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An example of filling out a simplified balance sheet for a simplified system. Explanation of balance sheet lines Section V of the balance sheet “Current liabilities”

PBU 4/99, notes 1, 2 in Appendix No. 5 to Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 2, 2010 No. 66n). Non-profit organizations that have the right to use simplified accounting methods, including simplified accounting statements (clause 6.1 of Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 2, 2010 N 66n) can generate a Report on the intended use of funds in a simplified form. Line 6100 “Balance of funds at the beginning of the reporting year” of the simplified form of the Report on the targeted use of funds This line provides data on the balance of funds for targeted financing at the beginning of the reporting year (clause 27 of Information of the Ministry of Finance of Russia PZ-1/2011). Section “Received funds” of the simplified form of the Report on the targeted use of funds This section provides information on the receipt of funds for targeted financing (clause 27 of the Information of the Ministry of Finance of Russia PZ-1/2011).

Procedure for filling out reports

For example, a balance sheet prepared by an enterprise for 2017 should contain data as of December 31, 2017, December 31, 2016 and December 31, 2015. The financial results report for the year must contain information on income and expenses that were recognized in the company’s accounting in the reporting and previous year (Read also the article ⇒ Procedure for preparing financial statements). All last year's information is taken from last year's reports.
And for indicators for the current year, information is taken from sources such as:

  • The balance sheet for the organization as a whole for the reporting year;
  • Indicators of accrued interest on credits (loans) for the reporting year.

If there is no data to fill out any balance line, it is not filled in and a dash is placed. The line code that is indicated in the simplified balance sheet can be found in Appendix 4 to Order of the Ministry of Finance 66n.

An example of filling out a simplified balance sheet for a simplified tax system

In the composition of the received funds, in particular, the following are shown: entrance (share) and membership fees, voluntary contributions from investors, targeted contributions for the acquisition (creation) of non-current assets, financial support for the implementation of target programs provided for in the NPO budget, donations in the form of cash and in kind, other receipts (clause 28 of Information of the Ministry of Finance of Russia PZ-1/2011). In a simplified form of the Report on the targeted use of funds, all received funds for targeted financing are shown with the division: - for contributions and other targeted receipts; — profit from income-generating activities; - other supply.

How to fill out a simplified form of a report on the intended use of funds


Old “profitable” errors can sometimes be corrected in the current period. If an organization discovers that in one of the previous reporting (tax) periods an error was made when calculating income tax, it can be corrected in the current period only if two conditions are met.< … Сдача СЗВ-М на директора-учредителя: ПФР определился Пенсионный фонд наконец-то поставил точку в спорах о необходимости представлять форму СЗВ-М в отношении руководителя-единственного учредителя. Так вот, на таких лиц нужно сдавать и СЗВ-М, и СЗВ-СТАЖ! < …

When paying for “children’s” sick leave, you will have to be more careful. A certificate of incapacity for caring for a sick child under 7 years of age will be issued for the entire period of illness without any time limits. But be careful: the procedure for paying for “children’s” sick leave remains the same!< …

Balance lines 2017: decoding

When paying the minimum tax, the indicator is indicated on line 280 of section 2.2 of the declaration according to the simplified tax system. · If the organization is on UTII, then the amount of UTII for all quarters is indicated. The indicator is indicated in brackets, no minus sign is used. 2400 “Net profit (loss)” Calculate the value as follows: line 2110 – line 2120 – line 2330 + line 2340 – line 2350 – line 2410 If the result obtained for “Net profit (loss)” comes out with a minus sign, then it must be written down in the report , taken in brackets, the minus is not indicated. If the resulting value is positive, then there is no need to put it in brackets.

Legislative framework Legislative act Contents Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 66n dated July 2, 2010 “On the forms of financial statements of an organization” PBU 4/99 “Accounting statements of organizations” Evaluate the quality of the article.

An example of filling out a balance sheet for 2016 in a simplified form

The code of the indicator that has the greatest share or completely forms the indicator of the line “Contributions and other targeted receipts” is determined in accordance with Appendix No. 4 to Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 2, 2010 No. 66n. When filling out this line, information on credit turnover for the reporting year in account 86 (analytical accounting accounts) is used: - entrance fees; — membership fees; — targeted contributions; — voluntary contributions; - donations. Line “Contributions and other targeted receipts” = Credit turnover on account 86 (analytical accounts for accounting: entrance, membership, targeted, voluntary contributions and donations) The indicator of the line “Contributions and other targeted receipts” for the same reporting period of the previous year is generally transferred from the Report on the intended use of funds for a given period.

The procedure for filling out the balance sheet in a simplified form. example


For companies engaged in such common activities as trade, transportation or construction, the lightweight version of the form reflects the results of financial activities quite fully. Do I need to report to individual entrepreneurs using a simplified form? Not necessarily, but if you wish, you can prepare reports in any form based on the data in the income (and expenses) ledger. Is it possible for NPOs to report in a simplified manner? Yes, instead of a report on financial results, NPOs fill out a simplified report on the use of targeted funds.

The lightweight version is much shorter. You can see how to correctly fill out the balance sheet of an NPO using the simplified tax system in the example (Fig. 1). How to make a simplified balance sheet for the simplified tax system for 2017: form and recommendations First, you need to close the accounting reporting period. To balance the balance, accounts 90, 91 and 99 are closed on December 31 of the reporting year - this is called reformation.

