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Summoning dragons. Do you want to have your own kind Dragon?

The Good Dragon is your imaginary assistant, your faithful and reliable friend. This is the most interesting method for getting what you want!

This is the most interesting, bright and exciting adventure that can happen to anyone if he really wants to change his life and fill it with luck, fortune, happiness and love.

This technique is based on visualization¹. She is incredibly effective.

Try it, you will not lose anything, but only gain from it.

Where to find your Dragon?

  1. You need to lie down, close your eyes and relax.
  2. Imagine yourself in some beautiful place, somewhere in the forest in a clearing.
  3. Realize yourself there.
  4. See a large egg in the center of the clearing itself.
  5. Come up and stroke him, feel the beating of new life inside.
  6. Then you need to step back a little and watch how the egg begins to crack and your good Dragon appears from it.
  7. The little dragon looks at you and thinks that you are his mom or dad.
  8. You can touch him, caress him, hug him.
  9. Your good dragon must certainly have a name, not a nickname or nickname, but a real name.
  10. When he gets a name, before your eyes he will turn into a large and beautiful Dragon.
  11. You need to invite him with you into your world, determine the place where he will live (for example, on a dresser or closet). You can play and talk with him, become best friends.
  12. Now you can open your eyes. Inside there should be a feeling of the presence of a Dragon in the room.
  13. You need to look at the place that you have identified for the Dragon and feel, imagine that he is already sleeping there. You need to call him by name and express your gratitude to him.

In the morning, as soon as you wake up, wish your Dragon good morning. And in the evening, put him to bed and thank him for the past day.

What can your good Dragon do for you?

Before you leave home, ask your Dragon to go ahead of you and resolve all your affairs in the most favorable manner. Open front door and mentally release it. After half an hour, leave on your own.

When you come home, look at his place and feel that he returned home before you and is already asleep. Constantly communicate with him and ask him for help, charge him with the energy of love and gratitude, and all matters will be resolved successfully.

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Before you get a dragon, you need to familiarize yourself with its breeds. The most common ones are EUROPEAN, ASIAN LUN and AMPHITER.
European dragon
Breathes fire and has a passion for accumulating jewelry. Can speak intelligently. Changes skin every three years.
Lair: in mountain caves.
Dimensions: about 14 meters in length and from 4 to 5.2 meters in height.
Color: red, black, green is more common. Some species may have a golden color.
Food: Mainly cattle. During a hunger strike they can attack people.

Asian moon
The dragon is not aggressive. It uses horns, teeth and claws only for self-defense. Also, Asian moons have one peculiarity: in order not to endanger the laid egg, the female moon carries it with her.
Lair: in underwater caves, grottoes.
Size: more than 12 meters in length and from 3.5 to 4.5 in height.
Color: blue, black, white, red, yellow.
Food: Mainly fish and birds.

When attacking, it spews out flames, hits the victim with its tail, and strangles it.
There are 3 types of amphitians in total:
Lair: in reed thickets along the shores of lakes, often on islands.
Size: almost 14 meters in length and from 1.5 to 3 meters in height.
Color: Mexican and Texas - green, unknown - sand, yellow.
Food: large mammals.

We have decided on the choice of dragon. Let's start breeding. I know of two ways to breed a dragon:
At the site of the bloody battle, dig a small hole of 10 - 13 meters. At its bottom you can find a round stone. It must be cooked without interruption for 3 years. When the baby dragon is born, you need to have a sledgehammer with you to help the baby hatch and for self-defense.
Instead of a stone, use an egg laid by a seven-year-old black chicken from a seven-year-old black rooster.
Now let's decide whether we are raising a friend or a killer.

Option 1. KILLER.
Feed the dragon RAW meat. Instead of water (if possible), use blood.
Don’t take them outside, but tell them how nice it is there. Keep the dragon CHAINED!
From time to time, tease the dragon by hiding behind a fireproof partition.
Remember: it is almost impossible to raise a killer from an ASIAN MOON!

Option 2. FRIEND.
Include more vegetarian food in your dragon's diet. Meat only in processed form.
Walk the dragon daily, avoiding human eyes. Use large fields for walking.

Let's say your dragon lives to be 28 years old. And every 28 years, dragons begin to look for a bride. During this period, hide jewelry and other valuable and beautiful things. Dragons tend to bring them as gifts.
Once your family has been replenished with one dragoness and several dragon eggs, you don’t have to worry about hatching: the dragoness always hatches the eggs herself. This means you can breed rare animals such as dragons.
Remember: a dragon often remains faithful to its mate throughout its long life!

