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Equipment for preparing eggs: egg cookers. egg slicers, scrambled egg molds. Types of tableware Why do we need egg cups?

Tableware - dishes used to set the table and in which hot dishes are served. The history of the appearance and transformation of tableware has evolved over the centuries, as it is inextricably linked with the culture of eating.

The roots of the art of table setting should probably be sought during the Italian Renaissance, when merchants organized sumptuous feasts. Catherine de Medici took these Italian dinner traditions with her to France when she married the French king Henry II. But it was only under Louis XIV, that is, in the second half of the 17th century, that the first rules for table setting and gala dinners were established in France. But this was precisely the impetus for the development of the production of tableware, and by the middle of the 18th century no one was surprised by the abundance of factories producing porcelain and glassware.

This fashion was picked up by England, and in the Victorian era (1837-1901) it was destined to become a legislator and zealous champion of table setting traditions. The types of tableware have reached their peak - from chocolate forks to 8 types of salad forks. It is not surprising that it was at this time that the highest level of tableware production in history was observed.

The present time dictates its own conditions; the modern pace of life does not allow us to devote as much time to eating as during the reign of Victoria. Table setting has become simpler, and as a result, the number of tableware has also decreased. In ordinary life, we make do with a small set consisting of two or three plates, a salad bowl, a cup, a fork, a couple of spoons and a knife.

And yet, sometimes, when we celebrate some event at home, we want to set the table truly, beautifully and luxuriously, like in the good old days, when delicious dishes placed on an exquisitely served table were an indicator of culture and inspired guests and hosts to high conversations. Table setting is an entire art, which we will definitely talk about in another article, but for now let’s return to our topic and see what types of tableware are used now.

Dining room deep Plates with a diameter of 20-24 cm and a capacity of 250-500 cm 3. Used to serve first courses, both hot and cold.
The dining room is small Plates with a diameter of 27-32 cm. Used for serving second courses (side dishes and dishes with side dishes).
The snack bar is big Plates with a diameter of 26-31 cm. Used for serving hot and cold appetizers, cold meat dishes, sweet hot dishes with sauce.
Small snack bar Plate with a diameter of 20 cm. Used for serving cold appetizers.
Dessert deep A plate with a diameter of 20 cm. Used for serving desserts with sauces.
Dessert small A plate with a diameter of 20 cm, usually with a wavy edge or a pattern along the rim. Used for serving fruits and sweet desserts.
Pirozhkovaya A plate with a diameter of 16-18 cm. Used for serving bread, croutons, pies.
Fish plate A plate 33-37 cm long and 23-26 cm wide. Used for serving fish dishes.
Chill plate Used for snack dishes such as oysters, stews, salads.
Menagerie plate Used for serving several types of side dishes and salads, as well as for serving fondue.
Dish Round and oval, square and rectangular plates with a diameter (long) of 40-45 cm. Used for serving cold dishes from fish, meat, poultry and game. You can also put canapés on them.
Salad bowl Deep plates of various shapes with a volume of 120 cm 3. Used for serving salads, fresh vegetables, pickles, marinades, etc.
Herring girl An oblong plate for serving herring and canned fish.
Caviar plate Plate with a diameter of 15 cm. Designed for serving pressed caviar.
Egg plate Designed for serving scrambled eggs.
Saucer Plates on which cups or glasses are placed.
Socket Saucer with a diameter of 9-10 cm. Used for serving jam, preserves or honey.
Kremanka Deep plate with a diameter of 9 cm (can be on a leg). Used for serving jelly, fruit salads, fresh berries.
Broth cups Cups with a capacity of 350-400 cm 3 with one or two handles. Used for serving broths and puree soups.
Tea cups Cups with a capacity of 200-250 cm 3. Used to serve tea, cocoa and hot chocolate.
Coffee cups Cups with a capacity of 75-150 cm 3. The smallest ones are used for serving oriental coffee, the largest ones are used for cappuccino.
Mug Large volume cup with handle. The purpose is the same as that of a cup, but they are used for everyday life and are not suitable for serving.
Bowl Cups with a capacity of 220-400 cm 3. Used to serve green tea and kumiss.
Kese (kise) Cups with a capacity of up to 900 cm 3 . Used to serve lagman, pilaf and similar national dishes.

