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Siberian evil spirits. Cemetery evil spirits Stories about evil spirits from life

Story by Viktor Promyslov (Vladivostok): – I don’t consider myself a timid person, but a fierce wave of fear swept down my instantly sweaty back when I saw a coffin without a lid, standing vertically in the center of my bedroom. He appeared there unexpectedly almost exactly at midnight, as if falling from the ceiling. A second ago he was not there, and now he was standing there, slightly, I noticed, swaying from side to side!... In the coffin was an old deceased woman with her hands folded on her chest. The deceased suddenly opened her eyes and looked at me point-blank.

The next moment, the coffin with her body disappeared. I see some kind of foggy creature, huge, stooped, hairy, towering in place of the coffin. As soon as it appears in the room, it almost immediately begins to “crumple”, “smear” in the air, and lose its outline. After a few seconds, where it loomed, a ball the size of an orange, gray, translucent, slightly glowing, appears. The ball, I clearly remember, is removed from its place and flies to the ceiling. Disappears... This is where my whole midnight nightmare ended. While all this was happening, I felt completely paralyzed.

“I was 18 years old at that time,” says Galina Ivanova from Shchelkovo, Moscow region. – My husband, an officer, and I lived in the same military town in Volgograd region... My husband was sent to business trip, and I was left at home alone with my almost one-year-old son. I wake up one day at dawn...

Galina was awakened by someone's footsteps. She assures that at that moment she was no longer asleep - she definitely woke up. It turns out that what happened next was not a dream. Galina's naked hand was hanging from the bed... Quick steps were approaching the bed.

“Before I even had time to open my eyes, I felt something wild, something absolutely incredible. A huge shaggy hand - precisely a hand with five long and thick fingers, and not the paw of a beast - tightly clasped my palm and squeezed it lightly. In horror, I tried to open my eyelids, but it didn’t work. The eyelids became heavy, not wanting to rise. Cold sweat instantly broke out all over my body. I wanted to scream, but there was no voice. And the hairy hand loosened its grip for a moment. Then she squeezed my palm again - this time quite painfully. And then, by some miracle, I managed to open my eyes a little...

I see some kind of flickering in front of me - I didn’t really see it. Something like a cloud of luminous smoke... Silently and sharply, I pulled my hand out of the hairy paw, which, according to my tactile sensations, was like being in a downy mitten or something. And she pulled the blanket over her head. I lie there, sobbing through clenched teeth in fear. I'm waiting to see what happens next. But there was nothing. After some time I looked out from under the blanket; there is no one near my bed.

According to the story of Liya Shvedova from Rostov-on-Don, she was attacked twice by an unknown creature. Leah woke up at three o'clock in the morning, awakened by a feeling of irrational fear that appeared from God knows where. Shaking her whole body, she sharply opened her eyes.
“I will never forget what I saw,” Shvedova said in a conversation with me. - Diagonally across the room, from the ceiling down to my bed, I see something black, covered with thick fur, similar in size and shape to billiard ball. I saw this creature clearly in the moonlight that fell into the room from the window. Outlining a curved arc in the air, the hairy flying monster plopped onto my shoulder and then rolled onto my neck. And then just below the neck - on the chest. And the reptile begins to crush and choke me!

I began to thrash about on the bed terribly, trying to get up from it and throw the “billiard ball” off my chest. Alas, all my attempts to free myself from his suffocating “embrace” ended in nothing. It was as if a heavy concrete slab had been piled on top of me. After about a couple of very long minutes, the “ball” jumped off my chest on its own. I don't know where he went. Exactly two days later, the hairy strangler showed up again. Again I woke up, gripped by an irrational fear coming from the depths of my consciousness, and again I saw something black, round, overgrown with fur planning on me. It was planned and - let’s, like last time, put pressure and strangle!

Anatoly Zubashev, Krasnodar:
– I woke up at night with the feeling that I was hit on the head with a log. Well, I jump up, clenching my fists, intending to fight back in my sleep. I look around. And my jaw dropped when my gaze fell on the one who, apparently, cracked me on the forehead. I look - a huge hairy monkey is moving away from my bed, stooped, with his arms hanging below his knees. As she walked past the window, the light of a lantern from the street hanging outside that window illuminated her. It was the most natural monkey, but... 2 meters tall.

