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Professions for creative people. From a letter to the editor. Industrial and graphic design

Art is an important part of every person's life. We all consume art as spectators and listeners. But to become an actress or musician, artist or go into design, you need special preparation, freedom of creativity and special courage to create and create new things all the time. After all, spectators need to be surprised - cinema, theater, circus, opera and ballet - people come here for special pleasure and they, the spectators, are discerning connoisseurs of art. Art professions require constant tension and development, passion and the will to win from a person. Theatre, music and painting are the most ancient forms of art. Representatives of the following professions work here: actor, composer, musician, sound engineer, sound engineer, director, artist, video artist, costume designer, choreographer, producer, lighting designer. With the advent of the Internet, new professions have appeared: website designer, website producer, website developer. Question: is this art? Yes, art, because book publishing is also an art, no lower than cinema, theater, circus, ballet and opera. Read here about the professions of people involved in the arts: orchestra musician, sound engineer, play director, artist, theater and film actress, circus actor, interior designer, packaging designer, landscape architect, web designer, photographer, video artist... Choosing a profession in the field of art impossible without a clear understanding of the pitfalls of creative professions. These stones are completely invisible to an outsider, but because of them you can fly past success. Read about creative professions.

We often associate our activities with creativity. It penetrates into all spheres of life, and it is through non-trivial solutions to issues that humanity moves forward. The creative process is also important in work. Its elements are present in every profession: there are a number of crafts where creativity is in exceptional positions. Such professions will be discussed in this article.

Features of creative professions

People often choose creative professions based on their hobbies. It can be difficult to simply teach such a craft: the character qualities of those who want to work in this field are important here. Talent and charisma - you can’t do without them.

Those who are busy with creativity are unlikely to have chosen a career spontaneously. Usually the talents required for this appear from the very beginning. early years. The main thing is to see them and evaluate them correctly. When embarking on the path of art, no one thinks about the rationality of their choice - the only advisor will be the soul.

Creative professions list

There are arts and crafts where only creativity is involved. There are also specialties that include other elements, for example the technical side. Both of them can be attributed to the following list:

  • Acting is one of the professions that comes to mind when mentioning art. What does the viewer see? Ovation and glory. But to achieve them, you need to make incredible efforts. The entire life of an actor consists of rehearsals, preparation for roles, and training. Any artist has the responsibility to be an example for many. His speech is rich and beautiful. The body figure should not differ from the constitution of the best athletes. For these reasons, an actor is not a profession, it is a way of life that is suitable for those who cannot imagine themselves without acting on stage;
  • Musician. Music is the world. Without music, our days would become dull, and the most cheerful or tragic moments in them would cease to be so. Music is a language, on a par with all the languages ​​of the world, but capable of conveying the thoughts of the composer, which without words will be understandable to both contemporaries and people through the centuries. You can't just write a beautiful melody. We must experience it, and then it will pierce the heart of every listener;
  • Director. You can become a director by studying at relevant universities. But not everyone can win the right to be one of the best. You need to be a genius at your craft, and then the whole world will know your name. Cinema today is, first of all, an object for investment, so a famous director will at least become rich;
  • The hairdresser must also have high creativity;
  • A photographer is the same artist, only his brush is the shutter speed control and color correction on the camera, and his canvas is the entire world around him.

Creative profession designer

Designer. This profession is very popular. It is not surprising, because the level of literacy of the population is growing, and along with it, aesthetic needs are increasing. There are many directions in design: interior design, landscape design, fashion design and others. A designer’s earnings directly depend on the level of his skill and the fame of his name.

Creative profession artist

Another profession that has occupied its place in art for more than a thousand years is the artist. During this time, hundreds of styles have changed, but the need for artistic arts only growing. In artistic activity, a person increasingly strengthens his individuality over the years. Over time, the artist’s name becomes his signature: technique, materials, color, and choice of subject that are unique to his works.

Teacher is a creative profession

Such a common profession as a teacher is also creative. Needless to say: not everyone can teach in such a way that students are proud and remember their teacher all their lives. After all, what is the learning process? The process of transferring one's abstract thoughts concerning a certain object into the words of an existing verbal language. There is no need to prove that even the richest languages ​​in the world will not be able to convey all the diversity of thought. And in order to describe a complex, extraordinary idea, you need to resort to creative talent. In addition, the teacher needs to perfectly understand the essence of the very object that he is going to teach. The work of a teacher is enormous, as is the respect for him. All good teachers are, first of all, people of ideas.

