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Practice communicating in English. How to improve your English communication skills for free

You may have heard about a great language exchange site called SharedTalk. Unfortunately, it closed, but its creator revived the project in the form of a new resource - Hellolingo. Here you can quickly find partners to discuss topics that interest you or provide advice on grammar and vocabulary.

2. Lang-8

This resource is great for improving your written language. The idea is this: you publish various texts in English, they are checked by native speakers and your mistakes are pointed out. In return, you help users who are learning your native language in the same way.

3. English, Baby

A social network for communicating with foreigners, plus daily lessons on everyday topics. To become a member of the community, you need to transfer $5 monthly to the project account. But there is a 7-day free pass for newbies.

4. italki

On the site you can meet both professional teachers and native speakers offering informal tutoring. Each user can be both a student and a teacher. Training is paid.


A resource for finding friends, pen pals, and even travel companions for traveling around the world. You can select friends in specific countries, communicate on forums, chat or via private messages.

6. How do you do?

A platform for free communication with native English speakers. The latter are mainly residents of the UK and the USA. Text and video chats are available to users.

7. Conversation Exchange

On the site you can find a partner for face-to-face or remote communication through personal messages or chats.

8. Talk and Learn

Besides social functions like forums and video chat, this resource has a lot of useful materials and English lessons available.

9. Easy Language Exchange

More than one hundred thousand people from 56 countries use Easy Language Exchange to find conversation partners on different languages. You can communicate with the community in a public forum or only with selected people via private messages. In addition, this resource contains many courses for self-study language.

All of these resources have a similar format and set of tools. You can visit and try out several of them to find the most convenient site and the most welcoming community for yourself. But the most important thing is that they allow you to find the right person, and the communication itself can be transferred to Skype, Facebook or another familiar service.

Today, on social networks you can not only like photos and follow the lives of your friends, but also learn foreign languages. Special language social networks will help you find a live interlocutor who will improve your foreign language level. And at the same time it will help to replenish your vocabulary, get rid of hackneyed phrases and enliven your speech with real phrases of English, German, Italian, Chinese, and any other language. All Courses has collected for you a selection of popular language social networks created just for this purpose.

You can already communicate “with a dictionary”, but are you still worried about pronunciation? Then social networks will come to the rescue, where you can find new friends around the world.


The social network unites people from 190 countries, which means 90 languages ​​to learn. The idea of ​​the site is simple: the user writes a phrase or post in the language he is studying, and a native speaker checks and corrects speech, grammatical and spelling errors, if any. You can attach tags to notes, and the most popular ones get to the top. You can also make friends on the site.

There are two options for using the network: paid and free. The second allows you to learn only two languages ​​and make no more than 500 notes in a notebook. Paid content has an unlimited number of posts and languages, and at the same time you are allowed to post photos and leave comments in pdf format.


Lingq focuses on expanding your vocabulary, so communication requires at least minimal knowledge of a foreign language. The social network has been open since 2007 and today offers access to 16 languages, including English, French, Japanese, Swedish, Italian, Chinese, and German, among others. All new words are easily saved in your profile. In addition to free communication, you have access to audio lessons and you can submit written work for review.

The site has paid and free content.

English, Baby!

The main feature of the site is communication in the right way English language, American or British. For this purpose, the site has daily free lessons By new topic, thematic audio materials, including monologues and celebrity interviews. Many people use the Internet when preparing for TOEFL. There are also those who prefer to improve their grammar and just chat.

There is a separate section for English teachers where teachers exchange experiences.

There is paid content.


A site for finding a language exchange partner. Friends from 154 countries are now available. And these are more than 100 languages, including the main European and Asian ones. The social network is completely free. You can register with it via Facebook. There is a forum and chat for communication; you choose your partner yourself. You can select your interlocutor by age and gender, or by specifying a specific country. The resource always shows who is online and who is not currently on the site.


At Conversationexchange.com you need to register and select a partner to communicate in Windows Messenger or Skype. The resource is also interesting because it helps you find a native speaker of the language you are studying in your own city. This way you get an additional opportunity to communicate with a person one-on-one. In addition, on the site you can improve your written language.


After registering on the site, you will see a quick search for native speakers. You can choose your interlocutor by age, gender, or language being studied. The resource will immediately offer you the person’s contacts on Skype or other instant messengers. The main advantage of the site is communication. Fluent speaking is encouraged here and there is not much focus on grammatical errors.