Her steps could be clearly heard. The beast went out through the door into the next room, and there the footsteps died down. Armed with a chair raised above my head, I carefully moved after her. I look into the next room - it’s empty. I pass through that room, go out into the corridor - it’s empty. I look around the kitchen, open the doors to the toilet and bathroom - there is no monkey anywhere. Where did she go? Dissolved, perhaps, in the air.

The story of Vladimir Putilin from Rostov, recorded by me from his words:
– Two months ago I was an involuntary witness. Firstly, I am not a psychopath, and secondly, I am not a fan of stupid pranks and jokes. What I will now briefly tell you happened in reality. And it happened around midnight; I haven't had time to fall asleep yet. I heard the characteristic creak of a door opening, and some luminous creatures entered, or, more precisely, floated into the room in which I was lying on an ottoman. Outwardly, they looked like people, but they consisted of... I don’t know how to say... tobacco smoke, that’s the closest analogy. One of the “smoky figures” slowly walked towards me, while the rest froze in place, near the door. As the silhouette approached, the hairs on my head stood on end.

Don’t ask me how (I don’t know how), but with some inner instinct I caught and realized that it was my deceased mother who came up to me. She stood next to me for a short time, then swam away, without touching the floor, back to the doors. And the “smoky figures” floated out of the room... Two weeks passed. I wake up in the middle of the night from some kind of strong roar. He opened his eyes. I see a white translucent body, like a small ball, flying around the room. He flies up to my bed and literally throws himself at me from top to bottom! It falls on the chest, rolls up to the neck and begins to choke. I'm trying to get up. I feel like I can't get up. I closed my eyes, half-stifled, then opened my eyes again. What kind of miracle and what kind of nonsense?

A white translucent ball swooped down on me, I clearly remember. And now... Now, I see a woman bending over me. I remember well her hands stretched out to me and grabbing my neck. And I also remember the long, very long hair that fell below the shoulders. Her hair completely hid her face, bent over me. She was dressed in something white. I have never experienced such horror as that night in my life! I screamed and... And lost consciousness.

O. Valkina from Krasnodar tells:
– That nightmare happened almost a month ago. Happened here, in Krasnodar, in my apartment. I wake up at two in the morning because I feel someone put their hands on my shoulders. I see that someone’s hands are actually lying on their shoulders. Long, black and, it seemed to me, feminine. I looked at them and gasped. The arms did not go into the shoulders. Where, in theory, the shoulders should be, where the body should be, there was nothing. The hands hung in the air like two large intestines living an independent life...

Frightened until my knees trembled, I began to read the “Our Father” prayer. Almost immediately the hands disappeared. At that same moment, some unknown force lifted me into the air and threw me out of bed onto the floor. As I was falling, I noticed out of the corner of my eye that a ball the size of an orange was flying across the room low above the floor. Flies towards the window. Then I slammed my whole body onto the floor, badly breaking my knee, and I no longer had time for those hands or that ball.

Tatyana Sheveleva from Sevastopol said: “It was a long time ago.” During my youth. In those days, as a high school student, I loved to tell fortunes with cards and, by the way, I was very good at telling fortunes. My grandmother taught me the art of fortune telling... My friends told me: “Quit. Stop. Otherwise the devils will hover around you.” I just laughed in response... And then one day I heard footsteps in the middle of the night in the house where I was alone at that moment. Entrance door The house was, by the way, locked from the inside with a key. An unknown person walked along the corridor, slapping, as I heard by ear, the heels of his slippers on the floor. His gait was heavy, senile. He froze for a moment there, in the corridor, and loudly cleared his throat, grunting. And then he walked further, towards the kitchen, and in the kitchen his steps died down. I was terribly scared! And then I decided: I will never, ever guess again. My friends turned out to be right. The devil himself came to me, a fortune teller, at night!...

Many years have passed. I got married and had a child. My husband and I went to visit his mother, who lives in another city. The day after our arrival, my mother-in-law gave me a huge scandal. “I’ve lived in this house for 30 years,” she shouted, “and nothing supernatural has ever happened here!” And you arrived, and miracles began, damn them! I’m sure you brought them with you.” What caused the scandal, you ask? And the fact that both my mother-in-law and I, who were sleeping in the same room, were awakened together in the middle of the night by some kind of noise. Both of us - you know, both of us! – we saw a black creature of an unclear, blurry appearance.

