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A program for optimizing computer performance. Free program to improve computer performance

What to do when Windows slows down

It is difficult to find a laptop or personal computer user who is completely satisfied with the performance of their system. Therefore, it is not surprising in the existence of various programs - optimizers and special applications designed to speed up PC operation as much as possible.

You shouldn’t expect fantastic results from their use, but such programs still bring real benefits. Based on the type of optimization, it is most convenient to divide them into the following groups:

  • speed up Windows boot and system operation by stopping optional programs and services;
  • automating driver update processes;
  • providing computer cleaning- searching for and removing various garbage, consisting of temporary files and remnants of old programs;
  • fixing system files;
  • n normalizing the work of the hard drive.

Most of the activities for optimizing and cleaning a computer can be carried out using the built-in tools of the Windows operating system itself, but specialized software makes life easier for the average user, in some cases completely automating the optimization process. Developers of programs for cleaning your computer from accumulated debris and optimizing Windows operation are guided by the collective experience of the computer community and provide for performing only proven and safe actions. If there is a possibility of making dangerous changes— the current state of the system is remembered and they can be canceled if necessary.

The best programs to optimize Windows boot

Even a freshly installed operating system without any additional software does not use computer resources optimally. The fact is that due to the desire to provide Windows with the widest possible functionality, it also includes numerous services designed to interact with various equipment and implement special options. Moreover, in a number of cases their capabilities remain unclaimed. As a rule, such services start at system startup, increase boot time, occupy RAM, and consume CPU time.

Problem: When installing additional programs, the latter can either be registered in the startup folder or the corresponding registry sections, or add their own services to the system. For example, checking for version updates or activating the required module based on a specific event. The list of programs and services that are launched when Windows boots can be managed using standard tools, such as msconfig and services.msc, but third-party service utilities provide more extensive capabilities.

Solution: AutoRuns program

Russian interface: There is

Terms of distribution: FreeWare

One of the best programs in this class for optimizing Windows booting is from Sysinternals, which was once acquired by Microsoft. The utility displays absolutely all programs, services, drivers and other system components that are launched not only during boot, but also when users register or other events occur. Works in all versions of Windows, including 64-bit. Shows the properties of any found objects, paths and launch parameters, and the sequence in which they are processed by the operating system. By disabling irrelevant services and programs, the user can increase the loading speed of the OS, free up memory and computing resources of his machine, thereby increasing its performance.

Problem: Big number applications starting at short intervals and with the same priority compete with each other for the processor’s attention. Trying to “pull the blanket” to their side, they can significantly delay the process of completing the download and interfere with the user’s normal work. Standard Windows tools allow you to organize delayed launch of programs, for example, using the task scheduler, but this approach is quite labor-intensive. In addition, processes launched by the scheduler have low priority, which can be critical for individual applications. In this case, it also makes sense to use specialized software.

Solution: Autorun Organizer

Photo: chemtable.com

Latest version: 2.20

Russian interface: There is

Terms of distribution: FreeWare

The easy-to-use Autorun Organizer utility from ChemTable Software has proven itself well. It not only allows you to postpone for a while or completely cancel the startup of any application, but also keeps a startup log, displaying its latest entries in the corresponding panel. This approach provides a visual analysis of the results of changes made to the list of programs launched when the operating system starts. In addition, Autorun Organizer can check these applications for malware using the popular online service Virustotal.

Best programs
to automate driver updates

Problem: Surely many users have encountered a situation where the next update of a driver leads to a significant increase in system stability or performance. Considering a large number of installed drivers for various PC or laptop components, as well as peripheral devices, regular manual check for updates will take too much time. The best solution in such a situation may be to use the appropriate utility.

