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Beer pancakes recipe. Beer pancakes. Recipe for regular pancakes

I offer you beer pancakes, which are perfect for breakfast or afternoon snack. I often use beer to make bread; I’ve made pizza dough several times, but I’ve baked pancakes a couple of times, since I always have kefir or yogurt for them. This time, after the picnic, there was half a bottle of beer left, which was a pity to throw away, so I decided: “Let’s have some pancakes!” These pancakes are prepared quickly: you knead the dough, and you can immediately start frying.

To prepare beer pancakes, prepare the necessary products from the list.

Break an egg into a bowl, add sugar and salt. Beat with a whisk.

Then pour in the beer and beat until foam appears. If you take the beer out of the refrigerator, warm it to room temperature.

Then add flour and baking powder. The dough can be stirred with a spoon.

The dough will be pourable, but if desired, you can add a little more flour.

Heat sunflower oil in a frying pan and pour in the dough using a tablespoon. Wait until the top is no longer shiny and pores appear.

Turn the pancakes over to the other side and fry as well.

Place the pancakes on a paper towel to remove excess oil. From these products I got 12 pancakes.

Serve beer pancakes with your favorite jam or preserves. I finally opened a jar of cherry jam - how delicious it turned out!

Bon appetit!

Would you like to find out how you can make luxurious pancakes with cottage cheese, with beer, or completely simple ones? Follow the simple recipes from the article, and then you will learn how to quickly make delicious pancakes that all your loved ones will definitely like. Just remember that beer pancakes should not be given to children to eat.

Recipe for regular pancakes

This recipe will present a method for making completely ordinary pancakes that do not contain beer or other ingredients. But next there will be a recipe for “Beer Pancakes”. Each serving of regular pancakes contains:

  • proteins 2 grams;
  • fat 2.9 grams;
  • carbohydrates 11.5 grams.

The total calorie content of a serving is 80 kcal.

Ingredients for 8 servings:

  • kefir 200 ml,
  • sugar 1 tablespoon,
  • salt to taste,
  • wheat flour 100 g,
  • vegetable oil 2 teaspoons,
  • a pinch of soda.

Instructions for making pancakes:

  1. Mix kefir thoroughly with salt and sugar, add soda and flour. Next, you need to thoroughly mix all the ingredients, adding flour or kefir to obtain a mass that is not too liquid.
  2. After mixing immediately, check the mixture for any lumps. When you identify them, mix them with the rest of the dough. A mixer, fork or whisk will help you get a more homogeneous mass. After this, add 1 teaspoon of vegetable (sunflower) oil to the dough. The dough should be quite dense.
  3. Heat a frying pan, add another 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil to the mixture and stir. It is advisable to scoop up a little dough with a large spoon and place it directly on a heated frying pan greased with oil. There is no need to spread the pancakes; they will spread a little on their own over the surface of the pan.
  4. Fry the pancakes on a small flame under the lid. Serve warm to guests or family.

How to make pancakes with beer?

Ingredients for two servings:

  • 1 glass of flour,
  • 4 tablespoons sugar,
  • 3/4 teaspoon baking powder,
  • half a teaspoon of salt,
  • 1 egg,
  • 1 glass of beer,
  • 2 tablespoons melted butter.

The first step is to beat the egg. All preparation should take 20 minutes. It will take 15 minutes to prepare and 5 minutes to bake the pancakes.

In a large bowl, whisk together flour, granulated sugar, baking powder and salt. Add the egg and beer mixed with butter. Beat with a whisk, stir until all the ingredients, without exception, are combined into a homogeneous mass, not a single lump remains.

Your beer pancakes should be fluffy and very tasty. Heat a regular or coated frying pan over a regular flame. Pour plain sunflower oil into it, scoop the dough with a spoon. Carefully place in the pan and fry for 1-2 minutes on each side.

This was one of the recipes for beer pancakes. Recipes with photos are presented below for illustrative purposes.

Delicious pancakes with cottage cheese

Thanks to the interaction of soda with kefir, the pancakes turn out very fluffy and tender. Eating them is much tastier with sour cream or jam, preferably washed down with sweet hot tea. Try cooking them.

These pancakes are suitable as a light snack for your child’s breakfast, for a regular breakfast for adults, or as a quick snack while working.

Main components:

  • eggs,
  • kefir,
  • cottage cheese,
  • flour.

Pancakes are classified as bakery products.

