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Professional adaptation. Professional adaptation of new employees a) proper organization of work

Every profession is a conspiracy against the uninitiated.

Bernard Show

An important role in the development of a new employee’s career in an organization is played by the adaptation process, the period of adaptation of an employee to a new workplace, work team, and the organization as a whole.

Professional adaptation is a management process aimed at introducing new employees to their new tasks in a new workplace.

Errors associated with an employee’s adaptation to a new place of work can be divided into two types: behavioral and functional. Behavioral ones depend on the person himself, his upbringing and culture. These include, for example:

Inflated expectations and claims;

Reluctance to understand and accept the company’s corporate culture;

Inability to wait, tendency to draw premature conclusions;

Lack of initiative, unwillingness to take responsibility, etc.

Functional errors are related to the professional qualities of the new employee, but they are often committed through the fault of the organization.

Functional errors include:

Formalism or haste in adaptation programs;

Underestimation of the role and importance of adaptation for the development of the organization’s personnel;

Inattention to new employees, especially to their psychological adaptation to the new work team;

Shifting adaptation tasks to line managers who are busy with current production activities.

There are two areas of professional adaptation:

1) primary – orientation of young employees who do not have professional experience (for example, graduates of educational institutions);

2) secondary – adaptation to the organization of workers changing the object of their work activity or professional role.

The fundamental goals of adaptation in any enterprise can be summarized as follows.

1. Reducing start-up costs. The new employee does not know his job or how the company operates. This means that as long as he performs less efficiently than experienced employees, he incurs additional costs. Effective orientation reduces start-up costs and enables new employees to reach common standards sooner.

2. Reducing the anxiety and uncertainty experienced by the new employee. Worry here means fear of failure at work. This is a normal fear of the new, the unknown, combined with an insufficient ability to work confidently and efficiently.

3. Reducing staff turnover. If employees feel inept and unwanted, they may respond by leaving their jobs. Turnover is high during times of change, so effective targeting is designed to negate this costly reaction.

4. Saving time for the immediate supervisor and employees at work. A misdirected worker still needs to do his job, but requires assistance in doing so. Typically, the people who should provide this assistance are employees and direct managers who spend their time on this. Good orientation programs help save everyone's time.

5. Development of a positive attitude towards work, realism in expectations and job satisfaction. New employees should be reasonable and realistic about learning what the business expects of them, and their own expectations should be neither too high nor too low.

There are also professional, social and psychological adaptation.

Professional adaptation includes the mastery of a profession, its specifics, the acquisition by new employees of labor skills, techniques, and technologies necessary for effective activities in a given organization. For these purposes, in the first weeks of the probationary period, lectures, trainings, and business games are held.

Social adaptation is aimed at introducing a new employee to the organization as a social system: its history, personnel and social policies, the system of internal and external communications, internal rules, corporate culture of the company, its goals and values.

Psychological adaptation is aimed at including a new employee in the system of interpersonal relations of the team. Factors of psychological adaptation are the moral climate of the work team, leadership style, traditions and norms of relationships between employees.

The period of professional and social adaptation includes several stages, the duration of which can vary and depends on a number of factors:

Familiarization with the organization (from one month to three);

Adaptation, i.e. gradual adaptation, assimilation of norms and stereotypes of labor and social behavior in the organization, compatibility with colleagues (usually up to one year);

Identification, i.e. the complete adaptation of the employee to the organization’s environment and his gradual integration into the organization, when personal goals are identified with organizational ones.

Thus, the process of adaptation of a new employee in an organization ends when the employee has not only become involved in the work process, but has also learned and accepted corporate value orientations, business and personal relationships in it. Adaptation programs can be formalized (training in the HR department, mentoring, on-the-job instruction, familiarization with corporate documents, etc.) and informal (communication, workplace counseling, observations, etc.).

Typical in this regard is the employee adaptation program at the American company Texas Instruments. The feeling of discomfort among the new women cleaners was caused by the knowledge that they had to achieve the same level of skill as the experienced workers around them. For a long time they did not understand the leader’s instructions, but were afraid to ask questions and seem stupid. Sometimes their questions were accompanied by ridicule.

The orientation program was tested at the company in two versions. A control group of new recruits was offered a traditional career guidance program: a typical two-hour briefing in the human resources department. It included the topics covered in such cases and a description of the minimum job requirements. The new recruits were then introduced to a supervisor who gave them an introduction to the job.

