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Why is the truth about aliens so scary to the world elite? Everything told about aliens is true! Mysterious and mysterious deaths of ufologists. Who kills scientists and contactees

It is absolutely clear why our global elite does not want to reveal information about the existence of life in the Universe, which is why our so-called leaders do not tell us the truth - they do NOT want to lose control over us!

If only friendly aliens want to invite us into their game, the revelation of their existence will give us enormous opportunities to explore the vast expanses of the Universe. Then there will be no need for borders between countries on our planet, and world leaders and religious figures will no longer play an important role in our lives, and in many aspects they may even turn out to be “fraudsters” and “nobodies”. This is exactly what the elite who control our planet are afraid of.

The number of UFO sightings has increased significantly recently. Aliens want to be noticed, and many people believe they are trying to force us to acknowledge their presence. Simultaneously with the increasing "obvious" appearances of UFOs, there is an awakening of all humanity and the understanding comes that we are indeed "not alone in the Universe", but with this the question arises: "Who are the aliens and what do they want?"

The elite understands very well the consequences of such a global awakening, therefore, together with many agencies and corporations, they block the disclosure of such information, and in some cases release it “a teaspoon at a time.” Perhaps this is so that if the aliens force us to acknowledge their presence, our world leaders and others will look back and say to us: “We tried to tell you!”

NASA quite often teases us with news about the existence of life in the Universe with headlines like “Life on Mars”, and in some cases even declares the possibility of the existence of highly developed civilizations in the Universe. NASA recently announced that they will discover alien life forms in the next ten years. Isn't this a fantastic hiding tactic? “We are on the verge of discovering alien civilizations,” top NASA scientists said. And just recently they predicted that in just one generation we will discover something in our sector of the Milky Way with conditions favorable to life. Feeding “one teaspoon per hour” continues!

This also extends to the ways in which the elite feed us information little by little, from advertising to astronauts, and even the American President is actively involved in this incredibly important topic. But all this on a global scale is completely unimportant - the aliens are already HERE and they have been here for a long time. And in the near future, those who control us will no longer be able to control us. Huge exciting prospects await us!

Regardless of what awaits us, our planet is engulfed in mass unrest, conflicts and tensions between countries, which are facilitated in every possible way by power-obsessed militant leaders! The planet's dwindling natural resources are being traded for money and power every day. The elite's encouragement of confrontation between different religions and races is taken to the point of absurdity (again, to control us). And the climax of all this is the imposition of the idea on people around the world that money, television and the best gadgets are what is important in life.

BUT, big changes are ahead of us, many of us are interested in this, and these changes will definitely occur on our planet when the aliens officially notify us of their presence.

At first, the Earth's population will be divided into two camps - those who will be happy to welcome our alien friends, and those who will be afraid of them. Of course, the world powers will make people afraid by making them believe that these unknown heavenly “demons” want to forcibly take over humanity. Some religious groups will oppose the aliens and try to prevent peaceful unification with them. Those who are gripped by fear and succumb to the suggestions of the elite, distrustful of aliens, may take up arms.

The aliens will most likely first of all announce to everyone who they are and where they are from, as well as their reasons for official contact with planet Earth. Once the vast majority of the human race understands who the aliens are and why they are here, there will be a “full” worldwide awakening all over the world, and suddenly a new launching pad into the Universe will open up for the people of our world.

Our technologies will become obsolete compared to the knowledge that aliens can give us. This is discussed by many leading researchers who believe that humanity in the universe is a simple type zero civilization, which is why we are still very dependent on fossil fuels and still do not understand the benefits of harnessing the energy potential of our home star. Compared to other aliens who can move throughout the Universe, we are in a primitive state.

Many leading researchers around the world believe that we are a simple Type Zero civilization compared to the Type I, II, III, IV and V alien civilizations. If there are planets in the Universe on which life has evolved over millions of years, then their technology and science are far superior to our own. The “Kardashev Scale”, developed to measure the technological development of a civilization, is based on determining the amount of energy used by a civilization - therefore, our Earth is classified as a zero-type civilization. Scientists believe that with the growth of civilization, the need for energy and various technological machines increases sharply.

