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Spelling of words with suffixes - ok, -ek. Spelling of suffixes -ik-, -ek-, -ok There is a suffix ok

Words with the suffixes -ek-/-ik- always raise a lot of questions among schoolchildren. Moreover, not every adult knows in what cases this or that morpheme is written. That is why we decided to devote this article to this topic.

General information

Name 2 words with the suffix -ik-. It should be noted that this is not difficult to do, but only if you know the basic rule of the Russian language, which explains the spelling of the letters “i” and “e” in a given morpheme. After all, some people constantly make the same mistakes, and instead of “key” they write “key”, instead of “bush” - “kustek”, “ball” - “ball”, and so on. That is why special attention is paid to this topic in the school curriculum.

When should you use the letter "i"?

What words with the suffixes -ek-/-ik- do you know? These include the following: sofa, granddaughter, son, brick, pea, knife, pencil, bell, leaf, lump, hammer, flower, leaf, bush, light, whistle, stem, key, boy, nose, cucumber, chair, finger , piece, face, bag, ball, handkerchief, pie, bridge, curl, airplane, screw, bow, rain, nut, kindergarten, kitten, etc.

As you may have noticed, every word mentioned with the suffix -ik- raises serious doubts about its correct spelling. After all, this morpheme is in an unstressed position, and therefore it is impossible to determine which vowel should be placed at the end - “i” or “e” (and maybe “o”?). That is why we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the relevant rules of the Russian language.

Basic Rule

A word with the suffix -ik- should be written only if the vowel letter “i” is preserved when it is declined. For clarity, here are specific examples:

  • pencil - pencilIka;
  • sofa - sofa;
  • cucumber - cucumber;
  • kalachik - kalachIka;
  • bush - bush;
  • spout - spout;
  • high chair - high chair;
  • finger - finger;
  • face - face;
  • boy - boy;
  • key - key;
  • ball - ball;
  • airplane - airplane;
  • leaf - leaf;
  • screw - screw;
  • bow - bowIka;
  • bridge - bridge;
  • brick - brick;
  • rain - rain;
  • kindergarten - kindergarten, etc.

When should you use the letter "e"?

We talked about how you can check a word with the suffix -ik- just above. However, it should be noted that in the Russian language there are often lexical units that have the morpheme -ek-. And in order to make sure that the letter “e” is actually written in these words, it is also recommended to decline them. If it is fluent (that is, it drops out), then only the suffix -ek- should be used.

Here are some illustrative examples:

  • bell - bell;
  • granddaughter - granddaughter;
  • little light - little light;
  • peas - peas;
  • knife - knife;
  • lump - lump;
  • whistle - whistle;
  • hammer - hammer;
  • leaflet - leaflet;
  • nut - nut;
  • son - son;
  • stalk - stalk;
  • piece - piece;
  • pouch - pouch;
  • flower - flower;
  • handkerchief - handkerchief;
  • pie - pie;
  • kitten - kitten and so on.

As you can see, it is quite easy to determine which word is spelled with the suffix -ik-, and which is written with the suffix -ek-. By the way, such morphemes in Russian are called alternating. Unlike unchangeable ones, their spelling depends on certain situations (in this case, on the preservation of the vowel when declension of the word).

with the suffix -ok-

Above we looked at words with the suffix -ik-. -Ok- is also a morpheme. However, during word formation, such a suffix does not raise any doubts. What is this connected with? The fact is that the presented morpheme almost always occupies a stressed position. As a result, the letter “o” in the suffix -ok- is heard as clearly as possible. For clarity, here are a few examples:

  • cam;
  • top;
  • son;
  • hammer;
  • arrowOK;
  • roosterOK;
  • foolOK;
  • BereOK;
  • chalk;
  • connoisseur;
  • snowOk;
  • hook;
  • TeremOk, etc.

Suffixes -ek- and -ok- after pinching consonants

You know what words with the suffix -ik-, -ek- and -ok- exist. However, here a new question arises: “In which cases in the last two morphemes should the letter “e” be placed after the sibilants, and in which cases should the letter “o” be placed? After all, it is quite difficult to determine which will be correct: cockerel or cockerel. What is this connected with? The fact is that during the pronunciation of such lexical units, both the letter “e” and the letter “o” after hissing consonants are heard as [o].