The experimental group received the same two-hour program and an additional six-hour social orientation program. It emphasized four points.

1. The group members were told that they were well positioned to achieve the goal, and were presented with facts that 99% of workers achieve the standards required by the company; it was shown how long it takes to achieve different levels of mastery. It was repeatedly emphasized that everything in the group would be fine.

2. They were advised not to pay attention to the “talk” and were warned about the usual jokes. It was suggested to perceive them with humor and ignore them.

3. It was said that new things should be learned together. They explained that managers were too busy to ask a new employee if he needed help. They will be happy to help, but the employee must ask for it without appearing stupid.

4. They were presented with more “live” data about the leader. He was described with important details: what he likes, what his hobby is, whether he is demanding, calm or not, etc.

This career guidance had positive consequences. In the experimental group there was 50% less lateness and absenteeism, defects were reduced by 80%, production costs were reduced by 15-30%, training time by 50%, and training costs by approximately 66%.

The progressive idea was used by Hewlett-Packard. Orientation here was carried out by retired company employees. The result was wonderful.

In recent years, a form of adaptation such as mentoring has become widespread in organizations. During the Soviet era, great importance was attached to the mentoring movement - becoming a mentor was prestigious and honorable.

Today, when choosing mentors, they are guided by such personal qualities as:

High professionalism;

Communication skills, friendliness;

Desire to share your experience and knowledge, agreement to be a mentor;

Love for business and loyalty to your organization.

In some companies, the best mentors are rewarded for working with new employees, but there are many examples when mentoring becomes a need for people to pass on their experience and help new employees join the team.

The problem of human adaptation has long been one of the areas of theoretical and applied research in many sciences: sociology, psychology, pedagogy, medicine, biology, etc. Nowadays, there is no longer a single social or anthropological science that does not directly or indirectly study the problems of human adaptation in various conditions of his life and activity.

In general, when considering the problems of human adaptation, it is advisable to proceed from a well-known fact: a person appears as a combination of two systems - biological and mental. Each of them consists of many subsystems. In this sense, there are two main types (levels) of human adaptation: biological and psychological.

Biological and physiological adaptation is inherent in both humans and animals, but it is important to note that human adaptation as an organism is, one way or another, subject to the influence of social circumstances.

E. Fromm believed that one of the differences between human biological adaptation and animals is the presence of “biological weakness,” by which the scientist meant “a person’s relative lack of instinctive regulation in the process of adaptation to the surrounding world.”

According to this point of view, the differences between human adaptation and animals at the biological and physiological level are determined by low instinctive adaptability, as a result of which a person is forced to look for other ways of adaptation, which, in turn, contributes to human evolution.

In biological adaptation, the concept of “adaptation syndrome” is used (G. Selye). Adaptation syndrome is a set of adaptive reactions of the human and animal body that are of a general protective nature and arise in response to adverse effects of significant strength and duration. Functional states that develop under the influence of stressors are called stress states. The main symptoms of adaptation syndrome are enlargement of the adrenal glands, reduction of the thymus gland, spleen and lymph nodes, metabolic disorders with a predominance of decay processes. There are three stages in the development of adaptation syndrome:

1. Alarm stage: lasts from several hours to two days and includes two phases: shock and anti-shock, the latter of which mobilizes the body’s defense reactions.

2. Resistance stage: the body’s resistance to various influences is increased. This stage either leads to stabilization and recovery, or is replaced by the last stage.

3. Exhaustion stage: a sharp decrease in the body’s resistance, disruption of its functions, which leads to diseases and can result in the death of the body.

Along with biological and neuropsychological approaches in the development of problems of human adaptation, others, primarily psychological and sociological, appear and are approved.

Psychological adaptation is the process of psychological inclusion of an individual in systems of social, socio-psychological and professional-activity connections and relationships, in the performance of corresponding role functions.

The following main areas of human life and activity are identified in which his psychological adaptation is carried out (and, accordingly, the main types of psychological adaptation):

social in all the diversity of its content sides, components: moral, political, legal, etc.;

socio-psychological: systems of psychological connections and relationships of the individual, its inclusion in the performance of various socio-psychological roles (socio-psychological adaptation of the individual);

the sphere of professional, educational, cognitive and other activity connections and relationships of the individual (professional activity psychological adaptation of the individual);

relationships with the ecological environment (ecological psychological adaptation).

Accordingly, with these four spheres of human life and activity, four main types of psychological adaptation are distinguished:

professional activity;




The result of the adaptation process is one or another level of personal adaptation.

