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Presentation "Culture of Ancient Greece" (grade 10) at the Moscow Chemical Culture - project, report. Presentation for the MHC lesson "Artistic Culture of Ancient Greece" 10th grade Presentation on the periodization of the culture of ancient Greece

ANTIQUE is the source from which all later art drew inspiration. This is the cradle of world art Antiquus- ancient

Periods of development of ancient art

Cretan-Mycenaean or Aegean – III–II thousand BC

Gomerovsky - XI -VIII centuries, BC

Archaic - VII–VI centuries, BC

Classic - V – IV centuries BC.

Hellenism - III – I centuries BC .



XI – VIII century BC e.

III–II thousand years BC e.

VII–VI century BC e.

V–IV century BC e.

III–I century BC e.

Knossos palace

The Palace of Knossos is the most outstanding monument of Cretan architecture.

IN Greek myths he called

L a b i r i n t o m

In the depths of the palace lived a half-man, half-bull - M i n o t a v r

The total area is about 16 thousand square meters. m

Homeric period

Name " Homeric period " was associated with the name of the legendary Homer, to whose pen the poems “Iliad” and “Odyssey” are attributed, telling about the events of the Trojan War and after its end.

The formation of the famous Greek mythology, one of the most developed mythologies of the ancient world.

Most of the Homeric period was unwritten and only towards the end of it, i.e. around the 8th century. BC, the Greeks borrowed the Phoenician alphabet, significantly reworking it and adding vowels.

Homeric Greece period

Homer's works were discovered

the most important page in history

antique artistic

culture. It is no coincidence that the philosopher

Plato called the poet

« teacher of Greece."

Approximately at VIII - VII centuries BC. the blind singer-storyteller created

two great poems called

« Illiad and Odyssey

(several poems have been recorded

centuries later)

A single architectural language is the order system: a certain ratio of the carrying and load-bearing parts of the structure and the features of its decoration.

There are three types of Greek orders:




Entrance to the Acropolis from the west through

main entrance - P r o p i l e i

The main building of the Acropolis is Parthenon Temple,

dedicated to Athena Parthenos (virgin).

Built by the architects Ictinus and Callicrates

One of the most beautiful Hellenic temples.

It is huge and powerful, built of golden-pink marble.

View of the Parthenon after the explosion


They erected it opposite the Parthenon Erechtheion , dedicated to Pallas Athena (mother) and her husband Poseidon Erechtheus.

The layout of the Ereikhtheion is very complex and asymmetrical; the temple was built on different levels and is divided into two parts.

TO The temple is adjacent to three porticoes, including

And portico of the caryatids (sculptural image

female figures carrying the ceiling).

Lighthouse at the entrance to

Alexandria harbor

on the island of Faros

Nike of Samothrace

The statue was erected on the occasion of the victory of the Macedonian fleet over the Egyptian in 306 BC. e. The goddess was depicted as if on the bow of a ship, announcing victory with the sound of a trumpet.

The pathos of victory is expressed in the swift movement of the goddess, in the wide flap of her wings.


Kept in the Louvre

Paris, France



Nike untying her sandal

  • Goddess depicted
  • untying her sandal before entering the temple
  • Athens Marble

Venus de Milo

  • On April 8, 1820, a Greek peasant from the island of Melos named Iorgos, while digging the ground, felt that his shovel, clinking dully, hit something hard.
  • Iorgos dug nearby - the same result. He took a step back, but even here the spade did not want to enter the ground.
  • First Iorgos saw a stone niche. It was about four to five meters wide. In the stone crypt, to his surprise, he found a marble statue.
  • This was Venus.

  • Laocoon*, you didn't save anyone! He is not a savior for either the city or the world. The mind is powerless. Proud Three mouth predetermined; circle of fatal events locked in a suffocating crown snake rings. Horror on the face the prayers and groans of your child; another son was silenced by poison. Your fainting. Your wheeze: “Let me be...” (...Like the bleating of sacrificial lambs Through the darkness both piercingly and subtly!..) And again - reality. And poison. They are stronger! In the snake's mouth, anger blazes powerfully... Laocoon, who heard you?! Here are your boys... They... are not breathing. But every Troy has its own horses.

