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Recommendations for removing plasticine from different surfaces. How to remove plasticine from clothes without leaving stains

Plasticine for children's creativity It is made from clay powder with the addition of wax, animal and vegetable fats, dyes and substances that retain moisture. When it gets on clothes, carpets, or furniture, it sticks firmly and leaves greasy marks.

Removing plasticine from plastic and wood is quite simple - just heat it a little and collect it with a napkin. It’s more difficult with fabrics - if you don’t take immediate measures to clean the surface, the dyes will penetrate deep inside. You can quickly remove plasticine from clothes using solvents. But this method is not suitable for all fabrics, so other cleaning techniques are used - freezing, heat exposure.

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    How to remove plasticine from clothes

    Vegetable oil helps remove plasticine from a stained area of ​​clothing. To do this, apply it to the fabric and wait until it is completely absorbed. After which the plasticine is easily removed, but leaves a greasy residue that can be removed with dishwashing detergent.

    Laundry soap and soda successfully cope with stubborn greasy stains. Operating procedure:

    1. 1. A bar of soap is used to make shavings, which are dissolved in water and applied to soiled clothing.
    2. 2. Rub the problem area with a brush and leave for 20 minutes. If the fabric is thin, then the procedure is performed by hand.
    3. 3. Then sprinkle baking soda on the stained area and moisten it with hydrogen peroxide.

    After 15 minutes, the item must be washed by hand or in a machine at a temperature of 60 degrees.

    Smart plasticine can be removed from clothing using automotive glass cleaning fluid.

    Vinegar is also used to combat plasticine stains. Sequencing:

    1. 1. Use a knife to clean off any remaining creative material.
    2. 2. Prepare a mixture of 1 glass of vinegar and 3 tbsp. l. iodized salt and soak the soiled fabric with it.
    3. 3. Cover the contaminated area with a towel and leave for 30 minutes.
    4. 4. After the specified time, rinse the clothes in cold water.


    The dirty item is placed in a bag and placed in the freezer for half an hour. During this time, the plasticine has time to harden and breaks into small particles. All that remains is to scrape it off with a brush.

    Do not touch this place with your hands in order to prevent the plasticine, warmed from the warmth of the skin, from softening again and being absorbed into the fabric.

    Instead of putting your clothes in the freezer, use a bag of ice cubes or dry ice instead. Such products are suitable for large items: carpets, furniture.


    To get rid of stains left by plasticine, treat with ammonia:

    1. 1. 10 drops of the product are diluted in 200 ml cold water.
    2. 2. The resulting solution is applied to a cotton swab and wiped with a cloth.
    3. 3. Then the item is rinsed in cool water.
    4. 4. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

    Isopropyl alcohol helps dissolve greasy stains that plasticine leaves on clothes. To remove a stain from trousers, a skirt or a T-shirt, soak the contaminated area with alcohol, leave for a minute, then wipe off the substance.

    Isopropyl alcohol is only used to remove grease stains from cotton. For synthetic materials, you can use WD-40 liquid. The treatment is carried out for 5 minutes, after which the plasticine easily comes off the clothes. Then the product is washed.

    Purified kerosene helps to quickly remove contamination. It is applied to a cotton swab, which is used to wipe the stain for 10-15 minutes. After this, the item is washed with powder to get rid of the smell of kerosene.

    Thermal impact

    Grease stains can be removed with heat. For this:

    1. 1. Use a wooden or plastic stick to collect the remaining plasticine from the surface.
    2. 2. Place 2-3 paper napkins under the stained area and cover it with a few more on top.
    3. 3. The problem area is heated with a stream of warm air from a hairdryer or an iron with a minimum heating temperature - this will absorb the fat into the napkins.
    4. 4. If necessary, repeat the procedure.
    5. 5. Then the item is washed with warm water and liquid soap or powder.

    After leaving the contaminated item in the air for a couple of days, the plasticine loses its sticky properties and begins to crumble. Dry crumbs can be removed by stretching the fabric in different directions.

    Stain removers

    Stain removers can be liquid or solid. With their help you can wash away stubborn stains.


