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April 1st jokes for adults. The best April Fool's pranks in history. The best office pranks for employees on April Fool's Day

The day of jokes, pranks and practical jokes is the most fun holiday of the year. On this day, everyone is supposed to play pranks - relatives, friends, colleagues and even complete strangers.

Jokes and gags on April Fool's Day give a lot of vivid impressions and positive emotions, but the April 1st prank should be good-natured, funny and at the same time harmless.

Sputnik Georgia has prepared a selection of funny and original “jokes” for those who want to prank their family, friends, colleagues, classmates on April 1 and cheer up everyone around them.

Funny jokes and practical jokes

The first of April in 2019 falls on Monday - a difficult day, so starting the morning with a draw will provide the whole family with a great mood for the whole day.

When you wake up early, change your slippers to a larger or smaller size, or even better, add slippers of different sizes. You can sew one sock or fold different ones in pairs.

For adults, put children's clothes, and for children - large ones - not in size, but it will be funnier, after spending time preparing the prank, sew up the trouser legs and sleeves of the clothes of your household with easily torn thread, or sew up the neckline.

Gags and jokes that we did more than once in childhood are also relevant - paint the sleeping person’s face with ketchup, toothpaste or another quickly washed off mixture. A tube of toothpaste can be filled with milk or sour cream with a syringe.

Tint the faucet divider with red liquid dye; as a result, red water will flow from the faucet.

© Sputnik / Alex Shlamov

Place dry pasta under the toilet seat, and when someone sits on it, it will crack as if it was broken. Use cosmetics for the prank - replace, for example, face cream with butter or cover with colorless varnish so that it does not foam. You can also seal the neck of the shampoo with food film.

You can replace salt with sugar or add pepper to coffee. Prepare a fried egg from sour cream and half a canned peach, and serve jelly instead of juice.

Place a plate of ready-made breakfast in the freezer overnight, and in the morning, innocently watch as an unsuspecting child tries in vain to scoop up the frozen milk.

You can decorate food stored in the refrigerator with eyes and ask someone in the household to take something out of it.

The list of various jokes and gags can be endless, and it doesn’t matter how you prank your family on April 1 - the main thing is that this is a great reason to laugh with the whole family.

Original jokes

You can prank your friends in a variety of ways, including placing a fart pillow on them. It needs to be hidden under the seat cushion to make it harder to notice. At the same time, do not forget to check that there is somewhere for the air to escape.

A lot of jokes and pranks are related to the phone. For example, call a friend and ask him not to answer calls for several minutes, since the telephone operator is working on the line and he may get an electric shock.

For another draw, you need to enable forwarding on your mobile phone to any number - for example, a hairdresser, bathhouse, rest home or government agency. Imagine the surprise of people calling you when they hear an unfamiliar voice pronouncing the name of the organization instead of your “alo”.

One of the old jokes is to call from an unknown phone number and say the following text: “Hello, is this Durov’s corner? Did you order a talking horse? Just don’t hang up, you know how hard it is to dial with your hoof!”

Original and funny joke- cola with ice. Offer your friend a cola and top it with ice filled with Mentos chewing candy. When the ice melts and Mentos reacts with cola, a real fountain is guaranteed.

You can paste over your friend’s workplace or car with multi-colored stickers with various wishes and declarations of love. Or simply throw toys at his workplace - for example, various reptiles and spiders.

Better yet, have a party with your friends, and let everyone prepare a couple of original and funny competitions for the evening, and award a prize for the most successful draw.

You can prank your colleagues in the following way: cover the mouse with tape and watch their reaction. Or hide the mouse, leaving a note: “Goodbye, flew to the Bahamas.”

You can use tape to stick everything that is on it to the table - pencils, pens, notepad, keyboard, phone, mouse, and so on. A fan's horn under a colleague's chair is one of the funny and original jokes that never gets old.

It’s enough to just play a prank on all your employees at the same time - bring a box of cakes with the inscription April 1 to work and, as if by chance, throw away what you don’t want. Be sure that no one will touch the treats, as they will wonder what you did with them.

You can play an original prank on your employees this way - by posting a pre-printed order from the boss on changes in the vacation schedule on the notice board, or by telling your colleagues that half of everyone’s salary will now be transferred to the organization’s fund.

Prank for classmates and teachers

April 1 brings indescribable joy to children, but for teachers, who are faced with mischievous pranks at every step, it is quite difficult.

The range of jokes and practical jokes among schoolchildren, whose ingenuity and imagination adults can only envy, is quite extensive.

The most common pranks and pranks are sticking stickers to the backs of classmates with various inscriptions, such as “get on me, who doesn’t have a horse” or “free delivery - I’ll ride with the breeze.”

An old funny joke that always works: “Where did you get so dirty?” Or write on a piece of paper “there is a broom on the ceiling” and pass it around the class. Whichever classmate reads it will definitely raise their voices, and along with them the teacher will start looking at the ceiling, trying to understand what is happening.

Offer a soda to one of the students, shaking the bottle well beforehand, and a colorful fountain is guaranteed.

If you rub a chalkboard with dry soap, you won’t be able to write on it with chalk, but you’ll have to wash the board yourself later.

For another funny jokes you need to take a cardboard box, the bigger the better, cut out the bottom and place it on the cabinet so that the bottom fits tightly. Then fill it with confetti and cover the top. To attract the teacher's attention, write something large on the box with a bright marker.

And when the teacher tries to take it off or asks one of the students to do it, the victim of the prank will be showered with confetti.

Jokes, gags and practical jokes on April 1 will give you and those around you a lot of positive emotions and vivid impressions. So have fun and spread joy to those around you. But try not to overdo it, so as not to unwittingly offend someone.