Ingredients for making pancakes:

  • cottage cheese 200 g,
  • two chicken eggs,
  • granulated sugar 80 g,
  • flour 9 tablespoons,
  • 1 glass of kefir, soda 5 g,
  • salt to your taste,
  • orange zest 10 g,
  • vegetable oil 100 ml.

From this amount of ingredients you will get 8-10 servings (pancakes).

How to make pancakes?

Break the eggs into a cup. Add granulated sugar there and mix the ingredients well with a fork or blender. Next, add a pinch of salt to taste. Wait until the granulated sugar and salt melt.

Pour the curd into a separate bowl and mash it well with a fork. Next, pour a glass of kefir here. Mix everything well until the consistency is until there are no large lumps left.

Now you can mix our syrup from eggs, sugar and salt with cottage cheese. Place all components without exception into one container and mix well. Next, proceed to adding flour and grated orange zest. Mix the mixture well with a spoon or blender. This way we get rid of flour lumps.

Preheat the frying pan with sunflower oil. Using a spoon, form future pancakes and pour them directly into the frying pan. Fry the pancakes on both sides for a minute until they acquire an appetizing golden hue. These pancakes can be served either warm or cold.

Pancakes are a great breakfast. They are light, healthy and very tasty. You can prepare the dough for pancakes in different ways. The structure of the pancakes and their taste characteristics depend on the mixture of ingredients and cooking technology. Pancakes are prepared with milk, kefir, whey and even water. Baking powder, yeast or soda are added to the dough. Depending on the type of dough, pancakes can be cooked from 25 minutes to 2 hours. Beer pancakes are considered original.

Beer pancakes can also be called American pancakes. Unlike the Russian method of preparation, the dough for American-style pancakes is prepared immediately before frying. Liquid and dry ingredients are mixed and do not wait. Until it comes up or sits.

In order to bake original pancakes, you should knead the dough correctly, having familiarized yourself with all the nuances of its preparation in advance.

The technology for making American pancakes involves kneading the dough every time after adding a new component.

The main thing is that the pancakes turn out fluffy, soft and tender. They should literally melt in your mouth. If you overcook the dough, it will become stale, then the pancakes will turn out thin and elastic. For those who like the American version, there is an opportunity to familiarize yourself with the main ingredients for making beer pancakes.

Making dough involves improvisation. It can be salty or sweet - depending on the preferences of the housewife and household members.

Ingredients for beer pancakes:

  1. Wheat flour – 200 gr.;
  2. Beer – 150 ml;
  3. Egg – 1 pc.;
  4. Sugar – 3 large spoons;
  5. Salt - to taste;
  6. Soda – 1 small spoon;
  7. Sunflower oil – 2 large spoons.

Preparing the dough does not take much time, as it should be prepared immediately before frying the pancakes.

Beer pancakes can be prepared at any time of the day: for breakfast, lunch or dinner. They are prepared quickly - the whole procedure takes up to a quarter of an hour. While frying pancakes, it is important not to be distracted and not move away from the stove, as the pancakes may burn.

Beer pancakes can be supplemented with all sorts of fillings, but keep in mind that too much filling may prevent the dough from rising.

To prepare pancakes, it is best to use fresh beer, since spent beer will not react with soda and will not make the pancakes fluffy. One of the secrets of preparing the dough is separating the white and egg yolk. Mixing with different ingredients allows the dough to acquire an original texture.

How to make pancakes step by step:

  1. Mix beer and vegetable oil in a bowl. The composition must be mixed well.
  2. Soda is added to the mixture. It will react with the beer, forming foam on the surface.
  3. The white is separated from the yolk. The yolk is added to the beer mixture.
  4. In another bowl, mix flour, sugar, salt.
  5. Slowly add liquid mixture.
  6. The dough must be stirred until it becomes homogeneous.
  7. The protein should be beaten like this. So that it turns into lush foam.
  8. The foam is added to the dough, stirring gently several times.

If the frying pan is intended for frying pancakes, then it does not need to be lubricated with anything. If this is a regular frying pan, it is better to grease it with a thin layer of sunflower oil or butter. You can place pancakes in a frying pan using a simple tablespoon. Each pancake should be fried on both sides for 30 seconds. Pancakes are served with jam, sweets or sauces.

Cooking pancakes with beer differs in technique. Some people use baking soda to prepare the dough, some use baking powder. There are housewives who prepare pancakes only from dough with a liquid consistency, such as sour cream. Some people like thicker dough.

Pancakes made with beer and eggs are very tender and incredibly soft.

Beer pancakes turn out fluffy due to their porous structure. It is also important to knead the dough properly while mixing the ingredients.

