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Cucumber pickle cookies recipe is very tasty. How to bake delicious cookies with cucumber pickle

Usually everything is baked from cucumbers or tomatoes in winter. This is the time when Lent begins for some and they need Lenten baked goods, while everyone else simply feels sorry for pouring out the brine that remains in the jars of tomatoes and cucumbers. And then zealous housewives take out family notebooks with recipes, or run to the computer to find a rare cookie recipe. Yes, yes, with brine you can prepare not only pickle or hodgepodge, but also dough for, or, like ours, brine cookies.

There are a lot of brine cookie recipes on the Internet at first glance. But, if you look more closely, they all look like a recipe from an old notebook. Brine, butter and sugar are taken in a 1:1:1 ratio, baking powder or soda and flour are added. Yes, and you can also add zest, or vanillin, chopped nuts, poppy seeds, and raisins to the dough.

If the cookies are rolled out thinner, they will be slightly crispy, but not hard and crumbly. Well, if the thickness is more than 5mm, the cookies will be soft. Brine cookies hold their shape remarkably well, do not “float” during baking, and rise well. Cookies can be baked from either cucumber brine or tomato pickle, there will be no noticeable difference.


  • 1 tbsp.
  • 1 tbsp.
  • 1 tbsp.
  • ½ tsp soda
  • 4.5 - 5 tbsp.
  • 3 tbsp. l
  • ¼ tsp vanillin

Measuring cup – 200ml

Yield: 3 large trays of cookies (~90 cookies)

Recipe: Brine cookies

1. Combine brine, sugar, butter in a bowl, mix well with a whisk. The sugar should be almost all dissolved.

2. Pour 3 cups of flour, soda, vanillin and poppy seeds into this liquid. Mix the dough with a whisk.

3. Add another 1-1.5 cups of flour and knead, using your hands, into a soft, non-sticky dough.

4. Lightly sprinkle the table with flour and roll out the dough to 5mm thickness. If you roll out thicker, the cookies will be soft.

5. Use a cookie cutter to cut out cookies. We crumple the dough scraps and roll them out again.

6. Place the cookies on a baking sheet. You can lay it out quite tightly, it does not float or stick together when baking.

If you have leftover brine from cucumbers or tomatoes, do not throw it away under any circumstances. By adding a minimum of ingredients, using this recipe with photos you can always prepare very tasty and economical cookies with cucumber or tomato brine at home.

My grandmother taught me that a good housewife uses all her products. Therefore, the recipe for very tasty pickle cookies was used quite often in my childhood. I couldn’t understand then how such delicious sweet cookies can be made from salty brine?

For me it was some kind of magic. I suggest you solve this mystery and find out how you can quickly and deliciously cook cookies on cucumber pickle.

Grandma's brine cookie recipe

Kitchen appliances and supplies: bowl, spoon, baking tray, sieve, whisk, molds.


How to choose the right products

  • You can use either tomato or cucumber brine. Be sure to strain it.
  • Sunflower oil can be replaced with olive oil.
  • To extinguish soda, instead of vinegar, you can take a tablespoon of lemon or lime juice.

Step-by-step preparation

  1. Mix 2 eggs and a glass of brine, sugar, sunflower oil and flour in a bowl.
  2. Stir, add a teaspoon of soda, a tablespoon of vinegar and a pinch of salt.

  3. Gradually add another 2-3 cups of flour, achieving a thick consistency. The dough should be dense and elastic, like dumplings.

    After kneading, leave the dough for 10 minutes, wrapped in a bag or covered with a towel.

  4. Divide the dough into several parts, each rolling out to a thickness of approximately 10 millimeters.
  5. Using molds we stamp various figures. If you don't have molds, you can use a glass or shot glass.

  6. Place them on a baking sheet. Brine dough for cookies increases during baking, so you need to place the pieces at a sufficient distance between them.

  7. Bake in the oven, which must be preheated, at a temperature of approximately 185 degrees for 15-20 minutes. As soon as it turns brown, turn off the oven. Do not overdry the cookies, otherwise they will become very hard.
  8. Cooled cookies can be lightly sprinkled with powdered sugar and served with coffee, cocoa, juice, tea and other drinks.

Recipe video

I invite you to watch a short video on making cookies in brine.

  • If you want crispier cookies, roll out the dough to about 0.5 centimeters thick.
  • To prevent the dough from sticking to the molds, you need to dip them in flour from time to time.
  • If you brush the cookies with a lightly beaten egg before baking, they will be more golden.

