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Portals in Minecraft 0.17. What portals are there in minecraft? Portals in Minecraft for Android

For players who were not aware that there are portals in minecraft to the upper and lower worlds, this article will be of interest. It will talk about the possibilities of moving to hell and heaven, about how to get into such mysterious worlds. What dangers and adventures await you. If you like different maps, new biomes, you can download them on our website. If you are playing on a server that has the Minecraft portals plugin installed, then you do not need to download it, you just need to follow the instructions and do the things you need.

And such things as other worlds are doubly dangerous, but you will be rewarded for your exploits if you are careful. In hell and heaven in the game minecraft you can find the most inaccessible and durable ores that are in the game. There are no limits to adventures, quite interesting locations await you ahead, but at the same time dangerous and mysterious.

Make a portal to space

UPDATE 03/16/14

Friends, before describing the construction of a portal to space, we want to talk about a very cool alternative - flying into space ON A ROCKET! The simple fact is that a portal to space, unfortunately, can only be made in version 1.2.5, and this is a wild old thing, terribly inconvenient. Those who need a portal can feel free to scroll through, but we highly recommend the rocket to everyone, it’s much, MUCH COOLER!)))

This is all done, of course, with the help of a mod. It's called GalactiCraft (you need two more files, you'll find them all at the link, along with installation instructions!). We are using version 1.6.2, but there is a link to 1.6.4.

We described all the instructions for you in our review:

Well, now about the portal.

To safely survive without air, we need a spacesuit. It is crafted in the same way as any armor, only from wool. The recipes are on the screenshots below.

Airless space is fraught with a lot of dangers, so you need to AT LEAST adhere to the most basic rules:

  • stock up on supplies and tools in advance
  • don't forget to take more food
  • DO NOT JUMP! Otherwise you will perish like the author of the video below :)
  • move around the islands
  • don’t forget to make yourself a platform on which you can move, otherwise you will die (again, like the author of the video)
  • Don't forget to take your weapon - the UFO doesn't sleep!

This journey is incredibly exciting. New territories in Minecraft are always very interesting to explore, because you don’t know what awaits you in an unfamiliar area. It’s even more interesting to film your adventures and post them on the Internet and show them to friends.

Let's go on a trip to the moon

Yes, this is also possible!) And not with the help of a portal (there is no normal information about the portal to the moon, but if you suddenly know something about such a mod, write in the comments plz), but on a rocket. It's cooler for many reasons, and quite affordable. We have all the necessary files on our website, see the links in this article.

Well, as for the flight to the Moon itself, preparing for it is very similar to a flight into space (how do you live on your own space station, by the way? :)). Therefore, we won’t describe much, everything is in the video, watch it:

This instruction will explain in detail to players how to build a portal to heaven. First of all, you will need to download a mod that allows you to transfer. It is necessary to install it, otherwise the portal will not work (here is a link to the Aether 2 mod).

After installing this mod in minecraft, you will need a stone called glowstone and from this stone we build a kind of frame as shown in the video. Dimensions 4 by 6 blocks. Players will also need water; pour water into the prepared “frame”. To do this you will need a bucket, the crafting of which is shown in the picture below. Then be sure to fill a bucket with water (can be done in any available body of water) and pour it into the portal. It is necessary to fill out the entire frame of the portal, otherwise it will not work.

Players who do not want the portal to work all the time can make a button next to it that will turn it on and off.

Make portals to hell in minecraft

The portal allows you to teleport in Minecraft, quite to a dark and scary location, in which evil lurks, there is no view of the moon or the sun, and there is only darkness all around. There are strong monsters that are ready to devour you. Therefore, before moving there, you still need to stock up on food, weapons, and armor. You can build it using a not very complicated system, if, of course, you have a stone called obsidian in your inventory. Many newbies to Minecraft don’t know how to get this stone. Now I will tell you everything in detail. Obsidian can be mined in 2 ways:
  1. You just need to craft the bucket that was mentioned in point 2, you need to pour water into it (you can do it in any body of water) and find a place where there is lava. After pouring your water from a bucket onto the lava, a natural phenomenon will occur in Minecraft and you will get the stone that you just need, called obsidian.
  2. You need to make a good pickaxe (starting from a diamond one) and dig deep underground, there you will find this stone, it is dark purple in color, which is immediately noticeable. The stone will take a long time to mine because it has strong properties.