The material was prepared based on open sources

April Fools' Day has been celebrated around the world for 446 years, ever since the French King Charles IX decided that New Year should begin on January 1, and not April 1, as was previously the case. The loyal French congratulated each other on January 1, 1565, on the New Year, but they did not forget about the old New Year: on April 1, they exchanged gifts as a joke. The custom has taken root. Over time, the tradition of celebrating April 1 with jokes and practical jokes spread first to the whole of continental Europe, and then to Britain. It was here that the French holiday of the “April fish” (the French’s favorite pastime on this day is hanging a small fish on each other’s backs) began to be called April Fool’s Day and even indicated in calendars along with Christmas, Easter and other holidays. Now many serious citizens, organizations and the media consider it their duty to celebrate this holiday.
People are very trusting creatures and are ready to believe in anything, even if it sounds like outright nonsense. Many of us take advantage of this and make fun of each other funny pranks. But it’s much more interesting to hold a draw on a national scale! I bring to your attention the most successful and interesting April Fools' jokes that misled gullible citizens in different countries peace.

No one has yet managed to outdo the joke of French soldiers during the First World War. It happened on April Fool's Day 1915. A French plane flew over a camp of German soldiers and dropped a bomb. The Germans rushed into the scattered area, but the bomb did not explode. When the frightened soldiers approached it, it was written: “From April 1st!”

2. Heated discussions are explosive!

In 1933, the Madison Capital-Times announced that the Wisconsin State House had been destroyed in a series of mysterious explosions. Their reason was supposedly " a large number of gases generated by prolonged heated discussions in the State Senate." The photograph accompanying the article showed the crumbling Capitol. Many readers were misled, but after it turned out that this was just a joke, their outrage knew no bounds. One reader even wrote that The hoax "was not only tactless and humorless, but also disgusting."Nevertheless, in 1985, Science Digest magazine named the hoax one of the best in history.

Back in 1949, a DJ on one of the New Zealand radio stations announced to fellow citizens that a swarm of evil wasps was moving towards the city of Auckland. The length of this swarm seemed to be a whole mile. To avoid being bitten, the joker recommended that people leaving the premises tuck their trousers into their socks. Interestingly, many employees followed the good advice and violated the office dress code for their own safety. However, the radio prankster’s boss did not understand his subordinate’s jokes: he condemned the prank on the grounds that it was inappropriate for the media to tell citizens deliberate lies. Therefore, since then, on April 1, special propaganda has been sent out to radio stations in New Zealand, reminding employees that they are obliged to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

4. Spaghetti harvest in Switzerland

On April 1, 1957, the BBC broadcast Panorama about a bumper spaghetti harvest in Switzerland. “This year in Switzerland there is bumper harvest spaghetti,” said the presenter of the news program, “of course, in this country the collection of spaghetti does not reach such an industrial scale as in Italy. Many have probably seen photographs of grandiose plantations in the Po Valley. In Switzerland, this is rather a family affair...” The story was accompanied by documentary footage: a family of Swiss farmers together picks pasta from the trees and puts it in baskets. After this, many phone calls followed to the BBC studio in which people were interested in where they could buy such trees and how to grow them. Thousands of people asked to send pasta seedlings. Those who were especially curious expressed surprise that the pasta grew vertically and not horizontally. But most were interested in the question: “How to grow spaghetti trees on your site?” The editorial office of the TV channel tactfully answered them: “Plant a spaghetti sprout in a jar with tomato sauce and hope for the best."

5. Color television in Swedish

In 1962, there was only one TV channel in Sweden and it broadcast exclusively in black and white. On April 1, the channel's technical engineer, Kjell Stensson, appeared on the news and announced new technology, thanks to which viewers will be able to receive a color signal on their old black and white TVs. All they had to do was pull a nylon stocking over the TV screens, which Stensson did on air as an example. Like thousands of people on their screens with him. But in order for the image to accurately appear in color, you need to hold your head at a certain angle... As a result, even today you can find Swedes who remember how their grandparents rushed around the shops in search of nylon stockings. The most interesting thing is that real regular color broadcasting appeared in Sweden in 1970, on April 1st.

6. "Son of Nessie"

In 1972, the Loch Ness monster was “found”. Moreover, they not only found it, but pulled it ashore and even examined it. The culprit was a Yorkshire Zoo employee who decided to have some fun. Knowing that his colleagues were setting off on an expedition to Loch Ness, he previously threw into the water the carcass of an elephant seal (a type of seal), which had died in the zoo a few days earlier. It should be noted that elephant seals are not found in these places and people almost never saw them at all, which played an important role in the “joke”. The carcass then surfaced 300 meters from the shore and immediately caused a sensation among the local population. While zoo staff were catching her, the news spread throughout Britain. The fact that the creature did not at all resemble the classic image of the Loch Ness monster did not frighten anyone; on the contrary, it was immediately dubbed “Son of Nessie.” The scientists took it out, loaded it into a truck and headed to their zoo to “explore.” But as soon as they left, the locals realized that no one could just take away their landmark and began to ring the bells. We had to involve the police, who eventually stopped the car and demanded that local specialists immediately examine the find. We even had to call prominent scientists, who immediately opened everyone’s eyes - this is not a monster at all. A day later, the merry fellow confessed everything.

7. "Metric time"

In 1975, the Australian daytime news program This Day Tonight reported on a planned change to "metric time". Under the new system, there will be 100 seconds in a minute (renamed millidays), 100 minutes (centidays) in an hour, and a day will consist of 20 hours (deciddays). The program included an interview with Deputy Prime Minister De Corcoran, who praised the new system. One of the many viewers who believed the hoax called the television station to find out how to change their watch to a new time. But still, the authors of the best pranks, oddly enough, are employees of the British broadcasting company BBC.