Line code for target funds in a simplified balance sheet

Simplified accounting and reporting are not related to taxation. It can be conducted by companies both using the simplified tax system and other modes, including the general one. This opportunity is provided to small businesses, non-profit organizations (except for foreign agents) and Skolkovo participants.
In the article we will answer the question of whether it is necessary to submit the balance sheet of an LLC under the simplified tax system in 2018, as well as individual entrepreneurs and non-profit organizations. Small businesses, according to Federal Law No. 209 dated July 24, 2007, in 2017 included organizations and individual entrepreneurs with a staff of up to 100 people and revenue excluding VAT of up to 800 million rubles. In this case, the organizational and legal form can be:

These rules do not apply to joint stock companies and they do not have the right to apply simplified accounting. And individual entrepreneurs are allowed not to keep accounting records at all and not to submit any financial reports (Article 6 No. 402-FZ).
You can immediately issue an explanatory note about the reasons for their occurrence. Enterprises and individual entrepreneurs using the simplified regime are not required to compile it in full. Losses can be explained by writing off overdue accounts receivable, etc.

Tax officials can also clarify your intentions to correct the situation. We remind you that an organization can switch to a simplified system by sending a notification about this to the Tax Office. A sample of filling out a notification about the transition to the simplified tax system from 2018 for individual entrepreneurs, given in the article on our portal, will help you do this.

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Small businesses can submit reports using simplified forms. They are given in Appendix No. 5 to Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 2, 2010 No. 66n.

The main criteria for classifying firms as small businesses are the number of employees and the firm’s revenue over the last two years. The number of employees should not exceed 100 people per year, and revenue - 400 million per year (Clause 1, Article 4 of the Federal Law of July 24, 2007 N 209-FZ).

Thus, small businesses can submit financial statements in a simplified manner, namely:

The procedure for filling out a balance sheet in a simplified form

You need to start filling out the balance from the header part, the so-called header. It contains all the same data as in the usual form: name of the company, type of activity, legal form or form of ownership. You can also draw up a simplified balance sheet in thousands or millions of rubles.

In the simplified form of the balance sheet, there are significantly fewer sections and indicators than in the standard form: five indicators in the asset and six in the liability. Their values ​​must be given for three years as of December 31.

The first indicator in the simplified balance sheet asset is line 1150 “Tangible non-current assets”. This line of the balance sheet contains information on the residual value of fixed assets, as well as data on unfinished capital investments in fixed assets.

The next line, “Intangible, financial and other non-current assets,” reflects information on intangible assets, research and development results, exploration assets, profitable investments in tangible assets, deferred tax assets and other non-current assets. This line can combine information from seven regular balance lines at once: 1110, 1120, 1130, 1140, 1160, 1180 and 1190.

Please note: in the enlarged lines of the balance sheet, you must put the code of the indicator that has the greatest share in this indicator (clause 5 of Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 2, 2010 N 66n).

For example, if in the line “Intangible, financial and other non-current assets” the majority of the total indicators are represented by intangible assets, then it is necessary to enter code 1110, but if the results of research and development - then 1120.

How to fill out each of the lines of the simplified balance sheet is written in the section dedicated to the regular balance sheet, so here and further we will not review filling out these lines.

The next two lines: “Inventories”, “Cash and cash equivalents” both by name and line codes correspond to lines 1210 and 1250 of the standard balance sheet.

Next is the line “Financial and other current assets”. It is intended to reflect information about current assets, with the exception of inventories, cash and cash equivalents. It reflects accounts receivable from customers, VAT amounts on purchased assets, cash and short-term financial investments (with a maturity not exceeding 12 months), as well as other current assets of the company.

Depending on the materiality of the indicator, this line may be assigned one of the codes: 1220 “VAT on acquired assets”, 1230 “Accounts receivable”, 1240 “Financial investments (except for cash equivalents)”, 1260 “Other current assets”.

In the last line of the balance sheet asset - 1600 "Balance" - enter the total amount of all balance sheet asset items.

The simplified balance sheet liability consists of six lines. The first line “Capital and reserves” indicates the aggregate data reflected in section. III "Capital and reserves" of the usual form of balance sheet.

The next two lines reflect information about long-term liabilities. Line 1410 “Long-term borrowed funds” indicates information about loans and borrowings whose repayment period exceeds 12 months.

In the last line of the liability balance 1700 "Balance" indicate the amount of all liability items.

If your company needs to explain some indicators of the balance sheet and income statement, then you also need to draw up explanations for them. They need to provide only the most important information, without which it is impossible to assess the financial condition of your company. As financiers indicated in the Information “Accounting statements of small businesses”, it is advisable to indicate in the explanations, for example:

Provisions of accounting policies that are necessary to explain the procedure for preparing the balance sheet and income statement (what method of accounting for income and expenses the company uses; whether deferred income tax is taken into account along with current tax, facts of prospective changes in accounting policies or prospective restatements when correcting significant errors and so on.);

Data on significant facts of economic life that are not disclosed by the balance sheet and financial performance statements. This may be information about significant transactions with owners (founders), such as accrual and payment of dividends, contributions to the authorized capital, etc.

Please note: small companies have the right, as before, to submit accounting (financial) statements in the usual forms. In this case, it is necessary to comply with the general requirements for accounting statements, which are established by PBU 4/99 “Accounting statements of an organization.”

Submission of simplified reporting forms is a right, not an obligation of firms. It is better to consolidate your decision in the accounting policy.

Example. Filling out the balance sheet

The LLC, registered in 2015, applies a simplified taxation system. The indicators of the accounting registers as of December 31, 2015 are shown in the table.


Balances (Kt - credit, Dt - debit) on accounts
accounting as of December 31, 2015

Amount, rub.

Amount, rub.

Based on the available data, the accountant compiled a balance sheet for 2015 in a simplified form:

Since the company was registered in 2015, in the last two columns of each balance sheet form there are dashes instead of indicators.

We will give explanations on filling out balance lines.


Index lines 1110 The accountant defined “intangible assets” as follows: the credit balance of the account is subtracted from the debit balance of the account.

In total we get 96,660 rubles. (RUB 100,000 - RUB 3,340). All values ​​on the balance sheet are in whole thousands, so line 1110 shows 97.

Index lines 1150“Fixed assets” is defined as follows: debit account balance - account credit balance. Result - 579,960 rubles. (RUB 600,000 - RUB 20,040). 580 is recorded in the balance.

