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Sensory planning in the second junior group. Long-term plan for sensory development in the first junior group

Alsou Vagapova
Long-term plan By sensory development young children


Subject: Ball game “Feet stomp along the colored path”

Target: Learn to recognize and name the colors red and blue.

Subject: "Pick up the leaves"

Target: Compare two objects by size.

Learn to distinguish objects by size, compare (this – not this).

Subject: "Entertaining boxes"

Target: Learn to recognize and name the color green, consolidate red, blue, yellow colors. Reinforce knowledge of the round shape.

Subject: "The hedgehogs quarreled"

Target: Continue to teach, recognize and name red, blue, yellow, green colors. Learn to determine size and quality items: big small; soft - hard.

Subject: “What did you try? (show, tell)»

Target: Develop sense of taste.

Subject:"Forest Kids"

Target: Reinforce concepts “big – small, long – short, fast – slow”

Subject: "Assemble a pyramid"

Target: Learn to assemble a pyramid according to a pattern (color, optional.


Target: Reinforce knowledge of primary colors.

Learn to correlate objects with different properties. Learn to choose from two types of objects

Subject"Dishes shop"

Target: Reinforce knowledge of primary colors. Learn to play out a small plot. Induce, interest children communicate with each other.

Subject: "Toys for Olya and Kolya"

Target: Continue learning to distinguish and name colors.

Determine the properties of objects (soft, prickly, smooth, rough, warm, cold)

Subject: “Selection of lids for boxes different shapes»

Target: Continue learning children determine the shape(circle, square, color, size of objects and their parts. Learn to correlate individual parts of objects by size and color.

Subject: "Elegant beads"


Subject: "Little and big feet walk along the path"

Target: Learn to understand words "long, short".

Learn to correctly correlate words with the size of an object.

Subject: "Pyramid pillows"

Target: Fix primary colors (six colors, develop fine motor skills hands, eye gauge. Teach orientation in size.

Subject: "Compare"

Target: Pin to active dictionary children concepts"big small"

Clarify ideas about the color, shape and quality of objects, continue to correlate objects by size.

Subject: "Find a toy"

Target: Strengthen the ability to navigate in a group, distinguish and correctly name signs "high Low"

Subject: "Let's dress the doll"

Target: Learn to understand words “like this - not like this”, "different", group by color, find a pair (mittens, socks, boots).

Subject: “What does it sound like?”


Subject:"Collect a picture"

Target: Learn to put together pictures from two halves.

Subject: "Sinking, not sinking"

Target: Learn children act with rubber toys, natural materials- pebbles.

Subject: “Our feet walk along a level path”

Target: Develop visual-auditory attention, coordination of movements.

Subject: "Beads for a bear"

Target: Form an idea of ​​wild animals (hare, squirrel, bear). Develop fine motor skills of hands. Cultivate responsiveness and goodwill.

Subject: “What kind of object?”

Target: Learn to name an object and describe it.

Subject: "Guess the toy"

Target: Form at children the ability to find an object, focusing on its main features and description.

Subject: “What does it sound like?”(repetition)

Target: Learn to identify sounds by ear musical instruments, it is correct to call them.

Subject: "Elegant beads" (repetition)

Target: Learn to alternate objects by size, color, shape





S. Elizavetinskoe

Main goals

1. Correlation by size and shape.

2. Grouping by color

3. Color matching.

4. Strengthen children's knowledge about geometric shapes.

5. Comparison of objects by size.

6. Designation of features of objects using color

7. Alternation by color.

8. Correlation by form.

9. Grouping by shape.

10. Alternation in size.

11. Alternation in form.

12. Develop logical thinking, attention, speech.

Long-term plan
on sensory development

children of primary preschool age


Correlation by size and shape Grouping by size and shape


To promote the formation of color concepts in children; to teach to correlate the colors of dissimilar objects


Teach children to compare objects by color by placing them next to each other. Grouping by color.


Group objects that differ in shape, size, but have the same color. Group objects similar to the sample.


Teach children to select objects based on the color word

Teach children to select objects according to the word, but in two shades of each color of the spectrum


Teach children to visually examine, recognize, and correctly name plane geometric shapes. Teach children to find one specific figure among many and name it.


Alternation in form. Alternation in size


Teach to identify shapes in specific objects in the environment using geometric patterns. Consolidate children’s knowledge about shapes.

Learn to compare several objects by size

Developing the ability to group objects, quick thinking, cognitive activity; development of attention, speech, joint play activities

Calendar plan

on sensory development

children of primary preschool age


Lesson No. 1.

Goal: to teach children to group objects by size.

Lesson No. 2.

Game: Arranging homogeneous objects of different shapes into two groups
Purpose: grouping by shape.

Game: Arranging homogeneous objects of different sizes into two groups

Lesson No. 1.

Game "Balloons"

Goal: To promote the formation of color concepts in children Game “Flying Balls”

Goal: To promote the formation of color concepts in children, to give an idea of ​​​​white and black colors.

Lesson No. 2.

Game "Swan"

Purpose: To give children an idea that color is a sign of various objects and is used to designate them. To consolidate knowledge of the colors of the spectrum.

Game "Live Domino"

Purpose: To give children an idea that color is a sign of various objects and is used to designate them. Reinforce your knowledge of the colors of the spectrum.

Lesson No. 1.

Game "Beautiful Bouquet"

Goal: to introduce children to the colors of the spectrum and their names. Teach children to compare objects by color by placing them next to each other. Game “Pick the same one”

Lesson No. 2.

Game "Light the Flashlight"

Purpose: to train children in naming the colors of objects Game “Striped Rugs”

Goal: to teach children to practically apply the acquired knowledge and compare by color.

Lesson No. 1.

Game "Who will collect the toys sooner"

Goal: to teach children to group objects that differ in shape, size, purpose, but have the same color. Game “Each bead on its own thread”

Goal: to teach children to group objects similar to the sample.

Lesson No. 2.

Game "Colorful hoops"

Game “Decorate the Christmas tree”

Goal: to teach children to select objects based on the word denoting color.

Lesson No. 1.

Game "Colorful hoops"

Goal: to teach children to select objects based on the word denoting color.

Lesson No. 1.

Game “Name the geometric figure”

Goal: to teach children to visually examine, recognize and correctly name planar geometric shapes (circle, square, rectangle, triangle, oval) Game “Domino of Figures”

Goal: to teach children to find one specific figure among many and name it.

Lesson No. 2.

Game Laying out a mosaic on the theme “Christmas trees and mushrooms” Purpose: grouping objects by color Game Stringing large and small beads. Goal: Alternation in size.


Lesson No. 1.

Game Stringing beads of different shapes. Purpose: Alternation in form. Game “Get into the Hole” Goal: matching by shape and size.

Lesson No. 2.

Lotto Game “Color and Shape”

Game "Wonderful bag"

Goal: to consolidate the name of geometric shapes, teach to find objects of the same shape.

Lesson No. 1.

Game Stringing beads of different colors

Purpose: Alternation by color.

Game “Find an object of the same shape”

Goal: to learn to identify shapes in specific objects in the environment, using geometric patterns.

Lesson No. 2.

Geometric Lotto Game

Goal: learn to compare the shape of the depicted object with geometric figures and select objects according to a geometric pattern Game “What is in the bag”

Lesson No. 1.

Game "Exercise with circles"

Purpose: to give children an idea of ​​​​the relationships of three objects in size.

Game "What's there"

Goal: to consolidate the ability to establish the ratio of three objects in size, to teach children to use this skill when performing an objective action (making a nesting doll).

Lesson No. 2.

Game "Let's make columns"

Goal: to strengthen the ability to select objects of the same size by eye.

A game"What's missing"

Long-term plan
on sensory development of children of middle preschool age


Difference in size of objects

Distinguishing objects based on common characteristics


Comparison of objects by shape and quantity

Learn the names and formations of numbers


Formation of temporary representations

Strengthening ideas about geometric shapes and colors

Development of logical thinking and memory, consolidation of ideas about geometric shapes


Consolidating ideas about the ordinal position of numbers

Calendar plan

on sensory development

children of middle preschool age

Lesson No. 1.

Game "Big and Small"

Goal: to teach children to alternate objects by size.
Game “How are they alike, how are they different”
Purpose: to consolidate the concepts of magnitude.