8. A grandiose “event” in the history of astronomy

At the end of March 1976, British astronomer Patrick Moore announced on BBC Radio 2 about “a grand event in the history of astronomy.” It was reported that on April 1 at 9:47 am the planet Pluto will pass behind Jupiter, which will lead to a temporary decrease in the strength of the earth's gravity, resulting in the possibility of experiencing a feeling of weightlessness for some time. Moore told listeners that if they jumped into the air just as the alignment occurred, they would experience a strange floating sensation. Literally a few minutes after the appointed time, the radio station began receiving calls from people who had experienced the amazing effect of flying, and one woman even claimed that she had been floating for several minutes in her room along with a table and chairs.

9. Republic of San Seriff

In 1977, the British newspaper The Guardian published a special seven-page supplement dedicated to San Serriffe, a small republic consisting of several semi-inhabited islands in the Indian Ocean. A series of articles romantically described the country's beautiful landscapes and unique culture. The two main islands were named Upper Caisse and Lower Caisse. One of them had the shape of a dot, the other - a comma. The name of the capital was Bodoni, and the leader of the country was General Pica. The newspaper's phones kept ringing all day as readers sought more information about great place for vacation: how to get to a previously unknown state, how much does a vacation on the islands cost? Few realized that there really was no such country, and everything associated with this country was named after printed terminology.

10. Iceberg for sale. Retail.

In 1978 (what date is clear) a barge appeared in the harbor of Sydney, Australia, dragging a medium-sized iceberg in tow. This event was known in advance: Dick Smith, a millionaire and adventurer, had long trumpeted his intention to bring an ice miracle from Antarctica, and then cut it into cubes and sell it to the Australian people for 10 cents apiece. Still, it is the purest product - you can, for example, put it in drinks, as the passengers of the Titanic did immediately after the collision, but before it began to sink. In addition to ordinary lovers of northern exotics, representatives of the media were present at the pier, ready to cover the cutting and subsequent sale. However, sudden rain revealed the true nature of the iceberg - it turned out to be made of polystyrene foam and covered with foam, which is usually used for fire extinguishing. And also shaving foam.

11. Electronic clock Big Ben

In 1980, the BBC announced the replacement of the mechanical clock of the famous Big Ben with an electronic one. Journalists associated this decision by the authorities with a desire to keep up with the times. The British public was horrified. The editor received calls with protests. Such an action was regarded as an encroachment on a shrine. However, among the callers there were also those who would not mind purchasing parts of the legendary Big Ben. The BBC Japan service said the clock hands would be sold to the first four listeners to call.

12. Cutting the helmets of the Buckingham Palace guards

In 1980, Soldier magazine reported that the bearskin helmets worn by the Irish Guards guarding Buckingham Palace needed regular trimming. As reported in the article, bear skin, even after the death of the animal, retains the original hormone responsible for hair growth. Scientists suggest that the discovery can be used in medical research - especially in solving the problem of baldness. The article quotes Major Ursa (Latin for “bear”), who noted that fur begins to grow in the spring, after ordinary bears wake up from hibernation. The photograph showed helmeted guardsmen sitting in an army barbershop. It is noteworthy that the London Daily Express fell for the ruse and republished the article as a real story.

13. Jaws. Now in Michigan.

In 1981, the Herald - News newspaper of the American city of Roscommon, Michigan informed the population that the home state had been chosen by biologists for a strange experiment. The experiment consisted of the following: freshwater sharks were released into 3 lakes in northern Michigan in order to be able to study their habits in a limited space (apparently, this was not easy to do in the endless ocean). There were not a lot of sharks, not a little, 2 thousand, and some species were quite dangerous and voracious. The main purpose of the experiment was to determine whether sharks could survive in the harsh climate of Michigan, and the federal government allegedly allocated $1 million 300 thousand to satisfy scientific curiosity. The newspaper quoted a representative of the National Biological Association, who suggested that sharks would significantly reduce the fish population in lakes, since each of them can freely eat 20 pounds of fish a day, and this is far from the limit. State representatives protested against such a blow to fishing and the environment, but the government, as you might guess, ignored the complaint. Moreover, the newspaper wrote, fishermen were prohibited from catching sharks and generally infringing on their rights. After publication, the Herald - News editor received a huge number of letters from angry residents of Michigan on the topic “sharks no pasaran!”

14. Bra as a source of interference

In 1982, the Daily Mail reported that 10,000 bras had gone on sale and could cause numerous problems for the nation. Allegedly, the “bones” of such bras were made not of ordinary wire, but of copper, and it was originally developed for use in the construction of fire alarms. Such a wire, heated by bodily heat, generated static electricity. This, in turn, greatly interfered with the operation of radio and television, causing interference with broadcasting. They say that the chief engineer of British Telecom insisted on checking the underwear of the company's employees to make sure there was no copper wire.

In 1983, the Associated Press named the scientist who solved the historical mystery of the origin of the funniest date of the year. Boston University history professor Joseph Boskin argued that Emperor Constantine started April Fool's Day after his court jester said he could rule the empire as well as he could. Konstantin liked the idea so much that he allowed the jester to reign, but only once a year - on April 1. The news was reprinted by almost all US publications. Only later did the professor admit that there was not a word of truth in his interview.

16. Tasmanian walrus

In 1984, the Orlando Sentinel ran an article about a creature called the Tasmanian Mock Walrus, which many Florida residents keep as pets. The basic data of the animal was given: length - about 4 inches, looks like a walrus, purrs like a cat, and in temperament is very similar to a hamster. The author of the article reported that the “walrus” does not need to be bathed, it is easy to train it to use the cat litter box, and (attention!) it eats COCKROACHS. One such animal, the prankster assured, is capable of easily and in a short time ridding the house of vile insects. The miracle animal was smuggled from Tasmania, and attempts were made to breed it in America, despite the opposition of organizations involved in the eradication of cockroaches. Who, naturally, were afraid of being left without a piece. After the article was published, many Americans called the editor and said that they were ready to adopt the “false walrus” calf. They were tortured, they say, by cockroaches. The article was given credibility by the photograph: on a human palm there actually lay something dwarf and walrus-like (interestingly, this was not a montage, but a photograph of a real creature - the Naked Mole Rat).