IN line 1170“Financial investments” the debit balance of the account is entered - 150 thousand rubles. (that is, it is considered that all investments are long-term).

Total for summary line 1100: 827 thousand rubles. (97 thousand rubles (line 1110) + 580 thousand rubles (line 1150) + 150 thousand rubles (line 1170)).

Now it’s the turn of current assets. The value of line 1210 "Inventories" is defined as follows: debit account balance + debit account balance. Result - 107 thousand rubles. (17 thousand rubles + 90 thousand rubles).

Index lines 1220“Value added tax on acquired assets” is equal to the debit balance of the account, so the accountant added 6 thousand rubles to the balance sheet.

Index lines 1250"Cash and cash equivalents" is found by adding the debit account balance and the debit account balance. Result - 265 thousand rubles. (15 thousand rubles + 250 thousand rubles). The line contains 265.

Summary result line 1200: 378 thousand rubles. (107 thousand rubles (line 1210) + 6 thousand rubles (line 1220) + 265 thousand rubles (line 1250)).

According to the final line 1600 the sum of the indicators of lines 1100 and 1200 is shown. That is, 1205 thousand rubles. (827 thousand rubles + 378 thousand rubles).

The remaining lines of column 4 are filled with dashes.

Thus, in a simplified balance sheet:

The cost of fixed assets is 580 thousand rubles. The accountant reflected it under the item “Tangible non-current assets”. The specified line code is 1150.

Intangible assets (97 thousand rubles) are shown in the line “Intangible, financial and other non-current assets”. This also includes financial investments (the accountant considered that they are all long-term) in the amount of 150 thousand rubles. The final line indicator is 247 thousand rubles. (97 thousand rubles + 150 thousand rubles). Since the share of financial investments in the indicator is greater than the share of intangible assets, the line code is set to 1170 (for the indicator “Financial investments”).

The “Inventories” line contains the same indicator that the accountant calculated for the general balance sheet form, since the rules for calculating and filling out this line are the same. That is, 107 thousand rubles are reflected in this line. And the code was set to 1210.

The line “Cash and cash equivalents” includes only cash in the amount of 265 thousand rubles. The line code is 1250.

Of the current assets that were not reflected in the above balance sheet lines, the value added tax remained, so the accountant entered its amount (6 thousand rubles) in the line “Financial and other current assets” (line code - 1260).

The final indicator of the asset division (line 1600) is equal to the sum of completed lines 1150, 1170, 1210, 1250 and 1260.


And now the balance sheet liability. The authorized and reserve capital, as well as retained earnings, are reflected in one line “Capital and reserves”. The line amount is 210 thousand rubles. (50 thousand rubles + 10 thousand rubles + 150 thousand rubles). The line code is assigned to the indicator that has the largest share in the aggregated indicator. This is retained earnings. Therefore the line code is 1370.

account credit balance + account credit balance + account credit balance + account credit balance. Result - 995 thousand rubles. (150 thousand rubles + 506 thousand rubles + 89 thousand rubles + 250 thousand rubles).

In the remaining lines of column 3 of the liability there are dashes, since there are no indicators to fill out. In column 2 it is permissible to do the same. Or you can specify the code corresponding to the indicator, which is what the accountant did.

The total indicator of the liability section (line 1700) is equal to the sum of lines 1370 and 1520.

Let's compare the indicators of lines 1600 and 1700. In both lines the value is 1205 thousand rubles. The balance is correct, which means the form can be considered filled out correctly.

To submit an accounting report for 2016, you need to use a new form to submit information about the company’s balance sheet. This article publishes how to correctly fill out this form line by line, as well as a specific example of a fully completed document


Accounting structure for 2016

Accounting reporting documentation for 2016 is transferred by companies to two services at their location:



For the current year 2016, the following accounting reports are submitted:

    balance sheet;

    income statement;

    attachments to the two named reports (depending on the situation, these may be reports relating to changes in capital, financial movements, and the intended use of funds).

The legislation also provides that explanations can be added to the accounting records, which are presented in the form of texts or tables. But the auditor's report must be attached without fail. It contains confirmation of the accuracy of all accounting documents. But this is done in the case when the company is subject to an audit - Federal Law, Law No. 402, Article 13, paragraph 10.

Non-profit companies also submit accounting reports, the structure of which is as follows:

  • targeted use of funds;

    attachments to mandatory reports.

For individual entrepreneurs, there is no need to submit such accounting reports. For small businesses, it is possible to submit accounting reports in a simplified version. Here are its main nuances:

    The balance sheet immediately includes reporting data on financial performance, but without detail.

    The appendices contain only the information that is needed to assess the financial position of a given company or to assess its financial performance.

If there is no information to complete the above applications, only the required forms are filled out - a balance sheet and financial results report. These rules are confirmed by the following official documents:

    order No. 66n (clause 6);

    letter No. 03-02-07/1-80 of the Ministry of Finance of our state;

    information No. PZ-3/2010 of the Ministry of Finance (clause 17).

When should the balance sheet for the current year 2016 be submitted?

Accounting statements for the annual period are submitted by firms to the local tax service within 3 months from the end of the reporting period, that is, a year - Tax Code, Article No. 23 (clause 1, subclause 5). This report is submitted to the statistical service within the same time frame - Federal Law, Law No. 402, Article 18 (clause 2).

A reporting document containing information about the company’s balance sheet for 2016 is submitted to the relevant departments of local services by March 31 of the following year (in our case, 2017). Interim accounting reports, which are prepared by the company for the convenience of accounting, do not need to be submitted to the tax and statistical services.

Blank report forms (current for 2016-2017)

Download blank forms for filling out a balance sheet:

Features of the simplified form of financial reporting for the current year 2016

Simplified accounting (financial) reporting includes a Balance Sheet, a Statement of Financial Results and a Report on the Purposeful Use of Funds. The following key dates are used for the 2016 report:

In the simplified form of the balance sheet, two mandatory parts are filled in:

    asset - non-current and circulating quantities;

    liability - the amount of your capital, borrowed finance, accounts payable.