Lesson No. 2.

Game "Loaf"

Goal: to consolidate the concepts of “big - small”.
Game "Doll Houses"

Goal: to teach children to compare and select objects by size.

Lesson No. 1.

Game "Find the same"

Goal: to teach how to select items from a variety based on their characteristics.
Game “Pick the same one”

Goal: to consolidate the ability to select objects based on characteristics.
Lesson No. 2.

Game “Put in boxes”

Goal: to learn to identify the characteristics of objects and navigate in forms and

Game “Setting the table”

Goal: to teach children to select objects by size and shape.

Lesson No. 1.

Game "Mittens"

Goal: to work on the formation of elementary mathematical

Game "Same and Identical"
Purpose: compare objects by shape.

Lesson No. 2.

Game “Find which toys are equal”
Purpose: to teach counting and comparison.
Game "Build"

Goal: find identical parts.

Lesson No. 1.

Game "Shop"

Purpose: This game will help you learn the names and order of the first five numbers.

Game "Make a ladder"

Goal: formation of numbers and numbers 5.

Lesson No. 2.

Game "Count the same amount"

Goal: consolidate children's knowledge of numbers.

Game "Russell Colored Numbers"

Goal: ability to form a number from two smaller ones.

Lesson No. 1.

Game “Game exercise for parts of the day”

Goal: formation of temporary representations of attention development.
Game "When it happens"

Goal: to consolidate the idea of ​​the time of day, to teach correctly
use the words “today, tomorrow, yesterday.”

Lesson No. 2.

Game "Day - Night"

Goal: to consolidate the concepts of “morning”, “day”, “evening”, “night”.
Game "Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow"
Goal: mastering time concepts.

Lesson No. 1.

Game "Ornaments"

Goal: to teach to distinguish shapes on a plane and taking into account shape and color.

Game Constructor “Assemble the Cube”

Goal: to strengthen the ability to think logically.

Lesson No. 2.

Lotto Game “Color and Shape”

Purpose: to fix the colors and shapes of objects.

Game "Wonderful bag"

Purpose: to consolidate the name of geometric shapes, teach to find objects
the same shape.

Lesson No. 1.

Game "Logical Lotto"

Goal: develop logical thinking.

Game "Find the same"

Goal: develop attention and memory.

Lesson No. 2.

Game "Pick a Shape"

Purpose: to practice naming geometric shapes.
Game "What's in the bag"

Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about geometric shapes.

Lesson No. 1.

Game "Name the Number"
Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge of numbers.
Game "What number is missing"
Purpose: to practice ordinal counting.

Lesson No. 2.

Game “Name the neighbors of the number”

Goal: to practice the relationship between numbers and numbers.

Game "What's Missing"

Goal: to develop children's attentiveness and memory.

MADOU Nizhnevartovsk DS No. 41 ROSINKA

Forward planning on sensory development.Junior preschool age.

Completed by: Saidova Abidat Bayravovna

Target: creation of a developmental environment that ensures the development of sensory standards of taste, hearing, smell, vision and tactile sensations.

Objectives of child upbringing and development

1. enrich children’s sensory experience, improve analytical perception, develop the ability to identify the properties of objects using different senses.

  1. promote children's learning different ways examination, establishing connections between the examination method and the knowable property of the object.
  2. formation of elementary mathematical representations and shape, size, volume, magnitude, time, cause and effect;
  3. development of speech and other communication skills;
  4. support and stimulate children’s attempts to independently understand surrounding objects and establish connections between them based on sensory attributes.

A child’s sensory development is the development of his perception and the formation of ideas about the external properties of objects: their shape, color, size, position in space, as well as smell, taste, etc. The importance of sensory development in early and preschool childhood can hardly be overestimated. It is this age that is most favorable for improving the functioning of the senses and accumulating ideas about the world around us. Sensory development, on the one hand, forms the foundation of the general mental development of the child, on the other hand, it has independent significance, since full perception is necessary for the successful education of the child in kindergarten, at school, and for many types of work.

Knowledge begins with the perception of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. All other forms of cognition - memorization, thinking, imagination - are built on the basis of images of perception and are the result of their processing. Therefore normal mental development impossible without relying on full perception.

Week Theme

Program content

Didactic games

Final event

Month September Topic“Development of sensory standards of color Didactic games aimed at developing color perception”

1 week Topic: “Our group”

Target: Adaptation to space (group premises: bedroom, playroom, toilet room; transition from room to room), group equipment and new social environment; corners (centers): content and activity opportunities, rules of behavior; some rules of behavior, communication with adults and children Enrichment of positive emotional experience when children master the first rules of behavior and the ability to navigate the subject space of the group. Familiarity with group equipment (toy cabinets, chairs, shelves, activity centers), their purpose and how to use them.

Games and activities in the environment, showing interest in equipment and toys in a group; free movement in space Games in the sensory corner (center).

Introduction to plasticine (modeling) Target: Arouse children's interest in modeling. Introduce children to art material– plasticine: it is soft, you can tear off a piece from it and attach it to another piece. Teach children a form-building movement - rolling.Photo collage “Summer, oh summer...” Exhibition of children's works “Be careful!”

Week 2 Topic: “Visiting Moidodyr”

Target: Learn to recognize and name fruits and vegetables. Form ideas about the shape, color, surface, smell of fruits and vegetables. Teach the rules of examination using visual-tactile-motor actions. Develop the ability to listen and hear the teacher by repeating definitions after him. Teach personal safety rules (wash fruits and vegetables before eating). Listening and learning (repetition and imitation of plots) nursery rhymes and poems on the theme “Water, water, wash my face”, A. Barto “Greasy Girl”, etc.

Looking at illustrations "Vegetables fruits".

D/game "Wonderful bag." Target: continue to develop tactile sensations and the ability to select objects of the same shape.

D/game lotto (by topic).

Games (blowing soap bubbles and soap foam).

D/game “Collect vegetables”.

Target: introduce children to shapes: circle and oval; learn to examine geometric shapes (trace the contours with your finger).

D/i Purpose:

Various toys that we love to play with (applique) One. A lot of. Few Target: introduce children to round objects; teach techniques of gluing, spreading with glue reverse side forms, work on oilcloth, press the forms to the paper with a napkin and the whole palm. Learn to form groups individual items, use the words: many, few, one. Draw children's attention to the color of objects, consolidate the ability to select objects of the same color. Strengthen the ability to describe vegetables according to their characteristic features, according to the diagram.

Week 3 Topic: "Visiting a fairy tale"

Target: Interest in looking, listening; reading and learning fairy tales, reading and looking at illustrations folk tales“Chicken Ryaba”, “Kolobok”. Teach children, together with the teacher, to write a short story about their loved ones fairy tale characters. Learn to distinguish words with opposite meanings (good - evil, big - small, etc.). Develop memory, thinking, attention. Cultivate an interest in fiction.

D/game “What rolls, what doesn’t roll?” Target: Make the shape of the object meaningful to the child. Learn to rely on it in your activities. D/game "Take a Picture" Target:

D/game "Loto" (color recognition)

Target: Continue choosing the color according to the sample. Learn to perceive and identify sharply different and similar colors and shades. Decorating a book corner in a group.

Let's get acquainted with the Lego constructor. Reinforcing the concepts of “many” and “one”. Target: Let children become familiar with the parts of a simple construction set through hands-on experimentation with them. Learn how to fasten parts. Encourage children to express in speech their attitude to the way of activity, to name some materials and tools, shapes, colors. “continue to teach how to form groups of individual objects, use the words: many, few, one. Develop the ability to independently complete tasks. Maintain children's interest in exploration activities.

Week 4 Topic: “The world around us”

Target: Color standards: red, green, blue, yellow, white, black; highlighting colors in objects of the surrounding world. Sorting objects by color (blue and red clothes), etc., color matching games.Panel “Colorful World”- image of objects of different colors (sun, river, trees, etc.).

D/game "Take a Picture" Target: Learn to see the shape in an object, to correlate the shape of the slot and the tab. Compose a whole from different geometric shapes and their parts, selecting the ones you need through sampling and trying on. D/game "Find your chair" Target: Learn to perceive a planar shape with the help of practical orientation in the room, check by superimposition. D/game "Find your match" Target: Learn to perceive a planar form, make a choice based on a model. Continue to develop attention.