Solution: IObit Driver Booster Program

Photo: ru.iobit.com

Latest version: 3.2

Russian interface: There is

Terms of distribution: FreeWare, paid version PRO (1500 RUR)

The program automatically creates and updates a list of drivers installed in the system, searches for new versions for them on the websites of official manufacturers and offers updating in one click. In addition, Driver Booster optimizes the parameters of some drivers to achieve maximum performance in games. The difference between the free and professional versions is that the latter supports more devices and creates a backup when updating.

The best programs for optimizing system performance

Problem: It often happens that literally a percentage of productivity is not enough for “complete happiness.” This is especially true for not the most modern hardware platforms and for running games of the latest generations on them. To some extent, the use of a specialized game optimizer can save the situation.

Solution: Razer Cortex (PC Game Booster)

Photo: is3.mzstatic.com

Latest version: 7.0.135

Russian interface: There is

Terms of distribution: FreeWare

The program can analyze running processes from the point of view of gaming applications and offer the most productive optimization options. When switching to acceleration mode, Game Booster suspends pre-specified background services and applications, and also releases and cleans unused RAM. The optimizer has flexible manual settings and a large database of ready-made profiles for specific games. In addition to performing basic functions, Razer Cortex is capable of broadcasting gameplay via streaming, creating videos, saving backups in the cloud and much more, providing avid gamers with a convenient, feature-rich environment.

The best programs to defragment your hard drive and optimize its performance

Problem: Information on a hard disk is stored in the form of interconnected blocks of a fixed size. When writing a file with a volume exceeding the size of one block, the drive electronics tries to select the next one in such a way that during the reading process it is accessed in the shortest possible time. If the best place already occupied - the closest free one is used. For simplicity, we believe that the optimal access speed option is when all the blocks are located back to back. But this situation is only possible when writing to a new or ordered drive. Periodic installation and uninstallation of various software, as well as the creation and deletion of a large number of temporary files on the hard drive systematically lead to its fragmentation internal space, as a result of which the performance of the machine can be significantly reduced. There is only one way out here - regularly tidy up the placement of occupied and free blocks.

Solution 1:Standard operating system tools provide defragmentation measures (optimization for Windows 8 and higher) on their own, but there are several points here. Few people pay attention to the fact that, by default, these operations are automatically performed weekly after midnight. Of course, if the computer is running at the time. Nothing prevents the user from initiating HDD optimization or performing garbage collection on SSD using standard means. manual mode, unless he is interested in the advanced capabilities of third-party programs.

Solution 2: Defraggler Program

Photo: s43.radikal.ru

Latest version: 2.21

Russian interface: There is

Terms of distribution: FreeWare, paid version Professional ($24.95)

If additional bells and whistles are not needed, and the standard tools are not satisfactory for some reason, we recommend that you pay attention to the fairly simple Defraggler program from Piriform Ltd, which has a Microsoft gold certificate. The utility allows you to perform defragmentation at the folder level or even an individual file. It can work in normal or accelerated mode, can organize empty disk space to prevent fragmentation, and also has a special function for organizing the registry.

The best programs for cleaning your computer,
search and remove garbage, fix system files

Problem: The ideal case, from the point of view of the load on the system, is when all the necessary software is installed at the very beginning of its operation. Almost any installation of programs and their subsequent removal inevitably leaves behind “garbage” that affects performance in one way or another. This problem can be partially solved by using third-party uninstallers.

Solution: Revo Uninstaller

Photo: image.kg

Latest version: 1.95 FreeWare, 3.1.5 Pro

Russian interface: There is

Terms of distribution: FreeWare, paid PRO version ($39.25)

The application is a kind of cleaning “combine” with several operating modes. The most accurate uninstallation is carried out when the program was installed using Revo Uninstaller. The utility saves the state of the system “before” in its logs and logs changes “in progress”. If the software is already installed, the unique “hunter” mode will help. When it starts, a detailed scan of the system is performed, identifying all relationships and dependent components. The free version has a simplified algorithm for this mode. Direct removal can also be performed using several options, from safe to advanced. In any case, the process precedes the creation of a restore point before uninstallation. In addition to performing basic functions, Revo Uninstaller is capable of removing unnecessary and temporary files, cleaning browsers, and managing applications that automatically launch when Windows boots.