    1. 1. Check the effect of the stain remover on an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing.
    2. 2. The sticky substance is removed mechanically.
    3. 3. Place a white cloth under the contaminated area.
    4. 4. A stain remover is applied to another piece of material.
    5. 5. Place this cloth on the stain and wait a few minutes.
    6. 6. Wash the product in the usual way.

    Before using the stain remover, it is important to read the instructions so as not to damage the item.

    How to remove plasticine from a plastic surface

    Fresh stains are easier to remove from plastic. To begin with, the plasticine is cleaned off with a spatula or by hand. Then wipe with a rag soaked in soapy water and wait 20 minutes. The remaining greasy substance is wiped off the plastic with a damp sponge or napkin.

    The modeling board can be cleaned in 5 minutes with paper handkerchiefs.

    Toys stained with plasticine are wiped with a rag soaked in vegetable oil or wet wipes.

    How to clean a wooden table

    If traces of a small child’s creativity remain on the surface of a wooden table, then you can remove the stain with a hairdryer. You need to act on the stain carefully, using minimal heating. The plasticine should dry and be removed with a rag.

As a rule, only children play with plasticine. They make animals, birds, funny people, cartoon characters out of it, then play with them happily and sometimes get their clothes dirty. However, we can also encounter this problem if, for example, we don’t notice a plasticine animal on a chair and sit on it. It will be a pity not for the cat, from which there will be a cake, but for the pants, because removing a stain from plasticine can be very difficult.

In this publication we will look at methods by which this problem can be solved.

How to remove plasticine stain from clothes

We offer you the following methods:

  • Freezing. Fold the soiled item neatly, place it in the freezer and leave for approximately 30-40 minutes. Once the plasticine has hardened, try removing it using the dull side of a knife. However, do this very carefully so as not to damage the fabric. In some cases, this procedure is sufficient to solve the problem at hand. If some of the stain still remains, try getting rid of it using the following method.
  • Laundry soap. Soak the product in warm water for 10 minutes. After this, thoroughly wash the problem area with laundry soap, wait 30 minutes, then take a brush, vigorously scrub the plasticine stain on both sides and wash the clothes. Use this method, if you need to save a product made from a plain light-colored fabric.
  • Baking soda. If laundry soap does not help remove stains, sprinkle a little baking soda on them and leave for 5-10 minutes. After this, scrub with a brush and wash the clothes with powder.
  • Alcohol. Dilute a few teaspoons of ammonia in a glass of cold water, dip a cotton pad in the resulting solution and thoroughly treat the stain. When there is practically nothing left of the plasticine, rinse the product in warm water and then wash it.
  • Vegetable oil. Few people know that plasticine stains can be removed with vegetable oil. Take a cloth, soak it in oil and start scrubbing the stain. When it is well soaked, the plasticine will come off. Immediately after this, a new problem arises - an oily area on the clothes. To clean it, use a good dishwasher like Fairy. Immediately after this, wash the product in the machine.
  • Kerosene. This product dissolves greasy stains well and also washes off well with powder. Just take a cotton pad soaked in kerosene, thoroughly treat the stain, wait a while, then rinse the item and wash it in warm water.
  • Special tool. You can buy a stain remover at a hardware store that will easily do the job. Remove some of the plasticine mechanically, place a white napkin under the problem area, then take another napkin or cloth, apply a liquid stain remover with it and wait a few minutes. As a rule, this time is enough for the plasticine to completely dissolve. Then rinse the clothes and wash as usual.

In our previous publications, we also talked about. If you are interested, follow the active link.

Finally, we’ll give you some advice: before using the chosen product, test it on an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing so as not to accidentally damage the fabric during the procedure.


Now you know how to remove plasticine stains from clothes using simple folk methods. Thank you for your attention!

Plasticine is a modeling material that is made from clay, wax, fats, rubber and various synthetic substances. Children love to use it to create crafts. But often, after interesting creative activities, stains remain on clothes, furniture and home textiles that are difficult to remove due to the presence of persistent dyes and fats in the substance. Let's figure out how to remove plasticine from clothes yourself.

To clean clothes from plasticine, you first need to remove the bulk of it with the blunt side of a knife or other hard object. Then you can use one of the methods - freeze or heat the substance.


Wax and other components present in plasticine harden at low temperatures. As a result, the sticky properties of the material are reduced and it is easier to separate from the fibers.

