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Powerful ancient spells to bring back your loved one. We use a conspiracy to bring back our loved one. Conspiracies against a rival

When a woman finds her soul mate, it is a great happiness. The soul soars, and it is ready to move mountains.

But it happens that your loved one suddenly grows cold or leaves, leaving you lost and wondering - what was wrong? Or a homewrecking rival appears in your life, and the family is left without a husband, and the children without a father. Or the woman you love has left, but you can’t live without her.

We live in the 21st century, but the methods that our ancestors used to bring back their loved ones have not yet lost their relevance. And if love is strong, and you can’t imagine your life without a person, conspiracies can help bring him back.

What is a conspiracy and how does it work?

Conspiracies are the ancient heritage of our ancestors. They do not change over the years, and gain strength in the mouth of the one who performs the ritual. It was forbidden to change the words of the conspiracy, and therefore the texts that are used now remain exactly the same as they were hundreds of years ago.

The conspiracy itself usually does not work - that is, simply reading the text without delving into the meaning of the words is not enough. It is believed that for a successful conspiracy, the person conducting the ritual must have strong will– otherwise it won’t work.

Conspiracies are one of the branches of Russian ritual magic. Their advantage is that anyone can perform the ritual, even those who do not have a psychic gift. Although in the past, people more often still turned to witches and healers for help, fearing to make a mistake and not receive the help of supernatural forces.

In order for the plot to work, only one thing is important - desire and compliance with the rules during the ritual.

Love conspiracies - what are they?

Love spells are divided into two types, and belong to different sections of magic. Exist white conspiracies– their texts most often contain appeals to saints or God; the ritual is never performed using the blood or hair and nails of the object of desire.

Such conspiracies will only help when in the heart of the person on whom the ritual is being performed there are feelings for the one performing the ritual. They make faded love flare up again and, as a rule, do not have bad consequences.

There are also conspiracies from the section black magic. They are most often called “dryness” - that is, the person on whom such a love spell is cast “dries up” without the object of desire, may begin to get sick, sometimes even dies. The most powerful love spells are performed on blood; divination in a cemetery is also common, when the woman performing the ritual asks for help in returning her loved one from the dead.

The problem with such conspiracies is that the person carrying them out turns to dark forces for help. And, if he is not familiar with the concept of "magical rollback", all the evil he has done will return to himself. Often, in the family of such people, a “crown of celibacy” later appears - this is a kickback, when black magic helped to bewitch one loved one, but then the whole family paid for this act.

And attempts bring back a departed loved one using black magic is evil. Because the principle of operation of such a love spell is to create a so-called “energy noose.” It pulls the person back, but there is no love in him, there is only animal passion, and there will be no happiness in such a family. In addition, any dark conspiracy must be regularly updated, otherwise it will simply lose its power.

Ritual to return a loved one in the photo at home

This is one of the simplest conspiracies that will help bring back a loved one. For a guaranteed result, read such a conspiracy seven days in a row, at dawn - if your relationship was on a spiritual level, and at midnight - if strong passion played the main role between you.

To perform the ceremony you will need:

  • photograph of a loved one;
  • white candles (not church candles);
  • mirror.

Take a recent photo of your loved one. It needs to be placed on the table, drawing a circle on it with chalk. At the top of the circle write the name given to you at baptism, at the bottom - the name of your loved one. If you don’t know the name at baptism, or the person was not baptized, then write common, secular name.

Place a mirror opposite the circle with the photo. Place 4 white candles outside the circle so that they are located in all four cardinal directions. Before reading the plot, you need to swim and put on clean clothes. Remove the cross while you perform the ritual.

Sit in front of the mirror, read a short prayer - “Our Father”, or an appeal to the Most Holy Theotokos. Mentally imagine your loved one nearby with you. While you are reading the plot, imagine that he is nearby, holding your hand, or is in the same room with you.

Place your left hand on the photo, and in a low voice begin to read:

“I will get up, blessing myself, and go, crossing myself, into an open field, under an apple tree. That apple tree has seen a lot of melancholy and experienced women’s tears. You, mother apple tree, accept my sorrows, take them away, and return my beloved (name)! So that he could not live without me, nor sleep, nor drink, nor satisfy his longing in anyone else! May his heart beat more often for me, may the servant of God (name) return to me, the servant of God (name),! Amen!"

This spell must be repeated three times. Then extinguish the candles and erase the circle. Place the photo of your loved one under your pillow at night and take it out only for ritual purposes. The stronger your desire to return the departed, the faster the plot will work. Your loved one will definitely write or call, or come to you.

To the waxing moon

Another very strong and effective conspiracy is read on the growing moon. They read it for three days in a row, the ritual reaches its greatest strength if it is carried out three days before the full moon, so that the last time the plot is read on the full moon.

To carry out the ritual, you will need a church candle that has never been lit before.

Go to a window through which you can clearly see the moon. Think about your loved one, mentally call him by name. When you feel a response, light a candle and begin to quietly read the plot, looking at the lunar disk:

“Moon-moon, you are white and clear, you look at the whole world, you see everything! As you grow, let love for me in my beloved (name) come and gain strength! Shine a light through (name)’s window, let him see me in a dream, let him return, let him come, let him quickly find his way to me! Rekindle love in him so that (name) can come back to me and wake up in my bed! Amen!"

If you are reading a conspiracy against a woman, then the words should be changed like this: “in my beloved” - “in my beloved”, “in him” - “in her”. This applies to all conspiracies given in this article.

A conspiracy that is read while biting your tongue

The very idea of ​​reading a plot while biting your tongue may seem strange. Their essence is that the reader seems to makes a sacrifice higher powers - paying for their help with your pain or blood, if you need to bite your tongue until it bleeds.

This very strong conspiracies, and they are recommended to be used with caution.

These conspiracies are usually read at night. To perform the ritual you will need:

  • clean white towel (new);
  • two red wax candles;
  • mirror.