The final results for these sections are recorded in C1600 and C1700, and their digital values ​​must be equal to each other. The remaining lines also have their own encoding, which is entered in an additional column (this is entered into the report independently). This coding is affixed to the digital indicator, which has the largest share in the aggregated indicator - order No. 66n (clause 5).

The consolidated items of the balance sheet according to the simplified tax system for 2016 include:

1. Tangible non-current assets (fixed funds + unfinished capital investments in them). 1. Capital and reserves (authorized capital + additional and reserve capital + retained earnings + uncovered loss + revaluation of fixed assets (intangible assets) + own shares (which were purchased for subsequent cancellation) or shares of the founders).
2. Intangible, financial non-current assets (intangible assets + long-term funds, including research results, unfinished investments in intangible assets, research). 2. Long-term borrowed funds (money received as a result of loans or long-term loans).
3. Inventories (the same item exists in the general version of the balance sheet). 3. Short-term borrowed funds (money received from short-term loans or credits).
4. Cash and equivalents (the same item exists in the general version of the balance sheet). 4. Accounts payable (a digital indicator of the amount of short-term debt a company has to creditors).
5. Financial and other current assets (short-term investments + accounts receivable + other assets). 5. Other obligations (short-term and long-term).

Features of the general form of the balance sheet for 2016

The specifics of the general form of the balance sheet are presented in Order No. 66n, namely in Appendix No. 1 to it. This form can also be used by small businesses, although a simplified version of this report has been developed for them.

The balance sheet for this form also contains several columns that should reflect indicators for the following dates (for 2016):

Let us now consider all the nuances for each column separately.

No. 1 - the number of the explanation to the balance sheet is indicated (if there is an explanatory note),

No. 3 - additionally added column for line-by-line encoding.

Like the simplified form, the general one has two main parts:

    Asset - reflects the size of all assets, both current and non-current.

    Liability - reflects the amount of your own capital + borrowed funds + accounts payable.

Let's break down the balance sheet by section:

Section No. 1 - non-current assets.

Intangible assets. C1110 prescribes the residual value of intangible assets (in accordance with Order No. 153n of the Ministry of Finance of our state, namely with paragraph No. 3 of PBU 14/2007).

Intangible assets include those that meet the following criteria:

    ability to generate economic benefits;

    possibility of identification (separation/separation) from other assets;

    intended for use over a long period of time (over 12 months);

    reliable determination of the initial cost of the object (in fact);

    there is no material form available.

Example: if the above conditions coincide, then the object is classified as an intangible type of asset - these are works of science, literature, art, various inventions, secret developments, trademarks, etc. In addition, they can also include business reputation, which may appear when purchasing a company as a property complex (although this may only be part of it).

Experts recommend paying attention to the following nuance: intangible assets cannot include expenses that are associated with the organization of the company itself (legal entity), the quality of the company’s personnel - intellectual and business, qualifications and attitude to work - PBU 14/2007, paragraph 4.

C1120 - results of research and development, which are recorded in account “04” (intangible assets).

C1130 - C1140 - indicators of exploration assets, both tangible and intangible (for companies that are users of subsoil, they reflect in these lines the costs used for the development of natural resources - PBU 24/2011, in accordance with Order No. 125n of the Ministry of Finance of our state) .

C1150 - basic type products. This line includes an indicator of the residual value of funds of the main type for depreciable objects, and for a non-depreciable object - an indicator of the initial cost. Those assets that are classified as funds of the main type must necessarily comply with PBU 6/01 (clause 4), according to Order No. 26n of the Ministry of Finance. The named objects are necessarily owned by the company or have the right of operational management or management. Funds of the main type also include property that a company receives on the basis of a leasing agreement and is subsequently recorded on the balance sheet of the recipient of this lease. Those objects that fall under mandatory registration as property rights also belong to the main type of funds (as soon as they are taken into account on the company’s balance sheet).

It is worth paying attention to the fact that in this section there is no reflection of expenses for the construction of real estate - the line “Construction in progress”. These expenses are entered in this line C1150 - PBU 4/99 (clause 20), in accordance with Order No. 43n of the Ministry of Finance. Although you can add an additional line to decipher expenses for unfinished construction.

C1160 - information about profitable investments in materiel. These, first of all, include the residual value of property that is rented out (that is, leasing), with subsequent accounting in account “03”. In the case when this property was used in connection with other production needs, and after that it will be rented out, then it is reflected in a separate subaccount of account “01” - the composition of funds of the main type. But the transfer of the cost of funds of the main type into profitable investments and vice versa is not carried out - letter No. GV-6-21/418@ Federal Tax Service (dated 05.19.05).

C1170 - financial investments of a long-term nature (for a period of more than 12 months), short-term ones are reflected in C1240 - this is section No. 2, line “Current assets”. Long-term investments include investments in subsidiaries. Financial investments are taken into account in the amount that was spent to acquire them. At the same time, the cost of their shares, which were purchased from the company’s shareholders for their subsequent resale or cancellation (C1320) + interest-free loans that are issued to the company’s workers, should not be classified as financial investments (C1190 - long-term type, C1230 - short-term type) - PBU 19 /02 (clause 3), in accordance with order No. 126n of the Ministry of Finance (dated 12/10/02).

C1180 - deferred tax assets must be contributed by income tax taxpayers (for the simplified tax system - “-”).

C1190 - indicators for other non-current assets, if they have not yet been included in other lines of section No. 1.

Section No. 2 - current assets.

C1210 is a digital indicator of the cost of inventories of a material nature; its decoding is required in the case when these indicators are included in C1210 (that is, they are significant). To decrypt, you need to add the following lines:

    materials/raw materials;

    costs of work in progress;

    products in finished form, as well as goods for subsequent resale;

    shipped goods.

