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Reason and feelings are two equally needy forces. Essay on the Unified State Exam. “Reason and feelings are two forces that equally need each other” (V.G. Belinsky) - Works, Abstracts, Reports. Several interesting essays

"Reason and feelings are two forces that equally need each other." V.G. Belinsky

What is the mind? Sobriety of thought, calculation, reason, cold heart? What is a feeling? Infatuation, emotion, momentary passion or a higher spiritual impulse?
According to the critic Belinsky, “reason and feelings are two forces that equally need each other.” And one cannot but agree with him. Reason and feeling are dependent on each other, they are very closely intertwined, it is impossible to break the thin thread between them.
There are situations in a person’s life when feeling prevails over reason. As he says folk wisdom, “if you love something, your mind will give up.” It is impossible to say for sure whether this is good or bad. This could lead to happy ending, and very sad.
This also happened to the heroine of Kuprin’s story “Olesya”. The girl fell madly in love and gave herself over to this feeling. Although she knew perfectly well what this would lead to, she knew that a sad outcome was inevitable, but at that moment the feeling prevailed over the mind. She did not regret for a second that she allowed her mind to retreat, as she experienced true happiness. Such happiness that not everyone is given the opportunity to experience in life.
Is it good when reason prevails over feelings? A question to which there is also no clear answer. You can not show your feelings and remain unhappy, while making the one you love unhappy. For what? Does this make sense?
In Pushkin's novel “Eugene Onegin,” feeling and reason collided several times. The first was when “the mind gave way” and Tatyana, succumbing to her first deep feeling, confessed her love to Eugene, which was unacceptable for a girl at that time. Her attempt was in vain. For Eugene, she was just a child and he believed that her fire of love would go out as quickly as it lit up. Little could he imagine that years later he would find himself in her place. But Tatyana appears to us no longer as a little girl. By this time she had learned to manage her feelings with the help of common sense. Despite her love for Eugene, she remained faithful to the man who loved her. Was she happily married? I think not completely, because I loved someone else. Was Evgeny happy? Again, it seems to me that it’s not complete. After all, if it was true love, then reason only made it worse.
Guided only by reason, you can remain unhappy for the rest of your life. Guided only by feelings, you can find yourself in situations after which you feel unbearable. heartache will remain forever. It turns out that the mind and feelings need each other and it is very difficult to live guided by one thing.

“Reason and feelings are two forces that equally need each other” (V.G. Belinsky)

Man is a rational being. This is an axiom, an immutable truth. Even in explanatory dictionary Russian language S.I. Ozhegov says that reason is “the highest level cognitive activity“specifically humans, although animals can also be intelligent. In the same dictionary, reason as “the ability to think logically and creatively” is contrasted with feeling, interpreted as “a state in which a person is able to realize, experience, understand something based on sensations and impressions.” And although these concepts are antipodes, a person will never be complete if he attaches special importance to one thing to the detriment of the other. This was understood, for example, by our great poet A.S. Pushkin. In his Elegy he says:

But I don’t want, O friends, to die;

I want to live so that I can think and suffer...

As we see, “to think and to suffer” are two forces that “need each other equally,” which form the basis of the life of a harmonious personality.

In the novel by I.S. Turgenev’s “Fathers and Sons” we can find confirmation of the thoughts of the Russian critic V.G. Belinsky. The most striking and memorable image of the novel, Evgeny Bazarov, due to his convictions, puts reason at the forefront rather than feelings, since nihilism was based on skepticism - a complete denial of everything that had to do with bourgeois-noble traditions and customs, as well as to the world of sensuality. That is why Bazarov believes that “love is nonsense, unforgivable nonsense,” and between young people there is nothing more than a physiological attraction. He denies music, poetry, and the beauty of nature, because he considers non-science activities to be a useless pastime. In his opinion, “Raphael is not worth a penny, and Russian artists are even less.” Bazarov speaks contemptuously of Pavel Petrovich, who threw his life at the feet of the woman he loved. His brother, Arkady's father, who read Pushkin and played the cello, also received ridicule. “A decent chemist is twenty times more useful than a great poet,” says Bazarov, who firmly believed that “nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and man is a worker in it.” However, a person cannot live only by reason; his feelings will still overtake him sooner or later, which is what happened to Bazarov.

