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Your flocks came to drink from my sorrow. Poems from the film "Office Romance". Analysis of Akhmadulina’s poem “Oh, my shy hero...”

Collected poems from the film. I read my whole life in these verses! During ordinary everyday life, everything that makes us human is woven into a bright ribbon.

« There is no peace for my soul» words by Robert Burns (translation by Samuil Marshak) - two versions performed by Alisa Freindlich and Andrei Myagkov.
1. There is no peace for my soul,
I've been waiting for someone all day.
Without sleep I meet the dawn -
And all because of someone...
There is no one with me.
Oh, where to find someone?
I can go around the whole world,
To find someone
To find someone...
I can go around the whole world!
2. O you who keep love
Unknown forces
May he return unharmed again
My dear someone is coming to me!
But there is no one with me.
I'm sad for some reason.
I swear I would give anything
In the world for someone
In the world for someone...
I swear I would give anything.

« Talking to us on crowded trams» words by Evgeny Yevtushenko, performed by Andrey Myagkov.

He's chatting to us on crowded trams,
We are tossed around by one thing,
The subway swallows us every now and then,
Releasing from a smoky mouth.

In the noisy streets, in the white fluttering
People, we walk next to people,
Our breaths are mixed,
Our tracks are mixed up, Our tracks are mixed up.

We pull smokes from our pockets,
We hum popular songs,
Touching each other's elbows,
We apologize or remain silent.

Along Sadov, Lebyazhy and Trubny
Each one seems to take a separate path,
We, not recognized by each other,
Touching each other, we go, Touching each other, we go.

Bella Akhmadulina
Oh, my shy hero, you cleverly avoided shame.
How long have I played a role without relying on a partner!
To your damned help
I never came running.
Among the scenes, among the shadows
you escaped, invisible to the eye.
But in this shame and delirium
I walked in front of a cruel audience -
everything is for trouble, everything is in sight, everything is in this lonely role.
Oh, how you cackled, stalls!
You didn't forgive me for the obvious
shameless of my losses, my smile harmless.
And your herds walked greedily
drink from my sorrow.
Alone, alone - in the midst of shame
I stand with slumped shoulders.
But to the heady crowd
the real hero is not visible.
Hero, how afraid you are!
Don't be afraid, I won't give you away.
Our entire role is just my role.
I lost in it brutally.
All our pain is only my pain.
But how much pain. How many. How many.

What do you think about... when you look at the moon?
I? - “About you... and a little about the eternal...”
That in this world we are not infinite,
But everyone wants to find their star.

I am like little kitty, which you need to take by the scruff of the neck, sit on your lap and say: you are mine now and I won’t let you go, and then I will lie down and purr gently.

You have to reduce yourself to nothing in order to be accepted and recognized, you have to become indistinguishable from the herd. If you're in the herd, you're fine. You can dream, but only if you dream like everyone else.

I don't intend to share you with anyone. You are either mine or free. I need someone who will have me in the leading roles. I didn’t sign up for the extras.

No matter how much words of wisdom No matter how much you read, no matter how much you say, what good are they to you if you don’t put them into practice?

Believe me, not a single profession in the world, nor the knowledge acquired, nor a lot of money earned can replace the happiness of your loved one. The one who doesn’t care how much you earn or what your profession is. The one who doesn't pay attention to the bags you throw. The one to whom you can openly say in front of everyone: “I love you.” In this sense, I have been lucky in life.

Do you believe in God? I did not see him…
How can you believe in something you haven't seen?
I'm sorry that I offended you,
After all, you didn’t expect such an answer...
I believe in money, I’ve seen it for sure...
I believe in a plan, in a forecast, in career growth...
I believe in a house that was built strong...
Of course... Your answer is quite simple...
Do you believe in happiness? You haven't seen him...
But your soul saw him...
Sorry, I probably offended you...
Then we have one - one... Draw...
Do you believe in love, in friendship? How about your eyesight???
After all, this is all at the level of the soul...
Are there bright moments of sincerity?
Don’t rush to see everything with your own eyes...
Do you remember how you rushed to the meeting then,
But traffic jams... didn't make it on time for the plane?!
Your plane blew up that same evening
You drank and cried all day long...
And at that moment when the wife gave birth,
And the doctor said: “Sorry, there’s no chance...”
Do you remember, life flashed like slides,
And it was as if the light had gone out forever,
But someone shouted: “Oh, God, a miracle...”
And a loud baby scream was heard...
You whispered: “I will believe in God”
And my soul smiled sincerely...
There is something that the eyes cannot see,
But the heart sees more clearly and clearly...
When the soul fell in love without falsehood,
Then the mind objects more and more strongly...
Refers to pain, bitter experience,
Includes egoism, the big “I”...
You saw God every day and so much
How deep is your soul...
Each of us has our own path...
And faith and love are most important...
I didn’t ask you, “Have you seen God?”
I asked if I believed in him...

