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The most cruel signs of the zodiac. The most dangerous people according to the horoscope

Vedic literature is a body of knowledge that was collected and passed on by our ancestors over the centuries. The FBI's interest in the secrets of astronomy and the influence of planets on human recklessness is proof of this. At the beginning of the year, representatives Federal Service published statistics on the relationship between birth date secrets and serial murders. So, the most danger signs zodiac:

Geminis are not dangerous!

Despite the instability of their characters, these people are less dangerous to society than other zodiac signs. In the federal ratings, they take 12th place, being the most harmless. Although they are capable of causing damage to the psyche, not through physical contact, but through endless chatter. Sometimes it’s a rather cruel game, especially if their ego or loved ones are affected.

Aquarians are friendly!

11th place is occupied by people who were born under the sign of Aquarius. Surely, due to internal harmony and concern for justice in the world, they are not capable of brutal murders. We are talking about a peace-loving people who either hide crimes well or do not allow them at all. History knows not many cases when a representative of the air element achieved heights in the criminal world!

Leos are calm!

Logically, representatives of the zodiac, which ranks 10th in the ranking, are dangerous “predators”. By no means, as practice shows, mercenaries and maniacs rarely arise among Leos. They are only dangerous when they are pissed off. Only Virgos and Pisces are capable of this. However, we should not forget that man differs from man to man.

Libra is peaceful and kind

9th place is occupied by calm, peaceful and honest people born under the sign of balance and balance. They would rather spend hours on end thinking about how to find themselves in life than taking revenge on the enemy. Even if you greatly offend the representatives of this zodiac sign, he will quickly cool down and stop harboring anger. But over time, due to a series of unpleasant circumstances, their patience runs out, which is fraught with disastrous consequences. They can easily injure, but not kill.

Virgos are not dangerous unless provoked.

In 8th place are the wise and dangerous people, whom it is better not to offend. They are not prone to causeless cruelty. Actually, they don’t like crime either. Even in difficult situations, they look for a way to solve the problem peacefully. However, they are more likely to kill if they are being used than to steal or cheat if they are hungry. And this should be taken into account.

Fish are not dangerous!

7th place is occupied among the most dangerous signs of the zodiac - white and fluffy Pisces. And this is sarcasm... In fact, the people representing this watermark can be extraordinary and cruel. Among fish there are many hidden maniacs and possible murderers. History remembers dangerous killers and maniacs who are influenced by Jupiter, merciless from the beginning of spring to the end of winter:

  • Eileen Wuornos;
  • John Wayne Gacy;
  • Killer clown from Scotland.

We are talking about extraordinary people. If there are fish in your society who look enthusiastically at the suffering of others, there is a reason to be more attentive and careful.

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Capricorns have committed many murders

According to a study of Vedic literature and statistics, there are rarely dangerous people among Capricorns. However, the zodiac sign is placed in 6th place due to the number of murders of one native, who holds the record for the number of atrocities committed. Consequently, exceptions sometimes arise that are worth being wary of.

Aries are dangerous when they are angry

Aries is in 5th place. However, this should not surprise anyone, because the anger of people born under this sign is never hidden. They often make threats and there is some truth in their words. Considering the secrets of the birth date, it is worth noting that such people value loyalty, honesty and friendliness. If you do not have these qualities, it is better not to start communicating...

Taurus are dangerous adventurers

Vedic literature and esotericists of the East claim that Taurus are able to think analytically and manage finances. If you encounter a representative of this zodiac who is not too honest and kind, beware of financial fraud, adventures and betrayal. Moreover, such people will commit murder sooner than admit their guilt. Therefore, Taurus belongs to the most dangerous signs of the zodiac.

Sagittarius represents the criminal world

The top three are opened by Sagittarius, who love a luxurious life. These include such legendary maniacs, tyrants and kings of the criminal world as Pablo Escobar, Stalin and Ted Bundy. People who are not in harmony with their inner world who do not strive for mutual understanding may begin to enjoy their opportunities and begin to use them extremely thoughtlessly and meanly.

Scorpios are dangerous and capable of murder.

Really dangerous zodiac sign, which does not always act openly. Girls and boys born in November are capable of not just murder, but sadism. In addition, Scorpios are often visitors to psychiatric hospitals, because with an immoral lifestyle they have internal contradictions...

Cancers are the most dangerous among the signs!

Unexpected, but true! The most dangerous zodiac sign- Cancers. They are the most potential killers, which is most often due to jealousy and envy. Because of anger, they are capable of killing a person. Although they will regret it for the rest of their lives. Unlike Taurus, their crimes are caused by an excess of emotions and the inability to behave calmly. Such people simply cannot be pissed off. It is Cancers who are the most harmonious and friendly signs and they are the ones who kill more often than others as part of an uncontrollable rage...

Draw your conclusions, friends!

