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The main stages of preparation for the Unified State Exam in literature. How to pass the Unified State Exam in literature? What you need to know

The Unified State Examination in Literature is in a month, and you, dreaming about graduation, still haven’t studied the list of works from school curriculum?! There is an exit! Often it is panic that prevents you from adjusting and choosing the right preparation tactics. The Unified State Exam in Literature stands apart, the complexity of which is legendary. But do not think that it will take several years of hard study to successfully pass this exam.

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Of course, you will have to make an effort, but you can also cheat:

  1. To get started, check out Unified State Exam codifiers, where a list of all works of art, which can be found in any version of CMM.
  2. Explore summary all works, but in combination with critical articles, there are plenty of them on the Internet. It's like reading about a movie you want to see in the cinema. If it turns out to be not very good, then you will be sorry for the money spent on the ticket. But you can prepare and study the reviews of those who have already seen the film on Kinopoisk. It's the same with books. Just read the reviews famous critics, and not just anyone. Don't forget to write down the most important things to refresh your knowledge before the exam!
  3. Subscribe to VKkontakte public pages, for example, to “Literature-Unified State Examination”, they post a lot of useful materials there: criticism, summaries, trial options, analyses. While you're on the subway, waiting for a friend at the entrance, or bored during recess, open groups and study, you're still sitting with your phone.
  4. Regarding poems, there is also a method. If you overslept and haven’t learned them by heart, you need to classify all the lyrics into sections: nature, war, love, friendship, creativity. In each group, write the name of the poem and the author. This skill will be useful to you on the Unified State Examination in literature in task No. 16.
  5. The last part consists of a creative assignment on a literary work, where points are added for the use of quotations. Even without reading the entire work, on the Internet you can find quotes for each that you have memorized. This will be very useful to you.
  6. By the way, another good option is to look. Just please don’t look at foreign interpretations, which are more like a free interpretation and have little in common with the original source. Give preference to our cinema.

Life hacks from journalism students:

“I passed the Unified State Exam with 85 points, studying for only two months. Main secret in the study of structure.

If you learn to write essays stylistically correctly, then it is enough to familiarize yourself only with the key ideas of the works.

Cramming small facts will only help with the test part, which can be worked on in literally two days with the help of collections and practice tests,” Maxim.

"The Internet is for strong in spirit. It can become an invaluable source of information, or it can burn up all your time. During preparation for the Unified State Exam, I left all social networks, leaving only a phone number for friends. You’ll be surprised how productive even one hour of work will be if you don’t check your Instagram likes every five minutes!” - Marina.

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“My secret was regular practice. The basis of the Unified State Exam in literature is four mini-essays and one large essay. For a large essay, there are three topics to choose from from different sections of literature. Therefore, the most reasonable thing would be to choose one in advance at the beginning of preparation. I love 20th century literature, so I focused on it. In a month, I managed to write several essays on each work in this section” - Anya.

“I believe my success comes from “rehearsing.” Often unusual conditions drive a person into a stupor.

Solving Unified State Exam practice tasks at home over a cup of tea and passing the exam in a nervous environment among strangers are very different. Therefore, try to write training tasks at least several times in an uncomfortable environment, timing the time.

For some it may be a noisy cafe, and for others even the metro” - Dasha.

“When preparing for the Unified State Exam in a short period of time, unfortunately, the information is not laid out well, not so measuredly. Therefore, my problem was that the names and surnames of all the characters were mixed together. During the exam, I couldn’t even remember my own... So I strongly recommend saying the names of the main characters from each work weekly, so as not to forget or confuse them” - Tanya.

You see, this is real! Only now you can’t waste a single day, take up your studies today, and everything will definitely work out. With proper time planning, the preparation process will turn into a pleasure. Good luck!

Text: Alexander Smolin
Photo: newtonew

I took it in 2014. Since then they have tried to change it several times, but the tasks themselves haven’t changed much. Therefore, I hope my advice will help graduates prepare for the exam and pass it with the maximum score. I myself received 91 points - the highest in our Stavropol Territory.

I advise you to start preparing in advance, in September. I’ll admit right away that I studied with a tutor. I was very lucky with him, or rather with her. Initially, I thought that studying with other students was bad for my grades, but I quickly realized how wrong I was. We prepared as a group of three people - me and two girls from my school.