C1220 is a digital indicator of value added tax, which is charged on purchased values. For those who work under the “simplified” system, filling out this line must be consistent with the company’s accounting policy, namely the amount of “input” VAT (reflected on account “19”), while such companies cannot be independent VAT payers - Tax Code , article No. 346.11 (clause 2).

C1230 - short-term receivables are registered, which require repayment within one year.

C1240 - financial investments, other than cash equivalents (loans provided to the company for a period of less than 12 months). When determining the current market value of investments, you must use all available information, including information from foreign trade organizers - letter No. 07-02-18/01 of the Ministry of Finance (dated January 29, 2009). If such a determination of the market value for an object that has already been assessed previously cannot be possible, then the value indicator is recorded based on the last assessment result.

The line “Cash and investments” sums up the digital indicators of the value of cash equivalents (the balance of the subaccount of account “58”) + account balances (accounts “50”, “51”, “52”, “55” and “57”). More information about cash equivalents can be found in the Regulations - PBU 23/2011, which is approved by Order No. 11n of the Ministry of Finance of our state (dated 02/02/11). For example, these are demand deposits that are opened in credit institutions.

C1260 - other current assets that were not included in other lines of this section No. 2.

Section No. 3 - capital and reserves.

C1310 - indicator of the amount of authorized capital:

    share capital;

    authorized capital;

    friendly contributions.

The digital indicator for this line must coincide with the indicator recorded in the constituent documentation of the company.

C1320 - your shares or shares of the founders, previously purchased from the company’s shareholders, but not for sale (those that will subsequently be resold are included in C1260). They must be cancelled, resulting in a reduction in the authorized capital. Therefore, this indicator is written in parentheses, since it has a negative value.

C1340 - shows the revaluation of non-current assets. This is an additional valuation of objects that belong to fixed assets + intangible assets (account “83” - additional capital).

C1350 is a digital indicator of the amount of the additional indicator (it is taken without the revaluation amount from C1340).

C1360 - indicator of the reserve fund balance. Reserves include:

    those that were formed at the request of the legislative system of our state;

    those created according to constituent documents.

Decoding is not needed only if the listed indicators do not have a significant impact.

C1370 - shows the company’s accumulated profit over all years, which has not been distributed, and also includes an uncovered loss with a negative indicator.

The components of these indicators can be described in additionally added lines (this will be the decoding of financial performance - profit/loss).

Section No. 4 - long-term liabilities.

C1410 - long-term borrowed funds (that is, the repayment period is more than one year).

C1420 - income tax payers record information about deferred tax liabilities (those who work under the simplified tax system put “-”).

C1430 - estimated liabilities are recorded when the company recognizes them when maintaining accounting records - PBU 8/2010 (in accordance with Order No. 167n of the Ministry of Finance). This does not apply to small businesses.

C1450 - other long-term obligations that were not included in this section No. 4.

Section No. 5 - short-term liabilities.

C1510 - debt on borrowed funds of a short-term nature (that is, those that were taken out for a period of up to one year). This value should be reflected taking into account interest that must be paid at the end of the reporting period.

C1520 is a digital indicator of the total amount of debt on a short-term loan.

C1530 - information on income for future reporting periods. But this must be provided for in accounting regulations. Let's look at an example: a company receives certain amounts of money from the budget or amounts of targeted financing. Such finances are accounted for as deferred income. These are accounts “98” and “86” - PBU 13/200 (paragraphs 9 and 20), in accordance with order No. 92n of the Ministry of Finance of our state.

C1540 is a short-term estimated liability (similar to C1430), that is, filling occurs only when such liabilities are officially recognized in the accounting of the company itself.

C1550 - other short-term obligations that have not yet been included in other lines of section No. 5.

Information table: summary of balance sheet lines (general form)

Section number, name

Line by line encoding


No. 1 - non-current assets

Dt04 (without R&D expenses) - Kt05

Dt04 (R&D expenses)

Dt08 (expenses for intangible search costs)

Dt08 (expenses for material search costs)

Dt01 - Kt02 (depreciation of fixed assets) + Dt08 (expenses for construction in progress)

Dt03 - Kt02 (depreciation of income-type investments)

Dt58 + Dt 55 (sub-account “Deposit accounts”) + Dt73 (sub-account “Settlements on loans provided) - Kt59 (reserve for long-term financial investments)

A digital indicator of the value of non-current assets, which are not taken into account in other lines of section No. 1

No. 2 - current assets

The sum of the debit balances of the following accounts: 10, 11, 20, 21, 23, 28, 29, 43, 44, 45 + Dt41-Kt42+Dt15+Dt16 (or Dt15-Kt16)- Kt14+Dt97 (short-term expenses)

Dt62+Dt60+Dt68+Dt69+Dt70+Dt71+Dt73 (not counting interest-bearing loans) +Dt75+Dt76-Kt63

Dt58+Dt55 (sub-account “Deposit accounts”) + Dt73 (sub-account “Settlements on loans granted”) - Kt59 (reserve for short-term financial investments)

Dt50+Dt51+Dt52+Dt55+Dt57-Dt55 (sub-account “Deposit accounts”)

Indicator of the value of current assets that were not included in section No. 2

S1200 (result for section No. 2)

Sum of lines: C1210 to C1260

S1600 (balance)

No. 3 - capital and reserves

Kt83 (amounts of additional valuation of fixed assets and intangible assets)

Kt83 (without amounts of additional valuation of fixed assets and intangible assets)

S1300 (result for section No. 3)

Sum of lines: from C1310 to C137 (the negative indicator of the result obtained is taken in brackets)

No. 4 - long-term obligations

Kt67 (excludes accrued interest, which at the time of drawing up the report has a maturity of up to one year, they are shown in C1510)

Kt96 (only long-term estimated liabilities are taken into account)

Long-term debt that was not reflected in other lines of section No. 4

С1400 (result for section No. 4)

Sum of digital indicators of lines: from C1410 to C1450

No. 5 - short-term liabilities

Kt66+Kt67 (this takes into account accrued interest with a repayment period of up to one year)

Kt60+Kt62+Kt76+Kt68+Kt69+Kt70+Kt71+Kt73+Kt75 (only short-term debt is taken into account)

Kt98+Kt86 (for targeted funding from the budget)

Kt96 (only short-term estimated liabilities)

Amounts of digital indicators of debts for short-term obligations that were not taken into account in other lines of section No. 5

С1500 (result for section No. 5)

Sum of line indicators: from C1510 to C1550

S1700 (balance)


If all data is entered correctly, the digital indicators of the following lines will be equal: C1600 = C1700. If the result does not match, then there is an error in the balance sheet.

