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Mobile Internet is connected but does not work. Why the Internet does not work on the phone - The main reasons and solutions

I’m incredibly pleased with the performance and speed of opening applications on the communication device I just purchased. But after several months of active use, your favorite device suddenly suddenly begins to rapidly increase the time required to open familiar programs.

What is happening and how to deal with it? We will look at mobile phones based on. So, you began to notice that your device took much longer than usual to cope with the tasks assigned to it. Applications installed on your device require constant updating. If after such updates If a certain program begins to work more slowly, then most likely the reason is that it has become more demanding of resources, and in this case you should think about either changing your telephone device, or looking for similar software that is more loyal to the characteristics of your mobile device.

If Internet pages load slower or programs that require a constant connection to the Internet, then you should not immediately blame the incorrect operation of your mobile device, since there is a high probability that the reason is precisely the speed of your Internet connection, and in this case, to resolve this problem, you should contact the operator who is your Internet service provider.

We will look at solutions to problems related directly to your communication device.

1. If the specifications of your device are not particularly great, I would advise against using and, as they significantly reduce the performance of your device. By the way, this will also have a positive effect on the battery life of your mobile phone.

2. Review carefully list installed by you applications and remove the ones you no longer use. Try not to take up all the device memory, and if necessary, purchase a flash drive to store your personal files and applications, since a certain amount free memory necessary for the correct operation of the operating system.

3. You can also, at your own peril and risk, resort to installing a third-party one that is maximally devoid of little-used functions and applications. The disadvantage of installing them is the fact that if installed incorrectly or with an unfinished version of the firmware, the phone may completely lose its functionality and will also automatically lose its warranty, which can be very critical for some users.

If your device starts working very slowly or takes on a life of its own, and all the above tips do not help, then you should reset your device to factory settings; in most cases, this procedure returns the device to its previous functionality. If the problem of slow or incorrect operation remains relevant, then you should contact a certified service center.

What to do on your own reset you should enter the settings menu, then select recovery and reset, and click on the reset settings column. Your device will automatically reboot and start with standard settings applied, all applications you installed will be deleted and unsaved files will be lost, so it makes sense to first back up your files and applications to a removable flash drive and remove it from the device before you start resetting.

On the Internet you can meet big amount programs that will be successful clean your device of unnecessary files and close running processes to release them automatically without your intervention. Carefully read reviews about such programs, as not all of them cope with their tasks properly.

I wish you and your mobile device good health.

If an Android phone works slowly, it is at least annoying (hot heads can throw you against the wall).

When opening any application, wait a few seconds until a response is received.

Navigating between screens to draw content can take even longer.

Wi-Fi, the Internet and everything else can work just as slowly, but this post is purely about the Android OS.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s a phone, a smartphone, or a tablet, if they work very slowly, you shouldn’t put up with it anymore.

Below you will find tips why this happens and what to do in such cases to speed up your Android phone.

The first reason why the Android phone began to work slowly is a lot of unnecessary stuff.

As you know, applications are saved in the internal memory, which usually only has 1 GB or 2.

This volume is enough for a smartphone or tablet to work smoothly.

Only over time, you can accumulate a lot of applications, especially gaming ones or, even worse, running in the background.

As a result, your phone runs slower and slower. What to do then? In this case, remove unused and even very rarely used ones on a regular basis.

Also, download and install Speed ​​Booster or DU Speed ​​Booster from the play store to close apps running in the background. By doing this you can speed up your Android phone or tablet.

The second reason why Android is slow is that the cache is full

When playing gaming applications, surfing the Internet, watching movies, etc. Android phone or tablet, create cache and temporary files.

These junk cache files and everything else can slow down the device over time if they accumulate in large quantities.

Therefore, you need to clear the cache now and clear it from time to time in the future.

To clear the application cache, you can open Settings and go to Application Manager.

In this section, select the application you want to clear the cache and when a new tab appears, click the “Clear” button to delete the cache data.

To clear the cache memory more effectively, I recommend

The third reason why Android works slowly is a settings failure

A factory reset helps erase virtually all data stored on your phone or tablet and restore all original settings from the device manufacturer.

