home - Pets
Why is it so difficult for you to live in your house - Damage to a house - how to determine it, A lining is an object charged with harmful energy that could be planted by a person who wants to do harm. The lining can be very different, a doll, a needle, a bag of salt, chicken p

Diagnostics from photographs. Consultation with a parapsychologist.

Maria writes:

Hello Svetlana!

I have these problems:

1. Depression. Persistent lack of desire to live. I see no meaning or purpose own life. The whole world is disgusted, I don’t want to see him again and again every morning.

2. I feel constant weakness. I keep wanting to lie down, but I can’t fall asleep.

3. I can’t find my place in life in terms of work. There is one business, I opened it when I was young, it’s barely running, I can’t open anything else, although I’ve tried many times. Nothing works, it’s like I’m running into a wall.


Good day, Maria. Thank you for trusting my vision. If my diagnosis helps you find a way out of this situation, then I will be very happy about it.

Q: I have the following problems: 1. Depression. Persistent lack of desire to live. I see no meaning or purpose in my own life. The whole world is disgusted, I don’t want to see him again and again every morning.

A: Maria, from my visualization it looks like you are all wrapped up in a cobweb or entangled in black threads, like a ball of tumbleweeds, there is such a bushy plant that rolls around where it doesn’t go and collects on itself everything that is needed and not needed. I looked at the reason, it seems that you are collecting a lot of dirt from the place where you are, as if a weed sticks to you and entangles you with negativity; your habitat. Therefore, look for the source of your poor health at home, it may be dirty and not cozy home, which is located in an energetically dirty area, this could include negatively-minded household members or parents and those close to you. Bring mental and physical/material cleanliness and order there and you will not collect garbage on yourself.

But in general, your psyche is completely polluted and you could use a good bath, both literally and psychologically. Go to the bathhouse and cleanse your physical body, you definitely need a strong temperature drop to disperse the blood and cleanse the whole body of all debris. Also, if you are baptized, then take communion or at least go to church, where aromatherapy and the energy of fire will remove some of the dirt from you. Meditation helps very well; in general, use any methods available to you to cleanse yourself of the tangle of negativity that is currently entangling you.

Q: 2. I feel constant weakness. I keep wanting to lie down, but I can’t fall asleep.

A: This is due to the fact that all your channels and energies are closed by negativity, your energy exchange is disrupted, you need to remove all this mental burden, get rid of negative attitudes, memories, thoughts. Sports activities help recovery very well, proper nutrition, fresh air, and eliminate alcohol and cigarettes.

Q: 3. I can’t find my place in life in terms of work. There is one business, I opened it when I was young, it’s barely running, I can’t open anything else, although I’ve tried many times. Nothing works, it’s like I’m running into a wall.

A: Now, when everything is black before your eyes, it is naturally difficult for you to see something. You seem to be preserved, so before you look for your place in the world, you need to open your world, that is, we take what we have and put it in order, and after you wash the windows of your house (cleanse yourself of negativity), it will be easier for you to consider different variants your work and outside the window / in life.

If you have never encountered meditation, then write or call.

I also help with cleaning the aura.

You can read how I do this on my website here:

These should be your goals for the near future. When you cleanse your psyche of mental and emotional dirt, then you will be able to deal with your main goal or with your main activity, but now there is no point in even taking on this until you are in the negative and have no sense, no movement towards the goal. .

Maria writes: Hello Svetlana! Thanks for the diagnosis.

I myself feel that there is some kind of negativity on me, as if something is pressing on me, but I don’t understand what. At home, oddly enough, everything is fine with me). The relationship with my husband and children, thank God, is excellent. The house is clean materially, but energetically, I don’t know. We bought this apartment six months ago for self-finishing. When my husband first came into it, he said that the apartment was terrible and he wouldn’t live in it). Perhaps there is something wrong with her energy. It was sold quite cheaply, so I bought it anyway. Then she made repairs, sometimes herself, sometimes with the help of hired workers. I'm very tired as a result of all this.