Cooling options:

  • pack the item in plastic and put it in the freezer for 60-90 minutes;
  • place a metal bowl with ice on the stain for 5-10 minutes;
  • Apply a bag of ice cubes to the dirt until it begins to melt;
  • spray a special aerosol for cooling microcircuits or a spray for pain relief for injuries.

After freezing, hard plasticine should be broken into small pieces, and then quickly remove the remains using a knife, spatula or brush with stiff bristles.

Important: Do not rub the stain too vigorously to avoid damaging the fibers. Do not touch the plasticine with your hands, otherwise it will soften and eat even deeper into the fabric.

Heating with an iron

When looking for an answer to the question of how to remove plasticine from clothes, a regular iron will help. The secret to the effectiveness of this method is to melt the substance and absorb it into the paper. The method is well suited for products made of dense fabrics, for example, if you are thinking about how to remove plasticine from trousers.

Stages of work:

  1. Take paper napkins. Place one under the stain and the other on top of the fabric.
  2. Set the iron to a low temperature setting and turn off steam generation.
  3. Carefully iron the napkin several times. Plasticine should remain on it.
  4. Repeat the steps, changing the paper as it gets dirty.

Removing residual marks on clothes

In most cases, after exposing the fabric to high or low temperatures, it is possible to get rid of only the bulk of the plasticine. A stain consisting of dyes, fat and small particles of the substance remains on the fabric.

To solve the problem of how to remove plasticine from clothes, you should use:

  • laundry soap;
  • baking soda;
  • ammonia;
  • vegetable oil and dishwashing detergent;
  • kerosene;
  • industrial stain remover.

Laundry soap

You will need a bar of laundry soap. Approximately 1/3 of the part should be grated and the shavings should be dissolved in warm water to form a rich foam. You need to dip the item into the liquid and additionally treat the stain with soap. After 30 minutes, the stain must be rubbed with a toothbrush and washed.

Laundry soap is suitable for cleaning any material, but it is better not to use it on dark or brightly colored products. Items made from delicate fabrics should not be rubbed too hard.


Let's figure out how to clean plasticine from clothes with soda. The item should be soaked in water with soap or powder. Next, pour baking soda onto the dirty area, rub lightly with a brush and leave for 30 minutes. Finally, the stain should be brushed again and the item of clothing should be washed.

This method works best in combination with the previous one. It is advisable that the water temperature be about 60°, which means that synthetics and “capricious” fabrics cannot be cleaned this way.


Ammonia easily copes with many stains on natural fabrics. It will also help in the fight against plasticine.

Sequence of actions to remove stains:

  1. Add 10 drops of ammonia to 200 ml of water.
  2. Soak cotton wool in the liquid and wipe the mark until it disappears.
  3. Rinse the item under running water to get rid of the unpleasant odor.
  4. Wash in a suitable mode.

If the stain is very large, it is worth preparing several liters of solution, combining ammonia and water in the indicated proportions. You need to soak the item in this liquid for 30 minutes, then rub the stain, rinse and wash.

Tip: When using ammonia, be sure to ventilate the room and dry things in the fresh air.

Vegetable oil and dish soap

When figuring out how to remove plasticine stains from clothes, it makes sense to resort to vegetable oil and dish soap. This method is one of the most effective among those that can be used at home. It is suitable for any fabric.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Soak a cotton pad in oil. Rub the stain with it for several minutes. The oil must react with the fats that make up the plasticine and dissolve it.
  2. After the stain disappears, apply dishwashing detergent to the greasy mark. Leave for 30-60 minutes.
  3. Carry out washing as usual.


Kerosene easily removes plasticine stains. You should moisten a rag in it and rub the dirt. It is important to rinse the item of clothing well under running water and wash it with powder and conditioner separately from other items to get rid of the specific smell. Before use, it is advisable to test the product on an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing.

Industrial stain removers

Stain removers that have shown their effectiveness in combating traces of plasticine are Antipyatin, Vanish, and Pre-cleaning Spray from Amway. The products must be used according to the instructions indicated on the packaging. As a rule, you need to apply a small amount of the drug to the stain, wait 15-20 minutes, and then wash the product with the addition of powder and stain remover.