Cretan-Mycenaean periodPalace architecture (as indeed, the architecture of all Cretan
palaces) really resembles the one described in the myth
a labyrinth with a chaotic arrangement of rooms with
various finishes and purposes. The walls of the palace are decorated
magnificent painting with a predominance of plant and
animal ornaments, in particular there are many
images of a bull, which was, apparently, the main
iconic animals of the era. All life on Crete was saturated
the spirit of religion. The king was at the same time the supreme
priest, thus combining the highest secular and
spiritual power. The palace also served a variety of
functions, being not only the residence of the ruler and
an economic center, but also a temple. The heyday of the Cretan
(or, as it is also called, Minoan) culture fell on
XVI-XV centuries BC. and broke off due to a powerful
volcanic eruption located on the island of Santorini,
destroying almost all palaces and settlements. Completed
defeat of civilization invasion of the Achaean Greeks from the mainland
parts of Greece.

Homeric period

The Iliad and the Odyssey are the only evidence of
this period. Homer's poems reflect the life of society with
a much more primitive culture than that which
appears before us in the monuments of Crete-Mycenaean
civilization. Homer's heroes are kings and representatives of the nobility
- live surrounded by a palisade wooden houses, so
not like the palaces of the Cretan-Mycenaean kings.
Few monuments from the Homeric period have reached us.
The main building materials were wood and
unfired brick, monumental sculpture too
was wooden. The most striking art of this period
appeared in ceramic vases painted
geometric patterns, as well as in terracotta and
bronze figurines.
The Homeric period was unliterate.


The hallmark of the Homeric era is this:
called "geometric style" ceramics
(geometry) (900 – 700 BC). He
characterized by geometric construction
various objects, ornaments, people on vases,
amphorae and other household items. Geometric
style replaced the “protogeometric” one,
which was typical for the middle of the “dark
centuries" and from which the revival of culture began
ancient Greece. Towards the end of the Homeric era
artistic subjects on ceramics are becoming increasingly popular
richer and more complex. Are depicted
athletic competitions, mythical scenes, combat
battles, dances and sports competitions. This
the style originated in Athens and gradually
spread to other ancient cities
Greece and the islands of the Aegean Sea.

Hydria in geometric style.

Overall, the Homeric period was
a time of decline, stagnation of culture, but
it was then that the prerequisites were created
the rapid rise of the Greek
society into archaic and
classical era.

Archaic period

Archaic period (VIII - VI centuries BC),
the archaic period is the era of formation
Greek polis. in this period,
coming after the "dark ages"
there has been significant development
political theory, rise of democracy,
philosophy, theater, poetry, revival
written language (the appearance of Greek
alphabet to replace the one forgotten during the “dark” period
centuries" of Linear B).


In vase painting in the middle and 3rd quarter of the 6th century. BC e.
The black-figure style reached its peak and around 530
BC e. - red-figure style.
In ceramics there is an orientalizing style in which
the influence of the art of Phenicia and Syria is noticeable,
supplants the previous geometric style.
Happy late archaic period related
vase painting styles, like black-figure pottery,
originated in Corinth in the 7th century. BC e., and more
late red-figure pottery, which he created
vase painter Andocides around 530 BC. e.
Elements gradually appear in ceramics
uncharacteristic of the archaic style and
borrowed from Ancient Egypt- such as
“left leg forward” pose, “archaic smile”,
template stylized image of hair - like this
called "helmet hair".


Archaic - the time of the creation of monumental pictorial works
and architectural forms. During the Archaic era, the Doric
and Ionic architectural orders.
According to the most common periodization of history
Greek visual arts and architecture of the 5th century.
usually divided into two large periods: the art of early
classics, or strict style, and high art, or
developed, classic. The border between them runs approximately
middle of the century, but the boundaries in art are generally quite
conditional, and the transition from one quality to another occurs
gradually and in different fields of art with different
speed. This observation is true not only for the boundary between
early and high classics, but also between archaic and
early classical art.


In the archaic era, the main types are formed
monumental sculpture - nude statues
a young athlete (kouros) and a draped girl
The sculptures are made of limestone and
marble, terracotta, bronze, wood and rare
metals These sculptures are as free-standing,
and in the form of reliefs - used for
decoration of temples and as gravestones
monuments. The sculptures depict scenes from
mythology and daily life. Statues in
life-size suddenly appear
around 650 BC e.

Examples of Archaic Greek Art

Black-figure ceramics
Archaic kouros

Classical period

This period - era, the pinnacle of the development of Greek culture, the most
famous period in history Ancient Greece.
The Classic period is divided into 3 stages:
late classic.
During the early classics, polis democracy took shape,
a style is established that reveals the greatness of democracy and
citizen of the policy.
High classics give us examples of the highest examples of this
During the Late Classic period, political changes lead to
economic and ideological crisis. Art
consequently reflects this crisis.