Don't talk to me about your spirituality, buddy. I'm not that interested... Please don't talk to me about "pure awareness" or "living in the absolute."
I want to see how you feel about your partner. To your children, parents, to your precious body.
Please don't lecture me about the illusion of a separate self or how you achieved permanent bliss in just 7 days. I want to feel the genuine warmth emanating from your heart. I want to hear how good of a listener you are. Accept information that does not correspond to your personal philosophy. I want to see how you deal with people who disagree with you.
Don't tell me that you are awakened and free of ego. I want to know you beyond words. I want to know how you feel when bad things happen to you. If you can fully immerse yourself in the pain and not pretend to be invulnerable. If you feel your anger, but do not become violent. If you can calmly allow yourself to experience your grief without becoming a slave to it. If you can feel your shame and not shame others. If you can screw up and admit it. If you can say "I'm sorry" and really mean it. If you can be fully human in your glorious divinity.
Don't talk to me about your spirituality, buddy. It's not that interesting to me. I just want to meet YOU. To know your precious heart. Understand wonderful person fighting for the light.
Until the words "oh" spiritual man" Until all the skillful words.

I'll try not to call again
Don't wander over you in the arms of the night.
And don't tell anyone else
That I need you, dear, I really, really need.

I'll try not to write anymore,
And don’t shed tears, thinking that the other
Ready to kiss just as greedily,
Drowning in my beloved arms.

I'll try not to dream anymore
After all, you are not mine, but I always wanted
So that every day and again and again
Your smile warmed my soul.

I'll try not to love anymore.
There really are a lot of people like you.
But you know... never forget
You... so dear...

And you thought it was easy to come back,
So come and let's start over?
You didn’t know, my tough man,
How I forgot your voice.
You didn't know how suffocating I was
Without you in these gray walls,
I was afraid to come home,
How I lived, how I was sick alone,
How I squeezed your pillow,
Like a clock knocking in the dark,
I wished you good night,
And she didn’t sleep at night.
You didn’t know, my unkind darling,
For these evil six months I
I was tormented, I fell in love,
And I don't wait for your arrival.
And I won’t give in to your words,
And so as not to clash glances
I'm leaving, and you stay,
You thought it was easy to come back...


August lavished stars so generously.
He so thoughtlessly began to own,
and the faces of Rostovites turned
and all southerners - to meet their downfall.

I kindly thank fate.
So the constellations fell on my shoulders,
like falling in an abandoned garden
lilac inflorescences are untidy.

We watched the sunset for a long time,
Our neighbors were angry with the keys,
musician to the ancient piano
bowed his sad gray hairs.

We were the sounds of music alone.
Oh, it was possible to upset the instrument,
but your consonance with me
could not be violated or terminated.

That autumn the lighthouses were burning like that,
the stars lay so close,
Sailors walked along the boulevards,
and girls in headscarves ran by.

It’s still the same falling stars and heat,
the coast is still the same.
Only dropped out of music alone
two notes played at the same time.

The old style attracts me.
There is charm in ancient speech.
It happens in our words
both more modern and sharper.

Shout out: “Half a kingdom for a horse!” –
what irascibility and generosity!
But it will come down on me too
the last enthusiasm is futility.

Someday I'll wake up in the dark,
forever losing the battle,
and now it will come to my memory
madman's ancient decision.

Oh, what half a kingdom is for me!
A child taught by centuries,
I'll take the horse, I'll give the horse
in half a moment with a person,

Beloved by me. God be with you,
O my horse, my horse, my zealous horse.
I am your reason for free
I’ll weaken – and the herd will be dear

You'll catch up, you'll catch up there,
in the steppe empty and reddish.
And I'm tired of the chatter
these victories and defeats.

