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Natural areas of the world. The surrounding world is “natural zones”. Learning new material

1. Get acquainted with the map of natural zones of Russia. Compare it with the physical map of our country. What do the different colors represent on a map of natural areas?

Answer. On the physical map of Russia we see the relief of our country - mountains, plains, minerals, nature reserves and national parks.

On the map of natural zones of Russia, different natural zones are indicated in different colors.

2. Determine from the map what natural areas there are in Russia.

Answer. Natural zones of Russia: arctic deserts, tundra, forest-tundra, taiga, mixed forests, deciduous forests, forest-steppes, steppes, subtropical forests, semi-deserts and deserts.

3. Make a guess why natural zones change. Test yourself using the textbook text.

Answer. The change in natural zones occurs due to uneven heating of different parts of the Earth by the Sun. More heat occurs at the Earth's equator, least of all at the North and South Poles. At the poles, the sun's rays hit the Earth obliquely. They slide along the surface of the Earth and slightly heat it. The further south they go, the more vertically they fall to the Earth and heat it up more.

Different zones of the globe receive a certain amount of heat, light, and moisture. These conditions define individual zones with their own special climate.

The change of natural zones from north to south can be seen on the plains, and in the mountains nature changes with altitude. This phenomenon is called altitudinal zonality.

P. 75. Test yourself

1. List the main natural zones of Russia.

Answer. The main natural zones of Russia are arctic deserts, tundra, taiga, mixed and broad-leaved forests, steppes, deserts, subtropics, high-altitude regions..

2. Why do natural zones change?

Answer. A natural zone is a large territory with common temperature and moisture conditions, soils, flora and fauna. The formation of natural zones is associated with changes in the ratio of heat and moisture on the Earth's surface.

The location of natural zones is closely related to climatic zones. Like climate zones, they naturally replace each other from the equator to the poles due to a decrease in solar heat reaching the Earth's surface and uneven moisture.

3. Why are mountain areas indicated separately on the map of natural areas?

Answer. Because in the mountains, natural areas change as you rise in height. Below, at the foot, there may be a forest zone or a steppe zone, but rising higher and higher we gradually find ourselves in the tundra zone, and then in the icy zone if the mountains are high enough.

Homework assignment.

Get ready to talk about Russia using a map of natural areas.

Answer. A natural zone is a territory that is determined by uniform climatic conditions, soil characteristics, vegetation and fauna.

The northernmost is the zone of arctic deserts. It is located in the very north of Russia, on the islands of the Arctic Ocean. Most of the territory is covered by glaciers.

The tundra zone is located along the coast of the Arctic Ocean.

Forest-tundra is a transition zone from the harsh tundra to the taiga forests. The width of the forest-tundra territory ranges from 30 to 300 km in different regions of the country.

Taiga is the largest natural zone in Russia; to the south of it there is a forest zone, or forest-steppe. There is significant variation within the zone. To the south of the taiga there is a forest zone. The zone of mixed and deciduous forests is located on the East European Plain and the Far East.

The forest-steppe zone is a transition zone between the forest zone and the steppe zone, combining forest belts and meadows covered with grasses.

The south of the forest-steppe passes into the steppe zone. The steppe zone is located on plains with grassy vegetation in a temperate and subtropical climate. In Russia, the steppe zone is located in the south near the Black Sea and in the valleys of the Ob River.

In Russia there is a zone of semi-deserts and deserts in the east of Kalmykia and in the south of the Astrakhan region.

The subtropical territory is small - it is a narrow part of the coastal land near the Black Sea to the Caucasus Mountains.

A significant part of Russia is occupied by areas of high zonality. These are areas where there is a significant altitude above sea level. Their appearance is different and depends on many factors.

Remember why the northern regions of our country receive little heat from the Sun. What else do you know about the nature of these areas?

Answer. The sun heats different parts of the Earth unevenly. The northern parts of our country receive less heat from the Sun, the southern parts more. It depends on how the sun's rays hit the Earth. In the north, the rays only glide over the surface of the earth and therefore weakly heat it. In the south they fall steeply and the Earth heats up much more. The nature of the northern regions is very scarce. There is no continuous vegetation cover. The areas of land where vegetation develops are small in area. The fauna of the Arctic desert is mainly represented by marine inhabitants. These are harp seal, walrus, ringed seal, bearded seal, beluga whale, porpoise, and killer whale.