During the period of the early and high classics, the
The Greek order was improved. The temple became the center of all
engineering and artistic achievements. They erected temples in the most
beautiful, prominent places, necessarily connecting them with the surrounding
nature. The Greek temple was built with the perception of the outside in mind,
he appears as a creation of man, built according to his aesthetic
laws that distinguish the temple from natural forms. Temple
served not only as the home of the deity, where his statue was located, but also
repository of polis treasures and treasury. Material for
wood and marble were used in the construction of temples for decoration
red and blue paint, as well as gilding.
The shrine of every Greek polis was the acropolis - the upper
a city that served as a fortress and was cultural and religious
center. The highest achievement of ancient Greek architecture
is the Athenian Acropolis, restored after the victory over
by the Persians in the 5th century BC. e. The architects of the Acropolis were Ictinus,
Callicrates and Mnesicles. Artistic director was a sculptor
Phidias, Pericles' closest friend. The Acropolis ensemble is different
open plan and is a symbol of power
democratic Athens.

Late classic reflects new trends in construction
The long and difficult Peloponnesian Wars (431 - 404 BC)
AD) accelerated the economic and political crisis of the policies,
Therefore, Greek architecture poses new challenges.
Several new cultural centers are being put forward, besides Athens:
Rhodes, Halicarnassus, Samothraces. Many monarchies
arose as a result of the decline of Athens, demanded
exaltation of the king, power, which leads to loss of harmony,
gigantism. The architecture becomes more magnificent, as well
strives for grace, elegance and decorativeness.
The purely Greek artistic tradition is intertwined with
eastern influences coming from Asia Minor, where
Greek cities are subject to Persian rule. Along with
main architectural orders - Doric and
Ionic, the third, more elegant Corinthian is increasingly used. One of the most grandiose monuments
Greek architecture of the late classics was not reached
us tomb in the city of Halicarnassus of the ruler Mausolus, from
whose name the word “mausoleum” comes from. IN
The Halicarnassus mausoleum combined all three orders. Height
building about 50 meters, with its solemnity it
resembled the mortuary structures of the ancient eastern
lords The mausoleum was built by the architects Satyr and Pythias, and
the sculptural decoration was entrusted to several masters, including
including Skopas.

tomb in the city of Halicarnassus


Sculpture of the classical period has overcome
numerous conventions of the previous
period. The Classical period is divided into three stages
(early, high 22422j914w 3; and late classic),
in which sculpture solved different problems.
Early and high classics.
During the period of early and high classics, the main
the task was to overcome staticity and conventionality
archaic sculpture, as well as the search for an image
ideally beautiful and harmoniously developed
human citizen, valiant warrior and
devoted patriot. During periods of early and high
Classics for sculpture are characterized by:
Poise, greatness
Idealization, generalization

Greek sculptors depicted people as they should
be. Inner world The heroes are deprived of the struggle of feelings and thoughts. Persons
impassive and ideal. They are made in the so-called “strict
style": with any movement of the body the face remains calm,
portraying a noble hero. It was at this time that the Greek
the philosopher defined the principle of the “golden mean”, according to which
a true Greek must live:
“Do not grieve too much in trouble and do not rejoice too much in happiness,
Know how to carry both valiantly in your heart.”
The sculptors faced the problem of mastering movement,
realistic depiction of the human body and showing greatness
The most famous sculptor the early classics is Myron (500-440 BC). The greatest realist and expert in anatomy, discovered the “secret
plastic concept of movement." They said that he had control
image of any movement. His statues of athletes were different
naturalness, thoughtful composition and free movement.
“Disco thrower” is an image of an Olympic hero. The first sculpture in
Ancient Greece, depicting a man in motion. Miron
managed to depict a complex spiral movement; athlete's figure
tension permeates: he is shown in a complex movement, at a moment
when he puts all his strength into throwing a discus - this is
climax of movement. Despite the difficulty of the movement,
The statue is dominated by a sense of stability. The only drawback
statues - they are designed to be viewed from only one point of view.

"Discus thrower"

Highly classic. Sculptor of “all times and peoples”
called Phidias (early 5th century - 432 BC). "Incarnate
highest ideas in sculpture", master of relief and round
sculptures. Creator of the statues of Athena in the Parthenon and on
Acropolis, sculptural decoration of the Parthenon, one of
wonders of the world - statues of Olympian Zeus. Works
Phidias is attracted by his epic strength and life-affirming
humanism. They sound with extraordinary expressiveness
characteristic of his era is the idea of ​​the greatness of a citizen, who combines physical beauty and
moral purity and valor. Creations of Phidias
grandiose, majestic and harmonious; form and content
are in perfect balance within them. In his sculptures
it is especially reflected that the gods in Greece are nothing more than
images ideal person. The main monument in the genre
relief is the Parthenon frieze depicting a procession
Athenians on the day of the Great Panathenaia. The frieze depicts
more than 500 figures, and none of them repeats the other. Frieze
The Parthenon is considered the pinnacle of classical art.

