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Problems associated with childhood exam. The problem of childhood memories: arguments from psychologists. Childhood impressions in V. Soloukhin’s work “The Third Hunt”

In the speech of Dostoevsky’s hero Alyosha Karamazov there were words that I had not paid attention to before, but now I thought about them:
“Know that there is nothing higher, and stronger, and healthier, and more useful for life in the future, like some good memory, especially taken from childhood, from the parental home.


Very often, turning to the past affects a person’s state in the present. IN this text YES. Granin raises the problem of the role of childhood memories in a person’s life.

Analyzing this topic, the author draws our attention to the statement of one of the heroes of the novel F.M. Dostoevsky that “some good memory” from the parental home can be the best, strongest, healthy, useful reminiscence of a person. The writer draws our attention to the fact that with such a statement Alyosha Karamazov does not demand or preach - he is only trying to encourage all people to remember those moments “when they felt good.” Such memories must be morally formulated and understandable - in this case they can bring a lot of good and benefit to a person.

YES. Granin believes that childhood memories play an important role in a person’s perception of the world and his life in general - they bring happiness and self-satisfaction, in difficult, sad moments they help analyze one’s existence and fill it with meaning - thereby “obliging the soul.”

I completely agree with the author’s opinion and also believe that a person’s memories from his parents’ home, the renewed feeling that you were once good, can bring new colors to a person’s life, fill it with meaning and faith in one’s own happiness.

The problem of the role of childhood memories is raised in the novel “A Hero of Our Time” by M.Yu. Lermontov. The author approached this topic in a non-standard way and, using the example of Pechorin, showed that sometimes analysis own life, one’s actions from childhood can help explain to a person his condition in the present. In his own monologue, the hero refers to the period of his life when he himself was ready to “love the whole world” - to do good, love, make friends and be happy. Thanks to this, he realized that he could experience the same feelings as everyone else, that he might not be alone, that he could commit good deeds, and it certainly kept his heart a little warm. But the fact is that during the same period he decided for himself that it would be easier and better for himself to close himself off from the whole world, to respond to its injustice with anger, to its ill will and hypocrisy - with cynicism and cruelty, and to perceive people and everything around him as game.

The analysis of childhood memories helped the hero of M. Gorky’s story “Childhood” in difficult moments of his life to realize that his existence is not as terrible as it seems, and each of us is capable of making our lives better. From his grandmother, Alyosha learned selfless love, compassion, fearlessness, and later, recalling the moments of manifestation of these feelings, the hero realized that he was capable of much - moreover, he could give love without difficulty and with great happiness. Memories of childhood, of grandmother, of “ lead abominations“lives and those who brightened them up, helped M. Gorky write a wonderful story about his childhood, and this is probably the best thing that can be done under the influence of memories.

Thus, we can conclude that no matter what a person is, no matter what he experiences, no matter what he thinks about, memories from childhood can change his worldview, and if not make it better, then at least remind him of what once then there was good in his life.

Types of problem

The role of childhood in human life


L.N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”. One of the heroes of L. N. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace,” young Petya Rostov, who inherited everything best features“Rostov breed”: kindness, openness, desire to help a person at any moment - in times of severe trials cannot stay at home.

Despite the prohibitions and persuasion of his father and mother, Peter achieved his goal: he was sent to the active army. And there he shows his best qualities, vaccinated since childhood. Let us remember how Petya took pity on the French captive drummer, how he generously treated his older comrades with sweets, how boldly and recklessly he rushed on his horse into the thick of the battle...

I.A. Goncharov “Oblomov”. The childhood of the main character Oblomov in I.A. Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov” was fabulous and cloudless. Everyone loved little Ilyusha, caressed, pampered, protected from all sorts of dangers. Oblomov did nothing, his parents forbade him to show his will, and any attempts at independence were immediately stopped. Such excessive care and concern drowned out in Oblomov any desire to do something on his own, to learn something new. Later we see how the hero grew up: lazy, apathetic, completely unadapted to life.