As a result, our alien visitors can not only bring us a wealth of knowledge, technology and treatments for diseases, they can also give us opportunities to explore new wonderful worlds in the unknown infinite Universe. This is what the elite are so afraid of, because compared to these exciting changes in our lives, money and boundaries that limit us will be completely useless to us!

If we give our alien guests the opportunity to unite with us, we can learn a lot from them and free ourselves from those invisible chains that limit our development every day. Our corrupt leaders and the elite 1% on this planet are afraid of losing their control over us, but it will inevitably happen, and it is very important for us to unite with those aliens who want to introduce us to their galactic brothers!

The main thing for the day

An alien invasion is not something fantastic, and a conspiracy theory excites the minds of ufologists and conspiracy theorists who devote their entire lives to searching for evidence and investigating the mystery of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations and aliens who have visited and are visiting our planet. Today we will shed light on the truth about representatives of extraterrestrial intelligence, who have been waiting for a very long time to become on our planet not just rumors and speculation, but very real inhabitants living next door to us and using the resources of our planet for their own benefit.

I want to believe. They exist.

The former Minister of Defense of Canada recently admitted that aliens exist, and the US government owns alien technology that is located and hiding in the so-called “Area 51”, located on a military base in the Nevada desert. Paul Hellyer decided not to go to another world just like that, and invited journalists from the BBC and other world channels for an interview. At a press conference, Hellyer, who was 92 years old and actually dying of amyotrophic sclerosis, admitted that he had been to Area 51 and had been inside an alien aircraft, which we used to call a “flying saucer.” This was during Hellyer's tenure as Secretary of National Defense (1963-1968). “I once had to visit the CIA headquarters in Langley,” says the former Canadian Minister of Defense. “I arrived in Virginia, and after resolving some issues, I was offered to visit Area 51 and see the flying saucer with my own eyes. Naturally I agreed. This plate is kept in a secret hangar. This is a real top-secret facility where a real alien ship is located. The main reason why I was invited to see the alien ship was to convince me of the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence, and to coordinate forces in case of an alien invasion. I was simply being prepared to quickly respond to the possibility of the arrival of aliens, which, as it turned out, exist.

It was assumed that at any moment a ship with aliens could land on Canadian territory or crash here, which is why I had to take this situation soberly.” Before Hellyer was able to see the alien ship with his own eyes, he signed a non-disclosure document, so that neither the minister’s relatives, nor friends, nor even his wife knew about what he saw. And now, finding himself mortally ill, Hellyer decided to reveal the whole truth about what he saw. Hellyer also said that the object he visited was nothing more than an alien ship that crashed in the Nevada desert. In 2013, the US government announced that there was a secret facility in Nevada, but did not elaborate specifically on what it contained. Later, individuals and scientists working in Area 51 and on the territory of the air base said that there is a special enterprise here that studies high-tech aliens and their equipment. In addition, Hellyer argued that extraterrestrial beings have been visiting our planet for a very long time and are in contact with the governments of different countries, but they, in turn, are afraid of the publicity of this fact, and therefore do not disclose information about extraterrestrial life forms.

Mysterious and mysterious deaths of ufologists. Who kills scientists and contactees?

Within a few weeks, more than one ufologist died under mysterious circumstances - Max Spier became the second, but more on that later. He died in Poland under unclear circumstances, which made conspiracy theorists worry about their safety. What is known is that Max was found dead in his apartment, and from his mouth “a black liquid of unknown origin was oozing,” as stated in the police report. And that's not all. Max's death comes days after the death of UFO hunter and paranormal investigator Guarav Tiwari, who lived in India and was found dead by his family. The police indicated in the report that Tiwari committed suicide, but there were no prerequisites for this. Later it became known that the murdered man had a strange black stripe on his neck, which is not found in those who were hanged or killed by strangulation. Two deaths in a few days is quite strange, considering that both were engaged in research into the problems of UFOs and persons associated with this mystery. Proponents of the conspiracy theory claim that now they are all in real danger and should keep their ears open so as not to become another victim of the Men in Black.

Even at the dawn of the ufological boom, scientists were dying like flies in laboratories, but then no one attached any importance to this fact. In the period from 1960 to 1971 alone, about 131 UFO researchers died, perished, or committed suicide under unclear circumstances. Some died of cancer in a matter of hours, while others were simply killed, attributing everything to the everyday nature of the crime. There are too many coincidences, aren't there? Otto Binder kept a count of deaths, while simultaneously creating comics on space themes - this was the meaning of his life. It was he who proved that about 30 scientists died during the reign of Ronald Reagan, and all of them were part of an initiative called “Star Wars”. Formally, the organization worked to confront the Soviet Union in the defense sector, but in reality it was engaged in the study of UFOs and contact with aliens and extraterrestrial intelligence.