It was about a meter tall, not taller. And also, as my mother-in-law and I thought, it was hairy, overgrown with fur. In any case, I personally clearly felt that his hands were definitely hairy. The creature came to my bed and put these very hands on my shoulders. And then he leaned over and began to grunt quietly right in my ear. The mother-in-law screamed. I also screamed in fear. And the creature suddenly disappeared somewhere. I pulled myself out of bed and at that very second I saw two small glowing balls rolling along the carpet hanging on the wall. They roll towards the bookcase. They dive behind the closet and... that's it.

Olga Blinova, forty years old. At the time when all this happened, she was exactly thirty.
“It was in this very room that everything happened.” I wake up late at night because someone loudly called my name. I look, standing near the foot of the bed is a figure in a white robe, reminiscent of a nightgown, falling from the shoulders in folds. Judging by the specific features of the figure, it was a woman. I didn’t have time to really look at her face. The figure slowly disappeared into the air... I'm screaming at the top of my lungs! The whole house was alarmed. My husband calmed me down for a long time, and my mother gave me valerian.

The next night, the “ghost in white” visited our house again. Instead of a head, the ghost had something like a foggy oval, which especially struck me and was especially memorable. I woke up with a jolt, and the “ghost in white” was standing near my bed. Suddenly it disappeared. The next moment I felt something small, round, the size of a tennis ball, touch the sole of my right foot, which was sticking out from under the blanket. It was warm. The ball, spinning, began to slowly roll up the leg and rolled under the blanket. And I lost consciousness. In the morning I woke up feeling extremely bad. My head was pounding with pain, my whole body was terribly tired.

“Someone visits me at night two or three times a month,” says Olga Ukolova from the city of Stupino (Moscow region). – I wake up every time from a strong feeling of fear. I look, “he” is standing nearby, looking like a smoky shadow, and his hand is extended to my head. I feel that hand grabbed my braid... How “he” pulls the braid! And I’ll scream! And “he” will pull again! And - he is not there. Disappeared.

Excerpt from a letter from Lyudmila Kosenkova from Zaraf-shan (Uzbekistan):
“My elderly neighbor is in a panic. The other day a ghost appeared to her twice. Both times - in the middle of the night...
The woman woke up because she wanted to go to the toilet. She goes out into the corridor leading to the kitchen. Lo and behold, there’s a tall brute standing in the kitchen. His head is hidden behind the top door frame. Only the shoulders and body are visible. The old woman was so scared that she rushed out of her own apartment and began knocking on the door of the neighboring apartment - ours. My husband and I had to leave her to spend the night with us.

The next day, late in the evening, at the request of this frightened old woman, her daughter and her husband arrived to spend the night with her. And again I was woken up in the middle of the night by a knock on the door. I open the door. All three are standing at the door - the neighbor, her daughter and the latter's husband. In a friendly chorus, interrupting each other, they say that some noises coming from the kitchen woke them up. The three of them went, shoulder to shoulder, to the kitchen, and there they saw a giant towering, motionless and silent, as tall as the ceiling. They watched his motionless figure for three to four seconds. Then the “vision” disappeared, disappeared without a trace... That’s the story.”

And another no less strange story told by Elena Kozlenka (Chelyabinsk):
– Over the course of a month, miracles happened to me when I lived in the old apartment. Frightened by them, I hastily exchanged the apartment for the one in which I now live. And the miracles were cut off like a knife. They did not follow me to my new place of residence... In the evenings, around eleven o’clock, a certain creature began to visit me in that old apartment, appearing from nowhere. Resembling, in general, a man, it was naked and hairy from head to toe. Even this demon’s face is covered with thick hair. When it suddenly comes out of the blue! - appeared out of nowhere, a strong smell of burnt electrical wiring appeared in the room. The hairy monster came up to me and carefully stroked my arm with its fur-covered paw. And at that moment every time I felt like I was in tetanus. Then the creature disappeared, melting into thin air.

