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A chocolate cake recipe that always works. Chocolate sponge cake

A simple chocolate sponge cake is always fluffy, moist and very spongy. It is prepared easily and quickly. Soda is poured into sour kefir. Liquid ingredients are mixed with bulk ingredients, sizzled kefir is added and everything is baked at 200 degrees for 40 minutes. And you don’t need to worry whether the eggs are well beaten or not, as in the classic version. will come out tall and airy.

The whole secret is in the correct sequence of actions and knowledge of the nuances. We’ll tell you everything in detail today in the comments and with photos.

Subtleties of a simple chocolate sponge cake recipe

  1. Only the highest grade flour must be sifted. This procedure removes possible debris and saturates the mass with air.
  2. Soda is used, which is poured into kefir or sour cream, yogurt or biphytate. The product must be acidic and old to trigger the carbon dioxide reaction in the liquid base. Making a delicious and simple chocolate sponge cake with it will be a successful preparation for assembling or cakes. And there will be a place to dispose of expired kefir/sour cream/yogurt.


  • There is no need to replace baking soda with baking powder so as not to lose the fluffiness of the cake.
  • You cannot extinguish soda with vinegar. In the process of these grandmother's manipulations, the whole carbon dioxide evaporates even before it gets into the dough.
  1. All components should be at room temperature.
  2. Buy store-bought eggs: they are less fatty. They do not need to be beaten with a mixer, separating them into whites and yolks. They are introduced by beating together with sugar with a whisk or mixer. You can double the volume. But this is not important.
  3. The cocoa must be sifted so that there are no lumps in a simple chocolate sponge cake.
  4. If desired, instead of cocoa, you can add chocolate melted in a water bath (100 g per serving). You will get a richer taste - perfect option for chocoholics.
  5. The amount of sugar can be adjusted to your taste, but for the first time it is better to do it strictly according to the recipe.

Preparing the mold for a fluffy and simple chocolate sponge cake

Optimally - a split form with a special coating. Diameter – up to 25 cm. The larger the diameter, the thinner the cake will be. To get a tall sponge cake in a wide shape, you need to at least double the amount of ingredients.

The baking dish is greased with vegetable oil. If you want to use butter, then you need to dust the bottom and sides with flour. This method of preparing a uniform is called a French shirt.

A very tasty and simple chocolate sponge cake recipe with step-by-step photos

Our cake is made with kefir and cocoa. As an alternative, sour cream, yogurt or bifitate are suitable. The main condition is that fermented milk products should not be of the first freshness, but should be as sour as possible. The sponge cake then comes out mega-porous and tall. And it always works for everyone, even with no experience.

I found this sponge cake with cocoa on a Polish website, it is also called abandoned sponge cake. They gave it this name because after baking it needs to be thrown down, but first things first. So, everyone can make a biscuit! Therefore, talk about what didn’t work out for me is not accepted. Please follow the recipe and you will succeed! And no baking powder or starches. Thanks to Natalia M. for the recipe.

So, let's prepare the ingredients according to the list. We must weigh all ingredients on scales, not by eye.

Separate the whites and yolks. Let's beat the whites.

Beat the egg whites for about 5 minutes. Add sugar one spoon at a time. The whites should be whipped to peaks like this.

Now, without ceasing to beat, add the eggs one at a time. After beating a little more, we will add flour. To do this, mix it with cocoa and sift everything into our mixture. Add everything in parts. I did this in 4 approaches.

At the same time, mix everything with a spatula from top to bottom, folding it like dough.

Let's prepare a mold, mine has a diameter of 24 cm. Cover the bottom of the mold with baking paper. We do not lubricate the form with anything. Pour the mass. The oven must be turned on in advance. Set to bake at 170 degrees for 40 minutes.

Check the biscuit with a toothpick; if it is dry, it is ready.

Now comes the fun part. Take the biscuit pan out of the oven and turn it over like this. Let's lift it 50 cm above the table and throw it down on the table. Yes, yes, let’s just give it up and there is no need to be afraid. I do it for the 2nd time and everything works out.

Then we put it on the wire rack immediately and let it cool in this form for 4-5 hours.

After 5 hours I removed the mold using a knife. This is how it turned out. Bon appetit!

Another photo of a sponge cake with cocoa.

Delicious chocolate sponge cake at a very high price simple recipe It will be a highlight not only at a holiday, you can pamper yourself and your family with it any day. This dessert is prepared in 1.5-2 hours and is considered quite light. There are no hard to find ingredients present here. Of course, sometimes it’s easier to go to the store and buy a delicacy, but if you prepare it with your own hands and invested soul, it will be much tastier. And it’s always nice to receive praise from family members.