You need to mine in Minecraft with a pickaxe starting from a diamond one; if you don’t have this opportunity, then it’s better to use the first method, because obsidian will not be mined with simple pickaxes.

Let's actually move on to the construction of the portal. You need to create an empty rectangle 4 blocks wide and 5 blocks high from obsidian, as shown in the picture.

Then you will need to craft a lighter (required), the crafting of which is shown in the picture below.

Bring the lighter to the base of the rectangle and the portal to hell will work. To teleport you need to go into it and wait a few seconds while it moves you.

There are even mods that allow you to fly to the moon. But you can’t go to the moon so easily, you will need to craft rockets according to the scheme and only then will you be able to fly to the moon.*

*update from 03/23/14 - we not only wrote about this above, but also flew over and filmed a video :)

Making a portal to the city

In Minecraft we can also make a portal to the city. This is a little trick, the essence of which is this: We can get to hell from any portal to hell, of which we can build at least ten of them. But from hell we will always return to the portal that we made first.

Therefore, we can make ourselves a kind of “passage” from home directly to the city. The course of action is as follows:

1. First we have to find the city. How? Stock up on provisions and run forward!) Without forgetting, of course, to make a compass and map in advance. Villages are usually found on plains or in the desert.

3. We teleport to hell, build the portal with non-flammable material, maybe just cobblestones.

4. We return to the normal world, run back to the house, or wherever you want to get to the city, and build another portal to hell.

5. We are transported to hell, exit the portal, and immediately enter it again.

That's all! After this, we find ourselves not where we left for hell, but in the city.

This is such a simple thing, use it for your health;)

Well, as usual, watch our video. Don't forget to subscribe!

Making a portal to the end

So, the Minecraft portal is a guide to another dimension, in our case, to Krai. Essentially, these are twelve frames forming a square. For this guide to work and you get to End, you need to activate it. The activator is the Eye of the Edge. You need twelve of them, according to the number of frames. Each eye must be installed in a frame block. You cannot make a “window” to the Land on your own; you can only find it in Minecraft. You should look in the fortress. There, in a special room above the lava, there is a portal. Some frames sometimes already have an Eye of the End, but even in this case their number is a maximum of two. The rest will have to be obtained ourselves. After filling all the frames, nine blocks of the portal itself appear inside. This whole scheme may not work if the room in which the portal is located somehow intersects with, for example, abandoned mines or any other similar (natural) structures. Then you will have to go in search of another fortress.

Teleportation itself the player's End occurs after the crafter contacts the portal. The transfer is lightning fast - after taking a step, it will be possible to return only from the Edge dimension. Once at the destination, the crafter spawns on a special obsidian platform, which often ends up in the air. To get back, you need to either die (then the player is resurrected in the normal Minecraft world), or kill a very cool enemy - the Ender Dragon, also called Ender. Killing a dragon will entail the generation of a reverse portal, but making a gorynych kirdyk is extremely difficult.

And now in list form the nuances that A must-know for any Minecraft traveler, going to the Edge.

  • End first appeared in Beta 1.9pre-release4. This pleasant event happened on October 13, 2011.
  • Initially, Notch planned that this dimension in Minecraft would be called “Ender,” but later the name was slightly shortened to End.
  • There were supposed to be several dragons in Ender. End is gifted with only one thing, but what one!
  • If you look closely, you can see that the portal frame blocks are made of End stone.
  • Again, if you look closely, you'll notice that the portal block itself is a darker version of one of several water states in Minecraft.
  • To get to the Land of Minecraft, you can contact the portal in any way you like, but it’s not recommended to enter it on a trolley. It’s not that it won’t be faster, you won’t get there at all.
  • The portal blocks are turned in both directions.
  • The block of this portal, like its “colleague” leading to the Nether World of Minecraft, can be eliminated with water.
  • It is extremely rare to generate an Underwater Portal to this gloomy place in Minecraft. And, of course, you can’t do it yourself either.
  • The "corridor" blocks to Ender's Habitat, like any other blocks in Minecraft, can be destroyed. But this can only be done in Creativity mode.
  • The destruction of frame blocks does not entail the destruction of the portal block.
  • The “dismantling” of the frame is accompanied by the sound of breaking glass.
  • In the beginning, frames had different properties. They also had a different texture. They were transparent blue blocks emitting level fifteen light. They were not hard then, they could be broken. But it could also be repaired using the Eye of the End.
  • In one version of Minecraft, the frame could be blown up.