Industrial preparations have a fairly aggressive composition. It is advisable to prevent them from coming into contact with the skin. Hands should be protected with rubber gloves.

Removing plasticine from carpet

It is not easy to wash plasticine from carpet or upholstery. Such products cannot be placed in the freezer. But the problem can be solved by other methods.

Method using iron and detergent:

  1. Place a paper towel or sheet of absorbent paper on top of the stain.
  2. Apply with a warm iron several times. The plasticine should “transfer” to the paper.
  3. Treat the remaining mark with a sponge or brush soaked in warm water and detergent.
  4. Use a rag to remove excess moisture.

Method with kerosene and soap:

  1. Remove the main part of the plasticine with a knife.
  2. Soak a cotton sponge in kerosene and rub the stain until the textile is clean.
  3. Treat the area with water in which liquid soap is dissolved.
  4. Blot any remaining liquid with a towel.

Method with car interior cleaner:

  1. Remove most of the plasticine with a blunt object.
  2. Pour a car interior cleaner (Textile-cleaner, Mixon, Universal-cleaner) onto the remaining stain.
  3. After a few hours, treat the textile with a sponge and warm water.
  4. Dry with a paper towel.

Cleaning wallpaper from plasticine

It is almost impossible to remove a plasticine stain from thin paper wallpaper without damaging it. But it is quite possible to save a canvas based on vinyl or non-woven fabric from such “decoration”.

How to remove plasticine from wallpaper using a hair dryer:

  1. Apply a paper towel to the stain.
  2. Direct a warm stream of air onto it using a hairdryer.
  3. As soon as the plasticine saturates the paper, remove it.
  4. Wipe the remaining mark with a rag or sponge soaked in water with added soap or dishwashing detergent.
  5. Wipe dry.

Method using plasticine (suitable for embossed wallpaper):

  1. A piece of plasticine white soften and stick the stains on top.
  2. Tear it off with a sharp movement.
  3. Repeat the steps until the white plasticine “collects” all the colored plasticine.
  4. The remaining trace can be processed according to the scheme described above.

Note: If a piece of plasticine accidentally gets tangled in your hair, do not grab the scissors. It is worth lubricating the strand with oil and combing the substance out with a comb.

You can get rid of plasticine stuck to clothes or home textiles using improvised means. Little sculptors should not be prohibited from playing with this material to avoid hassle. It is better to provide them with beautiful aprons, sleeves and boards, and also ask them to clean their work areas immediately after classes.



What child is not the happy owner of a couple of boxes with multi-colored soft plasticine bars? And as a result, it is hardly possible to find parents who have not encountered the consequences of children’s creativity in the form of stuck lumps of plastic in the most unexpected places: on clothes, bodies, walls, etc. The list can grow exponentially. But, breaking the laws of mathematics, you can find several effective ways stop this proliferation of plasticine marks.

Features of spots

Plasticine is a material for creating three-dimensional or flat figures using modeling; it is made from high molecular weight polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride and various types of rubbers.

It is thanks to this composition that traces of creativity on different surfaces have one characteristic feature: removing the mass itself is not a difficult task, but getting rid of the greasy stain after it is quite problematic. Moreover, the material heats up very quickly (even from body temperature!) and begins to spread over the surface. Due to dyes, greasy stains acquire corresponding shades, which also complicates the process of removing them.

This is interesting. Several decades ago, plasticine was made from powdered clay, animal fats and substances that prevented the material from drying out. So removing stains from it was ten times more problematic, if not impossible.

In addition to fat, plasticine contains dyes, which also tend to be absorbed into surfaces, especially light and soft ones.

How not to do it

Before dwelling on specific methods for removing stains left by plasticine, it is worth making a few cautionary recommendations.

Stain removal steps

Whatever type of surface we are talking about, the first two stages will be the same for everyone.

How to remove mass

There is only one removal principle - mechanical. But the algorithm of actions will be different.


If plasticine has stuck to a soft surface (fabric, carpet, etc.) for a long time, then you can try to remove it without preparation. It is enough to take a stack for plastic mass or use the blunt side of a knife and, prying up the lump, remove it.

This is interesting. Do not remove plasticine with a razor or knife blade - the surface can be scratched or cut.

If the remains still retain their plasticity, they must first be frozen.


