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Ostrovsky's works poverty is not a vice. We love Tortsov, the main character of Ostrovsky’s play “Poverty is not a vice. Lyubov Gordeevna: description and brief description

>Characteristics of heroes Poverty is not a vice

Characteristics of the hero Gordey Tortsov

Gordey Karpych Tortsov is the hero of A. N. Ostrovsky’s comedy “Poverty is not a vice,” a rich merchant, father of Lyubov Gordeevna, brother of Lyubim Karpych. The name of this character speaks for itself. Gordey Karpych is a proud and arrogant man. After the death of his father, he chose to inherit a profitable establishment, and gave it to his brother Lyubim in money and bills. Lyubim Karpych quickly squandered part of the inheritance in Moscow, and entrusted the rest to the manufacturer Korshunov, who subsequently deceived him. Gordey Karpych, on the contrary, did not lose his inheritance, but increased it and was very proud of it.

Throughout the entire work, Tortsov’s various emotional outbursts can be traced. In the first and second acts he appears as an angry and angry master. Everyone around him annoys him, including his family and guests. He often shouts at his clerk Mitya. Paying him a meager salary, he demands that he buy himself a more expensive caftan and not visit them in cheap things. He considers his brother’s behavior completely offensive, while Lyubim is forced to earn his living by buffoonery. He considers his wife an uneducated ignoramus and does not hide it.

Having visited Moscow, Gordey Karpych decided that his place was only in the capital and in high circles. Now he doesn’t like anything Russian, just give him something foreign. That is why he makes friends with the manufacturer Afrikan Savich, who often drinks with his English director. However, he does not even suspect how cunning this manufacturer is and that it was he who ruined his brother. He is even ready to give his only daughter for this rich old man. Fortunately, in the third act, Lyubim Karpych exposes Korshunov and the wedding is cancelled. In this part of the work, the reader sees Gordey Karpych from a different side. This is a person who is able to admit his mistakes and repent. He thanks his brother for opening his eyes and bless his daughter to marry the man who is dear to her.

We love Karpych Tortsov - the hero of A. N. Ostrovsky’s comedy “Poverty is not a vice”, the squandered brother of Gordey Tortsov. This character is endowed with spirituality and high moral qualities. He can portray a jester or a buffoon, but at heart he remains a serious and deep person. After he squandered part of his father's inheritance in Moscow and was deceived by the cunning manufacturer Korshunov, Lyubim returned to his brother. However, Gordey Karpych received him unkindly. Having become rich, he became quite arrogant and proud. It seemed to him that such a brother was no match for him. We love Karpych and decided to teach his brother a lesson.

Deep down, this hero suffers from loneliness. The bitter buffoonery that is attributed to him became his unwilling companion. He was forced to clown around for a piece of bread. And now, when his brother kicked him out of the house, he walked around as a buffoon and amused people. For this, Gordey Karpych became even more angry with him. And when Lyubim stood with the beggars at the cathedral, Tortsov completely drove him away. For help and shelter, he turned to Tortsov's clerk, Mitya. Having learned that poor Mitya was in love with his niece Lyubov Gordeevna, he decided to help the young people. It was Lyubim Karpych who upset the upcoming wedding of Korshunov with Lyubov Gordeevna.

He told everyone how Afrikan Savich had fooled him in Moscow and pocketed the remaining money from the inheritance for himself. The same fate may have awaited his brother, Gordey Karpych. Thus, thanks to this character, everyone was able to find their happiness. Even Pelageya Egorovna was glad that her daughter’s wedding to a manufacturer from Moscow was upset. At the end of the third act, Afrikan Savich was put to shame, Gordey Karpych was brought to his senses, and the young lovers received Tortsov’s blessing.

Poverty is not a vice - Ostrovsky's play, which we met in class at school. The writer wrote it in 1853, and a year later the play was published as a separate book. The play, like the book, was a success. Today we became acquainted with this work. Now let’s take a look at Ostrovsky’s work: Poverty is not a vice, having examined the problems that the writer raises.

Analysis of the play Poverty is not a vice

In the play, Ostrovsky raises various problems, including the confrontation between the environment and the individual. Very often a person is treated depending on his wealth. The richer he is, the more he is respected, but spiritual and moral qualities are not taken into account.

