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The reason for unhappy love is in Olesya's story. Love in the works of A.I. Kuprina (Olesya) (School essays). Other works on this work

(342 words) The theme of love in the story “Olesya” is the main one. It is this feeling that awakens in a person all those qualities that Kuprin writes about in his work. The main character meets a Polesie witch named Olesya, who lives with her grandmother, also a witch, in the thicket of the forest. She appears as an unspoiled, naive, but selfless woman with the soul of a child, who won Ivan’s heart.

Far from civilization, in the thicket of Polesie, where Manuilikha and Olesya live, time has stopped. Her upbringing convinced the girl that she had supernatural abilities and strengthened her belief in legends and conspiracies. The heroine is absolutely not like the girls from the village, so the writer with a passionate imagination falls in love with her. The author devotes Special attention describing the emergence of the characters’ feelings after the first meeting, the hardships of long separations and the acceptance of falling in love. Their union is being built in the lap of nature, in the silence of the forests, so Ivan Timofeevich finds it difficult to believe Olesya’s predictions. He is seriously thinking about getting married, naively ignoring obvious obstacles. This need for self-deception also appears in the girl: she goes against fate, surrendering to Ivan. These sweet illusions are a characteristic, but not obvious, feature of love, which Kuprin subtly notices.

The true character traits of the heroes are hidden behind their initially restrained behavior. The lovers are complete opposites. In Oles, Kuprin embodies his own vision ideal woman and her feelings. The girl’s emotionality does not appear in the work as a well-known cliché. She is open, sensual, capable of self-denial and breaking generally accepted rules. In the image of Olesya, Kuprin shows free female love, when the heroine is ready to take with her the bitterness of loss, without burdening her beloved, but only blessing him for the moments given. The only thing she regrets is not having a child with Ivan. But her chosen one is not like that. Passion could not wash away the prejudices from his consciousness. He says, for example, that men can laugh at faith, but women must be devout. Because of this secular stupidity, he loses his love, because the bigots from the village beat Olesya, contrary to all Christian virtues.

Kuprin depicted a real test of love, which the man did not pass, but the woman passed with honor. The writer admires the girls’ ability to live by feeling alone. For his sake, they are ready to change for the better and reject the misconceptions of the past. But their chosen ones strive to curb passion with reason, which makes a monstrous mistake.

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Love is a feeling that perhaps each of us has encountered. There is probably no person who has not felt a feeling of love in his life: for his parents, friends, children. This bright phenomenon can push a person to the most brave deeds, can help him in hard times and support in the most different periods his life.

It is not surprising that this theme is found in the works of A.I.

Kuprina. Moreover, in his work love occupied one of the most important places. The writer talks about love in such works as " Garnet bracelet", "Olesya", "Sulamith".

Often in Kuprin's novels, love leads to tragic consequences, for example, in the work “Olesya” the writer touches on such problems as: the division of people by class boundaries, cruel treatment of people who are somehow different from the majority, as well as many others. But Kuprin manages to draw the reader’s attention to these issues and show the flaws of society precisely with the help of the theme of love.

From the first pages of the work, we are introduced to the main character, Ivan Timofeevich, who ended up in a remote village on the outskirts of the forest for work. He is used to city life and is very bored, so he becomes interested in Yarmola's story about a witch living in the forest. Getting lost while hunting, main character comes across an old hut, where he meets Olesya, the daughter of that same witch. He draws attention to her unusual beauty, not the same as what city dwellers are endowed with. But it’s not just beauty that attracts Ivan to the hereditary witch: he notes her daring intelligence and pride. From this moment on, the main character begins to constantly look into the hut to see the girl.

Olesya is telling fortunes about Ivan, and the cards say that the uninvited guest will bring a lot of grief to those he loves. Despite this, the girl still falls in love with Ivan Timofeevich and completely surrenders to the new feeling.