An example of filling out a balance sheet form for the simplified tax system for 2016 (with a sample)

The Nadezhda company was registered as a limited liability company in the current year 2016. At the same time, she works in a “simplified” manner. We know the following data that will be required to complete the balance sheet:

An employee of the accounting department of Nadezhda LLC filled out the balance sheet form for 2016 using two forms - general and simplified.

The following key points will be common in filling out:

    full company name;

    type of main activity;

    organizational and legal form;

    type of ownership;

    a unit of measurement that is not involved in calculations has been crossed out (in our case, all indicators are measured in thousands of rubles);

    location of the company (its exact address);

    coding system.

Dash marks are placed in both forms in the last two columns, since the Nadezhda company went through the registration procedure in the current year 2016. Therefore, only column No. 4 needs to be filled in, because the company is a newly created one. Information is recorded here as of December 31 of the reporting year (in our case, 2016).

Additionally, you should add column No. 3, in which the line-by-line encoding is recorded.

C1110 - intangible assets: Dt account “04” minus Kt account “05” = 100 thousand rubles - 3 thousand 340 rubles = 96 thousand 660 rubles (but since all digital indicators must be in the form of an integer, the number “ 97").

C1150 - funds of the main type: Dt account “01” minus Kt account “02” = 600 thousand rubles - 20 thousand 40 rubles = 579 thousand 960 rubles (the figure “580” is entered in the report).

C1170 - financial investments: Dt account “58” = 150 thousand rubles (such an investment will be of a long-term type).

C1100 - summary total: C1110+C1150+C1170=97 thousand rubles+580 thousand rubles+150 thousand rubles = 827 thousand rubles.

Entering data on current assets:

C1210 - inventories: Dt account “10” + Dt account “43” = 17 thousand rubles + 90 thousand rubles = 107 thousand rubles.

C1220 - VAT on purchased valuables: Dt account “19” = 6 thousand rubles.

C1250 - cash and equivalents: Dt account “50” + Dt account “51” = 15 thousand rubles + 250 thousand rubles = 265 thousand rubles.

C1200 - summary total: C1210+C1220+C1250=107 thousand rubles + 6 thousand rubles + 265 thousand rubles = 378 thousand rubles.

C1600 - total: C1100 + C1200 = 827 thousand rubles + 378 thousand rubles = 1205 thousand rubles.

All other lines in column No. 4 have “-”.

Now the sequence of filling out liabilities in the balance sheet.

C1310 - authorized capital: Account CT “80” = 50 thousand rubles.

C1360 - reserve capital: Account CT “82” = 10 thousand rubles.

C1370 - retained earnings and uncovered loss: Account CT “84” = 150 thousand rubles (since the indicator has a positive sign, it is not taken into brackets).

C1300 - summary total: C1310+C1360+C1370=50 + 10 + 150 = 210 thousand rubles.

C1520 - short-term accounts payable: Account credit “60” + Account credit “62” + Account credit “70” = 150 + 506 + 89 + 250 = 995 thousand rubles.

C1500 duplicates the C1520 indicator (this is due to the fact that the other lines of this section No. 5 remain unfilled).

C1700 - summary total: C1300+C1500=210+995=1205 thousand rubles.

The remaining passive lines have a “-” because there is no relevant information available.

The results of C1600 and C1700 are equal, this is 1205 thousand rubles. Since the balance in the report is correct, it means that the data was entered without errors.

Column No. 2 was added by the accounting employee himself in order to enter line-by-line coding into it. And column No. 3 contains digital indicators.

C1150 - cost of basic type funds = 580 thousand rubles.

C1170 - financial investments and non-current intangible assets: 97+150= 247 thousand rubles.

C1210 - inventories = 107 thousand rubles.

C1250 - cash and equivalents = 265 thousand rubles.

C1260 - current assets that are not included in other lines = 6 thousand rubles.

С1600 - summary result of the asset division: С1150+С1170+С1210+С1250+С1260.

Now let's look at the liability side of the balance sheet.

C1370 - retained earnings in the line “Capital and reserves”: 50+10+150=210 thousand rubles (calculated according to the indicator that has the largest share in the aggregated indicator).

C1520 - short-term accounts payable = 995 thousand rubles.

The other lines of column No. 3 remain with “-” because the information is missing. In column No. 2 you can also put “-” or enter the encoding corresponding to the indicator.

C1700 - total for liabilities: C1370+C1520.

Since when reconciling the results of the final lines - C1600 and C1700, we get the same number - 1205 thousand rubles, then the balance sheet is filled out correctly.

These forms are signed by a senior employee of the Nadezhda company. After this, the date of signing the documents is indicated.


Is it possible that Simplified accounting is provided on the old forms, Form for KND 0710096, and not on Form for KND 0710099

Drawing up a balance sheet is essentially transferring the balances of the accounting accounts to the lines provided for them. Therefore, to correctly draw up a balance sheet, you need not only to keep accounting records correctly and in full, but also to know which accounting accounts are reflected in which line of the balance sheet.