Rule for spelling vowels “e” and “o” after sibilants

If the suffix after a hissing consonant is stressed, then only the morpheme -ok- should be written. Let's give a clear example:

  • BereOK;
  • roosterOK;
  • cam;
  • top;
  • manOK;
  • top;
  • old manOk;
  • worm;
  • boot;
  • foolOK;
  • bounce;
  • jointOK;
  • son;
  • snowOk;
  • hook and others.

As for the suffix -ek-, it is placed only in those words in which it is not stressed, and if such a lexical unit loses a vowel during declension.

For clarity, here is an example:

  • knife
  • nut
  • grandsons;
  • peas;
  • bell;
  • lump;
  • hammer;
  • sheetPoints;
  • light;
  • whistle;
  • son Eyes;
  • colorPoints;
  • stem;
  • a piece;
  • bag;
  • ovrAzhek;
  • handkerchief;
  • pie;
  • kitten and others.

Ways to form words using the suffix -ok-

How are such words formed? Nouns with the suffix -ik-/-ek- arise by adding a morpheme to. As a result, we get a new lexical unit, but in a diminutive meaning (for example, sofa, lump, granddaughter, leaf, hammer, bell, etc.).

As for the suffix -ok-, it gives slightly different meanings:

  • Diminutiveness accompanied by an expression of endearment (let’s give an example: seagull, brother, son-in-law, mushroom, leaf, etc.).
  • Action (let's give an example: yawn, throw, kick, sip, jerk, smear, push, jump, slap, jump, click, clap, etc.).
  • An object, or rather the result of an action (we give an example: a fragment, a skein, a stump, a sketch, a cast, an imprint, a stitch, a village, a settlement, etc.).
  • An object, or rather an instrument of action (let's give an example: whistle, bell, buzzer, etc.).
  • An object, or rather a subject of action (for example, a float, a slider, a sprout, etc.).
  • Venue (skating rink).
  • Diminutive or only affectionate meaning (for example, Ninok, Vitek, Lidok, Igorok, Sashok, etc.).
  • The person who performs the action (for example, rider, eater, shooter, player, walker, etc.).
  • A person that arises as a result of an action (for example, a premature child, a geek, an overgrown child, a short child, a teenager, etc.).
  • Persons characterized by a quality contained in a motivating word (for example, ancestor, descendant, etc.).
  • An object characterized by a feature that is called motivating (for example, game, white, yolk, etc.).
  • A substance that is named by a motivating noun (for example, chalk).
  • A unit that stands out in nouns and denotes a group of identical objects. Moreover, there are exactly as many of them as are called motivating (for example, heels, tens, etc.).


In Russian

3rd grade

Educational and educational complex "School of Russia"

primary school teacher

MBOU secondary school No. 22

g.o. Khimki

Kuznetsova I.A.

LESSON TOPIC “Spelling of the suffixes -ik-, -ek-,


OBJECTIVE OF THE LESSON: to consolidate the rule for writing the suffixes –ik-, -ek- and the algorithm for its application; introduce the spelling of the suffix -ok- after sibilants.

Universal learning activities

Cognitive: navigate in a variety of ways;

Communicative: construct statements, give reasons for your answers, organize your own activities;

Regulatory: apply the established rules in practice.

Personal results

Focus on developing cooperation skills with the teacher and peers to perform joint activities in the lesson; comprehend and evaluate their activities in the lesson

Educational Resources

1.Textbook, workbook

2. Cards of letters, words

3 Presentation

Technologies : informational, gaming, health-saving, group work.

Organizational structure of the lesson

Motivation for educational activities.

They sat down quietly, their backs straight.

We'll take a slight breath

And now let's start the lesson.

Check your readiness for the lesson.

Open your notebooks, write down the number and cool work.

Greetings from the teachers. Organize a workplace.



- Guys, look, your task is to write the letters correctly and accurately according to the model: lowercase e and lowercase letter i.

Well done, it’s nice to look at your notebooks, because you are all very diligent and neat.

But I know one student who doesn’t try at all and doesn’t want to study.

Maybe some of you know his name?

And his name is Viktor Perestukin. He wrote a vocabulary dictation with a bad mark.

Let's check him out and I'll check you out.


Children write the letters e and i in their notebooks.

Slide with a picture of Viktor Perestukin.




Updating knowledge

Vocabulary dictation.

- First word "student " What unstressed vowel should I write? (E ). Why?