After dark, you need to turn off the lights in the room and light the candles. Place a mirror between them and place a towel in front of you. Looking in the mirror, we imagine our loved one, bite our tongue until blood appears and begin to read:

“Blood-ore, you (name) have paid my request, you will bring your beloved (name) to me, you will return him to my house as soon as possible! You give strength to a person, you make love stronger, you rekindle it in the heart! As (name) used to miss me, he pressed me to his chest, so let him be sad again, he can neither sleep nor eat without me! Let my blood open his heart again for love, let him feel how my soul hurts without him! So that without me he will be sad and tossed, may he return to me soon forever! Amen!"

Then spit the blood onto a towel, wrap it and keep it in a place where no one can get it. To achieve results you need to read this plot three days in a row.

Conspiracies that are read in the morning

The basic rule for all conspiracies of this type is that they are read early in the morning, at dawn. Usually you need to be outside to do this, but there are also those that are read indoors.

To the morning dew

Suitable for those who live in a private house, or who have a field or meadow near their house.

You need to get up in the morning before dawn, take a bath and put on clean clothes. Go out into the field without talking to anyone along the way. Lie down on the grass and, looking at the sky, read the plot:

“As this field is wide, so let the love for me, the servant of God (name) of the servant of God (name) be wide! Just as dew falls every day and washes the grass, so Let his heart skip a beat when he thinks about me, let his love grow! Let the dew take away our quarrels, let the servant of God (name) come to me again! Amen!"

Then they return home, without talking to anyone along the way.

At the morning rooster crow

Also suitable for residents of rural areas. In the morning at dawn you need to get up and wait first rooster crow. As soon as it sounds, they begin to read the plot:

“As this rooster crows, so let the heart of the servant of God (name) for me, the servant of God (name) not be silent! Just as this cry is heard everywhere, so may I, God’s servant (name), appear everywhere, appear everywhere, so that I don’t forget for a moment, and constantly remember! So that his heart would flare up with love again, so that he would forget others and only look at me! Rooster, crow, let the servant of God (name) remember me from your cry, burn with love! Amen!"

On the water

This is the easiest way to get your loved one back. To carry out the ceremony you will need a glass of clean water and a photograph of your loved one. They place the glass on the photograph and begin to whisper into the water:

“Water-water, pull slave so-and-so (name) to me! So that his heart beats and burns for me, sobs with bloody tears from melancholy! So that he doesn’t find a place for himself without me, so that he only thinks about me! Water-water, I conjure you with a strong word, I lock you in my name (they call the name given at baptism), I return such and such a slave (name) to myself!”

Then the glass with the photo is moved to a secluded place. His cannot be touched for 13 days. During this time, the loved one must return. If the spell does not work immediately, it can be repeated after 13 days.

Let us consider in detail the gypsy love spell to return a loved one - with a detailed description of all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.


The effect of the conspiracy to return and enlighten is very strong and begins immediately after it is carried out. Wherever your loved one is, even in another city, he will have a strong desire to see you and will not disappear until he returns to you.

In love, like in war, all methods are good and the result depends on the choice of weapon. What if your loved one left for a rival? Here the best weapon is to independently read a strong conspiracy to return a loved one, this method is a very strong and sure remedy that a loved one will not be able to resist. This ancient spell ritual in ancient times helped to bring back a man who had left home after a quarrel between a husband and his wife, or was done by girls to bring back a guy and awaken in him a feeling of love for the one who cast the return love spell. But still, before resorting to the help of magic, think ten times whether you really love a person so much and want to be with him until the end of your days or whether you can still live without him. This plot has very great power and is capable of drying up your loved one so much that if it suddenly happens that you fall in love with another, it will be almost impossible to part with the one for whom the love spell to return was read. If you have already thought about everything, then you need to start the ritual that is done on the water. Pour water into a glass and read the words of the conspiracy to return your loved one:

Three girls were sitting, they were all sisters.

Do me a faithful service.

A board lies, and under this board lies melancholy.

Let melancholy find in the slave (name), so that he loves me very much and follows on my heels.

Didn't walk, didn't have fun, came back to me sooner

So that you don’t steam in the bathhouse, don’t eat too much in your food, and don’t wash it down with anything,

And he loved me and followed me.

A strong love spell to bring back a loved one

There are many reasons for the situation. Sometimes it is difficult, almost impossible, to figure out who is right and who is wrong. And it is not necessary to get involved in endless proceedings and skirmishes. We need to solve the problem, and not sprinkle salt on the wounds so that they hurt longer. For this purpose, magic has invented a strong love spell to bring back a loved one. Effective rituals help revive the feelings that are given by the Higher Powers. Grieving is the lot of those who have given up. If a person wants a life filled with joy and happiness, then he definitely fights for what he considers his own.

Love spell to return a beloved man: examples

Let's look at how the weaker sex should act in a situation of unwanted separation. Several rituals are described below, among which it is recommended to choose the one that will be closer to the soul. It's a matter of subtlety of magic. You can read as many recipes as you like, try everything, only your soul knows in advance what will help and what will be a waste of time. Therefore, listen to your inner voice, it will definitely lead to the most effective ritual in your case.

Love spell to bring back a loved one: ritual with a sweater

You can use any item that your loved one wore. It should be unwashed, that is, it should preserve the energy of a man. In the evening, before going to bed, create a pleasant atmosphere in the room. This means that the space should be clean and calm. The light is muted (candles are better), the sounds are pleasant, and so on.

Sit in front of a mirror. Place the sweater on your lap. Take a comb and start combing your hair. In this case, you need to read the plot loudly enough:

“Beauty is a maiden, flowing in the moonlight! All souls are dear, the thresholds are open to the beloved (name)! Lights up, say hello to your loved one! Let go of sadness, let your loved one fly in! Let's sit in silence and unite with the music of the soul! Let's yearn together, let's start love again! Just as the Moon cannot exist without the Earth, you and I cannot be away! Beauty - the maiden turns to the moonlight! As soon as the sun rises, my beloved will come to my doorstep! Amen!"

