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Russian blood - descendants of the Aryans. Haplogroup R1a1. Russians and Ukrainians - who are the Slavs? Genetic code of research of Russians

The Pentagon recognized experiments with biomaterials from Russian citizens

The apocalyptic assumption about the possible development of biological weapons by the Americans has received strong confirmation. The Pentagon admitted the fact of collecting biomaterials from Russian citizens.

The 59th Airlift Wing's Molecular Research Center is conducting musculoskeletal studies to identify various biomarkers associated with injury, according to Pentagon spokesman Beau Downey. Samples of Russian origin are required only because the first batch was from Russia, and now an identical one is needed for control.

Let us recall that the US Air Force intends to purchase 12 samples of RNA molecules and 27 samples of synovial (joint) fluid from Russians. An announcement about this was posted on the US government procurement portal. At the same time, the contract emphasizes that among all residents of Russia, the customer is only interested in Europeans, and immigrants, for example, from Ukraine will not be considered.

The issue of collecting biomaterials from Russians began to be discussed in society after Vladimir Putin made a public statement about this. According to him, biomaterials are collected “from different ethnic groups and people living in different geographical locations Russian Federation" “The question is - why are they doing this?” - the president asked rhetorically at a meeting with human rights activists.

Later, Dmitry Peskov explained that they were talking about information received through the special services.

Putin's words provoked caustic ridicule from parts of Russian society. “The ancient Incas were also afraid of such dirty tricks, so the supreme ruler even had special maids, whose task was to eat hair, spit, nail clippings and other biomaterial remaining from the Great, in order to avoid garbage falling into the wrong hands,” the media quotes teacher Andrei Nikulina.

Nevertheless, the country is preparing at the legislative level to counter the new threat. It is expected that in December a law on the protection of biomaterials will be introduced to the State Duma. “Today we have many laboratories that conduct clinical research, these are foreign laboratories, for example, Invitro. We allowed them to access the most secret things,” Gennady Onishchenko, first deputy head of the Russian State Duma Committee on Education and Science, explained the problem.

Invitro denied its involvement in the export of biomaterials. In turn, the Institute of General Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences "SP" reported that this institution is involved in the collection of biomaterials. “The scientific director of our institute, Academician Nikolai Yankovsky, has just organized and headed the program for collecting biomaterials,” said Ilya Zakharov-Gesehus, an employee of the institute. It was not possible to promptly contact Yankovsky “SP” himself.

Senior researcher at the laboratory of genetics at the Institute of Developmental Biology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Alexey Kulikov, is inclined to justify his American colleagues.

We need to understand what the Americans did. They looked at how genes work in patients with damaged musculoskeletal systems and looked at the composition of synovial fluid. They initially purchased biomaterials somewhere in Eastern Europe from sick representatives of the Slavic nation, and therefore they also need control samples of people in whom everything is normal with the musculoskeletal system from representatives of the Slavic nation: Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, etc.

“SP”: - Well, how?! The tender explicitly states that biomaterials from Ukraine will not be considered. They need Russians...

All the same, this is not connected with any intentions there. Genetic weapons are all nonsense. This is unrealistic, since people in the world are too polymorphic - very diverse. It is difficult to come up with something that will work on some people and not others. I think here we're talking about just about the experimental conditions. There is scientific experience and there is control. Control materials must be from the same region.

“SP”: - Everything is so, if these “scientific research” were not carried out by the military, the Pentagon...

Scientific research can also be carried out by the military. We also have specific medical tasks that are solved by representatives of law enforcement agencies. Perhaps we are talking about low mobility among pilots. They must sit for a long time. Therefore, it is fundamentally important that there are no problems with the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, Americans are interested in these diseases and which specific genes are responsible for them.

In turn, the head of the laboratory of the Institute of General Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Sergei Kiselev, believes that creating genetic weapons is too risky and it is easier to kill people using traditional methods.

Biomaterials from Russia were and are being transferred. At least, as Onishchenko said, within the framework of clinical trials. Because over the past 25 years, dozens of foreign companies have been conducting clinical trials of drugs in Russia. Biomaterials are needed to understand how drugs work.

Of course, any such sample can be used both for the above purposes and for some others. Because he still remains a national biological specimen. The main thing is how the information obtained using the sample will be subsequently used. Genetic information can be used for a variety of purposes, including for personal gain.

“SP”: - Which ones?

Today's technologies make it possible to determine the genome of each person in detail. That is, by taking a DNA sample from a spoon in the cafeteria of the CIA building, you can determine whether the intelligence officer really comes from the state of Minnesota, as he wrote when applying for a job, or whether he is from Eastern Siberia. That is, you can very accurately tie a person to a place.

But to do this, you must first create a genetic map of the territories. I think that the interested intelligence services of many countries around the world have been making such maps of territories for a long time. To be able to identify people in different circumstances.

For example, people in dangerous professions. If one of them is torn to pieces, then, using a genetic map, it is possible to establish who he is, where he came from and give him his due. That is, within the country. But if this information falls into third hands, it can be used to their advantage.

