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Wedding schedule for the year. Wedding calendar for this year - select the desired date

A wedding, or more precisely, marriage, is a day that all lovers look forward to with great impatience, because it is from this moment that a new page in their life together begins. But what it will be depends largely on them, and, to be more precise, on the date they choose. As you know, the date, month and even year can have a certain impact and influence on young and new family, that is, bring her happiness or, conversely, make her completely unhappy. Successful days for a wedding in 2017 remains one of the discussed issues among those who are planning to enter into a union this year and want to be sure that a long and happy life awaits them.

Favorable days.

Today in 2017. There should probably be absolutely no problems with choosing and setting a date. wedding ceremony, Why? Everything is simple, since a large number of ways and options come to the aid of young people to determine that very happy and auspicious day.

This orthodox calendar, lunar, advice and forecasts of astrologers and, of course, Feng Shui, which today is considered the most fashionable and popular trend.

If we talk about which dates in 2017 are already recognized as the most beautiful, we can name the following figures.

  • 02/17/2017 – Friday.
  • 01.07.2017 – Saturday.
  • 05/07/2017 – Sunday.
  • 07.07.2017 – Friday.

As you can see, the predominant number in all dates is seven. As for the most successful and favorable ones, according to many experts, they can be determined independently. How? It's simple, the first digit should always be one less than the next one. For example, 05/04/2017 or 12/11/2017.

But still, let's take a look favorable days for a wedding in 2017 according to the other most popular and sought-after methods, the features of which newlyweds must know and remember.

Orthodox calendar.

It is probably no secret to anyone that the church has fairly strict rules for choosing and setting a wedding date. After all, according to the church calendar, there are posts here, church holidays, during which it is simply strictly forbidden to arrange marriages. As for 2017, the church identifies the following time periods that are most suitable for holding wedding events and celebrations. This is autumn, except for fasting, May 8 and the period from January 20 to March 7. But the church also names dates on which weddings cannot be held and, as a rule, these are fasting dates.

    1. Assumption Fast - August 14-27, except the 19th.
    2. Nativity Fast - from November 28 to January 6.
    3. Easter - February 27-April 15, with the exception of April 7 and 9.
    4.Petrova - from June 12 to July 11, except for the 7th.

Also by church rules and the canons are forbidden to perform the wedding ceremony the day before important holidays such as Christmas, Palm Sunday, Easter, Holy Trinity.

Astrological calendar.

If you believe astrologers, they also highlight and name a number of favorable dates and seasons in 2017 when it is best to arrange a wedding.

Yes, there are a lot of approaches to choosing a wedding date and each method is good and truthful in its own way. But which one you trust is your personal choice. But, despite everything, it is imperative to believe that no signs can ever separate and upset the union of two truly loving hearts. After all, even a marriage that was concluded on a not very favorable day can, on the contrary, turn out to be the strongest, happiest and longest.

The year two thousand and seventeen (2017) will be a non-leap year, starting on Sunday. This year will pass under the sign of Red Fire Rooster, which will affect all the events taking place this year.

It is believed that the rooster symbolizes determination, assertiveness and control, which means that for success in any endeavor, a person will need the above qualities. In 2017, you need to put aside fear and boldly step towards everything new and unknown, this is the only way you can attract luck into your life and build your personal happiness.

Should you get married in 2017?

To the question – is it worth getting married in 2017, there are two diametrically opposed answers.

On the one hand, since 2017 follows the leap year 2016, then, according to many people prone to empty superstitions, it can be called the “widow’s” year. Previously, in such years it was not recommended to get married, as there was a risk of becoming widowed early. However, almost all astrologers and predictors of our time consider these fears empty.

If we consider 2017 together with its symbol - the Red Rooster, it should be noted that given year is a very favorable time for concluding marriage agreements. The only condition for this should be awareness of the choice of partner.

The symbol of the year values ​​control and self-confidence, which means that before starting a family, you need to ask yourself again about the correctness of the decision. Mature and purposeful couples are creating very strong and friendly families in 2017, in which love and mutual respect will persist for a long time. And children will always respect their elders and listen to their opinions.