Easy language exchange

New social network to communicate on foreign language today it has about 72,000 users from 56 countries. On the site Special attention is devoted to learning English: there are courses for beginners, as well as courses for those who want to increase their vocabulary and improve their grammar. In addition, useful articles are published on the resource, there is a forum where you can find someone to talk to for learning Chinese, Arabic, Korean and other languages. A separate plus is registration as a teacher.


The service offers more than 5,000 active chat rooms where you can discuss actual news music, sports, current events, and just chat with people around the world. And these are 37 major European and Asian languages. Additionally, you can communicate via text messages, which will allow you to master the written language.


A site for advanced users of foreign languages. A community that can not only help you find people to talk to and friends around the world, but also invite you to attend events and meetings. The service will be very useful for immigrants - in a short time a person will be able to acquire a new circle of friends and get to know the city.

The site will help you practice the language you are learning. On home page You can immediately select the interface language: English, Russian and Spanish. You select your interlocutor yourself: gender, native language, target language. In addition, there are sections “Forum”, “Articles”, “Invitations”. To communicate, you must register on the site.


This is not a social network, but a chat program for mobile device, which offers to communicate with your interlocutor through text and voice messages in more than 100 languages. The program options allow you to practice pronunciation, as well as collect your own database of materials on the language you are learning (audio, words, sentences, pictures).

March 2, 2017 at 8:24 pm

How to find a practice partner English speech for free

  • Language learning

So, in this article we will talk about how to find a native speaker to practice speaking for free.

I'll tell you a little background: a year ago, I was faced with the question of how to find someone to practice speaking. I analyzed many options, such as exchanging a language with those who are eager to learn Russian (let me tell you right away, there are very few of those who want to), hiring a tutor (the downside is that he is usually not a native speaker), going to courses (minus group training), various services offering lessons with natives (quite expensive in terms of pounds/dollars to rubles),... But! All of these options have one BIGGEST drawback - they are paid, but the goal was to improve your speaking skills absolutely free.

The genes took their toll and the process of resource analysis was in full swing. The first site I visited was a site containing a list of popular English and American social networks. It's corny, but it worked, I pulled out 10 from there normal people for a completely adequate conversation. At the same time, I registered on the language exchange site Interpals, but in essence it is the same social network, only with a more official name. From there I also managed to get a significant number of people to “chat” on neutral topics. I would like to separately mention a site like Scout - also with big amount users. Personally, I use the app rather than the website itself. The trick of this application is that it has a function called travel. You enter the city you want to travel to and it sets your current location as if you were there. People who live in the city you entered as a “travel” will see you and can write to you. I personally always put London, which is where most people end up writing to me. You also see the people who live there, so you can also write to them or just wink.

If you are a girl, and post cute photos, put it in your status on the site that you are not in a relationship, but are looking, I assure you, you will not have any problems finding some English or American to talk to. It’s not very nice, I agree, but think for yourself who will want to communicate with you when your avatar is you and your martyr or you and your child... There are few people... And sincere friendship from the first “Hello!” It's hard to believe, unfortunately. The downside of this communication is that after 2-3 weeks these people begin to understand that you won’t go to the USA or England and won’t send them interesting photos, and accordingly, interest in your person will fade away... There is also a chance of running into a preoccupied idiot / good man who will strive to show off his wood or say how horny he is. These are everywhere and they manifest themselves immediately, so if you have different goals with them, send them and won’t waste your time... This method is time-consuming, because it takes quite a long time to sort through all these horny and other perverts / good people before finding something worthwhile. But, on the other hand, you will get several hours of conversation with a native speaker for free.

What works for girls doesn't quite work for guys. It’s not enough for a guy to post nice photos and mark the status as “in search.” You also need to stand out in some way. My friend and I set up an experiment, posted cool photos on all these sites, where he was in a Porsche, on a yacht... Not his photos, of course, and we began to wait. I’ll say right away that the experiment was a success, because quite a lot of people wrote to him. There were also a lot of people who wanted to chat on Skype. But again, after 2-3 weeks of communication, the girls begin to understand that something strange is happening, because the guy speaks only via audio connection, and doesn’t even offer a video (and doesn’t even pretend to be anything!), which is very unusual , and, of course, he is not going to reveal the true state of things for obvious reasons. Accordingly, the same thing happens as in the above method, people lose interest and no longer communicate. The chance of a guy running into a horney girl is several times less than a girl running into a horny guy, but the chance of running into some kind of scammer who also wants to be with him in a Porsche or on a yacht, or better yet, both in turn, is very big. But, again, they manifest themselves quite quickly, so you can’t go wrong... The method is also time-consuming, but the result is several hours of free conversational English.