The computer game Minecraft may seem primitive or childish to some. But in fact, with each new version, developers try to diversify it in every possible way. The player has an open world and complete freedom of action. The materials allow you to create even modern high-tech buildings and objects. And today you can find out how you can make a portal in the game Minecraft, namely Ender, heaven, hell, city, another world, forest and much more.

What is a portal in Minecraft and why is it needed?

A portal in Minecraft works the same way as portals in other games. That is - this a magical gate that instantly transports you to a specific area. Usually the last point of movement is very far away. Or this area cannot be found at all by moving around the game map in the usual way. When the portal is ready, you can easily move to the specified areas. Your character will be able to see what hell and heaven are in the game. They will also useful for saving time.

For example, you need resources that can be easily obtained from the forest. And all you have to do is enter the forest portal. And you're right there be where you need to be. According to the principle of the game, the most valuable resources are located in hell and heaven. In other places they are very difficult or even impossible to find. So that you can create such portals, read about them all below.

Instructions for creating a portal to hell

In order to make a hellish portal in Minecraft, we will need an unusual material - obsidian. Let's find out briefly about him. This is the most durable but destructible block in our game. It is mined in two modes: adventure and survival. Obtained by merging the source lava and water. There is only one way to destroy it - wither skull explosion. Try to use the latest versions of the Minecraft game, as this material may have different properties in outdated ones.

Obsidian in Minecraft

To mine obsidian you need a diamond pickaxe.

Diamond pickaxe in Minecraft

After this you need to find lava. You need to look in caves or underground. In total, you need to get 14 blocks for the portal.

When you have them, do the following:

To move to hell you need jump into this gate and stand for a while. After which the portal will begin to act and take you to the right place. This rule applies to all portals in the game.

How to make a passage to heaven in Minecraft

Now let's look at how we can reach heaven in Minecraft. When you manage to do this, you will receive unusual items. But more on that a little later. In the meantime, let's start the story about how to create a portal to heaven in Minecraft, since we have already made one to hell. Next, you will also learn about how to make a portal to Ender, the city, the forest and another world.


There are other portals to heaven. For example, they can be made from gold blocks. But, unfortunately, they are quite difficult to obtain. When you get to heaven you can open a special bonus box. In which are located Valkyrie things.

Valkyrie's paradise items in Minecraft

With their help, you can defend yourself and extract resources much more effectively. There are also options for portals made from plants. And they can also take you to heaven.

Construction of the portal to Ender

All players can create a portal to Ender from version 0.17 of the game. To get into this unusual world for the game, you need 12 End portals and the same number of Ender eyes. Perhaps you don't know what it is.

In this case, some clarification is needed:

Name Peculiarities
Ender's eye (or Eye of the End) This is a special entity for finding the End portal. And also to activate it. If you right-click on it, the eye rises into the air and flies to the place where the End portal is located. May disappear once indicated. Once activated, the eye lowers to the ground and approaches the portal. Even if the frame is destroyed, the eye will fly to this place. And not to new portals.
End Portal These are special blocks with a greenish and blue tint, which are used to build a portal to the Edge or End. The portal itself, after creation, can be destroyed with simple water. Sometimes, instead of the usual Land, you can get through this portal to the underwater Land. It can be found in the fortress, above the lava pool.

Now let's create our End portal. To do this, you must have the above items in the amount of 12 pieces each.

Further procedure in Minecraft:

  1. First you need to dig a hole 1 cube deep and 3x3 cubes in size;

    Ditch for the portal to Ender

  2. After this, place 3 End portals on each side of the pit;

    Place End Portals along the edges of the pit

  3. Place an Eye of Ender on every portal except one;

    Eye of the End on the portal

  4. Now stand in the middle of the pit and place the last eye on the End portal;

    The last portal without the eye of the End

  5. The game will immediately begin loading the new location;

    Loading Edge

  6. And in a few seconds you will find yourself in the right place. You have to fight the dragon to get useful resources and items.

    Edge or Ender

How to get to the Twilight Forest without mods in Minecraft

In order to get into the Twilight Forest, you need the same items as for Ender - the End portal and the Eye of the End.