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You can talk as much as you like about the influence of planets and stars on people’s character, but research has gone further. The US Federal Bureau of Investigation has revealed the birth dates of serial killers. According to their research, certain zodiac signs are more prone to certain types of crimes.

So, what kind of people are most likely to commit crimes? We invite you to familiarize yourself with the rating compiled by experts - from the most peaceful and calm, to potential cold-blooded killers.


Even though you hear a lot of bad things about Geminis, they are the least dangerous sign of the zodiac. Among Geminis, it is rare to find those whose hands were covered in blood, since they do not take others so seriously as to injure or kill them. The greatest harm they are capable of is to crush a person with their chatter.


Aquarius cares about justice and has a strong ego. This is the second least dangerous sign of the zodiac. This may be because they are smart enough to avoid getting caught, or they simply don't leave evidence behind after a crime.

Leos tend to avoid any trouble. According to statistics, if Leo commits murder, he does it only to attract attention.


Libras are considered good, fair and patient. However, there were more cases of murder among them than among Aquarius and Leo. Libras tend to become cruel if you try to take advantage of their good intentions.


Among Virgos there are usually psychopaths and very smart killers. However, Virgos are more likely to resort to fraud and theft than to murder.


If you thought that Pisces are very spineless people, you are very mistaken. Among the most famous serial killers there are many Pisces. Given their penchant for addiction, Pisces often commit crimes.


Among all the zodiac signs, Capricorns are the average serial killers. Although they respect rules and laws, when they are angry they bring out the worst. They rarely kill, but once they start doing so, they are difficult to stop.


People born under the sign of Aries are known for their uncontrollable nature. They can get angry easily, but usually calm down quickly. You should stay away from Aries when they are angry, they will soon forget about what made them angry anyway.


Taurus's anger can be very intense. However, this zodiac sign is more prone to fraud rather than murder.


Sagittarius is in third position on the list of the most dangerous zodiac signs. They do not target petty crimes, but something larger, e.g. mass kill. Although in most cases, Sagittarians rarely harm others. They commit thefts more often, but are very difficult to catch.


People of this sign are real psychopaths. They can be sadistic and easily manipulate others. Scorpios often become professional spies and mercenaries. Most serial killers are born in November.

Incredible facts

Much has been said about the typical characteristics of zodiac signs.

But it's time to talk about real statistics. To demonstrate criminal tendencies, The FBI has shared the birth dates of serial killers.

Read also:The Worst Qualities of Zodiac Signs

According to their research, some zodiac signs are more prone to certain types crimes

So, which zodiac signs are most likely to commit crimes?

Let us remind you that all zodiac signs can be divided into four forces:

Air– Aquarius, Gemini and Libra

Water– Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio

Fire– Aries, Leo and Sagittarius

Earth– Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo

Criminals by zodiac sign

Of all fire signs, among Sagittarius there are the most criminals, and they are the most difficult to arrest. Aries are usually armed to the teeth, but Leos are very dangerous.

When we're talking about O air signs, most crimes are committed by Libras, and they are usually well armed and dangerous. On the other hand, Geminis are most often caught cheating, and Aquarians most often commit crimes out of revenge.

From earth signs, Taurus is the most temperamental and risky. Virgos are usually armed, and Capricorns are the most versatile criminals.

Surprisingly, among water signs and most big number The criminals among all the zodiac signs have been found among Cancers, and they are very cruel. Pisces and Scorpios have an uncontrollable temperament.

12. Gemini

Even though you hear a lot of bad things about Geminis, they are the least dangerous sign of the zodiac! Among Geminis, it is rare to find those whose hands were covered in blood, since they do not take others so seriously as to injure or kill them. The greatest harm they are capable of is to crush a person with their chatter.

11. Aquarius

Aquarius cares about justice and has a strong ego that is difficult to crush. This is the second least dangerous sign of the zodiac. This may be because they are smart enough to avoid getting caught, or they don't leave evidence behind after a crime.

10. Leo

Lions are actually big cats and they try to avoid any trouble. According to statistics, if Leo commits murder, he does it only to attract attention.

9. Libra

Libras are considered kind, fair and patient. However, there were more cases of murder among Libra than among Aquarius and Leo. Libras tend to become cruel if you try to abuse their good intentions.

8. Virgo

Among Virgos, there are usually psychopaths and very smart killers. However, Virgos are more likely to resort to fraud and theft than to murder.

7. Pisces

If you thought Pisces were cute, you are sorely mistaken. Among the most famous serial killers there are many Pisces. Given their penchant for addiction, Pisces often commit extraordinary murders.

6. Capricorn

Among all the zodiac signs, Capricorns are the average serial killers who kill the most people. Although they respect rules and laws, when they are angry they bring out the worst. They don't kill often, but once they start doing so, they are difficult to stop.

5. Aries

People born under the sign of Aries are known for their uncontrollable nature. They can get angry easily, but usually cool down quickly. You should stay away from Aries when they are angry, but they will soon forget what made them angry.