“SP”: - In this case, we are interested in the likelihood of creating genetic, ethnic weapons...

In my opinion, creating such weapons is pointless. Firstly, in order to kill a person you need to influence the vital important functions like breathing, blood circulation, etc. There are few of them, and they are the same for all people. It is hardly possible to find an ethnically important vital function.

And secondly, who are the Americans? They don’t have a titular nation. Everyone mixed there, including Russians, Chinese, Anglo-Saxons. Therefore, if you create a weapon against the Russians, some Americans will fall under its action, since they are either Russians or their descendants.

Therefore, the more people spread around the planet and the mixing of genomes, the less likely it is that it will be possible to create genetic weapons. It's not profitable. It’s easier, cheaper and more effective to “soak” in another way.

“SP”: - Nevertheless, the Pentagon is conducting such research, and today its representative directly admitted this...

I looked at the terms of the tender. This Air Force base requested RNA samples. But RNA is subgenetic material. It is an intermediary between the human genome and the functional state of the cell. RNA reflects the specialization of each individual cell at one time or another. That is, the genome - the DNA in every cell of the body is always the same. And the RNA in every cell is different because it is a portrait of how the genome works at any given moment. Therefore, an RNA sample taken from thumb legs will be different from RNA from any other organ. The Americans did not indicate where exactly they needed the RNA.

The second thing they asked for was synovial fluid from the joint capsule. Moreover, in the terms of the tender it was stipulated that the liquid could be taken from another donor, not from the one from whom the RNA was collected. That is, Americans do not need any connection between RNA and synovial fluid. It looks like they were taking samples for different studies that were not related to each other.

“SP”: - However, this did not increase clarity...

Maybe they laundered money there that way. Or students learned to write tender applications.

But former member of the UN Commission on Biological Weapons Igor Nikulin has no doubt about the Pentagon’s aggressive plans.

Of course, this is an attempt by the Americans to conduct research for military purposes. The Pentagon is not a charitable or humanitarian organization designed to benefit humanity. Quite the contrary. It is possible to use viruses that will act selectively.

Such viruses still exist today. For example, Ebola, Lassa, Marburg. The hemorrhagic fevers they cause affect mainly the Negroid race, bird flu - the Mongoloid race, and atypical pneumonia - the Indo-Europeans.

“SP”: - For some reason, in the conditions of the competition, an exception is made for Ukraine...

In Ukraine American program was carried out 5-7 years ago. And now they have only epidemics. Now measles, now rubella, now tuberculosis, now tetanus, now cholera, etc. And then the Americans offer them vaccines against this. Very comfortably.

Over the past ten years, the United States has spent tens of billions of dollars and created more than four hundred laboratories around the world in which new types of biological weapons and vaccines for them are being developed. About forty laboratories are located in countries former USSR. These are Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. This is controlled chaos.

“SP”: - But our Russian geneticists are skeptical about the likely development of weapons aimed at one or another ethnic group...

What else can they do? Many of them are on grants. If I were on a grant, I would also remain silent. But since the Americans will not offer me any grants, I can speak freely on these topics.

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American geneticists Harvard University For several decades, detailed studies have been carried out on the inhabitants of Europe, Asia, America, Oceania and Africa for differences in heredity among people of different races and nations that inhabit our planet.

Scientists were able to find out that all people on earth are divided into 22 clans, which trace their origins to a common ancestor at the base of the clan. Naturally, there were initially much more genera, but only these 22 genera survived in the process of evolution. This was done thanks to the analysis of the male Y chromosome and the mutations that have occurred in it over many millennia. Each person carries within himself a kind of “biological document” that cannot be lost - this is human DNA. DNA genealogy methods allow you to gain access to that part of DNA that is passed unchanged from father to son through the direct male line - the Y chromosome.

Lives in Europe 4 main genera, which are also called haplogroups:
1)R1b - Western European
2) R1a - Eastern European or Eurasian
3)I - Old European (divided into I1-Scandinavian and I2-Balkan)
4)N - Balto-Finnish or Finno-Ugric

Based on these studies, Ukrainians are predominantly characterized by the R1a genus, which is found in more than 55% of the population, and in some areas reaches 80% of the people living there. In the northern, native Russian (Russian) regions (Novgorod, Pskov, Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Murmansk, Kirov region) the percentage of this genus does not exceed 30-35%. In these regions of Russia, two other genera are common - N (Balto-Finnish) and I1 (Scandinavian). Only in some southern Russian regions does the R1a genus occur with a frequency of 50-55%.

The R1a genus is predominantly characteristic of steppe peoples and their descendants (among Western Europeans it is extremely rare and does not exceed 3-8%). Among Europeans, in addition to Russians, this genus is widespread among Poles (about 57%), Ukrainians (more than 55%), Belarusians (about 50%), Czechs (more than 35%), and Hungarians (about 25%). Among some Asian peoples, the R1a genus is dominant - among the Pashtuns of Afghanistan (70%) and the Balochis of Pakistan (70%), the Punjabis of Pakistan and India (80%), the Tajiks and Kyrgyz (about 70%), the Nogais, Bashkirs and Kazan Tatars (from 40 to 50%), Altaians - 47%, Kazakhs and Uzbeks - approximately 30%, Crimean Tatars- 33%. Of the already non-existent peoples, haploggroup R1a was the main one among the Khazars, Scythians and Sarmatians. This was shown by genetic samples taken at their burial sites.

