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Transiting zodiac sign Libra Scorpio. Famous people born under the Sphinx sign of the Upper Zodiac. Aquarius - Pisces
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Borderline zodiac signs - these signs include people who were born at the junction between the zodiac signs. They have in their character traits of both signs at the junction of which they were born.

Border signs of the zodiac include people born in the last three days before the end or beginning of the sign. For example, if you were born on November 21st. According to your horoscope, you seem to be Scorpio, but since this is the last day in the sign of Scorpio, you have something of the character of Sagittarius.

Borderline zodiac signs are interesting personalities; their characters are mixed with different traits, not even suitable friend to a friend. Such people are usually interesting for an astrologer from a professional point of view, as well as for psychologists, because they are distinguished by their originality of thinking and behavior. So what features are inherent in certain border signs of the zodiac? Let's look at each in more detail.

Aries - Taurus

Such borderline zodiac signs have the endurance and practicality of Taurus and the will and perseverance of Aries. They control everything and everyone, but at the same time they will not tolerate restrictions on their freedom. Freelance professions suit them best. They love beautiful things and are well versed in them; having such knowledge, they can make a profit from it.

Taurus - Gemini

These borderline zodiac signs are characterized by the emotionality and sociability of Gemini and the practicality and calculation of Taurus. Nevertheless, astrologers talk about them as eternal teenagers. They are active and energetic, but at the same time they are often vulnerable and sensitive. They need to try to control their actions and words and treat the people around them a little more easily.

Gemini - Cancer

These are spiritual people. They are often in an enthusiastic state. They are surprised and happy at the most ordinary things. They need romance, love, only thanks to it they feel happy.
They love new acquaintances, impressions, and travel. But at the same time they are tied to home and family. Such conflicting needs prevent these borderline zodiac signs from choosing the optimal place of residence and profession for them.

Cancer - Leo

These borderline zodiac signs are constantly in search of their true self, not only psychologically, but also by moving from place to place, experiencing life, and then using the accumulated experience.
Such people have many complexes, which they inherited from the sensitive and secretive Cancer and the violent, open Leo. Their mood often changes. A minute ago they were flexible and obedient, but now they are capricious, selfish, and stubborn.

Leo - Virgo

The contradiction that is characteristic of such borderline zodiac signs is, on the one hand, the desire to lead, and on the other, to remain in the shadows. At the same time, not everything is calm in their souls either; the energy and aggressiveness of Leo competes with the pettiness and rationality of Virgo. What is common to both of them is the desire to show off, but in order to achieve ultimate goal they often lack diligence, perseverance, and a real attitude towards life without rose-colored glasses.

Virgo - Libra

These signs are busy searching for beauty. They are drawn to unusual personalities who stand out from the general environment, as well as to luxury and art. Such people combine the artistry of Libra and the practicality of Virgo. They furnish their home with good taste. What is important to them is rather the external beauty of something, including people. They do not delve too deeply into the problems of loved ones, so they often seem callous and superficial people.


Such borderline zodiac signs are too critical not only of others, but also of life in general. They take everything seriously and lack a sense of humor. They don't trust anyone, they check everything. They lack decisiveness and think too long. But at the same time, they are endowed with such qualities as adventurism and are prone to risk.


These are borderline signs who are constantly in search of new paths, getting to know themselves. They combine the deep emotionality, secrecy and seriousness of Scorpio with the freedom-loving, straightforwardness of Sagittarius, who lives by intuition. They are rebels by nature and do not like power structures. IN at a young age are reckless and violent. They have no authority, they speak the truth straight to the face, and go ahead. They tend to work alone and do not like to depend on others.


This is where Capricorn's down-to-earth personality is combined with Sagittarius' intuition. They are developing own model future and live by their own rules. Such borderline zodiac signs can bring any project to life and make it successful. However, they are annoyed by people who do not notice their merits and disrupt their plans. They do not tolerate the mistakes of others. They work productively alone and are self-sufficient.

Capricorn - Aquarius

Contradictory people who find it difficult to get along, first of all, with themselves. Aquarius is a reformer, always striving for something new, for transformation. Capricorns are pragmatists and love stability. Due to such a different set of qualities, such people often change their mood, either they sit at home and don’t want to communicate with anyone, or suddenly they are looking for company for fun or travel. These are dreamers who make plans for the future, but at the same time want to stop it so as not to grow old. In other words, the predictability and stability of Capricorn can suddenly be replaced by the chaos of Aquarius.

Aquarius - Pisces

These borderline zodiac signs have a hard time getting along with each other. Pisces are too reserved and have their head in the clouds, while Aquarius is restless and active. They are wary of everything new, suspicious, overly susceptible, sometimes even hysterical. They like to maintain cleanliness and order, demand discipline, and find fault with others. They like to impose their views on others and are interested in mysticism.

Pisces - Aries

The border signs of the zodiac Pisces - Aries, on the one hand, are prone to sybaritism and laziness, and on the other hand, they are straightforward, achieve their goals and are open. Their rhythm can change instantly, then they are full of energy and desire to create, work, then complete detachment sets in, the desire to do nothing. They are sensitive to criticism and do not like it when they get into their soul.

The upper signs of the Zodiac are located at the junctions of generally accepted Western signs and, as it were, push the boundaries between them by 7.5° to each side of the zodiac belt, forming 12 border zones with a length of 15° each. It is believed that the constellations of the Upper Zodiac are the “sleeping” rulers of these zones.

As a result of the intervention of higher signs in the border areas, the effect of energetic resonance appears. A mixture or a kind of synthesis of elements occurs, which gives rise to contradictory character and mental confrontation, since the nature of the influence of elemental elements on a person is different.

In some cases, people are influenced by the Upper Zodiac, giving them completely different characteristics. The signs of the Upper Zodiac “awaken” when the Sun or Moon and at least two more planets are located on the border of the signs in a person’s birth horoscope. Moreover, one of these planets should be located in the last two degrees of one sign, and the other - in the first two of the neighboring one. If individual horoscope born has such indicators, then this person can be considered a representative of the Upper Zodiac. Such people stand out from the crowd; they seem to be not from our world. These are very mysterious and difficult to understand personalities, usually charismatic and endowed with extraordinary abilities. Many of them achieve significant success and become celebrities.

So, let's learn more about the 12 signs of the Upper Zodiac.

The clock is the first sign of the Upper Zodiac, which represents the constellation of the northern hemisphere of the starry sky - Cepheus, which means "number" in Latin. The Upper Zodiac sign of the Hours is located between 23° Pisces and 7° Aries. The sign is most pronounced in people born on March 20-23. Symbolically, the border of these signs represents the gates of our earthly life and chronologically coincides with the beginning of the cycle of the astrological year.