During the consultation, we will provide a breakdown of all the lines of the balance sheet. In this case, we will detail the balance sheet lines according to the most typical accounts, which are reflected on such lines. After all, the procedure for drawing up financial statements in general and the balance sheet in particular, as well as the reflection of certain indicators, is influenced by the characteristics of the organization’s activities and its activities.

By the way, we showed how to draw up a balance sheet in a separate example. And we talked about the content and structure of the balance sheet in another. Let us remind you that the current form of the balance sheet submitted to the tax inspectorate and statistical authorities was approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance dated July 2, 2010 No. 66n.

Explanation of balance sheet asset lines

Indicator name Code Algorithm for calculating the indicator
Intangible assets 1110 04 “Intangible assets”, 05 “Amortization of intangible assets” D04 (excluding R&D expenses) - K05
Research and development results 1120 04 D04 (in terms of R&D expenses)
Intangible search assets 1130 08 “Investments in non-current assets”, 05 D08 - K05 (all regarding intangible exploration assets)
Material prospecting assets 1140 08, 02 “Depreciation of fixed assets” D08 - K02 (all regarding material exploration assets)
Fixed assets 01 “Fixed assets”, 02 D01 - K02 (except for depreciation of fixed assets accounted for in account 03 “Income-generating investments in tangible assets”
Profitable investments in material assets 1160 03, 02 D03 - K02 (except for depreciation of fixed assets accounted for on account 01)
Financial investments 1170 58 “Financial investments”, 55-3 “Deposit accounts”, 59 “Provisions for impairment of financial investments”, 73-1 “Settlements on loans provided” D58 - K59 (in terms of long-term financial investments) + D73-1 (in terms of long-term interest-bearing loans)
Deferred tax assets 1180 09 “Deferred tax assets” D09
Other noncurrent assets 1190 07 “Equipment for installation”, 08, 97 “Deferred expenses” D07 + D08 (except for exploration assets) + D97 (in terms of expenses with a write-off period of more than 12 months after the reporting date)

10 “Materials”, 11 “Animals for growing and fattening”, 14 “Reserves for reducing the cost of material assets”, 15 “Procurement and acquisition of material assets”, 16 “Deviation in the cost of material assets”, 20 “Main production”, 21 “Semi-finished products own production”, 23 “Auxiliary production”, 28 “Defects in production”, 29 “Service production and facilities”, 41 “Goods”, 42 “Trade margin”, 43 “Finished products”, 44 “Sales expenses”, 45 “Goods shipped”, 97

D10 + D11 - K14 + D15 + D16 + D20 + D21 + D23 + D28 + D29 + D41 - K42 + D43 + D44 + D45 + D97 (for expenses with a write-off period of no more than 12 months after the reporting date)
Value added tax on purchased assets 1220 19 “Value added tax on acquired assets” D19
Accounts receivable 1230 46 “Completed stages of work in progress”, 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors”, 62 “Settlements with buyers and customers”, 63 “Provisions for doubtful debts”, 68 “Settlements for taxes and duties”, 69 “Settlements for social insurance and security", 70 "Settlements with personnel for wages", 71 "Settlements with accountable persons", 73 "Settlements with personnel for other operations", 75 "Settlements with founders", 76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors" D46 + D60 + D62 - K63 + D68 + D69 + D70 + D71 + D73 (except for interest-bearing loans accounted for in subaccount 73-1) + D75 + D76 ​​(minus VAT calculations reflected in the accounts for advances issued and received)
Financial investments (excluding cash equivalents) 1240 58, 55-3, 59, 73-1 D58 - K59 (in terms of short-term financial investments) + D55-3 + D73-1 (in terms of short-term interest-bearing loans)
Cash and cash equivalents 50 “Cash”, 51 “Current accounts”, 52 “Currency accounts”, 55 “Special bank accounts”, 57 “Transfers in transit”, D50 (except for subaccount 50-3) + D51 + D52 + D55 (except for the balance of subaccount 55-3) + D57
Other current assets 1260

50-3 “Cash documents”, 94 “Shortages and losses from damage to valuables”

D50-3 + D94

Passive balance: decoding lines

Indicator name Code Which account data is used? Algorithm for calculating the indicator
Authorized capital (share capital
capital, authorized capital, contributions of partners)
1310 80 “Authorized capital” K80
Own shares purchased from shareholders 1320 81 “Own shares (shares)” D81 (in parentheses)
Revaluation of non-current assets 1340 83 “Additional capital” K83 (in terms of amounts of additional valuation of non-current assets)
Additional capital (without revaluation) 1350 83 K83 (except for amounts of additional valuation of non-current assets)
Reserve capital 1360 82 “Reserve capital” K82
Retained earnings (uncovered loss) 99 “Profits and losses”, 84 “Retained earnings (uncovered loss)” Or K99 + ​​K84
Or D99 + D84 (the result is reflected in parentheses)
Or K84 - D99 (if the value is negative, it is reflected in parentheses)
Or K99 - D84 (same)
Borrowed funds 1410 67 “Calculations for long-term loans and borrowings” K67 (in terms of debt with a maturity date of more than 12 months at the reporting date)
Deferred tax liabilities 1420 77 “Deferred tax liabilities” K77
Estimated liabilities 1430 96 “Reserves for future expenses” K96 (in terms of estimated liabilities with a maturity period of more than 12 months after the reporting date)
Other obligations 1450 60, 62, 68, 69, 76, 86 “Targeted financing” K60 + K62 + K68 + K69 + K76 + K86 (all in terms of long-term debt)
Borrowed funds 1510 66 “Calculations for short-term loans and borrowings”, 67 K66 + K67 (in terms of debt with a maturity of no more than 12 months as of the reporting date)
Accounts payable 60, 62, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 75, 76 K60 + K62 + K68 + K69 + K70 + K71 + K73 + K75 + K76 (in terms of short-term debt, minus VAT calculations reflected in the accounts on advances issued and received)
revenue of the future periods 1530 98 “Deferred income” K98
Estimated liabilities 1540 96 K96 (in terms of estimated liabilities with a maturity date of no more than 12 months after the reporting date)
Other obligations 1550 86 K86 (in terms of short-term liabilities)

The simplified taxation system is special mode, possible for use among small and medium-sized businesses and exempt from paying a number of taxes.

