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Showing mercy in war arguments. Arguments on the topic: mercy. unselfishness. charity. Indifference and mercy
  • (54 words) Compassion in literature is manifested not only between characters, but also in the author’s attitude towards his character. Thus, the author of the novel “Eugene Onegin” - Pushkin, sympathizes with Tatyana Larina, who finds herself in a tragic situation. She is hopelessly in love with Onegin, but remains faithful to her husband. “I shed tears with you” is a manifestation of the author’s compassion for his heroine.
  • (50 words) In the novel “Crime and Punishment,” compassion is one of the main character traits of Dostoevsky’s favorite heroine, Sonya Marmeladova. Having learned that Raskolnikov was suffering from the Fall, she did not turn away from him in fear, but, on the contrary, helped him take the true path of rebirth of the soul. It was Sonya who sympathized with the hero and did not let him go crazy.
  • (42 words) Compassion is the willingness to selflessly help people, and not just sympathize with their troubles. Natasha Rostova from Tolstoy’s War and Peace desperately helped wounded soldiers get out of the city, and the moment of the heroine’s farewell to Bolkonsky leaves no doubt that Andrei’s suffering was also unbearably difficult for her.
  • (47 words) In Kuprin’s story “The Lilac Bush,” the heroine sincerely sympathizes with her husband, who cannot pass the exam. He put a blot on the drawing and corrected it for a bush, but the professor did not credit the work. Vera pawned all her jewelry to buy a lilac bush and plant it in this place. The husband passed the exam, and she once again proved her devotion to him.
  • (60 words) In Ostrovsky’s play “The Thunderstorm,” Tikhon sympathizes with Katerina throughout the play, because he understands how difficult it is for her to establish relationships with Kabanikha, and is not even angry with her for betraying her. He feels sorry for his wife, but he is afraid to put his mother in her place. Only Katerina’s death and compassion for her fate prompted Tikhon to express his position to Kabanikha, but, unfortunately, his unexpressed sympathy did not correct the situation.
  • (54 words) Compassion is also self-sacrifice and nobility. In Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita" Woland promises to make a wish come true main character. However, Margarita sacrifices this opportunity for herself, wanting to end the torment of Frida, whom she met at the ball. By saving Frida from the daily torture of the handkerchief with which she strangled her baby, Margarita shows mercy and compassion.
  • (46 words) Turning to Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of Man,” we understand how much compassion can help anyone. Main character, Andrei Sokolov, left alone after the war, meets a little boy Vanya, who was left an orphan. Showing condolences and humanity, the hero is called the boy's father and thereby gives him hope for a new life.
  • (49 words) What, if not compassion, can one feel for the main character of Karamzin’s story “ Poor Lisa"? The girl could not stand the test of unhappy love, and, finding herself alone without her beloved Erast, she threw herself into the water. Having compassion for the heroine, many readers cried over Lisa’s fate, because in such a situation it is difficult not to show compassion and remain indifferent.
  • (52 words) Compassion is one of the most important qualities in a person, helping to look at many things differently, and, perhaps, to be happy... What is difficult to say about the main character of Lermontov’s novel “A Hero of Our Time,” Grigory Aleksandrovich Pechorin. Often he put his own goals above the feelings of other people, and did not show compassion and empathy. Therefore, Pechorin remained a lonely and unhappy hero.
  • (60 words) The ability to compassion is valued in any manifestation: both in the willingness to listen and in the desire to help. The mercy of heroes with a difficult fate is especially appreciated, who, no matter what, are ready to lend a helping hand. Matryona from Solzhenitsyn's story " Matrenin Dvor“buried six children, remained poor in old age, without receiving a pension. However, the heroine still showed compassion for others and selflessly helped people.
  • Arguments from personal life