Take a few hairs and weave them into a sweater. This item must be returned to your loved one under a plausible pretext. You will see, after a while, or maybe immediately, he will remember all the good things that happened between you!

Love spell to bring back a loved one: energy during the ritual

Effective rituals always involve sufficient energy expenditure. It is recommended that anyone who wants to return love not to concentrate on negative emotions. In principle, all psychologists talk about this, not just magicians. Their explanation is associated with an emotional component. It's actually deeper than that.

Positive emotions are high energy that cannot but affect the person with whom you had a relationship. Connections on the subtle plane are not interrupted so easily. You still feel each other, interact at the level of subtle bodies. Therefore, the higher your personal vibrations, the more the traitor will be attracted to you. It is known that the woman sets the energy tone in a relationship. This is what you can use to carry out the ritual of another, strong love spell to return your loved one.

A strong love spell to return a loved one yourself with a photo

Start the ritual in the morning.

Get up, remember the time when you were cloudlessly happy. Feel these emotions, fullness and satisfaction. Smile. This state must be maintained until late in the evening. This is a kind of energy work. If it doesn’t work out, you break down, then start again the next day. You can start the ritual itself only when you have been able to live happily for at least one day.

In the evening, take a photo of your loved one and transfer the energy of your happiness to him. Let it be absolutely selfless. No need to ask him to come back. Just imagine how happy he is now, how warm and comfortable he is! How every cell of his body glows with health and happiness!

The ritual to return your loved one should take at least half an hour. It is understandable that you will be emotionally exhausted. Go to bed right away. If (which is almost impossible) you don’t get results the next day, then repeat the ritual. Usually one time is enough. Failure just means you didn't try hard enough. They failed to raise their vibrations above grief and jealousy.

A strong love spell to bring back the woman you love

It is undesirable for a man to lead the situation to a break with his beloved. This is not very good if you were unable to maintain control over the situation. This is exactly your business: the happiness of your beloved, creating such conditions that she does not want to look the other way. But, if you feel that your emotions have lost their intensity, that a black cat has run between you, then start preparing breakfast!

This is not exactly everyday advice. More like magical. Although, many beauties will be impressed by such an everyday feat in itself without conspiracies. But it is not recommended to stop at small things. If you are going to fight for love, then use all available means. So. When you prepare breakfast for your loved one, read the spell seven times for any dish or drink.

“Sun in the sky, blood in my veins, I’ll go to my grave without you! You won't be able to breathe without me! Together we can be, love and fly! Amen!"

Don’t be shy or lazy, place an Icon of the Virgin Mary in your bedroom. Let her influence her beloved together with you. Everything will be fine!

If the woman has already left you, then you will have to use a different method. Buy a ring. Better - silver. It must be worn near the heart for at least three days. Then, at midnight, warm it in a candle light and read the plot:

“Not the devil, not the Devil, but God’s Angel, my helper and judge! The servant of God (name) loves you faithfully and tenderly! I ask not for black light, but for God’s light! I gave my soul, in return I only ask for trust! Crown the Servant of God (name) to the Servant of God (name) Lord! Amen!"

When the opportunity arises, give the woman a ring (you can pass it on through relatives, it doesn’t matter). As soon as it is on her finger, love will flare up with renewed vigor, and love spell to bring back a loved one a person will work at full strength.

How to make a love spell to bring back your beloved man

It's sad when love passes, especially if it leaves only one of the two partners. It seems that just recently two people could not live without each other, and now one of them leaves. And the second, in whom love has not died, gets only sleepless nights, tears and mental anguish. How to be? How to correct such injustice? A love spell to return a loved one will help a suffering heart with this.

Love spell to bring back a loved one

How to get your loved one back?

The situation when a beloved man leaves is not so rare in the modern world. But what should an abandoned woman do? How to get your loved one back? She has only two ways out of this situation: reconcile or fight.

A woman who has set out on the path of struggle will have to expend all her charm and even resort to feminine cunning. Some ladies, in these difficult moments of life, trust in God, pray for the help of the Holy Matrona of Moscow, turn to the icon of the Holy Mother of God in prayer, or read duas - the most powerful ancient Muslim prayers. In their appeals to the Lord, they cry out for mercy and ask for happiness to be returned to their lives. Abandoned women, whose minds are clouded by resentment, ask the Lord for punishment for the traitor and rival.

Those who are far from God go to a psychologist, believing that a specialist will be able to “put everything in its place” or at least simply listen and give good advice. For mystically minded ladies, fortune tellers and soothsayers are unique psychologists. Modern Vangas cannot always predict the future, but they can still “pour out their souls” to them. Well, and finally, there remain the faithful girlfriends of the abandoned young lady, with whom you can always “cry into your vest” and who will give advice “cleaner” than any psychologist.

But what to do if all these methods fail? In especially hopeless cases, love magic will come to the rescue and teach you how to return your beloved man with the help of witchcraft. A love spell for the return of a loved one will help you find personal happiness by achieving a reunion with your chosen one. The essence of this influence is that the customer of the love spell, with the help of certain magical rituals, can influence the thoughts and actions of the victim, adjusting them to his desires.

There are a lot of love spells for a loved one to return. They may differ in the rules of conduct, the ingredients used and the duration of action. Love spells that help regain the affection of a loved one are usually done on the waxing moon at night. This does not apply to those impacts for which the recommendations indicate a different time frame for their implementation.

Ritual with a broom

Let's look at how to get your beloved man back on your own using a regular broom. In magic, this item has dual functions. On the one hand, a broom is a well-known attribute and “vehicle” of a witch, and on the other hand, it is often used as a home amulet, which can be used to sweep away quarrels and failures from a person’s life. If your husband or loved one has lost interest in you, you have a rival, and he is even thinking about leaving you, the mother of his children, then a broom will help you get your loved one back. This “simple” method works even from a distance.