Frieze of the Parthenon. Fragment.

Late Classic (late 5th - 4th century BC). Greece
enters a period of crisis, expressed in
political instability, destruction of polis
institutions and the formation of a new attitude towards
to the world. The place of the collectivist, idealized and
the generalized image of the hero-citizen occupies
an individualized personality with his own
interests, experiences and feelings. Art
loses its heroic, civic character,
it is more dramatic, lyrical in nature,
becomes psychologically deeper. Art
first began to serve aesthetic needs
and the interests of a private person, and not the policy as a whole;
but works also appeared that asserted
monarchical principles.


The period in the history of the Mediterranean that lasted from the time of the campaigns
Alexander the Great (334-323 BC) until the final
establishment of Roman rule in these territories (30 BC).
A feature of the Hellenistic period was the wide
spread of Greek culture throughout the states,
which were formed after the death of Alexander the Great on
territories he conquered, and the interpenetration of Greek and
eastern cultures. Hellenistic culture is a synthesis
Greek and local eastern origins and traditions. In this period
many cultural centers arise: Alexandria in Egypt,
Pergamon in Asia Minor, Rhodes island. Military campaigns, trade
travel to other countries significantly expanded the horizons of the Greeks
and contributed to the development of technology, mechanics, mathematics,
astronomy, geography. Famous people worked during the Hellenistic era
scientists: Euclid - the creator of elementary geometry, Archimedes the founder of mechanics, Aristarchus of Samos - geographer and astronomer,
Theophrastus - botanist and geographer. An outstanding role belonged to
Alexandria in Egypt. The best scientific research was concentrated here
forces were here science Center- Museyon and the Greatest
library of antiquity.

Despite the rise of scientific thought, the Hellenistic states
experienced a deep crisis: the decline in the role of free labor
citizens and low productivity of slave labor.
The contrast between the fantastic wealth has intensified
the slave-owning elite and the poverty of the masses. On this
time comes the uprising of slaves, as well as peoples,
forcibly included in the great Hellenistic
states (movement in Judea, uprising in Pergamum). IN
the consciousness of people of the Hellenistic era develops
individualistic tendencies, feelings of insecurity
yourself, powerlessness against fate. This is how characteristic
worldview of Hellenistic man consciousness
conflict with the reality around him,
conflict that gave rise to artistic images elements
dissonance, tragic breakdown. Art is secular
character, is a fusion of various directions and


Ensemble construction
Mixing different styles
Pomp and luxury
Extensive urban planning, cities were rectangular in shape and
rational planning. Temples received less attention, but were built
squares for walks surrounded by colonnades, open-air amphitheaters
sky, libraries, various kinds public buildings, palaces and sports
structures. Luxury and more advanced construction equipment only
could partly compensate for the loss of noble grandeur and harmony,
which were characteristic of architectural monuments of the classical era. IN
difference from the buildings of the classical era, glorifying the polis and its
citizens, Hellenistic monuments glorified kings and rulers.
Alexandrian lighthouse. One of the 7 wonders of the world. He also served
observation post, meteorological station and fortress with
garrison. It reached a height of 135 meters. Richly decorated with sculpture.
Altar of Zeus in Pergamon. The most complete picture of the ensemble
monumental structures of the Hellenistic metropolitan center give
buildings of Pergamon. The Acropolis of Pergamon is a brilliant example of use
natural conditions for creating an architectural complex,
including monumental buildings surrounded by colonnaded squares.
The central place was occupied by the Altar of Zeus, which is an L-shaped
a structure with an Ionic colonnade and a frieze decorated with sculpture.

Alexandrian lighthouse

Altar of Zeus in Pergamon


Variety of themes (heroic 22422j914w 3;, erotic 22422j914w
3;, household). Showing heroes in extreme states, gravitating towards themes
suffering, loneliness, struggle, cruelty, tragedy
Expressiveness, emotionality
Violent dynamics, complex form
The craving for pomp and exaggeration increases (loss of proportion and
Individualistic tendencies, immersion in the inner world
The Colossus of Rhodes. Wonder of the world. Image of the god Helios. Height 32 meters. I was amazed not only by its size, but also by its execution technique:
built of wood covered with bronze sheets.
Frieze of the Pergamon Altar. The heroic pathos of images, characteristic
for Hellenistic art, found its most striking
expression in grandiose sculptural compositions. High relief
120 m long, depicting the battle of the Olympian gods with the giants,
densely filled with fighting figures. Found in the Pergamon frieze
the most complete reflection of one of the essential aspects
Hellenistic art - the special grandeur of the images, their
superhuman 22422j914w 3; strength, exaggeration of emotions,
stormy dynamics.