The Clock Man has the ability to “reset” any situation, that is, he has the ability to complete what he started before and start all over again. It combines the incongruous - fiery Aries and aquatic Pisces. Therefore, a person with the manifested sign of the Hours is distinguished by the activity, determination of the strong-willed Aries and the developed imagination, intuition and ability to anticipate, inherent in Pisces. Watches are knights, revolutionaries, missionaries, active and spiritual idealists with a sense of sacred, higher meaning. They not only dream and passionately desire victory for the ideals they strive for, but also make efforts to achieve them. Sometimes this can reach the point of fanaticism, manifestations of extremism in views and actions. Since Aries symbolizes leadership, and Pisces symbolizes everything secret, such people can achieve their goal by acting not directly, but as if from behind the scenes, using secret methods and means.

The watch combines the cardinality of Aries and the mobility of Pisces; it is a strategist and tactician in one person. Therefore, the movement towards the final goal by people of this sign is no longer as straightforward as Aries; on an intuitive level, they catch the direction and moment of time, while avoiding “pitfalls”. By overly trusting their intuition or getting carried away by fantasies, the Clock loses in terms of objectivity, as a result of which they sometimes make mistakes, from which they easily recover and start everything from scratch.

Famous people born under the sign of the Upper Zodiac Hours

Persons: Ivan Mazepa, Modest Mussorgsky, Albert Einstein, George Washington, Leonid Utesov, Andrei Tarkovsky, Nicholas Lombaerts, Sergei Lavrov, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Bruce Willis, Gary Oldman, Salvador Dali, Yegor Gaidar, Giordano Bruno, Georgy Zhzhenov.

Between Aquarius and Pisces, the Winged Horse “flies to infinity” is the second sign of the Upper Zodiac, represented in the heavens by the constellation Pegasus. The Winged Horse most strongly “inspires” people born from February 19 to February 23.

Pegasus is associated with various muses and serves as a symbol of the highest creative inspiration, unbridled flight of imagination and thought, the zeal of the soul upward, the desire to create and develop. The Winged Horse indicates the boundlessness and freedom of our imagination, the unity of the mental and spiritual planes in man. In our thoughts we can fly wherever and however we want, on whatever we want, for example, on a strange winged horse or on the wings of our soul.

In the zone of influence of Pegasus, a mixture of air and water elements occurs, which include Aquarius and Pisces. The Air (mental plane) of Aquarius excites the Water (emotions, feelings) of Pisces. As a result of such a “spontaneous” synthesis, a person acquires a psychological gift, hypersensitivity to subtle matters, his psychosensory abilities are enhanced, and the level of mental resonance with natural rhythms increases. He feels the pulse of the Universe, hears the Music of the Spheres, perceives the world through the prism of mysticism and magic.

The presence of wings on the Horse indicates that those born under this sign are a spiritualized, sublime nature and unencumbered by the material side of life. Most of their time, being “away from the earth” or immersed in the depths of their own “I,” people of this sign devote to the active comprehension of Existence.

The character of the Horse is sharp, obstinate, emotionally contrasting. This person is a bright, creative, progressive and original person who lives by inspiration. A passive, meaningless and “gray” existence is unacceptable for him. He is full of ideas and longs to create, contemplate, and experience. Pegasus awakens the Explorer, the Creator in man.

Famous people born under the Winged Horse sign of the Upper Zodiac

Persons: Arthur Schopenhauer, Johann Sebastian Bach, Fyodor Ushakov, Yuri Antonov, Lee Marvin, Oleg Yankovsky, Chuck Palahniuk, Andrei Vasnetsov, Evgeny Baratynsky, Kazemir Malevich, Nikolai Rastorguev, Drew Barrymore, Michelangelo Buonarotti, Kyle MacLachlan, Alla Larionova.

The Sphinx is the third sign of the Upper Zodiac, which corresponds to the constellation Cygnus in the sky. It appears on the border of the signs of Capricorn and Aquarius. The Sphinx has a particularly strong effect on people born between January 19 and January 23. Sphinxis a symbol of wisdom and knowledge, everything secret and mysterious. It is also a sign of fate and fate.

The Sphinx Man is a fatal and mysterious person, who is perceived by many as unpredictable and difficult to understand, or as a riddle that requires solving. He is often seen as a prophet or the owner of information inaccessible to most people, of which he is often the bearer. The famous words of Ecclesiastes are associated with the Sphinx: “Many wisdom brings many sorrows. He who increases knowledge increases sorrow." That is, the Sphinx knows a lot and openly, because it is strongly connected with the world temporal information flow, from which it draws knowledge. However, the more a representative of this sign learns, the greater responsibility he bears, the more fate and fate dominate his life. It is important for him to learn to balance his desire to know everything with real needs and opportunities, since the baggage of accumulated knowledge can turn out to be an unbearable burden and crush him, causing sad events.

Capricorn and Aquarius combined their energies in the Sphinx. Both signs are ruled by the same planets - Saturn and Uranus, which have a stronger influence on the Sphinx man than on the protégé of the ordinary Zodiac. Mental perception outside world the Sphinx's is detached, somewhat detached from everyday life. This is an independent, original and eccentric person who has a great need to surprise others and attract attention. Such a person has creative thinking and rather unconventional views, which, as a rule, are ahead of their time, and therefore they are not shared by everyone, but despite this, he is inclined to firmly adhere to them. The Sphinx simultaneously lives as if in the future and the past, outside the present. He thinks in terms of ideas and ideals, relying on his already formed early age worldview and on the wisdom of centuries, the experience of the past. Misunderstanding by others of his actions and intentions usually leads to the fact that the Sphinx withdraws into himself, becomes gloomy or puts on a cold mask of indifference, preferring to remain alone with his thoughts.

Famous people born under the sign of the Sphinx Upper Zodiac

Persons: Lev Landau, George Byron, David Lynch, Edgar Poe, Vasily Surikov, John Donne, Federico Fellini, Evgeniy Zamyatin, Janis Joplin, Nastassya Kinski, Natalya Krandievskaya-Tolstaya, Leonid Yarmolnik, Donald Stewart, Svetlana Khodchenkova, Irina Allegrova.

Between Sagittarius and Capricorn is the Tree, the fourth sign of the Upper Zodiac. The celestial analogy of this sign is the constellation Cassiopeia. It has the strongest effect on those born from December 21 to December 24.

The metaphysical meaning of the Tree is the connection of the Lower world with the Upper, unification different worlds, the axis of the universe, the world tree, the skeleton of the entire family. This is the focus of life, the force that forms the structure and is responsible for its stability, for the system of connections in DNA, preserving the best, ensuring selective selection and the viability of the species. The tree is a sign of the Savior, the Father of the genome, the nation, the entire species. People associated with this sign embody the highest will and strength, the central axis or a certain core that supports the frame. They are perceived by others as role models, as saviors, gurus and spiritual leaders.