17. Hotheaded Ice Worms

In 1985, the April 1985 issue of Discover magazine announced the discovery by respected biologist Aprile Pazzo of a new species of worm in Antarctica that was dubbed the "hothead ice worm." The new species was notable for the fact that these worms could move through centuries-old ice at high speed, literally melting the ice in front of them due to the high temperature of the bone plates on the head, which were heated by numerous blood vessels. The worms used this feature to hunt penguins by melting the ice underneath them and attacking them after they fell into the hole. But the most shocking thing in this article was the hypothesis stated that hot-headed worms could be involved in the mysterious disappearance of Antarctic explorer Philippe Poisson in 1837. “For ice worms, we may be no different from penguins,” the researcher was quoted as saying. This article received more letters with reviews than any other article in the entire existence of the magazine. Readers who know the Italian language should have been alerted by the name of the “respected specialist” alone - Aprile Pazzo translated means “the man fooled on the first of April.”

18. Super baseball player

On the same day in 1985, the famous American sports publication Sports Illustrated published an article about a certain young man Sidd Finch, who could throw a baseball at a staggering 168 mph, while the best baseball players at the time could throw at “only” 103 mph. Moreover, as the publication noted, he learned his skills in one of the Tibetan monasteries. The joy of the fans knew no bounds. And they added that the guy is on trial with the New York Mets. The editors received a flurry of letters and calls about the guy, and on April 15 the editors had to admit that this whole story was a fiction.

19. Dismantling the Eiffel Tower

In 1986, Paris was shocked by the news. The newspaper Le Parisien talked about the dismantling of the tower, which would be transported to the under construction Disneyland and reassembled. The government explained this decision by the convenience of the location for the construction of a new stadium for the upcoming 1992 Olympics. The response was immediate. The Parisians breathed a sigh of relief when they learned that it was just a hoax.

20. Wine for the people!

In 1987, the Norwegian newspaper Bergens Tiedend informed readers that a huge batch (10 thousand liters) of confiscated smuggled wine would be given to the “people”; every resident of the city could receive their due share in the central store. Trusting Norwegians gathered near the designated place from the very morning, not forgetting to take with them cans, bottles and other containers.

21. Maradona as part of Spartak Moscow

In 1988, the Izvestia newspaper published a note that Diego Maradona himself could move to the Moscow football team Spartak. And that the amount of his “purchase” is $6 million. Surprisingly, it was not our people who fell for this, but foreigners. Some Western media even wrote news about this, with reference to Izvestia. The publication later had to justify it as an April Fool's joke.

22. Pseudo-UFO over London

On March 31, 1989, London residents saw a real UFO. Moreover, it did not try to hide at all; moreover, it landed on the outskirts of the city. The arriving police saw that it was not an alien ship at all, but a balloon made to look like a UFO, and it was controlled by none other than Richard Branson, a famous joker and head of the record company Virgin Records. True, the weather prevented the millionaire from accomplishing his plan - landing on April 1 in Hyde Park.

23. Nixon for President!!!

On April 1, 1992, the Voice of the Nation public radio broadcast announced that ex-President Richard Nixon was, much to his surprise, about to become president again. His new campaign slogan was: "I didn't do anything wrong and I won't do it again." As evidence, the announcement was accompanied by a recording of Nixon's campaign speech. Listeners responded immediately, flooding the show with calls expressing shock and outrage. It wasn't until the second half of the show that host John Hockenberry announced that the statement was a joke. And Nixon's voice was parodied by comedian Richie Little.

24. “Moscow lies”

On April 1, 1992, the newspaper “Moskovskaya Pravda” amused everyone. Not only did it come out with the date March 32, but it also changed its name for one day - “Moscow Untruth.” And she dedicated the main material to the new Moscow metro. They say that in the capital of our homeland they are planning to launch an alternative metro in order to understand which is better - the old or the new. Well, what did you want, competition is the engine of capitalism that was just emerging at that time. Naturally, no one fell for it, but the people laughed heartily.

25. "Partition" of Belgium

In 1992, the London Times published an article about ongoing negotiations to discuss the partition of Belgium. Flanders, whose inhabitants speak Flemish Dutch, will join the Netherlands, and the southern French-speaking region of Wallonia will join France. The article even deceived British Minister Tristan Garel-Jones, who was about to discuss this important historical issue in a television interview. The Belgian Embassy's telephones were ringing off the hook with numerous calls from journalists and Belgians living in the United Kingdom wanting confirmation of this report.

26. Pepsi tattoo

In April 1994, the American radio station National Public Radio reported that Pepsi was announcing a promotion. Anyone who gets a tattoo of the company logo on their ear will be able to receive a 10% discount for the rest of their life. Throughout the month, those who fulfilled the conditions of the promotion called the editorial office to pick up their honestly earned prizes.

27. Mausoleum at EuroDisneyland

In 1995, the Irish Times published an article about how the Disney Corporation was dealing with Russian government negotiations on the purchase of the embalmed body of communist leader Vladimir Lenin. Disney offered to place the mausoleum along with Lenin's body at EuroDisneyland. As reported, “the body of the Soviet leader will be illuminated with strobe lights to emphasize the deathly pallor of his face, and excerpts from Reagan’s speech about the evil empire will be broadcast through a quadraphonic system.” In addition, a sale of T-shirts with Leninist symbols will be organized. The Russians, as the article stated, do not object to the sale of Lenin's body, but the sale of the mausoleum has stalled. Liberal organizations demanded that the empty mausoleum remain in place, symbolizing the emptiness of communist ideology, while nationalists demanded that it be converted into a memorial dedicated to Tsar Nicholas II.