Chocolate sponge cake


  • egg - 4 pieces;
  • sugar – 1 glass;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • soda – ½ teaspoon;
  • cocoa powder - 3 tablespoons.

For impregnation:

  • boiled water – 200 grams;
  • sugar – 2 tablespoons;
  • lemon – 1 piece.

For cream:

  • butter – 200 grams;
  • vanilla sugar – 1 sachet;
  • lemon zest;
  • condensed milk - 1 can.


Break 4 eggs into a cup and beat them well with a mixer or whisk, add salt, baking soda, sugar, cocoa powder and mix well again using the same tools.

Slowly and portionwise add 1 cup of flour and continue beating the biscuit dough.

Grease the mold with a small piece of butter and pour the batter into it and place it in the oven to bake at 180 degrees for about 30 minutes.

To prepare the impregnation, you need to pour sugar into hot boiled water and pour in the juice of 1 lemon. Mix everything thoroughly and pour over the finished, cooled cakes. How many cakes you will have depends only on your preferences; one cake can be cut into 2 – 4 pieces.

Next is the cream preparation stage. Remove the zest from the squeezed lemon. Mix the slightly melted butter with vanilla sugar, zest and condensed milk. Condensed milk should be poured gradually in portions and mixed using a mixer.

Soaked sponge cakes Place one at a time on a plate. Grease the first cake with cream and add your favorite fruit. We perform such manipulations with each layer. Apply cream to the top.

You can decorate with fondant, but this is only optional. It's easy to prepare. Heat 50 grams of butter, 1 tablespoon of condensed milk, 50-70 grams of water in the microwave or on gas, add 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder and mix well.

The consistency should be approximately like thick sour cream. Decorate the top of the cake with hot fudge. You can’t wait for it to cool down; when it’s cold, it will harden.

Chocolate sponge cake is a very tasty and simple recipe with condensed milk cream

It is important to know!

According to the Ministry of Health, diets today are the main methods fight excess weight. However, the number of obese people continues to grow! In this regard, "Bee Slim" appeared - drops for burning up to 80% fat.

It's simple enough step by step recipe with photo, very tasty chocolate sponge cake. The cream and impregnation can be used in other recipes. For example, as in the following recipe.

For the biscuit:

  • flour – 180 grams;
  • cocoa powder – 40 grams;
  • egg - 4 pieces;
  • sugar – 220 grams;
  • vanilla sugar – 2 teaspoons;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • butter – 70 grams.

For impregnation:

  • sugar – 100 grams;
  • water – 100 milliliters;
  • rum – 20 milliliters.

For cream:

  • condensed milk – 200 grams;
  • cocoa powder – 30-40 grams;
  • cream with at least 35% fat content - 500 milliliters.

Chocolate glaze:

  • cream of any fat content - 250 milliliters;
  • chocolate – 250 grams.


  1. Sift the flour through a sieve and add cocoa powder to it.
  2. Break the eggs into a separate cup and add 4 yolks. Add sugar and whisk or use a mixer to beat the mixture.
  3. Place the sugar-egg mixture in a water bath and stirring until it reaches a temperature of 43 degrees.
  4. Remove the mixture from the gas and beat with a mixer at highest speed until it cools completely. The mass should increase at least 3 times.
  5. Add vanilla sugar and a pinch of salt while beating the mixture with a mixer.
  6. Gradually whisk the flour and cocoa mixture into the egg mixture in about three additions. It is advisable to do this with a silicone spatula; you need to stir from bottom to top from the edges to the middle and in one direction.
  7. Put a little of the resulting mass in a separate bowl and add melted butter there. You can melt it either in a water bath or in the microwave. Mix thoroughly with a whisk and pour back into the main part of the biscuit dough. Mix everything well again.
  8. Place the dough in a small springform pan with a diameter of approximately 26 centimeters. It is advisable to cover the bottom with parchment paper and grease with oil.
  9. Preheat the oven to 190 degrees and place the biscuit dough there. It will take about half an hour to prepare. Readiness to check with a toothpick or wooden stick. There should be no dough residue on it.
  10. Remove the slightly cooled sponge cake from the mold, remove the parchment paper and let it rest for 5-6 hours.
  11. To prepare the impregnation, you need to pour water into a saucepan and pour sugar into it. Stirring until the sugar is completely dissolved. Bring the mixture to a boil and then remove from heat. Let the sugar syrup cool to 40 degrees and add rum and stir.
  12. After the sponge cake has rested, if necessary, cut off the top in order to level it and cut the cake into 3 parts.
  13. To prepare the cream, mix condensed milk and cocoa powder in a mixer bowl. Pour the cold cream into the bowl and continue beating at high speed until the cream is fluffy and fluffy.
  14. The next stage is assembling the chocolate sponge cake according to this recipe with video. To do this, you need to lay out one cake and soak it evenly with 1/3 of the syrup. After that, put the same amount of cream on top and smooth it out. Place the second cake on top and do the same steps as with the first. Place the third cake layer, smooth side up, soak and brush the top and sides with the remaining cream. Place the cake in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. This is necessary so that it is well soaked and cooled.
  15. While the cake is cooling and soaking, you need to prepare the chocolate glaze. Pour cream of any fat content into the pan and bring almost to a boil.
  16. Chop or break the chocolate into smaller pieces and pour cream over it. Let sit and melt the chocolate a little, about 1 minute. Mix well with a spatula until smooth. It should turn out shiny. This mixture is also called ganache.
  17. Leave the ganache to cool; it should remain liquid even when cold, so it needs to be stirred periodically.
  18. It is advisable that before you start pouring chocolate glaze over the cake, you need to transfer it to a wire rack, which is placed over a cup or bowl so that excess ganache drips there. Pour the glaze into the middle of the cake and use a spatula, preferably a thin metal one, to smooth it over the entire surface. Then send the cake back to the refrigerator to cool.
  19. The remaining glaze can also be cooled in the refrigerator and beaten in a mixer, and then placed in a pastry bag and decorated with ganache. Remove the cake from the refrigerator one hour before serving.