  1. (53 words) Often, showing compassion is caring. When my friend and I were walking in the park, I saw a chick lying on the grass. Looking up, I realized that he had accidentally fallen out of the nest. Realizing that he would not be able to climb back on his own, we decided to help him. Having taken the chick, we climbed the tree and put it back in the nest.
  2. (43 words) My friend is studying to become a psychologist, she often talks about how compassion is an integral part of friendship. When I'm worried about something, she can help me, even just by listening and supporting me. Realizing that she has compassion for me, I begin to look at my problems differently.
  3. (51 words) Recently, our classmate was hospitalized. We were all worried and called him and his parents to find out about his well-being. On the eve of graduation, we thought that the best expression our compassion will make him happy. Therefore, on our common holiday, we decided to visit him, taking with us fruits and wishes for a speedy recovery.
  4. (43 words) One of my friends believes that the duty of any person is to help others. Always sincerely sympathizing with sick people, he increasingly understood that his recognition was to become a worthy doctor. So, having determined your life path, he realized that he could turn his compassion into real help to a person.
  5. (58 words) My mother and I love watching dance shows, so we vote for our favorite artist. If he does not have enough votes and his continued participation in the project is in question, we continue to support him by leaving comments under videos of his performance. We understand what this is hard way, therefore, empathizing with the dancer, we are ready to help as best we can. Support is also one of the ways to express compassion.
  6. (45 words) Last year, my deskmate was very worried about test work, although I thoroughly prepared for it at home. Realizing that she was worrying in vain, I calmed her down and supported her. She got an A and said that my compassion helped her stop stressing and focus on her assignments.
  7. (59 words) One day my friend showed compassion, fully supporting me and not leaving me sad alone. She and I were invited to a holiday with friends, and the day before I had a fever. I was very pleased that my friend not only did not go to the holiday without me, but also brought me medicine instead, sympathizing with my cold that appeared at such an inopportune time.
  8. (49 words) My classmate often organizes trips to a shelter for homeless animals. She is always very worried about the fate of the animals that find themselves on the cold street, so she often saves money to buy them food. Her compassion not only helps people be kinder, but also saves animals from starvation. Any charity is a worthy manifestation of compassion.
  9. (55 words) Once I noticed a friend’s aquarium with a small turtle. She said that she came across an advertisement about giving the animal to good hands. At first she doubted whether to respond, but decided to call anyway. The owner explained that due to the move they were forced to give up the turtle, and my friend could not indifferently give up the animal. So compassion gave her a new friend.
  10. (58 words) My friend always shows compassion for others when helping older people. Every time grandma has a hard time going up the stairs, he either takes her arm or helps her carry her bag. He also always responds when it is necessary to help an elderly person cross the road. My friend believes that everyone can feel sorry for others, but showing compassion and helping is a completely different matter.
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3. Life modern society cruel, merciless, but this does not mean that there is no place for mercy and compassion in her. You can’t read these articles without tears, especially about children. The Foundation has helped and continues to help a lot of people – journalists’ articles talk about this. This suggests that in our pragmatic times, people have not forgotten about mercy, compassion, or kindness. But when he realized that for many members of the Masonic organization this brotherhood is only a means of career growth, Pierre broke off relations with them. Savor he is not attracted. And Pierre comes to the conclusion that this is unfair, that we need to fight for the liberation of the people. 1. The problem of a humane attitude towards people is revealed by M. Gorky in the play “At the Depths”. The inhabitants of the shelter do not live, but exist. 2. We can see an example of betrayal and a negative attitude towards traitors in the story “Taras Bulba”.

Essay on the topic The problem of mercy (with examples from literature)

Mercy is love for the world, for people, for oneself. It includes many aspects. The author reflects on what made him give alms to a beggar? The author assumes that good must be done indifferently, so that not even a shadow of vanity arises. Having shown generosity, we involuntarily expect some kind of gratitude from the person to whom this very generosity was directed. There are many examples in literature where heroes show mercy while in situations similar to those presented by F. Iskander. Turgenev's lyrical hero began to rummage through his pockets in search of at least something that could help the old man. In the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's “Crime and Punishment” presents the image of Sonya Marmeladova, who is the embodiment of mercy for millions of readers and the author himself.