28. Selling The Liberty Bell

In 1996, The Taco Bell Corporation announced that it would purchase The Liberty Bell and rename it The Taco Liberty Bell. The Liberty Bell, located in Philadelphia, USA, is the main symbol of the American history of the struggle for independence from Great Britain. It was cast in London, England in 1752. The inscription on the Liberty Bell The inscription on the bell reads: “And declare liberty throughout the land to all the inhabitants thereof” (Bible, Leviticus 25.10, English Proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof) . Officially, the bell was called the “Liberty Bell” since 1837. Hundreds of outraged residents rang the National Historical Park in Philadelphia, where the bell was located, to express their anger. The unrest only calmed down when Taco Bell announced that the statement was just a joke. The main topic The day was White House Press Secretary Mike McCurry's answer to a question about the sale of the bell. Somewhat perplexed, he stated that the Lincoln Memorial had also been sold. According to him, now the name of the memorial will sound like Ford Lincoln Mercury Memorial.

29. General cleaning of the Internet

In 1997, many users of the worldwide global network received notifications to their email addresses about the upcoming general cleaning in all corners of the Internet, which would last from March 31 to April 2. This difficult task had to be completed by 5 powerful Japanese robots.

30. Changing the value of the number π

On April 1, 1998, New Mexicans for Science and Reason published an article stating that Alabama legislators had decided to change the value of Pi from 3.14159 to 3. The argument cited was that the number 3 is more consistent with " biblical meaning"of the number "Pi" rather than its established version. For, as it says in the 1st Book of Kings (chapter 7, verse 23): “And he made a molten [copper] sea, ten cubits from one end to the other, completely round, five cubits high, and a cord of thirty cubits encircled it all around.”. At first, the article did not receive much publicity, but when it was first published on the Internet, it instantly went viral on well-known news sites, after which the state leadership began receiving bags of paper and gigabytes of emails demanding that this decision be reversed. Over time, it turned out that this article was a joke-protest against attempts to vote for the abolition of the study of the theory of evolution in school. The author of the joke turned out to be scientist Mark Boslow.

31. "Left-Handed" Hamburger

In 1998, Burger King placed an ad in USA Today announcing the introduction of a new menu item, the Left-Handed Burger, specially created for the 32 million left-handed Americans. According to the advertising, the new burger included the same ingredients as the original (lettuce, tomato, bun, etc.), but all the components were flipped 180 degrees for left-handed enjoyment. In the following days, Burger King announced that even though the news of the new burger was a joke, thousands of people were coming to their restaurants asking for "left-handed burgers." At the same time, according to the news, many right-handers were asking for a "right-handed burger."

32. Guinness time

In 1998, the Guinnes brewing company made a loud joke. She issued a press release that she had entered into a collaboration agreement with the Royal Observatory in Greenwich. And according to the condition whole year Greenwich time has been renamed Guinness time. Few people believed this joke, but not the famous newspaper the Financial Times. Representatives of the brewery had to explain that it was an April Fool's joke.

33. Parade of Fools in New York

Not so long ago, in 2000, a message was sent to the media that the next day (April 1) the April Fools Parade would take place, which would start in the morning from 59th Street and proceed to Fifth Avenue. According to the news release, the procession would have featured allegorical floats on wheels, like those seen at carnivals. One of the allegories was dedicated to the activities of the police departments of New York, Los Angeles and Seattle (their “cruelty, corruption and incompetence”), the other to unsuccessful missions to Mars, etc. Many television companies, including CNN, believed in the canard and sent a team of television crews to the scene of the alleged incident. The messengers realized that they had been played only when they saw the street without any traces of preparations for the parade. The author of the joke turned out to be the famous prankster Joey Scaggs, who has already been responsible for many similar pranks.

34. "The Millennium Skip Effect"

In 2001, one of the Cypriot radio stations assured its listeners that April 1 simply does not exist. Thousands of radio listeners believed the real radio play staged early morning On April 1, ten actors portraying politicians, scientists and journalists. They are quite serious - with references to mathematical calculations and mentioning the international date line as an example Pacific Ocean- they talked about the “thousand-year skip effect”, as a result of which once every thousand years, in the first year of the millennium after March 31, April 2 comes immediately, not 1. The phenomenal success of the production became known when more and more people, buying tickets and receiving bills in stores, began to draw the attention of cashiers to what they thought was the wrong date.

35. Carrot Whistles

In 2002, the British supermarket chain Tesko published information in the Sun newspaper that breeders had recently managed to develop a new type of carrot. The advertisement said that each carrot of this variety will have a special hole that turns the root vegetable into something like a whistle. Such a carrot, when completely cooked, supposedly made a whistle. And another chain, Waitrose, announced the sale of a new fruit - pinana - a hybrid of pineapple and banana. Many believed and asked for new items in stores.

36. "Flying" penguins

In 2008, the BBC announced that a film crew working near Antarctica on the series Miracles of Evolution had filmed Adelie penguins taking to the air. The video clip became one of the most viewed videos on the Internet. Presenter Terry Jones explained that instead of huddling together to stay warm in the cold Antarctic winter, these penguins fly thousands of miles into the rainforests of South America.

All materials were found on the Internet.

On April 1st, schoolchildren actively compete with each other to see who can pull off the funniest prank. Now you can’t surprise your classmates with a piece of paper glued to your back or a chalk print on your clothes. To make an impression, you need to carefully select jokes and surprise with an original and funny idea. This article will help you decide on the funniest April Fools' jokes.

A prank on the first of April differs from a simple joke in the degree of preparation. It must not only be thought out, but also skillfully implemented. The good news is that every year the variety of such draws is updated and you can choose an option according to your capabilities.