Creative professions for girls

History shows how, over the centuries, artists, musicians, and writers, often male, became famous. However, throughout last centuries During the period of industrialization of society, a certain stereotype gradually emerged in which women were represented as representatives of the creative profession. Perhaps this happened because increasing progress required a lot of physical effort, which could only be exerted by men who had to give up creativity. Time has passed, and muscular strength has lost such importance: now adherents of the art can be found equally among women and men. Speaking about girls, we can say that absolutely any direction creative activity will become subject to them.

Problems of creative professions

One of the problems in choosing a creative specialty is the difficulty of learning this craft: many never manage to master this task. Often such work is low paid. There are times when a person of art becomes completely unclaimed for some period, or for the rest of his life, and this can be a severe blow. Another important aspect is that many people will not be able to understand someone's art. However, for true creative people there are no barriers, because, as already said, art is a way of life.

This material will help in preparing an essay, report or presentation about creative professions.

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It's good when work and hobbies coincide. In this regard, girls and young people who are representatives of creative professions are very lucky. They can be divided into truly creative ones and those that have points of contact with other areas.

For example, the profession of a designer is considered creative, but it can be directly related to construction, acquiring a certain “technical” connotation of creation (designer of furniture, interiors, facades, etc.) The professions of an artist, musician, actor, writer and others do not have such a connotation , and therefore can be considered truly creative.

Name Overall profession rating Average wage*
Jeweler 62 0
Artist 50 0
Photographer 69 0
Florist 61 0
Stylist 66 0
Director 55 0
Hairdresser 67 0
Cartoonist 50 0
Landscape designer 64 0
Illustrator 62 0
Interior designer 76 0
Designer 80 0
Gallery owner 42 0
Visagiste 69 0
Actor 65 0

* - according to Federal service state statistics for 2017.

** - expert assessment of the portal editors on a scale from 0 to 100. Where 100 is the most in demand, the least competitive, with a low barrier to entry in terms of knowledge and accessibility to obtaining it and the most promising, and 0 is the opposite.

For those who cannot live without psychological tests, no luck this time. We offer this article instead of the “To be or not to be a designer” test. If its topic affects you, then you can become designers (if you can master the technology and, of course, work with customers). If she doesn’t become close, she won’t be. Or not yet. The article is about environmental design, but if you wish, you can think in a similar way about other types of design...

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In art, everything is interconnected: for example, artists are inspired by the works of composers, and they are able to realize literary works V musical works- from operas to popular hits. However, when choosing a creative profession, rarely does anyone hesitate between a theater university, a conservatory, and studying at the faculty of painting. Even having talents in several areas, such people from childhood, as a rule, give preference to only one of the arts, attending music school or, say, a literary circle. At the same time, another problem is very common - the problem of choosing between a creative and a “regular” profession: sometimes the entire entrant’s immediate environment insists on a more “realistic” option, which means anything but a creative occupation.

How to believe in your talent and convince your parents and admissions committee? How to turn viewers, listeners and readers of your works into admirers of your talent? How to carry your inspiration through the years creative career? What is the role of creativity in professions not directly related to art? These questions will be answered by the articles in this section, as well as by the history of art, for which most real creators are distinguished by their love.

Not every school graduate knows what professions there are for girls. Decide on life's path- a task facing every teenager. However, not everyone will be able to make the right choice.

The most popular options today

Requirements for successful career implementation

Unfortunately, there are many vacancies in the world that do not provide people with any career growth. It is better to avoid them, because after five years the former student will get bored. But it will be too late to change your specialty.

When choosing, it is better to be guided by the following criteria:

  • Opportunity for career growth.
  • Acceptable salary level.
  • No oversupply of specialists.
  • Demand for professionals in your region.
  • Whether you have a natural ability for this matter.
  • The demand is in the near future and you cannot be replaced by artificial intelligence soon.

TOP 3 most popular destinations for women

When asking yourself the question of what profession a girl should choose after 11th grade, you can focus on the TOP 3 most popular specialties. In the next few years, graduates with these diplomas will not be left without work and will earn a lot.

Girls most often enroll in:

  • Medicine. Many girls dream of helping people, so they go into medical practice. The most common industries in this field are physician, pediatrician, or nurse.
  • PR specialists. It is easier for female representatives to communicate with people. They can win people over faster, which is why they often find themselves in the PR industry.
  • Psychology and consultations. Girls are the ones who know how to listen to other people and understand their feelings. Therefore, from them we get good psychologists and personal consultants.

Women's professions related to communication


Being a teacher is a calling. Girls become teachers if they want to bring something good and bright into this world. Of course, the salary is not zero, but it is you who can make this world a little better and cleaner, raise a new generation.