I feel sorry for the horse! I'm sorry love!
And in a medieval manner
falls under my feet
just a trace left by a horseshoe.


happy beggar, kind convict,
a southerner chilled in the north,
consumptive and evil Petersburger
I’ll live in the malarial south.

Don't cry for me - I will live
that lame woman who came out onto the porch,
that drunkard who penetrated the tablecloth,
and this, which the Mother of God paints,
I will live as a wretched god.

Don't cry for me - I will live
that girl taught to read and write,
which is fuzzy in the future
my poems, my red bangs,
How the fool would know. I will live.

Don't cry for me - I will live
sisters more merciful than merciful,
in military recklessness before death,
Yes, under the bright star Marina
somehow, but I’ll still live.

Shy Hero

Oh my shy hero
You cleverly avoided shame.
How long have I been playing the role?
Without leaning on your partner.

To your damned help
I never came running.
Among the scenes, among the shadows
You escaped, invisible to the eye.

But in this shame and delirium
I walked in front of a cruel audience -
Everything is bad, everything is in plain sight,
Everything in this role is lonely.

Oh, how you cackled, stalls!
You didn't forgive me for the obvious
I'm shameless about my losses,
My smile is harmless.

And your herds walked greedily
Drink from my sorrow.
Alone, alone - in the midst of shame
I stand with slumped shoulders.

But to the heady crowd
The real hero is not visible.
Hero, how afraid you are!
Don't be afraid, I won't give you away.

Our entire role is just my role.
I lost in it brutally.
All our pain is only my pain.
But how much pain. How many. How many!

Don't give me too much time
Don't ask me questions.
With kind and faithful eyes
don't touch my hand.

Don't walk through puddles in the spring,
following my trail.
I know it won't work again
nothing from this meeting.

You think I'm out of pride
I go, I’m not friends with you?
I am not out of pride - out of sorrow
I keep my head straight.

One day, teetering on the edge
I felt everything that exists in my body
the presence of an irreparable shadow,
somewhere away that was crowding my life.

Nobody knew, just a white notebook
noticed that I blew out the candles,
kindled for the creation of speech, -
I didn't want to die without them.

I suffered so much! Came so close
to the end of the torment! She didn't say a word.
And this is just a different age
the fragile soul was looking for.

I began to live and will live a long time -
But from that time on, with earthly torment I
I call only that which is not sung by me,
everything else I call bliss.

On my street for what year
footsteps sound - my friends are leaving.
My friends are slowly leaving
I like that darkness outside the windows.

My friends' affairs have been neglected,
there is no music or singing in their houses,
and only, as before, the Degas girls
blue ones trim their feathers.

Well, well, well, let fear not wake you up
you, defenseless, in the middle of this night.
There is a mysterious passion for betrayal,
my friends, your eyes are clouded.

Oh loneliness, how cool your character is!
Shining with an iron compass,
how coldly you close the circle,
not heeding useless assurances.

So call me and reward me!
Your darling, caressed by you,
I will console myself by leaning against your chest,
I will wash myself with your blue cold.

Let me stand on tiptoe in your forest,
at the other end of a slow gesture
find foliage and bring it to your face,
and feel orphanhood as bliss.

Grant me the silence of your libraries,
your concerts have strict motives,
and - wise one - I will forget those
who died or are still alive.

And I will know wisdom and sorrow,
mine secret meaning they will trust me with items.
Nature leaning on my shoulders
will announce his childhood secrets.

And then - out of tears, out of darkness,
from the poor ignorance of the past
my friends have beautiful features
will appear and dissolve again.


And in the end I will tell:
goodbye, don't oblige to love.
I'm going crazy. Or I rise
to a high degree of insanity.

How did you love? You took a sip
destruction. Not in this case.
How did you love? You ruined
but he ruined it so clumsily.

The cruelty of a miss... Oh no
I'm sorry to you. The body is alive
and wanders, sees the white light,
but my body was empty.

Small temple work
still doing it. But my hands fell
and in a flock, diagonally,
smells and sounds go away.

Your house

Your home, without knowing trouble,
He met me and kissed me on the cheek.
It's like a fish out of water
the service looked out from the glass.