  • During a computer science lesson, you can surprise your neighbor at your desk. To do this, you will need a children's toy “lizun” and an empty glue bottle. You need to carefully place the slime on the keyboard in the form of a blot, and put glue next to it (the lid should be open). This will give the impression that glue has been spilled on the keyboard. But in fact, nothing threatens the technology;
  • Another prank option is for a student to tell his classmates that he brought his pet to school. Then, under the pretext of needing to go away, the student must ask his classmates to feed the animal. When he leaves the classroom, the guys take out the box with him and find a cardboard “friend”, and not a living creature;

  • You can also place a box for your classmates from which the “tail” will peek out. The kids will probably want to touch it and find out who is in the box. They will be very surprised when instead of a mouse or rat they see beets;

  • if the teacher has a sense of humor, then you can unite the whole class and meet him in a mask of emoticons or horror movie characters;

  • Another option is to cheer up those around you by offering laughter pills to passing students and teachers during recess. They will have to smile widely for this. Simple vitamins can be used as these pills.

Cool pranks in verses

Pranks at school can even be poetic form. They are easy to hear, interesting and funny. Usually these poems are small in format and call for action: “look at your back,” “check your pockets.” You can learn several options in advance to surprise your classmates with variety and sparkling jokes - practical jokes.

Cool pranks in verse:

And a few more options:

Draw on April 1st at school

Pranks on April 1 at school are divided into two types: fun for students and fun for teachers. Students with a good sense of humor will appreciate a joke, but teachers may not appreciate the students' humorous tone. Therefore, it is better to refuse such pranks in favor of simple congratulations on April 1. Well, if the teacher is also not averse to having fun, then you can use a couple of funny options.

option one: pranks for teachers

There are many pranks for teachers. It is better to refuse such things as a button on the seat of a chair right away and give preference to more humane ones. For example, you can rub the board with soap. Then the chalk will stop writing on the surface. In this case, you need to be prepared to wash the board thoroughly after this, because the lesson must take place.

Another option is to take a cardboard box and cut off the bottom. Place it on a cabinet (higher than human height - this is important!) and pour confetti in the middle. When a teacher sees an unfamiliar box, he will want to see what's in it. This is where he will be sprinkled with confetti.

Interesting idea to fill a classroom closet balls. Then you should tell the teacher that someone was hiding there. The teacher will open the cabinet and balls will spill out onto it.

option two: a playful treat

For this prank you need to prepare cookies and white toothpaste (it’s better to take children’s toothpaste). Brush one cookie with the paste and cover it with the second cookie. Offer everyone who wants to try it.

option three: drawing - drawing

You need to call your friends during recess and propose a bet: who can draw an eagle faster in a second. Everyone is sure that this cannot be done in such a short period of time. Then the initiator of the draw shows how this should be done: he drew an oval (egg). “Where is the eagle?” - the children will ask. “We’ll wait until it hatches” is the answer you need to give.

option four: lipstick and phone

You need to quietly take a friend's mobile phone and smear its upper part (where the speaker is) with lipstick. Then call him. When he puts the phone to his ear, he smears himself with lipstick.

option five: running for a bet

This option is perfect for a prank during a physical education lesson. You need to invite one of the students to run a distance for a while. The agreement should be this: run the section in a minute. When your opponent runs within the specified time and demands the winnings, you should say: “We agreed in 1 minute, and you ran in 35 seconds. That means I lost!”

Draw for classmates on April 1

The prank of classmates on April 1 must be thought out to the smallest detail, because each of them is expecting a trick or is planning to laugh at others. That is why the joke must be original. If everyone confuses schoolchildren's notebooks and textbooks with each other, it will no longer be so interesting.

One of the simplest but most worthy options is to write a note "There's a sock on the ceiling" and pass it on to each other. You can be completely sure that everyone will raise their head up. Even the teacher.

To implement the next draw, you need to enlist the support of several more schoolchildren. You need to choose the largest participant. He will portray moose. He must run wildly down the corridor during recess. And the rest of the participants are hunters. They should run up to the students and ask: “Have you seen a moose?”

Another option is to prepare announcement“The toilet doesn’t work”, “No water”, etc. They need to be hung in the right places. But it is important to remove them after a while so as not to harm the work of the school.

Draw with brick It will also greatly amuse your classmates. At the end of the lessons, you need to place a brick in someone’s backpack. You should select the “victim” with the largest backpack. Only at home will the student discover an unexpected surprise.

The idea will be original replace the diary. You need to buy in advance the same diary as the one you chose as the object of the joke. Unnoticedly replace his diary with the purchased one. There will be no limit to the amazement of the student and the teacher when the student is called to the board.

April Fool's jokes for children

When choosing April Fools' jokes for children, you should take into account the child's age and sense of humor. Often children 7 to 10 years old may not appreciate humor and take the joke personally. The child will not understand why they are making fun of him, and this will lead to resentment.

But if you are completely confident that the joke will be received correctly, then you can pay attention to the 5 options presented below:

  • Boil the mashed potatoes, transfer to an ice cream container and pour over the syrup. Visually, this dish will look very much like an ice cream, but this is far from the case. A harmless joke that is suitable for pranking children;

  • you can purchase decorative eyes in a set and use them to decorate food items in your lunchbox;

  • give a mug - a pig with a heel at the bottom of the mug. When a child turns it over to drink, he will make others laugh a lot;

  • You can also stuff your child's shoes with toilet paper or old newspapers. When he tries to put on his shoes, it will be difficult to do so;

  • offer sweets with pepper. These can be purchased at a pastry shop. You just need to try them for adults first so that the taste is tolerable.

Cool SMS with a draw

You can also play a fun prank on your classmates and friends using SMS messages. Some of them are true classics of the genre, but still entertain people year after year. And some will become original options for making fun of others.

You can stop at these cool SMS with a draw:

  1. Dear subscriber, you are under arrest for disclosing state secrets over the phone and discussing Maria Ivanovna (our head teacher).
  2. 1,502 rubles were withdrawn from your mobile balance for the greening of the Moon. Thank you! Sleepwalkers.
  3. Congratulations! You won a gypsy girl. If you don’t pick it up today, we’ll send the whole camp.
  4. Attention! Attention! Your phone has started to self-destruct.
  5. The water will be turned off today. Quickly fill all the pots. You have 5 minutes.