From the memoirs of Tatiana Novak (Chisinau):
– One late hot July evening, I lay, toiling from the heat, naked on the bed. I just can’t sleep, disturbed by the troubles in personal life that took place last day. I glance absentmindedly at the ceiling, and suddenly my gaze focuses on an object that looks like soccer ball black in color with an indistinct line dividing it in half... The “ball” looked slightly fluffy. He smoothly moved down and touched my chest. With a reflexive gesture, I tried to grab him and push him away.

The fingers sank into something soft, similar to the touch of a ball of sheep's wool. They closed into a fist inside the “ball”. I was shocked when I realized that inside that “ball” there was nothing but “fur,” which, however, was almost imperceptible to the touch. When my hand entered the ball, a wave of icy coldness swept through my body. I'm numb. The body became heavy and motionless. And immediately a colossal weight crushed me. The “gravity” moved, anointing itself more comfortably.

The next second, I realized with horror that a huge invisible man, covered with thick hair from head to toe, was lying spread out on me, naked. My consciousness became clouded, and I don’t know what happened next. I fell into a deep faint. In the morning, remembering the nightmare of the past night and examining myself, I found one positive, so to speak, feature in this horror. The hairy invisible giant, thank God, did not rape me. Well, thanks for that.

Having accidentally stumbled upon an article about various kinds of brownies and poltergeists, I became interested in Slavic domestic mischief and conducted a little research, the results of which I would like to present to my dear readers.

First, let's figure out who the kikimoras are? Kikimoras are small, evil female creatures, they are no taller than the knee of an adult, but they can cause enormous harm to the household. Just imagine that while you are sleeping, this harmful, ugly creature will tangle all the yarn in your house, scatter cereals, and break children’s toys. Kikimora's voice is disgusting. Tall and shrill, speaking in a nasty singsong voice. This is what ancient Russian legends and fairy tales testify to. The hair of these freaks is long and disheveled, more like long wool, and their ears look like pigs - angular, with tassels at the ends. I think it’s unnecessary to say that kikimoras look terrible.

But the peasants were afraid of kikimoras not for their ugly appearance. According to the stories of old grandmothers, kikimora is an evil entity that lives in huts and houses, and not at all in the swamps, as you and I used to think. During the day, kikimoras sleep in dark corners, behind the stove, and at night they come out of their shelters and make a mess in the house. That's why housewives hid their tows and yarn in chests and drawers. Little mischief makers also love to scare little children so they can’t sleep at night. They chatter, giggle disgustingly, rattle dishes, and if the owners wake up and want to catch the villain, then there’s already no trace of her.

In general, it is rare to see a kikimora, like any spirit; it can be invisible and remind of itself only by mumbling, tapping, quiet steps and other sounds. If you manage to see a kikimora, don’t be too happy; meeting it promises nothing but illness and death of loved ones, misfortunes, quarrels and other troubles. A completely bad sign is to meet a kikimora in the left corner of the room. This suggests that soon the person who meets her will die a terrible and painful death or take his own life.

According to ancient legends, a child with any disabilities or cursed by his mother during childbirth can become a kikimora. Then the evil spirit immediately kidnaps the child and turns him into this ugly evil creature. A stillborn child can also turn into it. To protect children from such danger, our ancestors hung protective dolls over the cradle, which protected the house from evil forces.

But you can also agree with the kikimora so that she leaves her dirty tricks and leaves the house. This should be done by the head of the family. To communicate with a kikimora, you need to draw a circle on the floor at midnight, preferably with white chalk or a bar of soap. Stand in the center of the circle with a candle in your hand and repeat three times: “Kikimora, come and talk to me.” The main thing is not to be afraid, these harmful creatures feed on our sense of fear, as a result of which they become even stronger and more stubborn, which makes negotiations with them difficult. If everything is done correctly, then quiet steps and nasty whispers will soon be heard. This kikimora came to talk to you. You need to speak with her, as with any spirit, respectfully, but without fear; if the kikimora offers you any deals or exchanges, do not agree under any circumstances. She will make every effort to gain benefits for herself, leaving you in the cold. When you agree with the kikimora, say: “You and I have talked, now go and don’t return to my house,” put out the candle, and leave the circle. To prevent the kikimora from holding a grudge against you, give her some gift, a bag of grain or any trinket. Then she will leave and never return to your house.