You can study in both colleges and higher educational institutions. The duration of such a course is about 4 years, the specialty includes several pedagogical practices. At the starting position you will receive about 11,000. Gradually you can improve your qualifications, the salary reaches 40,000. In the future, teachers become head teachers and directors.


The list of professions for girls also includes a psychologist. This is an interesting vacancy, not filled with routine. You can help people solve their problems and at the same time deal with their troubles.

You need to study at a university for about 4 years as a full-time student. After this, you need about 2 years to improve your qualifications. In addition, at first you will earn about 10,000 rubles. But in the future, salaries will start at 25,000 and above, especially if you go into private practice. In the future, good psychologists will open their own businesses.


One of the most controversial specialties. You will have to work a lot, maybe even emotional burnout. However, in the process you will gain amazing management experience, which you can use for further career growth in the future.

They don’t teach this in universities and colleges; this is an improvement in the position for an ordinary office worker. However, you can take a refresher course of 3 months. At first they will pay about 30 thousand, after - about 60. If you prove yourself, you will become the head of a department, for example.


If you don’t understand what profession to choose after 9th grade, turn your attention to a pharmacist. This is one of the simplest jobs in the medical field; you can work without experience and take endless courses.

In college you need to study for 3 years and 10 months, in universities - 5 years with internships. Starting salary is about 23,000 per month. If you work well, they will pay you 75 thousand. The starting position will be an assistant, but you can progress to a pharmacy manager or even a drug developer.

Quiet professions for introverts

People who do not know how and do not like to communicate with people are less likely to succeed. Unfortunately, in any job you will eventually have to talk to someone. Your bosses and clients will always be in front of you. Therefore, the task of an introvert is not to get rid of society in principle, but to minimize communication with it.


One of the freest professions, most often chosen by girls. There is huge scope for self-realization here. No one will stand over you, you can simply create. However, to become a writer, you need talent. You will have to spend hours improving your own skills.

It is not necessary to study, your task is to educate yourself. Practice regularly and create your own stories and worlds. For the first book, most likely, they will pay about 25,000, for subsequent ones - up to 100,000.


If you are interested in prestigious professions for girls, go for accounting. Among the advantages are high demand, standardized and short working hours. There is an opportunity to work remotely.

You can study in college, but it's better to devote your time higher education. It is necessary to complete a bachelor's degree lasting 4 years. The starting salary is 20,000, after which they will start paying about 40,000. In the future, you can become a chief accountant with a fairly high salary. To do this, it is advisable to complete management courses.

Laboratory assistant

Most often, girls who are still students become laboratory assistants. They attend lectures and at the same time work at their home department. As a result, they make many useful contacts, making their further learning process easier.

It is not necessary to study, it is enough to be able to work with papers, for example. There is no career growth, but you can at least earn some money while studying at university. The salary will fluctuate around 7-10 thousand rubles, depending on the educational institution.


Another good specialty. You will be able to realize yourself, relax your soul at work and always be surrounded by beautiful bright flowers with a stunning aroma. Girls often achieve success in this industry.

It is not necessary to study anywhere. Knowledge is passed on either by word of mouth, from senior employees or through specialized courses lasting several months. At first they will pay very little - 5,000. However, if you develop and improve your skills, you can earn 70,000.

Humanitarian professions for girls that are in demand

Tourism manager

Among the main advantages is the opportunity to get yourself the most profitable and last-minute travel packages.

To start your career, just passing short courses lasting up to 3-4 months. However, to become a good specialist, you need to go to university for 4 years or more. At first they will pay 20,000, after that even 150,000. First you will become an assistant, then a manager, and then a director.


Regardless of what industry you go into, you will become a sought-after specialist. The work is quiet and safe, you will simply provide consultations to the population and receive your salary.

College will take you 4 years, and university will take you the same amount if you study full-time. At first they will pay about 15 thousand, then about 40. Work begins with a career as an investigator or assistant in a company. Then you can go to a consultation. The next step is a lawyer, and finally, the last one is an international lawyer.


By choosing this profession, you will be able to work in various fields, conduct interesting research and constantly explore new industries. Now this specialty is in demand in the labor market.

Training, as usual, lasts exactly 4 years in higher education institutions. Beginners will be paid 19,000, experienced specialists large companies- 100,000 rubles. There is practically no career growth; the nature of the work performed will remain the same. However, you can become a good leader in the future.


If you are not afraid of professions related to communication, you can safely go into the cosmetology industry. Among the advantages are demand in the market and the opportunity to experience all the achievements of the modern beauty industry.