After the renovation, I could no longer look at this apartment. I tell my husband: let's sell it. And he’s like, no, now it’s good here, the apartment is wonderful, we won’t give it to anyone). Maybe I took this dirt on myself? And I had a lot of such cases in my life. I’m surprised myself, this rarely happens to anyone - I haven’t lived in one place for more than two years.

The scheme is this: I buy an apartment in poor condition (they are cheaper), renovate it, then we live in it, and after two years new objective reasons to move appear. And all in a new circle). Moreover, if I bought an apartment that was not selling well, then after being in my hands the apartment would sell quickly. Everyone comes, looks, everyone likes it).

There is only one problem at home: the family is making a mess, and I have to clean up after them. It used to really ruin my life, but then I somehow got used to it). I can’t get them used to order, although there are still slight progress in this direction). I have a husband and three children) The children are already big. In general, I am very “tied” to my home. I feel good at home, and home is the most important thing for me. When I’m depressed, I neglect the house; when I feel better, I start cleaning, licking and decorating everything. Yes, and here’s another thing: I’ve changed housing about 15 times in my life. At the same time my internal state hasn't changed at all. If it is related to the house, then why is this so?

Answer: Maria, thank you for unsubscribing.

It’s clear now why I thought that you were collecting all the dirt on yourself, like tumbleweeds, wandering from place to place. If you didn’t feel dirt on yourself before, it’s only because you were younger and your energy was cleaner. Most likely, the reason for your moves should be sought in karma; similar situations of the same type are always karma.

Write your address, I will look at the place and write to you if there is anything negative in your house.

Maria: Svetlana, thank you) N..., st. K….., house no., apartment no. I wonder what in karma could be the reason for moving? I can not even imagine)

Answer: Yes. karma is “you wanted the best, but it turned out as always,” and this is your story, so after cleaning the aura, you need to look at yourself for karma, otherwise you will again roll from place to place and cling to negativity.

by apartment:

I feel like the house is like a candle, somewhere in the metro area, and somewhere up to the 4th-5th floor level it’s smeared with tar, all black, and this dirt is rising higher and higher.

I asked the question, what is this? the answer was that very black people were working, energetically very dirty, finishing or laying the house, like lepers, they felt like Asians, and they left their dirty energy in the house.

I couldn’t stay there for a long time, I can’t breathe in your house, there’s not enough oxygen and I feel sick, such heavy energy, I jumped out of there. So your place is energetically dirty.

I think that you are very sensitive, that’s why you feel everything more strongly than others. I feel like your apartment is sealed and you can’t break into it. fresh air/ energy. If it is located on the lower floors, then the energetic dirt of the house also covers your apartment.

Maria: Yes, the house is really like a candle, 16 floors. I live on 14th. The house is a former long-term construction. It was laid out back in the 90s, then the company went bankrupt, then it was completed by the HOA. Is it possible to do something, somehow clean the apartment? Or is it useless in such a house? And why is the apartment “sealed”? Is there anything that can be done?

Answer: You can clean and protect your apartment, I do it.

Why it’s sealed, I can’t answer right now, detailed diagnostics are needed, it can be done by photo or in person, that way more information will be available

Maria: I think I will need your help. What do I need to do for this?

Answer: Let's start by diagnosing the apartment. send a photo, I’ll look at it and we’ll agree on what and how.

When color is both friend and enemy
The first thing that always catches your eye is color solutions. It is known that the color in the surrounding space can affect your mood, enhance your energy or, conversely, relax you. But if it can have a beneficial effect, it can certainly have a negative effect.

Check which color is dominant in your apartment or house. Ask yourself, do you like it, what associations do you have with this color? If you were renovating, would you paint the walls exactly the same color or not, would you choose wallpaper in the same range? If not, why not?

Reasoning in this way, you will immediately find out whether any particular color is an irritant for you.

Humidity, cleanliness and air temperature
The second obvious and important circumstance that can directly affect the feeling of comfort or discomfort, including psychological, is what you breathe. If the ventilation in the room is poorly designed, the air is too dry, or you haven’t changed the filters in the air conditioner for a long time, then it is likely that you will experience regular headaches, fatigue and a desire to spend less time in this room.

