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Description of the characters from the story Woe from Wit. Griboyedov's woe from wit characters. Detailed description of the heroes of “Woe from Wit” - comedy by A. Useful video: the image of Chatsky in the comedy by A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"

The "elite" of the Moscow city comes to visit Pavel Famusov, their leader. secular society, whose “old landowner” views (worship of rank, serfdom, ignorance, etc.) are ridiculed by Griboedov. All of them are “rotten” aristocrats, the world of the past, which is opposed to Chatsky.

Here's a short one characteristics of the guests Famusov with small quotes from the text of the play.

Colonel Skalozub

A military man who made a fast career. In society he pretends to be a straightforward “soldier”, seeing a certain charm in this. He does not like freethinking and believes that a higher rank should decide everything for a person and everyone should observe the old orders:

I will make you happy: universal rumor,
That there is a project about lyceums, schools, gymnasiums;
There they will only teach in our own way: one, two;
And the books will be saved like this: for big occasions.

Skalozub is rich, so Famusov, seeing him as a potential groom for Sophia, favors him. Arrived at the ball first.


Husband and wife, old acquaintances of Chatsky. Platon Gorich served with Chatsky and was an interesting, bright person. After marrying Natalya Dmitrievna, he fell under her influence and became henpecked. Plato is aware of his situation, but does not even try to change it, although this burdens him.

Chatsky did not know that the beautiful Natalya was married to Plato and even tried to flirt with her:

Chatsky: You are younger, fresher;
Fire, blush, laughter, play in all its features.
Natalya Dmitrievna: I'm married.
Chatsky: You should have told me a long time ago!


The Tugoukhovsky princes are elderly spouses trying to find good (wealthy) grooms for their daughters. The princess is an evil, powerful woman. The prince is a deaf, weak-willed henpecked man. They came to visit Famusov for suitors and even began to look closely at Chatsky, but, having found out his financial situation, they stopped paying attention to him.

It wouldn’t be public yet; it would be dangerous to talk to him.
It's time to lock it up long ago.
Listen, it’s his mischief
Smarter than everyone, and even Prince Peter!
I think he's just a Jacobin
Your Chatsky!!!..


Countess Khryumina is an old maid and her grandmother. Due to the absence of a man, Khryumina was a very angry woman. That's why no one wanted to deal with her. Khryumina came to visit Famusov in search of her betrothed (she regrets that she arrived at the ball too early - there was no one to dance with). Trying to show her “superiority,” Khryumina feigns a craving for everything foreign and tries to show awareness of the latest fashion trends. Chatsky didn’t like Khryumina and made very caustic remarks in her direction.

This honors us!
Here is the first one, and he considers us to be no one!
Evil, girls have been around for a century, God will forgive her.


What are these people called politely? Tenderer?
- he is a secular man,
Outspoken swindler, rogue: Anton Antonich Zagoretsky.

Zagoretsky is a rogue and a swindler who knows how to win over anyone (with the help of flattery and helpfulness). Therefore, despite his bad reputation, he is tolerated in society and Famusov himself receives him at his ball.

Please continue, I sincerely confess to you,
I'm just like you, a terrible liberal!


You don't love me, naturally:
With others I am this way and that,
I speak to you timidly,
I'm pathetic, I'm ridiculous, I'm ignorant, I'm a fool.

I was the last to arrive at the ball. Repetilov is a pathetic, empty person who married “for convenience.” Unfortunately for him, his father-in-law, an important official, did not help him with his career, fearing accusations of bias. He talks a lot and does nothing. In retirement he embarked on a very difficult journey:

I myself raved about a dinner or a ball for a whole century!
I forgot about the children! He deceived his wife!
Played! lost! taken into custody by decree.
He held the dancer! and not just one: Three at once!
Drank dead! I haven’t slept for nine nights!


A very rude elderly woman (lady) with a dog. She is the only one of the entire female Moscow society who does not bow down to everything foreign; there is no foreign words and she has almost no knowledge of army regiments. With all this, the author makes it clear how far she is from modern Moscow society due to her advanced age.