F. M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment.” The childhood of the hero of F. M. Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment”, Rodion Raskolnikov, was cloudless. A kind and sympathetic boy could not tolerate injustice. We learn about this from his dream about a poor horse being slaughtered in front of a dozen people by a drunken Mikolka. Adults are afraid of falling under the hands of a brutal person, and little Rodya, crying and screaming loudly, attacks the horse’s owner with his fists. This childhood memory pops up in his sick consciousness a few days before the murder of the old woman and, it would seem, stops him, pushes him to renounce his plan... But, alas!

Charles Dickens "David Copperfield". In most of Charles Dickens's novels, one can see how important childhood is for the development of every person. The most typical novel in this regard is "David Copperfield". The hero of this work goes a long way spiritual development. An unhappy childhood, orphanhood, and the search for loved ones change David's character and give him life experience.

N.V. Gogol “Terrible Revenge.” In the plots of the stories “Terrible Vengeance”, “Ivan Fedorovich Shponka and His Aunt” N.V. Gogol, revealing inner world his heroes, often looks for the reasons for their appearance characteristic features in events experienced in childhood. For Gogol, this motive became increasingly important over time. For example, in “Terrible Revenge”, it is through an appeal to the childhood of the main character of the story - the sorcerer - that the author tries to explain the reasons for his actions.

In his autobiographical poem, the author recalls the past, in which during collectivization his father, a peasant who worked from dawn to dusk, was repressed like a fist, with hands that he could not help but straighten and clench into a fist “... there were no individual calluses - solid . Truly a fist!” The pain of injustice is stored in the heart of the author of the decade. He was branded as the son of an “enemy of the people,” and everything stemmed from the desire of the “father of nations” to bring to their knees, to subjugate the entire population of his multinational country to his will. The author writes about Stalin’s amazing ability to transfer “a heap of any of his miscalculations” to someone else’s account, to someone else’s “enemy distortion,” to someone else’s “dizziness from the victories he predicted.” Here the poet refers to an article by the head of the party, which was called “Dizziness from Success.”

Memory stores these events in the life of both an individual and the entire country. A. Tvardovsky speaks about this by right of memory, by the right of a person who experienced all the horror of repression along with his people.

2. V.F. Tendryakov “Bread for the Dog”

The main character is a student high school. But he is not an ordinary Soviet citizen, his father is a responsible worker, the family has everything, even during the period of general famine, when people really had nothing to eat, when millions of people were dying from exhaustion, in their house there was borscht, even with meat, pies with delicious fillings, kvass, real, bread, butter, milk - everything that the people were deprived of. The boy, seeing the hunger of the people around him, and especially the “elephants” and “schoolchildren” dying in the station park, felt remorse. He looks for a way to share with those in need, trying to carry bread and leftover food to the chosen beggar. But people, having learned about the compassionate boy, overpowered him with their begging. As a result, he chooses a wounded dog, frightened by people who apparently wanted to eat it at one time. And his conscience slowly subsides. No, not really, but not life-threatening. The head of the station, in the park where these destitute people lived, could not stand it and shot himself. Years later, V. Tendryakov talks about something that still haunts him.

3. A. Akhmatova “Requiem”

The whole poem is a memory of the terrible years of repression, when millions of people stood in lines with parcels for those millions of people who were in the dungeons of the NKVD. A.A. Akhmatova literally demands to remember this terrible episode in the history of the country, no one should ever forget it, even “... if they shut my exhausted mouth,” writes the poet, “at which a hundred million people are screaming,” the memory will remain.

4. V. Bykov “Sotnikov”

Childhood memories play a very important role in the fates of the main characters of the story. A fisherman once saved a horse, his sister, her friend, and hay. As a boy, he showed courage, courage and was able to get out of the situation with honor. This fact played with him cruel joke. Having been captured by the Nazis, he hopes that he will be able to get out of a terrible situation, and, saving his life, he gives up the detachment, its location and weapons. The next day, after Sotnikov’s execution, he realizes that there is no turning back. Sotnikov experienced a completely opposite situation in his childhood. He lied to his father. The lie was not that serious, but the cowardice with which he said it all left a deep imprint on the boy’s memory. For the rest of his life he remembered the pangs of conscience, the suffering that tore his soul apart. He does not hide behind his comrades, he takes the blow on himself to save others. Withstands torture, ascends to the scaffold and dies with dignity. Thus, childhood memories led the heroes to their life ending: one to a feat, the other to betrayal.