To get your loved one back you will need:

  1. An ordinary broom. It is better that you already use it “for its intended purpose.” If you don’t have an old broom, buy a new one and mark the floor in the house with it for a few days.
  2. Wax candle. White or red will do.
  3. Red ribbon.
  4. Photo of the victim.

You can perform the ritual when the Moon enters the growth phase. It is better to choose night time. Seclude yourself in a room, close the windows, turn off the lights, and eliminate any distracting noise. During the ritual, you cannot talk to anyone and “distract your thoughts” to foreign objects.

Having completed the preliminary preparations, light a candle, place a photo of a man next to it and pull out two twigs of equal length from the broom. Then focus all your attention on the photograph of your lover, “immerse yourself” in your dreams, imagining how good you will be together after his return. You should feel the presence of your chosen one next to you and try to hold on to this feeling for as long as possible. When “contact” with a man is established, take the twigs in your hands and intertwine them, accompanying your actions with the words of the conspiracy:

“As these twigs touch each other, intertwine into one, so the fate of the Servant of God (the name of the man) with the fate of the Servant of God (the name of the one who “conjures”) will intertwine, that hour the Servant of God (man) will return to the Servant of God (woman) . Amen. Amen. Amen".

After the plot has been read and the twigs are intertwined, tie them with a red ribbon so that they do not unravel and tie the “structure” into three knots. Next, you need to go to bed to rest, and leave the lit candle, photo and twigs on the table. This completes the first stage of the ritual. Now let's talk about the second stage of returning a loved one.

The next day, the first thing you need to do is get rid of candle wax, which tends to accumulate information and can cause harm if it remains in the house. You can “dispose” of it by burying it or throwing it into a river. Next, go to the house where your chosen one currently lives and bury the twigs as close to his threshold as possible. In this case, you need to behave calmly, and having “done the job”, quickly go home, without looking back and without talking to anyone.

If your husband or boyfriend has not yet left and lives in the same house with you, bury the twigs near your threshold or hide them in the apartment. The man’s photograph also needs to be thoroughly hidden. By observing all the conditions of a love spell, and not deviating from the general rules of such influences, you will be able to return your lover forever. The main condition is that no one, this primarily concerns the victim, should guess that you performed the ritual. This influence is suitable for those who want to “tear off” the “weak-willed son” from the “overbearing mother”, who in any way seeks to deprive a woman of a man’s trust and respect, regardless of the mutual feelings of the partners.

Knot magic

You can achieve the return of your loved one using knot magic rituals. With the help of simple knots, you can “stop” quarrels, improve relationships with your “other half,” prevent separation, save your family and revive old feelings. An independent love spell on nodules is done during the period of lunar growth at night. Before the ritual, you should prepare thoroughly. Take three new candles, a photograph of a man and a rope about a meter long.

At night, close all windows and doors, get rid of strangers and sounds, and begin the ritual. Light the candles, arrange them in the shape of a triangle, and place a photo of your lover in its center. Direct all the “power of your thought” to your chosen one, trying to ignite passion in him and revive old feelings. Then sit opposite one of the lit candles and, tying a knot in the rope, begin to read the words of a very powerful conspiracy:

“I’ll twist the knots on the rope, I want to bewitch you (the man’s name). My candle burns brightly, my heart speaks to yours (man). My heart is drawn to yours (man), my dear (man) will remain with me.”

After pronouncing the last words of the spell, move and sit opposite another candle and begin to read the spell again, and tie a tight knot again. After the second reading, do it a third time, standing in front of the third candle and tying the third knot. When all three knots are tied, hide the charmed string along with the man's photo. In order not only to return your beloved man, but also to keep him, from time to time you will have to take out the rope and tighten the loose knots. Allow the candles to burn out to the end, and when this happens, bury them at some distance from the house.

Pin spell

Is it possible to bring your loved one back if he says that he has fallen out of love, that his feelings for you have cooled, if the insidious homewrecker “sleeps and sees” how she takes your “vacant” place, and a threat hangs over your family life with the “sword of Damocles” divorce. In such circumstances, a simple safety pin can help improve your relationship with your loved one. Even if your husband has already left you, but you still continue to communicate, you should use a love spell with a pin. The ritual is performed during the period when the “night star” is in growth.

Let's look at how to properly get your loved one back using a safety pin. First you need to buy this very pin and don’t forget about a red or white candle. After that, choose a night that is convenient for you, when no one can disturb you. Light a candle, sit in front of it and pick up a pin.

Then you need to sit for a while, holding it in your hands and think about your loved one. Remember the happiest moments of your relationship before the breakup, choose the strongest ones. Perhaps there are some among them who can bring you closer, despite the man’s reluctance to communicate and his “faded” feelings. Throw away any thoughts that your lover has another woman, and call him to you. Such “exercises” help the customer establish contact with a loved one.

After you have set yourself up for the ritual and established a connection with the victim, you need to read a strong spell on the pin. To do this, open it and say:

“By the power of fire, I (your name) conjure a pin, I call upon the Moon to help me (your name) in my work. I want my dear (husband’s name) to be with me (your name) forever, so that my dear (man’s name) will forget about everyone else. As soon as my pin comes together, my dear (husband’s name) will return to me. Our destinies are connected with a pin; no one can interrupt my words.”

Please note that there is no need to close the pin after casting the spell. Next, leave it along with the burning candle on the table and go to rest.

The next morning, in order to protect yourself and your home from negativity, candle wax must be disposed of. Hide the enchanted pin in its open form “for the time being.” Now you need, under any pretext, to pin it in an inconspicuous place on the clothes of the person for whom it is intended. This needs to be done very carefully so as not to give yourself away and completely ruin the already not the best relationship with your loved one. While pinning, whisper:

“Wear it, don’t take it off, don’t forget me.”

Ritual in rainy weather

If your life has turned into a nightmare because the person closest to you cheated on you and you don’t understand how and why to live on. If your relationship with your loved one has reached a dead end and the threat of separation hangs over your couple, do not panic - there is a way out. Love magic will tell you how to get your loved one back even in such a difficult situation. A love spell performed in rainy weather can help not only “remind yourself” to a man, but also improve relationships with him and, thereby, avoid separation.

