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"In memory of Alexey Moshkovich." Bright evening with Anastasia Cherepanova and Natalya Moshkovich (01/08/2018). The stars mourn for Alexei Moshkovich

The history of the Life as a Miracle foundation began in 2009. Taking experience from parents who are members of the Society. Nastenka Rogalevich (parents themselves became donors for their children), the fund’s employees set themselves the task of creating the most favorable conditions for the development of transplantology in Russia. Today, “Life as a Miracle” raises funds for children with severe liver diseases, organizes internships for doctors in Belgium, and recently, with their help, a free Diagnostic Center was opened, where all Russian children will soon be able to undergo control examinations. And now they don’t have to travel abroad to do this. Nadezhda Chetverkina, executive director of the Life as a Miracle foundation, told us about the development of the foundation and its beneficiaries.

How was the fund formed and how did you get involved?

Several years ago, one of our founders, Alexey Moshkovich, saw a request for help in the newspaper and responded to it. After Alexey plunged into the world of charity, he wanted to do something more, and the idea arose to create his own charitable foundation. In general, the founders of the Life as a Miracle Foundation are only private individuals.

As for me, this is a rather unusual story. The fact is that all the people I came across came to charity through volunteering. I’ve never been a volunteer, and I came to the foundation by chance, and then I couldn’t leave. Although in fact I know that nothing happens by chance with the Lord ( smiling).

I would also like to note that charity is all tied to personal stories, and in our foundation the stories of Alexey Moshkovich, Alexey Darashevich and mine.

The Life as a Miracle Foundation received the blessing of Priest Alexei Darashevich, tell us how it is connected with your foundation?

Alexey Moshkovich and I - church people, and we have a confessor, Father Alexey, known in the world as Alexey Darashevich.

Firstly, Father Alexey heads the board of trustees of our foundation.

Secondly, the experience of communicating with this person indirectly became the reason for the very emergence of the “Life is a Miracle” foundation. One day, a tragedy happened in the priest’s family: four children were in a car accident. Two of them died, and two remained alive, but they needed help. Our whole parish raised money for one of these boys to have an operation abroad. The fact is that in almost every family it is customary to help their loved ones, their relatives - this is the norm of life. But, let’s say, Alexey and I once had a need to go beyond “nepotism” and start doing something for others too. The Foundation as a structure is very useful in this: it helps to effectively solve existing problems.

Well, besides, it was when this sad event happened in the family of Father Alexei that I realized that I needed to be prepared for anything, including even the most irreparable. You don’t want to think about this when everything is going well for you, but you need to be prepared for it.

- Does your founder provide financial assistance to children?

The founder supports the work of the foundation, finances administrative needs, and helps with premises. Thanks to this, absolutely all the money that donors transfer to our fund goes to children.

- Why did you choose a field related to liver diseases?

A year ago we teamed up with the initiative society named after Nastenka Rogalevich (

« Society for Helping Children with Biliary Atresia named after. Nastenki Rogalevich ») . This society was created by parents whose children underwent liver transplantation. Accordingly, they provided all possible assistance to people with children suffering from severe liver diseases. They provided information support, helped with fundraising, shared experience... It became obvious that this was a serious and frequent problem, but it became impossible to solve this at the level of an initiative society, and there were no Russian foundations that would deal with this. Then we made a joint decision to combine our efforts.

In addition, we understood that each foundation should be an expert in its field, and we chose liver diseases in children as our “own” niche.

However, we see the main goal of the Life as a Miracle Foundation, first of all, not targeted assistance, but the development of transplantation in Russia. This will allow many to have operations here, rather than collecting millions for treatment abroad... We have taken big steps in this direction. Thus, with the active support of our foundation, a new Scientific Consulting Pediatric Department began operating Science Center obstetrics, gynecology and perinatology named after academician V.I. Kulakov, where children with various diseases can receive free and qualified care. In addition, we have an internship program for our doctors at the Belgian Saint-Luc Clinic, which has accumulated vast practical experience in the treatment and rehabilitation of children with various liver diseases.

- How did you find this clinic in Belgium?

We can say that this is the choice of the parents. Parents of children from Russia began turning to the Saint-Luc clinic many years ago, when we still did not perform operations on children weighing up to 12 kg. Since then, many children have been saved thanks to the skill of Belgian doctors, and still in difficult cases, if the clinic is ready to accept a small patient, we try to send the children there for treatment. Especially if we're talking about about metabolic or genetic diseases, about diseases with complications that may complicate postoperative recovery. But I repeat once again - this contact did not begin with clean slate, we were guided by the experience of the Nastenka Rogalevich Society. Although in fact, it is not so important whether the clinic is located in Belgium or somewhere else. The main thing is that they can effectively help our children and there is transparency regarding financial issues. So, let's say, we also cooperate with the German clinic Tübingen - we go there, as a rule, if there is no related donor for a transplant and the child needs a cadaveric transplant. Germany has a five percent quota for foreigners, so children, especially very young children, have a chance.

- Have any of your charges undergone a liver transplant in Russia?

Yes, of course, many of the children under the care of the Life as a Miracle Foundation underwent surgery in Russia.