Problem: The additional functionality of the Revo Uninstaller program is not able to fully replace both the startup management utilities already discussed and specialized tools for cleaning up garbage in the operating system.

Solution: CCleaner

Photo: fileuppo.com

Latest version: 5.16.5551

Russian interface: There is

Terms of distribution: FreeWare, paid versions Professional ($24.95) and Business ($39.95)

The utility is designed to search and remove any garbage that inevitably appears in the computer's memory during operation. First of all, this concerns the operation of the operating system itself: the recycle bin, temporary files, irrelevant logs, clipboard, memory dumps during failures and other remnants of activity. No less important for the optimal functioning of a computer or laptop is the correctness of the registry, in which outdated keys and entire branches are systematically accumulated that refer to no longer existing paths, libraries, programs, fonts, and so on. Another way to accumulate garbage is Internet surfing. CCleaner allows you to delete your browsing and download history, saved cookies, as well as the cache contents of all popular browsers. Finally, the utility is capable of cleaning up garbage after other programs that create temporary files during operation.

Solution: Wise Disk Cleaner

Photo: neowin.net

Photo: portablenews.ru

Latest version: 9.21

Russian interface: There is

Terms of distribution: FreeWare

Defragmentation (optimization) of the drive is only a side function of the utility, although it is performed using improved algorithms and with a visual display of the actions performed, unlike standard Windows tools. The advantage of WDC is the ability to clean the system of unused and temporary files, and this activity can be carried out both comprehensively and by individual categories of “garbage”. For example, unnecessary system files (the lion's share of them are Windows update installers), various auxiliary components of additional software, such as Microsoft Office, as well as the results of Internet surfing, stored in a large number of separate folders, the contents of which will never be accessed by browsers again. Of course, the launch of the utility can be scheduled at the most convenient time for the user, and the composition of the objects to be deleted is fully controlled.

The best universal system optimization programs

Along with utilities tailored to perform a limited range of tasks, many developers offer universal packages that allow for comprehensive system maintenance and optimization.

Auslogics BoostSpeed ​​program

Photo: lunnygoroskop.ru

Latest version:

Russian interface: No

Terms of distribution: shareware (1350 RUR)

BoostSpeed ​​from Auslogics is rightfully considered one of the most popular optimizers in this category. The package consists of 18 utilities, a brief list of their capabilities is as follows:

  • cleaning and defragmenting disks, finding and correcting errors, freeing and organizing protected space;
  • control of disk usage, search for duplicates, recovery of accidentally deleted files or their guaranteed destruction;
  • monitoring and management of services, autostart, software uninstallation;
  • cleaning and defragmenting the registry, fine-tuning system parameters, monitoring and redistributing system resources;
  • managing browsers, browsing and download history, optimizing Internet connections.

The program is shareware, all functionality becomes available only after purchasing the commercial version. Another disadvantage of Auslogics BoostSpeed ​​is the lack of localization of the latest version.

Advanced System Care Program

Photo: 3.bp.blogspot.com

Latest version:

Russian interface: There is

Terms of distribution: FreeWare, paid versions Pro (1200 RUR) and Ultimate (2000 RUR)

A worthy alternative to the previous offer is the IObit product line, consisting of free, advanced and maximum packages. Commercial programs differ from each other only in the presence of an anti-virus module in the Ultimate version, built using BitDefender technologies and IObit’s own developments in the field of protecting computer systems from various threats. In addition, there is a mobile version of the package for Android OS. To the standard set of cleaning and optimization of the drive, registry, system resource management and other typical functionality, Advanced SystemCare Pro adds computer protection from spyware and adware, as well as eliminating gaps in the machine’s security system. Databases are updated using cloud technologies, and the corresponding modules are fully compatible with third-party antivirus programs.

