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Presentation on the topic Alexander Porfirievich Borodin. th student. Statements about Borodin
February 8 in the Vladimir regional scientific library a presentation of the book by S.A. took place. Dianin "Alexander Porfirievich Borodin and his music."

The presentation began with footage of a television report about the village of Davydovo and the house-museum of A.P. Borodin: sounded musical themes, on which the composer worked during the summer village months, walked a story about Sergei Alexandrovich Dianin , keeper of the Borodin archive, talented mathematician, music historian.

Book- this is a tribute to the memory of Sergei Alexandrovich and represents collection of his articles about Borodin, whose name and creativity he was surrounded by since childhood. Sergei Alexandrovich was born in St. Petersburg in the apartment where Borodin lived. His father - Dianin Alexander Pavlovich - a student of the chemist Borodin at the Military Medical Academy and a close friend of the composer. Borodin called Alexander Pavlovich “his son not in the flesh, but in the spirit.” After Borodin's death, Alexander Dianin became his executor and custodian of the composer's archive, which he kept completely intact.

“What accidents brought the wonderful Russian musician and scientist Borodin to this abandoned place, unknown to almost anyone in St. Petersburg? What kind of musical things did he create in this corner of the Vladimir region?” – This is what S.A. wrote in the article “Borodin in the village of Davydovo”. Dianin

The new collection includes biographical and musicological articles by S.A. Dianina about A.P. Borodin, written by him in the 1920s - 1960s of the XX century, but according to various reasons not published during the researcher’s lifetime. Some of the material is being published for the first time: about Borodin’s performance as a lawyer, an article by a composer and chemist about the Soligalichskys mineral waters, “the question of “Georgian” roots in the music of A.P. Borodin, evidence about his appearance, about the relationship between Balakirev and Borodin - based on authentic documents; all sketches for the Third Symphony.

She spoke about the work on collecting materials for the book in museum archives Svetlana Borisovna Kudryashova, director of the Kameshkovsky Museum of History and Local Lore . The study of correspondence helped to attribute many museum exhibits that had been lying in the archives for 50 years due to the unknown of their origin. All this new data makes Borodin’s “musical” biography clearer and more concise, helping us understand the full depth of his creative nature, which was not torn between science and music, did not make painful choices, but existed harmoniously at the intersection of chemistry and music.

In an article by a famous Vladimir writer Ivan Udalov , who knew S.A. Dianin and a fellow villager with him, the following episode is given: in one of the meetings with Sergei Alexandrovich, he asked:

— How are your students?

- You see, one girl... is very capable. I'm afraid I might miss this gift. A village is just a village. The beds in the garden need to be weeded, the cattle need to be tended to, the hay needs to be raked, but the music here is just pampering and nothing more. And when will we break the village minds and teach them to respect human intelligence?

This was Sergei Alexandrovich’s dream: for everyone to have the opportunity to develop musically and learn. Probably, Sergei Alexandrovich would be very pleased to know that the name of Borodin, his favorite composer, whose work he studied all his life, is named after Vladimir Music College. Vladimirsky students performed at the event music college, whose life is devoted to music and musical self-education.

Romance “The pretty maiden fell out of love” performed 1st year college student Philip Zelenov, at the piano - Olga Barabash.

Romance "The Sleeping Princess" performed 2nd year student Veronica Belyanina.

Journalist Mikhail Konshin repeatedly wrote about S.A. Dianine, met him personally.

The presentation of the book took place surrounded by works by Vladimir artists, who in 2013 dedicated plein air to Borodino places in the village of Davydova . How good these places are can be judged both from the paintings and from the words of Borodin himself: “ I am extremely pleased with Davydov. How nice it is here! What groves, forests, forests, floodplains! What kind of air... the weather is excellent, and I, in fact, now feel summer, I feel it with my whole being. It's very good here!».
Each time he delayed leaving for St. Petersburg, reluctantly leaving the places he loved, where he, dressed in a peasant shirt and high boots that smelled of tar, measured out dozens of kilometers through forests, fields and swamps. Each time, returning to St. Petersburg, the composer very much regretted that he had to leave Davydovo: “ In truth, death is sorry to part with my luxurious office, with a huge green carpet, filled with magnificent trees, with a high blue vault instead of a ceiling.».

Adamovich Leonid, student of grade 7b, AOU school No. 9, Dolgoprudny (teacher Teplykh T.N.)