Unfortunately, throughout our vast country there are only two centers where liver transplants are successfully and regularly performed for children, and both clinics are located in Moscow. These are the RSCH (Russian National Center of Surgery) and the Research Institute of Transplantology and Artificial Organs named after. Shumakova. These hospitals employ professionals high level, and we are making every effort to help them in their work, because our main task, let me remind you, is to help raise domestic transplantology to the world level. But we must keep in mind that our country was late at the start when organ transplant operations began all over the world; in the then USSR they did not pay any attention to this. We started doing organ transplants a little more than 10 years ago, and, for example, for low birth weight children (with body weight less than 12 kg) - generally only 5 years ago. Of course, this takes its toll, especially in difficult cases. So far, doctors simply do not have enough experience. Therefore, in some cases we send children abroad. But we don’t have a child’s parents or relatives saying: “I only want to go abroad.” We make a decision on the basis of an expert council, which includes doctors from Russia, doctors from foreign clinics with which we cooperate, and employees of the Life as a Miracle Foundation. Based on the expert opinion, we make a decision - to send this child to Russian clinics or send him abroad.

- How do you find children? Do other foundations help you raise money?

“Most often it’s not us who find it.” They find us. Through the Internet, through forums where parents communicate with each other, through conversations in the wards and in the corridors of doctors.

As for joint activities with other funds, our main goal in providing targeted assistance is to help the child. If, by teaming up with another fund, we can do this faster, then we, of course, will only be happy about such cooperation. But this cannot be said to be a general practice, because most foundations have their own direction, and sometimes, even according to the charter, they cannot undertake to raise money for a “non-core” child.

- Tell us about the events that you organize.

We organize various events, which - very conditionally, of course - can be divided into two areas. In some cases, these are events aimed at raising funds for children, while in others they are simply children's parties. In general, we try to hold more holidays; we try to gather children and parents outside the hospital wards and corridors more often. They have had a lot of really difficult and difficult moments in their lives, they have experienced real horror, and if we can somehow make them happy, we do it. And this is very important. Both for them and for us.

By the way, speaking about events aimed at raising funds, I want to say thank you to the media that have helped and are helping us. This includes RIA Novosti, Echo of Moscow, Moscow Speaks, and Novaya Gazeta.

- Do children come to you mainly from Moscow and the Moscow region or, conversely, more often from the regions?

We have a very wide geography ( laughs)…Moscow, Irkutsk, Tomsk, Nalchik, Ulyanovsk, Voronezh, and also children from small towns and distant villages, which you can’t immediately find on the map. In terms of the child’s place of residence, we have neither priorities nor a statistical “preponderance” of one region or another.

We are ready to help all children-citizens of Russia suffering from severe liver diseases.

- How does cooperation with the “All Together” meeting help you?

- “Life as a Miracle” is a full participant in the meeting. Firstly, this means that we have a common information field, we share information and experience with each other, discuss certain issues and problems. And secondly, globally, this allows us, “all together,” to change the situation with charity in general in Russia.

In addition, each organization accepted into “All Together” is a transparent and reliable organization. This necessary condition to join the community. This is self-regulation.

- You don’t publish children’s documents on the website, why?

We, and not only us, but all the funds that are part of the “All Together” collection, periodically encountered the fact that children’s documents were completely copied, only the accounts were changed in them, and we found documents of our wards on other sites, with others, details unknown to us. So it was decided not to make the documents publicly available. This is simply an anti-fraud measure. A person who is interested in viewing documents can send us a request, and we will send him copies, or come to the office and review paper versions.

-Have you communicated with parents of children who needed help? What is your impression of these meetings?

Of course, we constantly communicate with our parents, how could it be different! ( laughs). I can say that they all have this “fighting spirit” in common. These people are fighting for the life of their child, overcoming hundreds and thousands of obstacles. By and large, their whole life is a constant battle. Achieve a correct diagnosis (this doesn’t always happen even in Moscow, let alone in the regions), find the right doctor (for many this means constant trips to Moscow with a sick child in their arms), collect all the papers, stand in all the queues, to achieve the issuance of medicines... This is a real daily feat that people have to perform due to lack of awareness, including medical information, due to the extreme underdevelopment of medicine in the regions, due to - alas - the negligent attitude of those in power of different ranks towards people. They often have to leave their home for six months, a year, two years and live, some in Moscow while awaiting surgery, some in Belgium, some in Germany. It just seems that “living a year in Germany” is a resort. But in reality, such parents (usually mothers, of course) live far from home, often without speaking the language, without work, almost without money, with a sick child in their arms. I assure you, this is a feat, and not everyone can accomplish it. But such parents make every effort to save their child. And when you meet such people, you understand that you are not working in vain, you are not living in vain, and this gives you the strength to work further.

- How painful is a liver transplant procedure for a donor?

Liver donation is a abdominal operation that is performed under general anesthesia. It is incorrect to talk about its “painlessness”. But as for the consequences for the donor, they are negligible. Of course, there is a certain risk, since we are still talking about surgical intervention, but it is very small. Yes, the donor needs time to recover after surgery. But we are not talking about years or even months. If you work sedentarily, you can return to your duties within 3-4 weeks - during this time the donor’s body is sufficiently restored. If the work is physically difficult, then the donor is given sick leave for 3 months after the operation.