4. Taurus

Taurus's anger can be very intense. However, this zodiac sign is also more prone to cheating than murder.

3. Sagittarius

Sagittarius is in third position on the list of the most dangerous zodiac signs. They do not target petty crimes, but something larger, such as mass murder. Although in most cases, Sagittarians rarely harm others. They commit thefts more often, but are very difficult to catch.

2. Scorpio

People of this sign are real psychopaths. They can be sadistic and easily manipulate others. Scorpios often become professional spies and mercenaries. Most serial killers are born in November.

1. Cancer

Tops the list of the most dangerous zodiac signs Cancer. For the most part, people of this sign kill others out of jealousy, envy or emotional instability. They kill with special passion, and leave distinctive marks on the body of the victim.

It is known that each zodiac sign belongs to one of four elements: Air, Water, Fire or Earth. TO air signs include Aquarius, Gemini and Libra. The elements of Water include Cancers, Pisces and Scorpios. Fire signs Aries, Leo, Sagittarius are considered. Capricorns, Taurus and Virgos are subordinate to the elements of the Earth.

Zodiac signs and the underworld

Among fire signs, criminals are most often born under the sign of Sagittarius. These people are cunning and resourceful, making them quite difficult to catch. Aries are always fully armed, and Leos are formidable and incredibly dangerous.

Of all the signs subordinate to the element of Air, Libra commits the most crimes - their distinctive feature is danger and armament. Geminis are most often caught cheating. Aquarians mostly become criminals out of a thirst for revenge.

Among the Earth signs, Taurus is considered the most temperamental. People of this sign are ready to take any risks in order to achieve their criminal goal. Virgos are usually weapon lovers. Among Capricorns there are criminals of all kinds and stripes.

As for water signs, most criminals were born under the sign of Cancer. These people are distinguished by terrifying cruelty. Scorpio and Pisces are restive and often uncontrollable.

  1. Twins

And although many have a very negative attitude towards Gemini, this zodiac sign is not at all common among criminals, which means that Gemini can be considered the least dangerous sign. Geminis are not inclined to take other people seriously enough to stain their hands with blood. The only crime characteristic of Gemini is torture with their own chatter.

  1. Aquarius

Aquarians are considered one of the fairest signs. The ego of people of this sign is so strong and impenetrable that you are unlikely to be able to suppress it. Aquarians are one of the least dangerous people. It is possible that they are simply too smart, and therefore calculate their actions so as not to fall into the clutches of justice.

Leos are quite peaceful, and therefore try to avoid all kinds of troubles. According to statistics, in most cases, Leos commit crimes just to attract attention.

  1. Scales

There are many kind, fair and patient people among Libras. Moreover, there are more criminals born under this sign than among Aquarius or Leo. The cruelty of Libra can be awakened if you use them for personal gain. good intentions.

  1. Virgo

Virgo criminals often turn out to be smart and careful killers, or simply psychopaths. However, Virgos are caught much more often in fraud and theft than in murder.

  1. Fish

Despite the fact that Pisces may seem completely harmless and quiet, statistics say that many serial killers were born under this sign. And if you consider that people of this sign are prone to various kinds of addictions, it is not surprising that it is Pisces who commit many extraordinary murders.

There are kind and fluffy people, and there are angry and harmful ones. Today I will tell you about the most evil and dangerous signs of the zodiac. Who in the zodiac will be on this ambiguous list? Read the article and you will find out everything.

First of all, I want to note that the zodiac sign does not allow us to find out how good or evil a person will be. Everyone chooses the dark or light side for themselves. This is the basis of free will.

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However, a horoscope will help us find out who is more prone to outbursts of anger and aggressiveness than others, and who can be dangerous in a bad mood. The planet Mars is responsible for these qualities. Therefore, the most evil signs will be his wards.

This zodiac sign is also under the protection of the planet Mars. In their normal state, Scorpios are calm and friendly. Some may consider them naive. But not everyone knows that real hurricanes of strong emotions periodically unfold under the mask of calm. Belonging to the Water element indicates the sensitivity of nature.

However, Scorpio rarely demonstrates his feelings, preferring to keep them to himself. But if you exhaust his cup of patience, then the wrath of destructive power will fall on you. At such moments, Scorpio can really be angry and even cruel.

Some believe that representatives of this sign are the most dangerous enemies. Scorpios can be vengeful.

Only by cleansing their souls of base passions and unworthy emotions are they able to open up to goodness, peace and love. Every Scorpio has to go through this path. They sometimes feel that life is like an eternal struggle. And first of all, victory over yourself is important here.

This is a list of the most evil and dangerous signs of the zodiac. Let me remind you that a person’s behavior is determined not so much by his zodiac sign, but by the level of personality development. And to be or not to be evil is everyone’s personal choice.

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