In an apartment freed from trash and dust, it really is easier to breathe, literally and figuratively. Look at the horizontal surfaces in your room: are any of them completely empty? With one thing? Or are there many different items stacked and placed on every shelf, on every table? Are there areas in your home where small items, medicine bottles, loose buttons, receipts, and chewing gum constantly accumulate? It is precisely such places that can be a source of latent discontent.

Revision of meaning and purpose
Take a fresh look at the environment. Imagine that it’s as if you came to visit yourself and see all this for the first time.

Functions of objects
Do all interior items perform a certain function and do it flawlessly - or are there some that simply take up space, or those that do not work well enough?

For example, the table does not fit everyone, or the carpet on the floor may be smaller than necessary, so your eye constantly “bumps” into this problem.

Do all things and interior items cost approximately the same? If among inexpensive furniture there is extremely luxurious and expensive thing, this nuance can constantly irritate you. Just like vice versa, if among the exclusive designer furniture something cheap suddenly appears.

Emotional response
Remind yourself why you hung that family photo on your wall? Because it was necessary to do it before the mother-in-law’s visit, because you wanted to, or because it was a pity to throw away the frame? If some things no longer cause positive emotions(or were never called at all), get rid of them ruthlessly. Perhaps they are the ones who make a significant contribution to your emotional state when you are at home.

And I’ll leave the most interesting for dessert. Think for a moment: why, exactly, are you personally returning home? Is there someone (or something) waiting for you there? Do you have any household chores or activities? What is your, let’s say, domestic function? Do you like her, are you satisfied?

If, in fact, the only reason you go home is just to spend the night, and on the weekends you wander from corner to corner, then it’s not at all surprising that you feel uncomfortable. And this cannot be corrected by buying expensive furniture or installing an air humidifier.

The psychological climate in the family is also very important: problems in relationships with loved ones, in marriage, with children, a feeling of insufficient self-realization as a parent, depression in you or some family member - all this can create an unpleasant environment in which you don’t want to come . And this definitely needs to be solved, but by approaching the problem from the other side. If after reading this article you realized that, most likely, this last point is yours, then that’s great. Now you know what to tackle first.
Good luck!

Be careful and adhere to the following rules of energy purity. Take care of yourself!

It’s bad when there is no energy in the house, but when it’s filled with negative energy, it’s even worse. This brings not only fatigue and irritability, quarrels and loss of money, but also illness and even the destruction of the family. This is why the house needs to be cleaned from time to time.

How do you understand that your home has accumulated negative energy and needs “treatment”? The following signs will tell you about this:

Cockroaches, ants and other insects appear;
Things go missing or get lost;
Residents and pets get sick;
Flowers and house plants feel unwell, or even die;
Light bulbs burn out too often;
Household appliances break down too often;
Unusual noises and sounds are heard;
Bad odors appear without apparent reason and their source;
Doors and windows slam by themselves;
Water is constantly dripping or running, pipes are leaking;
Households quarrel all the time;
Household members have incomprehensible drowsiness, apathy, fatigue;
Sleep does not bring restoration of strength, bad or difficult dreams;
There were strangers at home whose sincerity is highly questionable;
Someone died in the house.
If at least three of the above points coincide, you need to think about how to cure your home.

How to heal your home?