Similar work with words:Tuesday Wednesday Thursday.

In a wordtable our hero wrote the letter e. Do you agree? Show me the card, what letter will you write?

Guys, what rule did you follow when writing this word?

Creating a problematic situation.

Observe the proposed words and try to explain their spelling.

Do you have enough knowledge to explain the spelling of the vowel in the suffixes of these words? What words caused difficulties?
(Bull_k, friend_k.)

Setting a learning task.

So, no matter how well you work in the lesson, the knowledge you have about spelling suffixes is not yet enough to solve educational problems.

Therefore, today we will continue working with this part of the word.

What is the topic of our lesson?

Assimilation of new knowledge and methods of action.

Review the riddles suggested in exercise 245 of the textbook.

Try to formulate a rule about writing a suffix-OK- after the hissing ones.

Read the rule on p. 127 and compare it with your assumptions.

Do exercise 246. Explain the spelling of the vowel in the suffix. Try to determine what meaning the suffix brings -OK- .

Note the alternating consonants in the root(lu To – lu h OK) . Remember what alternation is.


Work on slides

Because it is a vocabulary word, you need to learn it.

Show vowels (on cards)

They tell the rule and apply the algorithm.

On the desk: bull_k, chair_k,
sovoch_k, friend_k.

Children announce the topic of the lesson.

Observe what is proposed in ex. 245 language material.

They independently formulate a spelling rule, then get acquainted
with the wording given in the textbook.

Exercise is performed in writing. 246, commenting on his actions along the chain.

Determine what meaning the suffix brings -OK- into the lexical meaning of the word




Consolidation of knowledge and methods of action.


Girls write down words with the suffix -ik-, and boys with the suffix -ek-.


rain lump

boat son

little cog

carnation oak tree

hatchet hammer

raincoat circle


Work in groups.

- First group. Your task is to choose cards with words related to the word color; the second - with words related to the word rain, the third - leaf. Among them, find words for our rule.

Let's see what you got.

1.Color, flower, flower , floral.

2.Rain, rain, rain , rainy

3.Leaf, leaf, leaf , leaf.

Well done! You have well mastered the rule of writing suffixes - ik- and ek-. I hope that Viktor Perestukin also learned everything. Let's check it out.

A game “Help Viktor Perestukin” (rule algorithm).

Guys, I have prepared a surprise for you, and you can guess what it is.

Working with Crossence .

Surprise – L. Geraskina’s book “In the Land of Unlearned Lessons”.

By the way, the book about the adventures of the boy Vitya, written by Leah Geraskina, “In the Land of Unlearned Lessons,” is in our library, and I highly recommend you read it, because this book is very instructive.

Reflection on learning activities in the classroom.

What discovery did you make in class?

What type of work did you like best?

What would you like to know more about?


(workbook ex. 244; creative task: write a story about a plant
according to ex. 241 textbooks)

Independent work

Boys write down words with the suffix –ek-, and girls – with –ik-.

Two children work at the blackboard.


Children work in groups.

Cartoon fragment

Slide. Crossens.

Listen to the teacher's explanation. Do the appropriate


little flower









little rain










one year old



little eye

Item: Russian language

Class: 3

Teacher: Gorbacheva Anna Alexandrovna

Program : "Elementary SchoolXXI century" edited by N.F. Vinogradova

Subject: Learning to write the suffix -ok- in nouns

Lesson type: lesson on learning new material

Target: create conditions for students to develop an understanding of the spelling of the suffix -ok- in nouns

Lesson objectives:


Introduce students to the spelling of the suffix -ok- in nouns;

Practice writing the suffix -ok- in nouns;

Repeat the spelling of the suffixes –ik-, -ek-


Develop skills to reason, analyze, draw conclusions;

Contribute to enriching students' vocabulary;

Create conditions for the formation of competencies that promote productive communication;


Create conditions for instilling interest in Russian language lessons;

Foster hard work, independence, and respect for others;

Formation of universal educational actions.