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Art culture D of Greece 10th grade

Architectural appearance Ancient Hellas The architecture of Ancient Greece was not characterized by the scale of the Egyptians and the monumentality of Ancient Western Asia. The man of Ancient Greece saw proportionality and harmony.

Man believed in the rational organization of the world. Man sought to embody ideals on earth that corresponded to his ideas about the structure of nature. The man especially valued a sense of proportion in everything. Orderliness, proportionality, strict rhythm, proportionality of all parts of architectural structures were the main ones distinctive features ancient Greek architecture.

The merit of ancient Greek architecture is the creation of an order system. Reading p. 73 line 5 from bottom. ORDER was the embodiment of the masculinity and tenacity of character of the Greek tribes.

Temples served as homes for the gods. The most common type of Greek temple was PERIPTER, i.e. surrounded by columns around the perimeter. Long side – 16 or 18 columns. The smaller side has 6 or 8 columns. The entrance to the sanctuary was only from the rear façade, and not from the main façade, which was always located on the eastern part. Porticoes are symbols of the heavenly world of the gods. ???? Reading p. 75 ab 1.

Large sanctuaries - temples: Temple of Apollo at Delphi

Temple of Apollo in Corinth

Temple of Hera at Olympia

Temple of Hera at Paestum

Golden Age of Athens 5th century BC - the heyday of ancient Greece. Athens is the largest political and cultural center of Hellas. In history, this time is usually called the “Golden Age of Athens.” This time is also called the “age of Pericles.” ??? Reading p. 75 line 6 from below.

Sculptors and the philosopher Pericles Polykleitos Phidias Anaxagoras

The Acropolis of Athens The Acropolis is an ensemble of public and cultural center Athenian state. Trials of the Acropolis: destruction, robbery. Today it is a ruin, but remains a monument to the “golden age”. Look at the drawing on p. 76

Propylaea - ??? (p. 77 ab.2)

Having passed the Propylaea, the visitor found himself in a large square where a statue of Athena stood. ???? (p. 77 ab 3)

The Parthenon is the main temple of the Acropolis. 8 and 17 columns with a height of 10.5 m. According to legend, in the temple there was a 12-meter statue of A Fina, made of ivory with gold plating.

The middle part of the horizontal ceiling of the columns is the frieze.

The reliefs glorify the heroic Greek people and their history. All the gods of Greece gathered here: the thunderer Zeus, the mighty ruler of the seas Poseidon, the wise warrior Athena, the winged Victory Nike. Heroes of Greek myths perform their feats here.

Temple of Erechtheion The temple is dedicated to the king of Athens, Erechtheus, who had divine origin. The temple is decorated with CARYATIDS - sculptures of girls solemnly supporting the cornice.

Theater of Dionysus The theater accommodated 17 thousand people. Tragic and comedic scenes from the life of gods and people were played out. Before the start of the performance, sacrifices and a rite of purification of all those present in the theater were performed in the altar in front of the statue of the god Dionysus.

Homework: pp. 73 – 80 reading, retelling. Know the terms! In class, retelling using slides.

Greek culture

Slides: 19 Words: 715 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Culture of Ancient Greece. Prechistenskaya secondary school. Culture of ancient Greece. Ancient civilization (1st millennium BC -Yth century AD) wrote golden pages in the history of world culture. Map of Ancient Greece. Historical monuments of Ancient Greece. The Acropolis embodied the idea of ​​the power and greatness of the Athenian state. The main building of the Acropolis is the Parthenon. Parthenon – Temple of the Virgin Athena (Parthenos). The Erechtheion Temple was erected not far from the Parthenon. The temple was dedicated simultaneously to Athena, Poseidon and the legendary king Erechtheus. Ephesus is a Greek theater. Greek sculptors. Statue of Olympian Zeus. - Greek culture.ppt