Studying Ostrovsky and his Poverty is not a vice, and analyzing his work in 9th grade, we see the influence of money on people's destinies. The author showed us exactly how money can influence a person when a person begins to obey it and depend on it. Money comes to the fore, but caring for loved ones becomes secondary. But Ostrovsky could not allow money to win over human feelings and proved to readers that even riches can be powerless. Proof of this was the love of the noblewoman Lyuba Gordeeva, whom her father wanted to marry a Moscow rich man, to the clerk Mitya. After going through trials, the loving hearts were finally reunited. And here Tortsov’s brother Gordeya Lyubim played an important role. It was he who spoke about the approaching plans of the manufacturer Korshunov, for whom Gordey wanted to give his daughter, despite the fact that she loved someone else. Africanus ruined Lyubim, and now has his sights set on Gordey. As a result, Korshunov demands an apology, and Gordey, to spite the manufacturer, gives Lyuba in marriage to Mitya. Gordey softened and was grateful to his brother for guiding him to his senses and not allowing him to make a mistake.

So two hearts were reunited, love triumphed over wealth.

Making our brief analysis, we see that vices are punished, and goodness triumphs. The wedding of the heroes becomes proof that poverty cannot be a vice, but callousness and thirst for profit are the real shortcomings.

We love Tortsov - a bright character in the work of Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky, who played an important role in this work and, undoubtedly, left a mark in the hearts of readers.

Lyubim's father was an ordinary peasant who founded his own business, became rich, and then died, leaving an inheritance to two brothers. The brothers divided the inheritance. The hero's brother Gordey got his father's business, and Lyubim got the money. Lyubim took the money and went to Moscow, led a rich lifestyle there and spent most of the inheritance. He entrusted the remaining money to his friend Korshunov, who turned out to be the most common swindler and deceived our hero. Already middle-aged, Lyubim had to return to his father’s house. But by this time the brother had become rich, became too proud and considered that Lyubim belonged to “lower society” and therefore was not worthy of his favor.

However, our hero a strong character. When his brother drove him out of the yard, Lyubim Karpych walked around other yards, pretending to be a jester or a buffoon. He made people laugh, earning his own food, but at heart he remained a serious man. His clowning made his brother very angry. Of course - such a disgrace to the glorious name of the Tortsovs! And after a quarrel, his brother kicked him out completely, so the character had to ask for accommodation for the night from Tortsov’s clerk, Mitya, and beg at the cathedral with other beggars.

Our character is a very kind and unforgiving person. He is angry with his brother and forgives the swindler Korshunov for his meanness and deception. Lyubim considers himself an insignificant person, thinks that his life is passing unworthy and still hopes to “come to his senses”, to find a job so that he can at least have “his own pot of cabbage soup.” The hero considers himself a person with a clear conscience. He is not ashamed to beg or expose himself to ridicule, but he will never steal. For him, wealth is not the main thing. The main thing is to be human. He is the one who voices main idea plays - “Poverty is not a vice.”

The hero wants to thank Mitya for his kindness, and he is also not indifferent to the fate of other people. He learns that his niece Lyubov Gordeevna is going to be married off to the same deceiver who embezzled all his money - Korshunov. Realizing that, most likely, the same fate will befall his brother, Lyubim helps Mitya, who is in love with Lyubov Gordeevna, to break up the wedding.

Thus, Lyubov helps everyone become happy: Lyubov and Mitya received a blessing from Gordey Tortsov, Gordey retained his fortune, and even Lyubov’s mother was glad about the broken wedding with the Moscow swindler. The hero's actions influence the fate of many people.

Option 2

We love Tortsov, without any doubt, the brightest hero of A.N.’s play. Ostrovsky “Poverty is not a vice”, who managed to leave an imprint on Russian literature forever.

We love Tortsov - brother very rich merchant Gordey Kuptsov. Both brothers were peasants by birth, but their father, owning his own business, achieved material well-being in it. When he died, Lyubim and Gordey divided the inheritance left from their father into equal parts.