Brief biography of the composer and information about his work



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Slide captions:

Performed by Adamovich Leonid, student of class 7 B, AOU school No. 9, Dolgoprudny Music teacher Teplykh T.N.

Alexander Porfirievich Borodin The heroic theme in the work of the composer 1833-1887

Poetic soul Alexander Borodin was born on November 12, 1833 in St. Petersburg. Sasha began studying music at the age of eight and soon learned to play the flute, piano, and later the cello. The boy began composing as soon as he was nine years old. And in 1849, an article appeared in one of the St. Petersburg newspapers, which, in particular, said: “In our opinion, the works of the gifted sixteen-year-old composer Alexander Borodin deserve special attention... We are all the more willing to welcome this new national talent that the career of the composer begins not polkas and mazurkas, but positive work, distinguishing in the composition a subtle aesthetic taste and a poetic soul.”

Commonwealth of Chemists If only the author of the article knew what this “poetic soul” was raving about. The boy's entire room was filled with flasks, burners and other devices for chemical experiments. In 1850, Sasha Borodin entered the Medico-Chemical Academy. The studies went very successfully. The time has come, and, having defended his doctoral dissertation, the young scientist and his comrades went on a three-year business trip abroad. Many of them later became the pride and glory of Russian science: D. Mendeleev, A. Butlerov, I. Sechenov, and others. And then, at the very beginning of the 1860s, they were all still young and taking their first steps, each in their own field of science. Chemical scientists had especially warm relations. Almost immediately upon his arrival in the German city of Heidelberg, Borodin became friends with talented young chemists V. Savich, V. Olevinsky, D. Mendeleev. Unfortunately, Savich and Olevinsky died early, without having time to prove themselves. The friendship between Borodin and Mendeleev lasted for life.

Young scientist By that time, the young scientist Borodin was already the author of several romances, instrumental plays, and ensembles. Some of his piano pieces were even published. In Heidelberg, Borodin also composed, mainly chamber instrumental ensembles: piano trio, sextet, string quintet. They are immediately eagerly performed at musical evenings. But, despite his strong attraction to music and the success of his compositions, he belongs to music lessons as a secondary matter - so great was the passion for science.

Second Symphony Then he created the Second Symphony - one of the best works of Russian symphonic music, a mature work, perfect in form and content. The symphony expresses the ideas of patriotism, national pride in our glorious historical past.

It was enthusiastically received by the composer's friends, who praised it as the best Russian symphony, surpassing everything created before it. When Mussorgsky suggested calling it “Slavic heroic”, Stasov protested: not Slavic in general, but specifically Russian, heroic. So this symphony began to be called “Bogatyrskaya”. The second, Bogatyr Symphony stands on a par with the best works world musical classics. It embodies the enduring spiritual values ​​and spiritual qualities of the Russian person.

Opera "Prince Igor" Simultaneously with the Second Symphony, Borodin also worked on the creation of his main work - the opera "Prince Igor". He began composing it back in the late 1860s. Stasov then suggested to him “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” as a plot. This fascinated the composer, and soon he composed detailed plan future opera. Thus began the inspired and painstaking work on the opera “Prince Igor”, which, due to his constant busyness, lasted for 18 years - until his death.

Scene from the opera Prince Igor

Borodin's thoroughness as a scientist was also reflected in his approach to composing. Scroll historical sources- scientific and artistic-literary, which he worked on before he began creating the opera, speaks volumes. Here are various translations of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”, and all the fundamental research on the history of Russia. Working on the opera helped me endure disappointments and failures. Particularly depressing was his wife's illness - asthma, because of which she could not live in St. Petersburg and usually spent six months with her parents in Moscow or the Moscow region. And her visits to St. Petersburg did not make Borodin’s life any easier.

Music displaces the scientist... Nevertheless, at the end of his life Borodin devotes himself more and more to music - the composer gradually displaces the scientist in him. During these years it was created symphonic picture"IN Central Asia", several piano pieces and chamber ensembles. One of them - the First String Quartet - was performed in the winter of 1879 at a concert of the Russian Musical Society.

Russian hero... The listeners were fascinated by the Russian melodiousness, breadth and plasticity of this music.

Worldwide fame Borodin's works are heard more and more often - in Russia and abroad; They are gaining more and more fame for Russian national music. Both in Europe and in distant America, the performance of Borodin’s music often turned into a real triumph.