First of all, we were told about the codifier - a list of everything that might come across in the exam. These are works of Russian literature, ranging from "Tales about Igor's Campaign" and ending "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" But the main problem the fact that there are texts that are not taught in school.

We were strictly warned that in written replies 9 And 16 (earlier C2 And C4), where it is necessary to compare prose and poetic works with others from a literary context, you can use examples only from Russian literature. And any reference to foreign classics will force examiners to give zeros.

The list of required literature turned out to be quite impressive. But there was no, for example, “The Enchanted Wanderer”, Turgenev’s "Asi”, which we studied in literature lessons at our school. And here satirical tales they entered there. In addition, some works, for example, “The History of a City” by the same Mikhail Evgrafovich, were “for review study,” and the tutor said that they would almost certainly not come up on the exam (or they might most likely come up where we have the right to choose , that is, as a topic for a large essay).

Poems were no less complex than epic and dramatic works. Firstly, there were a lot of them. Secondly, they had to be learned by heart, since the quotes in the assignment 16 (earlier C4) is a very useful thing. Thirdly, they need to be understood and be able to analyze.

But I don’t regret learning them at all. It happened somehow naturally during training tasks. Anyone could do it. Some poems gave me goosebumps with admiration. This was not the case in literature classes at school.

Russian poetry and everything after it were not included in the Unified State Examination. There was neither, nor, nor, nor, nor - although the experience of the last two years shows the opposite: the poems of these poets began to be actively included in exam tasks.

One of the main myths about the Unified State Exam goes something like this: if you don’t read something, it will be bad. Tested from my own experience - this is not so. Personally, I couldn’t master Oblomov either. But I re-read other works: , and further down the list. As you understand, I didn’t come across either Sholokhov’s or Goncharov’s creations. And one more important point: knowledge of the content of a work and the ability to understand and analyze it are completely different things.

Now about the exam tasks themselves. Part B is very easy, you just need to know the terms. For example, the definition of epic and drama, short story and novel, antithesis and oxymoron, romanticism and sentimentalism, plot and pathos. In general, you understand what I mean. There is no need to explain what this is. They give you a definition, and you just write the word on the answer sheet. I don't remember how many points were given for this part, but I know that it was very few.

Another thing - C-part. Where you had to write 5 mini-essays. Then they were called C1-C4(now tasks 8 , 9 And 15,16 ) and one big one - S-5(exercise 17.1-17.3 ). For me, the most difficult part of the Unified State Exam in Literature was the lack of time and pain in my fingers from intensive writing. And, of course, constant concentration and analytical thinking. I was also very afraid that no expert would understand my handwriting. Memorizing quotes is nothing compared to this. Moreover, it was possible 8 And 15 tasks (then C1 And C3) “quote” something that may not be a quote.

C1 And C3(Now - 8 And 15 ) were similar in that they asked questions about prosaic and poetic works, respectively, that had to be answered in detail. In these tasks, points were reduced for retelling the text instead of analyzing it (and if you don’t understand well what it’s about, it’s almost impossible to avoid retelling), for attempting reasoning that is not related to the topic, and, worst of all, for factual errors.

For example, if you called Ostrovsky’s drama “The Thunderstorm” a tragedy, a point will be deducted. But there were no problems with the use of quotes - the texts necessary for the analysis were printed before the questions.

IN C2 And C4(Now - 9 And 16 ) the question is asked: “Where else in Russian literature is a problem (or motive, or artistic technique) indicated in this prose passage or poetic work? In my opinion, these tasks are even more difficult than C5.

Imagine, in order not to lose points, you need to remember a bunch of works, choose at least two from them that can be compared in some way, find positions for comparison, compare, and it is advisable to provide quotes to confirm your thoughts. And in C4 quotations are often quite large parts of a poem or even several verses. This is why they need to be taught.

Comparisons and arguments must be strong. The problem is that it is impossible to objectively evaluate this task: one evaluator will find the arguments convincing, but another will not.