In Ancient Greece

Slides: 24 Words: 1013 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Culture of Ancient Greece. Greek language. Greek alphabet. In the 4th century. BC e. finally established modern direction- from left to right. The Greek alphabet has been in continuous use since the late 9th or early 8th century BC. e. Alpha and Omega. Architecture. Temple of Artemis at Ephesus. Delphi. Ruins of the Temple of Apollo. Found in the first buildings of Ancient Greece and Dorian colonies. In the Doric order, the flutes are shallow, with sharp edges. The Ionic order is one of the three ancient Greek architectural orders. Spread throughout the territory of Ancient Greece in the 5th century BC. e. The Corinthian order arose later than others and was particularly splendid. - In Ancient Greece.pps

Culture of Ancient Greece

Slides: 20 Words: 396 Sounds: 27 Effects: 8

Culture of ancient Greece. Life is short, but art is eternal Democritus - 470-370. BC. Culture of Ancient Greece. Painting School Architecture Sculpture Olympic Games Theater. In our lesson: Achievements of the ancient Greeks in the field of culture. Solving historical problems and puzzles. Studying new topic"Theater of Dionysus" Getting good grades. What is the creation of the Greeks? 2. List of correct answers. Check. Find mistakes in the student’s work: Red-figure painting. Black-figure painting. Find errors in the text: All children over 10 years old studied in Greek schools. Education in schools was paid. - Culture of Ancient Greece.pptx

Culture and history of Greece

Slides: 7 Words: 520 Sounds: 1 Effects: 20

Myths intertwine early elements of religion, philosophy, science and art. In Greek myths, many parallels can be drawn with the legends of other peoples. The knowledge of the ancient Greeks about the origin of the Universe and man is impressive. People of a philosophical bent discover the essence of things. Scientists use laws first formulated by the ancient Greeks. Architects follow the classical canons of ancient temples. Modern sculptors learn from the masterpieces of ancient Greek masters. And nothing seems to change over time. In Greece, a stranger is led to dance. Greece. - Culture and history of Greece.ppt

Culture in Ancient Greece

Slides: 12 Words: 489 Sounds: 0 Effects: 2

Ancient Greece. Project goal: Show Greece: Talk about literature, writing, music, religion, theater, architecture. Map of Greece. Literature. Writing. Writing in Greek culture XXII-XII centuries played a limited role. Gradually, the forms of signs were simplified, and some began to denote only syllables. Music. Music in Greek means “the art of the muses.” Muse. Melpomene. Gods of ancient Greece. Religion played a big role in early Greece. HERA, queen of the gods. HERMES, god of trade and profit. DEMETER, goddess of fertility, patroness of agriculture. POSEIDON is one of the Olympian gods. - Culture in Ancient Greece.ppt

Cultural history of Ancient Greece

Slides: 16 Words: 2386 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Culture of Ancient Greece. The emergence of Greek civilization. Egyptian and Mesopotamian civilizations. The Cretans had linear writing. Number of small independent states. Pythagoras. History of Babylonia. Classic period. New demands began to be placed on sculpture. Variety of characters. Olympus. The gods lived a carefree and cheerful life. Ares' name. Artemis. Dionysus. - Cultural history of Ancient Greece.pptx

Artistic culture of Ancient Greece

Slides: 21 Words: 539 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Artistic culture of Ancient Greece. Chilo from Sparta. The inscription in the Temple of Apollo at Delphi Mera is most important. Cleobulus of Lindus. Inscription in the Temple of Apollo at Delphi Man is the measure of all things. Protagoras We love beauty without whimsicality and wisdom without delicacy. Pericles Periodization of the history and culture of Ancient Greece. I – Homeric (XI-IX centuries BC) II – archaic (VIII-VI centuries BC) III – classical (V-IV centuries BC) IV – Hellenistic (late IV -I century Order system. Peripterus is the main type of Greek temple. Peripterus is a rectangular building surrounded on four sides by a colonnade - Artistic culture of Ancient Greece.ppt.

Culture of Ancient Greece of the classical period

Slides: 28 Words: 372 Sounds: 0 Effects: 1

Ancient Greece. Culture. Literature. Homer. Aesop. Tragedy and comedy. Dionysus. Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides - the great tragedians of antiquity. Aristophanes. Theater of Dionysus in Athens. Transformation was carried out by changing masks. Education. Training boys. Girls' education. The science. Socrates. Plato. Aristotle. Pythagoras. Archimedes. Democritus Hippocrates. Herodotus and Xenophon are the authors of works on history. Ptolemy. Writing. Parchment scroll. Greek alphabet. - Culture of Ancient Greece of the classical period.ppt