For the sake of love, Olesya is ready to endure any torment, so she decides to meet her lover near the church, in the village, where she had not gone for a very long time, because she was afraid of people. And not in vain, because the girl is beaten by local residents, and Ivan does not have time to meet Olesya. The next day there is a strong hailstorm, the peasants are sure that this is the work of witches and decide to take revenge on them. The main character rushes as fast as he can to the hut to warn his beloved, but does not find her and realizes that the witches have left.

Unfortunately, because of her love, Olesya was forced to take on too much grief. At first, love gives her happiness, elevates her above others, but then makes the girl completely defenseless and almost leads to death. For Ivan, relationships were just a distraction from boredom, entertainment that could brighten up his stay in the village. After all, if his love were as pure and sincere as Olesya’s love, then he would certainly have found her and tried to change something. Deep down, Ivan Timofeevich understood that a girl like Olesya could not live away from nature, but he was not ready to give up his status and title, so he proposed to the girl in the hope that he could take her with him to the city.

The nobleman's feelings are more like infatuation, love, while Olesya's feelings are a manifestation pure love, because the girl sacrificed a lot, gave up her principles, just to be with her beloved.

In his novel A.I. Kuprin shows selfless, sincere love, which, perhaps, everyone dreams of. Love, in whose name you can sacrifice anything. Unfortunately, such love sometimes destroys a person if it is not reflected in the soul of a loved one.

We quite often hear these antonyms in life: fidelity and betrayal. And everyone understands these words in their own way. Why? Loyalty is defined as constancy in feelings, affections, and beliefs. But rarely does anyone remember the meaning of the root word - faith. Faith is a belief in something that is unshakable in your ideas and understanding. But betrayal is nothing more than a violation of fidelity to someone or something. According to Christian ethics, adultery is a particularly serious sin. But betrayal does not have to be in the area of ​​faith. There is such a thing as adultery, betrayal of the Motherland, betrayal of convictions. All these are variations of this all-encompassing concept.

I want to address the understanding of adultery and fidelity. And in this regard, remember the works of our literature. In A.N. Ostrovsky’s drama “The Thunderstorm” this problem is raised. main character drama Katerina Kabanova cheated on her husband with a young man who came from the capital. Unusual, unlike the residents of the city of Kalinov, Boris in his particular dress seems so bright and unique to Katerina. She falls in love with him literally at first sight. His delicacy and tact do not at all fit with the darkness, lack of education, rudeness and rudeness of the local residents. However, Katerina, who has never loved anyone before, chooses Boris as her betrothed, a man sent by God. She, once taking a step towards her chosen one, decides that he is her destiny. Cheating on her husband, in her understanding, is not cheating at all. She never loved Boris, although she tried to be faithful to him. In fact, he changed it because he left her alone in this evil world. But she is tormented by the fact of the oath during the wedding ceremony. However, Tikhon does not accept Katerina’s betrayal, she is his beloved wife, the main thing is that no one knows anything. He beats his wife at the insistence of his mother. So Katerina’s betrayal becomes a symbol of her faith in God, in his blessing. She decides to commit suicide only so as not to change her convictions, her faith.

In the poem by N.A. Nekrasov “Who Lives Well in Rus'” Matryona Korchagina remains faithful to her husband in the most difficult times life situations. When her husband Philip is recruited, and she remains pregnant, expecting a child, without a husband, she decides to go to the governor for help, in an effort to find protection. She was lucky: labor began, and the governor’s wife became godmother to her child. She helped in releasing her husband from conscription duty. A rare woman is capable of such self-sacrifice in the name of her beloved husband, of such fidelity to her wedding vow.

Cheating and fidelity are mutually exclusive concepts, but in Lately no one attaches much importance to them. No one particularly tries to be faithful, no one considers betrayal a terrible sin. The boundaries have been erased. It’s all about human morality, about how to evaluate your own and other people’s actions.

1. The image of Olesya, the special traits of her character.
2. The feeling that Ivan Timofeevich had for Olesya.
3. Sacrifice and determination of a girl from Polesie.