Is it easy at sixty-five years old?
Should I drag myself to you, niece?..
- Torment! I drove from Pokrovka for an hour, I had no power;
Night is the end of the world!
Out of boredom, I took Arapka the girl and the dog with me;


Alexander Andreevich Chatsky is one of the first romantic heroes of Russian drama, and how romantic hero he, on the one hand, categorically does not accept the inert environment familiar to him from childhood, the ideas that this environment gives rise to and propagates; on the other hand, he deeply and emotionally “lives” the circumstances associated with his love for Sophia.

Famusova .

Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov - an elderly man, buried his wife, the mother of his daughter, Sophia, whom he raises with the help of governesses, but loves endlessly. He lives in Moscow and, despite his age, Pavel is quite energetic and serves as a manager at state enterprise, where he arranged for almost all of his relatives to work. He regularly gives them awards and ranks; almost the entire enterprise is occupied exclusively by Famusov’s relatives.

Pavel Afanasyevich took Chatsky into his care when his parents died. It is important to him what they say about him, he is dependent on other people’s opinions, and likes to spread rumors. Famusov is hypocritical, often fussing, witty and resourceful, loves to flatter people, evaluates people by rank (honor of rank). He doesn’t notice anything around him, likes to put himself above everyone else, always defends his point of view, which is why he talks a lot, often interrupts everyone, often gets angry, likes to swear at his servants with or without reason. The author also notes Paul’s loud voice.

Famusov considers education an unnecessary waste of time. He also considers himself hospitable and attaches importance to visiting. It can often be seen on everyone important events cities, at balls, christenings and so on. Pavel Afanasyevich believes that Chatsky cannot marry his daughter Sophia because he has no money, and his father demanded an exceptionally rich groom, despite his comfortable financial situation, he was not averse to becoming related to the young Colonel Skalozub. Plus, according to Famusov, one could only expect troubles and disruption of order from Chatsky. Pavel and Chatsky were opposites of each other; during an argument, each defends their point of view, they do not hear each other.

In the person of Famusov, Griboyedov expresses a typical Russian nobleman, and in the person of his retinue and friends - a typical Russian society. Everyone is having fun, but underneath this lies selfish goals: to find a profitable match, make new acquaintances, find patronage. All of Famusov’s guests and himself are united by the search for personal gain and hypocrisy. In such a society, sincerity is considered bad manners or madness, where everyone is trying to make a good impression on each other, forgetting about their inner world.

A.S. Griboyedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit” boasts of its unique images. One of central images the work is an imageSophia .

Sophia is the heroine of Griboyedov’s story “Woe from Wit.” This girl is very an unusual character in Griboyedov's story. She is both the product of lies and benevolence and strength, albeit only external.

Sophia is a girl who is the one from whom all the threads came, both the mood and the grief of many people. She, like a puppeteer, skillfully took advantage of their weaknesses, and strengths. She's a manipulator, to say the least. modern language. But at the same time, with these qualities and such character, Sophia - beautiful girl, who also knows how to use her appearance. She has many fans, and for good reason, because she is strong in this.

This girl is strong personality who will not miss hers. In addition, by nature, she is also very mocking, her sarcasm reaches many ears, she loves to make fun of her and tell some jokes. But she is not too cheerful, one can more accurately say that she knows how to speak sarcastically, her irony can both offend someone and make her an enemy.

Sophia grew up in a good family, rich, well-off in everything, which did not know the costs of the strong in anything. That is why this girl is young and grew up to be a wealthy, bright and courageous person. She was not afraid of anything, and knew how to skillfully be a hypocrite and lie when necessary. And, to justify her, we can say that she is not entirely to blame for this, since such actions and character traits were not new at that time. That is precisely why she was like that, because she was brought up that way, raised in such an environment where it was impossible to be and act differently. Otherwise, it caused gossip and rumors, as well as contempt and ill will.

A.S. Griboyedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit” boasts of its unique images. One of the central images of the work is the imageMolchalina , a man from the common people striving for career growth

Molchalin seems to be a decent young man, distinguished by his kindness and modesty. But in fact, all these qualities are just a mask that the hero uses to achieve his goals. His dream is a career, high rank and wealth. Respect among high society is the limit of his happiness. There are many in various ways to achieve these goals. But Molchalin chooses the fastest and most negative one. He takes steps towards his dream with the help of flattery, hypocrisy and duplicity. He does it so subtly and imperceptibly that many may envy.