Getting rid of negative energy is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. You can cope with this task using simple rules. This energy cleaning should be done 3-4 times a year, similar to regular general cleaning of an apartment.
1. Cleansing your own negative energy.
Before you start cleaning the house, you need to remove negative energy from yourself. To do this, you need to take a shower, but not a simple one, but with salt. The fact is that salt is a conductor of energy. It can accumulate both positive and negative energy. And salt dissolved in water can wash away the negative energy that has accumulated not only in a day, but over many years, that is, destroy all the energy dirt from which you, perhaps without knowing it, have suffered for so long.
So, we get into the shower, after which we apply regular table salt to the wet skin with massaging movements. Try to cover all surfaces except the hair, but do not rub the salt very hard, do it gently so as not to feel discomfort.
After this, get back into the shower and rinse off the salt with water. At the same time, mentally turn to the water with a request to wash away all the bad things from you.
Choose words according to your mood, address water as a living being, the main thing is that it is sincere and your words come from the heart. You will immediately feel good and light in your soul, and your body will become light and unusually clean. Water with salt will cleanse your body and soul. It will seem to you that you have gotten rid of some heavy burden. And this will be correct, because the energetic dirt that was washed away by the water is indeed very difficult for people.
2. Preparation for energy cleansing of the house.
And now it’s time to start energetically cleaning your home. Dress as simply as possible, preferably a dressing gown or tracksuit. You should not be wearing any jewelry - neither metal, nor leather, nor plastic.
You must be completely energetically neutral. In the entire house or apartment where you live, open the windows, and, if possible, both the windows and the entrance doors. Don't be afraid of a draft, everything will go through it negative energy. Have people who are not involved in cleaning leave the house. Send your household members to the cinema or for a walk so that they do not interfere with your cleaning.
So, the first thing you need to do when starting to “treat” your home is to get rid of old and unnecessary things. Remember: everything you don't use more than a year, collects negative energy.
Ruthlessly throw away or give away things you no longer need - make room for new and necessary things! Repair all broken equipment, and if it is impossible to fix, get rid of it without regret. Don’t hoard books, magazines and other papers that you don’t need - you can donate unnecessary books to libraries, and hand over paper trash to waste paper collection points.
Never keep broken dishes at home, even those with a small crack. Positive energy goes through it, and with it family and home well-being. Chipped dishes are especially dangerous; they create a strong leakage of positive charge.
Don't hoard dirty dishes! Leaving dirty dishes overnight will gather in your home a whole breeding ground of subtle living beings (spirits and ghosts) that feed on the smells of leftover food; this will have a bad effect on your physical and mental health. The Vedas say that if dirty dishes remain or accumulate in the house, then a person must leave this house before sunset.
Don’t accumulate trash and dirty clothes, wash them as often as possible and monitor the condition of your things - if you can’t fix them yourself, take them to a repair shop or a sewing workshop. You will be surprised how your life and your relationships will change if you just clean out your closet!
So, you got rid of all the junk, while at the same time putting things in order in the house, as with regular cleaning. Now wipe all the mirrors in the house. To do this, take a damp cloth and make clockwise circular movements with your hand. This is the only way the energetic dirt will go away along with the visible dust.
Try to remember how many years you have had this mirror - and make circles with a wet rag for that many years. Then you will completely destroy all the negative information that has accumulated over the years. If you don't remember how old the mirror is, do thirteen circles.

3. Fumigate and sprinkle.
You will need a few sprigs of St. John's wort, thistle or heather. Also prepare a bowl of water. It can be structured (preferably thawed) or holy, but in no case tap water.
First, spray every corner of the house with this water, then wet your face and hands with it and, without wiping, let it dry. After this, set fire to the plant branches and fumigate the entire apartment with them, carrying the smoldering branches to all corners. When cleaning, mentally imagine how the energetic dirt disappears.

4. Cleansing the house with a candle.
You will need several thin church candles, but you can also use a regular white household candle.
Take a candle and place a small circle cut out of white paper on it. It is necessary to protect your hands from negative energy that the melted wax will absorb.
Light a candle and slowly walk around the whole house with it, moving clockwise. Start moving with front door– this is the most important gate of negative energy. Therefore, doors need to be given Special attention. Stand at the front door from the outside and draw a candle along its perimeter from left to right.
Use a candle to thoroughly treat the door peephole and its entire surface, not forgetting the handles and the bell. Then proceed to processing inside doors, doing the same thing.
You need to understand that by properly treating the doors, you can be sure that negative information will not penetrate your home.
Now move further around the perimeter of the apartment clockwise. Look into all the dark corners, don't forget about the furniture, especially in the hallway, shoes and clothes. Pay special attention to windows, mirrors, corners, as well as hangers, because a lot of energy dirt accumulates on them.

Don't underestimate the power of your home, as its decor has some impact on your mental health. Find out how your own home can make you feel anxious.

Does your home make you feel anxious?