Short and long paths. (construction) Circle, Square (Dyenesha blocks) Target: introduce children to the square, teach them to distinguish and name: circle, square. Teach children to carefully connect bricks by lining them up. Strengthen the ability to distinguish spatial features (short, long) and correctly denote them with words.Cultivate interest in constructive activities. Develop in children: perception of shape; the ability to analyze the location of objects in space

Month October Topic: “Development of sensory standards of form Didactic games aimed at developing the perception of form"

Week 5 Topic: “Golden Autumn”

Observation While walking, admire the colorful leaves.The arrival of autumn, signs of autumn, observing changes in nature. Fix the names of vegetables, fruits, trees that grow on city streets and in the area kindergarten. Learn to name familiar colors, use antonyms, and agree in gender and number of adjectives denoting color with nouns. Reading poems and descriptions autumn nature, viewing works visual arts highlighting seasonal changes. Choosing paints and pencils during the drawing process

Finger game "Leaf fall, leaves

the yellow ones are flying."

Outdoor game "Falling Leaves"

D/game “Put down the barrels.”

Target: consolidate the ability to establish relationships between objects by size. D/game Purpose:

Outdoor game "Blow up the bubble."

D/game “Collect fruits by color.” Target: teach children to group objects that differ in shape and size, but have the same color.

“Leaf fall” (drawing) Purpose:Arouse children's interest in creating the composition “Falling Leaves”. Learn to draw objects of different shapes using the technique of “dipping” warm colors (red, yellow, orange) on a blue background (sky). Develop eye, hand coordination, sense of color and rhythm. Cultivate an interest in drawing.Older People's Day"Postcard for Grandma"Exhibition of children's works - "Colors of Autumn".Collecting autumn leaves and drawings on the topic. Making an autumn bouquet together with the teacher to decorate the group

Week 6 Topic: “In the animal world” (pets)

Target: Vivid impressions about pets: appearance, structure, features of the cover; basic rules for taking care of them within your means (feeding, walking). continue to introduce children to the classification of animals (domestic and wild). Teach children to name body parts correctly. To develop the ability to use words with opposite meanings, to agree in gender and number of adjectives with nouns. Reading poems and stories about animals, stimulating questions. Compiling a composition from folk craft toys and small sculptures “Our Pets”, examining and playing Didactic games “What kind of animal?”, “Who eats what?” and so on.

A game " Arrangement of homogeneous objects of different sizes into two groups"
Purpose: Game "How are they similar and how are they different"
Goal: D/i "Who's hiding here?" Target: Develop the ability to navigate. Game "One-Many".

Target: To train children in the ability to compare collections of objects, to distinguish where there is one object and where there are many.

A game “Where is the kitten sitting?”

Target : Strengthen children’s ability to navigate in space, use prepositions in speech: on, under.

“Dog kennel” (applique) Geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle) Target: Encourage children to have an emotional relationship with animals. Teach to take care of them, treat them with care. Strengthen the skills of applying glue to finished paper blanks and gluing them. continue to introduce children to geometric shapes, their colors, and examination methods. Develop the ability to compare, highlight individual characteristics, classify according to 1-2 characteristics (by color, shape).

Week 7 Topic: “Fences”

Target: Continue to introduce children to surrounding objects and the materials from which they are made. Learn to build a fence according to the teacher's model.Strengthen children's ability to distinguish objects by size; be able to work with clay, roll a roller of large and small sizes, and admire the work done.

D/game “Take a picture.”

Target: teach children to make a picture from different parts. D/game "Long - short."


D/game "Let's build a hospital."

Target: develop an eye when selecting objects of a certain size based on a model.

"Fence for a horse"(modeling) So much... How much Target: Consolidating the ability to roll out plasticine with straight movements of the palms, placing sticks on top of each other. Learn to compare one group with another, sequentially placing one object on top of another. Distinguish between equality and inequality without counting by the number of objects included in a group; continue to train to distinguish between right and left hand. To support and develop children’s interest in jointly with adults and independently examining objects and performing various activities with them.

Week 8 Topic: “Our friendly family”

Target: Ideas about adults (appearance, responsibilities, deeds and actions, family), friendly attitude towards loved ones; emotional response to emotional states in everyday situations; looking at family albums; reading poetry on the topic; games on family themes.Drawing "Our Family"(co-creation with parents, equipment and materials to choose from)

D/game “Who’s tall?” Purpose: D/game “What did grandma give you?” Target: consolidate ideas about the six colors of the spectrum, learn to highlight colors, distracting from other characteristics of objects. D/game “It’s time for Katya’s doll to sleep.” Purpose: D/game “Assignments” Teach children to distinguish and name toys, their main qualities (color, size); understand the meaning of the words up and down. Develop auditory perception.

Plot-wise role-playing game: "Tea party."Plane orientation Target: Games based on the “Family” plot, adding attributes for the game; simple role-playing dialogues. teach children to navigate on a plane, in space; determine the location of objects (above, below, next to, near, etc.). Learn to compare groups of objects arranged in a row. Develop interest in research activities.

Month November Topic “Comparison of objects. Development of spatial orientation"

Week 9 Topic: “My friends”

Looking at pictures of “Toys”.

Games and toys for boys and girls, some game rules and actions; rules of communication and joint play, polite addresses to other children, the ability to share a toy, play together, and agree on joint activities.Reading rhyme“All the kids like the beautiful doll.”Observation while walking:tall and low trees.

Outdoor game “Who can get into the circle faster?”

Riddle "Mouse"

D/game “Hide the mouse”.

Target: consolidating children's knowledge about the six colors of the spectrum and their names.

D/game "It's Natasha's doll's housewarming party." Target: Tabletop theater"Masha and the Bear".Collaborative story games.

Big and small balls.Orientation in space Target: Choose large and small round-shaped objects. Carefully paste the images. Strengthen ideas about round objectsteach to find an object in space, determining its location with the words: above, below, on. Practice comparing two groups of objects arranged in a row; use words: as much.. as, equally. Develop spatial orientation abilities.

Week 10 Topic: “Let’s dress the doll for a walk”

Target: Items of outerwear, purpose of items of clothing, rules of dressing, careful careful use, drying after a walk; variability of some items (different types of hats, jackets or coats); using a dressing algorithm to develop the ability to select clothes for a doll depending on the time of year. Develop the ability to classify clothes by purpose and by season; introduce the materials from which it is made. Learn to correctly name items of clothing, name actions, and use adjectives denoting color. Selection of doll clothes (according to the season) in the play corner; games with dolls “Getting ready for a walk”Construction on a walksnow slide for a bear, paint a winter landscape.

D/game “What does a beautiful doll need?” Target: give children the idea that color is a sign of various objects and can be used to designate them.

D/game “Choose clothes for the doll.”

Target: correlate objects by size.

Reading rhyme:“The dolls got up in the morning, it’s time for them to get dressed.” D/game "It's Natasha's doll's housewarming party."

Target: teach children to determine the size of an object.”

D/game “It’s time for Katya’s doll to sleep.”

Target: develop an eye when choosing objects.

Let's dress the dolls for a walk (applique) Geometric shapes Target: continue to cultivate children's interest in appliqué and create a desire to help toy characters. Learn to compose a pattern in a certain sequence, correctly alternating shapes in size: large, small. Develop a sense of rhythm. Continue to introduce the rules of gluing. Learn to lay out ready-made figures on paper and stick them on. Continue to introduce children to geometric shapes, their colors, and examination methods. Develop the ability to compare, highlight individual characteristics, classify according to 1-2 characteristics (by color, shape). Cultivate interest in mathematical operations.

Week 11 Topic: “Games and toys”

Target: Space and object equipment of the group, examination of different types of toys; identification of sensory features (color, size, shape), development of gaming experience. Mastering the rules of their use (location in certain places: in the doll's corner, on the “sensory table”) Exercise in the formation of forms of imperative verbs; understand and correctly use the prepositions in, on, under, about, before.

D/exercise "Balls and cubes." Di “What is similar, what is different” Target: Development of analytical abilities, the ability to compare an object by color, shape, size. A game “Who will collect the toys sooner?”

Target: teach children to group objects that differ in shape, size, purpose, but have the same color.