What to do when your computer slows down? Typical problems and solutions

The computer may slow down for the following reasons:

The system disk is running low on free space. Install Wise Disk Cleaner and clean the system. Launch as needed.

The loading time of the operating system has noticeably increased. Use the CCleaner utility. If you suspect that the problem is caused by one of the recent installed programs— optimize startup using one of the appropriate tools. If necessary, remove the problematic application using the Revo Uninstaller utility. Use as needed.

Disk operations have slowed down. Defragment using Defraggler or Wise Disk Cleaner. Run periodically.

Servicing your system with the help of someone you like universal package- one of the best options. It has only one significant drawback - free versions of programs for optimizing Windows operation and for cleaning your computer from debris have greatly reduced functionality. But such a comprehensive program contains all the tools that you may need over time to keep your PC or laptop in good condition. in perfect order. You just need to run it periodically, analyze problems and make decisions on proposed measures.

Electronic equipment is becoming more and more complex, and today it is no longer enough to buy the most powerful hardware. It is necessary to be able to configure it correctly, which is why programs to improve computer performance are becoming increasingly popular. This ranking presents some of the most useful programs, which will be useful on any PC or laptop.

1st place - Computer accelerator

When considering programs to improve computer performance, one cannot help but pay attention to “Computer Accelerator”. Its functionality allows you not only to clean disks of debris and correct errors that inevitably accumulate in the registry, but also to manage startup, search for duplicate files and large files that take up too much space. And thanks to the built-in scheduler, it becomes fully automatic - you just need to configure everything once. Then the “Computer Accelerator” will work on its own, regularly performing scheduled actions to increase PC performance.

In addition, the program allows you to find out the computer configuration, which can be very useful when installing powerful applications and modern games. Also, the program has the ability to monitor the system, checking the load and temperature of the processor, free space on hard drives and RAM directly during operation. In addition to the monitoring function, monitoring also plays the role of an “advisor”, giving hints if any of the computer load parameters go beyond the optimal values.

Such wide possibilities make “Computer Accelerator” the best choice among similar software. and it will install ideal solution to maintain the performance of any PC at a consistently high level.

2nd place - Reimage PC Repair

This program To improve productivity, your PC offers a very wide range of options. It is capable of identifying and removing damaged and non-working system files, as well as replacing them with new, working versions. Reimage PC Repair provides accurate diagnostics of your computer using all the functions provided by the current operating system. Using this software, you can also identify duplicate files that take up space on your hard drive, and “garbage” tails remaining after installing or uninstalling various software.

Important advantages of Reimage PC Repair include a simple interface and the presence of a Russian version. However, the program is let down by the inability to automate the optimization process - everything will have to be done manually every time.

3rd place - Wise Memory Optimizer

If you have programs installed on your PC that are too heavy on your RAM, Wise Memory Optimizer will be a very useful choice in many situations. This software frees memory from unused data and reduces its volume reserved by various applications. In addition, the program automatically terminates unnecessary processes, disabling which will not affect the stability of operation.

On average, the amount of free memory after optimization using this program increases by 15-20 percent. In the settings you can enable automatic optimization, which is activated when the load on RAM is high. The undoubted advantage of Wise Memory Optimizer is that it is free. However, the functionality of the program is limited and only applies to working with RAM.

4th place - Razer Cortex

Wonderful software from a world-famous manufacturer of high-quality peripherals for gamers. Razer Cortex features are designed for gaming use computers - with its help you can turn off background processes during the game, diagnose your PC, optimize RAM consumption and processor load. Moreover, the program even allows you to record videos and take pictures (screenshots). Also, the Razer Cortex functionality includes defragmentation of game folders, which can improve performance when installing games on the HDD.

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Computer optimization programs in Russian are collected in this section of the site.

Computer program Advanced SystemCare Ultimate is a program for cleaning and optimizing the Windows operating system. This program is popular among confident PC users. There are 2 versions of this program: a simpler one for amateur use and one rich in more professional tools; to activate it you need an Advanced SystemCare Ultimate key. This program is very popular because it combines ease of use, quality and versatility. Many programmers note the good design of the program and clear interface...