How are things going with the Slavs and Balts in general? From which genera do they predominantly come?
1. Poles - 57% R1A, 16% R1b (Western European), 7% I1 (Scandinavian), 10% I2, 5% N
2. Ukrainians - 55% R1a, 2% R1b, 15% I2, 4% I1, 5-10% N, 8% E (African), 7% J (Semitic)
3. Belarusians - 50% R1a, 10% R1b, 3% I1, 16% I2, 10% N (Finno-Ugric)
4. Russians (all) - 47% R1a, 8% R1b, 18% I1+I2, 20% N
5. Slovaks - 47% R1a, 17% R1b, 17% I1+I2 (in total), 10% E, 3-5% N
6. Czechs - 38% R1a, 19% R1b, 19% I2+I1, 8% E, 6% J
7. Slovenes - 37% R1a, 21% R1b, 12% I1, 20% I2, 7% E, 3% J
8. Croats - 37% R1a, 16% R1b, 32% I2, 6% I1, 6% E, 6% J
9. Serbs 20% R1a, 11% R1b, 30% I2 (Balkan), 20% E, 6% J
10.Bulgarians 20% R1a, 20% R1b, 20% I2, 20% E, 11% J
11.Bosnian Croats - about 75% I2 (Balkan)
12. Russians (north) - 35% R1a, 5% R1b, 35% N (Finno-Ugric), 15% I1 (Scandinavian)
13. Russians (center) - 45% R1a, 8% R1b, 5% I1, 10% I2, 15% N, 5% E
14. Russians (south) - 55% R1a, 5% R1b, 15% I2 (Balkan), 5% I1 (Scandinavian), 5-10% N
15. Latvians - 40% R1a, 40% N, 11% R1b, 7-8% I1+I2
16. Lithuanians -38% R1a, 45% N, 5% R1b, 10% I1+I2
17.Estonians -35% R1a, 9% R1b, 33% N, 18% I1
18. Norwegians - 28% R1a, 28% R1b, 34% I1, 5% N, 1% I2
19. Swedes - 20% R1a, 22% R1b, 35% I1, 11% N, 4% I2
20. Finns - 8% R1a, 4% R1b, 59% N, 28% I1, 1% I2

It is also interesting to note that the Rurikovich family - the founders Ancient Rus' turned out to be Balto-Finnish or Finno-Ugric in origin (genus N). The American study was based on DNA analysis of several dozen descendants of this glorious princely family.

Scientists have recently come close to deciphering the human genetic code. This in many ways allowed us to take a fresh look at the history of the Russian ethnic group, which turned out to be more ancient and not as homogeneous than previously thought.

In the depths of centuries

The human genome is a changeable thing. During the evolution of humanity, its haplogroups have undergone mutations more than once. Today, scientists have already learned to determine the approximate time when this or that mutation occurred. Thus, American geneticists found that one of these mutations occurred about 4,500 years ago on the Central Russian Plain. A boy was born with a different set of nucleotides from his father - he was assigned the genetic classification R1a1, which arose instead of his father's R1a.

This mutation, unlike many others, turned out to be viable. The R1a1 genus not only survived, but also spread over a large part of the Eurasian continent. Currently, approximately 70% of the male population of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine are carriers of haplogroup R1a1, and in old Russian cities this number reaches 80%. Thus, R1a1 serves as a kind of marker of the Russian ethnic group. It turns out that in the veins of most men modern Russia the blood of an ancient boy who lived in the late Neolithic era flows.

Approximately 500 years after the birth of haplogroup R1a1, migration flows of its representatives spread to the east - beyond the Urals, to the south - to Hindustan and to the west - to the territory of modern European countries. Archaeologists also confirm that the inhabitants of the Central Russian Plain went far beyond the boundaries of their ancestral range. Analysis of bone remains of burials in Altai of the 1st millennium BC. e. showed that in addition to the Mongoloids, pronounced Caucasians also lived there.

There is no Tatar

One of the issues of the popular science publication The American Journal of Human Genetics published an article about research by a Russian-Estonian team of scientists into the gene pool of the Russian people. The researchers' findings were quite unexpected. First: the Russian ethnos is heterogeneous in its genetic nature. One part of the Russians, living in the central and southern regions of the country, is close to the neighboring Slavic peoples, the other part - in the north of Russia - is genetically closely related to the Finno-Ugric peoples.

The next conclusion is more interesting. Scientists have never been able to detect the notorious Asian element in the Russian genome. The Tatar-Mongol set of genes is not present in any noticeable quantity in any of the Russian populations. It turns out that the established expression “Scratch a Russian and you will find a Tatar” is wrong.