Particular attention should be paid to the ceremony itself. To gain the protection of the talisman of the year, you need to organize a holiday in a traditional style. The design and execution should be magnificent, but strict. The Rooster appreciates classics and traditions. Deep respect for parents should be an integral part of the wedding ceremony.

What beautiful dates can you choose in 2017?

The best day for a wedding will be Friday. And the most beautiful date will be February 17, which falls on Friday.

Other beautiful dates include the seventh of January, the seventh of October, the seventh of July and the seventh of April. However, it must be said that the first two dates are Saturdays.

When can you get married in 2017?

A wedding is a very serious step for two people who have decided to unite their destinies not only in a civil ceremony, but also before God. The ceremony itself is very beautiful and touching, and in the eyes of believers it is considered a more significant event than the official painting in the registry office.

Choosing the right date for your wedding is very important, as there are several rules regarding this moment. It is best to get married on Sunday, as Christians consider this day a holiday. In addition to Sunday, the church also allows weddings on Friday, Monday or Wednesday.

By church traditions, the most favorable day of the year for a wedding is considered to be the first Sunday that comes after the Great Easter holiday. This day is also called Krasnaya Gorka and falls on April 23rd. In addition to this day, weddings can also be held on holidays dedicated to the Virgin Mary, which in 2017 will take place on July 21, October 26 and November 4. On May 22, 2017, on the feast of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Orthodox Church also recommends holding a wedding, especially for young, recently married couples.

There are also days in 2017 when the church does not conduct a holy wedding ceremony. Such days fall on fasts, the eves of great holidays, as well as Easter and Forgiveness Sunday.

According to today's standards, before a wedding in a church, it is necessary to carry out the civil registration procedure at the registry office, and also talk with your priest.

Choosing the date of the ceremony according to astrological forecasts

Currently exists a large number of various forecasts, guided by which you can try to choose the ideal date for your wedding in 2017.

The best month for a wedding in 2017 is September. According to astrologers, people who get married this month will live in perfect harmony all their lives. The best dates for the ceremony will be: September 3, 4 and 22.

If you get married in November, the stars promise family life in abundance, but with some intensity of passions. Good dates are: November 3, 20 and 24.

If you want the honeymoon to last throughout your life together, then you should get married in June 2017. Long-lasting love and a sea of ​​romance will be guaranteed to such couples. It is better to arrange a wedding on June 4.9 and 30.

In January 2017, those people who value peace and confidence above all else in marriage should get married. Better days January 1, 8 and 29 are considered.

A wedding in March will bring with it a family life in which no one will be bored. Periods of calm will be replaced by storms, but in the end everything will end well. In March, you should pay attention to the following days: March 3, 10, and March 31.

July wedding promises strong family, however, spouses will always rush between home and their own careers. Good dates for a wedding would be July 7, 28 and 30.

In the remaining months of 2017, according to the predictions of the stars, it is not recommended to organize a wedding in order to avoid problems and quarrels in future family life.

To summarize, each couple should decide for themselves when to tie the knot. After all, the ideal date for a wedding according to everyone astrological forecasts, is not yet a 100% guarantee that the family will become strong and friendly.

Much depends on the character, upbringing and behavior of these two people. And the stars can only help and push the two halves in the right direction.

The final word always remains only with people who decide whether to believe the predictions or rely on their own happy destiny.

A wedding is an important event for people in love. The ceremony should be planned correctly, taking into account all Orthodox holidays and church dates.

Marked below on the calendar:

  • in red and in bold font the dates of Orthodox church holidays.
  • In orange are the dates allowed for weddings.

Wedding ceremony, rules of the Orthodox ceremony

  • Wedding has very deep roots in ancient times. Besides a beautiful ceremony, that's enough interesting process, which has a special meaning. A wedding unites a man and a woman in a divine union of lovers. It is a sacrament that elevates marriage into spiritual existence.
  • It is not uncommon for a wedding ceremony to be included in the marriage process itself for entertainment and to create an interesting holiday, which is a wrong step. A wedding should be a conscious and voluntary step for those who believe in the eternity of their feelings and marriage in life and “in heaven.”
  • Some Orthodox churches insist that a wedding should occur only once in a person’s life, others - no more than three. However, you will rarely be able to find priests who will agree to perform the ceremony again for you with another person.
  • The wedding ceremony is performed only on baptized young people who have a orthodox cross. Age also matters, because men under eighteen and women under sixteen are not allowed to attend weddings.
  • It is strictly forbidden for people of any other religion to attend the wedding ceremony, since this is only an Orthodox sacrament.
  • A wedding is impossible if the couple in love has any family ties, even if they are quite far away. Weddings between godchildren and godparents are unacceptable.
  • A wedding is prohibited if one of the young people has an affair on the side. But the bride’s “interesting position” is not a limitation, just like the lack of parents’ blessing for marriage.