Home can affect our health and well-being, especially our morale. Here you can find out what exactly is wrong in your home and why it affects your emotional state. This is what each of us needs to know about how to deal with anxiety the right way.

Unhealthy environment

What is he doing environment unhealthy? This is a multi-layered problem. Many decorating experts believe that an unhealthy indoor environment is one in which we spend all our time and don't feel good about it. This could be an environment where the air and water quality is very poor, bad odors are present, the acoustics are annoying, or the lighting design is inconsistent with the space itself. Other design elements that may have an impact Negative influence on our health is the quality of furniture and their arrangement. People feel uncomfortable in crowded places when they sit on uncomfortable furniture. All this can lead to increased level stress and poor concentration. A lack of natural light, living greenery or natural elements are generally indicators of an unhealthy interior.

The connection between our psychology and the environment

The environment affects not only our physical condition. It can also affect our mood and feelings. All elements of interior design, such as color, texture and pattern, affect how we feel on a biological and psychological level, as our brains produce neurochemicals and we experience certain discomfort in a given environment. For example, if we perceive a space as calming and relaxing, our bodies can release neurotransmitters, which can help reduce anxiety. If you enter a very dynamic space with bright lights and bright colors, you will feel excited and adrenaline will be released, which puts our bodies on high alert. We also interpret our surroundings through personal experience, cultural influences and various social factors.

Signals in the house you live in

Is there really a healthy atmosphere in your home? The kitchen must have a water filter. Acoustically treated panels on the ceiling are not only noise minimization, but also a conducive environment for social connection where people can easily eat and talk. There must be plenty of space for food preparation, and countertops must have an antimicrobial coating. The kitchen should have everything you need for cooking, cleaning and having the best time possible.

Home gym for motivation

Exercise has been proven to help improve your emotional state. So, can you make your own at home? Gym a place that stimulates and inspires you to work? Physical exercise directly affect your physical and mental health. If you're in the planning stages of your home, try focusing on gym decor. Many people set aside space for a gym in their basement, but it's best to have it indoors. If you like the way your gym is equipped, the way it looks, and the location where it is located, then you can not only increase your energy, but also visit it more often. Agree, you don’t really want to go to the basement in order to get a boost of energy.

Workplace in the house

Whether people like it or not, many people often have to take work home with them. But some design tricks should fix any problems. Experts advise making it a pleasant space with things you enjoy without being distracting. The most important thing that is required of you is that you need to figure out which environment makes you more productive. Believe me, after this you will simply enjoy working from home.

It's all about the healthy details

Try to create a list of even the smallest touches that can make your home better, and you will feel much better about yourself. Decorate the most important room (kitchen) and the space you love to be in, add some plants. Create a beautiful kitchen that you'll enjoy working in, and make sure there's room for a dining table. Families who cook and eat together at home tend to be less overweight. Not only will adding green plants help purify the air, but they will also add life and freshness to any space and increase happiness levels. Be sure to pay attention to the lighting. Try to illuminate the room with daylight during the day, and in the evening, do everything possible to create a pleasant atmosphere for sleeping. Reduced light levels allow your brain to naturally release serotonin, which begins the relaxation process before sleep.

Materials matter too

Don't underestimate the power of materials in your home. AND we're talking about not about wool or ceramics. Add a little style from nature to your home. Adding wood trim to your home is incredibly easy and will greatly impact our psychology. Making room in your home for plants can instantly improve your air quality and your mood.

If you want to improve something in your home, then do it

Focus on good lighting. It will change your perspective and change your life. When you walk into a space and feel good, chances are that lighting is directly responsible. Lighting levels radically change a setting and how we feel in that setting. Light can make you feel alert and energetic. But it can also make you calm and withdrawn.

Give yourself a place where you can breathe calmly

A large room is very good. But there is a checklist of items that will make the inside of your home feel so much bigger. Keep the space in your home as bright and light as possible. Add reflective coverings and mirrors to make the room appear larger. Spaces with fewer unnecessary things reduce visual complexity, making the room seem a little larger than it actually is. Dark floors visually reduce the width of your space. Raise ceilings if possible. The higher the ceilings, the more space.