As a result of the dishonest actions of African Korshunov, with whom Lyubim communicated, he became a beggar. Therefore, the hero has to look for ways to earn money. Despite the fact that he was a rather serious hero, had high ideals, and was completely lonely at heart, he nevertheless decided to entertain the people in the guise of a jester, thereby humiliating himself in the eyes of the public.

After some time, Lyubim returned to his brother. By that time, under the power of money, Gordey had changed a lot and became arrogant towards his brother, considering him lower level in society, so he reluctantly accepted Lyubim. Lyubim, wanting to teach him a lesson, returned to the life that was already familiar to him, and again began to earn money by entertaining people, once even joining the beggars standing near the cathedral.

This incident was the last straw, after which Gordey was no longer able to bear his brother, and kicked him out. The new place of residence for Lyubim was the home of Mitya, Gordey’s clerk, who was in love with his niece, Lyubov Gordeevna. It was difficult for him to come to terms with her upcoming wedding to Korshunov.

Having found out this, Lyubim took the situation under personal control and canceled the wedding, for which even the girl’s mother was grateful to him. Lyubim, having made public the story of the theft of his old friend, warned Gordey, whom this friend could also deceive. From which it follows that it was thanks to the hero that many characters found happiness in their lives.

Through the image of Lyubim Tortsov, Ostrovsky raises very current problem. It is not always the case that if a person loses his status, he also loses his moral traits. It seemed that Lyubim, earning money by entertaining the people in the form of a jester, had lost his former character traits, but as it turned out in his next actions, he still had good intentions.

Essay on the topic We love Tortsov

We love Tortsov is one of the most prominent characters in Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky’s play “Poverty is not a vice.” This hero leaves a significant mark on literature and plays an important role in the work.

Lyubim is the brother of a rich merchant named Gordey Kuptsov. The men themselves are peasants by origin, their father created his own business and achieved success, and the brothers divided the inheritance left from him equally. Due to communication with Afrikan Korshunov, who was able to leave Lyubim beggar in a dirty way, the hero is looking for ways to earn money. He chooses to amuse people and act like a jester, thereby humiliating himself in the eyes of others. Despite this, the man was a very serious and deep person, had high values ​​and a correct worldview, and deep down he was lonely.

After living for some time in the guise of a jester, Lyubim returns to his brother. Surprisingly, Gordey reluctantly accepts his brother, because under the influence of money he changed and became proud, considering his brother to be of lower society. For this, Lyubim wants to take revenge and teach Gordey a lesson. He returns to his already familiar life and makes a living by entertaining people. One day he even joins the beggars standing near the cathedral. After this incident, Gordey could no longer tolerate the presence of his brother next to him and even kicked him out. Lyubim finds a new roof over his head with Mitya, Gordey's clerk. He, in turn, is in love with his niece named Lyubov Gordeevna and cannot come to terms with her imminent marriage to Korshunov. Having learned about this, Lyubim takes control of the situation and calls off the marriage, for which he received gratitude even from the girl’s mother. Lyubim tells everyone a story about theft by an old friend, who could fool Gordey in the future, and thereby warns his brother. Thus, thanks to the hero, many characters find happiness and improve their lives.

Through the image of Lyubim Tortsov, Ostrovsky reveals a very important problem. Some people who have fallen low are able to retain morality, moral standards and conscience. It seemed that Lyubim, entertaining the people in the guise of a jester, had lost his former character traits. But in his subsequent actions there were still good intentions and true values.

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Russian dramaturgy of the mid-19th century is characterized by the appearance of works describing the life and customs of the merchants of Zamoskvorechye. A special place in this list is occupied by the plays of A.N. Ostrovsky. The most famous is the comedy “God Resists the Proud,” written in 1853. It was then renamed “Poverty is No Vice.” What is Ostrovsky’s comedy “Poverty is not a vice” written about? summary.

Nikolai Fedorovich Ostrovsky dreamed of a legal career for his son Alexander. However, in 1843 young man who fails the exam in Roman law is expelled from the university. A failed lawyer combines the work of a judicial clerk with the work of a writer.

A.N. Ostrovsky writes the comedy “Poverty is not a vice,” which was published as a separate book in 1854. The following year, a production of the writer’s play took place at the Maly Theater. Leading artist of the theater troupe P.M. Sadovsky, to whom the playwright dedicated the work, plays the role of Lyubim.