wedding ceremony in the Orthodox Church

A wedding requires careful preparation, which necessarily includes planning the date of the ceremony.

A wedding can be held on almost any day of the year, but there are certain “acute” dates that relate to strict fasting:

  • Greatfast(from March 11 to April 27, 2019) - the most important post for the church
  • Petrovfast(With June 24 to July 11, 2019) - important post
  • Uspenskyfast(With August 14 to 27, 2019) - summer church fast
  • Christmasfast (from November 28, 2019 to January 6, 2020) is one of the most important.

There are some beliefs that say when it is worth getting married and when not. It is customary to hold wedding ceremonies on such days of the week as:

  • Monday
  • Wednesday
  • Friday
  • Sunday

Getting married on any day of the week should be avoided. 13th numbers! The Orthodox Church believes number 13 - from the Devil and does not recommend getting married on this date.

wedding ceremony according to Orthodox customs

It is worth noting that there are also days that are considered prosperous for the wedding ceremony. This:

  • autumn time after Intercession
  • winter time from Epiphany to Maslenitsa
  • summer time between the Petrov fast and the Uspensky fast
  • in the spring to celebrate Krasnaya Gorka

Many couples want to organize a wedding on their wedding day, but the priests strongly discourage them from doing so. They recommend that the couple perform the ceremony a year later in order to accurately verify the sincerity of their feelings.

It is best not to rush into a wedding, because it is never too late to carry it out and neither children nor age are a hindrance.

Orthodox church wedding calendar for 2019

The day for the wedding is the most important date for a true believer. Perhaps someone will consider it unnecessary or invalid. All these are the prejudices of atheists, and more and more often young people seek to tie the knot in the Orthodox Church.

There is a belief that harmony, love and happiness come to a family whose union has been approved by God. It is worth preparing in advance in order to select in 2019 suitable date, not prohibited by the church and not having any negative influences.

The wedding ceremony must be planned in advance

Will help you decide on the wedding date church calendar, in which both favorable and unfavorable days are noted.

When is it impossible to conduct a wedding ceremony according to the Orthodox calendar?

You should know for sure that not all dates are favorable for a wedding. So, it's worth remembering that Tuesday and Thursday are unfavorable days in any week only because they precede fast days.

It is not advisable to choose Saturday, although this is not strictly prosecuted. Saturday comes before Sunday- a holiday and a day off for everyone.

The wedding must take place in accordance with the church calendar

Weddings are strictly prohibited in days of great Orthodox holidays. It is believed that a true believer should devote this day to God, and not to his personal joys.

should be avoided unfavorable days for wedding

Avoid fasting, holidays, and weeks. Not only holidays, but also their eves should be avoided. You should not plan a ceremony on the personal day of the saint to whose name the church is dedicated.

The best auspicious days for a wedding in 2019

Of course, with such a strict restriction, it is difficult to choose the most suitable day for a wedding, but it is quite possible. Most couples prefer to get married on a day off: Saturday or Sunday. They don't know that better days- these are Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

The best date for a wedding ceremony is Krasnaya Gorka(May 5, 2019). This day comes precisely on Sunday, the first Sunday after Easter. In 2019, this date falls in May 5 number.

Krasnaya Gorka is the best date for a wedding

The right date will play its due role and can make your marriage prosperous, both on earth and in heaven.