Game "Domino figures"


In the doll corner, the teacher activates children to participate in simple plots (“family”) with the correct use of attributes (corner items, dolls)

Builder (modeling) Comparing objects by length. Target: This is the bridge we have. Arouse interest in modeling a bridge of 3-4 “logs” and creating a composition (stream, bridge). Show the possibility of aligning log posts along the length - cut off the excess in a stack or pinch off (tear off). Develop a sense of form and size (length, composition ability.continue to introduce children to geometric shapes, their colors, and examination methods. Develop the ability to compare, highlight individual characteristics, classify according to 1-2 characteristics (by color, shape). Cultivate interest in mathematical operations.

Week 12 Topic: “What are objects made of”

Target: Properties of paper, wood, metal; experimentation and examination of different types of paper (writing, cardboard, packaging, newspaper); paper objects (books, some toys). form ideas about the different types of materials from which surrounding objects are made. To teach to distinguish onomatopoeia by ear. Rules for careful use of books; games with paper (“snowballs”, etc.).

Game "What's Missing"

Target : develop children's attentiveness and memory.

A game “Pick the same one” Target : consolidate the ability to select objects based on characteristics. D/game “Build a pyramid of rings.” Target: consolidate ideas about relationships in form, teach them to arrange them in descending order.Memorizing a poem A.L. Barto "Ball".

LEGO material “Whose path is longer?”

“So many things... Creating toys from waste material together with parents.”Creating an exhibition of toys from different materials (examination, games) Target: learn to compare groups of objects, sequentially superimposing one object on another. Distinguish between equality and inequality without counting by the number of objects included in a group; continue to train to distinguish between right and left hands.

Month December Topic"Comparison of objects by width"

Week 13 Topic: “Mother’s Day”

Target: learn to compose a story based on the teacher’s questions about your mother. Learn to agree with adjectives and nouns in gender and number, and use diminutive suffixes in speech. Fostering a desire to show a caring attitude towards mother, to express the attitude using kind words. Reading fiction on this topic.Design of an exhibition of drawings for Mother's Day.

D/game “Collect a matryoshka doll.” Goal: D/game “Collect beads”. Target: learn to alternate objects according to shape. D/game " Find the same ring." Target: teach children to find two objects of the same size by overlapping. D/game “Errands” Purpose: Teach children to distinguish and name toys, their main qualities (color, size); understand the meaning of the words up and down. Develop auditory perception. Job

“Patchwork quilt” (applique)Day Night. Target:Arouse interest in creating the image of a patchwork quilt from beautiful candy wrappers: stick candy wrappers onto the base (2x2 pieces) and create a collective composition from individual works, lead to the practical development of the concept of “part and whole”.teach to distinguish between parts of the day: day - night. Compare objects by length, make pictures from geometric shapes. Develop the ability to quickly find geometric shapes of a certain color and shape; stimulate the development of different types of children's perception: visual, auditory, tactile

Week 14 Topic: “Wild Animals”

Target: Enrich children's understanding of animals. Note characteristic features representatives of wild animals. Clarify that every animal needs housing, food, and warmth. To develop children's interest in living nature and emotional responsiveness. To develop the ability to establish connections between seasonal changes in nature and the behavior of animals (changes in coat color, hibernation, winter reserves). Cultivate interest in natural objects. Practice the correct formation of the genitive case form plural nouns, in agreement between adjectives and nouns in gender and number.

D/game "Cut Pictures" Target: teach children to assemble an object from parts. D/game "In the land of figurines." Purpose: D/game “Who is tall?” Target: teach children to understand the relativity of the height of an object. D/game "Long - short." Target: to form in children a clear differentiated perception of new qualities of size D/game “Pick up toys for the little bunny and the big bear” Target: Consolidating the ability to group and correlate homogeneous objects by size.

Drawing up the composition “Beasts in the Forest” (arrangement of figures or small toys on the layout) Comparison of objects by height (design) Purpose:teach comparison of two objects in height. Learn to talk about the results of a comparison using the words: above, below. Develop the ability to work with a diagram by placing Cuisenaire sticks on their image. Develop visual attention and memory. Outdoor game “Guess whose voice it is?” Outdoor game "Top".

Preparation and implementation of the environmental campaign “Christmas tree - green needle”.

Week 15 Topic: "Pyramid pillows"

Target: Fix the names of toys known to children and their characteristics (color, size, details).Fix primary colors (six colors),develop fine motor skills of hands, eye gauge. Teach orientation in size.

D/game “Who will collect the toys sooner?”

Target: Teach children to group objects that differ in shape, size, purpose, but have the same color.

D/game “Cinderella”

Target: Teach children to sort objects (beans) by color, develop fine motor skills.

D/game "Fabrics"

Target: Develop children's sense of touch, teach them to make pairs of fabrics that feel the same to the touch.

D/game “What’s in the bag?”

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge of shape, to practice the correct correlation of several objects with the same geometric patterns.

“Build what you want.” (design)Comparison of objects by width. Target: Learn to build familiar buildings, consolidating acquired skills and abilities. Learn to build together without interfering with each other.Learn to compare two objects by width, continue to compare objects by length in games with Cuisenaire sticks; distinguish and name geometric shapes. Encourage the desire to put something “new” out of sticks. Develop visual – effective thinking and perception.

Week 16 Topic: “ We're going, we're going, we're going" (transport)

Target: Give children an idea of ​​different types of transport and the loads that drivers transport on freight transport. To consolidate knowledge about the components of a machine. Develop the ability to imitate a given image, develop imagination and creativity.Foster respect for the driver’s work. form ideas about different types of transport. Learn to recognize objects and phenomena in nature, in pictures, distinguish them, name them. Develop children's imagination by specifying color and size.

D/game “Choose your car by color.”

Target: Strengthen the ability to group objects by color and teach children to correlate dissimilar objects by color. D/game “What did Mishutka bring?”

Target: form ideas about geometric shapes Back and forth game.

Target : Strengthen the ability to navigate in space, act on a signal.

A game "Left - right."

Target : Strengthen children’s ability to distinguish between right and left and name objects that are on one side or the other.

A game “Let’s get ready to exercise.”

Target: Strengthen children's ability to arrange toys according to height, from largest to smallest.

"Snowball" (drawing) Seasons Purpose: Teach children to draw round objects with a “poke”. Learn to recognize and name White color. Cultivate perseverance and accuracy in children.Continue to introduce children to at different times years, learn to establish patterns and sequences. Practice finding and naming geometric shapes. Develop attention, memory, mental activity.

Month January Topic"Comparing objects by length."

Week 17 Topic: “ Our friend Santa Claus"

Target: Some traditions of the upcoming holiday, looking at gifts, highlighting aesthetic properties (bright, elegant packaging - a box or gift bag, festive ribbon for a gift); traditions of giving. Systematize children's ideas about the cold season - winter ( features, signs, names of winter months, people’s work in winter, etc.). Increase the use of adjectives; consolidate the ability to form singular and plural genitive forms of nouns.Finger game"Lock" Children's work. Exhibition of works.Making toys:coloring silhouettes Christmas decorations and animals, paper cutting, modeling from plasticine

D/game "Let's decorate the Christmas tree."

Target: group colors, select them according to the word denoting color.

Instructions in the iso-corner –arrange pencils by color.

D/game “Collect beads”.

Target: learn to alternate objects according to shape.

Di “Let's decorate the Christmas tree” Group the shades, select them according to the word denoting the color. A game "Light the flashlight"

Target: exercise children in naming the colors of objects

A game "Striped rugs"

Target: teach children to practically apply the acquired knowledge and compare by color.

"Chair and sofa for Grandfather Maroz."(construction) Comparing objects by length. Target:Give the concepts: “short chair”, “long sofa”. Learn to choose your own product. Strengthen the ability to carry out construction in a certain sequence.Learn to compare two objects in length, denote the result of the comparison with the words: different in length. Develop the ability to work with a diagram by applying Cuisenaire sticks to their image. Develop attention, memory, and the ability to finish what you start.