The hero worked as a secretary for Famusov, a rich and respected man. He did all the work conscientiously, spoke kindly and carefully, which is why Famusov liked him. He treated his master's daughter, Sophia, even better and even dared to play a lover young man. Naturally, he does not experience any high feelings towards the girl. On the contrary, he despises her and establishes relationships solely for his own benefit. Once, having offended a girl, he throws himself at her feet. The reason for this was far from repentance, but the fear of losing the trust of his master Famusov. Another person who was lucky enough to hear lies from Molchalin was Khlestova. He kindly played cards with her and complimented her dog. In fact, people are very pleased with such behavior towards them. Molchalin showed hypocrisy and helpfulness towards everyone living in the house: from servants to management. This was the hero's plan, which he strictly adhered to.

Thus, Molchalin in Griboedov’s comedy is a negative character. The reader cannot see any positive traits hero, but sees only hypocrisy and the desire to achieve a dubious goal through dirty means. With the help of this character, the author reveals a serious problem that still exists today. People who do not strive for anything high, but for fame and money, are ready to go over their heads and put on a mask of sincerity. Usually, having achieved their goals, such people live unhappy and lonely.

A.S. Griboyedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit” boasts of its unique images. One of the central images of the work is the imageChatsky

Chatsky is the only person of the new generation who opposes the conservative majority. It is obvious that the play is devoted from start to finish to the ideas of Decembrism. Here are Chatsky’s patriotic spirit, and loud statements in defense of science and education, and critical remarks regarding serfdom, as well as the idea of ​​​​the identity of the Russian people, the peculiarities of Russian national culture.

I wonder what main character a work is, at its core, the embodiment of the author, his ideas and passions. Chatsky traveled around the world for a long time, as a result of which he was inspired by the ideas of equality, brotherhood and personal freedom. But upon returning to his homeland, the hero sees that nothing has changed around him, the people have remained the same. Famusov’s house is not happy about Chatsky’s arrival, and the main character immediately notices this. He sees that society in the country is built on hypocrisy and deception, and the main activities of the Moscow nobility are endless celebrations, dances and feasts.

Chatsky belongs to the nobility, is not rich, and at one time refused military service. He explained his action by saying that he did not see any benefit in this matter and that he would be glad to serve, and not to be served.

Chatsky confronts the residents Famusovsky house: Skalozub, Molchalin, Repetilov and Famusov himself. In the comedy, the author ridicules and condemns these people as representatives of the secular society of that time.

The reason for the return of the main character to his homeland was his boundless love for Sophia. Once in Moscow, he immediately goes to Famusov’s house and confesses his feelings to the girl. Based on this act, Chatsky can be characterized as an ardent, passionate and romantic person. Love for him is the highest feeling, a shrine. What pain he has to experience when he finds out that Sophia loves Molchalin.

Chatsky is educated, has a subtle, sharp mind and resourcefulness. But those around her seemed not to notice all these qualities, and only the maid Lisa was able to note them in a conversation with Sophia. But she didn’t pay any attention to the girl’s words. The main character harshly condemns serfdom, calling them a source of misfortune. He despises the Moscow “aces”, for whom wealth and career growth are their ideal in life. Chatsky notes the inability of the older generation to defend their positions and express opinions. In a confrontation with Famus society, the hero suffers a terrible defeat: Sophia prefers him to Molchalin, society does not accept him and ridicules him. Shocked by these circumstances, Chatsky leaves the city. According to I.A. Goncharov, Chatsky was broken by the quantitative superiority of the “old force,” but he himself dealt a crushing blow to it with the quality of the force of the new generation.


Lisa is a young girl, her age is not indicated in the comedy. She is cheerful, cunning and resourceful. He has a pleasant appearance and the ability to support any conversation, and sometimes help with practical advice. Lisa helps Sophia hide her relationship with Molchalin from her father. Life in the Famusovs’ house is not easy for the girl; she has to be responsible for the young lady’s tricks.

Despite the fact that Lisa considers her judgments stupid, the girl is smart and has a good understanding of people. From her speeches you can understand what a particular comedy character is like. This is how the girl reveals Molchalin’s true face. It is to Lisa that he admits that he “loves” Sophia only for personal gain. In fact, he likes Lisa, and he regrets that she is only a servant in the young lady’s house. You can also notice the differences in Molchalin’s behavior with Sophia and Liza: in conversations with the first, the hero is timid and modest, in communication with Liza he behaves pompously and cheekily.