You can study in colleges for 4 years. If you want to become a cosmetologist, then you need to go to university and give it 7 years. If you don’t qualify as a doctor, they will pay you 20,000. After that, you can get a job at 40,000. For career growth, you need medical education - then a cosmetologist can become a plastic surgeon.

Technical areas of professions for girls

Web programmer

Quite a creative, but at the same time technical specialty. It will never lose its relevance, because with modern development Internet sites are becoming the most popular service.

You can study for 4 years in college, and then the same amount at university. Even at the very beginning, you can earn about 40,000. A prestigious web developer receives 150,000. In the future, you can become not just a performer, but a project manager or an IT company.


There are also professions related to physics in the world for girls, albeit indirectly. For example, without this knowledge you will not become an architect. Advantages: creativity and self-realization, the ability to design beautiful buildings.

Studying is not an easy task. First you need to give 9 years art school, 1 year college and 3 years university. Salary starts from 20,000 and ends at 75,000. You start as an assistant, then become a highly qualified specialist. Next step: chief architect.

Safety Engineer

This industry has an important advantage - a labor protection engineer is needed in every organization, from a university to a small company with a couple of offices. You won't be left without work.

One of the few specialties that require 5 years of training. Employees without work experience are paid 19,000, experienced specialists at senior positions― 50,000. Growth depends on qualifications. An engineer of the 2nd category graduates from the university. Over time, he can receive 1 category, improving his qualifications.

Process engineer

The best technical professions for girls are related to technology. The advantage is huge demand. This specialty will never lose its relevance, even in the distant future.

College takes engineers 3 years, and higher educational institution- 4 years. To work, you need experience in the field where you plan to get a job. A specialist is paid from 40 to 80 thousand rubles. For career growth, you need to improve your category with the help of courses.

Creative directions


The advantages include a flexible work schedule and the opportunity for rapid career growth. You will work for yourself, independently regulate your working hours and the amount of wages you receive.

You can study in specialized courses lasting several months; education is not required. A beginner's salary starts from 10,000. A professional is paid 40,000 and above. You can work in various industries: weddings, holidays, model business or the advertising industry.


You can get an education at a university or college - each program will take 4 years. They pay from 20,000, after - 75,000, if you actively develop and take advanced training courses. Career growth depends only on you. You need to build your own customer base and gain a reputation.


Among the advantages for girls are higher pay and the opportunity to work with cute children's books. You can work remotely or find work in absolutely any region, since books are published in every city.

You need to study in a regular art school, combining it with a general education school - devote 9 years to drawing. Beginners are paid about 15,000, popular and established ones - 75,000. Career ladder also depends on how quickly you earn your own reputation.

Promising industries

Advertising Specialist

The most promising professions for girls are related to marketing. The advertising manager must find the marketing strategy of the enterprise. This is a fairly creative specialty where there are no restrictions.

They pay from 30,000 to 80,000 rubles, depending on the experience they have. In the future, you can become a director; before that, work as a simple performer.


The main advantage is the opportunity to become a person of the future. The robotics industry is developing rapidly, and there is always a shortage of specialists. Therefore, technicians will never be left without work.

They study for about 4 years. But they pay differently. Since this industry is just beginning to develop in Russia, there is no confirmed data on the average salary level and career growth. You have to open the industry on your own.


The main advantage is the huge variety of industries. A financial specialist is needed in any field. Both industrial enterprises and owners of cozy offices are looking for their employees.

You can graduate from college with a degree in finance and credit after entering the 9th grade. Study for 3 years. At first they pay 20,000, after that - about 60-80 thousand rubles. Growth starts from an ordinary financier and ends with the head of a department.

Blockchain Specialist

While blockchain specialist has become the job of the future. The active development of cryptocurrency has made such workers one of the most sought-after specialists in our world. You can work both in Russia and with foreign companies.

You can get a degree in finance or economics, but this is not required. Important personal experience. There is also no salary level - you can either work at a loss or earn tens of thousands.

3D visualizer

One of the original professions that does not require communication with clients: you will receive tasks from designers. At the same time, the industry is creative; gray models can be used to create a beautiful and rich picture.

Education is not necessary; you can study in a specialty related to design. Beginners are paid 20,000, already popular ones - 80,000. You work only for yourself, often on the principle of freelancing.

Motion designer

Working with animation is what many artists dream of. You can bring someone's drawings to life: isn't that inspiring? If you work at large studios, you can do this according to the principles of remote work.

Education: Animator, 4 years. They pay from 30 to 90 thousand, and this is only at Russian studios. Development can be assessed by its own popularity. The better you work, the more you will start to earn.