Special dishes

Rams Dishes with a lid for serving: round - for hot dishes of meat, poultry and pancakes; oval - for hot fish dishes.
Round vase A vase with a diameter of 20-24 cm with a recess, can be one-, two- or three-tiered. Used for serving fruit. It can be either with or without a leg.
Vase flat Vase with a flat surface. Used for serving cakes and pastries.
Caviar Granular caviar is served in such elegant little things.
Chill maker A sink on a stand is usually metal. Used for preparing and serving fish and seafood.
Cocotte Device with a volume of up to 90 cm 3 . It prepares and serves special hot snacks, such as crabs or mushrooms in sour cream.
Coffee pot A device with a volume of 200-1000 cm 3 for serving black coffee.
Jug with lid A device with a capacity of up to 2 liters for supplying water, kvass and similar drinks.
Milkman A device with a volume of 100-400 cm 3 for serving milk for coffee or tea.
Poshatnitsa Stand for serving peeled eggs, boiled in a bag, to the broth. Also called a saucepan, shaped like a ladle, in which these eggs are boiled.
Spice utensils Small containers for salt, mustard, pepper, etc. Oil and vinegar are served in special bottles.
Glass Stand for serving soft-boiled eggs with a diameter of 5 cm.
Napkin holder Napkin stand.
Sugar bowl A device with a volume of 100-400 cm 3 for supplying sugar.
Creamer A device with a volume of 50-200 cm 3 for supplying cream.
Gravy boat A device with a volume of 10-400 cm 3 with a handle and an extended toe. Used to serve sour cream and various cold sauces.
Krennitsa A device with a volume of 100-200 cm 3 for serving horseradish sauce.
Teapot for brewing A device with a volume of 100-600 cm 3 for serving brewed tea.

All this tableware is made mainly from porcelain and earthenware. Dishes in which dishes are not only served, but also baked, are often made from stainless steel and cupronickel. Also often metal are utensils for spices and small special dishes (for example, cupronickel or silver caviar with a crystal insert). Ceramic dishes are more appropriate if you are serving the corresponding dishes of national cuisine.

A separate topic for conversation are such types of tableware as

Eggs for breakfast are healthy, tasty and quick! No wonder Empress Catherine II could not live a day without hard-boiled or soft-boiled eggs, and the great writer Maxim Gorky drank raw chicken eggs every morning. For lovers of a hearty and healthy breakfast, the Uyterra store offers branded egg cups in a wide range.

Why do we need egg cups?

A boiled egg, especially a soft-boiled one, is not always convenient to serve and eat on regular plates. Therefore, back in tsarist times, special supports were invented - small in-depth bowls on a leg or a stable base. Such holders can be made of metal, ceramics, glass, wood or plastic.

How to eat an egg:

  1. If the product is hard-boiled, it must first be cleaned, and then placed on a holder and eaten with a teaspoon.
  2. Place the version with liquid yolk on a stand with the wide end down.
  3. Gently tap around the top with a table knife.
  4. Cut off the top to create a hole that will fit a dessert spoon.
  1. Now you can season the dish with salt, oil, sauces, etc., and eat it directly from the stand with a spoon.

This method of eating eggs allows you to:

  • do not stain your hands, clothes and kitchen furniture
  • eat all the contents
  • get a variety of flavors with seasonings
  • have a quick, satisfying and civilized breakfast

Hypermarket "Uyuterra" presents:

  • Egg trays from well-known trusted brands.
  • Convenient models for piercing, which will help separate the white from the yolk or pierce the egg before cooking so that it does not burst.
  • Holders made of high-quality environmentally friendly materials.
  • Design options for festive table setting.
  • Branded models from Uyterra at special prices.

You can select and order convenient new items on the pages of our catalog. A simple order and payment form, the best service and fast delivery will not leave even the most demanding customers indifferent. We wish you successful purchases with Uyuterra!

Egg boilers. Their purpose is indicated not only by the name, but often also by their appearance: most often, an egg boiler is shaped like an egg. If you have ever forgotten to remove eggs from the stove on time, you understand the main advantage of this unit compared to a regular saucepan: it turns off on time. Herself. Moreover, the eggs do not knock against each other during cooking - accordingly, they do not crack.