Another difficulty in the girl’s life is Famusov’s sympathy for her. This hero is a moral image for his daughter, because he is known in society for his “monastic behavior.” But secretly from everyone, Famusov very openly seeks to impose his feelings on Lisa. Thus, the character of this character, like Molchalin, is more fully revealed thanks to Lisa.

The girl herself experiences a timid feeling towards a person in her circle - the bartender Petrusha. Lisa has certain moral principles and rules that she will not break. She delicately and tactfully moves away from love affairs, unfolding in Famusov’s house.

The girl, despite the fact that she is minor character play, greatly influences its development. After all, if you remove it storyline, then the ending of the play will change. She becomes the connecting link between the heroes of the work.

A.S. Griboyedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit” boasts of its unique images. One of the secondary images of the work is the imageSkalozub

Skalozub holds a military rank, his goal in life is to achieve good place or rank at any cost. He “made a fortune” and is therefore popular with the ladies. Even Famusov himself prefers Skalozub as his daughter’s husband.

Skalozub, although a military man, does not know how to think for himself. He follows society, follows those who are beneficial to him or support those who are more noble. The hero does not really love Russia, he says this himself. He received a high military rank only because there were places, and not for his exploits and devotion to the Motherland. Skalozub is a collective image, his behavior corresponds to other military men who tried to make their careers after Patriotic War, and, it should be noted, they had every opportunity to do this.

Skalozub is a typical liberal of that time, who clings to the old, because only by those laws and rules can he live; it is more convenient for him to adapt to someone than to act on his own.

Also, the image of Skalozub helps to fully understand Chatsky, who is opposed to the “past century”; the reader notices the deceit, depravity and stupidity of the Famus society, which includes Skalozub. Skalozub has a special attitude towards learning; he does not understand why he needs to study, and he tries to show himself as smart, but in dialogues with other characters he only answers with memorized military phrases. Skalozub does not bring anything useful to society, he only satisfies his own needs, goes over his head for the sake of his goals. This attitude towards the world is the basis of the old system, which Chatsky does not like so much. The hero did not receive an education; he grew up in military situation, so I’m used to speaking rudely, not taking anyone into account, and giving orders. Skalozub is rude, does not listen or understand others, he lives according to the laws of the army. His attitude towards reading is terrible - he despises books. The reader notices this when the main character assures that it is better to equip schools in a new way, like in the army, where they will teach what is really important, and not science. And talking about his distant brother, who loves to read and lives in the village, Skalozub humiliates him, he does not understand how one can read books. Sophia sees Skalozub as a stupid and backward person; she is not interested in his money. In a dialogue with Chatsky, Skalozub does not understand what the hero is talking about, but out of habit he agrees with what was said.

Skalozub is accustomed to benefiting from any situation through flattery and agreement with others. He does not want to develop, but there is only one goal - to succeed in a military career, this shows the limitations of the protagonist and his ideals.

Published by him in 1825. It is a satire on the society of aristocrats. It contrasts two radically different positions for the nobility: liberal and conservative. Famusov is a typical nobleman who perceives himself as a representative of the upper class; government official. The second side is represented by Chatsky - new type a nobleman, aimed at more humanistic views, obtaining an excellent level of education, and not at satisfying selfish needs and exploiting the labor of others.

In contact with

Characters from "Woe from Wit"

We will present a brief description of the heroes of Griboyedov’s comedy in the table:

Famus Society Chatsky, Alexander Andreevich
  • Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov - hereditary landowner, occupies high position official Honored and a famous person in the Moscow nobility. We depend on public opinion.
  • A freethinker, he doesn’t care about other people’s opinions. Condemns the serfdom adopted in noble society. He was brought up in Famusov's house
  • Sofya Pavlovna Famusova is Pavel’s daughter. Educated, insightful, witty, can be mocking and suspicious.
  • Chatsky’s mind is a complex combination of non-acceptance of someone else’s position and active zeal to impose his own
  • Alexey Stepanovich Molchalin is Famusov’s secretary and has designs on Sophia. He is helpful and wants to build good career and for this I am ready to be a hypocrite.
  • He treats the bureaucratic class with disdain. Does not respect those who value only their career
  • Sergei Sergeevich Skalozub, colonel, is a typical officer who cares about nothing more than his military career. Not interested in issues of enlightenment and education
  • Patriot, but left military service, because he believes that the nobles should not be fettered by anything
  • Zagoretsky, Anton Antonovich - brawler, gossip, avid gambler.
  • And other heroes.
  • Truth-seeker, condemns pretense

A little bit more detailed descriptions heroes of the comedy "Woe from Wit" with speech characteristics Let's look at it further.