And Borodin was already working hard on a new symphony - the Third, which, in his opinion, was to become his brightest, most significant work. The composer intended to call it “Russian”. He had already played some fragments from it to his friends, causing joy, admiration and pride for him. And yet neither the opera Prince Igor nor the Third Symphony were completed. On February 15, 1887, Borodin died unexpectedly.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Alexander Porfirievich Borodin 1833 - 1887 “Music is my fun, chemistry is my business” A.P. Borodin

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Childhood years Tsarskoe Selo - November 12, 1833 Illegitimate, father - Prince Gedianov Sasha is recorded as the son of his father's servant Porfiry Ionovich Borodin and his wife Tatyana Grigorievna. Children's hobbies: ... piano ... and chemistry ... and chemistry Father - Prince Gedianov At the age of 14

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Due to his background, which did not allow him to enter the gymnasium, Borodin was home-schooled in all subjects of the gymnasium course, studied German and French languages and received an excellent education. Already in childhood he discovered his musical talent, at the age of 9 he wrote his first piece - the polka “Helen”. Learned to play musical instruments- first on the flute and piano, and from the age of 13 - on the cello. At the age of 10, he became interested in chemistry, which over the years turned from a hobby into his life’s work. At the same time he created the first serious musical composition- concert for flute and piano.

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At the age of 17, Alexander brilliantly passed the matriculation exam and entered the Medical-Surgical Academy, where he proved himself to be a talented chemist. At the age of 23, having graduated with honors from the academy, he was appointed to the hospital as a resident physician, where he worked for four years. Later he became a professor, academician of chemistry and medicine, and published more than 40 serious scientific papers! A.P. Borodin. Photo. A.P. Borodin. Photo. I.E. Repin. Portrait of A.P. Borodin.

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While still studying at the Medical-Surgical Academy, Borodin began writing romances, piano pieces, and chamber instrumental ensembles, which displeased his supervisor Zinin, who believed that playing music interfered with serious scientific work. For this reason, during his internship abroad, Borodin, who did not give up musical creativity, was forced to hide it from his colleagues.

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Music was Borodin's passion throughout his life. He is the author of symphonies (among them “Bogatyrskaya”, “Russian”), instrumental, vocal and other works. He created the monumental heroic opera "Prince Igor", which was released a year after the death of Alexander Porfiryevich. I.E. Repin. Portrait of A.P. Borodin.

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In April 1869, V.V. Stasov (the greatest expert on Russian history and ancient literature) proposed a wonderful monument to Borodin as an opera plot ancient Russian literature"The Tale of Igor's Campaign". Borodin was not only the creator of music, but also the author of the wonderful text of the opera. An old edition of the musical score of the opera "Prince Igor". Title page. Vintage edition of the musical score of the opera "Prince Igor". Title page. A.P. Borodin. Portrait. Publication of the musical score of the opera "Prince Igor". Cover. A.P. Borodin. Photo.

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The text and music of "Igor" were composed simultaneously. The opera was written over 18 years, but was not completed. After Borodin's death, A.K. Glazunov restored the overture from memory and, based on the author's sketches, added the missing episodes of the opera, and N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov instrumentalized most of it. The premiere took place from great success October 23 (November 4), 1890 in St. Petersburg, on stage Mariinsky Theater. Publication of the musical score of the opera "Prince Igor". Cover.


This lesson plan is suitable for teaching open lesson, which is attended by students from grades 4 to 10, but it can also be used to conduct a lesson with one class.

Target: popularization of the name of the great composer, chemist A.P. Borodin.


  1. To introduce the composer’s musical work, to awaken interest in music and chemistry.
  2. To cultivate a sense of beauty, a sense of patriotism and pride in national history and art.
  3. Develop the creative, intellectual and communication abilities of students.

Equipment: slide presentations, portraits of A.P. Borodin’s contemporaries, Borodin’s musical works, TSO.

Before the lesson, students in grades 6–10, under the guidance of the teacher, prepare a musical and literary composition based on the opera “Prince Igor.” Pupils from the class choose characters from the opera (Prince Igor, his wife Yaroslavna, Polovtsian Khan Konchak and others) and receive the texts of the corresponding poems and songs, which they either learn by heart or use in the process of performing the composition.

Participants must be familiar with the plot of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” and voluntarily agree to participate in one role or another. The teacher needs to prepare each student for the presentation in advance and answer all the students’ questions on this topic.