Unified State Examination Russian language. Bank of arguments. MORAL ISSUES

Bring light and goodness to the world! 2). Loving a person is the main principle of humanism. If your life does not awaken your life, in the eternal change of existence the world will forget you (I. Goethe, German writer). 3). 4. ArgumentsSelf-sacrifice. The poor soldier almost collapsed from shame. In the evening he returned the award and confessed his cowardice to the commander. In the next battle, the soldier amazed everyone with his fearlessness and courage and deservedly received the order.9) One of the legends tells how Saint Kasyan and St. Nicholas the Pleasant once walked across the earth. It was believed that the prayers of the destitute were more likely to reach God. The owners asked the unfortunate tramp to pray for them in the temple, for which they gave him a coin. She simply threw away her crutches and walked. This is how sincere kindness turns into magic. 14) Compassion is not only inherent to humans. Even if he brings new knowledge, new truths, no one listens to him.

/ arguments for the Unified State Exam essay

One of the textbook images showing us an example of mercy is Vasya from the story by V.G. Korolenko "V" bad society"(old name - "Children of the Dungeon"). But instead of the expected psychological relief, emotional release, another story awaits Vasya on the street - an acquaintance with the family of Pan Tyburtsy - poor vagabonds, rejected by the entire city. The first image that is associated for me with the concept of “mercy” in Russian literature is, of course, Sonya Marmeladova. From literary examples You can take M. Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of a Man.”

Vasil Bykova "Sotnikov". Woe from Wit" by Griboyedov. Platon Karataev. Famusova with her daughter Sophia. Manya, thousands of people and Persikov himself.

Arguments for the essay

1) In Astafiev’s story “Lyudochka,” in the episode with the dying man, when everyone left him, only Lyudochka felt sorry for him. 1) As you know, A.S. Pushkin died in a duel, fighting for the honor of his wife. M. Lermontov in his poem called the poet “a slave of honor.” 2) A hero with high moral qualities is Petrusha Grinev - a character in the story by A. S. Pushkin “ Captain's daughter" He was a highly moral person worthy of respect and pride.

It is she who, with her sensitivity, patience and sincere sympathy, “resurrects” Raskolnik to life, gradually leading to the idea of ​​the sinfulness of his theory. He treats the Mertsalovs’ daughter, gives them money for expenses and literally saves the family from starvation. So, she literally pulled Alexei Pryakhin from the other world, and after the hospital she brought him to her home and left him to live until he fully recovered. Did you know that for fifty years there were two cities with this name in Russia? A city near Moscow that is famous to the younger generation, like Korolev, has been called Kaliningrad since 1938.

Here is an interpretation of an event from D.A. GRANIN’s essay “MERCY”. The writer’s reasoning about this attitude of people led him to the conclusion that the level of our responsiveness has noticeably decreased. Interpretation of a fragment from the article by K.I. CHUKOVSKY “ANNA AKHMATOVA”. Many of her works were not published not only during the author’s lifetime, but also for more than two decades after her death. Interpretation of a fragment from A. SEDYKH’s book “DISTANT, CLOSE”. The only condition he set was that this should not be reported in the newspaper and that no one, especially this woman, should know about his help.

In the story “Mr. from San Francisco,” Bunin criticizes bourgeois reality. The thought arises that the hero does not live in the full sense of the word, but only exists physiologically. He understands only the material side of life. This idea is emphasized by the symbolic composition of this story, its symmetry. It is obvious that the meaning of life is not in the acquisition of wealth, but in something that cannot be assessed monetaryally - worldly wisdom, kindness, spirituality. Mikhail Afanasyevich shows in the story that humanity turns out to be powerless in the fight against the lack of spirituality that arises in people. At its center is the incredible case of a dog turning into a human.