Personality adaptability can be:

internal, when a restructuring of its functional structures and systems occurs with a certain change in the environment of its life. There is a meaningful, complete, generalized adaptation of the personality;

external, behavioral, adaptive, when the personality is not internally, meaningfully rebuilt and retains itself, its independence. The so-called instrumental adaptation of the personality occurs;

mixed, when the personality is partially rebuilt and internally adjusted to the environment, its values, norms, and partially adapts instrumentally, behaviorally, preserving his “I”, his independence, “self”.

The process of professional adaptation of a specialist includes the following main procedures and problems:

1. Interaction of the individual with the environment:

a) social interaction (both with individuals and with social groups);

b) socio-psychological interaction;

c) interaction with the material and technical environment.

2. The emergence of a contradiction, a conflict situation (CS) between the individual and the environment.

3. The emergence of a need state (NS) of the individual, a state of maladaptation.

4. Manifestation of reactive states of a protective nature, defensive reactions in humans (RD).

5. Implementation of protective, adaptive behavior (AP) to reduce the maladaptive state.

6. Reducing (or removing) the contradiction between the individual and the environment, eliminating the conflict situation.

This can be visually represented as follows:

KS PS ZR AP Permission

Psychological adaptation is a multi-level and diverse phenomenon, affecting the individual characteristics of a person, his psyche, and all aspects of his life, primarily the social environment and various types of activities (primarily professional), in which he is directly involved.

In the process of personality adaptation, a person’s mental activity is harmonized with the given environmental conditions and his activities in certain circumstances. In connection with this, an indicator of the degree of psychological adaptation of an individual can be the level (degree) of an individual’s internal, psychological comfort, determined by the balance of a person’s positive and negative emotions, the degree of satisfaction of his need states.

Psychological adaptation is interconnected with such a psychological phenomenon as socialization. These processes are close, interdependent, interdependent, but not identical.

Socialization of a person is the process of mastering social and socio-psychological norms, rules, values, and functions.

The formation of a specialist’s personality has two aspects:

1. professional-role socialization of the individual;

2. professionalization as a certain degree of mastery by a person of a professional activity or specialty.

Professional adaptation is the process of a person entering a profession and harmonizing his interactions with the professional environment.

Professional adaptation of a young specialist is a permanent process that has its own dynamics, content and other features. Its success depends on many circumstances, among which the leading role is played by:

1. the specialist has the necessary internal prerequisites: appropriate preparedness, a sufficient level of adaptability, motivation for professional activity;

2. special attention of the specialist himself, managers and the team as a whole to the process of professional adaptation;

3. implementation of the adaptation process, taking into account the characteristics of the specialist, patterns, both of this process itself and the development of the social environment;

4. special psychological support for this process, based on the forecast of its characteristics and provision of the necessary psychological assistance to the specialist.

Professional adaptation of a young specialist is a process of overcoming internal and external difficulties and obstacles. This creates certain stressful conditions, the overcoming and prevention of which requires additional efforts and special preparedness. In addition, successful adaptation is impossible without constant self-education and self-education of a specialist.


Professional adaptation

1. The concept of professional adaptation

Under professional adaptation usually understand a system of measures and activities that contribute to the professional development of an employee and form appropriate professional qualities in him, and also help in the employee’s mastery of elements of organizational culture and the adoption of a new social status. Professional adaptation includes self-identification with a new role, status characteristics and acceptance of the culture and values ​​of the professional environment.

Adaptation- one of the important milestones in a person’s life, through which he forms his worldview and development as a person.

Socialization (adaptation) of an employee in a new workplace depends on how well the person is accepted by the team, and the entire organization as a whole. Socialization is difficult in the case of role ambiguity, when job responsibilities are not clearly defined and structured, and role conflict, when the requirements of the organization conflict with the personal standards of the employee.

Resocialization– re-socialization associated with the transition to a new position or another place of work while maintaining the previous position.

The fit between the employee and the organization is based on the alignment of the employee’s values ​​with the organization’s values.

