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Play Market is not connected to the server. Play Market does not work, no connection

The question is, “why doesn’t the play market work?” familiar to many users of this service.

Sometimes the cause of malfunctions is a variety of technical problems, or malfunctions of the device from which you are trying to use it.

There are many answers to this question, as well as the causes of the problem. Let's look at the most basic problems and ways to find a solution.

The play market does not work. What to do?

Method 1: Reboot Android

If you have a question about why the Play Market on Android does not work, first of all, reboot your device.

Perhaps the system simply froze, which users often encounter Android .

And the most amazing thing is that this action will help you find solutions to the work of Google Play, but also with bugs of other services.

If after the restart the miracle does not happen, try another option to solve the problem.

Method 2: Reset Google Play Market settings

In most cases, if a problem arises - why the play market does not work on , resetting the application settings helps.

To remove all unnecessary information, you must follow these steps:

  • go to the settings menu of your device;
  • in the menu, select the section called “Applications” or “Application Manager”;
  • in this menu item select ;
  • When the control window opens, click on the “ clear cache" button. In older versions of Android, it may be called “Erase data”.

Now you need to select all the items that you want to synchronize. Most often, backup copies of “Contacts” and personal information stored on the device are made.

Just click on the section you need.

If you think that the information available on your phone or tablet is important, then click on the “Options” button and select “sync” there, this will help backup copy all applications at the same time.

Then easily remove your Google account. When you log in again, the device will certainly offer to restore data from a backup copy.

Let's return to the problems with the play market - after synchronizing, return to the previous menu again and, instead of “synchronize”, select “delete”.

Confirm the action. Reboot your device and sign in again.

Deleting and restoring your account will help with problems related to the operation of Google applications.

If the play market still does not please you with good work, try the next step.

Many Android device users encounter a problem when PlayMarket does not work on Android, as through Mobile Internet, and via Wi-Fi. Because of this, they cannot download any normal application, and installing programs from third-party sources is known to threaten the security of the smartphone. Usually, when the Play Market does not work on Android, it says “no connection”, “server error”, “an error has occurred” or “check the connection”. It is immediately worth noting that Play Market may not work for many reasons. In this article we will look at all these reasons and methods to eliminate them.

Google Play Market does not open - If you notice that Google Play has stopped functioning on your smartphone, first try restarting the device. It's likely that your system is simply frozen. This happens quite often with all Android devices. It is worth saying that rebooting the device can fix bugs not only in the Play Market, but also in other applications that you have noticed are not working correctly. However, it may also be that after a restart the problem will not be solved. In this case, try another method to solve this problem.

  • Incompatible applications. In many cases, the Play Market refuses to launch due to applications that block the operation of the market, as a result, the Play Market does not work on Android and says an error has occurred or check the connection. The list of such programs is quite wide, but it usually includes various applications for hacking games - for example, the well-known Freedom. When downloading from sites about freedom applications, the instructions indicate that with this application enabled The play market may not work. It can be solved by disabling it in “Settings” - “Applications” (if you still can’t access the Play Store, reboot your phone or tablet). If you need to quickly install a gaming application and don’t have a lot of time to solve problems with the play market, then you can download games for Android on other sites.
  • Reset Google settings Play Market. In many cases, resetting the settings of this application helps to find a solution to the problem with the Play Market. To do this, follow the recommendations described in the instructions: - Open " Settings» smartphone:
    — Go to the section “ Applications
    — On the list installed programs find Google Play Market
    - Then click on “clear cache” (if you use outdated version smartphone, you need to click on “ Erase data”)After you clear the application cache, it is strongly recommended to restart your smartphone. This action will allow the operating system to detect the changes you make much more quickly. If everything goes well, the Play Market will work and you will be able to download new programs and games. If he still refuses to work, read on.
  • Uninstall Google updates Play Market. Sometimes the Play Market on a phone or tablet does not work because developers release updates that are either not fully developed or are not compatible with your device. Try opening the settings menu of the Play Store application, as you did in the previous paragraph, and instead of clearing the cache, click on “ Uninstall updates”.This will return the application to its original state.
  • Reset the Services app settings Google Play". Often problems related to the functioning of Google Play are resolved by resetting the settings of this application. To reset all program settings, follow these steps: - In the main menu, find “ Settings»
    - Go to " Applications»
    - Find in the list " Google Play services»
    — In the application settings, click “ Clear data" or " Clear cacheErrors that have arisen in the application settings may result in the fact that the play market on Android does not work and says there is no connection.
  • Activate Download Manager. Sometimes the Play Market does not launch when the user disables the system application called “ Download Manager" In order to enable it, go to the “Applications” menu, find this program in the list (in the “ tab All") and click on " Turn on” or if there is no such button then just restart your smartphone and try using the Play Store.
  • Delete your Google account. Before following the recommendations of this paragraph, it is recommended to transfer all important data stored on the smartphone to some other storage medium. You can also synchronize data through your Google account. To do this, go to the settings through the main menu and find the item called “ Accounts" In the window that opens, select your “ Google“- account. Now click on the item that contains your email address. You will then be asked to select the types of personal information you want to sync. IN mandatory Back up your personal information and phone contacts on your smartphone. If you want to synchronize everything installed applications, then click the button on"(or "Options"). Now you need to delete your account and restart your device.