SMS should be avoided bad jokes and nasty pranks. Otherwise you might get a similar response.

April Fool's jokes for schoolchildren, pictures

April Fools jokes for schoolchildren in pictures will also help to congratulate classmates. If you don’t want to waste time and effort preparing a full-fledged prank, you can send such an image and thus congratulate them on April Fool’s Day.

Jokes and pranks on April 1 give schoolchildren the opportunity to show their sense of humor, originality and intelligence. Some of them require a lot of preparation. The main thing is to be sure that such humor will not offend the target of the prank. Otherwise, the joke will not only not lift the mood, but, on the contrary, will significantly spoil it.

Friends, hello again! Spring is generous with holidays and April 1st is one of my favorites. Do you have it too? Why I love this day is for the unbridled fun, funny congratulations and laughter even from those from whom on ordinary days it is difficult to give out a semblance of a smile. Adults become like children, up to their necks in pranks, children let their souls out by actively inventing jokes on April 1 for adults, friends and colleagues with the hope that this time the pranks are “within the limits of the law.” In general, I propose to delve into the topic of April Fools' pranks and come up with something super interesting and original together!

April 1st jokes for friends and family

To please and amuse my classmates, mom and dad, and sister, I selected the most interesting jokes.

Pranks for classmates - how not to get bored at school on April 1

Children love to joke and have fun more than anything else. In this sense, they are much cooler than adults. Young prankers are not restrained by a sense of responsibility, they do not worry about rules of behavior and norms, and they enjoy the opportunity to have fun on a specially designated day from the heart. Let's look at the best school jokes.

  • "Paper Joke". Prepare for the holiday at school in the evening. Print text with different content on several sheets of paper. This could be an announcement about the imminent shutdown of water, the cancellation of classes, the arrival of a famous group to perform at a school assembly, etc. Post notices in the school yard. Try not to get noticed by the principal or teachers. It will be funny when children gather in the assembly hall for a concert by rapper Face, and instead receive a scolding from teachers for making noise and disrupting the lesson!
  • "April Fool's Brick". Look after the victim. She must have a large backpack behind her with plenty of compartments. Follow the owner of the backpack, wait until the latter is left unattended. Place a brick or stone, preferably heavier, in one of the backpack compartments. Watch the guy when he tries to lift the backpack, I wonder if he will think to check what gives him such weight?
  • "Life without school". If in your circle of friends there are those who rarely go to school, they will be the victims of the prank. On April Fools' Day, prepare a letter from your class teacher for your chosen student. In the body of the letter, inform about expulsion from school for systematic absenteeism. It will be fun to watch his face change!
  • "Fantômas". Get your hands dirty with ash. Choose a victim and play the game “guess who covered his eyes with his hands” with him. Whether they guess you or not is not so important. The main thing is that black glasses made of ash will remain on the victim’s face.
  • "Blackboard". A classic harmless joke among schoolchildren from all over the world. Despite all the harmlessness, it can disrupt the lesson or at least delay its start. The idea is simple: rub the chalkboard with soap. It will not be possible to write on such a surface, so the teacher will force you to remove traces of soap, or suggest working according to a different scheme. But here it is, depending on your luck. The main thing is not to admit what you have done, otherwise the punishment may turn out to be incommensurate with the mischief if the teacher does not have a good sense of humor.

We joke about our friends

Making fun of your friends on April Fools' Day is a sacred thing. Who else, if not them, can be kindly mocked during the day and with complete impunity?

So how to joke?

  • Let's start with the famous "head in a jar" joke. It will be funny if you have never done such a trick before and you are sure that your friend or girlfriend has not seen anything like this and definitely does not expect to see it.

You don't have to do anything illegal to scare the head of a corpse in a jar. Just find an empty jar, pour liquid into it, lightly tinted green, pink or yellow, place a photo of a suitable size inside. It’s especially funny if it’s a photo of one of your friends. Place the jar with the “head” in the refrigerator and ask a friend to go get ice cream, sandwiches, or something else. The surprise effect will work as it should, you can’t do without shock!

Jokes on parents - delicate humor

With parents on April 1, everything is not so simple. You need to joke with them carefully, and I would say even gently, so as not to hurt the heart. Jokes about death, accidents, mining, kidnappings and others are definitely inappropriate. These are all dangerous topics that parents cannot find funny.

I offer classic harmless pranks:

  1. Dessert with a trick Raffaello candies for mom - mash the processed cheese with a fork, put beans or peas inside, add more spices, roll into balls and roll generously in coconut flakes. Don't forget about the branded packaging.
  2. Compote sippy cup. Treat your parents delicious compote made from fresh fruit, although they won’t be able to drink it, because each glass will contain a packet of gelatin.
  3. Colored tea. Also an interesting option for those who drink bagged tea. Carefully open the bag, add a little food coloring, preferably different colors in several bags, fasten with a stapler and thread as it was. It will be funny to watch the surprise of mom, dad, sister or brother when they get blue or red tea from ordinary bags.

Interesting joke - with a "sudden message". Make sure that on April 1, parents find a letter in their mailbox from utility workers with a message about the imminent work to install cables on the roof of the house and recommendations to protect the windows with tape. Don't forget to take a video of your parents diligently covering the windows with tape. Look, don't play around! Admit that it was a joke as soon as you record a short video.

"Holiday toothpaste." There are possible options here. The most innocent option is with a hole covered with cling film. Harder - with dye or sour cream (mayonnaise) in a tube.

"Extraordinary communal apartment". Amuse your parents with a fake bill with a funny amount with 5 zeros for utilities. It is easy to do in any graphics editor. Slip the receipt under the door or drop it in the mailbox. And yes, in order not to arouse suspicion in your address, be surprised along with your parents, cursing the utility workers.