In order for the adaptation process to be painless for the employee, and indeed to pass and give a positive result, four stages must be followed:

1) it is necessary to assess the level of preparedness of the newcomer in order to create an individual adaptation program specifically for this specialist. This will also shorten the adaptation period for newcomers who have extensive experience in this field, or increase its period for a newcomer who has no experience in this field;

2) it is necessary not to theoretically familiarize the newcomer with the front of his future work, but to clearly show the workplace and talk about the requirements that will be placed on him;

3) it is necessary to adapt the newcomer to his new status in this organization, to involve him in interpersonal relationships with colleagues. If necessary, assign a mentor to the newcomer, who will familiarize him with job responsibilities and introduce the newcomer to colleagues, helping to attract the newcomer to the team;

4) the stage of completion of the adaptation process comes down to the gradual overcoming of production and interpersonal problems and the transition to stable performance of work duties. This stage occurs after approximately the first year of work in the new organization. But if you fully control the adaptation process, you can reduce it to a couple of months, which is very beneficial for the financial side of the organization.

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An important task for the company is the professional adaptation of employees to the new workplace. An organization is a system of constant communication between people, and an employee is an individual in this system.

When a new employee gets a job in an organization, he already has his own personal experience and point of view, which is not always similar to the opinion of the new team. A “fresh” employee can often feel loneliness and discomfort: he finds it difficult to say something, does not know what to do.

The vocational adaptation program will save a beginner’s time and help him quickly navigate his way to a job position. The main direction of the career guidance system in Russia, which starts in elementary school, is to help everyone choose a place in society that matches their abilities, desires, mental and physical characteristics, and also the needs of the company.

There is no special organization in the company that deals with adaptation problems. Usually this is done by certain employees of different departments. This employee could be the head of the human resources department, line managers or colleagues. The main goal is to ensure that the specialist’s adaptation to the main factors of professional activity is quick and painless.

The adaptation process begins at the moment of employment, with the HR department. The department inspector talks about the activities of the enterprise where the applicant will work. Then he shows the future job and introduces it to the manager and colleagues.

Stages of personnel adaptation

Favorable passage of the following stages guarantees quick adaptation to workloads and increased productivity of the employee.

  1. Assessing the level of training of a new employee. This stage includes familiarization with colleagues, rules of conduct, and characteristics of the enterprise. Specialist training and work experience in a similar position minimizes the employee’s adaptation period.
  2. Orientation – familiarizing the employee with the future responsibilities of his position and the requirements.
  3. Effective adaptation. Getting the employee used to their work status. This is the stage when a newcomer needs support, evaluation of work performance, and building relationships in the team.
  4. Functioning is the last stage of adaptation. Overcoming problems in a team and studying job responsibilities.

The change of these stages is called an “adaptation crisis.” The employee develops a feeling of anxiety, stress, and a desire to find a way out.

Employee adaptation criteria:

  • fulfillment of job description)
  • quality of work done)
  • amount of work performed)
  • correspondence of time costs)
  • impression from the team)
  • ability to find a common language with employees)
  • interest in work)
  • desire to grow professionally)
  • compliance with the rules of conduct in the organization)
  • assessment of the properties of working life.

Orientation and professional adaptation are important elements of the personnel training system, the task of which is to qualitatively and quantitatively cover the labor force needs of the enterprise to increase profitability and competitiveness.

Career guidance is a system of measures that will help a person choose the most suitable profession. It includes:

  • professional information)
  • professional consultation)
  • professional selection)
  • professional adaptation.

Using the employee’s labor opportunities and potential incompletely causes damage to the enterprise and its personal development. The difference between training a specialist and performing work tasks reduces the employee’s performance, loss of interest in performing duties, which results in low company productivity, work-related injuries or illnesses, and deterioration in product quality.

Forms of career guidance work:

  • vocational training – preparing future personnel for relevant activities)
  • professional information - applicants get acquainted with the state of the labor market, opportunities for development in their main specialty)
  • professional consultation - determining a future specialty, place of work by identifying a person’s interests, abilities and physical health)
  • professional selection is a system for recruiting employees, which includes a medical examination, assessment of physical and psychological condition in order to select the most appropriate employee for the position.

There is another problem in the development of an organization - labor adaptation. It represents a two-way relationship between the organization and the worker, which is characterized by the gradual introduction of the employee into his duties in new psychological, professional, economic, and living conditions. There are two directions of labor adaptation: primary and secondary.

Factors influencing adaptation:

  • essence and nature of work in this specialty)
  • business and work development)
  • Company structure)
  • contacts between colleagues)
  • organization, work scheme)
  • professional structure)
  • salary amount)
  • discipline)
  • workplace readiness)
  • operating mode of the enterprise.

In large corporations and organizations, it is necessary to have specialists who would manage personnel, or a small division that would deal with the professional adaptation of employees and career guidance.