5. V.G. Rasputin "French Lessons"

Decades later, the author recalls the teacher who played decisive role in his difficult fate. Lidia Mikhailovna, a young teacher who wants to help a smart student in her class. She sees how the child’s desire to learn is broken by the callousness of the people among whom he is forced to live. She tries different variants help, but only one thing succeeds: playing for money. He needs these pennies to buy milk. The director catches the teacher committing a crime and she is fired. But the boy remains in school, finishes it and, having become a writer, writes a book dedicating it to his teacher.

  • Category: Arguments for the Unified State Exam essay
  • Y. Moritz - poems “When we were young...”, “It’s good to be young!” A special perception of the world and nature in young years. Youth is a wonderful time, a person is inexperienced, makes mistakes, and tends to dream. Everything is seen differently than in adulthood.
  • B.Sh. Okudzhava - poem “Youth passes quickly...”. The author's understanding of the past time. The realization that with age comes wisdom and experience. It is difficult for a person, through trial and error: “the forehead is sweaty, the soul is bruised.” It’s a sad realization that along with experience, the ability to perceive life as a mystery goes away. A person gets wiser and makes fewer mistakes. His road becomes level and smooth.
  • K. Paustovsky - story “The Birth of a Story.” The motif of the life-giving influence of youth on human soul. The young girl gives birth to a burst of inspiration in the writer.
  • D. Likhachev - “Letters about the good and the beautiful” - “The second letter. Youth is your whole life." The author argues that this is the best time in a person’s life, during this period all habits and attitudes towards the profession are formed, a person makes friends.

What is the significance of childhood for a person? Is it the happiest time in our lives? The writer D. A. Granin poses these and other questions in his text. However, I want to consider in more detail the problem of perceiving childhood as a happy time.

To draw the reader's attention to this issue, Granin gives an extended monologue of the hero, who reflects on what childhood is for him and comes to the conclusion that a person is “born for childhood.” The author especially emphasizes how deep the hero’s memories are, how sincere his gratitude to fate is for those joyful, warm years of his life when he was a child.

There is “only life, a pure feeling of delight at one’s existence under this sky.” The happiness of childhood lies in the fact that a person is free, he feels the fullness of life, delight, and understands that every moment of life is unique.

One cannot but agree with the author of the text that in the first years of our life we ​​perceive it as a joyful journey. we feel the beauty of every day, we feel the harmony of the world, our freedom. This is what makes up the happiness of every child; his future begins with happiness.

To prove the validity of my point of view, I will cite the following literary example. Let's remember Goncharov's novel "Oblomov", the chapter "Oblomov's Dream", where the hero remembers himself in his childhood years. Seven-year-old Ilyusha doesn’t think twice about it. Even about the meaning of life, about problems, he is playful, cheerful and active. He is interested in everything, he strives to explore every corner of the garden, runs to the dovecote, to the ditch. He is driven by curiosity. Even excessive parental care cannot take power over the child. In the village of Oblomovka, where laziness, idleness and tranquility reign, Ilyusha is the one little hero who is able to fully experience life and create his own kingdom.

About what value it has for a person happy time his childhood, says L. N. Tolstoy in his story “Childhood”. Nikolenka is sincere in his thoughts and feelings. With love he remembers the faces of his relatives, carefree games, happy time spent in the village. Before leaving and saying goodbye to his mother, he cries and notes how tears give him “pleasure and joy.” Over time, growing up, he comprehends the laws of life, and his childhood becomes one happy time, when a person begins to understand who he really is, what the power of mental perception is and how to become part of a big and beautiful world.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize once again: childhood is a world of real feelings, pure thoughts and uncharted roads. Freedom, close interaction with the outside world, internal agreement with oneself makes a person happier. We carry memories of our childhood years throughout our lives; they feed our spirit, inspire us, and make difficult moments easier. If there were no childhood, then there would be no real conscious perception of life, there would be no true values.

Updated: 2017-08-07

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