Other possible preparation and filling options

  • The aroma of brine is not felt at all in the finished cookies. But if you want to diversify its taste, add a teaspoon of ginger or cinnamon to the dough. You can also add a little vanilla, but do not overdo it, otherwise the cookies will be bitter. You shouldn't add more than the tip of the knife.
  • If you like experiments, add pieces of nuts, dried apricots, and raisins to the dough. These cookies can be prepared each time with a new filling.
  • Want a savory cookie option? Add just a few tablespoons of sugar to the dough and sprinkle the hot cookies with grated cheese. Place it in the oven for a couple more minutes. It will turn out very tasty!
  • Have you thought about what else you could bake for your children that would be so interesting? I suggest preparing it for tea or milk and cocoa.
  • All adults, and especially men, will certainly like it.
  • If you like surprises, prepare. Everyone will like it without exception.
  • For those who are fasting, I suggest baking Lenten cookies. Also, this option will appeal to those who like to cook “from scratch”, while doing it a lot, tasty and quickly.

I’ve had a recipe for cucumber pickle cookies lying around for a long time. But for some reason, every time this valuable liquid was either drunk (I love pickle juice with fried potatoes!) or poured out (oh, horror!). Now I don’t do that because I finally tried cookies with cucumber pickle. And since then, the dough for such baking has always been in my freezer. I sometimes freeze and just the brine to use later, but most often I make a lot of dough at once (from all the brine), then put it in the freezer and use it as needed. It turns out very convenient: defrost some dough, stick some cookies, and bake. And you don’t have to bother with the dough every time.

First, pour the brine into a bowl. I always use brine from pickled cucumbers - I don’t have any others. But we pour this liquid out for a reason, we filter it through a sieve so that no sprigs and seeds of dill or other spices get into the dough.

Add refined sunflower oil.

We spread the sugar, it immediately falls to the bottom.

Pour baking soda into the dough. It does not need to be extinguished; it is neutralized by brine. But if you are very afraid, then you can turn it off a little.

Add flour - as much as the dough takes.

It should not stick to your hands. I have a trick that has been tested by experience. I like to prepare dough for future use not only to save time, but also to save flour. If you make cookies right away, more flour is used (so that the dough does not stick to your hands). And if you keep the dough in the freezer, it becomes stiffer and without excess flour.

For some reason, I associate cucumber pickle cookies with something rustic or peasant, so I decided to make a regular shape. Yes, and my daughter pulled herself up. She can't cut any shapes out of this dough, so we just took lumps of dough, formed something similar to a flattened bun and placed it on a greased baking sheet.

The finished cookies bake quite quickly. It took me about 15 minutes per serving. But the individual cookies were voluminous. If you make classic thin cookies, then you need to bake even less time - from 5 minutes (until a dry match).

Some may find it strange to use brine for baking. But sometimes combining seemingly incompatible products produces an excellent result. Try making Lenten cookies using cucumber brine and vegetable oil. The dough is prepared without eggs. This recipe is especially suitable when following church posts, it can also be classified as “on a quick fix" So, if you have some free time in the evening, bake homemade cookies for dinner and delight your family. Another advantage of such baked goods is that they are stored for a long time and remain soft. And then, this is a fairly economical option, which is quite important in today’s life.

Taste Info Cookies


  • cucumber pickle – 0.5 tbsp.;
  • granulated sugar – 0.5 tbsp;
  • corn oil – 0.5 tbsp;
  • flour – 2.5 tbsp;
  • soda – 0.5 tsp;
  • vanilla sugar – 0.5 tsp;
  • powdered sugar - for sprinkling finished cookies.

How to make cookies with cucumber pickle

If you are worried that the smell of brine will remain in the baked goods, I hasten to reassure you of this. The finished cookies smell very tasty and sweet, and the aroma floating around the apartment while they were in the oven is beyond words.
So, the dough is kneaded quickly and easily, literally in two steps. To begin, combine sugar, baking soda, vanilla sugar, brine and butter in one bowl.

Mix well. The main thing is that it is not the sugar that dissolves, but the soda, otherwise soda balls may end up in the cookies. Next add the sifted flour.

It took me 2.5 cups. You may end up with a slightly different amount, it all depends on the type of flour. First, it’s better to add 1.5 cups, mix, and then focus on the structure of your dough. It should be loose and not very dense, but at the same time stick well to your hands.

If you press on the lump, your fingers will easily sink into it, but will not stick. It is important.

Turn on the oven to preheat. Sprinkle a board or table with flour, roll out some of the dough into a layer about 1 cm thick. Cut out figures from it. If you don’t have special molds, take a glass and press circles into the dough with the widest part. I simply first cut it into vertical strips, and then into small diamonds (this is clearly visible in the photo).

Cover a baking tray with baking paper and place the resulting diamonds or circles onto it.