The head of the laboratory of genomic geography at the Institute of General Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Oleg Balanovsky, considers the Russian gene pool to be “almost entirely European,” and calls its differences from the Central Asian one “really great,” as if they were two different worlds.

Academician Konstantin Scriabin, head of the genomic direction at the National Research Center Kurchatov Institute, agrees with Balanovsky. He says the following: “We did not find any noticeable Tatar additions in the Russian genome, which refutes theories about the destructive influence of the Mongol yoke.” In addition, Siberians, according to the scientist, are genetically identical to the Old Believers - they have the same “Russian genome.”

Researchers also pay attention to the slight difference in genotype between Russians on the one hand and neighboring Slavic peoples - Ukrainians, Belarusians and Poles - on the other. The difference between the southern and western Slavs and the inhabitants of the Russian north is more pronounced.

Special markers

According to anthropologist Vasily Deryabin, the Russian genotype also has its own clear physiological markers. One of them is the predominance of light shades of eyes among Russians: gray, blue, gray-blue, blue. We have 45 percent of them, in Western Europe there are fewer – about 35 percent. There are many Russians and fair-haired people. According to anthropologists, there are no more than 5 percent of Russians with natural black hair. In Western Europe, the chance of meeting a black-haired person is 45%.

Contrary to popular belief, there are not many snub noses among Russians - about 7%, in about 75% of cases the nose is straight. Also, among Russians there is no epicanthus - a fold typical of representatives of Mongoloid peoples at the inner corner of the eye.

The Russian ethnic group is characterized by a predominance of blood groups I and II; among Jews, for example, group IV is more common. Biochemical studies have also shown that in the blood of Russians, as well as other European peoples, there is a special RN-c gene, but it is absent in the Mongoloids.

Northerners are closer

Research Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Anthropology named after. D.N. Anuchin of Moscow State University conducted an in-depth study of the gene pool of the Russian people, during which they established a difference in the genotype between the Russians and our northern neighbors the Finns - it amounted to thirty conventional units. But the genetic differences between the Russian ethnic group and the Finno-Ugric peoples (Mordovians, Mari, Vepsians, Karelians, Komi-Zyrians, Izhorians), who traditionally lived in the north of our country, correspond to only three units.

Scientists talk not just about the genetic unity of Russians with the Finno-Ugrians, but about their common origin. Moreover, the specific structure of the Y chromosomes of these ethnic groups is in many ways identical to the peoples of Hindustan. But this is not surprising, given the direction of settlement of the genetic ancestors of the Russian people.

Human haplogroups are transmitted through direct male and female lines. But the information stored in DNA autosomes is responsible for the genetics of both men and women. Autosomes are the first 22 pairs of chromosomes in humans, which are passed on from both parents after crossing over, a process of recombination. Thus, approximately equal half of the genetic information is transmitted from father and mother to offspring.
This study uses more than 80,000 autosomal SNPs, reference points - this is a very high resolution that allows us to capture even relatively small influences at the genetic level in the bulk of the population. Data comparative analysis taken from an open study by V. Verenich, a specialist in comparative analysis of genetic components. The genetic calculators themselves are located on the GedMatch service, and allow anyone to find out their comparative position on the genetic graph. To do this, it is enough to have the results of an autosomal test from FTDNA or 23andMe. At the end of the study, maps of geographic distribution and frequency maxima for the main autosomal components are provided from the MDLP World-22 project.
The graphs below show the main components and their average percentages for each population. One line shows the percentage breakdown for one population. Each division (vertical bar) represents 10%, and the names of the autosomal components are arranged in the same sequence from left to right as in the legend from top to bottom. The more similar the percentage composition of general genetics is among different peoples, the more similar the figure on the given graph looks. So let's get started...

Genetics of Germans, Lithuanians, Russians, Swedes, Finns, etc.

This graph shows the main genetic components for European peoples and is aligned by the decrease in the Eastern European component (North-East-European) in different populations. As you can see, all European peoples are quite different genetically, and having genetic components of the same origin in their set, they nevertheless have very different percentages. For all Slavs and Balts in general, one of the most significant is this component of Eastern Europe, which is at its maximum among Lithuanians and Belarusians. Probably since the time of the archaeological “Corded Ware Culture,” the territory of these countries has been the center of origin of this component. It is represented by more than 80% among Lithuanians, and only 20% among Italians.
The purple color represents the Atlanto-Mediterranean component, and it increases as you move from northeast to southwest. So among Finns it reaches an average of 15%, and among Italians 40%. The remaining components are less pronounced.

Genetics of Russian Ukrainians and Belarusians

This graph shows East Slavs - Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians. The similarity of the genetic patterns of the three listed peoples is noteworthy, and within the limits of error they differ very slightly - among Ukrainians and southern Russians there is a slight increase in the West Asian component, and among northern Russians there is a slight increase in one of the Siberian components, called conditionally Samoyed, and an increase components of the Mesolithic of Europe up to approximately 10%, which according to the latter indicator brings them closer to the German-speaking population of Scandinavia - the Swedes.