When buying an egg cooker, decide how many eggs you are going to cook in it (most often models are designed for 3, 4, 6 or 7 eggs). If you choose the largest one, you can hardly go wrong: you can boil seven or one eggs in it, and it won’t take up much more space in your kitchen.

The egg cooker is usually topped with a removable transparent lid. Underneath there is a water bath (made of stainless steel or Teflon coated) and an egg stand. The egg cooker comes with a measuring cup with which you can measure the volume of water: it depends on the number of eggs and the cooking mode - soft-boiled, in a bag, hard-boiled. After filling in the water, you place the eggs on the stand. Before this, as any instructions say, they must be pierced with a special needle (most often included in the kit), otherwise they will crack from the hot steam. They are pierced from the blunt side and installed with the piercing upwards. However, those who are too lazy to pierce testify that most often nothing cracks.

Having completed these simple steps, you close the egg cooker with a lid and wait for the eggs to be ready. A sharp and loud beep will notify you of this. Most often it is too sharp and too loud, so that out of habit one becomes very uncomfortable. By the way, this is one of the main complaints of opponents of egg boilers, and there are many of them.

Microwave egg cookers. Most are a small cup or glass with an internal frame to hold two or four eggs. This device is designed to refute the popular belief that eggs explode in the microwave. Don't explode! And all because the eggs in such an egg boiler are completely immersed in water.

There are also other types of egg cookers for microwaves: cups that follow the shape of an egg from the inside and are closed with lids with holes for steam. The egg needs to be broken, poured into the egg cooker, closed with a lid and placed in the microwave. You will get a regular boiled egg, only without the shell.

Egg slicers. There are also special gadgets for slicing eggs. The invention is simple: thin stainless steel strings stretched crosswise easily chop the pulp of a boiled egg. Some particularly active housewives will try to use it to cut champignons, tomatoes or boiled potatoes, but we must admit that the design of the egg slicer is ideal only for eggs. When choosing an egg slicer in a store, look at how you can cut eggs with it - cubes, slices, or both. The latter, of course, is preferable.

If you like eggs soft-boiled or in a bag, you cannot do without a special egg stand. It would seem like a simple, ingenuous little thing. However, it is precisely its apparent simplicity that becomes the starting point for the imagination of designers. How do you like, say, an elegant handmade ivory supply or an exclusive egg cup combined with an hourglass?

Guillotines for eggs. The top part of a soft-boiled egg can be easily removed with a miniature gadget, which in our country is produced under the sadistic name “ egg guillotine” (in Europe this thing is called not so scary - egg topper). This is a movable metal structure, the cutting part of which easily cuts off the tip of the egg. By the way, a very funny gift: few people in their right mind would buy such a thing for themselves.

Forms for scrambled eggs. “Scrambled egg molds” will allow you to make scrambled eggs more visually attractive (although, it would seem, what could be more beautiful than fried eggs?) This is either a metal frame that is installed on a frying pan, or a special frying pan of a special shape. The taste of the dish, of course, will not change, but entertainment is guaranteed, because there are a wide variety of shapes: flowers, hearts, men, stars, palms - even pistols and penises. What would it be like without them?

An egg whisk can help you beat egg whites, yolks, or both. It is a lightweight wire structure (in the form of a spiral, pear or spoon) with a handle. You need to beat the egg whites with rotational movements, without interruption, slowly at first, gradually increasing the pace.

Do you need to separate the yolk from the white? There is a separate device for this - an egg separator. A simple separator for home use is a specially shaped plastic spoon with holes: the white of a cracked egg leaks through them, while the yolk remains in the separator.

There are also more complex “professional” separators; they are used in some restaurants. They consist of two containers connected to each other, above one of which an inclined groove with holes is placed. An egg is poured onto the edge of this groove - and while the yolk makes a long journey to the container allotted to it, the white leaks through the hole into the container that is located directly under the groove.

Or you can do without a separator altogether. Pierce the egg from two opposite sides: the white will flow out, but the yolk will remain in the shell. This can be done with a thick needle or a special “egg piercer”.

Egg piercers. In English - egg pricker. Yes, yes, there is such an amazing kitchen gadget: a small plastic box with a spring inside. Place the egg in a special recess connected to a spring and press lightly; a sharp needle comes out of the box - and the hole in the shell is ready.

Are you still not ready to go to the store to buy one of the “egg” gadgets? So you simply don't like eggs.



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