Method of working with section tasks C2 the next one - in the introduction you list all the works that you want to compare. In the first paragraph of the main part you find similarities and differences between the work from the assignment and the first one you named, in the second paragraph you do the same, but with the second proposed work. Finally, in the conclusion you compare everything again, and it is important not to repeat yourself. At first I thought it was almost impossible, but by the time of the exam everything becomes possible.

Finally, C5(today is a task 17.1-17.3 ) - most valuable. For this, if my memory serves me correctly, they gave about half the points. Yes, yes, you read that right. And writing it under conditions of lack of time is more than “nervous”.

C5- a large essay to choose from. You choose one of three topics and expand on it. And you reveal it as fully as possible. There are many things that are assessed here, but the main thing is the content aspect. If the problem is not solved, the expert will not look at anything else. And for the Unified State Exam you will get the maximum 50 points, provided that everything else is done perfectly. The second criterion is the terms, the same ones that were in B-parts. In 2014, they had to be consumed at least 10 (the figure, of course, is arbitrary, but it fits into the formulation of the criterion “ high level mastery of terminology"). Today, by the way, the criterion has been changed and it has been prescribed that at least in one place the term must be used for analysis. Third - quoting brief retelling episode, description - in a word, everything that proves knowledge of the text. In this case, a brief retelling was not forbidden. Fourth - logic and coherence of the text, everything is clear here.

Finally, something that is always paid attention to, but is reduced only in C5, - speech errors(today speech is already assessed in 8 out of 15 tasks). By the way, the beauty of the literature exam is that they don’t pay attention to grammar. It's very-very good. Because in a hurry, sometimes you write who knows what. In literature school, because of the strict assessment of grammatical errors, I was sometimes even given a “2”.

Good luck to everyone who will take the Unified State Exam in Literature this academic year!

June 7 The Unified State Exam in Literature will take place. 17 tasks, of which one is an essay, almost four hours to complete - such details can make you faint, especially if Pushkin and Bulgakov have not been read, and Tyutchev and Mayakovsky have not been memorized. But it’s good for those who know geography: it turns out that on Sakhalin the Unified State Exam will begin eight hours earlier than in Moscow. “Why not take advantage of this?” - think especially the desperate.

Unified State Exam 2017 answers on literature on the Internet

By typing in the search engine “ Answers KIM Unified State Exam 2017 June 7"or something like that, admire the groups, accounts in in social networks, forums on websites where they offer to get answers to the Unified State Exam a few hours before the exam. Please note that in some places they promise to send answers even 12 hours before! That is, the exam has not yet been held anywhere, but the answers are already being offered. How is this possible?

This, of course, is impossible. No one knows the contents of CMMs until they are opened at the examination site. Even observers and teachers don’t know. So, we conclude: scammers simply take advantage of the vulnerable position of graduates and, at the decisive hour, simply send them a compilation of tasks from open bank. The unfortunate examinee spends the whole day vomiting and tossing about, going to the exam with nothing, and it’s good if by some miracle he gets the minimum score. Coming home, he discovers that the ill-fated page on the VKontakte or Odnoklassniki website no longer exists, or simply no one responds to messages there.

So, now we know that you shouldn’t believe those who promise to send you answers to the 2017 Unified State Exam in Literature this minute, during the day, or at any time before the start of the exam in the easternmost city of our country. But, alas, we have unpleasant news for those who expect answers in eight hours or less: Unified State Examination questions in different regions are equivalent to each other in complexity and structure, but different in content. The benefit from the CMM, for example from Kamchatka, is the same as from the demo version of the CMM on the website of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI).

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In view of the above, we advise you not to rely on ready-made answers. Show your fighting qualities and prove to yourself that no matter how bad your knowledge Russian literature, you are always able to mobilize and win in an honest way. Of course, there is no talk of any high score, you just need to try to give everything you can in the current situation.

Study in detail the codifier from the package of documents for demonstration CIMs on the FIPI website - there you will find all the topics that you studied at school and which alone can be included in the Unified State Exam. Even by studying only the codifier, you will already understand and remember a lot. Read more about how you can prepare for the Unified State Exam in Literature in a short time here.

Structure and content of the Unified State Exam 2017 in literature

As already mentioned, you have to cope with 17 tasks. The essay is the last of them. On average, it should take you about two hours to write it. You choose the topic of your essay from three options.