  1. We again make a hole in the ground 1 cube deep, 5x5 wide;

    Portals in earthen pits

  2. Now in each side we place 3 End portals in the middle;

    Place 3 End Portals on each side

  3. Next, place the Eye of the Edge on each of them;

    Place the Eye of the End on every portal

  4. Remove all the portals and eyes and fill the holes with earth to create one dark mirror in the ground;

    Portal without End portals

  5. Then plant flowers in a circle: poppies and dandelions every other.

    Plant poppies and dandelions along the edge of the portal

The portal is ready. You can try it out by jumping inside.

How to build a portal to a city in Minecraft

For the city portal, we will again need obsidian, which we used to build the portal to hell. You already know what it is and where to get it.

So let's start creating:

Many such portals can be built. And every time we return from hell or enter a new portal, we will be transferred to another city. It's very convenient and cool. This way we can move between cities and go to hell if necessary.

Way to go to the diamond world in Minecraft

For the diamond portal you need a mod for Minecraft, which can be downloaded here: https://minecraft-inside.ru/mods/64063-lockyz-extra-dimensions.html. You've probably heard about diamond blocks more than once if you're not playing Minecraft for the first time. They can be mined like other ores - in the ground.


Here you will also encounter a boss that you need to destroy to get to the bonus chest. It will contain unusual things that will lift your spirits. So you have found out how you can make a portal in the Minecraft game to go to heaven, hell, Ender, city, forest and other worlds.

It is noteworthy that Minecraft is a virtual world that is complex in several dimensions. By moving through them the player can find all the artifacts and resources. Necessary for gamers for self-defense, completing tasks and other needs. How to enter (get) into another dimension?

After all, absolutely everyone is interested in seeing what is hidden behind the closed door of another world. Entrances, also known as portals to dimensions, can be man-made - ones that the player can construct independently. Miraculous - they represent portals that exist independently of the player. When constructing the first, special interconnection blocks are assembled, which are activated using a variety of objects. Examples of such portals are:
— A portal to Hell or the Lower World. To enter, you will need obsidian blocks located deep in the mines and a lighter, which acts as a key (activator).

— Portal to Paradise or Ether. The design requires blocks of glowing stone in tandem with a bucket of water.

Portals miraculous

Among the portals that you need to find in the game yourself are:
— Portal to the Edge or the World of Endermen. It represents an entrance that was originally developed by the developers and is searched using the Eye of the End. You can get the main component for the eye of the End - pearls - by spawning with harsh mobs - endermen.

We live in the quantum age, and the fact that our world is multidimensional is no longer new to us. There are other dimensions that are not yet accessible to our perception. Minecraft, designed, within the limits known to Notch, in the image and likeness of the real world, is also not limited to the easily observable macrocosm. Minecraft also has parallel universes. Of course, a bad crafter is one who does not dream of going beyond the ordinary. But other dimensions are not neighboring rooms; getting into them is not at all an easy matter. And, nevertheless, since they exist, it means there must be some “corridors” that lead into them. In Minecraft, the role of such “corridors” is played by so-called portals.

What portals are there in Minecraft? Or, more precisely, where, in what dimensions? In pure Minecraft, in addition to the regular world, there is also the End and the Nether. By installing some mods, the crafter can create portals that are not available in the original version:

  • To heaven
  • Into the space
  • To the moon
  • To the Twilight Forest.

Let's take a closer look at these portals.

Portal to the End

edge is an empty, dark world in Minecraft, inhabited by wanderers and a dragon. The portal to this dimension is a kind of miraculous structure consisting of a dozen frames. Activation of the portal becomes possible only after all frame blocks are filled with the eyes of the End. The End Portal can be found in the fortress. Teleportation of the player to the Edge occurs after the crafter contacts the activated portal. The movement is instantaneous, the traveler has no chance to change his mind. Sometimes Minecraft creates an underwater portal into this dimension.

Portal to the Nether

The nether world of Minecraft, aka hell– this, as you understand, is not a place for quiet walks. The “door” to it, unlike the previous one, can be made with your own hands - from obsidian. I must say, this door in Minecraft looks just cool. Even if you know for sure that you will remain there in hell, you still wildly want to crawl there. P. blocks glow and have a whirlwind-like animation. In order to teleport to the Nether World of Minecraft, the crafter must stand between the obsidian blocks for several seconds. These moments enable the teleporter to realize that he is quite comfortable in the ordinary world, and to make a “rollback”.