In Athens schools and gymnasiums

Slides: 10 Words: 243 Sounds: 0 Effects: 14

In Athenian schools and gymnasiums. Slaves are teachers. School lessons. Visit to the palaestra. In the Athenian gymnasiums. Lesson assignment: Think about how education in Athens differs from education in Sparta? 1. Slaves are teachers. Until the age of seven, boys from rich families did nothing but play. At seven years old, the child was handed over to the teacher. And at home he taught me good manners. 2. School activities. At school they instilled a love of poetry. 3. Visit to the palaestra. From the age of twelve, boys began to attend another school - the palestra. 4. In the Athenian gymnasiums. Which were located outside the city (ruins of the gymnasium in Olympia). - Athens School.ppt

Greek school

Slides: 46 Words: 1234 Sounds: 1 Effects: 60

One day at Greek school. Accompanying the child. Classes at the Greek school. Palaestra. Schedule of lessons. Knowledge. Greek letter. Grammar. Writing experience. Greek alphabet. Ways to create writing. Poetry. Read the text expressively. Lines from the works of Homer. Theater. Tragedy. Playwright. Aesop's name. Work. Mathematics. Sculptural portrait. Pythagoras. The mind is immortal. Story. Discoveries of Herodotus. Philosophy. Love of wisdom. Saying of Democritus. The connection between nature and man. Socrates. Behavior smart person. Continue learning. Gymnastics. Healthy Mind. - Greek school.ppt

Schools of Ancient Greece

Slides: 28 Words: 880 Sounds: 0 Effects: 53

School and science in Ancient Greece. What has been preserved from ancient Greek schools in our educational institutions? Ancient Greek alphabet, writing. Educational establishments Ancient Greece. School – education in Greece was paid. The schools educated the sons of free Greeks from the age of 7. Some remained there until old age. Hayrete paides! Kaloy kai agatoy! Hello children! Beautiful and perfect! When teaching literacy, the teacher read aloud a text written on papyrus. The students looked at the text and tried to remember what was written. Style and notebook. On one side the stylus was sharp. The Greeks believed that a person should be harmoniously developed. - Schools of Ancient Greece.ppt

Education in Ancient Greece

Slides: 34 Words: 2139 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Education and school in ancient world Mediterranean. Education in Ancient Greece. Social status of the teacher. Education of the Spartans. The children came under the supervision of a teacher. Educational techniques. Athenian education. Private paid schools. Public institutions. Teachers. Philosophers of Ancient Greece. Aristotle. Basic pedagogical ideas. Mental education. Pedagogical activity. Main works. Philosophy of nature. Psychology. Biological works. Composition. Politics and economics. Plato. Future path. The principle of universal compulsory education. Pedagogical problems. - Education in Ancient Greece.ppt

Writing of Ancient Greece

Slides: 15 Words: 453 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Writing of ancient Greece. Map of ancient Greece. Greek alphabet. Now let's compare the alphabets. Read more about the Greek Alphabet. Semitic style of writing. New material for writing. Wooden planks. Athenian slave-owning republic. Higher schools. Book. Papyrus scrolls. Treasures of Greek Literature. Culture. - Writing of Ancient Greece.pptx

Clothing of Ancient Greece

Slides: 18 Words: 842 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Clothing of ancient Greece. Drapery. The basis of the ancient Greek costume. The beauty of the suit. Flying image. Textile. Ornament. Color. Men's suit. Chiton and himation. Woman suit. Women's clothing. Shoes, headdress. Greek women's shoes. Greek knot. Hairstyles. Accessories. - Clothing of Ancient Greece.ppt

Farmers in Ancient Greece

Slides: 23 Words: 349 Sounds: 0 Effects: 56

Farmers of Attica. From which ancient Greek myth this is an image. What myth is this illustration from? Tell the myth of Prometheus. Ancient Greece. Greek ships. Peloponnese. Olives. Olive collection. Typical Greek food. Copper tools. Natural marble. Ancient Greek writing. Ancient Greek vases. House of a rich Athenian. Activities of the ancient Greeks. Categories of the population of Athens. Place them in the correct order. Name the ancient Greek gods. - Farmers in Ancient Greece.ppt

Olympic Games in Ancient Greece

Slides: 14 Words: 179 Sounds: 0 Effects: 15

Olympic Games in Ancient Greece (5th grade). History of Ancient Greece. Olympic Games. Motherland Olympic Games. The birthplace of the Olympic Games is Ancient Greece. First Olympic Games. Dedication of the Olympic Games. Game time. The Olympic Games took place in the summer and lasted five days. Start of the games. The judges swore to make fair decisions. Sports days. The next three days were devoted to competitions. Type of competition. Fist fight. Struggle. Running with weapons. Chariot racing. Pentathlon: Running Long jump Javelin throw Discus throw Wrestling. Honoring the winner. The reward is a laurel wreath. - Olympic Games in Ancient Greece.pps