And the dog jumped out to me,
like a small jackdaw, screaming,
and in defenseless fully armed
cacti were sticking out of the window.

From the troubles of the whole earth
I walked as a frozen delegate,
and the house looked into my eyes
he was both kind and delicate.

Shame on my head
he didn’t bring it on, he didn’t give himself away.
The house swore to me that it would never
he did not see this woman.

He said: “I am empty, I am empty.” –
I said: “Somewhere, somewhere...”
He said: “And so be it.” Let it go.
Come in and forget about it.

Oh, how I was afraid at first
a scarf or other sign,
but the house repeated its words,
shuffled objects.

He covered her tracks.
Oh, how cleverly he pretended
that no tears fell here,
the elbow was not leaning.

Like a thorough surf
washed everything away: even shoe prints,
and that empty device,
and a glove button.

Everyone agreed: the dog forgot
with whom he played, and a small carnation
I didn’t know who killed him,
and he gave me a vague answer.

So the mirrors were empty,
It was as if snow had fallen and melted.
Couldn't remember the flowers
who put them in a faceted glass...

O stranger's house! Oh sweet home!
Goodbye! I ask you a little:
don't be so kind. Don't be so kind.
Don't console me with lies.

“Oh, my shy hero...” Bella Akhmadulina

Oh my shy hero
you cleverly avoided shame.
How long have I been playing the role?
without leaning on your partner!

To your damned help
I never came running.
Among the scenes, among the shadows
you escaped, invisible to the eye.

But in this shame and delirium
I walked in front of a cruel audience -
everything is for trouble, everything is in plain sight,
everyone in this role is lonely.

Oh, how you cackled, stalls!
You didn't forgive me for the obvious
shameless of my losses,
my smile is harmless.

And your herds walked greedily
drink from my sorrow.
Alone, alone - in the midst of shame
I stand with slumped shoulders.

But to the heady crowd
the real hero is not visible.
Hero, how afraid you are!
Don't be afraid, I won't give you away.

Our entire role is only my role.
I lost in it brutally.
All our pain is only my pain.
But how much pain. How many. How many.

Analysis of Akhmadulina’s poem “Oh, my shy hero...”

The poem “Oh, my shy hero” was written by Bella Akhatovna Akhmadulina (1937–2010) in 1960-1961. Knowing the biography of the poetess, we can assume that it is dedicated to her ex-husband, Yevgeny Yevtushenko, and expresses the feelings that Bella Akhatovna experienced after breaking up with him.

This guess seems correct, since the poem is filled with very sincere feelings. The poetess makes her lyrical heroine, on whose behalf she speaks, an artist. The fact that the heroine is performing on stage is indicated by words such as “parterre”, “I played a role”, “among the wings”.

The poetess draws a parallel between real life And theatrical production. The author compares the publicity of the famous creative person with the presence of an actor on stage. In both cases, any gesture or word of a person instantly becomes the property and subject of discussion of the crowd. This is what the heroine of the poem faced:
Oh, how you cackled, stalls!
You didn't forgive me for the obvious
shameless of my losses...

The poem does not talk about how or why the heroine found herself alone in front of a cruel crowd. However, it is known that the break between Yevtushenko and Akhmadulina occurred due to the poetess’s pregnancy and her husband’s reluctance to accept responsibility for the unborn child. Bella Akhatovna had to terminate her pregnancy. But the reader also understands well how the society of that time treated such phenomena. It is not surprising that the young poetess, who had already experienced a terrible loss, faced condemnation and censure from the public, while her ex-husband continued to live his former carefree life as a free artist.

A deep personal tragedy is hidden behind words about roles, stage, and scenes. But unbearable pain breaks through the hints and metaphors. With the help of emotional repetitions, the poetess conveys her feelings to the reader:
Alone, alone - in the midst of shame
I stand with slumped shoulders.
Our entire role is only my role.

All our pain is only my pain.
But how much pain. How many. How many..

Resentment towards the callous, misunderstanding public is expressed in the poem using metaphors. Having caught the resemblance of a rough crowd to animals, the poetess uses the expressions “parterre cackled”, “herds parterre”.