This graph depicts all Slavs, including the western ones - Poles and Czechs, as well as the southern ones - Serbs, Bulgarians, Macedonians, etc.
All Slavs have 2 main components. These are Eastern European and Atlantic-Mediterranean. The first is at its maximum among Belarusians, and the second among all southern Slavs - Serbs, Macedonians, Bulgarians. The Eastern European component is more primary in origin among the Slavs, while the Atlantic-Mediterranean component is largely acquired as the Slavs migrated to the Balkans. Western Ukrainians and Slovaks have a slight increase in the Samoyed component relative to the neighboring Slavic peoples - Belarusians, Czechs, Poles; This is probably a genetic trace of the medieval migrations of the Huns and Ugrians to Central Europe.

Genetics of Slavs, Russians and Tatars, Germans, Caucasians, Jews, etc.

This graph shows different origins among the peoples of Russia. As you can see, among the Slavs the main one is the Eastern European component, and among the peoples of the Volga region the proportion of Siberian components increases. While for Caucasians the West Asian, Mediterranean and Middle Eastern components are most characteristic.

Genetics of Finns, Ugrians, Udmurts, Hungarians, Sami, etc.

As you can see, the Finns, Vepsians and Karelians are characterized by a similar genetic origin with the Slavs. They also have the highest Eastern European component, decreasing closer to the Urals and the Volga region, with an increase in Siberian components in this region. Also, all Finno-Ugric peoples have a significantly pronounced Mesolithic component of Europe, which reaches almost 80% among the Sami and is associated with the pre-Indo-European and pre-Neolithic population of Europe. Hungarians in general are characterized by a set of the same genetic components as other populations of the Carpathian region and Central Europe.

As you can see, the entire Caucasus is characterized by a relatively similar genetic origin - a large share of the West Asian and Mediterranean components. Only the Nogais stand out a little - their share of Siberian components is increasing.

As can be seen among Ashkenazim and Sephardim there is a high frequency of West Asian, Atlanto-Mediterranean and Middle Eastern components. At the same time, the Ashkenazim have a slight increase in the Siberian component, which is probably due to the Khazar heritage, and an increase of up to 30% in the East European component, which in this indicator brings them closer to the countries of southern Europe.
The only people who especially stand out from their “company” are Ethiopian Jews and Indian Jews. The former have a high proportion of sub-Saharan Africa (up to 40%), and the latter have a proportion of the South Asian genetic component, conventionally called Indian (up to 50%).

Genetics of Tatars, Bashkirs, Azerbaijanis, Chuvashs, etc.

In genetic terms, the Turks turned out to be one of the most heterogeneous ethnic groups, because their genetic components differ significantly. So, given that the primary homeland of the Turks is Siberia, such peoples as the Yakuts, Tuvinians, Khakassians have retained the East Siberian autosomal component in the largest percentage, which reaches from 30 to 65%. This genetic component is also the main one among the Kyrgyz and Kazakhs. The remaining components bring the Turks closer to the peoples from the regions of their residence. So, for the Yakuts and Tuvans, these are the North Siberian and Samoyed components. In total these are 3 Siberian components among the Yakuts it is up to 90%, among the Tuvinians up to 70%, with an increase to 20% of the East-South Asian component, which is associated to a greater extent with the migration flows of the population of East Asia. For the Bashkirs, the share of 3 Siberian components is up to 45%, and Southeast Asian up to 10%. The Tatars have 3 Siberian genetic components on average from 25 to 50%. Moreover, the share of components characteristic of the Caucasian population among the Bashkirs is up to 45%, and among the Tatars on average from 50 to 70%. The genetics of Azerbaijanis and Turks, within the margin of error, practically do not differ; they, like other peoples of the Caucasus and Transcaucasia region, have a significant presence of the West Asian component (reaches 50%) and the Atlantic-Mediterranean component (on average up to 20%). The share of 3 Siberian components is represented by Azerbaijanis, Turks and Balkars - at the level of 3-7%.


The genetics of peoples do not have a direct and significant correlation with the distribution of language families, or with the percentage of uniparental markers - Y-DNA and mt-DNA haplogroups - represented in a particular population. The greatest correlation can be traced according to the territorial-geographical principle. Thus, the share of Siberian components characteristic of the Mongoloid race as a whole gradually decreases from East to West, and the share of components characteristic of the Caucasian race increases accordingly. In the border areas along the line from the north of the Urals to Central Asia, their ratio is approximately equal. In the regions east of Baikal, the genetic components characteristic of the large Caucasoid race are practically no longer represented, while at the same time, in the regions west of the Pechora-Volga region line, the Siberian components characteristic of the large Mongoloid race are disappearing.
The spread of the Eastern European genetic component to Siberia occurred to a large extent already in the Bronze Age (the Andronovo circle culture), although individual peaks in the extreme east of Siberia among the Chukchi may have been associated with Russian migrations in the 17th century.
The share of the Sub-Saharan component characteristic of the Negroid race is distributed throughout Africa - right up to the southern Mediterranean and the northern border of the African continent, reaching a maximum in its equatorial part, and practically never occurs beyond its borders; lightly distributed on the Arabian Peninsula and the southern part of the Iranian plateau.