Students perform in composition to the accompaniment of pre-prepared musical recordings or a live piano performance by the teacher. Also, as the story progresses, slides of a specially prepared presentation telling about the plot of the opera are shown, and the teacher’s retelling of the plot is heard.

Progress of the event

Music teacher: Today we will get acquainted with the life and musical work of Alexander Porfiryevich Borodin. This is a Russian composer and talented chemist, scientist and teacher, poet and professor of medicine, conductor and music critic, active public figure.

As the lesson progresses, students are shown individual slides of a presentation about the Biography of Borodin (Presentation 1).

Slides 1–4. The great chemist and composer A.P. Borodin.

Borodin had two passions from childhood - chemistry and music.

V.V. Stasov, a music critic, spoke about Borodin: “A. P. Borodin is equally powerful and talented in symphony, opera, and romance...”

D.I. Mendeleev wrote about Borodin: “A first-class chemist, to whom chemistry owes a lot.”

Slides 5–7. Family and childhood of A.P. Borodin. Tsarskoye Selo.

On October 31 (November 12), 1833, a boy was born in Tsarskoe Selo near St. Petersburg, about which an entry appeared in the church book: “Panteleimon Church in St. Petersburg, 1833, October, the thirty-first day... to a courtyard man, Porfiry Ionov Borodin, and his legal wife his son Alexander was born to Tatyana Grigorieva.” But the only thing that is true in this entry is that a boy named Alexander was born. Sasha’s real father was Prince Luka Stepanovich Gedianov, from the ancient Imereti family, his mother was a soldier’s daughter, Avdotya Konstantinovna Antonova. The prince was nearly 60 years old and had a legal family in Moscow. The prince did not hope for anything, but they loved him. So Alexander’s parents lived as unmarried spouses for more than 10 years in love and harmony. That is why their son is legitimized in the name of a yard man; according to the metric certificate, he is his father’s serf. Luka Stepanovich always dreamed of a son and regretted that he could not give him his name. Before his death, he gave his freedom to a serf boy. He left Avdotya Konstantinovna as an inheritance big house, and for my son - an ancient icon of St. Nicholas of Myra.

Sasha’s mother was an intelligent, energetic woman, she doted on her son and spared no expense on his education. Due to his painful frailty, the boy was raised at home, under the guidance of experienced teachers. mother in free time I really loved playing the guitar. Then the son sat down at her feet and listened, enchanted, to the wonderful sounds of the guitar and his mother’s singing. Noticing this passion for music, Avdotya Konstantinovna invited the teacher to teach him how to play the flute.

Musical page: the teacher performs a short song on the recorder.

Soon there was a desire to write music myself. At the age of 9, the talented boy composed a short piano piece, “Polka Helen,” and at the age of 13, he composed a concerto for flute accompanied by piano. And in 1849 they managed to publish several plays by the young composer.

Musical page: the teacher performs “Polka” by Borodin; The teacher and the rhythmic orchestra of grades 4 and 5 perform Borodin’s “Mazurka.” Appendix 3, Appendix 4.

Slides 8–9. Study at the Medical-Surgical Academy.

In the summer of 1850, Alexander Borodin entered the medical department of the Medical-Surgical Academy as a volunteer. The Medical-Surgical Academy, opened in St. Petersburg at the end of the 18th century, was the largest higher educational institution in Russia. A.P. Borodin does not give up music even during his studies. He attends musical evenings and concerts.

Slides 10–11. Borodin is a professor of medicine.

In 1856, Borodin graduated from the Medical-Surgical Academy with excellent marks and began working at the Second Land Hospital. He became a professor of medicine.

Slides 12–17. Borodin is a talented chemist.

He was able to return to his favorite hobby of chemistry only after passing the exam for the degree of Doctor of Medicine - his dissertation had a chemical focus. In scientific circles they started talking about Borodin as a young, promising chemist. In 1859, Borodin was sent to the German city of Geldeiberg to improve his knowledge of chemistry.

Teacher: What character traits do you discern in a person who combined both a love of music and an interest in science?

Student response: Talent, intelligence, education, curiosity, love of work...

Teacher: All this is true, Borodin was just such an outstanding person. Thanks to these qualities, the Russian intelligentsia has earned respect not only in Russia, but throughout the world.

Slide 18. Meeting with Prototopova.