My friend and I tried a few other ways to make small talk. Here is their list:

1. Call support of different American/British universities and ask them about the different study programs they offer.

This method is more likely to help you cope with the fear of talking with official native speakers than just chatting and getting a set of words for Anki.

2. Call different hotels/restaurants and ask them about the options they offer.

I had the wildest conversation with the Washington Hilton, finding out how many pillow options they can offer upon check-in and who each option is intended for.

3. Make Skype calls on different lines for those who need support.

This method is more likely to ensure that they listen to you and understand correctly what you say.
The reason for my call was that I was very sad and lonely and I needed someone to talk to, preferably with good diction, not particularly fast speech, and so on...

4. Called in support of various chocolate companies in the USA.

For example, I liked communicating with representatives of the Hershey's company. I asked when they would finally launch a line of chocolate with pepper, lemon and garlic... At the other end of the Internet connection they asked me how I imagined such a taste and why exactly such a combination.

5. A friend called the American zoo and asked the zoo representative about the animals they have and which of them you can pet.

If you dig around on the websites of such companies, you will probably find their free Skype numbers, which you can safely call and chat with their representatives.

The advantage of these methods is that you get out of your comfort zone. You need to figure out what you will ask the representatives of the company you are calling, be able to get out of answering their questions, and not be embarrassed or stunned by their questions. For me personally, this method of learning is much more useful than simple lessons with teachers. Such lessons are trivial, they do not involve much stress for the brain, you can forget these lessons quite quickly, but you can remember a stressful conversation about pillows or about a hotel menu for a long time. Do not forget that representatives of American companies are usually very polite, so they will listen to you for as long as possible. Of course, this method has disadvantages, one of them is that they will not correct you if you say something incorrectly. Another disadvantage is that you need to spend time searching for companies and their free Skype numbers. But, to summarize, then this method quite good. The time and effort spent are fully repaid by a free conversation, which, with your ability to wag your tongue, can last 10-20 minutes.

It is worth noting that you will be able to test your vocabulary and your grammar in real conditions. It is during such stressful conversations that all your mistakes in grammar, listening and speaking, as well as in recognizing fluent American/British speech, will come out.

I have outlined my methods for improving conversational speech for free, if you have other options, write in the comments, I will consider it with pleasure.

Resources for learning foreign languages ​​regularly appear on the Internet: reading texts, audio and video with tasks for training listening comprehension. And most importantly, there are services that help you find interlocutors for speaking practice among native speakers of a foreign language!

Bookmark this article so you don't lose the list!

1 italki

I really love this resource, because it is suitable for different purposes: language exchange, full lessons with a teacher, conversation practice with any native speaker, or just communication with like-minded people from all over the world.

When your plans include not only communication, but also balanced training of all language aspects, you should try the paid option of the site - classes with a professional teacher. You can schedule a lesson in advance or take it as soon as you log into the site. Through searching, you will find people who can contact you without prior arrangement.


An online platform for those who not only want to communicate with native speakers, but also undergo consistent speaking practice on relevant topics, from simple to complex and with error correction.

SkyEng is regular lessons with professional teachers and native English speakers rolled into one.

3 EnglishDom

Online school English for students from beginner to advanced levels. The company has its own teaching methodology, which includes classes on a special interactive platform. The teacher and student have access to an office where materials and assignments are displayed online.

Additional options for hands-on training include: conversation club, courses for self-study, database of reference materials.

4 PrePly

In general, the Preply platform is a tool for finding tutors in foreign languages, music lessons and mentors in other creative disciplines. But, one of the functions is to search for a native speaker of the target language for traditional classes at home or with a tutor. So, if you want to communicate in English and other languages ​​with native speakers, plus “live”, this resource is worth your attention.

5 LinguaTrip

Linguatrip is a company that helps you select foreign language courses abroad and organize the entire travel process. But that is not all. The resource also offers educational services: intensive courses are regularly held with native speakers in spoken English and.

6 Speaky

Cool site that I discovered recently. I'll review it soon after testing it.

Registration is simple and fast. Once you're in your profile, you can start communicating with other members. A list of potential online interlocutors appears on the right side of the screen, and it’s easy to write a chat message to each of them. If you add each other as friends, you can call each other by connecting video.