It is quite possible that kikimoras are an ordinary folk tale, but we should not forget that any tale reflects reality.

Reading time: 2 min

Tricks of the forest spirit.

When my grandfather Agzyam Karimov was 18 years old, he and his 16-year-old brother went to the forest to get firewood. Let's go at night. The fact is that the next day there was a lot to do, and the night was so moonlit - as bright as day. But they never managed to bring firewood.

Unknown creature.

When we entered the forest, the horse neighed and stopped dead in its tracks, not wanting to go further. The brothers looked ahead and saw a ball rolling towards them along the forest road. At some distance from them, the ball stopped and turned around like a hedgehog. In front of them was some unknown forest creature. Grandfather and brother, in fright, turned their horse around and rode another road. There were many roads in the forest - all the local residents prepared firewood for the winter and traveled to different places. And so they go the other way, and again the horse snorts and stops - and again the same ball rolls towards them. The horse stopped - the ball also stopped, then turned around, and again a mysterious creature rose to its paws in front of them. The brother began to beg Agzyam to leave the forest as soon as possible.

Missing branches.

We began to drive out and noticed a tall, curly birch tree on the outskirts of the forest. They decided to chop birch branches for brooms, so that they would have something to steam in the bathhouse. Grandfather, taking an ax in his hands, climbed a tree. He began to chop branches, ordering his younger brother to pick them up and put them on the cart. Having chopped a decent number of branches, I asked my brother how much more needed to be cut, but he replied that he had not caught a single branch yet. All the branches, before reaching the ground, were carried away with a rustling sound somewhere by an unknown force.
So the brothers returned home with nothing: the forest spirit did not want to give up his wealth.

(mystical stories about evil spirits)

Gelfirya Khaidarzkanovna.

Night Strangler.

This story happened not to me, but to my friends - three or four years ago. In an ordinary apartment in the city of the hero of Volgograd she lived an ordinary family Galya is a young pretty girl, her husband Grisha and their little son Sashenka.

I couldn't wake up.

The weekday, which did not foreshadow any troubles, came to an end. Having finished dinner, the family settled down in front of the TV. After the end of the film, Sasha’s mother put him to bed. And soon the spouses also fell asleep. At night, Grisha woke up from a strong push in the side and saw that his wife was writhing as if in unbearable pain. He turned on the light: Galya was pale, her lips were beginning to turn blue, and there were red marks and shallow scratches on her neck. Grisha began to wake up his wife, but she only moaned barely audibly and did not wake up. Then the man rushed to the kitchen, where they had a bottle of holy water brought from the church. He poured it into a glass and splashed it on his wife’s face. Galya woke up and began to greedily swallow air.

The nightmare repeated itself.

Having caught her breath, the woman with tears in her eyes told her husband about the nightmare she had experienced. In her sleep, she felt like some small creature was sitting on her chest, and his small hands were getting closer and closer to her neck. Then Galya felt terrible suffocation, small hands squeezing her neck more and more. The woman tried to free herself, struggled, moaned, but could not scream. This was the first time Galya had experienced such horror. Grisha calmed his wife down as best he could. He said that she had a choking attack, had a nightmare, and scratched her neck. Grisha was calming his wife, and he suddenly remembered his grandmother’s story. A similar story happened to her in the same apartment. The grandmother claimed that it was a brownie. And to calm it down, you need to sprinkle holy water around.

(mystical stories about evil spirits)

Arina Pavlovna Kolotnikova. Kiselnyal village, Leningrad region

Ethnographer V. Peretz, who lived in the last century, in the article “The Village of Budogishche and its Legends,” gives a story about “the knocking of evil spirits on the door.” Devilry started banging on the door of a local shopkeeper's house one night.

The owner of the house, alarmed by the knock, rushed to the door, opened it, but found no one behind it. He closed the door. Again - a loud knock and a very loud cry: “Open!” The shopkeeper opened the door again. There was no one outside the threshold.

And this continued until dawn:

- Open up!.. Open up!..

Or here is another quite typical story about the sound signals of an alien. Onchukov in “Northern Tales” quotes the memoirs of the peasant woman Stepanida from the village of Korelsky Ostrov. Stepanida once went into the forest to pick berries. As soon as she began to collect

berries, sat down near some bush, when suddenly she heard a man shouting from the impenetrable thicket of the forest. And not just a person, but a relative of Stepanida, her matchmaker Malanya. The peasant woman recognized her voice.