Natural zones of the world or physical-geographical zone are part of the geographical envelope of the Earth with special climatic characteristics, as well as characteristics of the flora and fauna.

Table “Natural zones of Russia” (grade 4)

For the first time this topic is discussed in lessons on the surrounding world in elementary school. To systematize the data, they usually create a table that includes all the main characteristics of natural zones in Russia.

All natural zones are represented on the territory of Russia, except the tropical one. They replace each other as they move towards the North and South Poles. The largest zone is the forest zone.

Rice. 1. Natural areas of Russia on the map

Natural area

Geographical location



Animal world

Human activity

Arctic desert

Islands located near the North Pole.

Long winter and short, 2-3 months, cold summer. Precipitation in the form of snow.

Distinctive feature: long polar day and equally long polar night.

Extremely scarce, mainly mosses and lichens, although in summer you can find bluegrass, cotton grass, polar poppy, sedge, dwarf willows, and birches.

Polar bears and numerous pinnipeds: seals, seals, walruses, elephant seals. Many birds: geese, gulls, eiders, terns, waders.

Mainly industrial activities, limited hunting and fishing, and scientific activities are carried out. There are no large cities, many nature reserves.


Coast of the Barents Sea, Kara Sea, Laptev Sea, Far East, Kamchatka.

Long and cold winter, short summer. There is little precipitation in the form of rain, mainly in the form of snow. The soil does not thaw completely. At a depth of 20-25 cm there is permafrost.

Low-growing plants: mosses, lichens, dwarf birches.

Rich and varied fauna: ptarmigan, snowy owl, gyrfalcon, geese and cranes; reindeer, wolves, hares, foxes, martens, it is possible to meet both polar and brown bears.

Oil and gas production; in the agricultural sector - reindeer husbandry.


A transition zone characterized by characteristics of both tundra and taiga.

Ural, Trans-Urals, Far East

The climate changes moving from West to East from mild to sharply continental. The West has warm summers and mild winters, the East has short summers and long, cold winters, temperatures can drop to -60 degrees. There is not much precipitation, but the level of evaporation is low, so that a significant part of the taiga is occupied by lakes, swamps and marshy woodlands

The flora is very rich. Taiga is the same “lungs of the planet” as the Amazon forests. Pine, larch, cedar, spruce, and fir are common. Birch, rowan, aspen, and alder are less common. Lots of shrubs, mosses, lichens, mushrooms.

The fauna is diverse and unique. You can find: brown bear, elk, lynx, white hare, squirrel, jay, wood grouse, musk deer, chipmunk, wolverine, sable, nutcracker, Ussuri tiger. There are a lot of different reptile and amphibian species.

Mining, logging, limited hunting, livestock farming.

Forest zone: mixed, broad-leaved

European territory of Russia, up to the Urals. Some are in the Far East

Warm and long summers, high humidity, mild winters.

Deciduous and broad-leaved forests: spruce, pine, birch, maple and aspen, oak, elm, linden, maple. Lots of shrubs, herbs, mushrooms.

There are many different animals in the forests: squirrels, owls, pine martens, moose, brown bear, foxes, and among birds - orioles, woodpeckers, etc.

The natural area has been greatly altered by humans, there are many large cities, industrial production, and hydroelectric power stations.


Transition zone. The signs are characteristic of both forests and steppes. The further south you go, the drier it is.

In the south of the Black Sea, in the valleys of the Ob River

Long, dry summer, little snow winter.

Cereals, feather grass

Small, nocturnal animals: jerboas, ground squirrels, marmots.
Birds typical of the steppe: bustard, kestrel, steppe eagle, lark. Reptiles live in the steppe.

Developed agriculture. Growing grain crops, melons. Spread of sheep farming.


Transition zone. There are signs characteristic of both the steppe and the desert.

In the lower reaches of the Volga, near the Caspian Sea, in the south of Eastern Siberia, on the border with Kazakhstan

Long summer, short, 2-3 months, but cold winter. Temperatures can drop to -20 degrees. Almost no precipitation, strong winds.

All plants are low-growing, with long roots, and the leaves are narrow. Common: camel thorn, saxaul, sedge, wormwood, bluegrass, poppies, tulips, buttercups. Some plants appear only during the rainy season, most often in mid-spring.

Doesn't have much variety. The animals are mostly small and nocturnal. Common: jerboas, gophers, turtles, snakes, tarantulas, shrews, scorpions, goitered gazelle, monitor lizards, pheasant, lark, jay, Bactrian camel.