Naturally, to the question “Will a liver donor become disabled?” the answer is “No, it won’t!” ( laughs). Complete recovery of the donor, including the return of the liver to its normal volume, occurs in anywhere from 6 weeks to 3 months.

Maybe, the best evidence that the donor remains completely, in all respects, healthy person, it serves the fact that many mothers of operated children give birth to a second or third child a year or more after the operation, and everyone feels great.

- What are the foundation’s immediate plans?

While this case is isolated, this is not yet a permanent practice. But we really hope that the department will soon move from a “test” mode of operation to a mode of constant fruitful work. Important point is that it will be able to accept children from all over Russia, because it has federal status.

Very detailed story One of our mothers wrote about this department, we published it on

January 08, 2017

The founder of the Life as a Miracle Foundation died for unknown reasons.

About death close friend, a businessman and father of five children was told by the actress of the series “ Sweet life» Anastasia Meskova. The girl admitted to subscribers that she was shocked by the news of Alexei’s death. The girl did not name the exact cause of Moshkovich’s death.

“This morning my life was tragically cut short. wonderful person... Alexey Moshkovich, an amazingly kind and bright person! A wonderful husband and father of five children. Founder of the charity foundation Life is like a miracle. He saved a huge number of children, helped so many families... And... I don’t know what to say, I’m choking on tears. One of the best has passed away... fond memory! Alexey, beloved, dear! Just yesterday we wished each other Merry Christmas and hoped to see each other soon... We will miss you!” — Anastasia Meskova wrote in the microblog.

Numerous subscribers instantly responded to the actress’s message. Fans expressed words of sympathy and support for her in connection with the incident.

"Bright memory. Apparently, we need angels in heaven. Strength to the family,” “What a pity when the best leave,” “My condolences,” Meskova’s followers said in the comments. It should be noted that Moshkovich founded the “Life as a Miracle” charity foundation in 2009. At first, the organization was supported by theater and film stars, many of whom were trustees of the foundation. As Alexey himself once told about himself, helping people, loving the world and believing in goodness was part of his life. Without all these components, he did not feel like himself. The businessman had grandiose plans for the development of the fund, but, alas, fate decreed otherwise.

“This morning our Alexei Moshkovich passed away. We are grieving and can’t believe it yet. Our Founder of the Foundation, it was one of the most bright people“- this entry appeared this morning on the website of the Life as a Miracle Foundation.

Euthanasia. This is perhaps one of the most difficult topics to understand. As a believer, it’s doubly difficult for me to talk about this.
Euthanasia procedure for this moment allowed only in a few countries: the Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Canada and some US states. In many countries, including Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, euthanasia is prohibited and is regarded as murder.

In 2014, Belgium went even further on this issue - euthanasia in children was allowed, and quite recently there was a precedent. There they allowed euthanasia without medical indications - that is, when a person actually does not have severe physical pain. 24-year-old Emily obtained permission to undergo euthanasia due to severe depression. It’s difficult to understand how to approach this. What could be the reason for such a decision? With the selfishness of the person who decided to undergo the procedure or his relatives who are tired of, for example, an infirm old relative?

In my opinion, a person who encourages his relatives to kill, to make this terrible decision, is much more selfish than someone who asks for help without being able to provide it to himself. This is not only an impossible decision for loved ones, but also an ambiguous, eerie transformation of a doctor, healer of bodies and souls, into an executioner. When allowing the euthanasia procedure, did officials think about how a doctor should live with the burden of this responsibility?

An important point is the popularization of this issue, a kind of PR campaign for a “good death” (literal translation of the term), or, rather, a justified death. In fact, this is a call to suicide, isn't it? Towards an inherently dangerous perception of death as a solution to problems.

Of course, there are people who, due to their illness, experience real suffering and, of course, I cannot condemn a person who thinks about death in such a situation. However, if we believe in God, we understand that suffering is given to a person so that he or his loved ones can rethink and correct something. I understand that now compatriots from the other camp will point out the false love of humanity of Christianity, that, they say, we were saved by the Son of God in order to then suffer and repent, that Christian faith permeated with the spirit of humble martyrdom and self-flagellation. And in general, it’s good to reason when it doesn’t concern you personally. But the majority of euthanasia supporters do not have this experience.

Finally, I suggest you think about the fact that the motivation of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, which was the first to legalize euthanasia in the 1990s, was specific. The people who promoted the idea of ​​legalizing euthanasia were representatives of health insurance companies, who obviously do not benefit from keeping hopelessly ill people. It turns out that this idea is based not on humanistic principles, but on selfish interests.

Let's face the truth, though. Each of us really wants to live. He wants to be taken care of, so that on the eve of death he will not be alone, so that those he loves will cling to his life with all their might. Maybe you should not fight for the opportunity to end your life, but try, no matter how difficult it is, to help the person hold on a little longer, to solve the problem with painkillers? Maybe it’s better to go to hospices and hospitals with terminally ill people and just be there?
It seems to me that this will be a “good death.”



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