7 Verbling

A site for those who are mostly interested in lessons with native-speaking teachers, and not just in practicing communication on various topics.

The selection of a teacher is based on different parameters. For example, a native French speaker who teaches Spanish. Or an Englishman who will teach you his native language. 🙂 In general, there are many options.

Join one-on-one sessions morning, afternoon or evening. To get more speaking practice, meet new people and save on lesson costs, join group classes or invite your friends to learn the language together!

8 HelloTalk

The site provides communication via text chats and voice messages in more than 100 languages. There is a convenient mobile application.

The program even helps with pronunciation training: there is an option to listen to every message that is sent to you. The resource also helps to create your own database of language learning materials: sentences, pictures, words, audio.

With the help of special tools in the program, native speakers can easily correct you if necessary. You too can become such a helper for someone.

9 Pen4Pals

More than 15,000 people around the world who are ready to practice learning foreign languages ​​through language exchange are waiting for you on this resource. The site has a simple search option based on various parameters: gender, native language, language of study.

10 Couchsurfing

Community of travelers from different countries. Join meetings around the world, stay with new friends in another country, host them as guests. Or just chat with a native speaker over a cup of coffee.

11 Polyglot Club

Do you learn languages ​​not out of necessity, but because you absolutely love it? Take a look at this resource.

The site regularly organizes meetings for everyone who wants to practice communicating in different languages. Choose the language of study and the city where you live. You will find out what meetings are taking place near you and can organize your own. On the site, native speakers answer questions about learning the language and offer language exchanges.

12 Interpals

This site is mainly intended for communicating with foreigners by correspondence. Of course, when you find like-minded people, you will already personally agree to communicate on Skype.

If you are not yet ready for speaking practice, this site will give you the opportunity to start communicating with native speakers in writing. This will help you learn to formulate phrases in another language, gain confidence before a real conversation, and find new acquaintances with whom you can realistically continue communicating further.

13 Meetup

When you know a language at an advanced level or even live abroad, you look for ways to improve your foreign language level. One option is to attend meetings and lectures on a variety of topics in the location where you are currently located.

14 Internations

Additional site in the section for advanced users of foreign languages. Through this resource you can connect with people around the world and attend various events and meetings. It’s especially great for immigrants - you can quickly acquire an interesting social circle and find new friends.

15 Conversation Exchange

Another resource for finding language exchange partners. The choice of friends depends on the country of residence, language of study and native language, as well as the type of communication: chat, correspondence and conversation. To fully use the search, you must register.

16 Penpaland

After registering on this language exchange site, you can not only find new pen pals, but also maintain your own microblog, as well as create albums with photos. A real social network, only with more benefits!

17 Easy Language Exchange

On this resource you can easily find interlocutors for language exchange and correspondence. An additional option on the site is registration as a teacher. If it's relevant to you, go for it!

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18 LingQ

Among the features of the site are communication with other participants by correspondence and in conversation, lessons and courses with teachers, online sessions individually and in groups. You can ask to correct your writing or pronunciation. Please note that some options are paid.

19 Livemocha[closed]

This is a global community for learning 36 languages, where you can take training courses and create your own company of like-minded native speakers who will become your language exchange partners, Skype interlocutors, and in the future good friends.

20 Paltalk

The service provides video chats with people around the world. You can join other participants in an online chat room to discuss music, sports, language learning, various events and other topics. Additionally, there is an option to communicate via text messages.

21 Lang-8

Surely, while learning a language, you have encountered a problem: you make up sentences and examples with new words, but there is no one to check you. This service solves the problem. Copy here the dialogue, text, phrases you composed, and get corrections from native speakers. Help participants who are learning Russian by answering their questions if you feel you can give a hint.

22 The Mixxer

A free educational site for finding language exchange partners with subsequent practice on Skype. Contacts can be viewed directly in the user’s profile. There are free lessons in English, Chinese, Spanish, French, and German.

23 My Language Exchange

The site is dedicated to language exchange. It looks like this: you find someone who is interested in learning your native language, but is also a native speaker of the language you are learning. By choosing a form of communication (chat, email correspondence, conversation), you help each other in learning languages: mutual lessons, tips, advice on vocabulary, or just conversations on different topics.

The site has more than a million members from 133 countries, who in total practice 115 languages! Unfortunately, you can write messages to other people only after making a monetary contribution on the site. Free options: respond to requests and messages from other people, chat on the forum.

What service do I use?