Having met Anna Sergeevna Odintsova at a ball, Bazarov found her not only smart, but also attractive. As usual, he talked a lot about science, talked about medicine, botany, and Odintsova kept up the conversation, since she understood the sciences. And Bazarov began to change: he fell in love, despite the fact that he considered this feeling to be romantic nonsense. In the scene of the explanation with Odintsova, we see a completely different Bazarov, not the one who argued with Kirsanov, but a suffering man who loved, but could not open his feelings. And this kind of Bazarov is more attractive to us than Bazarov is a nihilist. Therefore, Evgeny’s break with Odintsova evokes in us feelings of empathy and pity, and the scene at the bedside of the dying Bazarov, when Odintsova visits him, brings tears to our eyes.

It is probably natural that Bazarov’s death is a blow, first of all, to his nihilistic conviction. Everything can be denied, but before death everyone is equal. And this must be understood rationally. It is in the scene of the last meeting with Odintsova that Bazarov speaks about his mind (“Russia needs me, no, apparently I don’t”), and even more about his feelings for her. In the face of death, in the worldview of this hero, reason and feelings become a force that does not oppose, but complements each other.

In this novel, not only Bazarov gave preference to one side of human nature. For example, Nikolai Petrovich, on the contrary, lived more feelings than with the mind. That’s why the village fell into desolation, and that’s why he hid Fenechka from Arkady. But it seemed that it was time to accept her not only with the heart, but also with the mind, because the illegitimate son was growing up. It seems to me that only thanks to Bazarov, Nikolai Petrovich finally forgot about noble prejudices and married a poor woman. Two forces - reason and feelings - made this hero in the eyes of the reader a more sympathetic character than he was at the beginning of the novel.

Of course, there are many examples in our literature of how reason and feelings complement each other. I remember Chatsky with his “mind and heart are not in harmony,” Pechorin, who only once gave vent to his feelings when he pursued Vera, and others. But no matter what hero we take, we can see that everything that matters to a person’s life (work, material wealth, peace, nature, family) in a special value projection is reflected equally on both his consciousness and his feelings . Therefore, reason and feelings are not opposing sides of the human personality, but the pillars on which man must stand - the crown of the creation of the universe. (688 words)

Every person thinks about such concepts as feelings and reason. What should be more important? On the one hand, following their feelings, people often commit many rash actions. On the other hand, by elevating the importance of the mind and bringing it to rationality, people can also make their lives miserable.

If we turn to the drama by A.N. Ostrovsky “The Thunderstorm”, then you can see personal experiences main character- Katerina. The author tells the story of a girl who was married not for love, but to someone who is richer. Tikhon, Katerina’s husband, is a weak-willed man, incapable of anything except drunkenness. Marfa Kabanova, Tikhon’s mother, ate her loved ones and sharpened them like “rusting iron.” How to live in such unbearable conditions? How to force yourself to love someone you don’t love if you only feel pity for him? How to overcome your freedom-loving nature?

Katerina asks these questions, trying to drown out the feeling of love for Boris and listening to the weak arguments of reason, which constantly reminds her that she is a married woman. A.N. Ostrovsky shows readers that the heroine is not a frivolous young lady at all, but a restless, sincerely loving nature. The girl realized that she was violating the Domostroy code, by which the Kabanov family lived, and her own moral code, too. But the feelings turned out to be so strong that she succumbed to them and cheated on Tikhon. But Katerina’s soul couldn’t stand it! The heroine repented to her husband and, unable to withstand remorse, threw herself off a cliff into the river.

The writer wants to convey to us the idea that in conditions of family slavery, a woman cannot be happy, because reason and feelings in such a situation cannot be harmoniously combined.