The highest mission of the Tree is the evolution of soul and body, the protection of all life on Earth. “Tree” people are purifiers of collective karma both on the scale of a clan, clan or an entire nation, and on a global, universal scale (Christ atoned for the sins of humanity for the sake of its salvation). They carry the idea of ​​uniting people and uniting their efforts in the name of survival.

The ward of the Tree combines optimism, impulsiveness, straightforwardness and openness of the “fiery” Sagittarius and pessimism, isolation, coldness and pragmatism, that is, completely opposite characteristics inherent in the “earthly” Capricorn. Such a synthesis of the elements of Fire and Earth, to which Sagittarius and Capricorn belong, gives a personality that is difficult to understand, often having deep mental contradictions. Sometimes it is difficult for her to curb her passion and control her internal impulses for expansion, and at the same time, a person born under the sign of the Tree feels the need to fight his passions, self-control and self-restraint. He seems to be full of inspiration and enthusiasm, his gaze is directed broadly into Space, and his soul yearns for God, but at the same time the earthly energy of Capricorn cools his ardor, not allowing him to tear himself away from the “ground”. That is, the Tree man always looks at things realistically and does not forget about practical side any business, always remembering what provides food for him and his family.

The Tree Man has a philosophical way of life and more often finds himself in self-knowledge of the World than in communicating with people, preferring to lead a reclusive lifestyle. Over the years, he accumulates extensive life experience and a resource of knowledge, becoming a respected and wise mentor to those around him.

Famous people born under the Tree sign Upper Zodiac

Persons: Jesus Christ (allegedly), Ludwig van Beethoven, Joseph Stalin, FrancisI,Edith Piaf, Leonid Brezhnev, Eduard Uspensky, Steven Spielberg, Ekaterina Furtseva, Dmitry Bykov, Anastasia Vertinskaya, Olga Aroseva, Leonid Filatov, Samuel Jackson, Lev Durov.

Ophiuchus is the fifth sign and perhaps the most famous of all the representatives of the Upper Zodiac. Its zone of influence is located between 23° Scorpio and 7° Sagittarius. Ophiuchus most strongly affects people whose date of birth falls on the period November 22-25.

There is no unanimous opinion among astrologers regarding the zodiacal affiliation of the constellation Ophiuchus. Some "stargazers" believe that Ophiuchus is the 13th sign of the traditional, Western Zodiac and to the top zodiac circle applies to a lesser extent.

For Ophiuchus to manifest in a person, it is not at all necessary that his date of birth falls in the zodiac period of Scorpio or Sagittarius. It is enough to have one planet in the above degrees of one of the signs in the native’s horoscope, especially if the Sun or Moon is in this zone.

Ophiuchus symbolizes the law of karma or cause and effect. In Ophiuchus, two worlds come into contact - the Lower and the Higher. Ophiuchus is something like a bridge between these two worlds or a lock on the chain of incarnations, by opening which you can overcome predestination, free yourself from karmic dependence and break out into Upper world, rise to a different, higher spiritual level of soul evolution. The path of Ophiuchus is the path of a caterpillar turning into a beautiful butterfly. In other words, the mission of the Ophiuchus man is symbolic death and subsequent spiritual rebirth. To fulfill it, he needs to go through many tests, realize and atone for his sins, and burn behind him all the bridges connecting him with his former life. Only then does he have a chance to throw off the burden of karma and be reborn in a new form.

A characteristic feature of Ophiuchus is ideological intolerance and a protesting attitude against everything that he does not accept. Such people are on their own. They are bright individualists, inclined to very actively, and sometimes even aggressively, pursue their policies. Ophiuchus's protégé is an expansive, assertive and very passionate person. Sometimes in his actions he is like a fiery tornado, inexorably destroying everything in his path. He does not like to obey and in everything he relies only on his own strength, preferring to act completely independently. The ego of representatives of this sign is highly developed, which either helps them achieve outstanding results, or destroys them and is main reason their degradation.

Famous people born under the sign of Ophiuchus Upper Zodiac

Persons: Mikhail Lomonosov, Ferdinand Magellan, Georgy Zhukov, Alexander Suvorov, Alfred Schnittke, Mikhail Ulyanov, Maya PLisetskaya, Mikhail Suslov, Ilze Liepa, Dale Carnegie, Zinaida Gippius, Calvin Klein, Jodie Foster, Jamie Lee Curtis, Rodion Malinovsky, Victor Pelevin, Yuri Budanov, Mikhail Gluzsky, Andrey Smolyakov, Alexey Batalov.

6. Raven - sign of the Upper Zodiac (October 16 - 29)

In the zone between the signs Libra and Scorpio, the Raven appears - the sixth sign of the Upper Zodiac, represented in the sky by the constellation of the same name. If a person was born from October 22 to 25, then the probability of inclusion of the Raven sign is greatest.

The mythological prototype of the Raven is considered to be the prophetic bird Gamayun - a symbol of fair retribution, the execution of a judge's verdict. IN Slavic mythology Gamayun is the messenger or messenger of the gods, their herald, mediator between Heaven and Earth. She punished apostasy and injustice. In ancient Iranian mythology there is an analogue - Humaya, the bird of happiness, symbolizing the well-being awaiting a person who finds himself in its shadow.

Raven's bright mission is to maintain social justice and harmony in the world. From above he has been given the opportunity to administer justice and ensure the triumph of the law. He plays the role of referee and bailiff in one person.

Raven can also be imagined as a “carrion eater,” an orderly who cleanses society of the filth that corrupts it. However, it is important for the Raven representative to have a clear understanding of good and evil, and not to swap them. A terrible example of how a person who has this upper sign of the Zodiac in his horoscope can be mistaken in the moral assessment of his actions is the story of the maniac Chikatilo, who imagined himself to be a useful cleaner, ridding society of “moral waste.” In reality, with his “good” deeds, he caused a lot of grief and paved his way to hell rather than to a bright future.

In his zone of influence, Raven mixes air element Libra striving for balance with the water element of intense Scorpio. As a result of such a synthesis of elements, an imbalance arises in the intellectual sphere, caused by an excess of feelings generated by passionate Scorpio and which is very difficult to balance.

Raven is one of the most dual signs of the Upper Zodiac. His charges are ambiguous natures, often falling from one extreme to another. The Raven Man can lead a calm and measured life for a certain period of time, and then suddenly suddenly change and go into all sorts of troubles. Such people are characterized by “two-phase behavior” - sometimes they are soft, peaceful and balanced, sometimes they are rude, aggressive and unstable. Some individuals may live by double standards or experience split personalities.

A protégé of this sign is able to climb high up the hierarchical ladder through public assistance. For example, he may be chosen as a collective representative, ambassador, etc.

It is important for a raven to observe the principle of justice and live morally. If he takes the “dark” Path, he will fall and be overthrown.

Famous people born under the sign of Raven Upper Zodiac

Persons: Franz Liszt, Hengrich von Kleist, Ivan Bunin, Alfred Nobel, Sarah Bernhardt, Arkady Raikin, Arthur Rimbaud, Stephen King, Venedikt Erofeev, Evgeny Schwartz, Roman Abramovich, Lev Yashin, Elena Sanaeva, Spartak Mishulin.

