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Forgive me for having to answer. Why do they answer “God will forgive” on Forgiveness Sunday?

Before the first day of Lent they always celebrate Forgiveness Sunday. Everyone knows that they need to ask for forgiveness from family and friends. But it is important to answer correctly. Next, we will look at how to respond to a request for forgiveness on Forgiveness Sunday, what words to say and what to put into them. Before fasting you need to be sincere, of course it’s good to forgive offenders, but it also happens that you cannot forgive, is it worth it to be disingenuous then? Or you can answer sincerely, without harboring malicious intent or hiding the truth.

  • Psychological moment
  • History of Forgiveness Sunday

What words to choose to answer a request for forgiveness from the point of view of the Orthodox faith

Traditionally, on the last Sunday of Maslenitsa week, which precedes Lent, we ask each other for forgiveness and in return we forgive the offenders. But many are lost and do not know what words to choose when they hear a request for forgiveness. It is important to understand here that some people ask for forgiveness only because custom requires it, out of habit, because this is the day. But the request must be answered. It is customary to say: “ God will forgive! Some also add: “And I forgive!”

Speak these words sincerely, from a pure heart. Priests advise choosing different words if there is no forgiveness in the soul or there is nothing to forgive for. It is better to answer not according to the accepted form, but sincerely, from the heart. If you cannot forgive offenses to someone who asks for forgiveness, answer that “God will forgive” and sincerely wish this. You can even say that you cannot forgive yourself yet, but you really hope that the Lord will grant forgiveness. Such an answer will help you come to terms with yourself inside before Lent and perhaps bring you closer to the person who offended you.

If there is no offense, then say that there is nothing to forgive for, do not take the request formally, treat this ritual with soul and understanding, do not think about how to correctly answer the request for forgiveness on Asking Sunday, answer as your heart dictates.

The cliche answer that God will forgive is sometimes not welcomed by the church. There is no need to answer like that if there is no forgiveness in your heart, and you do not wish the offender the forgiveness of the Almighty. If this is a formal excuse, then you also shouldn’t once again mention the name of the Lord in vain. This breaks the third commandment. Choose other words, you can even say that you cannot forgive. It will be better than hypocrisy. Well, if there is no offense, then answer so.

The accepted answer “God will forgive” emphasizes that we are all sinners on this earth and have no right to judge or hold grudges. They will tell the one who asked for forgiveness that you are equal, that you are not going to judge, that you turn to God for forgiveness and mercy. This is the essence Christian forgiveness. In addition, the Gospel speaks of the importance of forgiveness. By forgiving, we can claim that we ourselves will be forgiven by the Lord.

Psychological moment

Psychologists say that it is necessary to respond to a request for forgiveness on Forgiveness Sunday, but how, the heart will tell you. From a psychological point of view, the template answer is not always correct. Even this can serve as a source of resentment. This is possible if no one caused offense to each other. It's important to choose Right words and intonation.

If you are approached with a request for forgiveness, paying tribute to tradition, say kindly that there is nothing to forgive, that there are no offenses. Be sure to tell the person you have forgiven about it. It will be important for a person who repents of causing offense to hear sincere words of forgiveness.

You should not take a formal approach to the need for forgiveness before starting the fast. The important thing here is to actually forgive, and not to choose words for an answer. But you shouldn’t blame yourself for not being able to forgive; it’s better to be sincere with yourself and your loved ones.

Asking for forgiveness is one of the customs that have been established since ancient times, back in the days of paganism, like Maslenitsa itself. There are several customs on Forgiveness Sunday, all of them have the meaning of cleansing, letting go of those moments that tugged at the soul.

Other customs for Forgiveness Sunday

Since ancient times, in Rus' it was customary to spend the Maslenitsa week noisily and cheerfully, and on Forgiveness Sunday to ask for forgiveness, to cleanse the conscience and body. Here's what happened that day:

1. Visit the baths. This is a symbolic rite of purification. They washed away all the burdens and bodily dirt.

2. Ask for forgiveness. Remove from yourself all emotional experiences and worries, everything that torments and torments.

On this day, believers go to church, confess, and perform rites of reconciliation and purification.

It is not customary to spend this day noisily with fun and feast. It is important to prepare for Lent physically and mentally.

History of Forgiveness Sunday

Today we noisily celebrate the last day of Maslenitsa - Sunday, although initially it served to repent and prepare for fasting. Pagan traditions are the basis of the Maslenitsa holiday, and the rite of repentance and forgiveness is Christian. It has nothing to do with Maslenitsa, it just coincides with the calendar.

Before the start of Lent, which the monks spent in wandering and solitude, they asked each other for forgiveness for all grievances, voluntary and involuntary. This was important because they spent all the ambassador’s days in strict restrictions, not caring about their bodies, in solitude. Many did not return and died. The fact that they were forgiven before they died was of great importance both for those who passed away and for those who remained.