This recipe is of course more complicated than the first, but despite the fact that they are both made according to the recipe in the photo with a chocolate sponge cake base, they are both very tasty.

Chocolate sponge cake (see photo) is one of the most favorite sweet desserts for tea. Thanks to its airy and porous texture, the product simply melts in your mouth, which is why it is so difficult to refuse.

You can cook not only simple classic sponge cake, but also with the addition of various fillings in the form of pastry cream (custard, sour cream, butter, mascarpone, curd, whipped cream, lemon, protein, caramel, ice cream, chocolate ganache, yogurt, truffle). In addition, chocolate pastries can be soaked in liqueur, cognac, mousse, honey, vanilla, soufflé, meringue, chocolate, jelly, mint syrup, condensed milk, cocoa powder. The top of the sponge cake can be decorated not only with mastic or glaze, but also with fruits (bananas, peaches, oranges, apples), as well as berries (cherries, strawberries, raspberries, cherries).

In addition to cream, chocolate biscuit goes well with products such as prunes, walnuts, coconut flakes, raisins, almonds.


The chocolate biscuit necessarily contains the following ingredients:

  • premium flour;
  • cocoa powder;
  • granulated sugar;
  • eggs.

The calorie content of this product is quite high, so you should not abuse it so as not to gain extra pounds.

According to the current GOST, chocolate biscuit must meet the following technical requirements:

Benefits and harms

Chocolate biscuit is not particularly beneficial, since it is considered a high-calorie product, and this, in turn, affects not only the figure, but also the heart.

Many mothers ask: “Can I have a chocolate biscuit while breastfeeding?” Doctors do not recommend that nursing mothers consume this flour product, so as not to harm the baby’s health, as this may provoke an allergic reaction to the new product.

What can you cook?

You can make a variety of desserts with chocolate biscuits. Typically, sponge cakes are made in the form of cake layers, which are very airy and porous, and then soaked in various pastry creams, giving the dessert a rich aroma and amazing taste.

In addition, chocolate sponge cake is suitable for creating popular cheesecakes and cupcakes.

How to make chocolate sponge cake at home?

Making chocolate sponge cake at home is quite simple. The main thing is to follow the cooking recipe step by step, and then everything will definitely work out.

Chocolate sponge cake

Cooking method

Microwave (very fast)

To prepare the biscuit, you need to beat two eggs with a mixer, then add about seventy-five grams of sugar and beat until a fluffy light yellow mass is formed. Next you need to pour in about sixty milliliters homemade milk and thirty milliliters of refined oil. Mix everything well. Then pour in about eighty grams of flour, fifty grams of cocoa powder, a pinch of salt and soda slaked with vinegar. Beat the dough well until smooth. Pour the mixture into cups and place in the appliance, turning it on at full power for about seven minutes.

In a slow cooker

To make a simple sponge cake, you need to beat six egg yolks with a mixer until a fluffy mass forms. Then add about two hundred grams of granulated sugar and beat again until the sugar dissolves. Then add two hundred grams of flour and about eighty grams of cocoa powder to the egg mixture. Pour the finished mixture into another container, and beat six egg whites with a mixer until they become fluffy foam. Then combine the protein mass with the previously prepared flour, stir well, pour into the appliance and turn on the “Baking” mode.

In the bread machine

To make a sponge cake, you should first beat three egg whites, then add about one hundred grams of granulated sugar to them and beat again until the sugar disappears. Then beat three yolks separately, add twenty-five grams of sugar, stir well and combine with the whites. Next, add twenty-five grams of cocoa powder to the egg mass, stir well, and then gradually add about seventy-five grams of flour. Mix the dough well, pour it into the appliance and turn on the “Oven” program.