The career guidance department can perform the following functions:

  • collect information on the state of the labor market in the state and forecasts, carry out activities in order to adapt to new structural changes)
  • organize testing, questioning, recruitment of company personnel using special programs)
  • participate in the relocation of specialists across departments, raising the level of specialists,
  • to create stability in the labor relations of the team)
  • organize a work office or place of work)
  • familiarize new employees with places to work)
  • explain job responsibilities and work schedule)
  • look for young workers with organizational skills)
  • organize training for new employees, conduct lectures, trainings, on-site events)
  • interact with the adaptation management system in the regions.

The adaptation of young specialists who do not have professional experience is slightly different from those who have already worked. It involves informing about the activities of the enterprise, and training in the responsibilities and subtleties of the details of work in the position held. Professional adaptation of an older specialist is especially difficult. He also needs training, just like a young employee, but he often has difficulty integrating into the team.

There are some features of professional adaptation for women who are returning from maternity leave, disabled people, and workers who have completed advanced training courses. All this must be taken into account when creating adaptation programs.

Employee adaptation

After a company has spent time and money on finding a specialist, it is not profitable for it if the employee quits in the near future. According to statistical calculations, a significant part of hired employees quit within the first 3 months. The main reason is the discrepancy between expectations and reality, as well as the difficult adaptation process.

The employee requires the following guarantees:

  • assessment of work expended in the form of salary and incentive bonuses)
  • social security in the form of paid leave or sick leave)
  • ensuring growth and development)
  • pre-agreed specific area of ​​work, rights and responsibilities)
  • comfortable working conditions)
  • comfortable interaction with team members.

The specifics of what employees expect in a new place depend on the individual and the specific situation. At the same time, the enterprise expects from the newcomer high-quality work, expression of personal and business characteristics that correspond to the direction of the organization, as well as effective work in a team with assigned tasks, execution of instructions, compliance with work regime and discipline, and taking responsibility for one’s mistakes.

Professional adaptation can manifest itself in different forms, which depend on the personal characteristics of employees and working conditions:

The task of personnel officers is to enroll a newcomer in the second or fourth type of professional adaptation, identifying employees who do not accept the basic rules of the company.

Parties of the adaptation process

The adaptation process is characterized by four sides:

  1. Professional. Gaining experience, determining the specifics of the work. Any new employee goes through a stage of study, guidance from an experienced colleague, instruction, and consultation. Modern organizations use rotation - on-the-job training. A new employee works for a short time in different positions, in different departments. This helps the newcomer quickly get up to speed with the team and learn a lot.
  2. Psychophysiological. The employee adapts to a new work and rest schedule. This form of adaptation is necessary for the purposes of manufacturing plants with complex technologies where there is a risk of injury. In offices and other companies, conditions are standard. But a new employee needs time to get used to the rhythm and intensity of work, and the psychophysical stress.
  3. Socio-psychological. It represents a successful infusion of a newcomer into the department’s operating mode. He becomes an equal part of the team, joins the emotional comfort zone, and speaks positively about the relationships between employees. Forms of socio-psychological adaptation depend on various factors: level of education, age, personal qualities.
  4. Organizational. The employee is shown his workplace, his role in the activities and goals of the company, and his readiness to accept new rules.

Adaptation of Japanese workers

Japan can be taken as an example of an interesting system for training newly arrived workers and professional adaptation. The management of organizations tries to attract young workers immediately after school, because then the employee is not yet “spoiled” by other people’s influence, and is ready to accept the rules and norms of this organization. Particular attention in the adaptation of a specialist is given to the program of instilling corporate culture, devotion to the company’s image, and a sense of pride in one’s organization.

The corporate spirit of the company arises due to the employee’s dedication to the affairs of the company, familiarization with its atmosphere, and the fulfillment of missions and tasks. Each organization has its own working uniform, motto or anthem, rituals, and holding conferences. Many young employees of the company live in its dormitories for several years after joining the organization.

Russian problems of adaptation

The state employment service cannot effectively manage career guidance and adaptation, as there are problems with organizing employment. The presence of unemployment and low qualification requirements for workers do not show the need to improve the employment system. As a result, there was a shortage of personnel, underemployment, inconsistency with specialties, and low requirements for employee training.


Plays an important role in the development of a new employee’s career in an organization. adaptation process, the period of adaptation of the employee to a new workplace, work team, and the organization as a whole (Figure 19).