Is there a place for mercy in war? And is it possible to show mercy to the enemy in war? The text by V. N. Lyalin makes us think about these questions. Here the author raises the problem of showing mercy to the enemy.

In the text, the author talks about Mikhail Ivanovich Bogdanov, who in 1943 was sent to war to serve as an orderly. During one of the fiercest battles, Mikhail Ivanovich was able to protect the wounded from SS machine gunners. For the courage shown during the counterattack with the Galicia division, he was nominated for the Order of Glory by the battalion commissar. The day after the battle, noticing the corpse German soldier lying in a ditch, Mikhail Ivanovich showed mercy by deciding to bury the German. The author shows us that despite the war, Mikhail Ivanovich was able to retain his humanity, not remaining indifferent to the enemy. Having learned about this case, the battalion commissar decided to cancel the orderly's nomination for the Order of Glory.

However, for Mikhail Ivanovich it was important to act according to his conscience, and not to receive a reward.

I agree with the author’s position and am convinced that mercy has a place in war. After all, it doesn’t matter whether the enemy is dead or unarmed, he no longer poses any danger. I believe that Mikhail Ivanovich Bogdanov committed a worthy act by burying the body of someone killed in a shootout German soldier. It is very important in the conditions of a brutal war to be able to preserve humanity within yourself and not let your heart grow cold.

The problem of showing mercy to the enemy is raised in the work of V. L. Kondratiev “Sashka”. The main character, Sashka, captured a German during a German attack. At first, the German seemed like an enemy to him, but, looking closer, Sashka saw in him ordinary person, the same as himself. He no longer saw him as an enemy. Sashka promised the German his life, he said that Russians are not animals, they will not kill an unarmed person. He showed the German a leaflet that said that prisoners were guaranteed life and return to their homeland. However, when Sashka brought the German to the battalion commander, the German did not tell him anything, and therefore the battalion commander gave Sashka the order to shoot the German. Sashka’s hand did not rise to the unarmed soldier, so similar to himself. Despite everything, Sashka retained his humanity. He did not become bitter and this allowed him to remain human. As a result, the battalion commander, after analyzing Sashka’s words, decided to cancel his order.

The problem of showing mercy to the enemy is touched upon in L. N. Tolstoy’s work “War and Peace.” One of the heroes of the novel, the Russian commander Kutuzov, shows mercy to the French fleeing Russia. He feels sorry for them, because he understands that they acted on Napoleon’s orders and in no case dared to disobey him. Speaking to the soldiers of the Preobrazhensky Regiment, Kutuzov says: “It’s difficult for you, but you’re still at home; and they see how they have arrived. - The last beggars are worse." We see that all soldiers are united not only by a feeling of hatred, but also by pity for the defeated enemy.

Thus, we can conclude that in war it is necessary to show mercy even to the enemy, no matter whether he is defeated or killed. A soldier is, first of all, a human being and must retain such qualities as mercy and humanity. They are the ones who allow him to remain human.

The novel by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin reveals the problem of mercy using the example central image Emelyan Pugacheva through his relationship with Petrusha Grinev. At the beginning of his independent journey, Peter meets Pugachev, an unknown fugitive Cossack, in a snowstorm. The meeting in the elements became symbolic. The uprising, which would later be led by Pugachev, who declared himself Peter III, will also turn out to be an element from which a merciful act will help Grinev emerge unharmed. The sheepskin coat once donated will become that step of mercy that will subsequently save Peter from the gallows. Pugachev’s mercy is far greater in scope than the kindness of the young master. First, the impostor gives Petrusha life, and then saves his bride. Thus, good deeds become manifestations of mercy.