Musical page: as the story progresses, the music teacher performs a fragment of Chopin’s C-sharp minor waltz (after the words “Chopin’s work”) and a fragment of Mendelssohn’s March (after the words “they got married”).

Borodin owes it to the city of Heidelberg that he met there his first and only love, his future wife Ekaterina Sergeevna Prototopova - a faithful friend, a serious critic of his musical works, a passionate admirer of his talent. Here's how it happened.

In Heidelberg, Alexander Porfirievich finds many acquaintances and makes new friends. Young scientists gather together. This is how the Heidelberg circle was formed, which included Mendeleev, Sechenov, Botkin and other scientists. At the circle meetings, new discoveries in the field of science, literature, and music were discussed, and musical and literary evenings were organized. At one of these evenings, an acquaintance with the Russian writer Turgenev occurs.

One day, pianist Ekaterina Sergeevna Protopopova, who had recently arrived especially for this occasion, was present at the evening. She played works by Chopin and Schumann. “While I was playing,” she recalled, “Borodin was at the piano and became all ears. At that time he barely knew Schumann, and Chopin perhaps only a little more. On the very first day of our acquaintance he introduced himself as an “ardent Mendelssohnist.” Soon they got married.

Quartet No. 2, which the composer dedicated to his wife, is called the pearl of Russian classics. The composer called the first part of the quartet “Nocturne”.

Borodin’s nocturne from the piano suite is also unusually poetic. We will listen to it performed by the music teacher.

Musical page: the teacher asks the student to read the text against the background of music: “Nocturne translated from French means night. Nocturne is a name given to lyrical and dreamy pieces inspired by images of the night.”

The vault of heaven, burning with the glory of the stars,
Looks mysteriously from the depths, -
And we float, a burning abyss
Surrounded on all sides
F. Tyutchev.

Slides 20–21. “ Mighty bunch”.

Decisive in musical biography Borodin’s year was 1862, when he met and became friends with Mily Balakirev and his “Mighty Handful” circle, which included Caesar Cui, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, Modest Mussorgsky. These were the heroes who glorified Russian music. Under their influence, Borodin began work on the 1st symphony.

Slides 22–23. Symphonies.

In total, Borodin wrote three symphonies and one of them is called “Bogatyrskaya”.

Teacher: Let's remember the music of this symphony. Look at Vasnetsov’s painting “Three Heroes” (students are shown a photograph of the painting). Listen to the beginning of the symphony while looking at this picture and match the words to the character of the music. What music?

Musical page: a short fragment of symphony No. 2 is played.

Student response: Strong, courageous, harsh, powerful, energetic, courageous, heroic...

Teacher: Well done. This is how the composer wanted to depict the greatness of his country, the strength of spirit and courage of its defenders.

While in Jena (Germany), Borodin visited the theater and a concert from the works of F. Liszt, to which the author himself came. Having learned by business card that Borodin Liszt had arrived, quickly came out to meet him and, holding out his hand, said: “You have written an excellent symphony.” Subsequently, Borodin described this meeting in his musical essay.

Slide 24. Borodin is a lyricist.

Borodin had the gift of a poet and sometimes wrote poetry.

I asked the free wind:
“What should I do to be young?”
The playing wind answered me:
“Be airy, like the wind, like smoke.”
L asked the mighty sea:
“What is the great covenant of existence?”
The sonorous sea answered me:
“Be always full of sound, like me!”
I asked the high sun:
“How can I shine brighter than the dawn?”
The sun did not answer.
But the soul heard: “Burn!”

Borodin did not immediately develop the gift of a poet. He loved very much folk songs, and collected them while in the villages. One day, after writing a short piece, he could not find the appropriate words for the music and tried to write them himself. Thus, such vocal works as “The Sea Princess”, “Song of the Dark Forest”, “ False note”, “Sea” and others.

Slides 25–26. Songs and romances by Borodin based on poems by famous poets.

Musical page: the teacher performs the romance song “Beauty Fisherwoman” to the words of G. Heine. Appendix 5

Slides 27–30. Opera “Prince Igor”.

In 1869, Borodin was fascinated by the plot of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign,” proposed by V.V. Stasov. The 12th century epic “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” describes the unsuccessful campaign of Prince Igor of Novgorod-Seversk against the Polovtsians in 1185. The composer, with the participation of Stasov, creates a libretto for new opera- "Prince Igor".

In 1887, the sudden death of this remarkable scientist and talented composer occurred. His body is buried in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra next to the body of Borodin’s friend, composer M. P. Mussorgsky.