Personal UUD:

    formation of positive learning motivation, readiness to freely express one’s thoughts in the classroom

    formation of awareness of the meaning of one’s educational actions

Regulatory UUD:

    developing the ability to recognize and formulate the topic and goals of the lesson

    monitor and evaluate your activities in the classroom

Cognitive UUD:

    develop the ability to construct oral statements, make comparisons and generalizations

    develop the ability to recognize and formulate a problem

Communication UUD:

    developing the ability to collaborate with fellow students and the teacher in solving educational problems

    develop the ability to clearly formulate and prove one’s own opinion, conduct an educational dialogue, and construct detailed statements

Methodical techniques:

Activity approach;

Creating a problematic situation;

Encouraging dialogue;


Textbook “Russian Language” 3rd grade, part 2, S.V. Ivanov and others, Moscow, “Ventana-Graf”, 2011;

Printed notebook “Write competently” 3rd grade, part 2, M.I. Kuznetsova, Moscow, “Ventana-Graf”, 2011;

Workbook; handouts, lesson route sheet

1. Organizational moment.

Goal: Creating a friendly atmosphere, motivation to study, creating a situation of success.

Do you have a textbook on your desk?
What about pens and notebooks?
Then let's start the lesson now,
Since everything is fine with you.
Be careful,
Obedient and observant.
To learn the Russian language,
You need to study everything seriously.

They quietly sat down in their seats.

I remind you of the rule for working with the route sheet. If you complete the task correctly, then use a green pencil, if you made a small mistake, then use yellow, but if you could not complete the task and need help, then use red.

On the route sheet, indicate the mood with which you are starting the lesson.

Open your notebooks, write down the number, great job. We write beautifully, we do not allow blots or corrections.

2. Updating knowledge.

- I have words written down on the board, determine which groups these words can be divided into, write them down in groups, and get ready to explain the choice orally.

Key..to, p..ride, evening..to, g..dexterity, to..nursery, n..cutting.

How many groups were the words divided into? What did you use as a basis for this division? (knowledge of parts of words).

What do all these words have in common? (these are nouns)

3. Preparation for the perception of new material.

Goal: Create a problem situation, predict upcoming activities.

Let's watch another group of words - address..k, white..k, tuber..k, wind..k, evening..k, hair..k.

What part of speech do all these words belong to? (noun)

Which part of the word is missing spelling? (in suffix)

- What letter is missing? (letter o)

- State the topic of today's lesson (The letter - o - in nouns)

- Are you ready to formulate the purpose of the lesson or even a rule for a new spelling? Then one more problem:

You have words written down on pieces of paper, insert the missing letter into these words: TONGUE, SNOWBALL, HEEL.

Which part of the word is missing spelling? What consonant comes before the suffix? Place emphasis on words.

Now, is anyone ready to formulate the goals of the lesson and the rule by which we will work today?

Physical education minute.

And we, as I see, are a little tired. You can’t do without physical education.

1. Look left, right, down, up, draw a circle with your eyes, close your eyes, open them, close your eyes very, very hard, blink quickly.

4. Working with new material.

Working from the textbook p. 20 No. 1. Form words with the suffix -ok- that would name small objects.

The criteria by which we evaluate our work (students select only those that they need to evaluate their work with this exercise).

1. I can form words with the suffix - ok-.

2. I write these words correctly.

3. I highlight the root of the word.

4. I highlight the suffix in the word.

5. I put emphasis.

- Standard check. Self-assessment in the route sheet.

5. Creation of a second problem situation.

Read the words written down On the desk: oak, wind, pie, friend

Compose and write down in a notebook chains of words using the suffix -ok- (oak, breeze, pie, friend)

Add the suffix -ek- to the resulting words (dubochek, little bucket, pie, buddy)

What interesting things did you notice? (What happened to the suffix -OK- when adding a suffix to these words -ek?)

Read the rule in the textbook on p. 21

Work according to the textbook.p. 21 No. 5.

6. Consolidating the spelling of nouns with the suffixes –ok-, -ek-, -ik-, practicing the analysis of the composition of the word.

7. Independent work.

Consolidating the spelling of words with the suffixes –ek-, -ik-, -ok-. Work in the notebook “We write correctly” No. 2, p. 4

8. Reflection

Acceptance of an unfinished proposal:

9. D.z.c . 25 learn the rule, ex. 4, 5

Words with the suffixes -ek-/-ik- always raise a lot of questions among schoolchildren. Moreover, not every adult knows in what cases this or that morpheme is written. That is why we decided to devote the presented article to this topic.