To do this, you will need to go to “Settings”, open the “Backup and reset” section and click on the “Reset settings” option.

The procedure takes one or two minutes. Then your Android smartphone or tablet will be automatically turned off and on, and your device will no longer work so slowly.

ATTENTION: this is written in general outline, a lot depends on the version of Android, so I recommend it to anyone who has difficulties.

NOTE: do backup important Android data, including contacts, messages, apps, music, videos, photos and more, before restoring to factory settings.

Android is slow - update your software

Updating the software will usually fix bugs and improve the performance of the device you are using.

Therefore, if your phone or tablet has received messages about a software update, you should not hesitate to install it.

Check for software update. To do this, click: Settings -> Device -> Software update -> Update -> confirm -> OK.

A quick and easy way to speed up your Android phone or tablet is to simply restart it.

Although this is a temporary method, it works. What should you do if your Android is still slow even after you have tried all the above tips?

Then maybe it's time to move on new phone or tablet. A new device, especially with new version Android definitely won’t work slowly, however, the speed is tied to the technical specifications. Good luck.

Contents: Remove unnecessary applications Clear the cache Free up space Get rid of widgets Live wallpaper - “dead” smartphone Update programs and firmware Reset data (factory reset) Is your smartphone running slowly? It's time for a new one! All smartphones running the Android operating system tend to age. And if a person then develops gray hair and loses memory, your device simply starts...

All smartphones running the Android operating system tend to age. And if in this case a person develops gray hair and memory loss, your device simply begins to become “dull.” That is, you understand that your smartphone is working slowly. But how to fix this problem? Run to the store for a new one? No, the situation can be resolved in other ways.

Remove unnecessary apps

One of the reasons why your smartphone has become slow is the huge number of installed applications. Most likely, you, like me, install many different applications, some needed for work, some for study, and some just for fun... After installing an application, we simply forget about it, it lies and “gathers dust” in your device's memory.

This is good when you have 32/64 GB of internal memory, but there are times when the memory needs to be monitored. In addition to the fact that unnecessary programs take up space, they can also run in the background, which makes our smartphone work slowly. So right now, go to the menu and delete unnecessary applications, even if your smartphone does not slow down.

Clear cache

Don't know what cache is? This is the data that the device saves locally (in its memory), for example, so as not to completely load the site you have already been to. The problem is that seemingly small files can take up a lot of space over time.

You can clear the cache of certain applications using either a special program that you can download from Google Play, or go to the “Settings-Applications” menu item and there, select a separate application and click on the “Erase cache” button.

Make room

First, you download a lot of music, videos and other files onto your device, and then you ask why your smartphone is slow? Yes, all because filling the smartphone’s memory also affects its operating speed. Go through all the files on your smartphone and decide what you really need and what can be transferred to your laptop.

Get rid of widgets

Widgets are of course very cool, but you need to get rid of them. Often, it is widgets that consume the lion's share of RAM; they are constantly trying to update something, thereby making your smartphone work even slower. Try to use widgets to a minimum!

Live wallpaper - “dead” smartphone

Just when you pick up a phone and some girl, you immediately get a live wallpaper. After this, a logical question immediately follows: why did the smartphone begin to work slowly? Remember once and for all, these same live wallpapers affect not only the performance of the device, but also its battery life. Therefore, just try to choose a beautiful static image for yourself.

Update programs and firmware

There are a lot of people who, for one reason or another, do not update either applications or the firmware of their device. Why is this necessary? The fact is that those same updates bring not only new features, but also bug fixes and performance improvements.

Now all the geeks will come at me and kick me, but there is no need to do this. I also know that very often some updates can only worsen the performance of an application or a smartphone as a whole, but do not forget that those who do not update applications at all and do not really have any applications, a dozen standard ones and a couple installed from Google Play.

Factory reset

This is, of course, the very last step, but if all else fails, then this is the only step. What is a data reset? This is deleting all data from your smartphone; after performing this operation, you will receive your device the same as it was from the store. Please be aware that YOU WILL LOSE ALL DATA stored on your smartphone.