The first Olympic Games of Ancient Greece

Slides: 15 Words: 874 Sounds: 2 Effects: 73

Ancient Greece. Olympic Games in Ancient Greece. Introduce students to the history of the Olympic Games. Data. First Olympic Games. Myth. Free Greeks. Participants. Five unforgettable days. Drawings. Winners of the Olympic Games. Lesson assignment. Consolidation of the studied material. - The first Olympic Games of Ancient Greece.ppt

Homer's poems

Slides: 15 Words: 462 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Bederov Denis. Homer's poem "Iliad" Homer's poem "Odyssey". Homer. Ancient Greek sculptural portrait. Bust of Homer. Louvre. Paris. POEM "Iliad". Map of Ancient Greece. Telemachus and Penelope. Fragment of painting of an ancient Greek vase. Andromache. Daughter of Etion, king of Thebes and Cilicia. Hector's wife. In the Iliad, Andromache is the embodiment of the ideal of the devoted and loving wife. She was taken away from Troy as booty by Neoptolemus, from whom she gave birth to Molossus. Andromache mourns Hector. Hector says goodbye to Andromache. POEM "Odyssey". Odyssey. Start. Muse! Vase with a description of an episode from the poem "Odyssey". - Homer's poems.ppt

Achilles and Hector

Slides: 13 Words: 605 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Homer's poem "Iliad". Who wasn't invited to your feast? Greek gods? Why did the goddesses Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite quarrel? Who did King Paris of Troy fall in love with? Draw a conclusion. Questions about homework. Lesson plan. HOMER, ancient Greek poet. To date, there is no convincing evidence of the reality of the historical figure of Homer. It can be assumed that Homer lived around the 8th century BC. ACHILLES (Achilles), in the Iliad one of the bravest greek heroes who besieged Troy. Hence the expression “Achilles heel” (weak spot). Achilles. The famous hero of the myths about the Trojan War was the Greek Achilles. -

Culture of Ancient Greece

The culture of Ancient Greece is recognized from historical monuments, as well as archaeological excavations. It dates from the 27th century BC to the 2nd century. BC. During this period, culture underwent many changes. The heyday of the culture of Ancient Greece occurred in the 5th-4th centuries. BC.

Ancient Greek culture is often called ancient. As historical studies show, the Greeks called their land Hellas, therefore their culture was not Greek, but the culture of Hellenism.

During the period of development of the ancient Greek state, culture also changed greatly. At some point in time she stood still, and at some point she simply burst into the forefront.

Ancient Greek culture has its own special stages of development. Each period is characterized by its own culture distinctive features. Historians distinguish 4 stages of cultural development.

Stage 1 Aegean culture

This culture originated on the island. Crete and Mycenae.

A characteristic architectural monument is the so-called Labyrinth - the Palace of Knossos. Only the 1st floor remains of it to this day. In fact, it was a large building that housed about three hundred rooms. The development of painting can be judged from the remains of images on the walls of the Knossos Palace. Colored paints were actively used in painting.

The heyday of the Aegean culture dates back to the 15th century BC. and during the reign of Mi-nos. That is why the Aegean culture is also called Minos.

Age 2 - Homeric period

This period dates from the 11th to the 9th century BC. Information about this era is mainly taken from literary works, which survived to contemporaries: “Odyssey” and “Iliad”.

Many historians question the authenticity of what is described in the poems. However, these are the only sources on which one can rely and study the history and culture of the Homeric period.

This period is characterized by a rollback of ancient Greek culture. It was then that the written language that emerged disappeared again. Greek civilization was born again. Spiritual culture, basically mythology, was preserved and developed.

Stage 3 - Archaic culture

The period dates back to the 8th-6th century. BC. During this period, ancient Greece was preparing for a huge rise in culture, economy and political life. The main achievement of the Archaic culture of ancient Greece was the creation of an alphabetic letter. In addition, architecture and crafts actively developed.

The Greeks during the period of Archaic culture were literate thanks to the emergence of writing. The alphabet was simple, which made learning quite easy for every Greek. During the Archaic period, science and philosophy emerged.

Olympic Games

Originating in 776 BC. these games were able to stop all wars and uprisings for 5 days. During the Olympic Games in Olympia, civic spirit and patriotism rose. The games were held once every 4 years.

Stage 4 - Classical or Hellenistic.

This stage is a powerful push upward for all areas of life of the ancient Greeks. Then philosophy develops as a science, history and medicine appear. The main distinctive building of this time is the Acropolis.



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