Work on the opera “Prince Igor,” which dragged on for 18 years, was never completed by the author. After Borodin's death, his friends, Rimsky-Korsakov and Glazunov finished the opera. The opera consists of four actions with a prologue. The opera premiered on October 23 (November 4), 1890 at the St. Petersburg Mariinsky Theater.

Teacher: Now you will see a musical and literary composition based on the opera “Prince Igor”, prepared by students in grades 6–10.

As the composition progresses, separate presentation slides about Borodin’s opera “Prince Igor” are shown. (Presentation 2).

Slides 1–6. Introduction.

In Borodin’s work, the theme of the greatness of the Russian people, love for the motherland, and love of freedom clearly runs through. His music is distinguished by its epic breadth, masculinity, and at the same time deep lyricism. Borodin's most significant work is the opera “Prince Igor”, which is an example of national heroic epic in music.

The opera “Prince Igor” develops the traditions of Glinka’s epic opera “Ruslan and Lyudmila”. The libretto of the opera was written by the composer Borodin himself. The source for the libretto was the wonderful monument of ancient Russian literature “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign,” which tells about the unsuccessful campaign of Prince Igor against the Polovtsians.

The teacher introduces the students who have prepared in advance, naming their roles in the composition:

Slide 7. The main characters of the opera: Igor Svyatoslavovich, Prince of Seversk. Baritone.

Slide 8. Yaroslavna, his wife. Soprano.

Slide 9. Konchak, Polovtsian Khan. Bass.

Slide 10. Vladimir Igorevich (son of Prince Igor); Konchakovna (daughter of the Polovtsian Khan).

Slide 11. The action takes place: in the prologue, in the first and fourth acts - in the city of Putivl, in the second and third acts - in the Polovtsian camp in 1185.

Slide 12. Prologue. On the square in Putivl, the squad and army, ready to go on a campaign against the Polovtsians, are waiting for Prince Igor. The people magnify Igor, the princes, the warriors and wish them victory.

Slide 13. It suddenly gets dark, a solar eclipse begins. Everyone is scared by this" God's sign” and advise Igor to postpone the campaign.

Slide 14. However, Igor is confident in the rightness of his cause - he is going to defend Rus'.

Slide 15. Choir.

To the accompaniment of the teacher, the students sing in chorus:

Glory, glory, glory to the red sun in our sky!

Slide 16. One student performs a melodic recitation of three lines, then the choir sings again:

From the Great Don to the Lukomorye
Glory rings across the Polovtsian steppes.
In the unknown lands they sing glory to you!
Glory, glory, glory to the red sun in our sky!
Glory, glory, glory to Prince Igor in Rus'!

Students are shown a video. The video can be obtained from the author of the article.

Slide 17. Action one. Picture one. Princely court of Vladimir Galitsky. The revelry servants praise the prince. Galitsky loves to indulge and make noise. However, he lacks power and wealth. He dreams of taking Igor's place.

Slide 18. To the accompaniment of the teacher, the student performs a fragment of Galitsky’s aria:

If only I could wait for the honor,
The prince sits on Putivl,
I wouldn't bother
I would know how to live!

I would deal with everyone.
How I would have liked it.
There would be a trial for everyone,
He gave everyone wine. Drink, drink, drink, walk!

Slide 19. Students (girls and boys) act out a skit:

Girls run into the yard. They complain to Galitsky about his associates who stole their girlfriend. The princess expresses her displeasure to Galitsky with his behavior. Galitsky behaves defiantly. He threatens to remove Igor in Putivl. Yaroslavna drives him away in anger.

Slide 20. Picture two. Yaroslavna is gripped by anxiety: there has been no news about Prince Igor and his squad for a long time, and difficult forebodings are coming true. She thinks lovingly about her husband, longing and sadness squeeze her heart.

Slide 21. To the accompaniment of the teacher, the student reads the words of Yaroslavna:

I'll fly like a cuckoo along the Danube,
I will wet my silk sleeve in the Kayala River,
In the morning the prince will see his bloody wounds on his mighty body.

Slide 22. The boyars bring sad news to Yaroslavna: the Russian army is defeated, Igor and Vladimir are in captivity.

Slide 23. To the accompaniment of the teacher, all students (boys) perform a fragment of the boyar choir:

We bring it to you, princess.

Slide 24.