Home is where the heart is

If all these tips don't make you look at your home differently, here you go. last tip. Your home is like your body - you must take care of it to reap its benefits. People who invest in properly designing their space demonstrate a sense of pride and increase their levels of happiness and confidence. If you find yourself living in an unfinished space with bare walls and outdated furniture, it can contribute to depression and stress. Do everything possible to ensure that the mood in the house is always excellent, your health is good and that you feel only peace and happiness.

Why is it that in some apartments it’s cozy and comfortable, while in others it’s as if something is pressing on the psyche, and you want to get out of there as quickly as possible? According to psychics and parapsychologists, negative energy is to blame for everything. What if you have to live in such a house? Don’t rush to panic and leave your home: everything can be fixed! So, let’s “clean” the apartment...

The reasons for the appearance of “dark” energy can be very different. Your home may be in a pathogenic zone, and it may also have a bad aura. For example, if a sick person previously lived in the apartment, if there were some things left in it that belonged to sick or unkind people...

First, let's figure out whether the apartment is really “bad.” What if you simply belong to the category of suspicious people?

It’s not for nothing that during a housewarming party it is advised to let the cat into the house first. Pets are very good at sensing presence. negative energies. Once in such a house, they begin to get nervous, eat poorly, may refuse to enter the apartment and sleep on the staircase, and sometimes simply run away from the house.

If you don’t have a dog or cat, “rent” it from a friend and observe how the animal will behave in your home.

Another indicator unfavorable energyhouseplants. If they suddenly begin to wither away for no apparent reason, even though you are carefully looking after them, this is a sure sign that not all is well in the apartment.

Oddly enough, in apartments where the energy supply is not clean, household appliances often break down and cellular communications malfunction.

Listen to your own feelings. If you want to spend as much time as possible outside the home (and men are literally “pushed out” by negative energy), if guests come to you less often, and those who do come try to leave quickly, this is a very alarming sign.

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Partner news

Bioenergy specialists often advise checking your home using church candle. It needs to be lit and walked throughout the house. If the candle begins to smoke, crackle, or its flame is uneven, it means that the apartment needs to be “cleaned.”

First of all, “search” the apartment. If you find any suspicious objects, things that belonged to the previous owners, it is better to get rid of them; the best option is to burn or bury them.

Some house plants “clean” energy well. For example, bright red geranium will fill your home with positive energy. You can even have not one, but several pots of geraniums. Just don't forget to take care of her!

It also doesn’t hurt to hang a wreath woven from birch twigs on the front door, or stick a needle into the jamb of the front door from the side of the apartment - this will “scare off” any negative energies.

Protect from negativity and various kinds of amulets. You can purchase such a talisman or make it yourself. Let it be a “brownie” figurine made of rags, wood or straw. The main thing is that you believe in its protective functions. Be sure to give it a name and talk to it as if it were a living being.

Sometimes the carrier of negativity is one of the inhabitants of the house or frequent visitors. You will easily feel this: after communicating with such a person, you will feel like a squeezed lemon, you may feel depressed, unwell, or simply spoil your mood... If this is a stranger, try not to let him into the apartment. If this is not possible, then you will have to “clean” the house constantly.

So, make it a rule to perform the following ritual at least once a month. Walk around the apartment holding a burning candle in your hands. Cross all the corners with it, at the same time sprinkling them with holy water and reading a prayer of protection.

Clean more often, this also “washes away” the negativity. Don’t accumulate junk in your home; throw away cracked dishes and mirrors, even if the cracks are very small.

After an unpleasant person has visited your house, leave a peeled onion on the table in the room where he visited. Overnight she will absorb all the negativity. In the morning you need to take it out of the house, just don’t touch it with your bare hands, take a bag or a rag and wrap the onion in it...

If a “black” person permanently lives in the house, place where he visits most often a block made of aspen, poplar, bird cherry, lilac or linden wood, or make decorative composition from grains of corn, rye or oats - they absorb negativity. And where you are most often, place “donor” plants - birch, oak, maple, pine, buckwheat, wheat or rice. They will make the aura of the room positive.

It is also advisable to consecrate the home, especially if all the above measures did not help much.



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