Beautiful dates for a wedding in 2019

  • January: 20.01.2019
  • February: 10.02.2019, 20.02.2019, 22.02.2019
  • March: 01.03.2019
  • April: No
  • May: 15.05.2019; 10.05.2019, 19.05.2019; 22.05.2019
  • June: 10.06.2019, 19.06.2019, 20.06.2019
  • July: 19.07.2019 ; 22.07.2019
  • August: 30.08.2019
  • September: 01.09.2019, 09.09.2019; 22.09.2019, 30.09.2019
  • October: 11.10.2019; 20.10.2019; 30.10.2019
  • November: 10.111.2019, 11.11.2019; 20.11.2019; 22.11.2019
  • December: no

Wedding on the wedding day, is it possible to schedule the ceremony on the wedding day?

The answer to this question lies in how devoted the couple is to God. The modern wedding ceremony is perceived by lovers as beautiful continuation paintings in the registry office.

That’s why they plan it on the same day, so you can easily avoid unnecessary expenses for setting the table and congratulating. However, this event has a completely different meaning - a great one.

wedding day wedding
  • A wedding should happen once in a lifetime and unite lovers forever: once and forever. That is why priests advise holding the ceremony on the silver wedding anniversary or at least a few years later. After all, nothing can destroy this marriage before God. Even if a couple's marriage is difficult and married, one must endure all the trials.
  • God said: “Two will become one flesh,” and it is from these words that one should start if two people decide to marry. This decision must be fully conscious and desirable for both men and women. By getting married, lovers literally become one in the eyes of God and society.
  • Much depends on how you perceive God: whether you believe in Him, whether you love Him, whether you honor the faith. In any case, it doesn’t matter when you decide the date, the important thing is that your decision will be voluntary from the bottom of your loving heart!

Folk signs for a wedding day

There are certain signs that, along with observing church dates, favor marriage in a church:

  • A wedding held in the last month of summer will bring understanding, harmony and a long union to the spouses.
  • Wedding 22nd of May on the day of St. Nicholas the Great favors long and strong life, full of love union.
  • A wedding in September and November will bring a long and understanding, strong union.
  • It’s good to get married on the day of the Kazan Icon Mother of God(that is 07/21/19 and 11/04/19)
  • It’s good to have a wedding on the day of the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God ( May 6, 2019)

Video: “Wedding”

The church wedding calendar in 2017 has more than 100 days at its disposal, during which the wedding ceremony will forever seal two loving hearts in marriage. According to the canons of Orthodoxy, it is forbidden to enter into a marriage and conduct a wedding ceremony during Lent, major general church holidays and holidays celebrated in specific parishes. In 20017, there are more than 100 such days. So you can easily choose the date of your wedding and wedding by additionally agreeing with your priest.

Smart Tips have already talked about how to prepare for a wedding.

Read in this article:

When can you not get married in 2017?

In ancient times there was no state registration of marriage. The lovers sealed their relationship with bonds in front of the holy icons, pronouncing vows. When was she born new family, the event was celebrated with all the luxury and solemnity. The main event required careful preparation to avoid gossip from others. The reverent attitude towards the wedding ceremony did not depend on social status.

With the advent of Soviet times, the wedding ceremony was strictly prohibited. Newlyweds who disobeyed were severely punished. Currently, in addition to state registration, lovers can also become spouses before God.

The Church does not welcome weddings on such days:

  • Twelfth holidays
  • Patronal holidays
  • Posts

Church calendar of the twelve feasts

Patronal holidays 2017

Great throne dates 2017

Posts in 2017, when weddings are prohibited

According to church rules, there is a penalty for fasting weddings. the strictest ban. In 2017, the prohibited fasting dates are as follows:

Who has the right to get married?

1. Only baptized people can cement relationships with sacred bonds.

2. The minimum age for men is 18 years, and for girls – 16 years.

3. Only people whose family ties begin with the 5th degree can get married.

4. Required condition- This is the consent to the marriage of the parents of the bride and groom.

5. The wedding takes place only after state confirmation of the marital relationship.

6. The ritual cannot take place on fasting days of the week; every Tuesday and Thursday are recognized as such.

7. A witness who is not yet married must be present on each side.

Preparation for the sacrament

Before the wedding procedure, young people mandatory undergo the rite of communion and confession. It is also necessary to adhere to fasts and read prayers. It is equally important to choose a suitable temple, the atmosphere inside of which will be comfortable. Lavish ceremonies often take place in spacious cathedrals, shrouded in a sense of solemnity and grandeur.