- Get up, let's go! - shouts.

- Let's go!

The peasant woman later told Onchukov:

“Oh, he scared me so much, a shiver went through my heart, my face changed.”

Another message on the same topic, recorded by Onchukov.

Nikolai Kuzmin from the village of Syuzan recalled: he once spent the night in a hut on the shore of a forest lake, but was unable to get enough sleep.

- It didn’t, it survived. Walks and rattles on the roof.

Several times Kuzmin ran out of the hut with burning birch bark in his hands, illuminated the roof with it, and inspected it. I didn't find anyone there. And as soon as he entered the hut again, someone immediately began to stomp on the roof with their boots, walking on it back and forth.

V. Dobrovolsky, in the “Smolensk Ethnographic Collection,” published in 1891, referred to the testimony of two Russian peasants who also heard evil spirits. The men were collecting resin in the forest and were late. Night found them far from their native village. Suddenly they hear a whistle flying over the forest. He was so strong that both men's ears became blocked.

They said:

“They both got scared and started ticking.” How he whistled again! We run, and the forest above us seems to collapse from a whistle. We run, and “he” bends him down again and whistles, scaring him. We ran out of the forest, and “he” kept whipping and whistling over us; We look up and see nothing above us. They abandoned everything we had and barely ran away.

In 1927, at the Trudovaya railway station in the Chita region, an event occurred that was vaguely similar to the incident in the house of a shopkeeper in Budogishchi. According to a direct participant in the event, Fedot Dutov, in New Year's Eve There was a commotion in the house where he lived with his parents and brothers.

“We just went to bed,” says Dutov, “we haven’t fallen asleep yet... I caught him!” On the terraces - there were large windows - there was such a knock that the windows rattled.

Fedot grabbed an ax, and his older brother Innokenty grabbed a revolver.

“We came out and there was no one,” recalls Fedot. — We walked around the entire fence - there was no one. As soon as they entered the house, they locked the door, before they even had time to sit down, they again caught the old man’s sickness. We went out again - no one was there. And so he tapped like this... Well, until one in the morning... This went on for about ten days, probably.

However, a much more terrible ordeal befell Akulina Suvorova from the village of Ichura, Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. In 1943, Akulina was a young girl. Her recollection of the incident goes like this:

- Father is at the front... Mother has left for the city. She left to sell milk. We invited our girlfriends to spend the night. And that night we were “scared.” As soon as we went to bed, legs, dogs and cats, began to run across the bed. Once, twice... We got scared and crawled under the blankets. Suddenly there was a roar—crackling, thunder. Glass flew from the windows, cats screamed - and everything became quiet. We lit the smokehouse and let them search: no cats, no dogs, and, most importantly, all the glass in the windows was intact.

Scarecrow, said Akulina Suvorova.

“Yes, the scarecrow is often there,” peasant Arseny Zaborshchikov from the village of Varzuga assured folklorist Balashov on the shores of the White Sea.

And he gave the following example: - Here was the Kipokursky stream. So while the old people have not put up a cross, when people travel past a stream after midnight, a full sleigh will immediately be loaded by someone invisible, so that even the deer cannot drag the sleigh. Now the cross has fallen and is no longer frightening.

Mikhail Kozhin, Zaborshchikov’s fellow villager:

- But there was such a case. We went to dig moss. Well, they dug up, then they had a dance at the Christmas tree... And as they were about to go to bed, “it” began to sing. Sashka, my friend, whispers: “They’re singing!” And nun Anna - she was with us - and said: “Come on! Who, he says, is singing! They danced and made a lot of noise, that’s why it seems!” And she herself walks around the spruce tree, crosses herself, and reads a prayer. And in between times he shouts to us: “Tell stories!” Well, don't listen.

Kozhin also recalls another mysterious incident that was heatedly discussed in the village of Varzuga several years before the folklorist Balashov visited these places. Kozhin's fellow countrymen were driving through the forest late in the evening on a reindeer sled. We stopped for a little relief, got off the sleigh... And all around there were snowdrifts, snow, the forest like a gloomy wall.