The remaining 16 tasks are divided into two parts: 1) analysis of epic, lyro-epic or dramatic work; 2) analysis of the lyrical work. Most of them are closed questions with a short answer and putting a number on the form corresponding to the correct answer. But two tasks in each part will require you to provide a detailed answer to 5–10 sentences.

Be wary of the temptation to get ready-made answers, original CIMs or cheat sheets. Believe in yourself and good luck in the exam!

The first thing you need when preparing for the Unified State Exam in literature from scratch is knowledge of texts. You need to read a lot.

Literature is a cumulative subject, one might say archaeological. For example, the program for students of the Russian department of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University is designed so that they read for 6-7 hours every day for five years. And if you have not accumulated this resource in large quantities, then you simply won’t know what to rely on.

On the Unified State Examination in literature, unlike mathematics, there are no single correct answers to questions. You may think that your answer is wonderful, but it will turn out to be meaningless. This means you need to do more than just read. You need to know where to focus your attention. We need to get feedback in any way.

How to prepare for the Unified State Exam in literature from scratch?

Literature is based on knowledge of texts. If you are preparing for the Unified State Exam in literature, you need at least two years. If you want to get done in a year, you must “read” all the main texts.

And at the same time, it is important not just to “familiarize yourself with the plot,” but also to remember all the details and structure of the work.

For example, you need to know the answers to questions of this nature:

Is there an epigraph to “Eugene Onegin”?
Answer: Yes, and for every chapter. There is also an epigraph to the entire work (and it must be remembered). We must also remember in what languages ​​the epigraphs to the chapters of “Eugene Onegin” are given, how many chapters there are in “Eugene Onegin” (answer: 8).

How many parts are there in Oblomov?
Answer: Four! Like the seasons.

What parts does “A Hero of Our Time” consist of?

Answering this question, the high school student recalls chronological order actions and lists: “Taman”, “Bela”, “Princess Mary”, “Fatalist”... People usually forget about “Maxim Maksimovich”.

But in fact, the order of the chapters is completely different! First, a preface to the novel. Then - the first part, this is “Bela” and “Maxim Maksimovich”, then the preface to Pechorin’s journal, where it is reported that Pechorin died and his notes can be published, and finally, “Taman”. The second part consists of “Princess Mary” and “Fatalist”.

Yes, Lermontov rearranged parts of his narrative, and this is world-class innovation, this is pre-modernism - although we do not speak such terms to schoolchildren. “Hero of Our Time” is a brilliant text and a brilliant ending. “A Hero of Our Time” ends not with the death of Pechorin, but with a description of the conversation between Pechorin and Maxim Maksimych about predestination.

But usually the schoolchild does not see this, does not understand the logic of the novel, because he pays attention only to the plot, to the development of the action. And when preparing for the Unified State Exam in Literature with high scores, you need to know the structure of the work, and not just the plot. We need to remember all the details, not just the main events. You need to be able to retell the text in detail, surprise with “tricks,” and answer all the difficult questions.

Next, we must remember and not confuse the names of the characters, the location of the action, and the details of the biographies of the heroes. Let's test ourselves:

What was Bazarov's name?
Answer: Evgeny Vasilievich.
What was Pechorin's name?
Answer: Grigory Alexandrovich.
What was Tatyana Larina's patronymic name?
Answer: Tatyana Dmitrievna.
What was the name of the fortress where the main events in The Captain's Daughter took place?
Answer: The fortress was called Belogorskaya. Graduates write either “Belgorodskaya” or “Belozerskaya” and lose points. This typical mistakes on the Unified State Exam.
Where do Petrusha’s parents live in the same “Captain’s Daughter”?
Answer: In a village in Simbirsk province.
Which city is under siege?
Answer: Orenburg.

And this is only the first step in preparing for the Unified State Exam in literature from scratch.

The second thing you need is an analytical mind. The Unified State Exam in Literature has its own specifics. You need to understand that there is a certain algorithm or technology.

Is it possible to prepare for the Unified State Exam in literature from scratch in a year?

Yes, you can do it in a year if you have very good time management. This really means that you need to devote at least an hour to this work every day. Literally set a timer. Honestly check what you wrote against the criteria. Show to an outside observer - for example, a school teacher or tutor.