    All applications and all bugs that could interfere with the normal operation of your device will be removed from your smartphone. Try going to Play Market. If it works fine, sync and restore all your data.

  • Set up the "hosts" file" If you actively use applications such as Freedom, this point will be especially relevant for you. Go to the application settings menu. In the list that opens, find Freedom and in its settings, click on the “Stop” button. After that, delete the application and restart your smartphone. Now check if Google Play has started working.
  • Reset Android settings. If you have tried all the recommendations described above and in your case they all turned out to be useless, you will have to move on to more radical measures. Such measures mean resetting all device settings. It is worth saying that this action is very effective and in most cases allows you to eliminate all bugs on the device. To reset settings, go to the menu " Settings»
    phone or tablet, find the section “ Recovery and reset" or " Backup and reset". Then click on the “ Reset”.Before performing the steps described above, be sure to make sure that you have synchronized all your data that is stored in the device’s memory. There is no need to worry about the information on the flash card, since resetting Android settings won't have the slightest effect on her. After performing the reset, restart the gadget and look at the result.
  • Check your Internet connection. Sometimes the Play Market does not open due to so-called external reasons. You can spend hours trying to delete accounts, perform factory resets, and do other similar actions, but none of them will bring any benefit. If this happens to you, then most likely the problem lies in more banal things. If you've tried all of the above and it doesn't help, check your Internet connection. Your provider is probably carrying out maintenance work or there has been some kind of failure in the wi-fi router. It also helps to turn off the Wi-Fi modem for more than 3 minutes, which leads to clearing the cache (temporary memory) of the router and subsequent new setup of the connection with the server. This may also be the reason that the play market on Android does not work and says there is no connection (or no connection).
  • Google account is disabled. The Play Market won't launch because you accidentally disabled your Google account. To enable it, you should open the settings and go to the “Accounts” section, where you should activate your Google account. After this, it is recommended to restart the device and check if the Play Market is working.
  • Check the date and time. If, when you try to launch the Play Market, you see a notification that the program cannot start due to problems with the Internet connection, then the causes of the problem may lie in the time and date settings of the device. To eliminate this reason, you need to go to the device settings and select the “ date and time" After this, check the box next to the item that says about automatically setting the time via the network. Due to the incorrect date, the Play Market may not work and says there is no connection or an error has occurred.
  • Our site continues to talk about errors that users may encounter when working with the Play Market online store. Some time ago we analyzed the RH-01 error, today we will analyze another error that sometimes makes itself felt.

    The error itself sounds like this: “You need to log in Google account", the user can see it when he opens it Google app Play Market. And this is how the error looks on the screen of a smartphone or tablet:

    The traditional question is what to do? We offer several solutions. About each of them - in more detail.