Over time, this ritual became popular among the people. Before fasting, everyone asks each other for forgiveness and believes that they will be forgiven.

Therefore, it is important not to treat words formally; if it is important for you how to respond to a request for forgiveness on Forgiveness Sunday, speak from the heart, while trying not to harbor grudges, but also not to be disingenuous.

Today ends the week of Maslenitsa, which means it’s time for a hearty meal. rich food on the table is coming to an end. Traditionally, the last day of Maslenitsa is called Forgiveness Sunday. This year it fell on February 18th.

On this day, you must definitely ask for forgiveness from all your loved ones and acquaintances, especially if you seriously offended someone. In addition, today you cannot refuse forgiveness to other people, let go of your grievances!

On Forgiveness Sunday, people go to visit their relatives and honor their parents. Today, by the way, it is forbidden to consume dairy products.

But still, the main thing is to cleanse your soul of grievances and repent of your dreams in front of other people. In addition, it is customary to come to the graves of the deceased and bring pancakes to apologize to those with whom it is no longer possible to see.

Be sure to pray to God today, and this bright video will help you!

Congratulations on Forgiveness Sunday

Today I will ask everyone for forgiveness
For phrases, actions, my behavior.
And if you keep a grudge in your soul,
Please forgive me for this insult!
And may souls be purified on this day,
After all, no one needs litter in this life.
May God forgive us all our sins.
I wish that He saves everyone from troubles!

The bright holiday has arrived!
This Sunday
Before God you have
I'm sorry.
Let's forget all the bad things
And we'll leave behind
Let only bright moments
They are waiting on the path of life!

I'm sorry for everything
How could I offend you?
May God forgive, as they say.
Excuse me now.
I forgive you for all the years,
I don't hold grudges
And if you forgive me,
I’ll say “thank you” to you!

Happy Forgiveness Sunday
All grievances go away.
Forgive me today.
I'll forgive. We'll be even.
May spring warm you
This day is so good
And luck, happiness, joy
They'll come and surprise you in no time!

In a bright moment and hour of forgiveness
With the help of the Lord
I ask you to forget the grievances
Becoming freer from sins.
Let a ray of God's Grace
Will disperse the clouds in the soul
And all of us sinners in the world
It will teach you to love and forgive.

Happy holiday to you! Forgive and ask for forgiveness yourself)

Forgiveness Day Maslenitsa ends a week of festivities with eating pancakes (the housewives definitely read ours) before the start, which will continue until. So read on important information about Forgiveness Day 2018.

Forgiveness Sunday 2018: number and date

Answering the question from our readers about what year, we inform you: Forgiveness day in 2018 falls on February 18th. An important fact on this day is how to ask for forgiveness. Therefore, we consider it necessary to outline some points.

Forgiveness is asked with the following words: “Please forgive me if I am guilty of anything before you,” the answer should be: “God will forgive.” The main thing is that it be sincere, from the bottom of my heart. In churches during the liturgy the Gospel is read with part of Sermon on the Mount, which talks about forgiveness of insults to neighbors, because this is the only way to receive forgiveness of sins from the Heavenly Father. The church service ends with mutual requests for forgiveness and then you can join. We also need to remember about the cheese week in 2018. That's what they call it last week before Lent, when they stop consuming dairy products, meat, fish and eggs.

Forgiveness Sunday Forgiveness: what not to do

Forgive us, and God will forgive,
Will cheer you up.
Let's get rid of grudges
On the day of general forgiveness.

Let spring sing in your soul,
And the joy only multiplies.
Let the bells ring
But the heart is not worried.

I'm not shy at all
Ask for forgiveness
After all, if there is no resentment
It's easier to live in the world.

Everyone this Sunday
The Lord commanded to forgive
Do good and light
To illuminate our life.

And if you suddenly offend
It happened to me you
I will sincerely say:
"Sorry, forgive me"

On the day of forgiveness, on Sunday,
They ask for souls to be cleansed.
I ask you to forgive me
And don’t accumulate resentment.

Congratulations to everyone,
I sincerely forgive everyone.
This day from we'll meet with love,
Let it be clean and bright.

I sincerely apologize
For all the grievances that sometimes
In everyday life I applied,
Having no evil in my soul.

I sincerely apologize
For all the intentional evil,
For everything that hurt your heart
And it brought grief.

May our souls not suffer
Under the weight of petty grievances,
Forgive me as I forgive
And may the Lord forgive us all.

Everyone needs to be forgiven today
And let go of grudges
So that it’s easy and with a pure heart
We could give love.

If there was anything bad,
We need to forget about everything.
And in harmony and peace
Then we will all live.

Let it be filled with love
Your heart is over the edge,
Your life will be similar
To a wonderful, kind paradise.

I want to apologize to you:
Sorry for the disappointments of the past days.
May the day of Forgiveness bring peace to hearts,
So that our souls become brighter,

So that there is less evil and sadness in the world,
So that we can look forward with ease,
Let's let go of old grievances.
Today God is calling us all to forgiveness.