Obama is aware - he will tell everything.

Recent reports and revelations from famous scientists and politicians indicate that the conspiracy theory is more than real, and some states have been communicating with aliens for a long time and fruitfully cooperating with them. The only problem is that the Shadow Government is categorically against revealing the whole truth about alien visitors to our planet. But how long will the secret last under lock and key? Now we will tell you about this.

Large gray aliens are putting pressure on politicians and world elites to reveal the whole truth about their existence. This is due to the fact that they are experiencing huge problems due to their “secret presence” on Earth. In 2016, the agreement expires, according to which all the secrets about aliens visiting our planet must be declassified. This is not just a clause in the contract, it is also a requirement that can no longer be postponed. If we return to the history of relations between people and aliens, there is such a fact as the existence of a ratified agreement between aliens and representatives of Humanity, according to which the former must remain in the shadows and not reveal themselves.

Doctor of conspiracy theories James Preston: “At one time, an agreement was concluded between the world elites and the Big Grays, according to which the whole truth will be revealed in 2016. It was originally planned that everything would become clear in 2015, but by mutual agreement the dates were shifted to 2016. The big grays are not the first representatives of extraterrestrial races to enter into such agreements with earthlings. The first treaty was signed between representatives of Nazi Germany and the Tall Whites of the “Nordic Race”. This was back in the thirties of the last century. Then the “Nords” provided the Germans with scientific and technical assistance, assistance in the field of military technology. It was the tall “blonds” who controlled the German government. Later, representatives of the White race from the Pleiades, who were a separate group of “Tall White Nords,” intervened in the process. Amendments were made to the agreement, and after the Nazis' defeat in the war, it was automatically terminated.

Realizing that many technological secrets were in the hands of German scientists, the US government granted immunity to some of them, which allowed them to avoid punishment and go to live in South America, in particular Argentina, and some scientists left America and Europe, going to Antarctica continue to work on research and creation of a new Reich. The next one, the Treaty of Grenada, was signed in the fifties between the US government, led by Eisenhower, and the Tall Gray Aliens from the constellation Orion. Tall Grays were genetically related to Tall Whites from the Pleiades and Little Grays from the constellation Zeta Reticuli. The Tall Whites are a genetic experiment on the Tall Grays. The meeting with the Tall Grays took place on February 21, 1954 at Edwards Air Force Base in South Carolina, where a secret cooperation agreement was signed. Eisenhower failed to sign an agreement with the Nordic aliens from the Pleiades and the “Little Grays” from Zeta Reticula. I had to choose only one side. After the treaty was signed, the Tall Grays gave scientists access to advanced aerospace technology, in exchange for which the US government approved the possibility of kidnapping people for the purpose of conducting experiments on them. The purpose of such experiments was to breed a new race of gray-human hybrids. In 1970, the treaty between the Big Grays and the humans expired and they asked for an extension, which was done. In response to this, the Tall (Big) Grays have provided an opportunity for the US military and scientists to study and work with psychotronic mind control technology."

According to information coming from other ufologists and conspiracy theorists, the Americans are still collaborating with the Tall Grays, which gives them the opportunity to use mind control technologies on the masses of people. In addition, disturbing rumors concern the fact that the Chinese government has entered into a cooperation agreement with the Reptilian race. These are scary and aggressive aliens who are helping the Chinese develop advanced quantum computer technologies that can soon eclipse all American technology, which will lead to the complete collapse of the US economy. But let's get back to revealing the conspiracy theories. Rumor has it that this will happen “very soon, before the end of the year.” Today, the Tall Grays are putting pressure on the US government, and they don't really like the fact that they are forced to hide from humanity. Do you think this is a completely banal and harmless desire of a highly developed mind? No, nothing like that - the aliens plan, after revealing the facts about their presence, to conduct experiments on Earth in the field of studying our planet and anti-gravity technologies. The Americans are afraid that this could harm the world order and destabilize the global economy and bring discord into the political sphere. The world elite is currently working to convince the aliens to gradually reveal all the data about their existence, but Barack Obama is ready to do this publicly and in one speech. According to representatives of US intelligence agencies, Barack Obama is “on the verge of making an epoch-making decision to reveal the whole truth about aliens,” and he wants to make such a statement before he steps down as president of the United States of America.