General information

Name 2 words with the suffix -ik-. It must be emphasized that this is not difficult to do, but only if you understand the basic rule of the Russian language, which explains the spelling of the letters “i” and “e” in a given morpheme. After all, a certain part of people constantly make the same mistakes, and instead of “key” they write “key”, instead of “bush” - “kustek”, “ball” - “ball”, and so on. That is why the school curriculum pays increased attention to this topic.

When should you put the letter “and”?

What words with the suffixes -ek-/-ik- do you understand? These include the following: sofa, granddaughter, son, brick, pea, knife, pencil, bell, leaf, lump, hammer, flower, leaf, bush, light, whistle, stem, key, boy, nose, cucumber, chair, finger , piece, face, bag, ball, handkerchief, pie, bridge, curl, airplane, screw, bow, rain, nut, kindergarten, kitten, etc.

As you can see, every word mentioned with the suffix -ik- raises huge doubts about its correct spelling. After all, this morpheme is in an unstressed position, and it is impossible to find out which vowel should be placed at the end - “i” or “e” (and maybe “o”?). That's why we advise you to familiarize yourself with the proper rules of the Russian language.

Basic Rule

A word with the suffix -ik- should be written only if the vowel letter “and” is preserved when it is declined. For clarity, here are some examples:

  • pencil - pencilIka;
  • sofa - sofa;
  • cucumber - cucumber;
  • kalachik - kalachIka;
  • bush - bush;
  • spout - spout;
  • high chair - high chair;
  • finger - finger;
  • face - faces;
  • boy - little boy;
  • key - key;
  • ball - ball;
  • airplane - airplane;
  • leaf - leaf;
  • screw - screw;
  • bow - bowIka;
  • bridge - bridge;
  • brick - brick;
  • rain - rain;
  • kindergarten - kindergarten, etc.

When should you put the letter “e”?

We talked a little higher about how you can check a word with the suffix -ik-. But it must be emphasized that in the Russian language there are often lexical units that have the morpheme -ek-. And in order to make sure that the letter “e” is actually written in these words, it is also recommended to decline them. If it is fluent (in other words, it drops out), then only the suffix -ek- should be used.

Here are some nice examples:

  • bell - bell;
  • granddaughter - granddaughter;
  • little light - little light;
  • peas - peas;
  • knife - knife;
  • lump - lump;
  • whistle - whistle;
  • hammer - hammer;
  • leaflet - leaflet;
  • nut - nut;
  • son - son;
  • stalk - stalk;
  • piece - piece;
  • pouch - pouch;
  • flower - flower;
  • handkerchief - handkerchief;
  • pie - pie;
  • kitten - kitten and so on.

You see, it’s enough to simply find which word is spelled with the suffix -ik-, and which is spelled with the suffix -ek-. By the way, such morphemes in the Russian language are called alternating. Unlike unchangeable ones, their spelling depends on certain situations (in this case, on the preservation of the vowel when declension of the word).

Nouns with the suffix -ok-

Above we looked at words with the suffix -ik-. -Ok- is also a morpheme of nouns. But during word formation, such a suffix does not cause any hesitation. What is this connected with? The fact is that the presented morpheme actually always occupies a stressed position. As a result, the letter “o” in the suffix -ok- is heard very clearly. For clarity, here are a few examples:

  • cam;
  • top;
  • son;
  • hammer;
  • arrowOK;
  • rooster;
  • foolOK;
  • BereOK;
  • chalk;
  • connoisseur;
  • snowOk;
  • hook;
  • TeremOk, etc.

Suffixes -ek- and -ok- after pinching consonants

You understand what words with the suffix -ik-, -ek- and -ok- are. But here a new question arises: “In what cases in the last two morphemes should the letter “e” be placed after the sibilants, and in which cases should the letter “o” be placed?” After all, it is quite difficult to find which is correct: a rooster or a cockerel. What is this connected with? The fact is that during the pronunciation of such lexical units, both the letter “e” and the letter “o” after hissing consonants are heard as [o].

Rule for spelling vowels “e” and “o” after sibilants

If the suffix after a hissing consonant is stressed, then only the morpheme -ok- should be written. Here's a nice example:

  • BereOK;
  • rooster;
  • cam;
  • top;
  • manOK;
  • top;
  • old manOk;
  • worm;
  • boot;
  • foolOK;
  • bounce;
  • jointOK;
  • son;
  • snowOk;
  • hook and others.

As for the suffix -ek-, it is placed only in those words in which it is not stressed, and if such a lexical unit loses a vowel during declension.