The Shepherd is the seventh sign of the Upper Zodiac, located on the border of Virgo and Libra. The analogy for the Shepherd in heaven is the constellation Bootes. People born between September 22 and September 25 are more likely to manifest the Shepherd.

Another archetype of Bootes is the Shepherd, the one who gathers the “flock” and manages it. This is a guru, a guide showing the way to the future, called to this world with the mission of leading the masses of people. He has enormous power to influence others. His activities can radically influence the evolution of society and the formation of certain laws by which civilization will live. Therefore, those born under the constellation Bootes are entrusted with great responsibility for where their efforts will lead society. In order for him not to lead his followers into a dead end or to death into a swamp, like Susanin, he was given super-rational thinking from Virgo, which helps Libra make the most correct choice in difficult situations.

The Shepherd has a duty of voluntary service in the name of universal love, balance and peace throughout the world. Guided in his actions by a sense of duty and not afraid of responsibility, he thereby tips the scales of luck on his side, and also removes the question of the right choice facing Libra.

The Shepherd has absorbed the qualities of a rational, pragmatic Virgo and a balanced, active Libra. Such a person is distinguished by an excellent ability to make very balanced and thoughtful decisions, develop complex plans, find elegant and effective solutions. He understands all the advantages and disadvantages, both his own and those of others. He always knows what to do and how, he clearly sees all the details of the whole. He is an excellent coordinator and manipulator, skillfully using his intelligence and charm to achieve his goals, which he usually has in abundance by nature.

A person of this sign is an esthete and connoisseur of everything beautiful, having an excellent sense of taste and striving to turn any chaos into something skillful and beautiful. Any business he undertakes is done professionally and efficiently. His credo is order, accuracy, beauty and harmony in everything. All these qualities in him attract others and make him a successful person.

With a low spiritual level of development, Virgo’s materialism and Libra’s aesthetic preferences take over in the Shepherd, which gives rise to a voluptuous and down-to-earth nature, prone to material excesses.

Famous people born under the sign of Shepherd Upper Zodiac

Persons: Alexey Losev, Edward Radzinsky, Anastasia Melnikova, Sophia Loren, Francois La Rochefoucauld, Zinovy ​​Gerdt, Stephen King, Bill Murray, Michael Faraday, Scott Fitzgerald, Sergei Ozhegov, Alexander Bashirov, Maria Golubkina, Selma Hayek, Victor Verzhbitsky.

The eighth sign of the Upper Zodiac is the Sword Bearer, the Warrior, the Kneeling Knight. In the starry sky it corresponds to the constellation Hercules, which is located on the border between Leo and Virgo. The archetypes of Hercules symbolize chosen power, courage and strength, military valor and knightly duty. Period greatest influence Knight falls on August 22-25.

The synthesis of the energies of Leo and Virgo, which occurs as a result of the influence of the Sword Bearer, gives rise to a human nature with a “fiery-earthly” type temperament. That is, the duality of such a person is obvious: a choleric person with a phlegmatic person and an extrovert with an introvert can coexist in him. Which sign, Leo or Virgo, will be more pronounced for the Knight depends on the individual characteristics of the native’s horoscope.

A knight is a sign of a special caste of people who have more high status and some power over others. Their mission is to ensure the ordering of the world through transformation, some transformations and the fulfillment of duty. These people voluntarily take an oath or oath, which they have no right to break, and must strictly follow it, fulfill their obligations, honor the code and control others so that they also adhere to it. For example, an officer swears allegiance to the Fatherland, observes the charter, has honor and rank, turns boys into real men - the classic embodiment of the image of a Knight in the modern world. Willfulness and lawlessness on his part are unacceptable and are fraught with a fall from the hierarchical ladder, and the more power he has, the higher the level of responsibility of a person of this sign, the stronger the dependence on duty.

Around the age of thirty, Hercules reaches his maximum. This is the time of his heyday, when he manifests himself most clearly as a person. However, internal rebirth and transition to more high level Development in representatives of this sign is possible at any stage of life. In order to become a real knight, a Warrior must bravely walk the thorny path, protecting the weak and fighting the creation of evil. He must go through the path of asceticism, certain tests, perform twelve Herculean labors, that is, pass a certain life exam and thereby prove that he is worthy to bear the title of Knight.

Famous people born under the sign of the Knight Upper Zodiac

Persons:Napoleon, Alexander Greene, Genghis Khan, Leni Riefenstahl, Alexei Tolstoy, Aubrey Beardsley, Ray Bradbury, Heinz Guderian, Mikhail Kozakov, Richard Vincent, Sean Connery, Via Artmane, Georgiy Danelia, Irina Skobtseva, Gabrielle Chanel, Leonid Andreev.

The Chariot is the ninth sign of the Upper Zodiac, located on the border of Cancer and Leo. In the sky it is represented by the constellation Ursa Major, well-known and easily recognizable by its outline, reminiscent of a ladle with a handle. The Chariot has a stronger effect on those whose birthday falls between July 22-25.

According to ancient mythology, the chariot symbolizes the strength, power, might and omnipresence of the gods. The chariot is a symbol of heroes and patriots. It is an ancient analogue of a ceremonial car, an integral attribute of the honored hero and patriotic military leader.

In astrology, Cancer is ruled by the Moon - this is the subconscious, the mental and emotional cross-section of a person, his behavioral instincts, and the Sun is considered the ruler of Leo - willpower, spirit, ego, heart. “Inclusion” in the horoscope of the upper sign of the Zodiac, the Chariot, gives the world a lunar-solar type of personality, in which sensitive qualities have been combined water Cancer and the brave fiery Leo. The influence of the energies of these two signs gives rise to fluctuations between such opposites as cowardice and courage, softness and hardness, uncertainty and determination.

The movement of the Chariot is directed into the future, but its route runs along the most well-trodden and safe road. Simply put, these people rely heavily on tradition and past experience in their actions.

The Chariot Man is an ambiguous and multifaceted personality, with an eye-catching appearance, as a rule, very talented and charismatic. However, those born under this upper sign tend to go to extremes. Some adventurism and unpredictability are also not alien to them. Despite their apparent good nature and calmness, they sometimes commit desperate and ardent acts. People of this sign are generally characterized by spiritual impulses, which at times burst out of them like solar protuberances, because they live with soul and heart. They are the first to rush into fire and water without hesitation to save people in distress.

The Chariot is a sign of creative geniuses. She endows her protégés with enormous fertility and versatility. These are very romantic and loving natures. The ability to deeply empathize and express oneself brilliantly inner feelings makes them talented creative personalities. History knows many representatives of the Big Dipper, whose work is considered the height of perfection and has glorified them for centuries.