In Western literature, the problem of harmony of feelings and reason was solved differently. Take, for example, the tragedy of the English playwright William Shakespeare “Romeo and Juliet”. The author describes the fierce enmity of two families - the Montagues and the Capulets. And against the background of this irreconcilable hatred, we see how the bright, passionate feeling of Romeo and Juliet arises. Intellectually, lovers understand that according to the laws of the family, they can never be together. But love, this fiery feeling, turns out to be a hundred times stronger than the prejudices that fill the minds and hearts of their family members. Shakespeare, the master of tragedy, resolves this conflict with the death of young lovers and leads to the idea that hatred and enmity destroy the bearers of the feeling of love and have a detrimental effect on the people around them.

In conclusion, I would like to express the hope that our emotions and our mind will not be in conflict, but will complement each other, filling life with love, joy and, of course, meaning!

Essay example

The question of the correct relationship between feelings and reason in a person has occupied humanity for many centuries. At first, people gave priority to the rational principle, then they put it on a pedestal human feelings. But is it possible to separate what should be in harmony with each other? It seems to me that the statement of the critic Belinsky is quite fair: both reason and feeling separately are “dead and insignificant.”

Let us remember the hero of the novel M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time". Pechorin has a clear mind and a cold soul. Grigory Alexandrovich says about himself: “I have long lived not with my heart, but with my head.” Having no noble goal in life, the bored hero destroys other people's destinies: he unwittingly destroys Bela, poisons the life of Princess Mary, kills Grushnitsky... A devastated soul young man- the source of his suffering and the suffering of the people around him. The writer, using the example of Pechorin, shows how fruitless reason can be without feeling.

We find an example of a harmonious combination of reason and feelings in Leo Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace.” Bezukhov, as a result of spiritual quests, becomes a person who combines a loving heart and an active mind. Unlike the morally dead Kuragins, Pierre spends his entire life searching for the true meaning of life. At first, the priority of feelings in a young man’s life leads to disappointment. Thus, an unsuccessful marriage to the deceitful Helen and a duel with Dolokhov show how blind Pierre’s mind was. Then the hero is carried away by the imaginary truths of Freemasonry, until Bezukhov sees the insincerity of his new friends... The hero finds true happiness in his family, in unity with his people and with everything in the world. According to L.N. Tolstoy, reason and feeling should not be in conflict with each other.

It seems to me that each of us needs to strive to balance the “two forces” in ourselves, since without this it is impossible to become a truly integral and mature person.

Reason and feelings are two huge forces that influence a person and make decisions. For any person to have a calm state of mind, for inner harmony and peace, peace is necessary between these two serious levers.

There are many situations in life when the mind dictates to make one decision, which is more logical and will bring more benefit to a person, and feelings demand to make the opposite decision, since it is more humane and connected with the subtle strings of the soul. Anyone has to face this problem. For one, this conflict is associated with a minor life situation, and the lives of innocent people depend on the decision and conflict of the mind and feelings of another.

In any situation, in order to make the right decision and then not regret it and not blame yourself for a terrible one, you need to weigh all the pros and cons, all the positive and negative sides of a serious choice. Sometimes it is so important to look at a particular issue and task from the outside. This helps you avoid making mistakes and understand more clearly where the true truthful choice is. It is important to be able to turn to a loved one for help, to whom you are ready to entrust all your secrets and innermost thoughts.

Every strong person in life faces a problem that is beyond his strength. In such a situation, anyone can get confused and take a step that after a while will lead to undesirable consequences. For many, inflated pride or selfishness prevents them from asking for help, and the person suffers from this, unable to cope with the situation. It must always be remembered that if not close person, then a specialist in this field can always help. Seeing a psychologist is not scary or embarrassing, as many people perceive this step to be. It is a psychologist who can help you understand yourself, your feelings and the contradictions between feelings and reason.

Essay 11th grade.

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