Geography of genetic components

Alexey Zorrin
By nature, the genetic code of all people is structured in such a way that everyone has 23 pairs of chromosomes, which store all the hereditary information inherited from both parents. The formation of chromosomes occurs at the time of meiosis, when, in the process of crossing over, each randomly takes approximately half from the maternal chromosome and half from the paternal chromosome; which specific genes will be inherited from the mother and which from the father is not known, everything is decided by chance.

Only one male chromosome, Y, does not participate in this lottery; it is entirely passed from father to son like a relay baton. Let me clarify that women do not have this Y chromosome at all.
In each subsequent generation, mutations occur in certain areas of the Y chromosome, called loci, which will be transmitted to all subsequent generations through the male gender. It was thanks to these mutations that it became possible to reconstruct the genera. There are only about 1000 loci on the Y chromosome, but only a little more than a hundred are used for comparative analysis of haplotypes and reconstruction of genera.
In the so-called loci, or they are also called STR markers, there are from 7 to 42 tandem repeats, big picture which is unique for each person. After a certain number of generations, mutations occur and the number of tandem repeats changes up or down, and thus on the general tree it will be seen that the more mutations, the older the common ancestor for a group of haplotypes.

The haplogroups themselves do not carry genetic information, because Genetic information is located in autosomes - the first 22 pairs of chromosomes. You can see the distribution of genetic components in Europe. Haplogroups are just marks of a long time ago days gone by, at the dawn of the formation of modern nations.

What haplogroups are most common among Russians?

Peoples Qty,


R1a1, R1b1, I1, I2, N1c1, E1b1b1, J2, G2a,
Eastern, Western and Southern Slavs.
Russians(north) 395 34 6 10 8 35 2 1 1
Russians(center) 388 52 8 5 10 16 4 1 1
Russians(south) 424 50 4 4 16 10 5 4 3
Russians (All Great Russians)1207 47 7 5 12 20 4 3 2
Belarusians 574 52 10 3 16 10 3 2 2
Ukrainians 93 54 2 5 16 8 8 6 3
Russians(together with Ukrainians and Belarusians)1874 48 7 4 13 16 4 3 3
Poles 233 56 16 7 10 8 4 3 2
Slovaks 70 47 17 6 11 3 9 4 1
Czechs 53 38 19 11 12 3 8 6 5
Slovenians 70 37 21 12 20 0 7 3 2
Croats 108 24 10 6 39 1 10 6 2
Serbs 113 16 11 6 29 1 20 7 1
Bulgarians 89 15 11 5 20 0 21 11 5
Balts, Finns, Germans, Greeks, etc.
Lithuanians 164 34 5 5 5 44 1 0 0
Latvians 113 39 10 4 3 42 0 0 0
Finns (east) 306 6 3 19 0 71 0 0 0
Finns (west) 230 9 5 40 0 41 0 0 0
Swedes 160 16 24 36 3 11 3 3 1
Germans 98 8 48 25 0 1 5 4 3
Germans (Bavarians) 80 15 48 16 4 0 8 6 5
English 172 5 67 14 6 0.1 3 3 1
Irish 257 1 81 6 5 0 2 1 1
Italians 99 2 44 3 4 0 13 18 8
Romanians 45 20 18 2 18 0 7 13 7
Ossetians 359 1 7 0 0 1 16 67
Armenians 112 2 26 0 4 0 6 20 10
Greeks 116 4 14 3 10 0 21 23 5
Turks 103 7 17 1 5 4 10 24 12

Particularly noteworthy are the 4 most common haplogroups among Russians:
R1a1 47.0%, N1c1 20.0%, I2 10.6%, I1 6.2%
Speaking in simple words: genetic composition Russians along the direct male lines of the Y chromosome looks like this:
Eastern Europeans - 47%
Baltic - 20%
And two haplogroups of original Europeans since the Paleolithic
Scandinavians - 6%
Balkans - 11%

The names are arbitrary and given in accordance with territorial maximums European subclades for haplogroups R1a1, N1c1, I1 and I2. The fundamental point is that there are no descendants of the Mongols left after the two-hundred-year Tatar-Mongol yoke. Or there remains, but a very small number of direct genetic heirs from such connections. With these words I do not want to doubt historical sources about the Mongols in Rus', but just pay attention to the supposed genetic influence of the Mongol-Tatars on the Russians - there is none, or it is insignificant. By the way, the genome of the Bulgarian Tatars also contains a large number of carriers gaprogroup R1a1(about 30%) and N1c1(about 20%), but they are mostly not of European origin.

Another important point is that southern Russians, within the margin of error, do not differ from Ukrainians, and northern Russians, having the same haplogroup R1a1 as one of the predominant ones, also have more high percent haplogroup N1c1. But the % N1c1 haplotypes are on average 20% among Russians.