It is possible to engage in agriculture: cotton growing, viticulture; livestock and mining


Black Sea coast of the Caucasus

Favorable climatic conditions. Short and wet winter. Long and warm summer. This is the largest recreational area in Russia

Rich flora. It is represented by evergreen hard-leaved trees and shrubs, including boxwood, laurel, and cherry laurel. Forests of oak, beech, hornbeam, and maple are common. The thickets of trees are intertwined with liana, ivy, and wild grapes. There are bamboo, palm trees, cypress, eucalyptus.

Among the representatives of the animal world, we note chamois, deer, wild boar, bear, pine and stone marten, and Caucasian black grouse.

The abundance of heat and moisture makes it possible to grow subtropical crops such as tea, tangerines, and lemons here. Significant areas are occupied by vineyards and tobacco plantations.


  • formulate the concept of “natural zones”, introduce the natural zones of Russia, show the reasons for their formation and the pattern of their change;
  • develop students’ cognitive interest;
  • cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.

Equipment: map “natural zones”, physical map of Russia, map of climatic zones, illustrations of natural zones, children’s drawings “Nature of our Motherland”, crossword puzzle, children’s essays “Autumn”.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment.

- The bell is ringing again,
He calls us to a lesson - a lesson about the world around us.

And I would like to start it with a poem by A. Smirnov:

There is just a temple, there is a temple of science,
And there is also a temple of nature
With branches, reaching out hands
Towards the sun and winds.
He is holy at any time of the year,
Open to us in hot and cold weather.
Come here, be a little hearty,
Do not desecrate his shrines.

– Tell me, what is this poem about?

What does it teach us?

1. Working with observation diaries.

– A word to our weather forecasters. They will announce the weather forecast for the current day (temperature, wind direction, cloud cover, precipitation) and summarize the weather for the month, as well as talk about the signs of winter.

2. Children's essays about autumn./Read 2-3 essays/

II. Subject message.

– What is the topic of our lesson, you will find out from the crossword puzzle by solving the riddles.

1. Solving riddles.

    She takes juice from flowers
    and accumulates sweet honey in the honeycomb. (Bee)

    It made some noise, made some noise, washed everything and left.
    And the gardens and vegetable gardens throughout the area were watered. (Storm)

    She dropped her curls into the river and became sad about something.
    And she doesn’t tell anyone why she’s sad. (Willow)

    Green in spring, tanned in summer,
    In the fall I wore red corals. (Rowan)

    Fertile soil is the enemy
    It's called... (Ravine)

    It's hail, it's snowing and raining.
    What should we call them together? (Precipitation)

    Which one of you will answer?
    It’s not fire, but it burns painfully,
    Not a lantern, but shining brightly,
    Not a baker, but a baker? (Sun)

    There are lumberjacks on the river
    In silver-white fur coats.
    From trees, branches, clay
    They are building eternal dams. (Beavers)

    It is unknown where he lives.
    It will fly and bend the trees.
    The whistle will whistle and the river will tremble.
    You're a mischief maker, but you won't stop. (Wind)

    In a white sundress she stood in a clearing.
    The tits flew and sat on their braids. (Birch)

    Where the roots curl along the forest path,
    A small saucer is hidden in the grass,
    Everyone who passes will come and get drunk,
    And again he will gain strength for the road. (Spring)

    I'm knocking my hooves, knocking,
    I'm jumping, jumping, jumping,
    The mane curls in the wind. (Horse)

    Small, but not cute to anyone. (Mice)

– Read the topic of the lesson.

– What do you think we will learn in class? ( Application slide 2)

– That’s right, in the lesson you and I will learn not only about natural areas, but we will also learn to protect and love nature.

– Tell me, into what two groups can the clue words from the crossword puzzle be divided?

– What other groups can these same words be divided into?

III. Learning new material.

– How do you understand the meaning of the words “natural area”?

– Do you think the nature of our country is the same everywhere? Why?

– What do you see in the picture? (slide 3)

– Are all sun rays the same?

– What does this lead to?

– Indeed, the Sun heats our Earth unevenly. The shortest rays, which carry a lot of heat, fall on the equator. The further north, the longer the sun's rays, the less heat reaches the Earth. And in the Far North, the rays are the longest; they seem to glide across the surface of the Earth, so the northern regions receive very little heat.

– What conclusion can be drawn? / Due to the uneven heating of the Earth, natural zones change

1. Stand “Natural areas”

– You see in front of you your drawings about nature. What groups can they be divided into?