    Reboot your device

    The first thing you should do is restart your smartphone or tablet. And don’t laugh, because this simplest action helps in many cases.

    If after rebooting you see the same error when connecting to the Play Market, then try another possible solution.

    Remove your Google account from your device

    Everything is simple here - delete your Google account that is linked to the device, then log in again. Just don’t forget your account login and password, otherwise the synchronized data may be lost.

    Go to settings, find the “Accounts” section.

    Select your Google account (there may be several of them on your device).

    Call up the menu and click “Delete account” to delete it.

    After that, open the Play Market and enter the data again. How to do this, we.

    Delete data and cache for Play Market

    It may also help to delete data and cache for Play apps Market. To remove them, you need to do the following.

    Go to settings, find the “Applications” section.

    Find it in Play Market applications, click on it.

    Click "Erase data" and "Clear cache" (alternately).

    Please note that in this case, the account will be deauthorized in the Play Market, and the data from it will have to be entered again.

    Uninstall Google Play updates

    This step should be taken only if nothing helps at all. Why? Some users complain that after uninstalling updates they cannot launch the Play Market at all, so you perform all actions at your own peril and risk. Moreover, as practice shows, in most cases this solution does not help users in any way.

    You already know how to get into the Play Market application settings. In the Play Market settings, click “Uninstall updates”.

    In this case, the updates will be removed.

    There are many reasons why you will need to go to the Play Market. In this service you can download a lot interesting games, books, as well as software for personal tasks, business, time management, etc. You can log in to the service using your Google account. As soon as you enter your email address and password, the device will enter the Play Market. More detailed instructions can be found in the article.

    How to sign into Google Play account from a new device

    If you've changed your phone or are using an app for the first time, the first step is to find the app icon on your desktop and then simply tap it. You won’t have to download anything additional, because this software is pre-installed as standard on smartphones running Android OS.

    To create an account in the Play Market, you need to do the following:

    • Add an existing Google profile.
    • Create a new account.

    If you already have Gmail mail, then creating an account will be easier. If you want to know how to log into your Google account, just follow our tips. You can select “Add an existing profile” and enter your email address and password. Once logged in, you can safely use the service and, of course, download any applications.

    If you don't have an email, create one in Gmail. It’s best to do this from a computer, but you can also do it from your phone. Then you just need to enter the Play Market according to the instructions above. After following the above tips, you will already know how to add an account, so this issue will not bother you anymore. If you have problems after using the Play Store for a long time, read the tips below.

    What to do if you already have an account, but your device does not log into the Play Market

    Do you know how to log into your Google account, but the Play Market has stopped opening and is showing an error? This problem can also arise even for those who have been using a smartphone for a long time without logging out of their account. Below we will tell you how to change your account if the application constantly displays the message “You need to sign in to your Google account.”

    Deleting a Google profile in “Applications”

    Since the problem may arise due to a Google update, you can simply remove the account from the list of synchronized profiles on the device, and then log in to the service again. To do this, first go to “Settings”, there select the column “ Accounts" Among them, find the profile from which you usually access Google Play Market and delete it.

    You will need to add an account on Android from scratch, that is, simply enter your email and password. If this method does not help you, you should definitely try the next method.

    Clearing data in the Play Market

    If the device still does not log into the Play Market, try clearing the application data. This method can also help you get rid of the problem with logging into your account from your phone. Go to the “Applications” submenu, which is in the “Settings” section, and select Google Play from among them. In the menu that appears on the screen, you need to select the “Erase data” column.

    This method should also clear the cache. Before erasing data, you can first clear the cache. Check if the application is using cache memory. If yes, then click “Clear cache”.

    Uninstalling updates

    Still not logged into the Play Store? Then you should try to remove Google Play updates. All saved data and changes will be deleted, which the application itself will warn you about.

    To remove updates, go to “Settings”, and from there go to “Applications”. Select “Play Market” again, and in the application menu, select the “Uninstall updates” column. This step will return you to the software version that was pre-installed on the gadget before all updates.



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