Registry First Aid Platinum is a powerful system registry scanning software. Thanks to the program, users have the opportunity to find unnecessary or corrupted data, which often remains after removing various utilities. This program will be useful for almost every PC user. It takes care of the operating system, checks the registry for unnecessary entries, finds broken links, restores lost data, and so on. Download for free Registry First Aid Platinum 11.2 Build 2542 Password for all archives:…

Glary Utilities is a set of tools that are designed to customize and optimize the OS. In addition, using this utility you can combine and split files, encrypt and search for duplicates. Just a couple of clicks allow you to perform the necessary actions. The program interface is clear. It will be easy for a beginner to complete the necessary steps. Application in Russian. Download Glary Utilities Pro for free in Russian + activation key Password for all archives: 1progs Key for Glary Utilities Pro…

Many people know that active use of a computer accumulates various garbage: cache, temporary files, cookies and others. Such files not only take up extra disk space, but also worsen the performance of the personal computer. The accumulation of unnecessary and temporary files reduces the work of the processor and RAM. Also, various types of errors often appear on the computer. A program called Avira System Speedup Pro can easily solve all of these errors. Download Avira System Speedup for free...

CCleaner is a program developed by specialists from Britain. It is designed to clean your computer from unnecessary programs and files. It is free and takes up little space on your computer. This program can be used by both professionals and beginners. You must enter a license key before use. Also, after this application has been downloaded, you need to find CCleaner activation on the Internet. You should first read the instructions for installing and activating this program. The program consists of several sections. Registry,…

Game Fire pro is a program from the developer Smart PC Utilities, which optimizes the operating system and its components for functionality and comfortable gaming experience. Helps optimize gameplay on all versions of Windows operating systems. Here you can quickly download the utility for free in Russian. Application: will help you remove unnecessary files that are automatically downloaded to your PC along with various applications when downloading and installing games; stops everything for the duration of the game...

Game Prelauncher is a program from developer Alex Shys that helps optimize the gameplay on the Windows XP, Vista and 7 operating systems. Anyone can download the utility for free on this website. Application: will help you remove unnecessary files that are automatically downloaded to your computer along with the necessary ones when downloading and installing games; perfectly optimized for a comfortable game, you can turn off interfering services and drivers. Free download Game Prelauncher 3.2.6 cracked + license key activation code…

By default, the operating system allows the CPU to load up to 100%. Therefore, the OS may freeze and the main work may be slowed down. All this will bring inconvenience to users. The issue cannot be resolved using standard programs. Then you need to download an application called Process Lasso. This program has proven itself well. Process Lasso is a small program that was created for Windows operating systems. It allows you to manually or automatically manage processes running on your computer...

Good afternoon.

To prevent Windows from slowing down and to minimize the number of errors, it needs to be optimized from time to time, cleaned of junk files, and corrected incorrect entries in the registry. There are, of course, built-in utilities for these purposes in Windows, but their effectiveness leaves much to be desired.

Therefore, in this article I would like to consider the best programs for optimizing and cleaning Windows 7 (8, 10*). By regularly running these utilities and optimizing Windows, your computer will run faster.

1) Auslogics BoostSpeed

The main window of the program.

One of best programs to optimize Windows. Moreover, what is immediately captivating about it is its simplicity; even when you first launch the program, it will immediately prompt you to scan the Windows OS and correct errors in the system. In addition, the program is completely translated into Russian.

BoostSpeed ​​scans the system in several directions at once:

Registry errors (over time, a large number of incorrect entries may accumulate in the registry. For example, you installed a program, then uninstalled it, but the entries in the registry remained. When a large number of such entries accumulate, Windows will begin to slow down);

To useless files (various temporary files that are used by programs during installation and configuration);

To incorrect labels;

For fragmented files (article about).