– You divided the drawings correctly: ice desert, tundra, forests, steppes, deserts. /Display of natural zones of Russia on the map/

2. Making paper airplanes.

– And now, guys, we will take you on a fascinating journey through the expanses of our Motherland.

– What type of transport do you prefer to travel? Why?

– I suggest going by plane. Which route should we choose? ( slide 4) /From north to south/


– There are pieces of paper on your desk. Let's make airplanes. Let's start the engines! Is everyone ready? Let's fly!

3. Identification of characteristics of natural areas.

- So, we are flying from north to south. We will only stop at stations.

– By what criteria will we consider natural areas?

– Based on relief, climate, soil, flora and fauna with the help of maps, drawings, illustrations, and from life experience.

– Do you think there is a connection between them? (slide 5)

Ice Desert – first station /display on the map/ (slide 6)

  • rocky desert - this zone is also called the “polar ice cap”;
  • cold zone. The polar night lasts from 98 days to six months. An aurora appears in the sky. In winter, the temperature drops to -40 degrees and below, winds blow, and snowstorms are frequent. In summer, the temperature of the warmest month is no more than +5; polar day, the sky is overcast with gray low clouds, fog is frequent;
  • soils are undeveloped, rocky;
  • plants: mosses, lichens, some flowering plants, saxifrage, grasses;
  • animals: polar bear, arctic fox, seal, walrus, “bird colonies” – gulls, guillemots, auks.

We are moving south.

Tundra – second station / show on map / (slide 7)

  • predominantly flat surface; many lakes, swamps;
  • winter lasts 8–9 months; average temperature in January: 25-35 degrees, frosts up to 50 - 60 degrees, polar night, strong winds blow; summer is cold, short, the weather is unstable; precipitation is insignificant, humidity is high; strong sharp winds, temperature no higher than +10 degrees; spring and autumn are very short;
  • layer of permafrost; tundra-gley and peat soils;
  • plants: mosses, lichens, moss, dwarf birch, dwarf polar willow, berry bushes: blueberries, lingonberries, blueberries;
  • animals: pieds, arctic foxes, reindeer, wolves, foxes, midges, partridges, loons, gulls, skuas.

Forest zone – third station /display on map/(slide 8)

- Yes, this is a forest. First comes the taiga, and then the mixed forest and deciduous:

  • the surface is wavy-flat; in the north there are swamps;
  • the seasons are clearly distinguished; winter from 8 months in the north to 4-5 in the south of the zone; summers are moderately warm to hot; drizzling rains are frequent in autumn;
  • podzolic soils; soddy-podzolic, gray and brown in mixed forests;
  • mosses, lichens, berry bushes, fern, spruce, fir, pine, cedar, oak, beech, maple, ash, elm, birch, aspen, linden, hazel, bird cherry, rowan;
  • brown bear, roe deer, sable, ermine, deer, elk, fox, lynx, wolf, squirrel, beavers, wood grouse, hazel grouse, crossbill, nutcracker, owl, thrush, black grouse, etc.

Steppes - the fourth station /show on map/(slide 9)

  • wavy-flat surface;
  • summer is long, sunny, hot, dry (+20 – 24 degrees), dry winds are frequent; winter is cold –20–30 degrees, short, snowstorms and strong winds turning into blizzards are frequent, the snow cover is thin;
  • soils - chernozem - in the north, in the south - soil salinity - chestnut with the inclusion of solonetz;
  • feather grass, fescue, goose onion, tulips, wormwood, tumbleweed;
  • saigas, ground squirrels, marmots, jerboas, hamsters, voles, bustard, lark; eagle;

Semi-deserts – fifth station /show on map/

– Tell me, how is one natural zone separated from another? / there is between them transition strip/

What do you think, what is a semi-desert? (slide 10)

  • flat surface;
  • summers are hot, dry and sunny, there is little rain; winter is frosty, there is little snow, it lies unevenly; there are few rivers;
  • chestnut; salt marshes and salt licks;
  • vegetation: camel thorn, wormwood, fescue, saltwort;
  • gophers, jerboas, corsair fox, saigas, lizards, snakes, spiders.

4. Consolidation of new material.

  • Let's get back to the guessing words. What natural areas do you think they can be classified as?
  • Answer the questions in the textbook p. 28-29
  • What natural zone do we live in? /In the transition zone - forest-steppe/
  • Tell us about her.
  • Do you think there are environmental problems in natural areas?
  • How can you, little inhabitants of this huge planet, help?