P.S. If you believe the interpreters of Nostradamus’ predictions, then in 2016 the world will come into contact with extraterrestrial civilizations. How this will affect us is not clear. But Stephen Hawking does not share the positive outlook regarding this possibility. Well, we'll wait and see. There are half a year left until the end of the year. Perhaps very soon we will learn the whole truth about the aliens who live next to us and trample the same land with us.

Today, the world elite can no longer completely remain silent about the presence of aliens on our Earth, since thanks to the Internet, information about the appearance of UFOs in various parts of the planet, stories about contacts with representatives of alien civilizations, and much more are quickly spreading. All this convincingly proves that the aliens have been here for a long time and are constantly watching us. (website)

The whole truth about aliens - one teaspoon per hour

However, the information published about UFOs by representatives of official organizations, say, NASA, is so old, stingy and half-hearted that one can only wonder why they are needed at all in the huge flow of other, unofficial information about aliens?

However, there is an explanation for this: the world elite is still afraid to reveal the real truth about life in the Universe, about aliens, parallel worlds and so on, to finally tell the true history of the Earth, since the Illuminati do not want to lose control over the slave consciousness of earthlings. Otherwise, their dominance will come to an end, and then peace, universal equality and unlimited happiness will reign on the planet for everyone.

However, aliens can invite earthlings into their game at any time, and then the world elite will have nothing to do but come to terms with this. And therefore, the Illuminati today are forced to publish information about UFOs, at least bit by bit, so that, if something happens, they have at least some justification - we, they say, also covered this topic. Well, how could they...

What are world rulers afraid of? The fact that if the consciousness of earthlings is enlightened, the alien mind will have the right to contact us (according to the Universal Law of Free Will, aliens have no right to interfere in our lives and roughly change anything in it). And then there will be a global awakening of all humanity, after which many things on Earth will have to be reconsidered, for example, the role of religions, money, art, not to mention politics and the military.

However, why are UFOs flying above us more and more often? Maybe aliens are demonstrating their presence in this way, thereby preparing us for imminent contact? A contact that is unlikely to be prevented by the world government with all its cunning machine for manipulating people’s consciousness. In the meantime, earthlings continue to observe UFOs and are happy to note their appearance over the cities and villages of our blue planet.

How aliens can leave Earth

There are many underground, underwater alien bases recorded on our planet; apparently, they even exist in volcanoes (at least in Mexico, surveillance cameras have repeatedly recorded alien ships flying into the mouths of fire-breathing mountains). However, often UFOs simply leave the Earth, going to their space bases, which are both on the Moon and Mars.

Most often, earthlings observing such a moment see a UFO simply disappearing into the sky, since the speed of movement of alien ships by our standards is simply fantastic. However, residents of the city of Belmopan - the capital of the American state of Belize - recently witnessed a more understandable way for us to use a UFO going into space. The footage below the video shows how the device hangs in the sky for some time, flashing its lights, and then turns on the turbines and sharply takes off upward.

A flickering apparatus of alien origin over St. Petersburg

This UFO was seen by residents not only of St. Petersburg, but also of other settlements adjacent to the Northern capital. Everyone who witnessed this unusual phenomenon in the sky noted that a UFO in the form of a ball, bright orange light with flickering lights, flew over Vsevolozhsk, and over the villages of Priozernoye Shosse and Luppolovo, and everywhere it seemed as if some strangers were trying to approach it objects, however, disappeared a few meters from this ball.

The video was shot by a resident of Parnassus. On each of this material you can clearly see a UFO with four lights in the shape of a tetrahedron. The first impression is that this is some kind of modern helicopter or military drone. However, as Internet users - residents of the Northern capital and its environs - say, this is not the first time they have observed such a UFO. And they think that maybe these are even some kind of targets for the military, but their size in comparison with the same aircraft, as one St. Petersburg resident writes, observing a similar picture for the fourth time, is simply amazing.