Also included in the BootSpeed ​​complex are several more interesting utilities: for cleaning the registry, freeing up space on your hard drive, setting up the Internet, monitoring software, etc.

2) TuneUp Utilities

This is not even just a program, but a whole range of utilities and programs for PC maintenance: optimizing Windows, cleaning it, troubleshooting problems and errors, setting up various functions. Still, the program scores high in various tests for a reason.

What TuneUp Utilities can do:

  • clean disks of various “garbage”: temporary files, program caches, incorrect shortcuts, etc.;
  • optimize the system registry from erroneous and incorrect entries;
  • will help you configure and manage Windows startup (and startup greatly affects the speed of Windows startup and loading);
  • delete confidential and personal files so that not a single program or “hacker” can restore them;
  • change the appearance of Windows beyond recognition;
  • optimize RAM and much more...

In general, for those who are not satisfied with BootSpeed ​​in some way, TuneUp Utilities is recommended as an analogue and a good alternative. In any case, at least one program of this kind must be launched regularly when actively working in Windows.

Cleaning the registry in CCleaner.

A very small utility with great capabilities! While running, CCleaner finds and deletes most temporary files on your computer. Temporary files include: Cookies, website history, files in the recycle bin, etc. You can also optimize and clean the system registry of old DLLs and non-existent paths (remaining after installing and uninstalling various applications).

By regularly running CCleaner you will not only free up space on your hard drive, but also make working on your PC more comfortable and faster. Despite the fact that in some tests the program loses to the first two, it enjoys the trust of thousands of users around the world.

4) Reg Organizer

One of the best registry maintenance programs. Despite the fact that many Windows optimization packages have built-in registry cleaners, they cannot compare with this program...

Reg Organizer works in all popular Windows today: XP, Vista, 7, 8. It allows you to remove all incorrect information from the registry, remove the “tails” of programs that have not been on the PC for a long time, compress the registry, thereby increasing the speed of work.

5)Advanced SystemCare Pro

A very, very good program for optimizing and cleaning Windows. By the way, it works in all popular versions: Windows Xp, 7, 8, Vista (32/64 bits). The program has a pretty good arsenal:

Detecting and removing spyware from your computer;

- “repair” of the registry: cleaning, error correction, etc., compression.

Clearing confidential information;

Removing junk and temporary files;

Automatic setting of settings for maximum Internet connection speed;

Correction of shortcuts, removal of non-existent ones;

Disk and system registry defragmentation;

Set automatic settings to optimize Windows and much more.

6) Revo Uninstaller

This relatively small utility will help you remove all unwanted programs from your computer. Moreover, it can do this in several ways: first, try to remove it automatically through the installer of the program itself; if that doesn’t work, there is a built-in forced mode in which Revo Uninstaller will automatically remove all the “tails” of the program from the system.

- Easy and correct uninstallation of applications (without “tails”);
- Ability to view all applications that are installed in Windows;
- New “Hunter” mode - will help you uninstall all, even secretive, applications;
- Support for the “Drag&Drop” method;
- View and manage Windows startup;
- Removing temporary and junk files from the system;
- Clearing history in Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera and Netscape browsers;
- And much more…

Options for bundled utilities for full Windows maintenance:

1) Maximum

BootSpeed ​​(for cleaning and optimizing Windows, speeding up PC boot, etc.), Reg Organizer (for complete optimization of the registry), Revo Uninstaller (for “correctly” uninstalling applications so that there are no “tails” left in the system and it is not constantly needed clean).

2) Optimal

TuneUp Utilities + Revo Uninstaller (optimization and acceleration of Windows + “correct” removal of programs and applications from the system).

3) Minimum

Advanced SystemCare Pro or BootSpeed ​​or TuneUp Utilities (for cleaning and optimizing Windows from time to time, when unstable operation occurs, brakes, etc.).

That's all for today. Good and fast Windows to everyone...



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