One secret is used to prepare pancakes. First of all, beat the egg with sugar until it turns into white foam. Then mayonnaise and salt are added to the mixture.

  1. Flour is slowly added to the finished mixture. You should stir the dough all the time. It is important that there is not a single lump left in it.
  2. Add baking powder to the dough and mix.
  3. Leave the dough for 15 minutes.

Fry the pancakes in a preheated frying pan. Some argue that frying pancakes in butter is better, as it gives them a special flavor and softness. Beer pancakes can be consumed as a complete meal, or you can have them as a snack.

Many housewives love to prepare dishes that do not require much time, but at the same time have excellent nutritional and taste properties. Beer pancakes turn out fluffy, tender and tasty. It is very important to follow the technology for preparing pancake dough. The dough needs to be mixed properly and the ingredients need to be mixed properly when preparing it. Then the pancakes will turn out fluffy and porous.

First you need to prepare the ingredients, including beer, for making pancakes

Beat two eggs into a small container

Add a little sugar to the eggs

Using a whisk, thoroughly beat the eggs and sugar

Now add the pre-prepared beer at room temperature to the container.

Add flour to the mixture, which needs to be sifted

Using a whisk, mix the dough

Be sure to add a teaspoon of soda

Heat the frying pan well with sunflower oil. Using a tablespoon, carefully place the pancakes on the surface

Ready-made and flavorful pancakes are best served hot. Bon appetit!

If there is no milk in the refrigerator, but you really want fragrant pancakes, don’t worry - you can make delicious pancakes using beer. They do not have a characteristic alcoholic taste, there is only a slight aroma of malt. The dish turns out to be very tender and delicate; it goes well with savory fillings and jam or jam. Unusual recipes for pancakes based on “foam” should be adopted by any housewife who wants to pleasantly surprise and delight her household.

Pancake recipe without milk

To prepare these tender and delicious pancakes, you will need:

  • a glass of flour;
  • four tablespoons of sugar;
  • 1/4 spoon of baking powder;
  • one chicken egg;
  • 250 ml beer;
  • two spoons of butter;
  • a pinch of salt.

Combine flour and baking powder, mix well and sift: this will make your pancakes more tender and rise better. Add sugar and salt. In a separate bowl, prepare a liquid mixture: beat an egg and pour beer into it.

Stirring constantly, combine the liquid and bulk components. There should be no lumps in the dough, as they can ruin the dish. Bake the pancakes in a hot frying pan, pre-greased with sunflower oil. Make sure they are cooked through and well browned.

Place the pancakes on a large plate and cover them with a towel to keep them warm. Serve with sour cream, jam, berry syrup or jam.

Pancakes with bechamel sauce

These pancakes go great with cold cuts, cheese, and savory toppings. They can be served both as an independent dish and as a hot appetizer. To make them you will need:

  • beer and milk (200 ml each);
  • flour – 160-170 g;
  • a pair of eggs;
  • a teaspoon of sugar and half a spoon of soda;
  • a little salt and vegetable oil.

Beat the eggs, add a little salt and combine with beer and milk. Stir the mixture and at the same time pour flour into it until it thickens. The final “touch” is sugar, soda and vegetable oil (four spoons).

Heat a frying pan and pour the dough into it in small portions. Fry for a few minutes on each side.

The next step is preparing the sauce. To do this, pour a little vegetable oil into the frying pan and fry a couple of tablespoons of flour in it. Add 50 g of melted butter, 400 ml of warmed milk. Stir the sauce vigorously until you have a homogeneous mass. Then salt and pepper it.

Pancakes with beer and mayonnaise

To prepare this versatile dish that can be combined with any fillings, you will need:

  • 250 ml beer;
  • a couple of tablespoons of sugar;
  • one chicken egg;
  • a tablespoon of mayonnaise;
  • a teaspoon of baking powder;
  • a little salt;
  • flour (1.5-2 cups);
  • vegetable oil.

Combine the egg and sugar in a bowl, whisk everything thoroughly with a whisk. Continue stirring the mixture and add mayonnaise and beer. In another container, combine baking powder and flour, sift and carefully pour into the liquid part. Stir well so that there are no lumps. You should end up with a dough that resembles the consistency of thick sour cream.

Bake the pancakes in a hot frying pan, previously coated with vegetable oil. They can be served with sour cream, jam, jam and any other fillings.

Beer pancakes are an interesting recipe, suitable for both an everyday dinner and a festive feast. This dish is eaten with gusto by both adults and children, because it always turns out tender, aromatic and very tasty.



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