Woe from Wit: Brief Description of the Main Characters


Picturesque main character , who challenged the society that Famusov prefers. At the same time, he was brought up in this family, since Chatsky’s parents died, but were friends with Pavel Afanasyevich. Alexander Andreevich received a good education, traveled and became a member of the English Club of Nobles. He returned to his native land because he was in love with Sofya Famusova, but was disappointed by the morals of the local secular society and Pavel Afanasyevich in particular.

Eloquent, attracts attention. He is similar to Sophia in his level of education and wit, but if he does not strive to humiliate a person, but only to show him the truth about himself, then Sonya simply emphasizes his superiority over others. If at first she seems to Alexander to be open to everything new, lively and sensual, like him, then she later finds out the true state of affairs and is severely disappointed.

Chatsky is a contrast to each of the heroes described in Griboedov’s comedy. He is independent, impatient with human stupidity and therefore goes to open conflict with the characters surrounding Famusov, in each of whom Alexander sees flaws and exposes them.

Chatsky's views:

  1. About military service and bureaucratic service: “Of the young people, there will be an enemy of quest, // Without demanding either places or promotion to rank, // He will focus his mind on science, hungry for knowledge; // Or God himself will arouse the heat in his soul // To creative, high and beautiful arts...” (Griboedov).
  2. He advocates for the movement of the nobility forward, advocates its development and liberation from previous attitudes towards the ownership of serfs, hypocrisy towards each other.
  3. Calls for a patriotic attitude towards one's nation, and not for following the fashion of France and Germany. Disapproves of the desire to copy Western traditions and excessively worship everything foreign.
  4. Emphasizes that a person should be assessed not for his origin and belonging to a certain family, but only for his own actions, qualities, ideas.

Pavel Famusov

A controversial hero. Quite active for his age, he pesters the maid and, in principle, is not particularly delicate with the servants, but he treats his family and friends with respect. He is looking for a profitable match for Sophia. Conservative and grouch. Knows how to flatter to the right people, adapt, but in everyday life it’s tough.

Famusov's views, features:

Characteristics of Famusov based on quotes from “Woe from Wit”:

Sofia Famusova

She is 17, she is of noble blood, comprehensively developed and with a good dowry enviable bride. Sonya likes Molchalin until Chatsky arrives. She can dance and loves music.

Sophia is frank, but at the same time naive. Molchalin uses her feelings for himself for his own purposes, but she believes him, and not Chatsky, who is sincere with her to the end. Famusov’s daughter is simultaneously perceived as a romantic nature, creative, laughing at the vices of noble society, but also an example of immorality (her secret connection with Molchalin), narrow-mindedness and limited interests. Sonya is proud and selfish, does not notice her shortcomings.

Famusova is a flighty girl, fickle in choosing a groom. Which confirms quotation description Sophia:

...I may have acted very carelessly, / And I know, and I’m guilty; but where did it change?..

Sonya's father adds fuel to the fire when he convinces his daughter to think in her own terms when choosing a husband:

...Whoever is poor is not a match for you...


Cold, emotionless man who is only interested in his career. He is pedantic, strives to teach Chatsky, to guide him on the “right path.” He meets Sophia for personal gain; he himself is hardly capable of deep feelings.

  • Silent (as indicated by his speaking surname): “not rich in words”, “after all, nowadays they love the dumb.”
  • Gives monosyllabic answers, constantly thinking about what to say depending on the situation and the person addressing him.
  • Concerned with material well-being and achieving high status.
  • Restrained and moderate in everything.
  • Absolutely no position on morality, love, civic duty, honor.

Colonel Skalozub

Potential groom, considered by Famusov for Sonya. A wealthy officer, but a rather limited person in interests and views. Tough, follows certain rules in life, does not allow any deviations from what is planned. He leads a wild lifestyle and dreams only of advancement in the service. He honestly and regularly fulfills his military duty, has awards, and in society supports fashionable trends in clothing. However, he opposes the development of education and does not recognize books.