The reader may be amazed at how generous Bella Akhatovna is. Instead of turning the public's dissatisfaction on the man who broke her heart, the poet allows him to remain unnoticed. Condescendingly calling him a “shy hero,” she reassures him:
Hero, how afraid you are!
Don't be afraid, I won't give you away.

This poem contains amazing power female soul. It would seem that the grief experienced can break anyone, but the poetess was able to withstand the blow and continue to create, for which she was rewarded in the future new love and recognition.

There is no peace in my soul
music by A.Petrova
sl. R. Burns
(translation by S. Marshak)

There is no peace in my soul:
I've been waiting for someone all day.
Without sleep I meet the dawn,
And all because of someone.

There is no one with me
Oh, where to find someone?
I can go around the whole world,
To find someone.
To find someone
I can go around the whole world...

O you who keep love
Unknown forces!
May he return unharmed again
My dear someone comes to me.

But there is no one with me,
I'm sad for some reason.
I swear I would give anything
In the world for someone!
In the world for someone
I swear I would give everything...

Talking to us on crowded trams
music by A.Petrova
lyrics by E. Yevtushenko

He's chatting to us on crowded trams,
We are tossed around by one thing,
The subway swallows us every now and then,
Releasing from a smoky mouth.

In the bright streets, in the white fluttering,
People, we walk next to people,
Our breaths are mixed up
Our tracks are mixed up.

We pull smokes from our pockets,
We hum popular songs,
Touching each other's elbows,
We apologize or remain silent.

Along Sadov, Lebyazhy and Trubny,
Each one seems to have a separate path,
We, not recognized by each other,
Touching each other, we go,
Touching each other, we go.

Shy Hero
music A. Petrova
sl. B. Akhmadulina

Oh my shy hero,
You cleverly avoided shame.
How long have I been playing the role?
Without leaning on your partner!

To your damned help
I never came running.
Among the scenes, among the shadows
You disappeared, invisible to the eye.

But in this shame and delirium
I walked in front of a cruel audience -
everything is for trouble, everything is in plain sight,
everyone in this role is lonely.

Oh, how you cackled, stalls!
You didn't forgive me for the obvious
shameless of my losses,
my smile is harmless.

And your herds walked greedily
Drink from my sorrow.
One, one! Among the shame
I stand with slumped shoulders.

But to the heady crowd
The real hero is not visible.
Hero! How afraid you are!
Don't be afraid, I won't give you away.

Our whole role is just my role,
I lost in it brutally.
All our pain is only my pain,
But how much pain... How much... How much...

The lovers' speeches are cut short
music by A.Petrova
lyrics by N. Zabolotsky

The lovers' speeches are cut short,
The last starling flies away.
They fall from the maples all day long
Silhouettes of crimson hearts.

What have you done to us, autumn?
The earth freezes in red gold.
The flame of sorrow whistles underfoot,
Moving heaps of leaves.

The last poppies are flying around
music by A.Petrova
lyrics by N. Zabolotsky

The last poppies are flying around,
The cranes fly away, trumpeting.
And nature in painful darkness
She doesn't look like herself.

Along a deserted and bare alley
Moving the fallen leaves,
Why are you, without sparing yourself,
Are you walking around with your head uncovered?

Plant life is now hidden
In these strange fragments of branches.
Well, what happened to you?
What happened to your soul?

How dare you dare this beauty,
Your precious soul
Let go, let go, so that she can wander around the world,
To die in a distant land?

Let the home walls be fragile,
Let the road go into darkness.
There is no sadder betrayal in the world,
Than betraying yourself.

Song about the weather
muses of A. Petrov
lyrics by E. Ryazanov

There is no bad weather,
Every weather is a blessing.
Rain, snow, any time of year
We must accept it gratefully.
Echoes of mental storms,
There is a seal of loneliness in the heart
And the sorrowful shoots of insomnia
We must accept it gratefully.
We must accept it gratefully.

Death of desires, years and adversity -
Every day the load becomes more and more unbearable.
What is assigned to you by nature,
We must accept it gratefully.
Change of years, sunsets and sunrises,
And love's last grace,
Like the date of your departure,
We must accept it gratefully.

There is no bad weather,
The passage of time cannot be stopped.
The autumn of life, like the autumn of the year,

We must bless without grieving.



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