Famous people born under the sign of the Chariot Upper Zodiac

Persons: Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, Goethe, William Shakespeare, Alexander Dumas, Leo Tolstoy, Balzac, Vasily Sokolovsky, Pavel Sukhoi, William Defoe, General Ershov Vladimir, Robin Williams, Ernest Hemingway, Kirill Ryabov, Alexey German, Ivan Okhlobystin, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Alexander Kaidanovsky , Natalie Wood, Mireille Mathieu.

The ship is the tenth sign of the Upper Zodiac. Its star haven is located at the junction of the signs Gemini and Cancer. The second name of the sign is the Helmsman. This Upper Zodiac Sign has a stronger effect on people born from June 20 to June 23.

The ship Argo is a now defunct constellation of the southern hemisphere, divided in the 18th century into three parts: Poop, Sails, Carina. Some believe that it also includes a fourth part - the Compass constellation, but its presence on the ship ancient greek mythology seems illogical.

The Helmsman’s mission is to know the truth and everything unknown, to comprehend the meaning of life, to search for one’s egregor. Driven by the airy Gemini and the mental energy of Mercury, overcoming all sorts of difficulties along the way, overwhelmed by various phobias and experiences generated under the influence of the lunar Cancer, he sails across the ocean of life towards his dream. The ship is heading towards an imaginary unknown land, which can become his home or where he can replenish or unload his store of knowledge, which he is a big hunter of.

The image of the Ship is the first colonist, the one who establishes contact with the new world, creates the foundation and stands at the origins of the future civilization. This is a person who changes the vector of evolution, influencing generations of people and leaving a noticeable mark (mainly informational) in history.

The Man-Ship is highly inquisitive and commutative in nature. It can be compared to a mobile research laboratory.

Another image is a helmsman, a helmsman, standing at the stern of a wandering ship, setting out in search of bright emotions and romantic adventures. The course of his ship lies in the land of love and prosperity, which clearly exists only in the rich imagination of the Helmsman, but in reality, which may not be found. At the same time, he plots his “route”, relying not only on logic and calculation, but also on intuition, which he sometimes trusts even more than the arguments of reason. The Lunar-Mercurian nature of such a person implies a combination of intellect and emotions or, conversely, a confrontation between these categories. Regardless of the “weather outside”, the Helmsman believes that sooner or later his ship will reach the cherished shores fairyland. He does not lose hope of finding love in the vast ocean called Life. At the same time, the search for one’s romantic ideal, in his opinion, should be active. Until the Ship finds its “pearl lagoon”, it can have quite a lot of acquaintances and amorous hobbies. Therefore, from the outside, such a person may seem frivolous and unreliable, but this is not entirely true, he simply pursues the goal of finding a soul mate or his other half.

Famous people born under the sign of the Ship of the Upper Zodiac

Persons: Blaise Pascal, Viktor Tsoi, Robert Rodriguez, Francoise Sagan, Alexander Tvardovsky, Meryl Streep, Natalya Varley, Nicole Kidman, Valery Zolotukhin, Erich Maria Remarque, Ilya Bryzgalov, Svetlana Kryuchkova, Vasily Golovachev.

The Hunter is the eleventh sign of the Upper Zodiac, located between Taurus and Gemini. In the sky it corresponds to the constellation Orion. Orion has several more archetypes: wanderer, rider at the crossroads, hermit, pilgrim, which speaks of the versatility of people of this sign. Those born from May 20 to May 23 have a greater chance of revealing the Hunter sign.

The main mission followed by a human Hunter is to search and obtain something (someone). The object of his search may be something that gives him some kind of aesthetic pleasure, ensures a comfortable existence, or satisfies some other needs that are mainly of a material nature. To ensure a “successful hunt”, he uses his enormous potential, which Taurus gives him: talents, accumulated experience, strength and material resources. Gemini gives him intelligence and knowledge, dexterity, freedom in choosing guidelines, means and methods, which further increases his capabilities. However, the intellectual mobility and dual nature of Gemini gives rise to multiplicity, a certain scatteredness, and confronts the Hunter with the problem of choice. A person of this sign is like an arrow stretched by a bowstring, he needs one clear target to shoot accurately, and he has several of them, so he looks for the most priority one from the set, but it often eludes and splits into two. He can “chase two birds with one stone” and not catch either. Orion's protégé should always remember that it is not enough to simply be free and have the full arsenal of possibilities. It is equally important to have the right guidelines and be able to make the right choice. Otherwise, you can “get lost in the forest”, get confused in your preferences and desires, or mistakenly squander what was initially given, and in the end get nothing.

A very appropriate image for Orion is a fairy-tale hero who finds himself at a crossroads. He has everything: a daring strong woman, a heroic horse and a treasure sword, a head on his shoulders, freedom and the right to choose. But at some point the wandering hero finds himself at a fork in fate, in front of a signpost stone, and then he must choose, decide on the direction. If he refuses to sacrifice anything, then he will not get what he is on his way to. Turning back, he can wander aimlessly for the rest of his days, never realizing his potential or wasting it. The problem of lack of demand is quite acute for Orion. Many of his projects may remain unrealized, and his talents may remain “buried in the ground” or unrecognized and not adequately appreciated.

Famous people born under the sign of the Hunter of the Upper Zodiac

Persons:Nicholas II, Dante Alighieri, Mikhail Bulgakov, Richard Wagner, Andrei Sakharov, Honore de Balzac, Alexey Maresyev, Boris Akunin, Michele Placido, Karl Marx, Alexander Dedyushko, Roman Kartsev, Olesya Sudzilovskaya, Leonardo da Vinci.

Keith is the twelfth sign of the Upper Zodiac. For a person to manifest this sign, it is enough that in his horoscope on the border between Aries and Taurus there is one of the luminaries (Sun, Moon) and any one Septener planet (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn). Keith is stronger in the horoscope of people born from April 19 to April 22.

The whale is a symbol of the absorption of evil, the ordering of primary chaos, transformation through cleansing of all “garbage”. It acts as a kind of filter, breeder, sanitary recycler, and dirt adsorbent.

The whale combines the characteristics of Aries and Taurus, the elements of Fire and Earth, and combines active masculinity"Yang" and the passive feminine "Yin".

Aries-Keith is dynamic and decisive, but, unlike the “purebred” Aries, he is less harsh and more restrained in his impulses. At the end of Aries, the violent energy and egocentrism of this sign are directed into the practical and calm channel of earthly Taurus. Aries-Whale is very hardworking, but at the same time he knows how to balance his strength and spend it usefully. The nature of such a person's actions is determined by considerations of efficiency and usefulness. This type of Keith wants to dominate others, to control everything. He is especially concerned about the material sphere, in which he wants to stand out and achieve significant success more than other signs of the Upper Zodiac. At the everyday level, such a person strives to capture the best resources and wealth, but not so much for the sake of banal possession of them, but to gain recognition of leadership. Therefore, Aries-type Whales often become the main financial managers and managers.