Characteristics of minor characters

There are many heroes in the comedy "Woe from Wit", we will briefly highlight the remaining minor ones.

So, we got acquainted with the characters of the comedy “Woe from Wit” by Griboyedov. The author put several shortcomings into each of them, showing through them his attitude towards the former nobility and serfdom. The work contains farcical situations, but at the same time it is filled with the depth and severity of the experiences of the main characters.

In his comedy “Woe from Wit,” Griboedov showed the clash between the eternally warring old and new generations, the ideologies of the past century and the present century. People who make up a kind of Moscow metropolitan elite come to Famusov’s ball. They have many faces and do not hide their serfdom views at all; they are full of ignorance, vulgarity, greed and veneration. The description of all Famusov's guests speaks for itself. Chatsky will devote a lot of his popular sayings to them.

Characteristics of Famusov's guests at the ball

Colonel Skalozub, a huge ignorant and careerist, appears in Famusov’s house even before the guests arrive, whose dream is to force the entire Russian society to live according to barracks regulations. He is a staunch supporter of the old order, rich and aims to become a general. He became the most welcome guest in Famusov's house. The reason for Skalozub’s arrival was the search for a rich bride. Therefore, Famusov immediately noticed him and considered him a very promising groom for his daughter Sophia.


Then Famusov’s guests began to arrive one after another for the ball. The Gorich couple arrives first. This is an unremarkably typical characterization. In general, the characteristics of Famusov’s guests at the ball are quite interesting: Griboedov subtly emphasized in them the types of people from that time. So, in continuation, Chatsky is well acquainted with Platon Mikhailovich Gorich, they served together and were even friends. He was a very cheerful, energetic and cheerful person, but after marrying a woman with character - Natalya Dmitrievna - he changed, became henpecked and a servant boy. Now she doesn’t even let him open his mouth. But Gorich had already gotten used to it and had even come to terms with his situation. Platon Mikhailovich complains to Chatsky that he is no longer the same as he once was.


Following the Gorich family, the princely family of the Tugoukhovskys comes to Famusov’s ball. The mother of the family is very concerned about finding a groom for her daughters. She immediately noticed young Chatsky and wanted to invite him to visit her, but upon learning that he was not rich and did not have a high rank, she immediately changed her mind. In her opinion, it’s better to be poor, but to have at least two thousand serf souls.


And then two Khryumina ladies showed up at the ball. This is Khryumin’s granddaughter, always dissatisfied with everything and angry with the whole world because she cannot find a groom, and her half-deaf grandmother. Before she had time to arrive at the ball, Khryumina’s granddaughter immediately regretted that she had appeared very early and that she had no one to talk to and no one to dance with. And there was absolutely no chance to meet anyone who could be married. She expresses admiration for everything foreign and reveals her passion for “fashionable shops.” Her arrogance offends Chatsky, and he hurls caustic remarks at her.

Zagoretsky and Khlestova

At Famusov’s ball, Zagoretsky also turns out to be a rogue, a liar, a gambler, a rogue and a swindler. However, despite all its destructive characteristics, it is still accepted into high society, and Famusov’s doors also turned out to be open for him. His low, but very helpful nature literally wins and seduces everyone. He always appears at the right moment and at the most right time to serve some venerable nobleman.

The despotic, rude lady Khlestova, 60 years old, also came to the ball. She always sticks to her opinion and knows her worth. She does not stand on ceremony with serfs. And Khlestova took a dog and a blackamoor girl to the ball. For this person there is no difference between a serf and a dog, everything is for her entertainment.

The rest of Famusov's guests

The very last guest of the ball was Repetilov. He represents a very unreliable person, discrediting and vulgarizing the ideas of the time. Repetilov constantly talks about some kind of “secret alliances” and “secret meetings”, where they drink a lot of champagne and talk about forbidden topics. He uses the favor of people from high society towards him for his own selfish purposes.

The characteristics of Famusov’s guests at the ball are not exhausted; there were many other characters from secular society, but Griboyedov marked them with the letters N and D. They became the spreaders of the rumor about Chatsky’s madness, although they themselves did not believe it, but listened with pleasure, what others say. The image of these petty gossips shows interests in the pursuit of wealth, honor and gossip.