... This means that fate does not want our happiness with you... And if not for this, do you think I would be afraid of anything?
A. I. Kuprin

Olesya, a tall twenty-four-year-old girl from Polesie, Volyn province, immediately struck the narrator, Ivan Timofeevich, with her unusualness, irresistibility, innate natural beauty and nature. She was much more beautiful than the local girls, because she did not hide her beauty: “A tall brunette, about twenty to twenty-five years old, she carried herself easily and slenderly. A spacious white shirt hung freely and beautifully around her young, healthy breasts. The original beauty of her face, once seen, could not be forgotten, but it was difficult, even after getting used to it, to describe it. His charm lay in those large, shiny, dark eyes, to which the thin eyebrows, broken in the middle, gave an elusive shade of slyness, power and naivety; in the dark-pink tone of the skin, in the willful curve of the lips, of which the lower, somewhat fuller, protruded forward with a decisive and capricious look.” The granddaughter of the sorceress Manuilikha lived with her grandmother in a forest hut and was very attentive to the nature around her. Moreover, Olesya was an integral part of this living, almost pristine, unspoiled by the harmful human activity, nature. Starlings and finches lived in their hut with their grandmother. Olesya hated the very sight of a gun, because she knew that with its help people kill defenseless animals and birds: “Why beat birds or hares too? They do no harm to anyone, but they want to live just like you and me. I love them: they are small, so stupid...” Olesya had self-confidence, independence and a genuine sense of self-worth, some nobility and “innate graceful moderation.” The girl, who grew up in the forest and rarely went out into the village to buy soap and tea, had a lively, flexible and insightful mind. Despite some naivety and lack of education, Olesya had excellent innate intuition and some supernatural abilities as a hereditary healer and witch. And Ivan Timofeevich was especially attracted to Olesya by “her integral, original, free nature, her mind, both clear and shrouded in unshakable hereditary superstition, childishly innocent, but also not devoid of the sly coquetry of a beautiful woman.”

In the spring, when the main character of the work felt “sadness, full of restless expectations and vague forebodings,” he met Olesya. They began to spend the evening hours together, talking a lot in different topics. Gradually this all grew into a special attachment. For the first time, Ivan feels a loving feeling for Olesya before his illness, when the girl seemed to have lost interest in him: “I had not yet thought about love, but I was already experiencing an anxious period preceding love, full of vague, painfully sad sensations. Wherever I was, no matter what I tried to amuse myself with, all my thoughts were occupied with the image of Olesya, my whole being strove for her, every memory of her sometimes most insignificant words, of her gestures and smiles squeezed my soul with a quiet and sweet pain. heart". The half-month separation further inflamed Ivan Timofeevich’s love for the young forest dweller and, fortunately, the feeling turned out to be mutual. And until mid-June, the lovers enjoyed the “naive, charming fairy tale of their love.” But what did Ivan do to maintain this happiness, to become a protector and reliable support for his beloved for the rest of his life? He thought about marrying Olesya, but the strong, educated man still did not have the determination to tell his beloved that he would soon have to leave. The young forest dweller has to guess this sad news from Ivan Timofeevich. And he, proposing to her, expresses his consent to Olesya’s proposal to go to church. For some reason, Ivan thinks little about whether this “something very pleasant for him” will also be joyful for the girl herself? Will it be safe for the young witch? Unfortunately, Ivan Timofeevich does not attach much importance to the concern of his inner voice, does not save his beloved from a fatal step and, as a result, loses her.