Taurus the Whale is no longer just a cute and calm bull, peacefully grazing on the lawn. In the first degrees of Taurus, the influence of the element of Fire, which is native to Aries, is still present. Figuratively speaking, a powerful bull “with fire in his eyes” appears before us, eager to feed only on the lushest grass in the largest and best pasture. Such a person is strong in body and spirit. He is capable of achieving his goals with special stubbornness and zeal. At the same time, the Taurus type of Keith is already less impulsive than the Aries type, and differs from it by greater stability in everything. Taurus-Whale is a passionate person who accumulates energy within himself and waits for the right time, and when it comes, he, realizing the accumulated potential, begins to act very assertively and energetically.

The mighty of this world, born under the sign of Keith, are often depicted on coins, on orders and medals, in various sculptural sculptures. Examples: Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin), Catherine II the Great, Adolf Hitler.

Famous people born under the sign of Keith Upper Zodiac

Persons:Genghis Khan, Alexander Lebed, Vladimir Nabokov, Vyacheslav Fetisov, Ivan Kulibin, Elizaveta Maria Windsor, Stepan Razin, Oliver Cromwell, Jack Nicholson, Emelyan Pugachev, Andie MacDowell, Denis Evsyukov, Maria Sharapova, Veniamin Kaverin.

There are people who cannot reliably accurately determine their zodiac sign. This happens because they were born on the day when the Sun moves from one constellation to another. Some astrologers may attribute the same date to the sign of Libra, for example, while others consider it the prerogative of Scorpio. To explain more clearly, many sources indicate that October 23 is the last day when the Sun dominates the part of eclecticism close to the constellation Libra, and a famous astrologer in his horoscopes lists the same calendar date as the first day of the dominance of the part of Scorpio. It is noteworthy that the zodiac division is not constellations at all, but equal parts of the entire eclecticism as a whole. True, they are named precisely after the constellations close to them. In this article we would like to understand in more detail the border signs of the zodiac and try to understand how people born at the junction of two signs differ from others.

The magic of numbers

You may not like math and hate numbers. However, everything is built on them human life. Firstly, going to stores and other “establishments” requires financial calculations. Secondly, from birth a person is surrounded by numbers: the date of birth, the number of the tag in the maternity hospital, etc. Numbers permeate our entire lives. According to astrologers and numerologists, the fate of a person depends on them. By the way, astrologers and fortune tellers build their theories, justifying them with numbers and unique combinations of them. While ordinary people are at a loss as to how to calculate the boundary sign of the zodiac, they have already determined the clear boundaries of calendar dates, which, in fact, refer to the periods of birth of people under the auspices of the combined sign.

Believe it or not - everyone decides for themselves

People born under the borderline zodiac sign are more perfect and much more enterprising than others, according to astrologers. It is noteworthy that for many, everything related to astrology is not serious. They do not believe in predictions based on the stars and do not recognize predictions based on date of birth. They are not interested, and sometimes even funny, in what numerologists and those who know a lot about horoscopes talk about. For people who deny astrology, there will never be a question about what these borderline zodiac signs are. They should not be blamed for this, because there is no scientific evidence for plausibility astrological forecasts does not exist. Everyone decides to believe it or not, and no one can force it. However, our material has been collected exclusively for people who are passionate about astrology, who listen to horoscopes and do not deny the magic of numbers.

Subtleties and edges

Borderline presupposes the birth of a person at the junction of two parts of eclecticism. It is worth saying that such people are also mistakenly called Ophiuchus, although astrologers initially gave this definition to those who were born between November 30 and December 17. They explained this unusual attribution of a category of persons to a mysterious astrological sign by the fact that it was during the above time period that the Sun moves and dominates the 13th, so far little-known part of the circle of the entire celestial sphere. Later, this definition migrated to the masses, who did not fully understand the correctness and true meaning new term. Now you can hear how those born at the junction of the change of zodiac signs are called Ophiuchus, which is fundamentally wrong.

New research

Few people know that in astrology there is the concept of an upper horoscope. These are the 12 zodiacs, which can influence human destiny only in rare cases. By the way, because of this, astrologers dubbed them sleeping. Those who are passionate about the science of the stars should pay close attention to the upper horoscope to study in detail their purpose on earth.

Characteristic features inherent only to the border signs of the zodiac: spring

It is worthwhile to dwell in more detail on some of the character traits of people with an indeterminate zodiac sign in order to understand how they differ from others:

  1. Pisces in alliance with Aries (born from 20 to Such people got the will from the fire sign, but also rational thinking from the sign of Pisces. In general, a person born under the auspices of the interweaving of these two constellations thinks rationally, always clearly calculating any life situation. Purposeful, but sometimes lacking a sense of determination, such a person can easily occupy leadership positions, but with influential higher authorities in order to listen to opinions strong personality.
  2. Aries - Taurus (born from April 19 to 26). The horoscope of the borderline zodiac signs of this group characterizes people as morally strong, leading a huge number of followers. These are born leaders, leaders. Sometimes they go too far, not controlling the crazy craving for total control over the situation, but they achieve success in most cases.
  3. Taurus - Gemini (born from May 19 to May 26). The first sign balances Gemini's readiness to rush into any adventure or take on two things at the same time. Perhaps, among the representatives of such signs there are no big businessmen, but they may well turn out to be middle managers.

zodiac signs: summer

  1. Gemini - Cancer (boundary dates of the zodiac signs from June 20 to June 27). Cancer's indecisiveness is more than compensated by Gemini's adventurism. Therefore, this combination of zodiacs can lead to success in business. But it is important to remember: only a rational approach combined with determination will solve many problems. The positive thing is that such people are not afraid of everything new, which is extremely important in any business.
  2. Cancer - Leo (born between July 22 and July 29). This combination suggests a person who is ready to move forward without looking back. Cancer smoothes out Leo’s excessive self-confidence, so this union is good and promises a wonderful future for the person born under its protection.
  3. The border signs of the zodiac Leo - Virgo (born from August 21 to August 28) harmoniously complement each other. Leo is always forward, full interesting ideas. Virgo helps bring all ideas to life. This sign is distinguished by the fact that it is proud, but not arrogant. Perhaps this is one of the best combinations of horoscope signs in the world. Although everything is conditional. But if you compare this tandem with others, it often looks advantageous. And this key moment, leading to the joy of existence, when life is filled with meaning. Unlike the border signs of the zodiac Pisces, for example, there is no uncertainty about own strength, and such a moment is key in terms of character formation and personal qualities.