If you see that it is pouring rain outside the window, drop everything and go outside without an umbrella. Next, you need to stand under the streams of water and, turning to the forces of nature, ask:

“Torrential rain, I (your name) turn my prayers to you, I call on you to help in my grief. I want to return the love of the Servant of God (man’s name) to me (your name). I ask you (your name), pouring rain, bring deep melancholy and sadness to the Servant of God (name of the man). Let him not sleep at night and not be able to sleep during the day. Let him constantly think about me. Let his soul hurt in separation from me. Have it my way."

Then return home without engaging in conversation with a single person or looking back. When you enter the house, take off your wet clothes and hang them to dry. When hanging your wardrobe items, say:

“As this (name of the thing) dries, let (the man’s name) dry for me.”

Runic rite

In the “arsenal” of love magic there is another way with which it is possible to “change for the better” relationships with a loved one. Runes can help with this. They perform a ritual for the waxing moon at night. Light a candle, place a photo of your lover in front of you and write the following rune symbols on it:

  1. Dagaz. This rune symbolizes the renewal of relationships.
  2. Kenaz. Will ignite passion in the heart and revive love.
  3. Gebo. Guarantees reciprocity.

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Love spell to return a loved one in a relationship

Strong conspiracies to return your husband. Very effective

This rune stave is also suitable for married ladies who are waging war with a rival who has decided to “steal away” a married man. After application, say in your own words what you want to achieve. Words must be pronounced “from the bottom of your heart,” putting as much energy into them as possible. Then wrap the enchanted photo in a new red scarf and hide it away.

Strong love spells to bring back your beloved wife.

In our lives, there is no reason why we cannot be insured. There are also situations when not only men leave their wives, but also the women they love leave their men. There are different cases, such as leaving for another person and trivial cases of simple misunderstanding, which often lead to the rupture of seemingly strong family relationships. In no case does a breakup pass without consequences, causing a lot of suffering to people who once loved each other. What if a loving man is ready to forgive everything to his soulmate and is ready to do anything, but doesn’t know how to get her back? Very rarely do men resort to magic; they simply don’t believe in it. And in vain, because with its help it is possible not only to return the woman you love, but also to renew faded feelings. There are many powerful love spells to bring back your beloved, you just need to know how to use them. First of all, you need to believe in this, without this you will not succeed. Magic is not a game and you must treat it with respect. If you do everything according to the rules, then the result will be very effective. Of course, it is better to use white magic love spells, at least they will not harm the woman you do not love. Love spells made using black magic can have negative consequences, especially if they are used without following certain rules for their implementation. Love spells and conspiracies are all magical rituals that require the expenditure of your energy. Therefore, before you begin to perform a magical ritual, you should first prepare for it, determine exactly what you want to get as the final result, and only after that choose the ritual that suits you at the moment. Here are a few magical rituals that I hope will help you in your difficult situation.

An ancient love spell to bring back your beloved woman.

If the woman you love has left you, and you would really like to get her back, use a love spell-prayer that was used by men in the old days. This ritual will not only bring your beloved back to you, but will also bind you with unbreakable bonds of love, tightly tying the woman to you. Before casting a love spell, go to church and take communion, light two candles for the health of yourself and your loved one. Previously, this love spell was read in an open field; nowadays, it is enough to open a window facing the sunrise. The love spell must be done within a week at dawn, saying the following prayer words:

Never tell anyone about the ceremony, your beloved will soon be with you.

Love spell to bring back your beloved wife.

This love spell is done on the marital bed using white bread. Crush the bread into fine crumbs and sprinkle it on the bed on which you slept with your wife while saying the following words:

After you read the words three times, collect the bread crumbs and try to sprinkle them into your wife’s food. It would be even better if your beloved slept on these sheets at least once, then the love spell would be much stronger.

How to bewitch your loved one using water.

Go to church and get some holy water. Pour water into a glass and place it by the marital bed, first read the following words over it three times:

Let the glass of holy water stand all night; in the morning, sprinkle the bed and all corners of your bedroom with holy water from the glass. After such a love spell, your wife will never refuse you intimacy.

Love spell on the hair of the woman you love.

This love spell is easy to perform. For it you will need a new comb and a hair from the head of your beloved woman. Take a comb and try to twirl your beloved’s hair on it while saying the following words:

After that, just brush your hair with this comb constantly.

Love spell to get your wife back from your lover.

For this love spell, you will need a photo of your wife in which she is shown alone. The love spell words are read when the sun begins to rise. On the image in the photo, write and read the following words:

After this, burn the photo over a candle flame and scatter the ashes in the wind.

Love spell on a wife to return to her husband.

For this love spell you will need a mirror and 7 church candles. This magical ritual is performed on a dark night at midnight. Lay a tablecloth on the table, preferably without a pattern, place a mirror on it and place candles around it. After turning off the lights in the room, light the candles and, looking in the mirror, repeat the name of your beloved seven times, while extinguishing the candles one by one. Having done this, go around the table in a circle seven times repeating the following words:

After the ritual, twist all seven candles with a flagellum and put them in a secluded place so that no one else will use them.

Prayer for the wife to return to the family.

Read this prayer every evening before going to bed. Put all your love and hope into the words of your prayer.

Be sure to go to church and pray and thank all the saints in advance for their help.

Love spell on your wife so that she doesn’t cheat.

For this love spell you will need a photo of your wife and holy water. After this love spell, your wife will need no one but you. Place a photograph of your wife on the table and place a glass of holy water on it. Read these words on the water:

After you read, sprinkle the photo with the enchanted water and put it away so that no one can see it.

From time immemorial, every girl dreamed of meeting a reliable and good man, starting a family with him, raising children and being together in joy and sorrow. However, lately it is quite rare to meet happy lovers who have been together for many years. People meet, people break up. And sometimes, when breaking up, not everyone is happy and satisfied with the end of the relationship. In such a situation, quite often girls resort to using magic. And, naturally, the main question becomes how to return your loved one.