The duration of the ceremony is approximately 40 minutes. In this regard, it is recommended to choose comfortable shoes without heels. If a celebration is planned, it is impossible to predict a clear time for the end of the sacrament, since there are no strict frameworks. The ceremony may take either less or more than the allotted period for each couple.

Before the wedding, the newlyweds used to have an engagement party. Being in the status of newlyweds, they could refuse marriage at any time.

How does the wedding take place?

Lovers and their loved ones do not enter the church, but stop near the entrance. The bride should stand on the left side of the groom. The priest, having baptized the young three times, hands them candles that have already been lit. This is a symbol of the purity and integrity of the union.

Witnesses are given crowns, which must be held over the heads of the bride and groom until a certain moment. After the clergyman asks a series of questions and all the answers are given, the ceremony itself begins.

Crowns are placed on the heads of the spouses. After reading prayers and passages from the Gospel, a cup of wine is brought. The young people take turns sipping the drink three times. The right hands are connected with a towel. At the end of the process, the husband and wife kiss the holy icons.

Wedding calendar 2017

The dates when weddings are held in the Orthodox Church in 2017 are highlighted in green.

On Easter, on the eve of great holidays. Weddings on the days of the twelve holidays are not prohibited, but undesirable. We strive to live the day of the great common church holiday together with the Church, without overshadowing the church joy with our small personal joy, our small personal needs. If it is necessary to get married on these days, agreement with the priest is required;

On the eve of patronal feasts (each church has its own patronal feasts);

On Syrnaya, throughout the week. Weddings during the weeks leading up to Lent and other continuous weeks are not prohibited, but are undesirable.

During, and posts;

Exceptions to these rules can only be made by the ruling party. If the wedding took place on a day when it is prohibited by church regulations, then this does not make the sacrament invalid.

About meaning and on the ABC OF FAITH portal.

According to modern practice of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Sacrament of Marriage must be preceded by civil registration of marriage, as additional evidence of the responsibility of those entering into marriage and the seriousness of their intentions.

To go to daily calendar press the number.

Wedding calendar for 2019, 2020 and other years

wedding days

Modern practice in Local Orthodox Churches regarding wedding days

In the Churches of Constantinople and Greece it is forbidden to marry: during the Great Lent (from Cheese Week), the Assumption Lent, the Nativity Lent (from December 18 to 24), on Easter, the Nativity of Christ, Pentecost and Epiphany, as well as on the day of the Beheading of St. John the Baptist, if it falls on a fast day.

In the Church of Cyprus - during the Great Fast (from Cheese Week), the Nativity Fast (from December 13 to December 25 inclusive), on Wednesdays and Fridays, as well as on continuous weeks (i.e., on Cheese and Bright weeks and the week of the Holy Spirit), 5 and January 6 (Baptism of the Lord), on the day of the Beheading of St. John the Baptist.

In the Romanian Church - during the Great Fast (except for Cheese Week and, with the bishop's blessing, on the Annunciation), Assumption, Nativity (with the bishop's blessing, weddings are allowed on St. Nicholas Day), on Wednesday and Friday, on Bright Week, on the eve and on the days of the Lord's holidays, during the period from the Nativity of Christ to Epiphany.

In the Serbian Church - during four great fasts, on Wednesday and Friday, January 18 (the eve of the Epiphany) and the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, on Easter and Bright Week.

Comparison of current practices Local Churches shows that only in the Russian Church weddings are not celebrated on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. In Greek-speaking Orthodox world Saturday and Sunday are the main days of weddings, and at the same time, there are no known critical statements regarding this practice by representatives of Athonite monasticism, which for centuries had an exceptional influence on Christian life Orthodox Balkan peoples. And one of the canons of the Byzantine collection “Alphabetical Syntagma” by Matthew Blastar (XIV century) prescribes that mourning for deceased relatives is not a reason for postponing marriage. It is also clear that in most Churches weddings on the eve of fasting days are not prohibited, and the modern Russian practice of banning weddings on Tuesday and Thursday contradicts both the general church tradition about fast days, and the practice of other Churches. At the same time, it is known that this practice developed very late, not earlier than the 17th century.



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