Characteristics of zodiac signs: autumn

  1. Virgo - Libra (born between September 21 and 29) suggests a complete unity of intelligence and cunning. However, such signs lack a certain degree of adventurism. Representatives of this border sign will never embark on risky ventures if a rational approach indicates a stable percentage of risks. However, one of the shortcomings is the lack of romanticism. Always only the above-mentioned rational approach to business. Even love is perceived by these signs not as a gift, but as if it were daily work.
  2. Libra - Scorpio (all born from October 21 to October 29). Representatives of this combination know how to find compromises, while paying attention to the feeling of pride. They will always achieve their goals. Scorpio, endowed with magnetism and always attracting everyone around him, coupled with the balanced decision-making of Libra, is an excellent border tandem. People born in this time period show initiative in everything and can, if they wish, achieve a lot: become a leader, achieve creative heights in drawing or writing.
  3. The union of Scorpio and Sagittarius (born from November 20 to 28) is a truly unique combination that symbolizes adventurous and knowledgeable people in life. Astrologers consider this union to be one of the most successful. From Scorpio, people absorb the desire to rule and be first, and from Sagittarius - the ability to accurately hit the target, to find interaction with the people around them.

Border signs of the horoscope: winter

  1. The grouping of Sagittarius and Capricorn (December 20-28) leads to the fact that such representatives are drawn to new things and comprehend knowledge. This helps in real life. However, they cannot be called workaholics. At the slightest opportunity, representatives of this borderline combination will avoid unnecessary work.
  2. The creative tandem of Capricorn and Aquarius (January 19-26) brings ideas, as well as a certain degree of thoughtfulness. This the most important moment. It is worth looking at the top horoscope for borderline zodiac signs to discover an abundance of new things and expand your ideas about yourself.
  3. From February 18 to 26, the border combination of Aquarius and Pisces is celebrated. The result of such a union is the ability to keep the most intimate secrets and secrets. Therefore, people are drawn to representatives of these signs, united by the commonality of stars. What is valuable in them is the desire to listen and come to the rescue even in cases where there were no requests. Representatives of these signs become good diplomats, politicians and psychologists. Often among them there are teachers and educators.


But is it possible to ignore the issue concerning Amur? Love themes always excite, disturb the soul, and play on memories. It is worth remembering that true love, according to astrologers, comes when planets and stars find each other. You should always focus on which signs are suitable for each other and which are strictly contraindicated, like incompatible medications. Of course, you shouldn’t follow this maniacally, because there is always the opportunity to correct your own character in the struggle for your own happiness.

Find a life partner based on the stars

Compatibility (even cost) of border signs of the zodiac in love is a complex question. To find a life partner, you must first know yourself. We are talking about which traits of which sign predominate in a person to a greater extent. Based on this, appropriate conclusions can be drawn. But sometimes there are difficulties in determining, because the qualities in a person born at the junction of two zodiac signs manifest themselves in almost equal degrees. In this case, you can draw up an individual chart by contacting a professional astrologer, or listen to your own heart, which will tell you the right path.

Summing up

Every person is unique. Character, ability, ability to overcome obstacles, or the lack of all of these are present in each of us to varying degrees. The representative of the border sign of the zodiac combines the features of two celestial beings at once. Astrologers quite rightly classify such people as interesting personalities capable of great achievements. True, you should not rely only on horoscopes, building your own path through self-knowledge and improving day by day. This is the only way to find the road leading to happiness and success.

If you were born at the junction of two zodiac signs, this horoscope is for you!

Most of us know our Zodiac sign, but if you were born a few days before or after the Sun moves from one astrological sign to the next, you can be considered to have been born at the junction of two signs. Such people are unique in their own way; among them there are many extraordinary personalities who do not fit into the generally accepted framework. Find out what makes you tick and how being born on the border of two signs has affected your character.

What happens when you combine the energies of stable Capricorn and quirky Aquarius? A unique personality - that's what! If you were born between January 16th and 23rd, you were born at the "Peak of Mystery and Imagination." It's never boring with you. Outwardly, you can be extravagant or, on the contrary, calm and shy, but deep down in your soul emotions are always seething. Such people have bright dreams and rich imagination. If you want to be happy, you need to be creative. While hard work and high standards bring these people success in most career-related endeavors, they may find it more difficult to maintain personal relationships.

If your birth date combines the energy of whimsical Aquarius with dreamy Pisces, you were born at the "Peak of Sensibility." Such people are spiritual, artistic, peace-loving and friendly. They are characterized by originality, visionary ideas and wisdom. These people have powerful intellects, but sometimes they turn out to be too impractical and dependent. It is much more important for them to delve into spiritual issues and philosophical ideals than to simply manage the details of everyday life.

For this reason, they are often absent-minded, forgetful and uncollected. But don't get mad at them: they're simply too busy thinking about how to make the world a better place on a much deeper level.

You combine the energy of the dreamy, sensitive sign of Pisces and the decisive, fiery sign of Aries. Your personality is an intriguing mixture of fiery impulsiveness and daydreaming. And this is a great combination, because it means that you are not just dreaming, but also making your dreams come true here and now. You are a leader who combines fearlessness and compassion for others. These people have a natural ability to set goals and motivate others to achieve success.

If you can balance both sides of your personality, you will become a very successful person: Pisces can temper Aries' haste, while Aries can make Pisces' dreams come true.

Authoritative and courageous people born on the border of Aries and Taurus are natural leaders. The energies of these two signs combine well: the impulsive Aries actively moves towards the goal, while the practical Taurus takes care of all the details. However, you should pay attention to the fact that you do not consider the opinions and desires of others.

This isn't always a bad thing - it's just important to find balance, soften your aggressive instincts and learn to respect the feelings of others.

People born between the signs of Taurus and Gemini, from approximately May 17th to 23rd, are endowed with physical strength and endurance, including psychological. Such traits give them the ability to adapt to many various situations and people. If these people see a goal, then they go to the end, sometimes without noticing that, like a candle, they are burning at both ends.

Therefore, it is very important for them to learn to take care of themselves and not overload. If they learn to get along with people and listen more, they will become successful.

If you were born at the cusp of Gemini and Cancer, around June 17th to June 23rd, you are... amazing person! They are fun, curious, caring, loyal, sensitive and inspiring people. At the same time, they can be overly emotional, frivolous, selfish and depressed. The fast and fresh energy of Gemini combines with the slower and more thoughtful nature of Cancer, creating people who are both light and bright.

These people love to study history and philosophy, try new recipes, and play with children. It is vital for them to love someone! Without love, they may become moody or depressed.

People born at the junction of the signs of Leo and Cancer combine the vulnerability of Cancer and the courage of Leo, which leads to many contradictions in their character. The life of these people is full of extreme ups and downs! These passionate, creative and fun people are often flighty and prone to hysterics.

They should take up volunteer work because helping others is a great way to gain balance and focus on something other than themselves. If they learn to balance their extremes, their lives will be filled with love and lasting relationships.

You were born on the “Peak of the Rift,” but everything is not as scary as you think. Leo is a Fire sign, and Virgo is an Earth sign. This means that there are opposing elements in your personality. Such people are very hardworking and passionate. They devote their entire lives to a specific cause. Leo is a loving and natural leader, while Virgo is a hard-working, detail-oriented and loyal person.