Week 18 Topic: “Snow-white winter”

Target: Signs of winter (snow, snowfalls, cold, snow-covered trees, freezing water - ice); properties of snow (cold, crumbly, moldable, fragile). Behavior of animals and birds in winter (using clear examples: birds need food in feeders, animals hide in burrows, houses or sleep).Observation while walking- admiring the snowflakes.Drawing in the snow -various snowflakes, different paths. Riddle "Snowflake". Health Day on fresh air(games and entertainment)

D/game “Hide the ball in your palms.” Target: relate actions to magnitude. Fizminutka "big feet…". Reading nursery rhyme “The star rose high...” A game Laying out a mosaic on the theme “Christmas trees and mushrooms” Target: grouping objects by color A game "Stringing large and small beads." Target: Alternation in size.Observation while walking– Whose tracks are bigger?

Exhibition of children's works "Winter is visiting us." Geometric figures Target: continue to introduce children to geometric shapes, their colors, and examination methods. Develop the ability to compare, highlight individual characteristics, classify according to 1-2 characteristics (by color, shape, size). Cultivate interest in mathematical operations.

Week 19 Topic: “Winter fun”

Target: Types of sleighs, sleds, ice skates, skates, skis and other winter fun, entertainment and equipment for games: name, appearance, features and purpose. Rules of games or use, basic rules of life safety (while walking); Winter outdoor games, entertainment and exercise with sports equipment(on a walk).Drawing in the snowcircles of different sizes. Playing with snow - making snowballs.Games for a walk (slide)

D/game “Lay it out according to the model.” Purpose: D/game "Laying out the ornament." Target: develop in children the ability to perceive the relative positions of figures. D/game “Build a snowman.” Target: train children in correctly correlating several objects with the same geometric pattern.Finger game"Bunny." D/game “Different circles”. Target:

Game "Find and name." Time: morning, afternoon, evening, night. (Dyenesha blocks) Target: learn to name time periods: morning, evening, day, night. Distinguish and name geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle. Practice the ability to distinguish, name, and organize blocks by color, size and shape in the game “Find and Name.” Develop imagination, stimulate the development of different types of children's perception: visual, auditory, tactile.

Week 20 Topic: “Matryoshka’s Tale”

Target: Vivid, imaginative ideas about the nesting doll: examining the toy, identifying the material from which it is made, simple typical patterns and ornaments (circles, lines, dots, flowers). Games with matryoshka dolls. Making and decorating nesting dolls from paper and plasticine.

D/game "Funny nesting dolls." Target: teach children to distinguish and compare objects according to different qualities quantities. D/game "Wide - narrow." Target: to form in children the perception of new qualities of size. D/game “Twins”. Target: teach children to highlight the color of an object, distracting from its other features. D/game “Collect a matryoshka doll.” Target: teach children to establish the relationship of objects by size.

“Matryoshka dolls - crumbs” (drawing) One. A lot of. Few Target: Teach children to be observant and attentive. Determine the size, color, shape of the toy. Develop aesthetic taste, the ability to admire beauty. Develop a desire to work with gouache, brush, and wash paint. learn to form groups of individual objects, use words: many, few, one. Draw children's attention to the color of objects, consolidate the ability to select objects of the same color in games. Develop attention and visual perception.

Month January Topic"Comparison of two groups of objects"

Week 21 Topic: "Drowning doesn't sink"

Target: Teach children to act with rubber toys and natural materials - pebbles. teach children to solve riddles; answer in complete sentences. Practice agreeing adjectives and pronouns with nouns in gender and number; intensify the use of adjectives in speech.

D/game “Water coloring”. Target: familiarizing children with shades of color based on lightness. D/game “Different circles”. Target: teach children to establish relationships between objects by size, arrange them in order of decreasing and increasing size. D/game " Drink delicious juice dolls" Target: identify the properties of water and paints, the ability of paints to dissolve in water and change its color.Finger game“The gray bunny is washing his face.” Job with subject pictures for consistent grouping by shape.

"Snow" (drawing)Comparison of two groups of objects Goals: Teach children to paint a sheet of paper with blue gouache. Arouse children's interest in drawing. Teach children to use a piece of paralon or cotton wool.Develop the ability to establish equality between two groups of objects, learn to navigate in space. Strengthen the ability to classify blocks according to certain characteristics (color, shape, size). Develop imagination, support and develop children’s interest in jointly with adults and independently examining objects, and various actions with them

Week 22 Topic: “What does it sound like?”

Target: Learn to identify the sound of musical instruments by ear and name them correctly. Outdoor game “Guess whose voice it is?”

Did. a game "Magic Caps" Target: Development of sensory perception, Development of auditory attention, Development of fine motor skills of the fingers. Did. a game "Guess what it sounds like" Target: Introduce children to the sounds of the world around them, isolate and recognize them. Did. a game "Noisy boxes" Target: Develop auditory perception, learn to make pairs of identical noises.

Gates (design) Goals: teach children to correctly name the parts of a building material (large and small prism, plate, cubes, bricks). Learn to correlate the sizes of the toy and the building. Form spatial representations “wide - narrow”. Encourage children to express in speech their attitude to the image, activity, to name some materials and tools, shapes, colors.

Week 23 Topic: "Gift to beloved dad"

Target: Continue to introduce children to different “male” professions (pilot, aviator, driver, etc.). Develop the ability to select the necessary attributes for each profession.Learn to compose an image from detailsVernissage "Defender of the Fatherland Day". Giving gifts to dads. Design of the photo exhibition “Our Dads”

Game "Mosaic".

Target: Exercise children in the ability to make a pattern from parts. Fix the colors. D/game “What’s in the bag?”

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about shape. A game "Name the geometric figure"

Target: teach children to visually examine, recognize and correctly name planar geometric shapes (circle, square, rectangle, triangle, oval). Game "Domino figures"

Target: teach children to find one specific figure among many and name it.

"House" (construction)Comparison of items Goals: Offer to perform a complicated design. Give Special attention color scheme and decoration of the building. Learn to “close” space.Learn to classify shapes according to a given criterion; highlight a feature, classify objects according to different signs. Develop the ability to work with a diagram by applying Cuisenaire sticks to their image.

Week 24 Topic: “Dishes”

Target: Reinforce knowledge of primary colors. Learn to correlate objects with different properties. Learn to choose from two types of objects Role-playing game"Tea party."

D/game "Dishes"

Target: Reinforce knowledge of primary colors. Learn to play out a small plot. Encourage and interest children to communicate with each other.

Game "Goal: teach children to group objects by size.
A game "How are they similar and how are they different"
Target: reinforce concepts of quantity.

“Balloons” (applique) Goals: Exercise children in gluing round and oval shapes of different colors. Strengthen the ability to evenly spread the mold with glue, participate in the creation of collective works; develop respect for adults.Campaign "Let's help the birds"

Month March Topic "Introduction to new geometric shapes"

Week 25 Topic: “Candy for Mommy”

Target: Continue to arouse interest in working with gouache, encourage you to depict well-known confectionery products using accessible means of expression; practice drawing round shapes. Cultivate respect and love for your loved ones. Teach children, together with the teacher, to write a short story about their mother (where she works, household chores and responsibilities of the mother, what is the affectionate name of the mother, etc.).Exhibition of children's drawings "Our beloved mothers and grandmothers."

A game " Stringing beads of different shapes.” Target: Alternation in form. A game “Each bead on its own thread”

Target: teach children to group objects similar to the sample.

A game "Stringing beads of different colors"

Target: Alternating by color.

D/game “Choose according to the shape.” Target: teach children to highlight the shape of an object, distracting from other signs. D/game “Lay it out according to the model.” Target: to develop in children the ability to perceive the relative positions of figures on a plane. D/game "Laying out the ornament." Target : to develop in children the ability to perceive the relative positions of figures.

Gifts for mommy(modeling) Geometric shapes Target: Formation of the desire to take care of the mother, to independently sculpt familiar shapes.Continue to introduce children to geometric shapes, their color, size; survey methods. Develop the ability to compare, highlight individual characteristics, classify according to 1-2 characteristics (by color, shape, size). Cultivate interest in research activities with objects.Giving gifts to mothers. Design of the photo exhibition “Our beloved mothers”

Week 26 Topic: “ Short and long tracks"

Target: Teach children to carefully connect bricks by lining them up. Strengthen the ability to distinguish spatial features (short, long) and correctly denote them with words. Cultivate interest in constructive activities.Collage “Our City” (co-creation of children, teachers and parents).