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The plot of the play “Poverty is not a vice” in brief. Of course, familiarizing yourself with this version will not replace reading the original.

We remind you! A summary of the actions reveals only the plot of the work of the great writer.


Literary scholars consider Ostrovsky’s comedy in three acts “Poverty is not a Vice” to be one of the best creations. The events take place in the merchant house of Gordey Tortsov in a provincial town during the Christmas festivities.

In the play “Poverty is not a vice” the following characters act:

  1. Wealthy merchant Gordey Tortsov, his wife Pelageya Egorovna, their daughter Lyubov.
  2. We love you, Tortsov’s brother, who squandered his inheritance.
  3. Capital breeder African Korshunov.
  4. Clerk Mitya.
  5. Nephew of the owner Yasha Guslin, and Grisha Razlyulyaev, a rich merchant son.
  6. Widow Anna Ivanovna.
  7. Masha and Lisa, friends of Lyubov Gordeevna.
  8. Nanny Arina and boy Egorushka, a distant relative of the Tortsovs.

First action

Loitering around, Mitya wonders what the household are doing. Yegorushka describes the scandal between Gordey Karpych and his brother that occurred the day before at dinner.

Pelageya Egorovna enters the room. In a conversation with the clerk, an elderly woman complains about her husband’s wayward character and does not approve of his acquaintance with Korshunov. She claims that the fashion for living abroad is a temporary phenomenon, but Russian customs will live forever. Guslin appears. When leaving, the owner’s wife invites the young people to come and visit in the evening.

Left alone, Mitya tells Yasha about his hard lot and confesses his love for the daughter of Gordey Tortsov. Then the clerk sits down to work, and Guslin selects music for the poems written by the young man in love. Razlyulyaev enters the room, boasting of his wealth and recklessness.

Tortsov's nephew offers to listen to the melody he composed. Everyone is fascinated by the song. Then the friends start fooling around. The owner of the house finds them doing this. The merchant criticizes the clothes worn by Mitya and Razlyulyaev. Before leaving, Gordey Tortsov condemns the clerk’s desire to primarily take care of his elderly mother.

Lyubov Gordeevna, her friends and Anna Ivanovna appear in the room. The girls were bored and lonely in the living room, and they wanted to join the guys. Yakov whispers to the widow about the clerk’s feelings for the owner’s daughter.

The company decides to move into the next room. Anna makes sure that the clerk and Gordey Tortsov’s daughter are left alone. Dmitry recites poems dedicated to his beloved. The girl writes a note with an answer, but demands that the message be read after she leaves.

Gordey Tortsov’s brother comes in and deprives Mitya of the opportunity to familiarize himself with the contents of the note. Lyubim Karpych tells the young man how he drank away his half of his inheritance in Moscow and became homeless. African Korshunov helped squander the money. Dirty and sick, Lyubim came to his brother asking for help in need. Proud was ashamed of his poor relative in front of the polished guests.

The old man says that wealth is evil, and big money spoils a person’s character. Retelling his life, the unhappy man falls asleep. Mitya reads the girl’s note with a confession of reciprocity.

Second act

In the living room of the play's heroine, Lyuba and Anna talk about the fleeting nature of love. When Dmitry arrives, the widow leaves the room. The lovers admit that they cannot live without each other. It was decided to go to Gordey Karpych so that he would decide their fate. Arina's approach forces the clerk and the merchant's daughter to leave.

The nanny is preparing the living room for the meeting of the mummers, who are invited to entertain the guests. The room is filled with family members, invited neighbors and artists who have brought a bear and a goat.

While the mummers are making fun of themselves and singing songs, Mitya and Lyuba whisper to each other and secretly kiss. Noticing this, Razlyulyaev complains to the clerk. Yasha stands up for the lover.

Gordey Karpych and Korshunov arrive. The owner of the house throws out the guests with the artists and orders them to bring champagne and snacks. The manufacturer kisses the girls, the guys leave.

African presents Lyubov Gordeevna with a diamond ring and hints at his desire to marry the girl. Tortsov’s daughter wants to leave the room, but her father orders her to stay. The merchant announces his intention to marry Lyuba to Korshunov.