Aliens are always there when there is war

Alien ships continue to fly in the war zone over Syria. For example, Russian pilots have repeatedly encountered them in the sky, however, unlike the Turkish Air Force, the aliens are not aggressive, they are rather peaceful observers without the right to rudely interfere in military events.

The other day we managed to shoot a very interesting video that captured the moment when a large base UFO in the shape of a cigar gathers its smaller brothers, apparently scouts, who, in the form of small saucers, fly up to the cigar-shaped apparatus and “disappear” in its belly.

In the hot spots of our planet, where there are battles, there is always... It is not surprising that one of the UFOs even pursued a Russian plane for a relatively long time, and ground troops constantly see unidentified aircraft in the sky. However, the soldiers are already accustomed to the fact that these may not be harmless alien ships, but enemy military drones, and therefore they try to hide at the first opportunity of a UFO appearing in the air. Otherwise, there would be much more video footage of UFOs over Syria...

In 1989 it was stated that South African military shot down a UFO. Ufologists were the first to arrive at the scene. Documents about the event note that on May 7, 1989, locators discovered unidentified object, which was moving towards the coast of Africa at a speed of 9 thousand km/h. 2 fighters took off to eliminate him. But the UFO changed its trajectory, as a result of which the planes were not immediately able to intercept it.

Since the pilots could not understand what they were seeing, the order was given to fire laser cannons. Military several times got into a UFO, and it began to decline, and then fell into the sands Kalahari Desert.

What the military and ufologists saw

Arrived at the scene saucer crash people discovered a silver disc. It fell into the ground and formed a hole with a depth of 12 m. A high radioactive background was noted in the area where the object was located, which disabled all equipment.

The plate was sent to the South African base. The funnel was carefully covered so as not to attract attention to it. The documents about UFOs say the following.

  • The ship weighs 50 tons.
  • Its diameter is 18 meters.
  • The object has 12 portholes, there are no seams on it.
  • The material from which the ship is made is unknown.

A hatch was discovered below, and what was the surprise of the researchers when 2 humanoid creatures came out of it.

What did the aliens look like?

  • The height of the aliens did not reach 150 cm.
  • Their body was completely devoid of hair, their skin color was grayish.
  • The heads of the creatures were large, their arms hung down to their knees, their eyes were huge, slanted, their hands had 3 fingers, and their nails were claw-shaped.
  • The legs were short, and the aliens communicated with each other telepathically.
  • They behaved aggressively.
  • They were offered food, but they were not interested in it.

June 23 aliens transported to a base in America. At the same time, information about them became strictly classified. At the conference, which was held in September, it was said that one telescopic support at the plate extended.

Under the dome of the ship there was a sign of an arrow that looked up. It was also announced that one alien was seriously injured. And the helicopter that was flying over the incident site in the Kalahari crashed because its engine failed. As a result, 5 crew members died.

After the data about the incident were published, experts were divided on whether there was a crash or not. Some experts note that the documents presented for public viewing are genuine, because they contain many facts.

Other scientists say that the UFO could have been made by people, and everything that happened can be considered a falsification. They note that the document contains many grammatical errors, which is also alarming.

  • For example, it is unclear why it is said that the fighters shot down the saucer with laser cannons, which are not found on military aircraft.
  • It is also unclear why the aliens were sent from Africa to the United States if relations between the countries represented were tense at that time.
  • It is also interesting why no one saw the object fall, because there are many farms in the Kalahari.

There are a great many planets in the vast Universe. And to claim that our Earth is the only planet where life exists is simply ridiculous. Ancient tales, myths and legends tell us about strange creatures that arrived from the sky and are completely different from people.

Attempts to contact representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations have been made repeatedly. Although there is no talk about the effectiveness of these measures. For example, back in 1820, Karl Friedrich, a mathematician, decided to “write” a message to aliens that they could notice from above. To do this, he systematically cut down trees in one of the forests. The resulting triangle-shaped area was planted with wheat. To transmit signals to other planets, Friedrich also used his own invention - heliotrope, with its help reflected sunlight was transmitted into outer space.

Twenty years later, Joseph von Littrow, an astronomer, proposed an original way to communicate with aliens: in the sands of the Sahara, dig huge trenches in the form of geometric figures, which should be filled with oil and set on fire.

The Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11 space probes launched by NASA in the 1970s had anodized gold plates attached to them. The plates showed a diagram of the Universe, photographs of a couple of people, and a diagram of the structure of hydrogen. Communication with Pioneer-10 was interrupted in 2003, and with Pioneer-11 two years later, in 2005. Later, gold-plated gramophone records with recordings of music, sounds of nature, images and basic information about planet Earth were sent into space on probes. At this stage, the probe is located somewhere on the edge of the solar system, but, nevertheless, communication with it is still maintained.

Technology is technology, but some people believe that a person already has a “natural antenna” - a brain. Dr. Stephen Greer, together with like-minded people, travel to remote places several times a year to conduct meditation classes. According to him, it is in the process of meditation that people manage to get in touch with alien inhabitants who convey their messages to them.

Recently, the hypothesis that aliens have been living among us for a long time has become increasingly popular. And according to statistics, aliens usually prefer to communicate with the “powers of this world”: politicians or famous people. The President of Kalmykia, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, publicly stated in one of his interviews that he personally visited an alien spacecraft as a guest. This “excursion” lasted from evening until morning; the president entered the alien ship through a window and returned the same way. Ilyumzhinov’s sudden appearance in an empty apartment was witnessed by two of his employees. Information has recently appeared in foreign media that the United States is quite seriously preparing to open an “Exopolitics” bureau - a department for extraterrestrial relations.

According to some insiders, if such a step is taken, it will be tantamount to admitting that contacts with aliens are no longer just a fantasy of science fiction writers. After all, back in 1969, the American legislative code included Article 14, Section 1211, which provided for precautionary measures in case of contact between aliens and astronauts. According to Nas General Counsel Neil Hosenbol, this law applies to all aircraft of extraterrestrial origin. Therefore, anyone who comes into contact with aliens can be taken into custody. In the New York newspaper "Star" in 1982. a statement from one of the Pentagon employees, Dr. Brian T. Clifford, was quoted saying that communication with alien inhabitants is a crime for which the guilty person can be prosecuted and punished with imprisonment or a fine of $5,000!

If you think about it, it seems rather strange that, despite all the official assurances of the government that aliens on Earth are completely absurd, the bills all promise harsh measures to those who break the rules. That is, it turns out that the plans of the aliens are already known, which means that extraterrestrial races can only be aggressive and unfriendly. Why? Doesn't this mean that communication with the aliens has already been established, and nothing good can be expected from the depths of Space? One of the versions of the introduction of aliens into human society comes down to hidden control, and ufologists have long been suspiciously eyeing prominent politicians, looking for traits of alien races in them.

Western media were recently excited by Medvedev’s statement that the next head of the Russian state, along with his “nuclear briefcase,” was receiving documents about aliens who live side by side with us. The president refused to specify their number. Most treated this comment as a funny joke, since the conversation took place in an informal setting. But many were seriously concerned about this statement, believing that it was not a fiction at all.

However, Medvedev is far from the first politician to speak out about the “little green men.” For example, a note written by Harry Truman (one of the US presidents) has been preserved stating that the fall of an unknown aircraft, which most likely was not the work of human hands, was recorded. Another American president, Ronald Reagan, at the UN General Assembly in 1987, said that earthlings should be prepared for the fact that our planet could be attacked by aliens.

In the early 90s, a report by Milton Cooper, an employee of the Geneva Institute for Planetary Synthesis, was published. It reported that during 1947-1952, about 15 flying vehicles of extraterrestrial origin landed (including crashed) on American territory. And one of the CIA representatives, Gerald Haynes, said that in the summer of 1952 there was a “surge” in UFO sightings, as a result of which the military was even ordered to shoot down such objects. Speaking about contacts with aliens, one cannot fail to mention Dwight Eisenhower, who, according to rumors, was the first president to enter into diplomatic negotiations with aliens.

In conclusion, I would like to add that, according to the director of the Institute of Exopolitics, Michael Sullivan, today about 17 alien civilizations are in contact with the Earth, in addition to this, several others are still monitoring our planet. According to some reports, such information was “leaked” from the UN, which is currently preparing the ground for the official publication of information regarding contacts with aliens. Naturally, many ufologists are critical of such actions, believing that the United States is deliberately misleading states, thus preparing to test new secret aircraft. In any case, the truth will become known soon.



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