No signs yet detailed description. It’s not possible to post signs for something. And actually speaking about practice. This ritual works and you can easily check it by repeating it. I would even call it not a ritual, but a practice dedicated to this topic. This is the key, the beginning, the rest can be learned from the dragons, this is just the business of everyone who decides to take the path. The rest is up to you, try and don’t be afraid, if you are considered crazy, then they themselves are crazy, for your wrath and the wrath of the dragons will fall on them. Peace, comrades!

About Summoning the Dragon

Dragons have a body, but they do not exist in this world.
Sometimes they can appear here too,
what explains some of the appearances of monsters,
especially sea ones.
Their power is everywhere and in every object.
Any action can be a consequence of their power.
However, dragons do not interfere in human affairs,
considering the latter something lower.
The reasons why a dragon can help a person are
are an imminent threat to the dragon's habitat
and the persuasiveness of the magician who calls him.
It happens that some dragons like to communicate with children,
especially with those who have magical inclinations.
A friendly dragon will become the protector of the home,
allows you to look into the future
and use its power.
There was a man artificially developed,
against the will of Nature.
That's why people like everything unnatural
and the person himself does not understand what is good for him and what is bad.
Your species has not lived long enough to know this from birth.
Your species has not lived long enough to be harmonious.
And therefore a person needs a mentor,
after all, a person is like a foolish child -
he doesn’t know when he’s doing harm,
and when he creates something beautiful.
The dragon will be a good hint.
Dragons are stern, but courteous and very wise.
It is better to make an invocation at noon
for the summer solstice.
Dress in red, representing the powers of Salbatanu.
Go to a high, open, sunlit place.
With a stone or a golden sword
draw on the ground the following type calling sign:
The small circle is your place,
a larger circle - for the spilling of power,
the triangle is the Dragon's Eye
and he is also the Symbol of the Angle.
Don't damage the Dragon's Eye with stone or sword,
and draw it on leather, birch bark, on a piece of tablecloth or on paper
and place it in the designated place inside the circle.
Almost all dragons sometimes exhale a thin liquid,
perceived by other creatures as fire.
So they warn
that they have power
and are ready to defend.
Therefore put a candle in the middle of the Eye
or light a fire there,
in order to emphasize the connection with the dragon Fire Force.
Imagine the strength and fire of a dragon,
flowing from the Eye and entering the candle,
and after a few moments light it.
At the bottom edge of the Eye
leave the sacrifice - clean red meat.
Burn dracaena along the other two edges.
Then go to the small circle assigned to you,
stand with your back to the Eye,
and with his face towards the Sun.
Raise the ritual sword high into the air,
directing it to the very eye of the Sun.
Take a deep breath
and chant the spell loudly
sounds vibrating through your body:
Draco! Fraoh! Vermithrax!
The Dragon! Listen to the ancient language:
Kum saxum saxorum, in duersum montum
Oparum da – In etibulum – In quintatum
Quickly lower your arms to your sides
and draw in a sharp, defiant breath.
If it doesn’t work, repeat 2 more times.
If even then nothing comes of it,
then at the end of the spell add:
Kahana Ya!
Draco, draco! Eeeeeeeee!
When you feel the presence of a dragon nearby,
treat him with respect.
Take the time to get to know him,
before asking for help.
You will feel the strength
sent from all sides by half-visible creatures
or their world.
Listen to their possible messages.
You will feel their presence
due to an unexpected change in temperature,
tingling between the shoulder blades,
unusual air currents...
The dragon may be breathing down your back,
will say something...
Wait until he puts his paw on your shoulder -
in commemoration of friendship,
and then you can talk to him about what is needed.
Only if you want to have him as a permanent ally
and he himself is not against it,
then open the border,
what separates the large and small circles...
When the dragon is pleased with you,
it may produce a low vibrating hum,
like the meow of a huge cat...
If you called him just to communicate,
then after the conversation say release:
Go in peace, dragon,
and return again to the ritual hour,
to teach me magic and ancient knowledge.
You can perform the ritual in another way.
Find an isolated clean place on a high hill
or on top of a mountain.
Make a circle of 12 stones,
the diameter of which is equal to your height.
Lightly sprinkle the inside of the circle with iron or gold filings.
Iron or gold sword
draw any of the three Dragon Eyes inside the circle:
At dawn or late at night
come into the circle
and on the coals you lit inside the circle,
set the resin on fire.
Stand in the very center of the Dragon's Eye
and raise the ritual sword high above your head,
holding it with both hands - point down.
With a loud and powerful voice
chant three times:
Kum saxum saxorum
In duersum montum oparum yes,
In aetibulum
In quinatum -
With a sharp movement, plunge the sword deep into the ground.
Sit in the center of the Eye with your legs crossed.
Close your eyes and wait for the dragon to appear.
When you want to get rid of his presence,
pull the sword out of the ground.
Don't leave the protective circle
until you draw your sword.



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