To reset your data, you need to go to the menu item “Settings-Backup and reset-Reset settings”.

Is your smartphone running slowly? It's time for a new one!

If all the manipulations done did not help you and your smartphone is still running slowly, then it’s probably time to take a closer look at newer and more productive devices. So, we invite you to familiarize yourself with. We hope that you will definitely choose the right smartphone for yourself.

While working on your computer or mobile phone, you may suddenly find that your Internet connection is slow or unstable, or that your Internet browser is unusually slow. Why does this happen?

The reasons why your browser is slow or why the Internet on your computer is slow can be very different. Let's look at most of them.


If you are sitting at home or in the office and working on a computer, and there is a thunderstorm outside, in some cases this can greatly affect the speed of your Internet connection. After all, speed is ensured correct setting equipment on the provider’s side, and a lightning strike or a clap of thunder can often briefly disable all or part of the equipment. Therefore, during a thunderstorm you need to be prepared for such surprises. Only your internet service provider can fix them.

Browser cache full

Imagine you are working at a computer and notice that for some reason the opera has started to work slowly. One of the reasons for this non-standard behavior may be a full cache. By default, some disk space is allocated for it. As soon as it fills completely, the browser starts to slow down. He would like to save a picture or document from the Internet - but there is nowhere. To solve this problem, simply go to your browser settings and use the functionality that completely clears the cache. If you need its contents, you can simply expand the disk space provided for it.


Yes, a large number of plugins, or the unstable operation of one of them, can seriously slow down the Internet browser, and in some cases even cause it to freeze and crash. If you have already encountered such a situation and think that the plugins are to blame, try disabling them one by one. After each shutdown, restart the browser and check its operation. If after you disable a certain plugin, the browser restores its normal operation, this will mean that the work of this particular plugin answered the question of why the browser is working slowly.

Internet on your phone

If you access the Internet from a smartphone, you must understand that it is much more vulnerable to external conditions. No, no, work via Wi-Fi in an office where there is a Wi-Fi point will be very stable. But you may need to look at the mail on the street, or once again look at stock quotes on the bus. This is where the surprises can begin.

In any city there are areas where the Internet can be high-speed, 3G or 2G. Switching between these zones is carried out fully automatically. If you, for example, drive through a forest, the Internet may disappear completely. It is also quite vulnerable to external weather conditions.

If you asked yourself the question why the Internet on your phone is slow, and you can’t answer it yourself, just restart your Internet connection. Turn it off and then on again. In some cases this may help. If this attempt is unsuccessful, reboot the entire device. But remember that these reboots are not a means to fix the problem, but only an attempt, because most of the reasons why the Internet works slowly on a phone are not related to user actions.

Although no, there is one that is directly related. This is your rate. If you think that your tariff is to blame for the fact that you are browsing the Internet at a criminally low speed, call your operator’s technical support service and consult on this issue. Contacting technical support can also yield some results if some work is being done on the equipment at the time you go online. In this case, the employee will be notified of this and will be able to quickly convey this information to you. You, of course, will not be able to influence the progress of work, but at least you will know how long problems with Internet access will continue.

I’m incredibly pleased with the performance and speed of opening applications on the communication device I just purchased. But after several months of active use, your favorite device suddenly...

I’m incredibly pleased with the performance and speed of opening applications on the communication device I just purchased. But after several months of active use, your favorite device suddenly...

You can’t log into the Internet using your browser, and in general there is no icon in the top line on your smartphone screen confirming your connection to the World Wide Web? In such a situation, the first question that arises is: “Why doesn’t the Internet work on the phone?” A tablet may not work in the same way. That is, the problem can occur with any mobile device based on the iOS, Android, or Windows Phone operating systems.

So why doesn't it work from the phone? The most common reason is that you and your device are outside the coverage area of ​​your operator's network. Or the signal from the nearest tower is too weak. Alas, nothing can be done, all that remains is to move to another place where the signal will be strong enough. This is the only way to solve this problem. Another option is to change the operator.