Take heart, princess, bad news
We bring it to you, princess.

Slide 25. The student hits the gong - imitates the ringing of a bell.

The ringing of the alarm bell announces danger - the Polovtsians are approaching Putivl; a fire starts. The boyars are determined to defend Putivl from the enemy.

Slide 26. Act two. In the Polovtsian camp, Prince Igor is languishing in captivity.

Slide 27. Prince Igor cannot sleep. He is oppressed by heavy thoughts. It is not easy to survive the shame of defeat and captivity. It is difficult to come to terms with the thought of a homeland enslaved by the enemy, groaning from looting and fires. Igor passionately longs for freedom: then he will be able, having gathered a new army, defeat the Polovtsians and liberate Rus'. With great tenderness he remembers his wife and himself close friend- Yaroslavna.

Slide 28. To the accompaniment of the teacher, the student performs a fragment of Prince Igor’s aria: Appendix 7.

Oh give me, give me freedom
I can atone for my shame;
I will save my honor and glory,
I will save Rus' from the enemy!

You are alone, my dear, okay.
You won't be the only one to blame.
With a sensitive heart everything you will understand,
You will forgive me everything.

Slide 29. Ovlur, a baptized Polovtsian, stealthily approaches Igor. He offers the prince his help, persuading him to escape from captivity. However, pride does not allow Igor to agree to a secret escape. Igor refuses.

Slide 30. Khan Konchak comes out from behind the tent. Treating his captive with great respect, he tries to ease his fate and even offers to let him go completely - only on the condition that Igor does not raise a sword against his army.

Slide 31. To the accompaniment of the teacher, the student performs a fragment of Khan Konchak’s aria:

I'm brave, I'm brave, I don't know fear
Everyone is afraid of me, everything around me is trembling.
But you were not afraid of me, you did not ask for mercy, prince.

Ah, not your enemy, but your faithful ally,
And a reliable friend, and your brother
I wanted to be, believe me!

Slide 32. But Igor does not hide the fact that as soon as he escapes from captivity, he will gather a new army and will again fight with the Polovtsians.

Slides 33–34. At the behest of Konchak, the Polovtsian captives entertain Igor with oriental dances - sometimes smooth, languid, full of bliss, sometimes swift, fiery.

Slide 35. The students, together with the teacher, perform a choir of Polovtsian slave girls:

Fly away on the wings of wind
You are in our native land, our native song,
To where we sang to you freely,
Where it was so free for you and me.

There, under the sultry sky.
The air is full of bliss,
There, under the talk of the sea,
Mountains sleep in the clouds.

Slides 37–38.

The sun shines so brightly there,
Filling the native mountains with light,
In the valleys roses bloom luxuriantly,
And the nightingales sing in the green forests.

Slides 39–40.

The sun is so bright there
Sweet grapes are growing.
You're more at ease there, song.
You go there and fly away!

Slide 41. Act three. Igor decides to escape. Ovlur prepares horses - for the prince, the prince and himself.

Slide 42. At the last moment, Konchakovna appears. She begs Vladimir to stay or take her with him. Vladimir is indecisive. In desperation, Konchakovna raises the alarm. Prince Igor and Ovlur manage to escape.

The Polovtsians who have come running demand the death of Vladimir, but Konchak decides otherwise: “If the falcon has flown to the nest, we will entangle the falcon with the red maiden.” Taking Konchakovna to the prince, he says: “Here is your wife, Vladimir!”

The slide show is paused.

Act four. In Putivl, on the city wall, Yaroslavna mourns her husband. She no longer believes that she will see him. Turning to the wind, the Dnieper, the sun, Yaroslavna expects an answer from them - where is Igor, what’s wrong with him? Yaroslavna looks around with longing - at the scorched villages, abandoned arable lands.

Students are shown a video. The video file can be obtained from the author of the article.

Slide 43. Suddenly two horsemen appear in the distance. The princess recognizes Igor in one of them. Finally, happiness returned to her!

Slides 44–46. The intoxicated Skula and Eroshka, seeing Prince Igor, call the people with a ringing bell and are the first to announce the good news - the prince has returned! The people call Prince Igor.

The slide show stops.

Teacher: dear students! You got acquainted with the opera “Prince Igor” by the great Russian composer Alexander Porfiryevich Borodin. This is one of the most famous works of Russian culture, an epic telling about the historical events of our country that took place in the distant past.