All of the sites listed are useful in their own way. Try the training on several and you will decide which site is right for you. As for me, I chose the site for language practice italki. It is convenient to search for teachers and native speakers for lessons and language exchange, track lessons completed and feedback from the teacher. And another bonus: it’s easy to find a teacher who can conduct a lesson or conversation practice via Skype without prior arrangement.

What other sites do you know for practicing speaking a foreign language? Share in the comments!

The main problem of many foreign language learners is the fear of speaking. Help the student overcome the language barrier- perhaps the most difficult task any English teacher. It happens that a student has a fairly good command of vocabulary and knowledge of grammar, but still remains silent or constructs sentences so slowly that the interlocutor may fall asleep without listening to the end of the monologue. The reason for this “inhibition” is the fear of making a mistake and looking stupid. We don’t want them to laugh at him and therefore prefer to remain silent once again. But learning English and remaining silent is the worst mistake! Firstly, if an English-speaking interlocutor hears your mistakes, he will never laugh, but will react with understanding (after all, this is not your native language). Secondly, the more you talk, the fewer mistakes you make every day - they knock out a wedge with a wedge. If you want to speak fluently, speak a lot.

Where can you find interlocutors with whom you can speak in English? After all, you won’t go out to Red Square and start pestering foreigners with conversations! Many people don’t know, but there are ways to find interesting and smart people, ready to speak English for free and maybe even make friends with you. I’ll tell you about two such methods, tested on myself and my students. ( P.S! Not a single student was harmed during the tests! 🙂)

1.Free Moscow language exchange meetings Moscow Language Exchange (LEM)

Awesome free event that takes place every Sunday at 6pm in summer in Gorky Park (in good weather) or the Casa Agave restaurant (in bad weather); in winter- at the Hard Rock Café on Arbat. At LEM meetings you can practice different foreign languages ​​(German, Spanish, French, Italian, etc.), but 80% of people come here exclusively for English. This is exactly the place where you need to go to get rid of the fear of speaking a foreign language. I take my students there by the hand, because everyone is scared to enter an English-speaking environment for the first time. This is a kind of “bonus” for them and an opportunity for me to test what I taught them.

Pros and cons of visiting Moscow Language Exchange

Of course, this kind of language exchange has more advantages than disadvantages. Let's consider all the pros and cons.

  • Spontaneous live communication in English
  • The opportunity to make new useful contacts with English lovers like yourself
  • If you're lucky, you can communicate with native English speakers and make sure that your English is not so bad
  • A great way to spend a Moscow Sunday evening in the company of smart and interesting people
  • All this fun is completely free. The only thing you can spend money on is drinks (optional, of course)

There are also small disadvantages noted by my students:

  • There are few native speakers at the event
  • Basically, you communicate with the same Russian-speaking guys who make mistakes in their speech. As a result, you listen to the mistakes of others.

Such meetings, of course, will not replace, but they do not have such a goal. The main goal of language exchange is to overcome the language barrier, train to speak spontaneously and understand the interlocutor with any level of English, and find new friends with common interests. So, if you are looking for a place in Moscow where you can chat in English for free all evening, go to LEM!

2. Special sites for finding language exchange friends Conversation Exchange And My Language Exchange.

In principle, these resources can be used not only in Moscow, but if you live in the capital, there is a high probability of communicating with your friends “live” in the future, so they learn Russian and go to see Moscow first.

To find friends for a language exchange, you need to register on these resources and fill out a questionnaire about yourself. However, here you need to be prepared to practice Russian in exchange for English. On the Conversation Exchange website, I was lucky enough to meet a speaker from the USA and England - both speak elegant American and British English, respectively, so it was possible to practice two varieties of English at once. It's great when there are people ready to answer questions that the dictionary cannot answer!

After registering on the My Language Exchange website, a native speaker from Australia wrote to me and invited me to free English classes on Tverskaya. I was pleasantly surprised to take a real English lesson with a native teacher! I still don’t know why they do this for free (all the kids who have been attending classes for about a year asked each other this question), but even I had something to learn from these classes.

What are the pros and cons of using these resources?

  • You practice English with a native speaker (you simply don’t add others)
  • You can chat via Skype without leaving your home
  • Opportunity to make useful contacts around the world
  • All this is completely free
  • People on the Internet are different, so you need to be extremely careful. Be prepared to receive emails from a variety of non-native and non-English speakers
  • You will have to practice Russian in exchange for English

And so, in Moscow, in addition to paid ones, you can find a lot of options to communicate in English for free. There is a desire - a thousand possibilities.



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