The second most common reason for the phone not working Mobile Internet, – the account has run out of money, and therefore, according to the tariff, you can no longer use the network connection service. Top up your account and use the Internet. Or study the tariffs of other operators and, having learned that you are overpaying, stop working with your operator to start cooperation with another. We recommend paying attention to Wifire tariffs. This minimum costs with maximum connection quality.

Finally, the third reason on our list why there is no Internet on the phone is also a common situation among inexperienced users: the “Data transfer” task is simply not activated in the phone settings. The problem can be easily solved by activation - and in just a few seconds you will be able to log into social network or send an e-mail.

Problems with no quick solution

Perhaps your network access settings on your phone are incorrectly configured. Typically, access is activated when the card is installed in the phone. But if something goes wrong, you need to:

  • or receive settings via SMS message from the operator;
  • or visit the company’s website and find the necessary information in the appropriate section, and then enter it into the Internet access settings menu items.

Another problem is that the network is not registered automatically. For example, you found yourself in a railway tunnel, subway, concrete passage, underground parking - somewhere where there is no network reception at all, and then you moved again to the access zone. In this case, the phone should find your operator’s network automatically, but for some reason this did not happen. There was a problem connecting to the Internet. Try the following:

  • the easiest way out is to restart the phone (often this really helps);
  • If the reboot does not help, you will have to take the phone to a service center.

The reason for the lack of communication with the phone may be the operation of a program or virus that you installed, which, when entering the network, takes over all the traffic, preventing you from downloading anything. Uninstall the program after installing which the problems started. Check your phone with reliable antivirus software.

If none of the methods described above are able to resolve the communication issue, try installing a friend, colleague or relative’s SIM card on your phone. There will be Internet - the problem is in the card. There is no Internet (although everything works fine for the one who gave the card) - something is wrong with the phone, it needs to be repaired at the physical or software level.

So, your phone does not see the Internet. For a mobile device, one of our tips will surely become a panacea, and after a few simple manipulations you will again go to the infinity of the World Wide Web. If something is not clear, or you have any questions, contact Wifire representatives online or by phone for clarification!

Tariffs and services of Net By Net Holding LLC may be changed by the operator. Full up-to-date information about tariffs and services is in the “tariffs” section or by calling the phone number listed on the website.

Today, mobile Internet is becoming more and more popular, although 3G data packages are still expensive, but the speed that we could only dream of before has become quite satisfactory.

Of course, a lot depends on the provider, Beeline, MTS, Megafon, Tele2 and so on, but competition between them and the development of infrastructure is growing so that it is always at hand on your Android phone.

Although 4g has arrived in most cases, we still rely on the older 3G standard, and 2G is slowly fading into history.

Unfortunately, mobile Internet on an Android phone sometimes gives surprises - it disappears. This can even happen constantly at a certain time, regardless of whether it is unlimited or limited.

You may also be unhappy with the speed of your mobile Internet, which depends on many factors: phone model, range, weather, network load, and so on.

High-speed landline Internet, of course, works much better, but you may not be able to get it in all areas, especially while traveling, but let’s return to main topic Why does the mobile Internet still disappear and what to do to make the connection stable.

The first reason why the Internet disappears on your phone is poor coverage.

The stability of the mobile Internet depends on the coverage. If it often disappears on your phone, then perhaps you are too far from the antenna.

To make sure it's not your Android phone's fault, try using both at the same time.

If the situation repeats on another device (tablet/smartphone), then the problem is in the line (coverage). What to do then?

There is nothing you can do until the provider installs another antenna, closer to you, except maybe change the operator, if there is one.

The second reason why mobile Internet disappeared on Android is incorrect settings

The fact that your mobile Internet has disappeared can be affected by the settings of the operator and the phone itself.

You can only find out what data (access point) to register from the operator, and if they are correct, then try resetting the network settings of the phone itself (there may be a glitch in them).

To do this, go to the “Settings” settings and do “Reset”, after which the phone will restart, just before that we save important data.