It is also possible to remove stains in the opposite way: using an iron. However, a certain virtuosity is required here, since if all the residues are not removed, the plasticine will penetrate even more deeply into the fibers of the fabric.

Video: how to remove plasticine from a tablecloth with an iron

Hard surface

To remove lumps from plastic, plastic, furniture made of leather or leatherette and other materials, plasticine must, on the contrary, be heated. To do this, if the size of the surface allows, it can be dipped in hot water. If traces of creativity remain on the furniture, then you can use a hairdryer.


  1. Heat the stain until the consistency resembles liquid sour cream.
  2. Use a napkin to carefully collect it from the edges to the center so that it does not spread.
  3. There remains the second (but in this case the last!) stage of removing the mark - dissolving the fat. To do this, soft materials (for example, leather) are treated with a sponge soaked in a solution of dishwashing liquid with water (1:2), and hard and durable materials are wiped with a mixture of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide in a 1:1 ratio. Instead of this mixture, you can wipe off greasy marks with a cloth soaked in kerosene. Or use a sponge to wash the entire affected area with laundry soap.

This is interesting. To remove stains from textile wallpaper, it is also permissible to use hot way with hairdryer.

Instead of a hairdryer, you can use an iron - the plasticine will heat up faster, but there is a high risk that the stain will spread more and will not be easy to remove.


This is interesting. For removing plasticine from plastic, plastic, cabinet furniture, etc. There is no need to use any special stain removers. Simply wash them in hot water.

How to remove greasy stains from different fabrics

The complexity of subsequent “combat” actions is explained by the fact that plasticine contains dyes that are firmly embedded in the fibers of the fabric. So the removal method must be selected for a specific item, taking into account the origin, texture of the material and its color.

Natural fabrics

For things made of natural fabric, we use ammonia (5 drops per 1 cup of water).


This method works great for removing grease stains on jeans.

Another option for removing stains is a mixture of grated soap (preferably laundry soap) and hydrogen peroxide. The gruel is applied to the stained area, which is rubbed with a toothbrush. The product is washed as usual. This method has a significant drawback: it is difficult to calculate the proportion of components, so the product may be ineffective or even spoil the material.

Laundry soap in combination with peroxide is a very powerful means for removing dirt from plasticine.

Video: saving shorts from plasticine

White things

For white and light-colored fabrics, it is best to use oxygen bleach (for example, Vanish Oxi Action, Bos-plus maximum). Before use, you should carefully study the instructions for use on a specific fabric. But general principle consists of applying the product to the stain and washing the product after a certain exposure time. And one more thing: it is not recommended to rinse off the bleach before washing.

Colored products

For colored fabrics, you can use a paste of baking soda and dishwashing liquid (preferably Fairy).


  1. Mix the ingredients to a paste consistency.
  2. Apply to the stain.
  3. Leave for 10–15 minutes.
  4. Clean with an old toothbrush.
  5. We wash in the usual way.

Dishwashing liquids dissolve fats, which makes them indispensable assistants in cleaning plasticine marks



  1. Mix turpentine and gasoline in equal proportions.
  2. We treat the pollution.
  3. We wash as usual.



  1. Place a cotton cloth under the wrong side.
  2. Wipe the stain with a cotton pad soaked in rubbing alcohol, moving from the edges to the center.
  3. We wash as usual.

This is interesting. It is recommended to wash items made of silk and wool at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees, using liquid detergents.

Professional approach

Grease stains from plasticine can also be removed using industrial means. Such as:

Their use must be coordinated with the type of fabric from which the item is made.

Video: how to get rid of plasticine on a carpet using Faberlic

Features of removing plasticine from wallpaper

Sometimes a child’s creative impulse can be so strong that even wallpaper ends up in the modeling material, that is, plasticine. This is a very inconvenient surface from a cleaning point of view.


Heating plasticine is quite dangerous - it will spread over a large area, so this method can be used when there are no longer lumps on the wall.


Video: removing traces of plasticine with hot air

other methods

Although freezing is inconvenient, this technique is acceptable if the lumps are large. After the mass hardens, carefully remove it with tweezers, a stack or the blunt side of a knife. Removing a greasy stain from wallpaper is also quite problematic. If they are dark, then it is better to accept the mark. And on light ones, you can try methods with ammonia or industrial products. Dishwashing liquid will help, of course. But in order to remove the foam after it, you will have to get the wallpaper very wet, which will certainly ruin its appearance. But for vinyl or thick non-woven wallpaper, the method with vegetable oil is very suitable.