A spell or love prayer will help solve a problem and improve more than one life. A strong plot will help bring back your loved one, but before you begin to carry it out, think about the situation.

After all, if leaving was a conscious step, using conspiracies, you break the man and his will. A person returns against his will, so there may be some negative consequences.

Features of the ritual

Like any other conspiracies and prayers, the ritual for the return of a loved one has its own characteristics and distinctive features:

  • The plot should be made during the waxing moon.
    As a rule, this applies to all rituals that are performed in order for a loved one to return.
  • working on relationships and correcting previous mistakes.
    Getting your loved one back won’t be difficult; what’s more important is your happy future together. And this requires mutual understanding, respect and work on relationships.
  • visualization is considered a very effective assistant in magic.
    Imagine you and the man you love together, happy together and in love with each other, and these dreams will come true.
    faith in the result.

Only faith in the result and in the power of magic will help ensure that your loved one returns quickly and forever.

Ritual for the new month

A loved one, if he left you relatively recently (more than six months have passed since the separation), can be returned using a strong conspiracy for the new month.

To do this, look at the new month and read the following words at midnight:

“The month is young, the month is the strongest, help me,
Make sure that the servant of God (name) returns
To me the servant of God (name). I can't live without him
I can’t live without him, I’m feeling sad, my heart aches from misfortune.
Bring him back to me so that we can live without grieving,
They knew no troubles, they knew no sorrows.
Help me, month, help!

The plot is read nine times, after which you need to go to bed. It is advisable to repeat the ritual seven more times, doing the ritual every day without skipping. The first results will be visible within a few weeks. This ritual works relatively quickly and lasts for a long period of time.

Ritual for two candles

In order for your beloved man to return, you can use a ritual with two candles. Candles should be thin church candles. At midnight, sit at the table and light the candles, placing them close to each other. Candle spells are read by looking at the flame and imagining you and your loved one together:

“Like wax candles together and side by side.
So that the servants of God (your names) will be together.
So that they don’t know separation and sorrow,
Only happiness and joy were their companions.
So that the servant of God (name of the man) gets bored
And I yearned without God’s servant (your name),
I didn’t know a quiet life, I just stood at its threshold.
My word is law, it cannot be removed.

After reading the text of the conspiracy, leave the candles to burn out. If your loved one does not get closer within the next two weeks, you need to repeat the ritual. When the ritual is being performed, no extraneous noises or sounds should distract you. You need to fully concentrate on performing the ritual.

Ritual for the return of a lover

For this ritual, you will need something your loved one has used and will continue to use. The power of the ritual is due to the energetic memory of the thing, which will be a kind of bridge between you.

At midnight, a conspiracy is read on the thing:

"Love is strong, love is eternal,
Conquer God's servant (name), return him to me
Servant of God (name). So that he can rock little children with me,
Waiting for grandchildren and overcoming all obstacles.
Let our feelings not fade, but only flare up.
So that I am alone in his heart, all thoughts are about me.
So that he thinks, gets bored, doesn’t see life without me,
He only thought and dreamed about me alone.
I will speak to him, I will make him drunk, I will please him.
My words have strong power,
No one can remove them, neither a slave, nor a healer, nor a sorcerer.
It will be like this forever and ever and nothing else.

You need to repeat the words three times, after which the item must be returned to its owner. If this is not possible, then read the plot for seven days in a row, and each time put the item in a place inaccessible to prying eyes.

Birch ritual

It is preferable to do this ritual in the spring. To complete it, you need to find a lonely birch tree at dawn and read the plot while holding onto it:

“Birch, beauty. Lonely you.
Help me not to be lonely.
Help bring back God's servant (name).
So that we can be together, see happiness and know joy.
Help, birch tree.

Read the words of the conspiracy nine times and leave. If you meet anyone along the way, don’t talk. The ritual will begin to work in a week, so you only have to wait a little longer.

Video on how to get your loved one back

Conspiracies will help you get your loved one back quite quickly. If you follow exactly all the instructions and wishes when performing the ritual, the first results will be noticeable within a few weeks.

However, before performing the ritual, it is best to analyze your relationship and understand what prompted the man to leave. After all, if you don’t correct the mistakes, everything can happen again. And in such a situation, even a very strong conspiracy will not help. Believe in the power of magic and prayers and conspiracies will help you fulfill your desires.

Today our focus is on black magic love spells. And it’s especially important how to bring your beloved man home using a home spell. Although husbands and lovers are not bulls, women, with the help of a whole arsenal of means, including magic ones, lead men along with them. For a self-confident woman, the impossible is not enough, and even an established stable marriage is not an obstacle for her.

Moreover, if you are a confident woman, you should know not only how to start a family, but also how to maintain and strengthen a marriage. And, of course, how not to lose to your rival in a duel for your beloved man. We will talk about how to read conspiracies to return a loved one to the family.

A witchcraft plot will help you return your beloved husband from your rival

If your loved one left for another woman, this is hardly a real tragedy. This is a lesson. What are often called problems are actually opportunities in which you (if you are smart) learn something, become stronger, find solutions. And finally, there are no and cannot be failures in life - only results.

The result of this article should be your ability and your determination, with the help of a black magic conspiracy at home, to return your beloved man, and with him, your old feelings and close relationships.

An independent conspiracy to quickly return a loved one

In order to perform a love ritual for a guy’s love, you need to have:

  • 13 new needles
  • rag volt
  • black canvas
  • 3 black candles

In order for the magical ritual to return a man home to show the best result, the person must first be weakened. This can be done using any ritual. A good result will be if you light candles for the repose in three churches.