NOTE: On iPhone (iPhone), you can only reset network settings. To do this, go to the “Settings” settings, go to “General”, select “Reset” and click “Reset network settings”.

What to do if your Android phone continues to lose mobile internet?

If you have not achieved success in solving the problem, then you still have two options. The first is to contact the operator and ask him.

For many, engineers can scan the line and eliminate errors if any.

The second option is to reflash the phone. It should be used if previously the Internet always worked reliably and never disappeared.

But “flashing” is not a simple procedure. By doing it yourself, without knowledge and experience, you can even completely ruin your phone - “get a brick.”

What affects mobile Internet

The speed of mobile Internet depends on many factors. The first and most obvious is the range and availability of these standards where the user is located.

The coverage itself is not equivalent to being able to get full speed. The transceiver station always gives a weaker signal and the connection speed is less than the declared standard speeds, which are the maximum values.

Therefore, they are very difficult to obtain in practice. Equally important is the equipment you use to connect to the network - your device must support this standard.

Fortunately, for the vast majority of modern Android smartphones this is not a problem.

The speed of development is greatly influenced by the density of buildings, weather conditions and the number of people who currently use the same station.

Therefore, achieving maximum bandwidth all standards are impossible in practice. Good luck.

We all use the World Wide Web, and it is not uncommon to see queries on the Internet: there is no Internet connection, why is there no Wi-Fi on the phone, why is the Internet not working on the phone, etc.

All of us have had problems connecting to the Internet on our mobile device and sometimes it ended in failure and sometimes in success. Therefore, these tips will be relevant for any model of your mobile device. And also for any type of Internet to which you want to connect this device.

You can connect your mobile device to the Internet in two ways. They are very simple. The first is to call the operator and, following his advice, follow the algorithm of actions to connect to the Internet on your mobile device.

The second method is to connect to the Internet manually. To do this, go to Settings and select More..., then Mobile network. In the window that opens, select APN access point, add a new access point that suits you, then fill in the fields name, apn, username and password. After which you can freely use the benefits of the Internet.

Reasons why mobile phone, android or tablet cannot connect to the internet, there may be many. We will look at six main reasons that you can fix yourself. Let's start:

  1. You don't have internet on your phone, check your account. Maybe you've run out of money and that's why you can't.
  2. Your mobile device itself has not registered with the network. Then you need to register it and reboot your mobile device yourself.
  3. Data transfer is in the shutdown stage, you need to call the operator, and according to his prompts, connect this mobile device to the Internet.
  4. Mobile Internet does not work, you may simply be outside the operator’s coverage area. Therefore, it is worth looking for a location where the signal will be picked up better and stronger. Also, the reason may be a failure or malfunction in the mobile operator itself, which can be quickly resolved.
  5. If the mobile Internet is disconnected. You need to go to Settings, find Wireless networks, and in the Advanced item, find the line Mobile networks (depending on the version of your mobile device), and turn on Data transfer on your phone.
  6. If the access point is not configured correctly. You need to contact the provider's access point, obtain the settings data and manually connect your device to the Internet as described above.
  7. Your mobile device does not support an Internet connection.

If the Internet has stopped working on your smartphone, Android or other mobile equipment and none of the above tips help. It is suggested to cancel all settings and go to the original ones, which is not advisable.

To do this, you will need to contact a technician at a service center, or reflash your mobile device yourself. In order to independently return the settings of your mobile device to the original ones, you need to find on the Internet how to do this and repeat according to the suggested instructions.

Viruses are attacking!

Also, the reason for the lack of Internet may be a virus. Which has leaked into your device and prevents it from working fully. To do this, you need to get rid of it using an antivirus program. Which you need to download to your mobile device, check it for viruses and neutralize them.

Also, the mobile Internet may not work on the mobile device due to a bad APN signal. This may be due to incorrect settings. To fix this problem, you need to contact an employee of the provider who can fix everything.

Pinched wires may also be the cause. Those that got under the sofa, closet, or were squeezed by the door. Which can lead to internet shutdown. You need to monitor the cable that is in your apartment so as not to damage the Internet delivery to your home. The Internet may be disabled by the provider. When they break down or during bad weather conditions.