Corridor to heaven

What cool possibilities Minecraft opens up for us! Unlike the real world, you are a sinner or not, you can make your way to both hell and heaven. We talked about the first one, but the last one is a mass of islands floating above the ordinary world. P. in this and subsequent dimensions of Minecraft can only be tinkered with the help of mods. It is into this happy dimension that the “indulgence” - the Aether mod - will help you get into it. The Paradise “turnstile” is made similarly to the previous one, but instead of obsidian, a luminous stone is used. It is activated in Minecraft using water.

Portal to space

Into the space you can fly on a rocket, or you can use cool technology and get into interstellar space through p. The Minecraft ModLoader mod will help in its “production.” In general, building a point into space is similar to the procedure that sends you to the Lower World. Only beautiful obsidian is replaced with ordinary iron. This whole thing in Minecraft is also activated by a lighter. You should not move into airless space without thinking about what obstacles await you there. The main thing is the lack of air. It is logical, since space is airless. Therefore, if you have a spacesuit, good. If it doesn’t exist, it will have to be done.

"Door" to the Moon

This is a special case of the previous “tour package”. To get to our native satellite in Minecraft, you need to install the lunar mod The Moon v1.1. But for this add-on to work you will need Mod Loader and ShockAhPI r6. The item itself must be “cooked” from cheese, because the Moon consists of this product. Oh, if only it were true. There is and there is her. After completion of construction, the item needs to be activated with a sonic screwdriver to perform its functions.

In Minecraft 1.5.2 there are a total of 2 portals. This is a portal to hell and the end of the world. Using additional mods, you can create other portals leading to other worlds and dimensions, or simply through the ordinary world. On any servers, special commands are used for this, such as: /sethome, /spawnpoint and others. Or add-ons for the server that do everything themselves. But, for example: how to make a portal to a city in Minecraft? Without using a team, mods, and playing in single player mode of vanilla Minecraft.

Creating the portal itself to the city is not technically difficult, but the extraction of resources itself will require some time. Basically, such portals are needed in this case, if you have already built and equipped your house, then you went traveling and came across a village (city). You can take resources from it there, but you can’t move the inhabitants, and in order to trade with them, you need to have a constant connection. The first thing you need to do is, of course, find a village.

We will move not from house to city, but through hell, using the portal to hell. The portal itself consists of obsidian, which can be found either very deep in the mine, or you can make it yourself by combining lava and water.

The second option may not work out because if you connect it incorrectly, you may end up with a cobblestone.

It is more profitable to go to the mine and find ready-made obsidian. But you won’t be able to get it that easily because each ore requires its own pickaxe. For iron ore you need a stone pickaxe, for gold and diamond - an iron one. Obsidian also counts as an ore, but drops as a block. In order to break this block you need a diamond pickaxe. At the beginning of the game it will be difficult to get diamonds, especially obsidian.

To build the portal you will need 14 blocks. The size of the portal is 5 blocks high and 4 blocks wide. It is built vertically.

To make it work you need to light it with a lighter. It is created from iron and gravel. After creation, just click on the portal and it will work. If you enter it, you can find yourself in hell.

But in order to move between the village and our house, we will have to build the same portal in the city.

It turns out that after we have built all this, 2 portals will connect in one world. That is, to get into the city, you need to first enter hell from your portal in the house. And immediately get out of it, but it will take us not home, but to the village. There is, of course, one caveat... After we leave the portal already in the city, we will not be able to return home from it. If we enter it again, we will end up in hell and leave, but appear again in the city.

Whichever portal we create first, we will constantly appear in. You can do the same with the portal at the end of the world. Make 2 portals in one world to move between them. This portal is created a little differently. Firstly, it is built horizontally. A hole is made 2 by 2 blocks and filled with water. You need to plant any flowers, seedlings, or mushrooms around. Just like for the portal to hell, this also needs a “lever” that will launch it. For this to work, you need to throw 1 diamond into the water, lightning will strike the portal.

This is considered the end of the game. After this, when you enter this world and return back, you will find yourself in a city. In this way, you can create a whole network of portals between different villages. Or use the command block and use commands to configure any portal to any coordinates.

But for it to work you need electricity, which can be obtained in the mine. Using such portals, moving long distances will not take much time.

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