May God forgive us our sins,
And will save souls from defilement,
From all bad thoughts,
To guide you on the right path!

I ask for forgiveness today
After all, there is repentance in my heart,
I hope this Sunday
Everyone will forgive me for my actions!

God will forgive and I certainly forgive,
Even though you have nothing to apologize for.
I always remember you kindly,
I ask you not to hold a grudge against me either.

I forgive you and you will forgive me,
Don’t hold sadness, evil, or grudges.
May the resurrection give harmony,
And it will bring goodness and inspiration.

Because you ask for forgiveness,
I say thank you
I forgive you, of course
I give you a smile
Well, I ask you today
Forgive me for all my sins,
After all, this Sunday we need
Let go of all grievances!

A short

There is nothing for you to ask for forgiveness now,
I do not carry an annoying burden of grievances.
On Forgiveness Sunday today
I forgive you, and God will forgive you too!

I answer your “Sorry!” I will answer: “God will forgive!
And I forgive you with all my heart!”
I don’t hold grudges in my heart,
I let them go easily and simply.

Thank you for your simple and gentle look,
Behind sincere request oh forgiveness,
Perhaps the Angels are looking at us
And they send us blessings.


Happy Forgiveness Sunday to you too!
May grace come to you
Patience, joy, forgiveness,
And happiness - all day long.

I congratulate you on a wonderful holiday,
For everything that happened, I forgive you.
And I want to ask you for forgiveness,
I ask you to forgive me for everything, for everything.
If I offended you when,
Sorry that this happens sometimes!

On this day we forgive everything,
We say that God will forgive.
And I wish you:
Don't hold grudges!

And, on Forgiveness Sunday,
Let love reign in your soul,
I wish you cleansing
Never meet enemies!

I forgive everyone who asks for an apology.
God will forgive you, but I don’t hold a grudge,
Accept my forgiveness quickly,
Which I will ask of you.

May everything in life get better soon,
Let all the bad things run away from you,
I wish life was sweeter
After all, it is given to us only once.

God forgives, and I forgive.
I am not allowed to judge others.
With forgiveness I cleanse my heart
And I want to forget about the bad things.

I want to start all over again
And don’t remember the past,
Forgive me as I forgive
And we will continue to live.

Why on Forgiveness Sunday, when a person says “Forgive me!” Is it customary to answer “God will forgive!”?

To the words “Forgive me,” Orthodox Christians sincerely and wholeheartedly respond, “God will forgive and I forgive,” testifying that the Lord has forgiven the offense caused, and man does not hold evil.

When a person asks for a petition, he is not asking for a trial, not to completely sort out the situation, but admits that he brought pain and regrets it. And the other, forgiving, understands that the debts may remain, but he also does not judge. The words “God will forgive” mean that I am a sinner, I am not your judge. This is the essence of Christian forgiveness.

Psychologist Andrey Fomin

I think it won’t be a sin to answer “I have nothing to forgive you for” instead of “God will forgive” in cases where there is really nothing for it. This is better than once again breaking the third commandment by taking the name of God in vain. As a rule, the “unforgiven” in such a situation tries to prove that “this is how it should be”; in response to this, one can gently remind one of the dangers of a formal attitude towards the need for reconciliation before fasting. But only if this reminder is truly meek and loving, otherwise the reason for mutual forgiveness that was missing may immediately appear.

Archpriest Dimitry Struev

Hypocrisy, of course, happens, and we should be careful about it.

But it all depends on how we forgive. It is necessary to distinguish between two facets - personal forgiveness and the desire for God to forgive the offender. Suppose Denis did something mean to me, asks me for forgiveness, and I don’t have the strength to forgive him now (although I understand that this needs to be done), but I am sure that if he repents, God will forgive him, and I will forgive him I sincerely wish. There are two different sources forgiveness: my personal (which is also important) and God’s own. Many people, we know, have been deeply reconciled with God without ever receiving the forgiveness of loved ones who did not understand them. Sometimes they say to me: “Forgive me!”, and it happens that you answer: “I was not offended by you, I have nothing to forgive you, but may God forgive you.”

But how often these holy words are spoken in vain! “God will forgive”, “Save, Lord!”, we pour out without putting a prayerful address into them. But without this - the main thing, prayer - they turn into shaking the air. Although... sometimes you can rejoice at this “sorry”.

When saying “God will forgive,” it is important to try to put into these words a sincere desire for the Lord to truly forgive the person: “I want us to be reconciled, to find peace among ourselves before God.”

I also think that if you answer a request for forgiveness honestly: “Denis, understand, due to my weakness I cannot yet forgive you from my heart, but I ask God to forgive you!”, this will bring us closer together than a hypocritical “I’m sorry” or pretending that nothing happened.

Archpriest Mikhail ZAYTSEV



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