, Lucy, Freddie, Steven, Judy. It"s going to be fun! If you accept my offer let"s gather near park, between restaurant and shop at 5 pm.
Dear Ben,
How are you? I'm fine, I'm in a good mood.
What are you doing on Saturday evening? I invite you to my birthday at the soffit cafe. We will have fun eating pizza and ice cream. And, of course, we will dance and sing popular songs. I invited Anne, Lucy, Freddie, Stephen, Judy. It will be fun! If you accept my proposal, let's meet near the park, between the restaurant and the store at 5 pm.
Hope to see you at the party!
Your best friend,
I love
Hope to see you on the party!
Your best friend,

Letter of invitation to Russia

Dear William,
Hannah and I would like to invite you to visit us in Ekaterinburg. After all, you want to visit the Siberia or the Urals? We have a rest in July, will you be able to come at this time?

In the summer we have very good! We have thought of everything. We will acquaint you with Ekaterinburg, which is the capital of the Urals. We will visit the Museum of Stone Carving Art, will show you the biggest temples and monasteries, will hold you through the nature park "Deer Streams".
We also invite you to our cottage, which is located on the shores of picturesque Lake "Baltim". We will be a barbecue, swim and sunbathe. And introduce you to our friends. There will be a lot of fun!

If you agree, then write sooner. We"ll tell you how it should be done. All your expenses in Russia we take on. And you will live in our apartment, we have already prepared for you a private room.

Looking forward to your reply.
Your Hannah and Andrew.

[ translating to Russian language ]

Dear William!
Anna and I would like to invite you to visit us in Yekaterinburg. After all, you wanted to visit Siberia or the Urals? We have a holiday in July, can you come at this time?

We have a very good summer! We've already thought of everything. We will introduce you to Yekaterinburg, which is the capital of the Urals. We will visit the Museum of Stone-Cutting Art, show you the largest temples and monasteries, and take you through the Oleniy Ruchi natural park.
We will also invite you to our dacha, which is located on the shores of the picturesque Lake Baltym. We will barbecue, swim and sunbathe. We'll also introduce you to our friends. It will be a lot of fun!

If you agree, write soon. We'll tell you how to do everything. We will cover all your expenses in Russia. And you will live in our apartment, we have already prepared a separate room for you.

In the 21st century it has become very fashionable to send special written messages invitations for special celebrations such as a wedding, anniversary or baby shower, exhibition, or for visas.

And also today’s world is very dynamic, and many of us have friends abroad, including in English-speaking countries, and there are also foreigners working in Russia. Therefore, it would not be a bad idea to learn some rules that will help you write invitation in English.

How to issue invitations in English

To do this, you need to remember a few rules:

1. Get started invitation in English with the address: “ Dear friend«, « Dear Michael«, « Dear partners" etc. depending on the status of the person you are addressing. The message must be centered on the line. If you know the person very closely, you can start with a greeting: “ Hello Ann«, « Hey Tom«.

For example,
I’d like to invite you to dinner this Monday. – I would like to invite you to dinner this Monday.

Don't forget to write where and what time you are you invite friend or partner. If invitation more formal, you can use one of the following invitations.

For example,
Next week, on Moday, I’m having a party at home. — Next week, on Monday, I invite you to a party at home.
Our company would like to invite you vising… — Our company would like to invite you...
We request you presence to an intimate gathering in honor of … – We ask you to attend an intimate gathering in honor of...
We request an honor of your presence at… – We ask you to be honored with your presence at...
We request the pleasure of your company at … – We ask you to join them...
We cordially invite you at… – We sincerely invite you...
The department of education welcomes you to… – The Education Department invites you...
The our club cordially invites you to attend… – Our club cordially invites you to visit…

If invitation unofficial or the organizer is not indicated or is already clear, then invitation you can start like this, for example,

You are cordially invited to a party/ a picnic… – We cordially invite you to a party/picnic...
We welcome you… – Welcome / We invite you to…
Please join us for… – Join us…
Please be our guest at… – Be our guest on…

3. You can provide some details about the upcoming event, for example, how many guests are expected, what is included in the program, etc.

4. Give your recommendations regarding what a visitor to this event should prepare for. For example, how many additional guests can you take with you, do you need to have them on hand? invitation, are there any fees, dress code, etc.

5. At the end of the letter, you must express your gratitude for the attention shown to the letter: “ Thank you for your attention«.

6. Tell them how much time the person is given to decide on their participation in the event and ask them to contact you in one way or another. Say goodbye to your interlocutor and wish him a good day.

7. The final part of the invitation usually includes the abbreviation RSVP, which stands for “Please Reply” ( from the French Répondez s’il vous plaît). The rules of good manners require a mandatory response when this abbreviation is present. Then indicate the contact person and his phone number or e-mail.



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