Since you were born between such different signs, it is difficult to say in which direction you will develop. Sometimes Leo-Virgos need fame and attention like Leos, and sometimes they are more like Virgos and prefer a calm, less social image life.

If you were born at the junction of the signs of Virgo and Libra, you wonderful person both inside and outside! Such people are always balanced, calm, and rarely doubt the correctness of their choice. They are practical, a little stingy, and prudent in relationships with the opposite sex. But at the same time they are romantic, they love to be looked after, praised, and thanked.

They know how to find mutual language with representatives of different social classes, so they make good diplomats. Virgo-Libras are deep thinkers with keen analytical skills and a strong work ethic, but due to their laziness and reluctance to change, they may not reach the desired heights.

If you were born at the juncture of Libra and Scorpio, you are ruled by two passionate planets - Venus and Pluto. This makes Libra-Scorpios incredibly sexy, attractive and, as a rule, very beautiful. It is very important for these people to engage public activities- without this they become withdrawn and depressed. In their field, they easily reach heights and gain popularity.

However, the intelligence, drive, brightness and sexuality of these people can cost too much to others! They have strong leadership qualities and stubbornness. They need to be careful not to become arrogant.

These people are full of strength and rebellious energy. They are ruled by the planets Pluto, Mars and Jupiter. They are fearless, energetic people who are not afraid to freely express their opinions and pursue their goals. If they can learn to channel all this energy into productive channels, they will be successful in most endeavors.

It is important for them to constantly be busy with something. Strong, generous, with a good sense of humor, these people are the most loyal and cheerful friends. Don't try to limit their freedom. If they manage to curb their aggression, they become the life of any party.

If you were born at the cusp of Sagittarius-Capricorn, around December 18th to December 24th, you are a highly spiritual person who strives to change the world. The optimism and fearlessness of Sagittarius go well with the hardworking and practical nature of Capricorn. This leads to a person dreaming big and then making those dreams come true. These people are mobile, sociable, and love to travel a lot.

They are successful in their careers, but are not obsessed with it. It is very important for them to feel their importance, to feel that they do not live in this world in vain. They are quite sociable and good-natured, but open up to only a few people. If this horoscope has helped you better understand yourself or your loved ones, share this information with your friends!

Birth at the junction of two zodiac signs- real luck! People who celebrate their birthday during this period are truly unique. After all, they only combine best features not one, but two zodiac patrons at once.

Editorial "So simple!" proposes to understand what is special about such extraordinary personalities and what motivates them throughout their lives.

Magical properties of zodiac signs

  • Capricorn - Volodya
    The character traits of the pragmatic Capricorn go well with the whimsical Aquarius. If you were born between January 16 and 23, then you are a real lucky person with endless imagination and bright dreams. Everyone around you simply adore you, because there is never a dull moment with you.

    Fortunately, the stable nature of Capricorn prevents the Aquarius in you from committing rash acts. It may be difficult for you personal life, for that you are incredibly successful in the affairs of workers. But here you have to choose...

  • Aquarius - Pisces
    The quirkiness of Aquarius and the dreaminess of Pisces makes such people very sensitive. They are creative, original and wise. They make a dizzying career without any problems, although they often set inflated goals for themselves. Such border guards are often absent-minded, but only because they constantly dream of changing the world for the better.

  • Pisces - Aries
    If you were born between March 17 and March 23, you were lucky enough to combine the same sensitivity of Pisces and the fiery character of Aries. It would seem that the character doesn’t fit at all, but that’s the beauty of it! It is important here that Aries dominates, because Pisces are always ready to give in.

    Well, if you manage to keep both signs in harmony, you will become extremely successful. After all, Pisces can moderate the hot-tempered nature of Aries, and Aries can easily make the dreams of touching Pisces come true.

  • Aries - Taurus
    Such people are born leaders. The energies of Aries and Taurus combine the best way: While the impulsive Aries achieves goals at any cost, the practical Taurus pays attention to the details. True, to achieve success, the April border guards will still have to hold back their emotions and learn to respect others.

  • Taurus - Gemini
    Such individuals are strong and resilient, not only physically, but also psychologically. Gemini's sociability and resourcefulness allow these people to easily adapt to difficult situations. The main thing is to take care of yourself and not overdo it in trying to achieve your goals as quickly as possible. And here a strong family- something that such border guards cannot do without, because the family gives them that very missing confidence and support.

  • Gemini - Cancer
    The bright energy of Gemini combines very harmoniously with the thoughtful nature of Cancer, giving the world incredibly fresh and sunny people. June border guards - real soul companies. They are fun, caring and inspiring individuals who just need someone to love. They love children, culinary experiments and philosophical books. If you were born between June 17 and June 23, you are an amazing person!

  • Cancer - Leo
    If the powerful Leo listens to the wise family Cancer, everything will be wonderful. The character of such individuals is quite contradictory and changeable. They can be creative and cheerful, or they can be very vulnerable and hysterical. Once you learn to balance both signs, then life will be full of success and love.

  • Leo - Virgo
    If you were born between August 19 and August 25, your patron signs constantly contradict each other. You are very persistent and talented, and many will envy your strength and perseverance. A lion - true leader and a loving family man, but Virgo is always ready to work endlessly. Most often, the signs cannot live in harmony, so one tries to push the other into the background.

  • Virgo - Libra
    Congratulations, you were lucky enough to be born at the “Peak of Beauty”. Everything about you is beautiful, and everything is within your power. You are a balanced, calm, romantic person who will never doubt the correctness of the choice you have made. True, sometimes laziness and unwillingness to change anything can deprive you of your career and prevent you from achieving such desired heights.

  • Libra - Scorpio
    For people who were born on the border of these contradictory signs, it’s not very easy. But in pain the truth is born. Venus and Pluto make these signs extremely beautiful and attractive. They are characterized by leadership and stubbornness, but the main thing is not to turn up your nose too much. They easily reach career heights and gain much-needed popularity. Yes, yes, without a public life they simply wither away.

  • Scorpio - Sagittarius
    People with crazy energy who don’t always know how to channel it in the right direction. And if they manage to cope with it, they will be extremely successful. Generous, loyal and cheerful friends, they are always the life of the party. Still would! It happens that the November border guards have an overly heightened sense of justice. But before you throw accusations in all directions, try counting to one hundred.

  • Sagittarius - Capricorn
    The fearlessness of Sagittarius is in complete harmony with the hard work of Capricorn. Sagittarius-Capricorns are highly spiritual people who are trying with all their might to change this world for the better. They are very self-sufficient in life and profession. They are sociable and cannot live without traveling. They can easily make the most incomprehensible dreams come true, if you just want to!

  • If this horoscope has helped you better understand your character or the character of your loved ones, be sure to share it with your friends.



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