Genoese (in the oven)

To make a sponge cake, beat six eggs with a glass of granulated sugar using a mixer until the mass becomes fluffy and increases in volume. Then gradually pour in half a glass of flour and about eighty grams of cocoa powder. While beating the mass, you need to pour melted butter into it in several approaches (you need about eighty grams). Afterwards, pour the finished dough into a baking dish and place in the oven for thirty-five minutes.

Lenten (in the oven)

To make a sponge cake, mix about two hundred and fifty milliliters of water, about seventy milliliters of refined oil, fifteen milliliters of vinegar and two hundred grams of granulated sugar in a fairly deep container. Then pour in about three hundred grams of flour, ten grams baking soda, forty-five grams of cocoa powder and a bag of vanillin. Mix everything well until smooth. The finished dough must be poured into a baking dish covered with parchment paper and placed in the oven for forty minutes.

Below is a video on how to make chocolate chiffon cake.

Some chefs also prepare dietary biscuits. It is called that because it does not contain flour, but only eggs, dried apricots, soda and a little dark chocolate.

The finished biscuit turns out very tasty, fluffy, tender and can be served as a dessert for tea on a festive table.

You can easily turn a cocoa sponge cake into a cake by cutting it into 2-3 layers and covering it with your favorite cream. But to really please you with the result, be sure to bake the sponge cake in advance, preferably in the evening, so that it has time to “rest”, then the cakes will be softer and juicier, and will not crumble much.

From the specified amount of ingredients you will get a cake with a diameter of 20 cm. It is easy to divide it into 3 cake layers approximately 1.5 cm thick. For the layer you can use any cream you like, I prepared with chocolate cream and cream. And don’t forget to grease the cakes with impregnation before applying the cream, then they will be even juicier and will not absorb excess cream.

Total cooking time: 40 minutes
Cooking time: 30 minutes
Yield: 20 cm mold


  • chicken eggs – 4 pcs.
  • sugar – 150 g
  • wheat flour – 115 g
  • cocoa powder – 25 g
  • butter – 40 g
  • salt – 1 chip.

Making a classic sponge cake with cocoa

All ingredients for preparing biscuit dough must be warmed to a comfortable room temperature. Therefore, do not forget to remove the eggs from the refrigerator in advance - at least 1-2 hours in advance. Turn on the oven to preheat. Sift the flour and cocoa powder through a fine sieve, mix, and set aside. Separate the whites and yolks - very carefully so that not a drop of yolk gets into the protein mass, otherwise it will not beat well.

Mix 4 yolks (65 g) with half the amount of sugar (75 g) in a deep bowl. Whisk thoroughly until the mixture lightens and all grains of sugar dissolve.

Separately, beat 4 egg whites (150 g) in a bowl with a pinch of salt until the mixture turns grayish in color and starts to form small bubbles. Then add the remaining sugar (75 g) in a thin stream, whisking all the time with a mixer. The protein mass should turn white, become more fluffy and form dense peaks that will be held on the mixer beaters.

Carefully, using a spatula (not a mixer!), combine the whipped whites with the yolks. Mix with upward movements, lightly, so that the whites retain their airiness.

Add flour mixed with cocoa powder. Mix quickly (about 15 seconds) to prevent any air bubbles from leaving the dough and breaking down.

At the very end, pour in 40 g of melted butter - it should be warm, but not hot (you can melt it in the microwave or in a water bath). Stir again with a spatula until smooth.

Carefully pour the biscuit dough into the baking dish. The optimal diameter is 20 cm. It is also advisable to prepare the mold in advance: place parchment on the bottom, grease with a small amount of vegetable oil and dust with flour. Spread the dough with a spatula so that it lies in an even layer.

By this time, the oven should already be preheated to 180-190 degrees. Place the mold on the middle level and bake the sponge cake for 30-40 minutes. Readiness, as usual, is determined by a skewer; it should come out dry. Important! Do not open the oven door for the first 30 minutes to prevent the sponge cake from settling!

Cool the finished biscuit on a wire rack. Once it has cooled completely, wrap it in clean parchment paper or cling film, then put it in the refrigerator for at least 2-3 hours, or even better, overnight - after standing, the sponge cake will become stronger, and the moisture inside will be distributed evenly, it will be juicier .

Cut the cooled sponge cake with cocoa into 2-3 cake layers, soak in syrup with cognac, dessert wine or juice, then brush each with cream and stack on top of each other. Cover the cake with glaze and leave in the refrigerator for a couple of hours to soak and completely harden. Enjoy your tea!



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