  1. Wet an old toothbrush with oil.
  2. Cleaning the wallpaper.
  3. Remove any remaining oil with a slightly damp cloth.

Video: how to remove plasticine from non-woven wallpaper

Despite the fact that in Lately There are quite a variety of materials for modeling (gypsum, polymer clay), plasticine remains the most in demand and popular for children's creativity. It is plastic and easy to sculpt, especially for small children. How nice it is for a child to knead bright pieces, giving them the required shape and watch how different figures appear from a shapeless piece. However, the result after such a process, as they say, is “visible”: plasticine appears everywhere - on work surface, on clothes, on hands and carpet. And any mother always asks the question: how to remove plasticine from clothes or furniture?


Due to its properties, plasticine can penetrate deep into the fabric fibers and leave an unsightly and colored mark on the surface. But, knowing about the properties of plasticine to harden and melt, you can easily remove plasticine from the fabric.

How to remove plasticine from clothes? If after work the child has large pieces plasticine, do not rush to remove them manually. Place the item in the freezer for at least an hour - the plasticine will harden and can be easily scraped off with the blunt side of a knife (you can use a spatula). But this must be done immediately, before the plasticine heats up.

If the plasticine has become embedded in the fabric, you can try to remove it by melting it. The principle is the same as when removing wax. To do this, you need to put paper napkins on both sides of the plasticine stain (you will need several of them to change). Then iron the stain with a heated iron, changing napkins as needed. This will remove most of the plasticine. However, most likely, a colored or greasy trace will remain, which will have to be “removed” with home remedies.


Method 1
Ordinary children's laundry soap (that is recommended for washing children's clothes) has proven itself to be excellent. Just rub the plasticine stain with baby laundry soap and leave the item for half an hour. If the stain does not come off, then the procedure must be repeated again.

Method 2
If the contamination is large and strong enough, you can try to remove it using a more extreme method - using vegetable oil. The disadvantage of this method is that you will then have to get rid of the greasy stain from the vegetable oil.

Rub the plasticine stain soaked in vegetable oil with a cotton swab. The plasticine will begin to pellet and should be removed without difficulty. Then treat the greasy stain with dishwashing detergent (faery is best) and wash the item as usual.

Method 3
Mix grated laundry soap with baking soda in the following ratio: two parts soap + 1 part baking soda. Rub the stain with the resulting mixture and leave for a while. Then wash the item as usual.

Method 4
You can remove plasticine stains using ammonia. Dilute 10 drops of ammonia in 1 glass of water, soak a cotton swab in the resulting mixture and wipe the stain. Rub until the stain disappears. Then wash the item as usual.

Attention! Never use aggressive chemicals to remove dirt from children's clothing - they can simply ruin it. For example, acetone, hydrogen peroxide or bleach can dissolve not only the stain, but also the paint, and even the fibers of the fabric themselves.


You can remove plasticine stains from bed linen, blankets or curtains in the same way as from clothes, using an iron or freezing method. But what to do if the upholstered furniture or carpet was dirty - after all, you can’t put them in the freezer? How to remove a plasticine stain from a sofa or carpet?

First of all, you need to inspect the area of ​​contamination: unsmeared plasticine is removed with a spatula or knife. But a smeared and stubborn stain will have to be removed with an iron.

Just like with clothes, place a napkin or plain white printer paper on the stain. Heat the stain with an iron and change the napkin until the plasticine is completely removed. Then the greasy stain will have to be removed using the same means as from clothes: either wipe with a mixture of laundry soap and soda, or you can use kerosene.

Attention! When removing stains from furniture, never use newspaper or unnecessary documents - they can leave dirty marks.

If a smooth surface, such as a table or window sill, has been stained, simply wash the stain with warm water and soap. If the surface is polished, do not use a knife, otherwise you may scratch the surface.

If none of the above methods helped you, then you will have to buy a ready-made chemical stain remover. When choosing a stain remover, pay attention to the type of fabric for which it is intended.



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