Emperors. Nikolay 2
The first known ancestor of the Grand Ducal House of Oldenburg was Egilmar, Count of Lerigau (d. 1108), mentioned in the chronicles of 1091.
Nicholas II turned out to be a carrier of the haplogroup R1b1a2- a representative of the Western European line, from the Holstein-Gottorp dynasty. This German dynasty is characterized by the terminal snip U106, which is most widespread in northwestern Europe in the places of settlement of Germanic tribes. This is not quite typical for Russian people DNA marker, but its presence among Russians could also be associated with early contacts between Germans and Slavs.

Natural princes. Rurikovich
Vladimir Monomakh and his descendants, called “Monomashichs,” belong to the haplogroup N1c1-L550, which is widespread in the South Baltic region (subclade L1025) and in Fennoscandia (subclades Y7795, Y9454, Y17113, Y17415, Y4338). The Rurik dynasty is characterized by the terminal snip Y10931.
Some of those whom historians call Olgovichi (named in honor of Oleg Svyatoslavich - the main rival of Vladimir Monomakh in the feudal struggle - and, as all sources assure, his cousin) are not related to the Rurikovichs from the Monomashich clan (in the direct male line). These are the descendants of Yuri Tarussky

Russians, Slavs, Indo-Europeans and haplogroups R1a, R1b, N1c, I1 and I2

In ancient times, about 8-9 thousand years ago, there was a linguistic group that laid the foundation for the Indo-European family of languages ​​(at the initial stage, most likely these were haplogroups R1a and R1b). The Indo-European family includes such linguistic groups as the Indo-Iranians (South Asia), the Slavs and Balts (Eastern Europe), the Celts (Western Europe), and the Germans (Central, Northern Europe). Perhaps they also had common genetic ancestors, who about 7 thousand years ago, due to migrations, ended up in different parts Eurasia, part went to the south and east (R1a-Z93), laying the foundation for the Indo-Iranian peoples and languages ​​(largely taking part in the ethnogenesis Turkic peoples), and part remained on the territory of Europe and laid the foundation for the formation of many European peoples (R1b-L51), including the Slavs and Russians in particular (R1a-Z283, R1b-L51). At different stages of formation, already in ancient times, there were intersections of migration flows, which was the reason for the presence of all European ethnic groups large quantity haplogroup

Slavic languages ​​emerged from the once unified group of Balto-Slavic languages ​​(presumably the archaeological culture of the Late Corded Ware). According to the calculations of linguist Starostin, this happened approximately 3.3 thousand years ago. Period from the 5th century BC to IV-V century AD can be considered conditionally Proto-Slavic, because The Balts and Slavs had already separated, but the Slavs themselves did not yet exist; they would appear a little later, in the 4th-6th centuries AD. At the initial stage of the formation of the Slavs, probably about 80% were haplogroups R1a-Z280 and I2a-M423. At the initial stage of the formation of the Balts, probably about 80% were haplogroups N1c-L1025 and R1a-Z92. The influence and intersection of migrations of the Balts and Slavs was present from the very beginning, therefore in many ways this division is arbitrary, and in general reflects only the main trend, without details.

Iranian languages ​​belong to the Indo-European languages, and their dating is as follows - the most ancient, from the 2nd millennium BC. to the 4th century BC, middle - from the 4th century BC. to the 9th century AD, and the new one - from the 9th century AD. Until now. That is, the most ancient Iranian languages ​​appeared after the departure of some of the tribes who spoke Indo-European languages ​​from Central Asia to India and Iran. Their main haplogroups were probably R1a-Z93, J2a, G2a3. The Western Iranian group of languages ​​appeared later, around the 5th century BC.

Thus, the Indo-Aryans, Celts, Germans and Slavs in academic science became Indo-Europeans, this term is the most adequate for such a vast and diverse group. This is completely correct. In the genetic aspect, the heterogeneity of Indo-Europeans both in Y-haplogroups and autosomes is striking. Indo-Iranians are characterized to a greater extent by the Western Asian genetic influence of BMAC.

According to the Indian Vedas, it was the Indo-Aryans who came to India (South Asia) from the north (from Central Asia), and it was their hymns and tales that formed the basis of the Indian Vedas. And, continuing further, let’s touch on linguistics, because the Russian language (and related Baltic languages, for example, Lithuanian as part of the once existing Balto-Slavic linguistic community) is relatively close to Sanskrit along with the Celtic, Germanic and other languages ​​of the large Indo-European family . But genetically, the Indo-Aryans were already largely Western Asians; as they approached India, the Veddoid influence also intensified.

So it became clear that haplogroup R1a in DNA genealogy - this is a common haplogroup for part of the Slavs, part of the Turks and part of the Indo-Aryans (since naturally there were representatives of other haplogroups among them), part haplogroup R1a1 during migrations along the Russian Plain they became part of the Finno-Ugric peoples, for example the Mordovians (Erzya and Moksha). Part of the tribes (for haplogroup R1a1 this is subclade Z93) during migrations they brought this Indo-European language to India and Iran approximately 3500 years ago, that is, in the middle of the 2nd millennium BC. In India, through the works of the great Panini, it was transformed into Sanskrit in the middle of the 1st millennium BC, and in Persia-Iran, the Aryan languages ​​became the basis of a group of Iranian languages, the oldest of which date back to the 2nd millennium BC. These data are confirmed: DNA genealogy and linguistics correlate here.