2. M.A. Sholokhov "Quiet Don"

The novel by Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov tells about the most cruel and bloody time, in the whirlpool of which people die. The frenzy of the warring parties seems limitless. Podtyolkov deals with Chernetsov without trial and shoots prisoners. Then the Cossacks do the same to him. Mishka Koshevoy kills Pyotr Melekhov, the brother of his friend, the Cossack chieftain. The Cossacks accompany the Red commander Likhachev and mock the escorted prisoner in the most cruel way: they cut out his eyes, chop off his limbs, and only then hack him to death. Grigory Melekhov is trying to stop the chain of bloodshed. He strives to break the chain of cruelties: he saves prisoners, hurries after the Bolsheviks sent through all the Cossack villages, wanting to avoid bloodshed and save Mishka and Ivan Alekseevich. But he doesn't have time. The lines sound like a plea for mercy when the prisoners turn to the guard with a request for a drink. He pours water for them into a trough from which the cattle grazing in the steppe drinks. Kneeling down, Ivan Alekseevich raises his eyes to the sky, to this bottomless eternal sky, as if asking for mercy. But the sky is silent. There is no mercy in such cruel times. However, only old people and children are capable of mercy. This is evidenced by the act of a Cossack woman who picked up a captive young Bolshevik who pretended to be crazy; a crying child and an old man pouring water into a trough for the suffering. Only one who has shown mercy is capable of becoming a human being.

3. M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita"

The theme of mercy is one of the main ones in M.A.’s novel. Bulgakov. It passes through all time layers. In the Yershalaim chapters in the history of Yeshua, the question of mercy is the main one: does the poor philosopher deserve execution or forgiveness? For Pontius Pilate, this question turns out to be insoluble. Wanting to save a wandering beggar, he is unable to make the right decision, dooming Yeshua to death and himself to suffering. The issue of mercy is relevant at any time. Woland, who has come to the land of Moscow, is trying to find mercy in the hearts of the citizens of the “new” socialist state. Nothing changes, despite the declaration of other values: they are just as greedy, selfish and envious as they were two thousand years ago. However, Woland concludes that mercy is knocking on their hearts. Only when the cruelty becomes too obvious: at the moment when the entertainer Bengalsky's head is torn off at the Variety Theater. Even at Satan’s ball, Margarita asks for mercy for Frida, who strangled her own son, and who has been suffering for so many years. Everyone is worthy of sympathy and mercy. It is mercy that saves people in the most terrible situations in life.

4. V. Tendryakov “Bread for the Dog”

When people leave Moscow, captured by French troops, Natasha Rostova decides to give the carts to the wounded. The heroine values ​​the lives of other people much more than her own financial condition: the carts were intended to transport her belongings, including her dowry. Natasha Rostova performs this act out of mercy, showing her best inner qualities.

M. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man"

Andrei Sokolov went through all the hardships of the war. The war deprived him of what was most precious to him - his children and his beloved wife. It would seem that after this the hero would not be able to see kindness in the world. But the hero’s heart did not harden. Having recognized little Vanya, an orphan boy, he decided to introduce himself as the child’s father and adopt him. Andrei Sokolov committed this act out of mercy. The hero did not recover from the war, but Vanya revived his soul. Two lonely people found each other.

N.D. Teleshov "Home"

Semka, the son of immigrants, after the death of his parents, decided to get to his home village at all costs. On the way he met Unknown's grandfather. They walked together. On the way, Semka fell ill. An unknown person brought him to the city, to the hospital, although he knew that it was dangerous to appear there. The fact is that Unknown has already escaped from hard labor several times. In the city they took him again. Grandfather knew what he was doing, but the child’s life was more important to him. This man was motivated by mercy and compassion. The child's fate was much more important to him than his own.

I. Bunin "Lapti"

In one village a child was seriously ill. For some reason he kept asking for red bast shoes. Nefed, having learned about this, decided that he needed to get bast shoes, since “the soul asks.” The hero went to Novoselki in bad weather to buy bast shoes and magenta. Nefed died on the way back. He knew that he was taking a risk, but for the sake of the child he was ready for this dangerous act, committed out of mercy. The hero valued the wish of the sick child higher than his own life.



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