IV. Lesson summary.

– What new did you learn in the lesson?

– Do natural zones have clear boundaries, like a state? Why?

– In which natural area would you like to live? Why?

V. Homework. /optional/

  • read pp. 27-28 of the textbook;
  • find a description of nature in fiction and determine which natural zone this description belongs to.

VI. Literature.

  1. Gaisina R.G. “Nature of native Bashkortostan”, “Kitap” - Ufa, 2009.
  2. Dmitrieva N.Ya, Kazakov A.N. “We and the world around us” - a textbook for grade 3.
  3. Materials from the encyclopedia “Cyril and Methodius”.
  4. Parmuzin Yu.P. “Living Geography”, “Enlightenment” - Moscow, 1999.



Slide captions:


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Slide captions:

Mixed forest zone Climate Winter here is less severe than in the taiga zone. Summer is long and warm: the average temperature in July is 18-20°C. This is what favors the growth of broad-leaved trees. However, the climate is quite humid. The annual precipitation is at least 600-800 mm.

Flora The forests are formed by oak, maple, linden, ash, hazel, etc. Coniferous species include spruce and pine. Under the influence of human activity, forest areas and the composition of tree species have changed. In place of coniferous-deciduous forests, birch, aspen and shrubs are common.

Fauna Complex plant communities contribute to the formation of a diverse animal world. The bison, elk, wild boar, wolf, pine marten, dormouse, an ancient and rare species of this zone, the muskrat, etc. live here; of birds - oriole, grosbeak, green and middle woodpeckers, etc.

The population of the zone has long been developed by man. To preserve taiga and coniferous-deciduous forest complexes, nature reserves, wildlife sanctuaries and national parks have been created in Russia.

Forest-steppe and steppe Climate The climate of the steppes is continental. Summer is long and hot. The average July temperature is +22 ... +23.5°C. The weather is dry and sunny. Frequent dry winds lead to prolonged drought and drying up of local rivers. Strong winds carry a lot of dust. Winter is quite cold, with frosts of -20... -30°C.

Flora At this time, the steppes are covered with a bright carpet of tulips, irises and other perennials. From north to south, the mixed-grass steppe is replaced by cereal, fescue-feather grass, and even further south by wormwood. The vegetation of the steppes consists of various grasses that can tolerate drought. In spring, life begins to flourish, ephemeral plants begin to flower and bear fruit.

Fauna In the steppes, the fauna was formed by herbivorous species, various rodents, insectivorous and granivorous birds, as well as birds of prey and animals.

Population The steppe is the most developed by man; it is the main agricultural zone. Large agricultural enterprises, industrial centers were created in the steppes, transport was developed, large dams, reservoirs and canals were built on the rivers - Volga, Don and others - to irrigate fields. The entire territory is covered by protective afforestation.

Semi-desert and desert zones Climate The desert and semi-desert zone is characterized by scarcity of precipitation. Summers are mostly cloudless and hot. The average July temperature in semi-deserts is +24... +26°С, and in deserts +26... +30°С. Winter is quite harsh compared to summer. The average January temperature in semi-deserts is -20... - -25°C, in deserts -12... -16°C.

Flora Fescue, thin-legged feather grass, feather grass, and wheatgrass grow here; salt licks are covered with blue-green algae. In the north, the plants are dominated by cereals with an admixture of wormwood. To the south, wormwood begins to predominate, the area of ​​saltworts and ephemerals increases; the vegetation cover becomes more sparse.

Fauna Among the animals in semi-deserts and deserts there are many rodents - jerboas, gophers, brown hare, gerbils are abundant in the sands. Predators include wolf, fox, badger, ferret; The most common birds are the sajja, the lapwing, and the larks; of reptiles: round-headed lizards, boa constrictor, foot-and-mouth disease, snakes - copperhead and arrowhead.

Population Most of the semi-desert and desert lands are used for grazing livestock, especially sheep.

Municipal budgetary general education

institution Gazimuro-Zavodskaya

high school

Development of a lesson project on the surrounding world

in 4b grade.

« Natural zones Russia ».

Designed by:

Primary teacher

classes Elgina E.V.

S. Gazimursky Plant


Development of a lesson on the surrounding world in grade 4b.

Teacher: Elgina E.V.

Lesson type:lesson project.