Extensive part haplogroups R1a1-Z93 in ancient times they merged with the Turkic ethnic groups and today largely mark the migrations of the Turks, which is not surprising in view of the antiquity haplogroup R1a1, while representatives haplogroup R1a1-Z280 belonged to the Finno-Ugric tribes, but when the Slavic colonists settled, many of them were assimilated by the Slavs, but even now, among many peoples, such as the Erzya, the dominant haplogroup is still R1a1-Z280.
Was able to provide us with all this new data DNA genealogy, in particular, approximate dates of migrations of haplogroup carriers in the territory of the modern Russian Plain and Central Asia in prehistoric times.
So scientists to all Slavs, Celts, Germans, etc. gave the name Indo-Europeans, which is true from a linguistic point of view.
Where did these Indo-Europeans come from? In fact, there were Indo-European languages ​​long before the migrations to India and Iran, throughout the Russian Plain and as far as the Balkans in the south, and as far as the Pyrenees in the west. Subsequently, the language was spread to South Asia - both to Iran and India. But in genetic terms there are much fewer correlations.
“The only justified and currently accepted in science is the use of the term “Aryans” only in relation to tribes and peoples who spoke Indo-Iranian languages.”

So in which direction did the Indo-European flow go - to the west, to Europe, or vice versa, to the east? According to some estimates of Indo-European language family about 8500 years old. The ancestral home of the Indo-Europeans has not yet been determined, but according to one version it could be the Black Sea region - southern or northern. In India, as we already know, the Indo-Aryan language was brought about 3500 years ago, presumably from the territory of Central Asia, and the Aryans themselves were a group with different genetic Y-lines, such as R1a1-L657, G2a, J2a, J2b, H, etc.

Haplogroup R1a1 in Western and Southern Europe

Analysis of 67 marker haplotypes haplogroup R1a1 from all European countries made it possible to determine the approximate route of migration of the ancestors of R1a1 in the direction Western Europe. And calculations showed that throughout almost all of Europe, from Iceland in the north to Greece in the south, haplogroup R1a1 had one common ancestor approximately 7000 years ago! In other words, the descendants, like a baton, passed on their haplotypes to their own descendants from generation to generation, diverging in the process of migrations from the same historical place - which presumably turned out to be the Urals or the Black Sea lowland. On modern map- These are countries mainly in Eastern and Central Europe - Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Russia. But the range of more ancient haplotypes of the haplogroup R1a1 leads east - to Siberia. And the lifetime of the first ancestor, which is indicated by the oldest, most mutated haplotypes, is 7.5 thousand years ago. In those days there were no Slavs, no Germans, no Celts.

Disadvantage of the method
If you did the test and it made you very happy, then I hasten to add my ladle of tar. Yes, the Y chromosome is passed from father to son practically unchanged, but actually genetically useful information it doesn’t have it; there are many more genes in other pairs of chromosomes.
And these other 22 are shuffled very randomly, with no traces of such shuffling left on Y.
Imagine. Anglo-Saxon sailors captured the Negro state. Women are not taken on such trips, and you have to establish contact with local population. What are the possible options?
1) Anglo-Saxons have children from black women, but they pass on their nationality only to boys. In this case, the Y chromosome will be passed on as European, but the proportion of actually significant European genes will decrease. The first generation will be half black and the former “aristocracy” in such a case will quickly dissolve, although Y will be from this ethnic group. It will just be of little use. Perhaps something similar happened to the Finns and Indians. The Yakuts and Finns have the highest percentage of the N1c1 haplogroup characteristic of them, but genetically these are completely different peoples with different subclades of the N1c1 haplogroup with their own unique history, separated more than 6 thousand years ago. And vice versa, Indians - having a high percentage haplogroup R1a1 genetically they have very little in common with the European representatives of this haplogroup, because also different subclades with their own history, separated more than 6 thousand years ago.
2) Indo-Aryans are satisfied caste system. The first generation will also be half-Negro, but then, if the aristocracy only interbreeds with each other, then the percentage of the original genetics will float around 50%. But in practice, marriages will be mainly with local women, and it will be even more impossible to obtain the original gene pool of the conquerors. And something similar happened in the history of the Earth. The upper castes of Hindus from 20% to 72% have haplogroup R1a1(on average 43%), but genetically they have very little in common with European or Turkic representatives of the same haplogroup R1a1, and again the reason is different subclades with their own special history.
A similar situation probably occurred in Cameroon, a Central African country where Y is prevalent up to 95%. haplogroup R1b-V88, but among the anthropologically typical African Negroid population.
It can be concluded that the presence of a marker and haplogroup is an important condition to determine nationality, but not sufficient. To determine the national-territorial origin of a person, Family Tree DNA has an autosomal test called Family Finder

Alexey Zorrin



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