“And suddenly,” says Kozhin, “there was a strange, noisy noise there.” Devilry! They let the dog down and set it on. The dog through the snowdrifts - into the forest, and then the dog began to fight there!

A couple of minutes later, a dog’s corpse was thrown out of the forest at the feet of the startled travelers. And on the sleigh there was a pile of freshly cut firewood. Cursing in unison, the men grabbed the logs from the sleigh and began to throw them one after another to where there was something strange and noisy in the thicket.

Kozhin, finishing the story, said with a grin:

- Well, how did all the logs fly back and how did they start to grow old? greater strength Yes, there was a whistle, so they fell silent.

Great fear seized the men. Pushing, they jumped into the sleigh and, whipping the reindeer, blew away from this terrible place.

The invisible man, “scaring” in the house or in the forest, is one of the most popular heroes of epic folklore. He is active, sometimes excessively fussy, always defiantly daring, often aggressive, and in terms of the number of references to him, he ranks first in the list of heroes of the tales of the last two centuries. His tricks are endless!

Well, at least this is the case. Pomerantseva brings him. According to an eyewitness, he was traveling in winter with his friend on a sleigh through the forest. The horse harnessed to the sleigh suddenly stopped, and no prodding could move it from its place. An eyewitness reports:

“And suddenly something invisible fell from the sleigh, like a pound of iron!” And it rolled and knocked to the side.

I have a friend who is a pleasure to talk with, on any topic, incl. and about mysticism. One day, a friend started talking about her “settler.” Since phenomena on this day are possible not only in the forest, but also in one’s home.

“I’ve seen Him more than once,” said a friend.

- Who is this - His? - I’m asking.

- I don’t know who. But what I saw is a fact. The day before I had a big quarrel with my husband, I felt even then that we would probably separate. And then in the morning, at half past five in the morning, I heard him.

- What exactly?

— At the entrance, the elevator has already “woke up”, some people are heading to work, and in my apartment, from the side of the bathroom/toilet, Something is rushing along the corridor. I’m waking up and thinking, okay, he’ll run to the room, to the door, scare the parrot, and go away. No. It swept across the room, ran to my bed and... I rise above the bed, I float in the air, it lifted me and spun me with incredible force, like in a terrible tornado, around its axis. How I screamed, but my ears heard this wild scream, but no sounds arose. My lungs were clogged, I couldn’t breathe.

As a real connoisseur of mysticism, I tell my friend:

- So it was you, dear, who had sleep paralysis, you weren’t the only one who experienced it, especially since you were under stress. Why do you think that it was he who circled you, you actually didn’t see him?

“Yes, I saw it,” he says, “as I saw it.” I thought I wouldn’t survive this. I think so, it was punishing me for having an abortion. The floodlights of the neighboring market look through my windows. When It rolled away from me, a figure, a dark silhouette, appeared against the background of the sufficiently illuminated windows, and this something was jumping threateningly and waving its huge arms in my direction.

- Maybe this is your brownie? — I asked again.

- I don’t know, no, I can’t say. I had to turn to a fortune teller, and she told me that this could not be a brownie, because they are small in stature and have a grandmother with them, i.e. brownies, quite cute creatures, not even scary. And this is more like a restless soul site.

- But you have absolutely new flat, and no one lived there before you, how is this possible?

“The fortune teller explained this by the machinations of a certain woman who, a long time ago, brought the ashes of a deceased person into my house, specifically, she placed them under the bathtub. I needed to find it and take it to the grave or at least to the cemetery, and I just washed the floor there, but I didn’t know what I had there. Since then, the dead man has allegedly been around.

- How did it end then?

“I knew that I should read a prayer, but it didn’t allow me.” It was painful, my lips seemed to be glued together, well, and then I still read “Our Father,” and It dissipated like black smoke towards the room, just disappeared. To those who have not encountered this, it seems that this is just a terrible site and “I couldn’t live with it.” You know, when ordinary daytime life is more terrible than the darkness of the night, then there is simply no strength left for the antics of this Something.

- What is showing itself now?