Chatsky is one of the few who differed from Famusov’s guests. Typical Decembrist traits could be traced in his nature. He is passionate, freedom-loving and openly expresses his opinions. He does not like worship of foreigners, he opposes serfdom and despises sycophancy rather than service to the cause.


The characterization of Famusov's guests at the ball is literally classic. Chatsky spent only a day in the circle of this crowd and immediately realized it true values, after which there was absolutely no hope left of meeting like-minded people. Chatsky could not look at all this indifferently, and in the end, after several unpleasant remarks, he demands a carriage and leaves Moscow.

The ball in Famusov’s house is a very important component of the work “Woe from Wit”. Chatsky did not come to Moscow for three years and did not give any news about himself. And suddenly, very unexpectedly for everyone, he appears in Famusov’s house. And what he sees does not suit him at all, and maybe even shocks him.

The characteristics of Famusov’s guests at the ball show that such a society was gradually becoming obsolete, its views were already very outdated, and advanced ideas were just beginning to break through the thickness of hypocrisy, profit and deceit. Griboedov wrote the play “Woe from Wit” in revenge, because in society he also felt like a “crazy” Chatsky, unwilling to put up with the existing state of affairs.

The main male and only positive character of the comedy. He was left an orphan quite early, and was brought up in the house of his father’s friend, Famusov. The patron gave him an excellent education, but could not instill in Chatsky his worldview. Having matured, Chatsky began to live separately. Subsequently, he quit military service, but did not serve as an official.

One of the main characters of the comedy. If you translate the surname Famusov from Latin, it will mean “famous, famous.” Famusov lives on an estate, but judging by his many friends, he is a very famous person in his circle. He likes to brag that he belongs to the noble nobility. Famusov is hospitable, sociable, and loves to live large.

Central female character comedies. Events unfold around her. Sophia is 17 years old, she was raised by her father and old lady Rosier. She lost her mother when she was very young. Sophia is very beautiful, smart, witty and quick-witted, but due to reading French novels, she is a little sentimental and romantic.

The most negative character in comedy. He does not belong to the upper strata of society, he comes from the common people. Came to work from Tver. Lives in Famusov's house, works as a secretary and takes care of his daughter Sophia. Strives to make a career. The purpose of his life is senior officials and wealth.

Minor, but very important character comedy, a cheerful, young maid who lives and works in Famusov’s house. She is a typical soubrette who helps her mistress Sophia in love affairs. We can say that Lisa is smart and very smart.

A minor character, a rich colonel who wants to become a general, and Famusov sees in him the ideal groom for his daughter. Although Khlestova did not like him, he had weight in society. Skalozub's whole life is connected with the army. He is rude and ignorant, having been raised in the barracks.

A minor character in the comedy, one of the first guests at the ball in Famusov’s house; typical representative " Famusov society", henpecked and hypocrite. Pyotr Ilyich appears at the ball not alone, but with his whole family - with his malicious and sarcastic wife Marya Alekseevna and six daughters of marriageable age.

A minor character in the comedy who appears last at Famusov's ball. He is an old friend of Chatsky, as can be judged by the words with which he greets him: “Dear friend! Dear friend! On the other hand, it soon becomes clear that this character is just an empty talker and a superficial person.

One of the most memorable secondary heroines of the comedy, with whom the author introduces the reader at Famusov’s party; an imperious and rude serf lady. Full name heroine - Anfisa Nilovna Khlestova. She is Famusov’s sister-in-law, and accordingly Sophia’s aunt.

A minor character in a comedy. He appears at a party in Famusov's house and perfectly complements the assembled society. This is a secular man, well known in wide circles. He loves to go to the theater, attend balls and parties. At the same time, everyone knows that Zagoretsky is a notorious swindler, gambler and rogue.

One of the most memorable minor characters in comedy; Famusov's guest and Chatsky's old friend. Platon Mikhailovich Gorich served with Chatsky in the same regiment. Now he has retired, married and lives in Moscow. Chatsky notices the change that occurred in his comrade after marriage, and is ironic about this.

Wife of Platon Mikhailovich Gorich in the comedy; a striking example of the embodiment of female power. Natalya Dmitrievna completely subjugated her husband, treating him like a child every now and then, annoyingly caring for him. With her excessive concern for Platon Mikhailovich’s health, she killed his passion for life, that enthusiasm that Chatsky had previously seen in his eyes.



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