For clarity, here is an example:

  • knife
  • grandsons;
  • peas;
  • bell;
  • lump;
  • hammer;
  • sheetPoints;
  • light;
  • whistle;
  • son Eyes;
  • colorPoints;
  • stem;
  • piece;
  • bag;
  • ovrAzhek;
  • handkerchief;
  • pie;
  • kitten and others.

Methods for forming words using the suffix -ok-

How are such words formed? Nouns with the suffix -ik-/-ek- appear by adding a morpheme to the base of the word. Ultimately, we get a new lexical unit, but in a diminutive meaning (for example, a sofa, a lump, granddaughter, a leaf, a hammer, a bell, etc.).
As for the suffix -ok-, it assigns slightly different meanings:

  • Diminutiveness accompanied by an expression of endearment (let’s give an example: seagulls, brother-in-law, son-in-law, mushroom, leaf, etc.).
  • Action (let's give an example: yawn, throw, kick, swallow, jerk, smear, push, jump, slap, jump, click, clap ?k, etc.).
  • An object, or more precisely the result of an action (let’s give an example: a chip, a motorcycle, a stump, a sketch, a cast, a print, a stitch, a village, a village, etc.).
  • An object, or more precisely an instrument of an action (let's give an example: whistle, bell, buzzer, etc.).
  • The object, or more precisely the subject of the action (for example, a float, a mover, a sprout, etc.).
  • Place of action (kato?k).
  • Diminutive or only affectionate meaning (for example, Nino?k, Vitek, Lidok, Igorek, Sashok, etc.).
  • The person who performs the action (for example, rider, eater, shooter, player, walker, etc.).
  • A person who appears as a result of an act (for example, a pre-born child, a geek, an overgrown child, a short child, a teenager, etc.).
  • Persons characterized by a quality contained in a motivating word (for example, ancestor, descendant, etc.).
  • An object characterized by a feature that is named by a motivating naming adjective (for example, wild?k, white?k, yolk?k, etc.).
  • A substance that is named by a motivating noun (for example, chalk).
  • A unit that stands out in nouns and denotes a group of similar objects. With all this, there are exactly as many of them as are called motivating numerals (for example, five, ten, etc.).

Spelling words

with suffixes -ok, -ek.

Chernichkina Galina Valentinovna

Fourth of April



A pharmacy, library and about theka, b O lotto, d O horns, zap hell , m O l O current, cr O wat, r A chum salmon, tr A mvay, sh O fer.

Check and evaluate yourself!

O To co OK

peas windows fluff

What combinations of letters can be suffixes?

Write down the words. Sort out the words according to their composition.

What word can be said to be “superfluous”? Why?

What suffix will we be working on spelling today?






To know…




  • Write down the words.
  • Place emphasis
  • Select suffix
  • Formulate a rule about writing the suffixes -ok, -ek in words.


-OK : berezhok, top, cockerel, boot.

Suffix -ek after sibilants it is written if there is no emphasis on it: knife, nut.

  • Form from words snow, beetle, spider, tongue words with the same root using the suffix –ok.
  • Underline the letter in the root that changed when the new word was formed.

Place emphasis

Emphasize the consonant before the suffix

After sibilants under stress it is written

suffix -OK .

Suffix -ek written after sibilants if there is no emphasis on it





little knife


In the morning the butterfly woke up She stretched and smiled. Once she washed herself with dew, Two - she spun gracefully. Three bent down and sat down, At four, it flew away.


Boot OK

Bych OK


Pie OK

Old man

Starich OK


Friend OK


Pouch OK


Snow OK


Sidekick OK


Attic OK


Fist OK


Shoe OK


Sudach OK


Stish OK


Smash OK


Shepherd OK

Push OK

Make up phrases.

Sort out the words according to their composition.


Divide the words into two groups

Mouse, baby elephant, little hare, little bear, little goat, little dog, kitten.

  • Write the words in two columns
  • Place emphasis
  • Select suffix
  • Emphasize the consonant before the suffix
  • Formulate a rule about writing the suffixes -onok, -yonok in words.

What new did you learn in class today?

What was the most interesting task in class today?

What goals have you achieved?



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Main events of the first Russian revolution

Main events of the first Russian revolution

Causes of the revolution: aggravation of the political situation in the country due to the stubborn reluctance of the ruling circles led by Nicholas II to carry out...

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