Lesson topic: “Generalization and systematization of knowledge on the topic “Natural zones of Russia.” Project protection.Project goal: Based on the study of natural zones, create a visual aid for primary schoolchildren on the topic “Natural zones of Russia. »Tasks: Educational:

    Summarize and systematize the material on the topic “Natural areas”

    To develop knowledge about climatic conditions, characteristic plants and animals, people’s occupations and the peculiarities of their life in natural areas of Russia.


    Develop the ability to reason and prove your opinion.

    Develop cognitive interest and desire for independent search for knowledge.

    Develop ecological, rational-logical and emotional-imaginative thinking.


    Develop communication skills.

    Foster a sense of belonging and personal responsibility for what is happening around.

    To cultivate an understanding of the beauty and wisdom of nature, a sense of pride in one’s native land.

The role of the project in the educational process:

    Ensuring a close relationship between the educational and educational processes;

    A combination of collective and individual forms of work;

    Formation of research skills and the ability to plan your activities.

Student age: 4th grade.Time to work on the project: 4,5,6 lessons in the 3rd quarter.Equipment:

    Sources of information for each student;

    Reference books for teachers;

    Route sheet for each student;

    Personal observations of students;

    Group projects.

Predicted results: The student will know:

    Climatic features of natural zones of Russia.

    Flora and fauna of natural zones.

The student will be able to:

    Work with additional literature.

    Work in a group.

    Document the results of your activities according to the plan and be able to present them.

    Create educational and methodological manuals on natural areas.

The student will cultivate in himself:





Criteria for distribution of roles in the group: (students are divided into 7 groups at will, according to zones: Arctic, tundra, taiga, mixed forests, steppes, deserts, humid subtropics).

The children decide for themselves who in the group prepares an essay about a natural area, who brings pictures of plants in this area, and who brings pictures of animals.

Stages of work on the project

"Natural areas of Russia"



Stage 1. Development of the project concept.

Formulates an idea about the project that arose when considering the zone map, an initial conversation with students, based on personal observations.

Accept and discuss the teacher's proposal.

Stage 2. Project implementation.

Invites the class to divide into 7 groups (based on interests).

Divided into 7 groups as desired.

Distributes responsibilities between groups. Invites each student to prepare information on a chosen topic. Plans the group's activities: collecting information in the literature, the Internet.

Assign roles. They are planning work. Draw up a product design plan.

Helps with completing work.

Formalize the work.

Consultation as necessary: ​​what information to exclude or add.

Each student performs work according to his role.

Controls (observes, records the work of the group).

Consultations are provided as needed.

Shows how to correctly select the main thing from the literature and format the work.

Find missing information.

Assists students in preparing visual aids.

Select and paste visuals in accordance with their topic.

3 – stage. Project protection.

Accepts the report. Summarizes the results of the group's work. Summarizes the training. Evaluates the group's work.

Demonstrates the ability to plan and carry out work. Show the product of the group's activities. Ask questions about the activities of the other group.

For work on the project, two marks are given: for collective activity on the topic and for presentation.Evaluation criteria:

    The quality of work on the topic;

    Independence in working on a project;

    Artistry and expressiveness of performance;

    Ability to answer questions;

Results of project activities: a visual aid on the surrounding world “Natural Zones of Russia” was created;

Students use general academic skills and abilities, but at a new productive, exploratory level: working with reference literature, formatting a message according to a plan, public speaking.

Technological map


carrying out





Educational and



Formed UUD

Stage 1 Organizational moment.

Target: activation of students.

Formulate rules of behavior in the classroom andargue their.

Tune children to work.

Let's go on a journey through the zones of Russia.

Communicative UUD.

Stage 2. Updating knowledge.

Explain the purpose of the work done.

Turn on students in discussions on this topic.

Today we will hear a lot of new and interesting things.

Stage 3.

Project protection

(by groups).

Speak by groups. Listen to your comrades, ask questions.

Organize work.

Communicative UUD.

Personal UUD.

Cognitive UUD,

Stage 4.

Lesson summary.

Reflection. Target: summarize the work done.

Speak with your opinion on the performances of the groups.Execute self-assessment of your work.

Organize final work.

Communicative UUD.

Personal UUD.

Regulatory UUD.

Note: In the electronic version, a short report on natural areas was made by the teacher, since it is not practical to scan abstracts. They are in the student’s portfolio and can be viewed if necessary.

See the work itself in the APPENDIX.



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