B.V. Asafiev said: “Prince Igor” is an opera of high civil sound. This is one of those works that make up the glory of Russian music.

End of lesson plan.

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Slide 8

The presentation on the topic “Alexander Porfirievich Borodin. Biography” can be downloaded absolutely free on our website. Project subject: MHC. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you engage your classmates or audience. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the corresponding text under the player. The presentation contains 8 slide(s).

Presentation slides

Slide 1

Slide 2

Alexander Porfiryevich Borodin was born in St. Petersburg on October 31 (November 12), 1833 from an extramarital affair of the 62-year-old Georgian prince Luka Stepanovich Gedianov (1772-1840) and 25-year-old Evdokia Konstantinovna Antonova and at birth was recorded as the son of the prince's serf servant - Porfiry Ionovich Borodin and his wife Tatyana Grigorievna. Until the age of 7, the boy was a serf of his father, who, before his death in 1840, gave his son his freedom and bought a four-story house for him and Evdokia Konstantinovna, who was married to the military doctor Kleineke. In the first half of the 19th century, extramarital affairs were not advertised, so the names of the parents were hidden and the illegitimate boy was presented as the nephew of Evdokia Konstantinovna.

Slide 3

Due to his background, which did not allow him to enter the gymnasium, Borodin was home-schooled in all subjects of the gymnasium course, studied German and French and received an excellent education. Already in childhood he discovered his musical talent, at the age of 9 he wrote his first piece - the polka “Helen”. He studied playing musical instruments - first on the flute and piano, and from the age of 13 on the cello. At the same time, he created his first serious musical work - a concerto for flute and piano. At the age of 10, he became interested in chemistry, which over the years turned from a hobby into his life’s work.

Slide 4

However, doing science and receiving higher education prevented by the same “illegal” origin young man, which, in the absence of legal possibility of change social status, forced Borodin’s mother and her husband to use the department of officials of the Tver Treasury Chamber to enroll their son in the Novotorzhskoe third guild of merchants. In 1850, seventeen-year-old “merchant” Alexander Borodin entered the Medical-Surgical Academy as a volunteer, from which he graduated in December 1856. While studying medicine, Borodin continued to study chemistry under the guidance of N. N. Zinin.

Slide 5

While still studying at the Medical-Surgical Academy, Borodin began writing romances, piano pieces, and chamber instrumental ensembles, which displeased his supervisor Zinin, who believed that playing music interfered with serious scientific work. For this reason, during his internship abroad, Borodin, who did not give up musical creativity, was forced to hide it from his colleagues.

Slide 6

Upon returning to Russia in 1862, he met the composer Mily Balakirev and entered his circle (received in later tradition the name “The Mighty Handful”). Under the influence of M. A. Balakirev, V. V. Stasov and other participants in this creative association, the musical and aesthetic orientation of Borodin’s views was determined as an adherent of the Russian national school in music and a follower of Mikhail Glinka. A.P. Borodin was an active member of the Belyaev circle. IN musical creativity Borodin clearly sounds the theme of the greatness of the Russian people, patriotism and love of freedom, combining epic breadth and masculinity with deep lyricism.

Slide 7

Most significant work Borodin's opera “Prince Igor” is rightfully recognized as an example of a national heroic epic in music. The author worked on the main work of his life for 18 years, but the opera was never finished: after Borodin’s death, the opera was completed and orchestrated based on Borodin’s materials by composers Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov and Alexander Glazunov. Staged in 1890 at the St. Petersburg Mariinsky Theater, the opera was distinguished by the monumental integrity of its images, the power and scope of its folk choral scenes, and its brightness national color in the tradition of Glinka’s epic opera “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, was a great success and to this day remains one of the masterpieces of Russian opera art. Among the best chamber instrumental works are the First and Second Quartets, presented to music lovers in 1879 and 1881.

  • Try to explain the slide in your own words, add additional Interesting Facts, you don’t need to just read the information from the slides, the audience can read it themselves.
  • There is no need to overload the slides of your project with text blocks; more illustrations and a minimum of text will better convey information and attract attention. The slide should contain only key information; the rest is best told to the audience orally.
  • The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information being presented, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to at least make out something, or will completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  • It is important to rehearse your report, think about how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, and how you will end the presentation. All comes with experience.
  • Choose the right outfit, because... The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  • Try to speak confidently, smoothly and coherently.
  • Try to enjoy the performance, then you will be more at ease and less nervous.


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