At the first stage we study texts. On the second - we write Unified State Exam options and check according to all criteria.

This year, the publishing house “Phoenix” published my book “Literature. Author’s course of preparation for the Unified State Exam.” In it I talk in detail about preparing for the Unified State Exam in literature from scratch.

Surprisingly, in order to score high scores on the Unified State Exam in literature, it is not enough just to be able to write well and have a huge number of books read. No, this is certainly important and necessary, but we must remember that the final exam in the form of the Unified State Exam has a clear structure, and the examiners have certain criteria by which they evaluate the work of eleventh-graders. No matter how creative and original you are, if your work does not meet the basic requirements of the task, then, alas, you will not get 100 points. Therefore, in this article we will reveal all the secrets and give you useful tips, by listening to which you can get a high result and enter the university of your dreams.

As already noted, graduates taking the literature exam simply need to know exactly how the Unified State Examination in literature is assessed. In fact, everything is very simple and not as scary as it seems at first glance.

When completing 8 and 15 tasks that require a detailed answer of 5-10 sentences, you must give a direct and concise answer to the question. we have on our website. Try not to deviate from the topic, do not use lengthy arguments, follow a simple scheme - thesis, evidence. Nothing overly complicated is required of you; it is important to carefully read the excerpt from the given work of art, analyze it and give a short but clear answer to the question, citing evidence from the text as an example. The criteria are:

  1. depth of judgments made
  2. persuasiveness of arguments
  3. following the norms of speech.

In total, for tasks 8 and 15 you can get 4 points for each (do not forget that the primary points you scored are transferred to a hundred-point system, and even 1 mistake you make can cost 4 test points, so be careful).

Questions 9 and 16 require you to compare a given passage from a literary work with two other texts. you can look on the website. The most important thing here is a convincing justification for why you consider the examples you have given from works of fiction to be suitable and in what way you find their similarities. Do not forget that you need to correctly indicate the names of the works and their authors. Criteria by which your answers will be assessed:

  1. inclusion of a work in a literary context
  2. persuasiveness of arguments

Since the exam is always a stressful situation for graduates, we advise you to think in advance about examples of works on various topics; it is more convenient to do this in a table. Divide it into specific topics, for example, war, unrequited love, etc. (you can take them from example KIMs), and select texts in which these problems occur. So at hour X it will be much easier for you, and you will be able to dial highest mark for this task.

And finally, the last task is to write a long essay on one of the three proposed topics. you can look on the website. Here you should show:

  1. knowledge of literary text
  2. knowledge of literary terms
  3. literary outlook

The examiner will evaluate:

  1. depth of understanding of the topic
  2. the persuasiveness of the judgments given as arguments
  3. level of theoretical and literary knowledge
  4. validity of using the text of the work
  5. compositional integrity
  6. consistency of presentation
  7. following the norms of speech.

The only advice we can give you when writing this essay is to prepare for it. You must know all the evaluation criteria and, following them, write a solid paper that will reflect the depth of your knowledge and the meaningfulness of the arguments you make.

What do you need to know?

Before you start preparing for the Unified State Exam in Literature, you should find out what the exam consists of, how much time is allotted for solving each task, what you need to read, and much more.

Let's start in order:

  1. How long does the Unified State Exam in Literature last?

Graduates are given 3 hours 55 minutes. Believe me, this time is enough to complete and check all tasks. But, despite this, from year to year many graduates lose precious points precisely because they simply do not have time to answer all the questions or rewrite the essay completely. Therefore, we strongly recommend that everyone who is preparing to take the Unified State Exam in Literature practice writing a KIM within the time allotted in the exam. Record your time and objectively evaluate whether you have time to write, check and rewrite all your essays. If not, then try to reconsider your time expenditure, maybe it is more convenient for you to start with the last task, and then return to the first part of the work. Determine which maximum amount minutes you can spend answering this or that question and try not to exceed this limit.

  1. How many tasks are there in the exam?
  2. The Unified State Examination in literature consists of two parts. Part 1 is divided into 2 blocks - in the first you are required to answer 7 questions that test your knowledge of literary theory, and 2 questions with a detailed answer of 5-10 sentences. The entire first block is devoted to epic or dramatic birth literature. Block 2 concerns lyrics and also consists of 7 questions on theory and 2 questions, when answering which you must write a “small essay”.