Figure 19 – Matrix of employee inclusion in the organization

Professional adaptation is a management process aimed at introducing new employees to their new tasks in a new workplace.

Errors associated with an employee’s adaptation to a new place of work can be divided into two types: behavioral and functional.

Behavioral ones depend on the person himself, his upbringing and culture. These include, for example:

- inflated expectations and claims;

— reluctance to understand and accept the company’s corporate culture;

- inability to wait, tendency to make premature conclusions;

- lack of initiative, unwillingness to take responsibility, etc.

Functional errors are related to the professional qualities of the new employee, but they are often committed through the fault of the organization.

Functional errors include:

— formalism or haste of adaptation programs;

— underestimation of the role and importance of adaptation for the development of the organization’s personnel;

— inattention to new employees, especially to their psychological adaptation to the new work team;

— shifting adaptation tasks to line managers who are busy with current production activities.

In this regard, it is possible to determine the main goals of modern personnel adaptation programs in an organization:

— reduce start-up costs;

— save the working time of the immediate supervisor;

— to form a positive attitude towards the team, organization, work;

— reduce staff turnover;

- reduce the anxiety, uncertainty, and concern that a new employee usually experiences when joining a new work team.

There are two areas of professional adaptation (Figure 20):

- primary— orientation of young employees who do not have professional experience (for example, graduates of educational institutions);

- secondary - adaptation to the organization of workers changing the object of their work activity or professional role.

Figure 20 – Types of adaptation of new employees

There are also professional, social and psychological adaptation.

Professional adaptation includes the mastery of a profession, its specifics, the acquisition by new employees of labor skills, techniques, and technologies necessary for effective activities in a given organization. For these purposes, in the first weeks of the probationary period, lectures, trainings, and business games are held.

Social adaptation is aimed at introducing a new employee to the organization as a social system: its history, personnel and social policies, the system of internal and external communications, internal rules, corporate culture of the company, its goals and values.

Psychological adaptation is aimed at including a new employee in the system of interpersonal relations of the team. Factors of psychological adaptation are the moral climate of the work team, leadership style, traditions and norms of relationships between employees.

The period of professional and social adaptation includes several stages, the time and scale of which can be different and depend on a number of factors (Figure 21):

— familiarization with the organization (from one month to three);

- device, i.e. gradual adaptation, assimilation of norms and stereotypes of labor and social behavior in the organization, compatibility with colleagues (usually up to one year);

— identification, i.e. the complete adaptation of the employee to the organization’s environment and his gradual integration into the organization, when personal goals are identified with organizational goals.

Thus, the process of adaptation of a new employee in an organization ends when the employee has not only become involved in the work process, but has also learned and accepted corporate value orientations, business and personal relationships in it.

Adaptation programs can be formalized(training in the HR department, mentoring, on-the-job training, familiarization with corporate documents, etc.) and unformalized(communication, workplace counseling, observations, etc.).

Figure 21 – Factors influencing the adaptation of new employees in the organization

In recent years, a form of adaptation such as mentoring has become widespread in organizations.

During the Soviet era, great importance was attached to the mentoring movement - becoming a mentor was prestigious and honorable.

Today, when choosing mentors, they are guided by such personal qualities as:

- high professionalism;

- communication, friendliness;

— desire to share your experience and knowledge, agreement to be a mentor;

- love for work and loyalty to your organization.

In some companies, the best mentors are rewarded for working with new employees, but there are many examples when mentoring becomes a need for people to pass on their experience and help new employees join the team.

Providing assistance to ordinary employees in a new workplace from colleagues, mentors, and HR managers is a fairly common occurrence. As for new managers, they are often left to their own devices, since there are practically no special programs for their adaptation in companies.

In the work of any company, there are many pitfalls and complex problems that can lead to objective difficulties, worries and stress for a top manager in a new workplace. The main task of a manager at the stage of joining an organization is to correctly build relationships at all levels of management - from shareholders to subordinates and colleagues; obtain information about information flows, both external and internal; study fundamental corporate documents on structure and business processes; analyze the company’s infrastructure, its opportunities and threats and, finally, explore the company’s “folklore” - its corporate culture, values, traditions, rules and norms of behavior.

The higher the manager’s position, the more individually the adaptation program should be built. But the main difficulty in adapting a top manager is that he has to look for the line where he must adapt to the organization, and where he needs to try to change the organization (for which he was invited by the owners of this company).



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