D/game "Full - Empty" Target : teach how to determine the amount of different liquids, which is determined by eye

D/game “Hares and Foxes” Goal : teach children to distinguish between the number of objects, introduce the concepts one, many, none; develop attention.

D/game "Collecting cones" Target : teach children to distinguish the number of objects; introduce the concepts of many, few

D/game “Sandbox” Goal : teach children to determine the amount of bulk material, introduce the concepts of little, much, more, less, the same

D/game "Fill the jug" Target : teach children to determine the amount of bulk material, introduce the concepts of little, a lot

“Two long tracks” (construction)Comparison of objects by size. Goals: Reinforce knowledge about length and color. Learn to select parts of the same color and use your building in the game. Cultivate an interest in design.Learn to compare objects by size, reflect in speech the result of comparison: big, small. Develop the ability to work with a diagram by applying Cuisenaire sticks to their image. To support and develop children’s interest in jointly with adults and independently examining objects and performing various activities with them.

Week 27 Topic: “Furniture” (sofa, crib)

Target: Continue to consolidate children's knowledge of the concept of “furniture”. Learn to examine an object in a certain sequence (what it is, what shape it is), identify the main parts and their spatial arrangement, what each part is made of. In conclusion, pay attention to the subject as a whole. Encourage children to express in speech their attitude to the way of activity, to name some materials and tools, shapes, colors.

D/game “Find an object of the same shape.” Target: teach children to highlight shapes specific items environment using geometric patterns. D/game "It's Natasha's doll's housewarming party." Target: teach children to determine the size of an object.” D/game "In the land of figurines." Target: consolidate children's knowledge about shape, teach them to select objects according to a geometric pattern. D/game “What does the doll need?” Target:

Drawing by DesignDependency between objects Target: Learn to think about the content of a drawing,

To attract children's attention to the development of the properties of objects (shape, size), identity relations (“same as”), order, equality and inequality, simple dependencies between objects in everyday children’s activities and to the use of mastered skills in order to improve games, a variety of practical actions. Develop skills when comparing two objects to highlight width parameters (wider - narrower), find similarities and differences; strengthen the skill of counting to three.

Week 28 Topic: “What colors does spring have”

Consider while walkingcolors of the spring landscape.Develop children's powers of observation, stimulate the development of different types of children's perception: visual, auditory, tactileChildren's activities in natureSeasonal changes in nature, the name of the month, manifestations of spring, the awakening of nature, chirping and changes in the behavior of birds and animals. Examination of thematic illustrations.“Our garden” (germination of willow branches, oats, bulbs, etc.)

D/game “Choose by shape”

Target: Consolidating knowledge of geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle.

D/game “Games with clothespins: laying out objects according to a pattern” (sun, Christmas tree, hedgehog)

Target: Develop fine motor skills in children. A game " Arranging homogeneous objects of different sizes into two groups
Target: teach children to group objects by size.
A game "How are they similar and how are they different"
Target: reinforce concepts of quantity. D/game “Find (red) toys in the group.” Target: identify the ability to establish similarities and differences in objects based on visual analysis, consolidate children’s knowledge of shades of color.

“Icicles are dripping” (drawing)Selecting items from a group and combining them into groups Goals: Learn to convey images of natural phenomena using the rhythm of tapping. Continue to hold the brush correctly and use paint. To cultivate accuracy in work, to arouse interest in drawing.Strengthen the ability to select objects from a group of objects and combine them into groups according to properties and characteristics. Find common characteristics for all objects in the group. Develop the ability to: select objects by shape in accordance with a geometric pattern, distinguish geometric shapes.

Month April Topic"Creating groups from individual objects."

Week 29 Topic: Drawing with applique elements: “Ladybug”.

Target: Teach children to draw bright, expressive images of insects. Show the possibility of creating a composition based on a green leaf cut out of paper. Improve your painting technique. Develop a sense of shape and color.

D/game "Find a flower for the butterfly" Target: Introduce the names of colors: red, blue, yellow, white D/game “Help Dunno collect bouquets” Target: Select a color based on a sample and check it by trying it on, focusing on color as a significant sign. D/game Put it in boxes Target. Learn to find an object of a certain color based on a pattern; consolidate knowledge of colors. LEGO material “Whose path is longer?”

Collage “Birds are walking merrily” (an image of birds based on silhouettes - stamps or based on a generalized method of drawing - from a circle. Examination of objects Target: maintain and develop children’s interest in jointly with an adult and independently examining objects and various actions with them; form temporary representations; consolidate the ability to count objects and indicate their quantity with the corresponding number.

Week 30 Topic: Application with drawing elements: “Boat”.

Game "Magic Key". Making groups of individual items. Target:continue to practice making groups of individual items; find similarities and differences; be able to compare objects by size. Develop logical thinking in the game “Magic Key”. stimulate the development of different types of children's perception: visual, auditory, tactile.Exhibition “My Favorite Book”

D/game “Assemble a picture from puzzles” Target. Strengthen the ability to perceive a holistic image of an object; develop attention. D/game " Round and square" Target. Develop the sense of touch; learn to feel objects. D/game “Loto” Goal. Learn to visually identify objects of sharply different sizes, connect a visual image with a word.Games with mosaics. Construction of a boat from building material

Application with drawing elements: “Boat” Purpose:Teach children to make an image of a boat from ready-made shapes and draw a stream according to the idea. Develop the ability to freely place parts and carefully glue them. Develop a sense of form and composition.A conversation about boats and other types of water transport based on visualization. Outdoor game “Let’s jump over the stream.”

Week 31 Topic: "Mushroom clearing"

Target : Teach children to depict mushrooms, making images of contrasting sizes from ready-made elements. Arouse interest in supplementing the applicative composition with graphic elements. Develop a sense of form, size and composition. Clarifying the idea of ​​the structure of mushrooms. Modeling mushrooms and creating a collective composition.

D/game “Seasons” Purpose: Form the idea that each season has its own specific color. D/game “What is this color?” Target : Connect ideas about color with ideas about real objects. Make it clear that color is one of the properties of an object. D/game "Wide - narrow." Target : to form in children the perception of new qualities of size. D/game "Colored cubes" Target : Learn to distinguish colors, focusing on their homogeneity and heterogeneity

“Fruit” (modeling) Sensory standards Goal: Continue learning how to roll plasticine between your palms in a circular motionconsolidate different types sensory standards (ideas about colors, geometric shapes, relationships in size) and methods of examining objects (stroke, press, smell, roll, taste, trace the outline with a finger). Promote children’s memorization and use of the names of sensory standards and examination actions; develop observation, speech, spatial concepts, and the ability to identify the properties of objects.

Week 32 Topic: “Traffic light”.

Target : Learn to create an image of a traffic light using appliqué. Master the sequence of work: lay out the forms, see if they are correct, then start gluing them onto the stencil from top to bottom. A game “What are the words used to denote color shades) colors used?” Target: (showing images of objects of the same color in its shades, learn to name and distinguish two shades of the same color, practice using words denoting color shades).Making a collective panel “Safe Summer”

D/game "In the land of figurines." Target: consolidate children's knowledge about shape, teach them to select objects according to a geometric pattern. D/game “Collect the whole” Goal. Learn to assemble a whole object from separate parts; develop thinking. D/game “Take it in your hand”!Target.Introduce spatial relationships expressed in the words right, left, right, left.Reading a poemS.Ya. Marshak “Traffic Light”.

“Path for a kolobok” (design)Not such a figure (Dyenes blocks).Goals:Learn to carefully fold the parts, tell what parts will be used to make the building, consolidate the ability to classify geometric shapes according to two criteria: color, shape. Develop the ability to work with a diagram by applying Cuisenaire sticks to their image. Develop attention and the ability to finish what you start. Use the building in the game.

Month May Theme“Introduction to the properties of liquids. Development of auditory attention, auditory perception of sounds.”

Week 33 Topic: “Doll’s birthday”

Target: The name of some cutlery, dishes, textiles (tablecloth, napkins); the sequence of some dishes, the placement of items on festive table, playing episodes of the game.