    Part 2 involves writing essays on one of three proposed topics. Each topic concerns a specific era (1 topic - Old Russian literature, literature of the 18th century or literature of the first half of the 19th century, topic 2 - the second half of the 19th century and topic 3 concerns literary works, written from the end of the 19th to the beginning of the 20th century). The essay must be at least 200 words.

    1. What to read?
    2. To pass the Unified State Exam in literature, it is enough to read the entire list fiction, compiled specifically for this exam, the so-called, which you can read on the website.

      But they must immediately warn you if during all school years If you haven’t read practically anything from the school curriculum, it’s impossible to catch up in 1 year. But if, on the contrary, you have always treated the list responsibly school literature, then you won’t have to read anything additional.

      1. When will the results come?

      Both the exam itself and the official website of the Unified State Examination will indicate the deadline for obtaining results. Don't worry, you won't be left in the dark. Try to remain calm, even if your literature results are delayed (this happens), you have already done everything in your power. And don’t be afraid, inspectors are not animals, they are just doing their job, and if you worked hard, your work will be appreciated.

      How to prepare?

      See previous paragraph. Indeed, starting preparation for the Unified State Exam in literature if you have not yet read most of the works is simply useless. If everything is in order with the list of literature you have read, then you should turn to the theory of literature. In the first part there are as many as 14 questions related to literary terms(genre and type of literature, size of the poem, etc.). All these questions are absolutely simple, so it will be very disappointing to lose your points on them. And in order to prepare, you just need to look at the knowledge of which will be tested, understand and analyze them in detail, then you will never confuse iambic with trochee.

      Well, there is only one way to prepare for tasks with a detailed answer - training. Write as many essays as possible, try to comply with all requirements, carefully re-read your work (it is very important to be able to notice own mistakes), and, of course, it will be very good if there is a person who will check your literary achievements at least at first (I think your school teacher should not refuse such a request).

      How is the exam going?

      Exactly the same as any other Unified State Exam. You come to the exam point, leaving all electronic devices at home beforehand (you’ve been preparing hard all year, and you don’t need them, right?), go to a certain audience and wait for the exam to start. When the X-hour arrives, the observer once again voices in detail the rules of the event. Next, you start filling out the forms (take this seriously, do not forget to double-check that you have filled out everything correctly, otherwise it will be a shame if your name is not on a brilliantly done, hundred-point job).

      When all organizational issues ends, you will finally have your CMM and can start working on it. Read the assignments very carefully! IN stressful situation you can easily confuse Tolstoy with Dostoevsky, so re-read not only your answers several times, but also your questions (even a beautifully written paper about the problem little man in Chekhov’s work will not be counted if the question was about Gogol). 3 hours and 55 minutes pass, you hand in all your completed forms and go home with peace of mind.

      How did you pass the Unified State Exam in Literature in 2017?

      Some statistics: in 2017 year of the Unified State Exam In literature, 43,548 graduates took the test, of which only 4.3% were unable to pass the threshold (minimum score) of 32 points. And 44% of those who took the exam were able to score more than 61 points. So, dear graduates, not everything is so scary.

      Every eleventh grader taking literature once asked in despair: “What does it take to pass the Unified State Exam in literature?” But you can’t even imagine how simple the answer is - you need to prepare. There is no need to assume that if the exam requires from you not a specific, only correct answer to a question, but a detailed answer in the form of an essay, then you can let the preparation process take its course and trust your intuition, and when writing essays, give free rein to your imagination and simply speculate on the given question. topic. This approach will not lead you to success, you must clearly know what is required of you, your essays must comply with the “requested” format, and the literature knowledge in your head must be clearly structured. Ideally, you need to have a good understanding of this or that historical context to better understand the themes of a particular author’s work. You must also be able to support your thoughts with quotes (which you need to know by heart), and this is only possible under one condition - you need to start preparing for the Unified State Exam in Literature in advance! Then you will not have any problems, and even if you are very emotional person(as everyone becomes when they pass the exam), you will be more calm and confident, and this is the key to an excellent result.

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