Olesya’s inner experiences are not described on the pages of the story, but her love is visible to us through her words, facial expressions, gestures, and actions. The forest girl is stronger, fearless and determined than her lover. After all, from the very beginning, after fortune telling on cards, she knew for sure that this love would bring her trouble. I learned that Ivan is “although a kind man, but only weak.” But she could not give up her happiness, nor the happiness of her beloved Vanya. And, in general, Olesya believed that fate could not be avoided. Her courage and independence are expressed not only in her proud statement to her grandmother Manuilikha, “My business, my answer,” but also in her other actions. It is she, Olesya, who persuades Ivan Timofeevich to have a close relationship, saying in response to his fears: “Today is our day, and no one will take it away from us...”. Sometimes there is a feeling that Olesya gave all of herself, all the best that she has to her lover. And Ivan Timofeevich himself feels her high dedication: “...And how much I read in Olesya’s big dark eyes: the excitement of the meeting, and the reproach for my long absence, and the ardent declaration of love... I felt that at the same time with her gaze Olesya gives me joyfully, without any conditions or hesitation, her entire being.” But not everything was smooth in the conversations between the young forest witch and Ivan: they had contradictions about religion. Vanya was a believing Christian, and Olesya felt that she, her grandmother, and her mother were always guided dark forces, devil. Feeling the bitterness of the upcoming separation, the girl selflessly decided to please her beloved and go to church for him. She did not hear any words of warning or resistance from her beloved. On the contrary, Ivan supported this intention, so dangerous for the young witch, with the words: “A woman should be pious without reasoning. In the simple and tender trust with which she places herself under the protection of God, I always feel something touching, feminine and beautiful.” Did Olesya know what she was getting into? Most likely yes... But she, unlike Ivan Timofeevich, knew how to sacrifice herself for the sake of her loved one. And she took upon herself all the blame, all the responsibility for the terrible consequences of this step. This means that Olesya is a truly strong, strong-willed and independent woman. The young witch regrets that she does not have a child from her beloved, but, overcoming physical and heartache, she herself becomes the initiator of the final separation from Ivan. In the end, Olesya is happy that she was able to bring the joy of love to Ivan Timofeevich.

Loyalty...is a wonderful human quality that can work wonders. It is she who gives rise to the feeling true love, thanks to which a person is capable of anything for the sake of the chosen one. Loyalty in love gives a person strength. Sometimes any bad weather seems like a trifle when there is a person nearby who will support, console, and give the necessary advice.

Even the strongest feeling of love cannot overshadow the pain of betrayal in a person’s soul.

A striking example of confirmation of my words is the story of I.A. Bunin " Dark alleys" The main character, Nadezhda, has been in love with master Nikolai since her youth. The feeling of first love gave her hope, strength and self-confidence. However, all this abruptly disappeared from Nadezhda’s life when Nikolai Nikolaevich betrayed her. And now, many years later, he found out how much he hurt the girl then and how long she suffered. The man undoubtedly felt guilty before Nadenka and tried with all his might to gain forgiveness. The girl could not forgive him, although love for Nikolai still lived in her heart. In her soul there remained resentment for the betrayal and disappointment in Nikola Nikolaevich. The betrayal made both of them unhappy. Nadezhda’s conscience is clear in this situation, but the man remains unforgiven. He will have to carry this burden on his soul for many, many more years.

It seems to me that for true love to live, it is necessary that both lovers be faithful to each other. An example of fidelity in love can be considered the heroes of the story by A.I. Kuprin "Olesya". Ivan Timofeevich - gentleman who came from big city to a remote village, where he meets a simple girl, at first glance. From the very first day, he notices something magical in her, admires her kindness and responsiveness. Soon the young man learns that the girl’s name is Olesya and she is a witch. Ivan Timofeevich was not afraid to continue communicating with her, because even then a feeling of true love arose in his heart. Despite their differences social background, a young man, inspired by a feeling of strong and devoted love, decided to propose to Olesya. It seems to me that it was by this act that he made it clear to the girl that he would be faithful to her until the end of his days. Ivan Timofeevich was ready to remain misunderstood in society, because it was more important for him that his beloved be nearby. Olesya, for the sake of love, overcame her fears and attended church, as Ivan Timofeevich asked. This a brave deed girls once again makes it clear that fidelity to a loving person makes us ready to do anything for our chosen one. Whatever life difficulties did not stand in the way, the feeling of true love will always help overcome them, will give vitality and energy.

In conclusion, I would like to say that if betrayal enters the world of love, it will quickly destroy feelings, bringing pain to both. Only a person capable of pure and strong love, will never betray or deceive another. He will always be there: in sorrow and in joy. Only such love, where both are faithful to each other, in my opinion, can be considered real.



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