D/game“It’s the bunny’s birthday, let’s prepare a treat.”Target:teach children to group geometric shapes (ovals and circles) by shape, distracting from color and size.D/game“What does the doll need?”Target:teach children to select objects according to the word denoting color, to group shades of the same color tone.A game "Take a toy"Target:Introduce spatial relationships expressed in words: far, close, further, closer, nearby; develop an eye; learn to determine the direction in whichthe object is located.

Modeling “Multi-colored balls”Target:Learn to distinguish yellow, red, blue colors; consolidate the techniques of rolling plasticine between the palms; instill interest in visual arts. Exhibition of children's works, dedicated to the Day Victory. Story-based games, using newly introduced attributes.

Week 34 Topic: “Long live water”!

Target: Properties of water (ice melting, fluidity, splashing, pouring from container to container); fun games with water; observation of a stream, coloring of water; experiments with water and other materials and substances (launching boats, dissolution, “Sinking - not drowning” experiment).A gameHot - coldGoals.Develop your sense of touch.

A game "Transfusion of water"Target:Develop the sense of touch: introduce the properties of liquid.A game"Washing the dishes"
Target:Work on the ability to determine the name of various thermal sensations, relying on tactile sensations, that is, develop tactile perception.A game"Laundry"
Target: Learn to determine the name of the various moisture properties of a material, establish the relationship between an object or substance and the feeling of dryness or wetness of this object.

Drawing: “Pourable apple.”Target:Continue to instill in children an interest in visual arts. Practice drawing and painting round objects. Learn to use two colors when painting.Activities in the sensory corner with water and other substances and materials

Week 35 Topic: “The grass is green, the sun is shining”

Target: Changes in nature, budding and foliage, foliage color, trees and the benefits of certain plants, changes in wildlife (bird behavior - singing, flying, nesting).D/game“Arrange the apples by size.”Target: develop an eye when choosing objects of a certain size based on a model.

D/game:"Big and small balls"Target:Learn to choose large and small round objects. Strengthen ideas about round objects and their differences in size.Games with a sensory fund (grouping by color, shape, etc.)A game "Teddy Bear and Bunny"Target:To develop auditory attention, perception and differentiation by ear of different tempos of sound of musical instruments.

Modeling "Berries"Target:To consolidate the color red, to consolidate knowledge about the shape of objects, to enrich the sensory experience of children by tracing objects along the contour alternately with one hand or the other; consolidate the ability to pinch off small pieces of plasticine from a whole piece, roll it between the palms in a circular motion.

Week 36 Topic: “Hello, summer”!

Target: Signs of the onset of summer, changes in nature, examination of the inhabitants of the meadow (butterflies, dragonflies, other insects), images of nature (examination of reproductions),Reading fictionon the topic "Summer"Summer games and fun Compiling a collective panel “We are looking forward to summer.”

A game "They crushed it and pinched it!Target.Develop the sense of touch, introduce various plastic materials and their properties. Materials. Dough, plasticine, clay.A game "We hide our hands"Target.Develop the sense of touch; introduce the properties of various cereals.A game "Let's knock and rattle!Target.Develop auditory attention, auditory perception of sounds produced by various objects.

Repetition Purpose:Strengthen the ability to compare objects according to basic properties (color, shape, size), establishing equality and difference; select pairs and groups of objects based on similar sensory attributes; reveal the meaning of ordinal numbers and develop counting skills. Strengthen mental techniques, reaction speed, and cognitive interest.Games with water and sand (introducing attributes and toys made together with the teacher or parents)Target:Consolidating the ability to sculpt simple forms by recognizing familiar images

Nadezhda Urusova
Plan for working with children on sensory development in free activity

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

1 – first week

Morning Did\Games "Soap bubble"

Target: Show children the shape and size of a soap bubble. Did/ a game: "Choose by color"

Targeta game: "Hide the mouse".

Target: Teach children to correlate objects by size. Did/ a game: "Multi-colored beads".

Target: Teach children to alternate two colors (yellow and green). Reading literature: "Big small".

E. S. Petrova. Looking at illustrations.

Evening Did\game: "What to roll"

Target: Continue to introduce children to the shape of the object. Did/ a game: “Find your butterfly home”

Target: Teach children to match an object by color. Did/ a game: "Christmas trees and mushrooms".

Target topic: "Multi-colored beads"

Target: Learn to draw round objects. Did/ a game: “show all the objects red, yellow, green, of blue color.

2 – second week

Morning Did/game: "Towards the Rainbow".

Target: Teach children to distinguish color tones. Did/ a game: "Strings for balls"

Target: Teach children to match objects by color. Did/ a game: “Help the matryoshka find her toys”.

Target: Strengthen the ability to group objects and correlate objects by color. Did/ a game: "Who can assemble the pyramid faster".

Target: Teach children to alternate objects by color. Reading literature: Mark Sergeev. "Colorful Tales". A fairy tale about the color yellow

Evening Construction: “A narrow and wide path of yellow and blue colors.

Targeta game: "Find the same figure".

Target figuresa game: "Big and small houses".

Target: Teach children to alternate objects by size. Drawing by topic: "Striped puppy rug".

Target: teach children to draw straight lines, alternate lines by color. Did/ a game: “Show all the green and red objects.


3 - third week

Morning Drawing: "Colorful rings".

Target: teach children to draw closed lines similar to a circle Did/ a game: “what else is the same shape”.

Target: Teach children to find objects of the same shape. Did/ a game: "Balloons".

Target: learn to compare balls by size, color. Refine your knowledge of primary colors. Did/ a game: "Colorful balls".

Target: Teach children to match objects by color. Strengthen your understanding of words "big" And "small". Reading literature:

Mark Sergeev. "Colorful Tales". A fairy tale about the color white

Evening Design by topic: “A narrow and wide path of white and red.

Target: learn to build a narrow and wide path of a certain color. Did/ a game: "Find the same figure".

Target: Teach children to distinguish geometric figures: circle, square, triangle. Did/ a game: "One bug, two bugs".

Target: Learn to alternate objects by size. Drawing: “A snowball is quietly falling on a meadow”.

Target: Teach children using the method "poke" draw a snowball. Did/ a game: “Show all the objects in white and red.

Target: The ratio of objects by color.

4 – fourth week

Morning Drawing: .

Target: Teach children to draw colorful balls using their fingers. Did/ a game: "The Fourth Wheel".

Target: Teach children to find an object that differs in color. Did/ a game: "Help the giraffe".

Target: teach to distinguish geometric shapes. (tactile sensation). Did/ a game: "Colorful balls"

Target: learn to correlate objects by color. Reading literature:

Mark Sergeev. "Colorful Tales". The Tale of Red

Design by theme: “A narrow and wide path of blue and green colors.

Target: learn to build a narrow and wide path of a certain color.

Did/game: “Show all the objects that are white, green, blue, red, yellow.

Target: teach children to show objects of a certain color. Did/ a game: “collect mushrooms in a basket”.

Target: Learn to group objects according to the principle of big, small using a sample (basket) Modeling by topic: “a snowball is quietly falling on a meadow”.

Target: teach children to pinch off a small amount of plasticine and use pressure to imitate falling snow.

Did/game: "Colored cubes".

Target: Correlation of objects by color.

5 – fifth week

Morning Did/Games: "Find a pair by shape".

Target: Teach children a given figure to look for a pair. Did/ games: “Let’s dress the doll for a walk”.

Target: Teach children to find objects of the right color. (let's dress the doll in blue clothes) Did/ games: “Find a sheet the same as the one I show you”.

Target: Teach children to group objects according to the principle of big and small. Did/ games: .

Target Drawing by topic: “Let’s decorate the Christmas tree with colorful balls”.

Target: Teach children to draw colorful balls using their fingers.

Evening Design by topic: “A narrow and wide path of blue and yellow colors.

Target: learn to build a narrow and wide path of a certain color. Did/ games: “Show all the objects that are blue, yellow, red, green, white» .

Target: Teach children to find objects of a certain color in their immediate environment. Did/ a game: "Hide the mouse".

Target: Teach children to correlate objects by size. Modeling by topic: “let’s treat the hedgehog with apples”

Target: Teach children to sculpt round objects. Reading literature:

Mark Sergeev. "Colorful Tales". A fairy tale about the color blue

6 – sixth week

Morning Drawing on the topic: "Big and small balls".

Target: continue to teach children to draw objects that are round in shape and different in size. Did/ a game: "Find your house"

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge about geometric shapes. Did/ a game: “Ratio of objects by color”.