Then place in a hot oven for 15-20 minutes. The main thing is not to dry out the cookies; as soon as they are browned, you can take them out. Sprinkle lightly with powdered sugar. Cookies made with cucumber pickle without eggs are ready. It is delicious both warm and cold. Bon appetit!

If you've run out canned cucumbers or tomatoes, do not rush to pour out the brine. It is good not only after a festive feast or in pickle sauce. On its basis you can bake a magnificent one. It turns out very soft, fluffy and aromatic thanks to ground tangerine peels, which can be replaced with zest or citrus essence. The taste of the pie depends on the quality of the brine, so for sweet pastries Do not take spicy pickle or with the addition bell pepper. You need to put a little more sugar in the brine dough than in regular baked goods, and do not add salt at all.

Baking with brine step by step recipes with photos:


  • flour – 2.5 cups;
  • cucumber pickle – 250 ml;
  • sugar – 180 grams;
  • eggs – 3 pieces;
  • soda – 1 tsp. + a pinch of citric acid (or 2 teaspoons of baking powder);
  • ground tangerine peels - 1 teaspoon;
  • sunflower oil – 10 ml.

How to make a brine pie with lemon zest:

Pour sugar into a bowl, beat in eggs. Beat the mixture with a mixer until smooth, similar to liquid cream. Pour in the brine and stir.

Add bulk ingredients: flour, soda, citric acid, ground tangerine peels. Instead of baking soda and citric acid, you can add baking powder.

Mix everything thoroughly so that the dough turns out the same as for charlotte.

Grease the pan with butter and lightly sprinkle with flour. Place the dough into it.

Place in an oven heated to 200°. After 5 minutes, reduce the temperature to 180° and bake for 40 minutes until a beautiful golden brown crust.

Remove the pie from the oven and cool slightly.

Separate the edges of the pie from the sides of the pan, pry the cake with a spatula. Turn it over on a towel. Leave until completely cool.

Place the cake on a plate and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Cut into portions.

Pancakes with brine

Pancakes are probably the most economical flour dish, because baking them requires very little flour, and milk can be diluted in half with water, use only water, and even knead the dough with brine from cucumbers or tomatoes. But the brine should not be spicy, highly salty or sour due to large quantity vinegar. The taste of pancakes depends on the spices that are in the brine. But in ready-made pancakes they are not so pronounced. Therefore, you don’t have to worry that brined pancakes will smell strongly of dill or garlic. Only a slight piquancy will remind you of brine. The pancakes turn out thin, soft, with lacy edges. These pancakes can be stuffed with savory filling or eaten with sour cream.


  • brine – 300 ml;
  • eggs – 3 pieces;
  • sugar – 70 grams;
  • flour – 8 tbsp. spoon;
  • vegetable oil – 80 ml;
  • soda – 0.5 tsp. + a pinch of citric acid;
  • soda and citric acid can be replaced with 1 tsp. baking powder.


Pour sugar into a saucepan and break the eggs. Using a whisk, beat the mixture until foam appears. Pour in the brine.

Continuing to beat, add flour one spoon at a time. Thanks to this method of kneading, you will have a lump-free dough. The dosage of flour is approximate, so focus not on the number of spoons, but on the consistency of the dough. Add citric acid and soda.

Stir until bubbles appear. Pour in vegetable oil and stir. The dough should be quite liquid.

Now start baking pancakes.

Grease the frying pan with oil and heat it well. Reduce heat to medium. Pour half a ladle of dough into the middle of the pan. Tilt the pan in different directions until the dough takes the shape of a circle.

If the pancake is not completely smooth, do not add more batter. Leave it as is. When the bottom side of the pancake is browned and the top is slightly dry, carefully turn it over to the other side and cook until done.

Stack the pancakes and serve.

Pancakes in brine


  • brine – 120 ml;
  • eggs – 3 pieces;
  • sugar – 150 grams;
  • semolina – 5 tbsp. spoons
  • flour – 11 tbsp. spoons
  • 5 grams of soda + a pinch of citric acid
  • vanillin - to taste;
  • vegetable oil for frying.


Beat sugar and eggs with a whisk. Pour in the brine. Add semolina. Stir and leave for 30 minutes. The semolina should swell well so that in the finished pancakes it does not crunch on your teeth.

Then add flour, soda, citric acid and vanillin. Mix the dough thoroughly with a whisk. It should have a medium consistency.

Bake the pancakes in a hot frying pan with vegetable oil, over low heat, covered. Brine pancakes need to be baked slowly so that they turn out fluffy and well-cooked inside.
Bon appetit!!!

Sincerely, Alina Stanislavovna.



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