Third act

The nanny is saddened by Lyubov Gordeevna's future marriage to an unloved person. Upset, Pelageya Egorovna orders a large samovar to be served to the guests in the next room. The merchant's wife asks Anna Ivanovna to help with the housework. Mitya, who is about to leave for his mother, comes in to say goodbye. The widow goes for Lyubov Gordeevna.

The clerk tells Tortsova how unhappy he is and invites his beloved, who came into the room, to secretly escape from her parents’ house and get married. The girl refuses to get married without her father's blessing. Dmitry says goodbye to the women and leaves.

Korshunov, who entered, asks Pelageya Egorovna to leave him and his daughter alone. He expounds on the benefits of marrying an older man to the bride. When the girl asked about the manufacturer's previous wife, he remembers the deceased with anger. Then Africanus again takes the form of a good-natured old man.

Gordey, who comes in, boasts about how he treated the guest in a foreign style. Yegorushka reports that Lyubim Karpych has arrived. Household members and guests gathered in the hall when the owner’s brother appeared and began accusing Korshunov of dishonorable act, recalling an old debt.

The exposed African refuses to marry the daughter of Gordey Tortsov. From now on, he wants Gordey to beg the Moscow rich man to become his son-in-law. In response to this, the humiliated merchant promises to give his daughter to any poor man.

At first the choice fell on the returning Mitya. The young man takes Lyubov Gordeevna by the hand and brings her to her parent for a blessing. The merchant was dumbfounded and wants to retract the words he said, but everyone present persuades Gordey Tortsov to agree to the lovers’ marriage.

Note! The brief content does not allow the reader of the comedy “Poverty is Not a Vice” to fully experience the richness of the Russian language.

Useful video: play “Poverty is not a vice” in 17 minutes

Critical controversy

Critics and literary scholars expressed their views on the play:

  • N.G. Chernyshevsky,
  • P.N. Kudryavtsev,
  • A.V. Druzhinin,
  • A.A. Grigoriev.

The subject of controversy was the opposition in the play “Poverty is not a vice” between the imaginary aristocracy and the spirituality of the lower classes. Supporters of Westernism reproached the writer for inertia and defense of patriarchal social foundations. The playwright's sympathies for folk culture advocated by representatives of objective criticism.

N.G. Chernyshevsky considered the comedy “Poverty is not a vice” by Ostrovsky to be false and weak. According to the critic, only the name of the author of the famous play “We Will Be Numbered Our Own People” provides favorable reviews. The literary critic, who is annoyed by the embellishment of the characters of positive characters, believes that the main characters of the play “Poverty is not a vice” cannot have prototypes in real life.

Review of the play “Poverty is not a vice”, in which P.N. Kudryavtsev gives characteristics of the heroes, accuses Ostrovsky of exalting the dirty sides of reality in the image of his brother Gordey Tortsov. The playwright was accused of being a Slavophile. Critics did not like the transformation of the stage into a “booth”, when the Yuletide festivities of a merchant family were presented.

Speaking in defense of Ostrovsky's play, A.V. Druzhinin rejects Chernyshevsky’s unfair reproaches for the playwright’s idealization of patriarchal foundations. The critic points out the only drawback of the play “Poverty is not a vice” - the far-fetched plot outcome. The undeniable advantages are the poetry and beauty of the language of the work.

The writer’s comedies, which were accepted for production on the imperial stages, including the play “Poverty is not a vice,” created folk theater. Having made a deep analysis of the playwright’s works, Apollon Grigoriev writes that the key to understanding Ostrovsky’s work is the word “nationality”.

Contemporaries believed that Ostrovsky, with the help of the play “Poverty is not a vice,” released the truth of life onto the theatrical stage, putting an end to the era of landscape performances by the romantic playwright Puppeteer.

Useful video: analysis of A. N. Ostrovsky’s play “Poverty is not a vice”


Unfortunately, the Russian language has become extremely impoverished in the modern world and is overly polluted in foreign words, easily replaceable lexical units of native speech.

Classical literature differs from pulp fiction in that the works of great authors written in past centuries touch on problems relevant to modern world. It is enough to recall the remarks of the main characters of the play “Poverty is not a vice” to understand how consonant Ostrovsky’s ideas are with the present time.

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