Making jokes about our colleagues

In the office, playing pranks on colleagues is the direct responsibility of every joker. Well, today the normal April 1st does not pass without this in any organization. There are tons of options for making jokes. I offer these ideas:

  • Workplace lock. There are two ways to block access to a colleague’s computer and desk: self-adhesive tapes and cups of water. There is also a variation on the theme - with foil (all furniture and office equipment are carefully wrapped with it, but this is labor-intensive and expensive) and a simplified method - rubber bands on the mouse, pen and other important little things (you need as many rubber bands as possible).
  • "Crazy Mouse". Popular prank with a computer mouse. All you need to do is cover the laser with tape or a napkin. You can film the torment of a colleague desperately trying to tame a naughty mouse.
  • "Blot". Great joke for a colleague who pays attention Special attention impeccable appearance. Mix phenolphthalein with ammonia (buy at a pharmacy). Fill your ink pen with this liquid. Inadvertently shake it directly onto the employee's white shirt. The red spot will shock you! Don't rush to reveal your cards right away. Be a little nervous for the sake of decency and only then inform that the stain will not appear in a few minutes.
  • "Pogrom in the office". Sneak into your colleague's workplace and replace his pens with analogues with caps glued with glue, with empty pastes or with brightly colored pastes. Don't miss the reaction to the joke!
  • "Substitution of signs". Change office signs, for example “Accounting” to “Toilet”. This joke is appropriate when there are new people in the office every day. I wouldn’t recommend making a more radical joke on this topic involving the “Leader” sign, it’s too risky.

Anonymous SMS - pranks under an incognito mask

Through special anonymous messaging services, you can have a lot of fun by sending SMS to your parents, friends and colleagues without leaving your home. How do you like these texts:

  1. “Welcome to your mobile operator. Unfortunately, we have to inform you that your number will be disconnected for six months to pay a fine for profanity during calls.”
  2. "Attention! Disarm your phone immediately, otherwise it will self-destruct in 30 seconds!”
  3. “Attention, you are within the range of laughing gas. Leave the area immediately."
  4. “The balance of funds has been debited from your account to the fund for supporting white lemurs, with respect and gratitude for your participation, the Society of Animal Defenders.”
  5. “Dear subscriber, funds in the amount of 1,500 rubles have been debited from your account for prohibited charging of the device at night.”

I hope I helped with ideas. Write how you are going to prank your friends and parents in the comments, share the post on networks!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva

Nice prank for school. During class, write a note with the words “There is a mop on the ceiling” and pass it to your neighbor at the desk. Tell him to pass the note on after reading it. The effect will be amazing when everyone who reads the note looks up, and so does the teacher!

You can also play a funny prank on your favorite guy by replacing his glove with your own (smaller in size, of course).

You need to ask a friend to stand in the middle of the room with his arms extended forward. Next, insert two matches into your hands (between your index finger and thumb), with their heads facing down. Place the next two matches under the shoes of the friend being played, barely pushing them in. At the end, ask him a question about what month it is. Of course, you will hear in response: “April.” And then the trick: “Why are you skiing then?” We guarantee laughter in the room!

We give the future victim an envelope containing one hundred rubles; the bill must be in excellent condition. We give it to you with a sly face and warn you, as if by chance, saying, just don’t put it in the ATM. Most victims spend about half an hour trying to find the difference. Do not admit in any way that the money is genuine; you can fight back with phrases: well, almost, practically original. It is advisable to torture for at least one day.

Prank for a child (play a prank on your son or daughter). It is preferably suitable for a family where there are children under 13 years old, or preferably two at once. At breakfast or lunch, we seriously say to one child (the second may even be in on the joke) that we’ve decided to buy a goat - no matter who you will have to entrust this very important task of milking it! And not only milk, but also feed and clean up after her... The child is naturally in shock (especially when you discuss with such seriousness on the phone the issues of delivering a goat to your home)...

The raffle is suitable for people who are not very well versed in astronomy. It consists of telling the person that today the news reported that a piece of the Sun, during the next flare, came off and is flying towards the Earth. It will reach our planet by the end of this day. And they say that it is not yet known what damage it can cause, but most likely it will be colossal. So far, the details are unknown; scientists are unlikely to be able to do anything in such a short time.

For such a prank, you need to find out when a person is away and then returns home. Throw a decorated box under the door with the inscription “Your surprise from the company” with a note inside - “Your bonus for hard work.” Place your choice of a turtle, lizard, snail or something else inside the box; of course, you need to make sure that the animal has access to air. Also include a business card with the “company” phone number. If you like the surprise, it will also be a gift. If not, he will return to the “company”.

A wonderful joke to play in an establishment with a huge number of visitors. Place a sign indicating the toilet on the door of one of the offices. It will be better if his employees leave the office infrequently. This will give time for jokes until the sign is removed. It's a lot of fun to imagine office workers watching the following scene. “The door to the office quickly opens, another visitor almost runs in and quickly exits with a surprised look.”

On April 1st, you can make such a prank at work to prank your colleagues. Take a 250 gram glass bottle of vodka at home. Pour water there. Place a bottle of water in your bag. At work, you can first start a conversation about a healthy lifestyle, while taking out this bottle and drinking water from it. You could also offer one of your colleagues a drink from this bottle. It will be especially funny if a person drinks who has never drunk before.

The method is hopelessly shabby, but surprisingly effective. If you have good company friends and you need to play “the most gloomy one” - then there is a good way to cheer up. At ordinary get-togethers, you offer to smoke new cigarettes, a gift from some distant mutual acquaintance. In a few minutes you can do whatever you want: throw 10 chickens into the room, get dirty with paint, or even quietly turn on some kind of melody. The main thing is to pretend that no one notices anything. The look of confusion on your friend's face will lift your spirits for a long time.



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