Who works for the simplified tax system in 2018

The application of a simplified regime by organizations and individual entrepreneurs is possible in the case when a number of requirements:

The transition to a simplified taxation regime is possible after submitting an application to the Federal Tax Service: within 30 days from the moment of termination of activity with payment of UTII and until the end of the current year in other cases.

In addition, you should summarize the income received for the first 3 quarters of the current year: they should be no more than a fixed amount of 112500000 rubles. Until 2017, the limit was calculated as multiplying the deflator coefficient by the income limit established for the previous period. Since the beginning of 2017 The deflator must be frozen, and from 2020 it will be equal to one.

In case of non-compliance with any requirement, the business entity loses the right to apply the simplified tax system and is obliged to switch to the general taxation regime from the beginning of the quarter in which the violation occurred.

The balance sheet, as one of the reporting forms of the simplified regime, must be submitted to the Federal Tax Service and the Rosstat body until April 1 of next year. Failure to submit the reporting form is fraught with administrative liability: fine 200 rubles for an overdue document for tax and up to 5000 rubles for statistical authorities.

A distinctive feature of the simplified balance is reflection of financial information enlarged: Each row contains the aggregate information of an entire group of items. Rounded values ​​are indicated in thousands or millions of rubles.

The balance formed by the simplifier contains two sections– active and passive articles. Assets characterizes the subject’s property, its composition and value. Passive in turn, reveals the sources through which the property was acquired. An indispensable condition is the equality of assets and liabilities.

The document is formed on an accrual basis as of the reporting date in dynamic comparison with data from similar periods of previous years: the 2018 balance sheet will contain information as of the end of the current year, December 31, 2017 and 2016.

Before drawing up form 0710001, it is necessary to close (reform) accounts 90, 91 and 99 with the formation of a final balance, which will subsequently serve as the basis for the balance sheet.

Line codes and their decoding

The balance sheet reporting form provides column "Code", filled out based on the data of Order No. 66n. It is necessary to indicate the code of the indicator that has the largest share of the group of articles. Reporting form 0710001 is divided into lines:

Step by step filling

Let's look at the algorithm for creating a balance sheet using the example of Uproshchenets LLC. The organization has been operating since January 1, 2017 and applies the simplified tax system. In the process of preparing financial statements for 2017, the company’s accountant must make the following actions.

Create a balance sheet as of December 31, 2017; account balances are to be posted across balance sheet lines.

Dt 01599900 Dt 4385000 Kt 6980000
Kt 0220140 Dt 5010000 Kt 70259000
Dt 04100340 Dt 51255000 Kt 8055000
Kt 053000 Dt 58150000 Kt 8215000
Dt 1022000 Kt 60155000 Kt 84140000
Dt 196000 Kt 62/advance500620

Based on balance sheet balances, determine asset indicators taking into account following rules:

  • line 1150 is defined as the difference between the value of non-current assets and the depreciation accrued on them: Dt 01 - Kt 02 = 580 thousand rubles;
  • line 1170 includes the amount of intangible assets minus depreciation and the amount of financial investments: (Dt 04 - Kt 05) + Dt 58 = 247 thousand rubles;
  • line 1210. It should reflect the cost of the enterprise’s material assets and finished products produced: Dt 10 + Dt 43 = 107 thousand rubles;
  • line 1230 contains the amount of VAT paid when purchasing goods, works, services from the supplier: Dt 19 = 6 thousand rubles;
  • line 1250 is formed by summing the funds at the cash desk and in current bank accounts: Dt 50 + Dt 51 = 265 thousand rubles;
  • line 1600, according to which the book value of current and non-current assets amounted to 1205 thousand rubles;

Determination of indicators of the passive section of the balance sheet:

  • line 1370 includes the amount of authorized and reserve capital, as well as the organization’s retained earnings: Kt 80 + Kt 82 + Kt 84 = 210 thousand rubles. (the line code is determined by the indicator that has the largest share in the group of items - retained earnings);
  • line 1520 contains the remaining account balances - the amount of accounts payable to suppliers and employees, advances received from customers, as well as obligations to pay insurance premiums: Kt 60 + Kt 62/advances + Kt 69 + Kt 70 = 995 thousand rubles;

Comparison of data in lines 1600 and 1700: the asset and liability of Uproshchenets LLC is equal to 1205 thousand rubles, which means the balance is correct.

Since Uproshchenets LLC was registered in 2017, the balance sheet columns for the previous 2 years will not be filled in. Empty cells should be filled with dashes. Subsequently, when filling out these columns, the data should be taken from previous reporting forms adopted by regulatory authorities.

The simplified balance sheet visually looks like this:

Zero balance

Temporary suspension of activities does not release the enterprise from the obligation to provide financial statements. Must be provided to Rosstat and the territorial tax office. Otherwise, regulatory authorities have the right to apply sanctions to the debtor in the form of penalties and blocking of a bank account.

It should be noted that the balance cannot be zero even if activities are stopped. At a minimum, it reflects the authorized capital of the organization in lines 1300 of liabilities and 1250 of assets. If for some reason it is not contributed by the founders, then the assets of the balance sheet reflect the receivables of the founders on line 1230. The remaining lines are entered dashes.

Even if they operate under the rules of a special regime, entities are not required to use simplified forms for reporting. In addition to the balance sheet and income statement, they have the right to draw up other documents in the form of appendices and explanations, if this method of reflecting information is more convenient.

How to prepare reports for the simplified tax system in 1C - in this video.



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