- He calmed down a little, I pacified him with holy water and a candle, went around all the corners, the whole apartment, and has been dozing since then. But I know that It is nearby. It followed me everywhere, to work and home. I saw Him constantly. Damn, since I laughed for a long time with my godfather. She often came to visit me, and spent the night more than once. One day we were sitting in the kitchen with her, drinking tea and coffee. I tell her: “Katya, you and I are not alone here now.” She told me: “Are you completely crazy, why are you scaring me?” I told her: “You’ll see for yourself now.”

I take out my camera and start moving around the door, the space of the corridor, the site (I had fun like this more than once, since I came to terms a little with the presence of this Something, I tried to take it into the frame), and then an image of this... I don’t know, appears on the screen of my camera. how to say. No, It’s not shaggy, not fluffy, it’s kind of bluish, and there are arms, and crooked legs, a neat head, and glowing eyes. Its back touched the mirrored cabinet and, noticing the surveillance, backed away towards the mirror, where it disappeared. What was going on with my godfather, to say that she was stunned would be an understatement, well, she was simply out of touch. Never set foot in front of me again, not even for tea. By the way, if you take a photo, He is not there. I tried, but the technology still senses it. And yet, I connect this not only with these supposed ashes. Something has always lived in my house, as long as I can remember. In our family there were also witches - a great-grandmother, well, not quite my own - my grandmother’s stepmother. She did terrible things, she could roll on the ground in her yard, and the next morning all the neighbors’ cattle would die. She easily “glazed” people, just ran her hand along their back, and now someone was sick.

- Or maybe she could turn into a pig?

“I don’t know, but my grandmother had bad energy; she couldn’t die for a long time.” I had to open the roof and screamed at the whole village.

And so I think, this energy was so strong that, without being transmitted as a gift, it somehow touched me, I, of course, was still young. I always felt it, saw it, it lived with us like a pet. My mother and I were covered with a blanket, except for one case when my mother was slapped with a noble slap in the face.

- For what?

- And everyone is for the same thing, for abortion. website She and I slept together on the sofa, and the night after the abortion we woke up from a bang, the lights were turned on, my mother was crying, and there was a red mark from a finger on her cheek. And my grandmother was completely suffocated. My grandmother was stingy, she saved all the money, she didn’t spoil my mother, she would bring a cutlet from work, and that’s the whole holiday for the child. So, He punished her for her greed, strangled her at night, and the grandmother screamed like crazy. And she doesn’t favor my mother-in-law. She came to stay with us and the next morning she said: “This is a very bad apartment. How do you live here? I didn’t sleep all night, it tortured me, choked me, rocked me, poked me, etc.” And I think: “What a person is, such is the reception.”

- Helps you, isn’t everything completely bad?

“He terrorized my child, my youngest daughter.” He’s not a cat, he’s ugly, his child is afraid of the site, he screams, cries, pokes with his little hand, saying, the guy is there. Well, I had a heart-to-heart talk with Him. At that time, my husband and I separated; he left for someone else. I say: “Do you have a conscience? Why are you scaring a child, I already have enough troubles, I’m left alone with the children, only your antics are not enough. You’d better punish those who ruined our lives.” She spoke sternly like that, and, you won’t believe it, the next morning my ex-husband calls and tells me that he’s worried about us, don’t leave it, he says, the wire from the washing machine is plugged in when you wash it, otherwise it broke out yesterday and was barely put out. And at lunchtime my mother-in-law called and said, check the washing machine, I got it last night... And I understand that my settler was in time everywhere and punished, as asked. Now, in the heat of the moment, I’m afraid that I might say something wrong, but what if.

- Damn it! website - I'm talking.

- No, it’s not the devil, I’ll tell you about the devil.

- Well, damn it, I think this really exists?

“My dad loved to go fishing, in the morning he would get up at five o’clock and go to the river. And then one day the devil jumped on him from above and forcibly fought him off. Everything is as described: scary, smelly, horns and hooves are present.

- So, maybe dad warmed up in the morning, well, there’s some vodka for warming up...

- No, I was like glass, and I didn’t drink much at all. I believe him.

- Well, what about your resident, what do you think you should do with him?

- So far everything is quiet, I tried to establish contact with him, there is milk there, bread for the night, only the fortune teller warned me not to do this, there is no need to establish particularly “close” relations with them, no matter what you say, but still the devil is not a man’s friend site . I consecrated the apartment, and I hope He cleaned up.



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