Target: Teach children to choose objects of two given colors out of four. (Red Blue). Modeling by topic: "Snowman".

Target: teach children to sculpt objects that are round in shape, but different in size. Reading literature:

O. S. Zhukova "shape, color, size".

Evening Reading fiction/literature:

Reading riddles about blue and red colors. Did/ a game: "What changed".

Target: develop observation skills, attention. Did/ a game: "Soap bubble"

Target: Show children the shape and size of a soap bubble. Design by topic: "Christmas trees"

Target: Teach children to build a Christmas tree from geometric shapes. Did/ a game: “Show round objects”

Target: Teach children to find round objects in their immediate environment.

7 - seventh week

Morning Drawing on the topic: "Car Wheels".

Target: Teach children to draw objects that are round in shape and the same size. Did/ a game: “Let’s put flowers in a vase”.

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge of primary colors. Modeling by topic: “Let’s treat Parsley to peas”.

Target: teach children to sculpt objects of a round shape and small size. Did/ a game: “Ratio of objects by color”.

Target: Teach children to choose objects of two given colors out of four. (red, blue, green, yellow). Reading literature:

Olga Korneeva “What color is this”.

Evening Reading fiction/literature:

Reading riddles about green and yellow color. Did/ a game: "The Fourth Wheel"

Target: teach children to find an object that is different from other objects in color. Did/ a game: "Sunny Bunny".

Target: Learn to search sunny bunny in the group room and determine its location. Design by topic: "House"

Target: Teach children to build a house from geometric shapes Did/ a game: .


8 – eighth week

Morning Drawing on the topic: “Let’s decorate a napkin for mom”.

Target: Learn to draw objects of round shape, different sizes, different colors. Modeling by topic: "Cherry".

Target: learn round objects Did/ a game: “Laying out homogeneous objects of different sizes into two groups”.

Target: Did/ a game: “What Mishutka brought us”.

Target: Determine whether children can independently recognize a fruit by touch (apple, banana). Reading literature:

Olga Chernoritskaya "What's what shape".

Evening Reading fiction/literature: E. Sokolova; N. Nyankovskaya “Learning to distinguish colors” Did/ a game: "Three Bears".

Target: Teach children to distinguish objects by size. Did/ a game: "Colorful Ribbons".

Target: Teach children to distinguish color tones by comparing them with each other. Design by topic: "Car".

Target: Teach children to build a house from geometric shapes. Did/ a game: « “Show all square-shaped objects.”.

Target: teach children in the group room square-shaped objects.

Forward planning
on sensory development
I junior group
2014-2015 academic year

A week
Pedagogical tasks

"Merry Circle"
1. Formation of ideas about geometric shapes.
2.Development of skills in finding figures of a given shape.
3.Development of qualification skills based on one attribute – size.
Yu. V. Neverova, U.V. Ivanova “Developmental activities for children from 1 to 3 years old”, p.67

"The dogs are visiting Bobik."

2. Formation of the ability to correlate objects by color.
Yu. V. Neverova, U.V. Ivanova “Developmental activities for children from 1 to 3 years old”, p.72

A week
Pedagogical tasks

"Bears and Christmas trees."
1.Development of knowledge about geometric figure: triangle.
2.Development of ideas about size: big - small.
3. Mastering substitution actions.
Yu. V. Neverova, U.V. Ivanova “Developmental activities for children from 1 to 3 years old”, p.75

"Amazing cat and balls."
1.Development of color perception.
2. Formation of skills in matching objects by color.
3.Development of motor skills, the ability to hold a pencil correctly and draw lines with it.
Yu. V. Neverova, U.V. Ivanova “Developmental activities for children from 1 to 3 years old”, p.80

A week
Pedagogical tasks

"Bag of Toys"
1.Development of tactile perception, knowledge of geometric shapes.
2. Formation of classification skills by form.
Yu. V. Neverova, U.V. Ivanova “Developmental activities for children from 1 to 3 years old”, p.85

"Cubes and chairs."
1.Development of ideas about volumetric geometric body– cube.
2. Introducing children to the playing properties of the cube.
3. Activation of the verbs “build”, “stand”.
Yu. V. Neverova, U.V. Ivanova “Developmental activities for children from 1 to 3 years old”, p.90

A week
Pedagogical tasks

"We're loading the cars."

2. Formation of the ability to compare three objects by size, to superimpose the smaller one onto the larger one.
Yu. V. Neverova, U.V. Ivanova “Developmental activities for children from 1 to 3 years old”, p.95

"Hedgehog is a tailor."
1.Development of color perception.

Yu. V. Neverova, U.V. Ivanova “Developmental activities for children from 1 to 3 years old”, p.99

A week
Pedagogical tasks

“Choose by Shape”, games with Dienesh blocks.
1.Development of color perception.
2.Teaching children to listen to the teacher’s verbal instructions and perform actions in accordance with it.
Yu. V. Neverova, U.V. Ivanova “Developmental activities for children from 1 to 3 years old”, p.104

"House for a giraffe and an elephant."
1.Development of the perception of size, ideas about the width of an object, the ability to compare and correlate objects by width.
Yu. V. Neverova, U.V. Ivanova “Developmental activities for children from 1 to 3 years old”, p.109

A week
Pedagogical tasks

“Match the ribbons to the dress.”
1.Development of color perception.
Yu. V. Neverova, U.V. Ivanova “Developmental activities for children from 1 to 3 years old”, p.114

"Air balloons".
1.Development of ideas about light shades of colors, compiling a series by lightness.
2. Mastering the skill of mixing paints.
Yu. V. Neverova, U.V. Ivanova “Developmental activities for children from 1 to 3 years old”, p.122

A week
Pedagogical tasks

"Different flowers."
1.Formation of object substitution skills.
2. Fixing children's attention to the fact that color can be used to depict different objects.
3.Development of the ability to alternate objects by color.
Yu. V. Neverova, U.V. Ivanova “Developmental activities for children from 1 to 3 years old”, p.126

"Big small".
1.Development of the idea of ​​the size of an object.
2.Development of skills in relating and classifying objects by size.
3.Development of the ability to perceive verbal instructions from the teacher.
Yu. V. Neverova, U.V. Ivanova “Developmental activities for children from 1 to 3 years old”, p.129

A week
Pedagogical tasks

"Multi-colored nesting dolls."
1.Development of skills in building serial series based on one characteristic.
Yu. V. Neverova, U.V. Ivanova “Developmental activities for children from 1 to 3 years old”, p.136

"Multi-colored beads."
1. Consolidation of knowledge about geometric shapes.
2.Development of the ability to alternate objects according to one characteristic.
3.Development of hand motor skills.
Yu. V. Neverova, U.V. Ivanova “Developmental activities for children from 1 to 3 years old”, p.146

A week
Pedagogical tasks

"Colored caps for gnomes."
1.Development of ideas about the size of an object.
2. Familiarize children with the features of hollow volumetric objects of different sizes.
3.Putting the smaller on top of the larger, covering the smaller with the larger.
4.Development of motor skills and hand coordination.
Yu. V. Neverova, U.V. Ivanova “Developmental activities for children from 1 to 3 years old”, p.149

"We are postmen."
1.Development of color perception.
2.Development of skills in classifying objects by shape.
3. The ability to choose an item based on one criterion out of three offered.
Yu. V. Neverova, U.V. Ivanova “Developmental activities for children from 1 to 3 years old”, p.168

“Complete the row.”
1.Developing an idea of ​​the height of an object, developing the skill of comparing objects using the application method.
2.Development of skills in building serial series based on one characteristic.
Yu. V. Neverova, U.V. Ivanova “Developmental activities for children from 1 to 3 years old”, p.171

A week
Pedagogical tasks

"Three Towers"
1. Familiarization with the method of correlating objects by size (overlay and application).
2. determination of the size of an object in relation to others.
Yu. V. Neverova, U.V. Ivanova “Developmental activities for children from 1 to 3 years old”, p.177

"Canopies for horses."
1.Development of the idea of ​​quantity, training in passive counting to three.
2.Development of ideas about the size of an object.
Yu. V. Neverova, U.V. Ivanova “Developmental activities for children from 1 to 3 years old”, p.181



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