Creative professions are directly related to art and culture; they require creative solutions to any problems, as well as innovative thinking. It is these qualities that must be present in representatives of the following creative professions.


Translated from Latin, “actor” means performer. An actor is a master of disguise; he must have the following qualities:

  • artistry;
  • liberation;
  • creativity.

Actors always have a good memory and clear diction. This profession requires a lot of effort and daily work on oneself.


Translated from English, “design” means to conceive, to design. Designers are people who have artistic abilities. The required qualities of a designer include the following character traits:

  • communication skills;
  • creative and imaginative thinking;
  • a creative approach to solving any problem.

Today there are a dozen different directions in design.


The main task of an illustrator is to create an image based on a story or written text. In addition to artistic skills, illustrators have:

  • developed imagination;
  • creativity;
  • perseverance.

Fashion designer

Fashion designer is the main profession in the field of clothing creation. The responsibilities of the fashion designer include:

  • design development;
  • creating patterns;
  • selection of materials;
  • organization of shows.

A highly qualified specialist has the following qualities:

  • imagination;
  • perseverance;
  • creativity;
  • artistic skills;
  • cutting and sewing skills.

Fashion designers are always in demand in fashion houses, boutiques and clothing factories.


The main tasks of the director are to manage everyone creative processes in film, theater and television. It is the director who interprets the script, conveying the author’s main idea to the actors, and then monitors the execution. The director must have the following personal qualities:

  • natural leadership;
  • creative potential.

Today, director is one of the highly paid creative professions.


An animator is a person who skillfully combines a child’s perception of the world and adult professionalism. Animators combine the roles of both artist and director. They are engaged in creating the plot and scenario line of animated productions, as well as creating visuals. A good specialist should have the following qualities:

  • developed imagination;
  • creativity;
  • perseverance.

The place of work for animators can be an advertising agency, a web design studio, as well as animation studios.

Gallery owner

The profession of a gallerist is very similar to the profession of an art critic. The gallery owner is responsible for the presentation of exhibits for the purpose of display and subsequent sale. In addition, he ensures the organization of advertising, presentation and sale of masterpieces. This profession is suitable for creative people who have:

  • good memory;
  • analytical mind;
  • sociability.

You can find work in a museum, gallery, or you can open your own business.


The main task of a photographer is to capture highlights life with the help of special equipment. This creative profession, which is at the intersection of technology and art. A specialist in his field must have:

  • rich in imagination;
  • aesthetic taste;
  • sense of composition;
  • patience.

Photographers are in demand in newspapers, magazines, photo studios, and design companies.


The main task of a hairdresser is to create hairstyles and care for hair. These specialists do the painting, different types haircuts, styling, and also provide hair treatment. A professional hairdresser needs the following qualities:

  • tact;
  • communication skills;
  • delicacy;
  • patience;
  • sense of style;
  • accuracy.

Good specialists are always in demand in beauty salons, hairdressers, and stylist schools.


The job of a stylist is to create a bright and harmonious external image. When creating an individual style, they take into account both the external characteristics of the client and his character, aesthetic tastes and type of activity. In order to become a stylist you must have the following qualities:

  • tact;
  • developed intuition;
  • communication skills;
  • creativity;
  • analytic skills.

Stylists can find work in beauty salons, photo studios, image agencies, and television.


A jeweler's job is to create artistic products from stones and precious metals. During jewelry work they use such technique, such as casting, forging, artistic embossing, embossing, engraving, etc. To become a good craftsman, you need to skillfully combine both artistic skills and scrupulous technical work. A jeweler must have the following personal qualities:

  • perseverance;
  • creativity;
  • painstakingness;
  • good fine motor skills;
  • accuracy.

Jewelers are usually in demand in jewelry stores and pawn shops.


The main task of a makeup artist is to create an image and correct one’s appearance using decorative cosmetics. This career is ideal for people with the following skills:

  • communication skills;
  • creativity;
  • perseverance.

Stylists, as a rule, work in modeling agencies, theaters, beauty salons, television studios, photo and film sets.


The main task of a writer is to create a verbal work that is intended for public consumption. It is typical for a writer to:

  • developed imagination;
  • humanitarian mindset.

In addition, he must have a perfect command of the language, and also be able to clearly, accurately and figuratively express all his thoughts. As a rule, writers work at home.


An animator is a specialist who conducts holiday events, and also speaks in front of the public in order to create good mood and entertain. This profession is ideal for people who have:

  • artistic skills;
  • in a loud voice;
  • clear diction;
  • positive energy.

Animators find employment in nightclubs, restaurants, amusement parks, kindergartens and holiday agencies.



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