If you have problems connecting to the Internet, check all the methods described in our article. We hope that our advice will help you. Good luck!

We are used to always being online, so the situation when the mobile Internet on a smartphone does not work makes many people feel uncomfortable. Applications for calls, communication, games and streaming services require a continuous connection to the network. And as soon as the connection stops, we immediately find ourselves in a “network vacuum”, where cards do not work, there is no way to make calls via the Internet or check the weather. Moreover, sometimes a disconnection from the network occurs at the wrong time and you need to quickly fix the problem. In this article, we have collected the most common reasons why the Internet stops working, and most importantly, solutions.

There are not enough funds in the account or the packet traffic has run out

Tariff plans of cellular operators often include non-tariffed traffic or profitable terms to order a package with traffic. If consumption is not controlled, applications will quickly use up the allocated MB. If there is no money in the main account, then the Internet will not work.

Solution: check the main balance and/or the remaining packet traffic. Limit data exchange between apps when the mobile network is active.

Weak or missing coverage

This is a common reason when mobile Internet on a phone stops working. In some places, the signal from cell towers does not reach or there is only enough coverage for calls.

Solution: check the signal level, change position. Sometimes a shift of 5-10 meters allows you to catch a weak signal.

Data transfer disabled

As unnecessary, users often automatically turn off data transfer on their smartphone. Or this action is performed by applications in order to save battery power.

Solution: Check if data transfer is enabled. Check applications with power-saving features where Internet shutdowns may occur.

Presence of viruses on the device

Some malware deliberately blocks access to the network.

Solution: check your device for viruses.

Fixed network type

In places with poor coverage, the modern network standard does not work. Instead of 4G, only 3G or 2G works. If the settings are set to forced operation with 4G LTE, the smartphone will not switch to another Internet connection standard.

Solution: Do not use a fixed network type in areas with poor coverage. Allow your smartphone to select a network automatically.


  1. Open system settings, expand the “More” or “Advanced” section.
  2. Open the “Network Type” item, where select global mode.

Incorrect or missing mobile internet settings

An unexpected failure leads to changes in Internet settings. If another card was used for a while, the phone could change the access point.

Solution: Check that the Internet settings on your phone are correct. Make sure you are using an access point that matches your carrier.


  1. Open the device settings, expand the “More” or “Advanced” section.
  2. Under Wireless Networks, select Mobile Networks.
  3. Open the "APN Access Points" item.
  4. If the access point is selected correctly, call the hidden context menu to view the access point settings. Check that the settings are correct.

Operator interruptions

Sometimes telecom operators encounter unforeseen situations in the form of equipment breakdowns. If calls and other services work, but there is no Internet, there are probably interruptions in the operation of the equipment.

Solution: call the operator and ask why the Internet is not working on the phone. Find out if there are restrictions on your number with Internet access.

Mobile device failure

Hardware or software problems are a common occurrence of missing or interrupted communications. If the problem is hardware - related to internal components, or a breakdown of the smartphone, then only qualified specialists will be able to diagnose the problem. service center. In case of software problems, the radio module may fail. Often the problem is solved by changing the firmware, after which the mobile Internet on the phone starts working as before.

Solution: check the functionality of your SIM card in another device. Also install another SIM card of the same operator in your device. If there is a problem with the device, change the firmware. As a last resort, contact the service center.

Problem with SIM card

Mobile operator cards contain memory and other components. Over time, the card becomes unusable, stops working or fails until it completely fails. It happens that there is no Internet on the phone precisely for this reason.

Solution: if there are problems with the card in another device, and new map is working properly, contact your operator's customer service center and replace the plastic. For convenience and to save time, call the operator, find out the location of the nearest service center, as well as what data you need to provide to exchange the card.


Often, the Internet stops working due to a malfunction of the operator or mobile device, which is often solved by a simple reboot. And sometimes the problem is complex and consists of several causes. If your Internet is not working, we recommend using the instructions above, starting with simple actions, and not immediately change the firmware or take the device to a service center.



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