Make a Volt doll for a love spell on the eve of the new moon according to all the rules. On the night of the new moon, cover the table with black cloth, place black candles in a triangle, place a volt in the center and 13 needles next to it. Take 1 needle, read a strong plot for the return of your beloved guy three times for each, and stick a volt into the witchcraft doll:

“I will get up without blessing, I will go without crossing myself, from doors not to doors, from gates not to gates, I will go out into a wide field, I will stand under the black moon. There are three roads in the field, I will not go, (name) neither to the right nor to the left, but I will go along the middle road. That road runs to the world of the dead. I will call thirty-nine demons, I will bow to them and ask. Oh, you, faithful servants, serve me correctly, place mortal melancholy in the slave (name), ascend into his heart, into hot blood, boiling ore. So that he has no peace day or night, so that (name) does not forget me, not for a day, not for a night, not for a minute. You, thirty-nine demons, will dry him up with earth, starve him to death with longing for love, bury him, hide him from all people, from the whole family, from friends and girlfriends, from father and mother, so that he cannot forget me neither on earth nor on earth. water. Let his heart burn in mortal longing for me (name). Amen".

After reading this home plot to return a loved one from a distance the prescribed number of times, namely 39 times, wrap the volt-guy with needles in black cloth and keep it with you. Pay off to the demons at the crossroads, and preferably immediately after the completion of the ritual.

Precautions for a home plot to return a person

When performing home rituals from the richest arsenal of love rituals of black witchcraft, do not forget about protection and safety measures. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend, as was already said initially, to first weaken the victim in order to reduce his resistance to the witchcraft influence, so that your desire to return your lover turns out to be real, and the conspiracy is effective.

In addition to the magical protection that any performing magician should have, even if he performs only simple home rituals, solving exclusively everyday issues, it is advisable to make a transfer or diversion immediately after the magical ritual. This is done by witchcraft spells for the purpose of additional protection against magic rollback or reverse. Any one in which there is a strong conspiracy must be done without mistakes, otherwise, bad work will not only not correct the situation, will not help return the guy’s love, but will harm the magician himself - the performer. And the victim of a love spell ritual as well.

Even if you decide to read a white conspiracy to return a loved one, remember the precautions. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, affirm that the white magic of a love spell is also magic, and just like black witchcraft, it can carry a certain danger.

A strong conspiracy to return your beloved guy with a candle and crucifix

The love spell ceremony is performed at home. Do it on Thursday on the waxing moon. However, a full moon is preferable. For successful conspiracy at home to get your boyfriend back, you won't need many components:

  • pink candle
  • any of the following fragrance oils: patchouli, lavender, nutmeg, ylang-ylang, ginger
  • church crucifix (blessed)

Rub the candle with oil and light it. Take a candle in one hand, a crucifix in the other, and read a strong conspiracy to return the guy. You can read it 9 times, but for some people 3 is enough. It all depends on the strength of the magician and his personal experience in the field of love spells to return a man to his wife.

“Oh, rebellious Angel, who forever wanders in hell in search of heaven. Hear my call, listen to me. Master (name)’s feelings, give him no peace in this world, so that he can only think about seeing me, smelling me, hearing me, feeling my taste, touching me. So that he feels as hopeless as the waters in the seas, so that he is torn apart like the wind in a storm until he returns to me. So that he runs until he collapses at my feet and no one can save him. And so that neither a divorced woman, nor a married woman, nor a widow, nor a virgin would ever love him, and he – them. (Name), I conjure you before the cross and Almighty God, you will walk and look for me, just as the living follow the cross, and the dead look for light. Amen".

Having thus read the plot the required number of times to return your loved one at home, leave the candle to burn out. Place a holy crucifix nearby. The love spell ritual works, and specifically to bring the man back. Opens up the prospect of restoring relationships after a breakup or long separation. However, the effect is short-lived. This must be taken into account, and the work must be done comprehensively.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

The advantage of this effective conspiracy to return a person’s love is that the guy himself gets in touch and wants to renew the relationship, although the love spell ritual, objectively speaking, is not the strongest. Another positive thing is that, unlike a black call, there is always a personal meeting.

Explanations for a conspiracy that will help bring your loved one back at home

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend doing a love ritual with a candle and a crucifix in combination, after love spells. It works very quickly, you have to wait no longer than a week. However, it's different for everyone. But, in any case, if it works, then you won’t have long to wait for the result; love witchcraft will unwind for no longer than one lunar cycle.
In my opinion, a powerful conspiracy at home to bring back a loved one does not work on personal strength. Here there is an appeal to the rebellious angel, he helps, and he gets a payoff. The love plot for a guy really works, and it’s good. A beloved man returns even after a serious quarrel.

But here’s what almost all real magicians who practiced this ritual note: the man returned with all his cockroaches, annoyance, psychological discomfort, remembered all the grievances, and therefore quite quickly disappeared again. Which, by the way, does not happen with real cemetery love spells: the guy returns, and the relationship begins with a clean slate. True, the victim is also slightly different, but that’s another topic.

Homemade conspiracy from a photo - how to independently return your loved one by the power of demons

Witchcraft ritual and the return of a man’s love is not easy. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, have heard different reviews about it - some say it works well, others are not sure of the effectiveness of an independent ritual if it was done at home. Be that as it may, in order to make your verdict, you need to do it.

They do it on the waxing moon. Start on Tuesday and continue for 8 days. For this method with an effective plot to return a married lover, you need to prepare:

  • mirror
  • 8 nickels
  • photo of a guy I like
  • 2 candles
  • scissors

In the evening, place a mirror on the table with the reflective surface up, place 8 nickels on the mirror in 2 rows of 4 in each, and place a photo of the object at the top edge of the mirror. Place candles on both sides of the mirror and light them. Place scissors on top of the nickels, turning their tip towards the photo of the man you like. With your right hand, press the scissors to the mirror, look at the photo

Read 3 times a strong plot of black love witchcraft to return a guy’s love:

“Seven days of creation and the eighth day of the works of the wicked. These are rampant demons, the inferno of the owner of broken covenants, and heresiarchical commandments of human secrets, hidden from the eyes of mortals. Yes, those commandments have power in everyone’s words. With these words I raise the witcher’s power, and with this power I call upon the eight-day-old demons. Either intricate demons, creating grief with melancholy, and seething with ardor in human blood, then ardor. So eight-day-old demons have this ardor of frying inferno, hellish melancholy in nature. So I will send those eight-day demons, the heresiarch’s henchmen and my servants, neither to the right side nor to the left, and not at the crossroads, but along a straight path and into the human trash. May you, eight-dayers, find the slave (name), put hellish melancholy into his heart, pour hot passion into his blood, and a salty tear of love onto his cheeks. Let him miss me day and night (name), night and day let the slave (name) cry for me, and for eight days let his heart be tormented by a restless passion for me, (name). He will turn his eyes away from the people, but his mother and father cannot be appeased. If they can, then the priest with the censer will make a crooked path, will not beg, will not reason with prayers, another sorceress or sorceress will not whisper, will not peel off, will not separate the slave (name) from me. They should be together, spend their days, but the eighth day cannot be counted, and their cursed day is like eight demons. Either the eight-day promise is fulfilled, and the payment is agreed upon, then a nickel on the first day, then a nickel on the second day, then a nickel on all the days spoken by people, and even on the eighth day, a nickel in payment. This was created by demonic power, enchanted by my words, sealed with a heresiarchal seal. Ever and ever. Amen".

Read homework three times conspiracy to bring home the man you love, remove the scissors, put 1 nickel in the corner of the room and say:

“That’s the pay for the eight-day worker, do what you’re told. Amen".

And do this every day, all eight days. On the eighth day, place the last coin in the corner. Leave it there for a short time, then collect all the nickels and take it to a pedestrian intersection along with the standard payoff that is given in black love spell rituals.

Well, who doesn’t know: the greatest misfortune in the world is the loss of a loved one. Only after experiencing this can one feel like a person who has “experienced all the circles of hell.” Sometimes quarrels occur over trifles, and relationships are broken, two people suffer and do not know what to do about it. Love, after all, is never “not mutual.” The fact is that real feeling is always given to two people. Or it isn't.

So people are struggling, not understanding how to correct the situation. They suffer and suffer, causing a lot of anxiety to their family and friends. It’s like you’re in a dark abyss, and it’s trouble for others. But the matter is fixable. But neither the man himself nor his loving friends know where to start from. Direct attempts to reconcile do not lead to success. The breakup occurred for certain reasons, which must first be gotten rid of. And only then “glue together” what is left.

In this case, you need to rely on magic. A conspiracy to return a loved one and revive love will help in a completely different way, not in the way that people suggest. Its effect will spread to two loving souls, smoothing out or completely removing the causes of discord. He will not mend what is broken. He will help a loving heart to create something new. And the name of this “brainchild” is happiness for two. What else could be more beautiful?

A strong conspiracy to bring back a loved one

There is such a very ancient and quite effective ritual. It is held exclusively on “women’s” days. It's easy to recognize them. These are the days of the week that have female names. Friday, for example (also Wednesday and Saturday). But it's better on Friday. Get up early in the morning, it’s better when the sun is just about to release its first ray from behind the horizon. Do not wash, eat or drink.

Stand in front of an open window and read these lines:

“The virgin of God (her name) prayed in the morning and was baptized with the cross. She gathered behind the gate into the fields and covered herself with white fog. How to dispel the shrouds of darkness? - she asked. How can I return his love? - she asked. I will go through dark mountains, black fields, into the heart of melancholy - the country. I'll take my grief with me. Let him not remain anymore. I’m chained there, in the city - in melancholy, to a dark, rough board. That board is buried in the black earth. I can’t escape my grief, I can’t tear myself away, I can only remain in sadness for the country. I will now walk the bright path. I’ll catch a ray of sunshine from the threshold. I will send the gentle light of the Lord to the servant (name) in my heart. So that you remain in love, as if you were swimming in a bright lake. To be with me forever. Amen!"

A conspiracy to bring back a loved one from a photograph

To use an image, you need to choose it correctly. The photo must be the most recent. And you also need the eyes to be clearly visible. This ritual of influencing a person is carried out on men’s day, after sunset. It is necessary to go to Church on this day, buy three thick ones and a personal Icon of your loved one.

Place the holy face opposite you. Light the candles from a piece of paper on which his name is written (not from a match or lighter). Look into his eyes in the image for a while and imagine as if you are together again. No bad thoughts should be allowed. They will destroy the effect of the ritual. Try to think and feel as if there was no breakup. You are still together now. Love is alive between you.

When the candles burn out by a third, you can begin to read the words of the conspiracy. And they are:

“The Lord washed the earth with rain, and built a bridge for you and me. The rainbow glows and shimmers, your (name) heart is filled with happiness. There is no other way for you (name). Only across the Lord's bridge to my soul's home. The bridge only stands for a moment. I see your soul (name) is running along it. There is no other way for you. The bridge will lead the Lord home! Amen!"

These words should not be read, but spoken, looking into the eyes of the photo. Therefore, it is recommended to learn them. Don't be afraid of work, it will definitely help. You will have to speak seven times (family number). And then you can sit and think about the joy that you will experience together when the relationship returns. The ritual should be completed (when the first candle runs out) with the words:

“I pray to the Lord! Do it, not my way, not the enemy’s, but according to justice!”

A conspiracy to return your beloved man and love and get rid of your rival

In order not to, who also turn out to be luckier, it is necessary, of course, to protect your love in advance. Well, if it just so happened that he left for another, then perform the ritual with three trees. You will definitely have to do this in a forest, garden or park. It won't work at home. Go ahead and look for a suitable place. Find three trees there, two should stand side by side, and the third should be a little further away.

Come to this place at midnight between Tuesday and Wednesday. Bring three new handkerchiefs with you. Two - ladies' ones of different colors. One is male. Hold their ends in your left palm. Read the spell like this:

“By heaven and moon, wind and earth, air and water, salty tears, I conjure, I curse separation. I wish my beloved back, let the vile homewrecker (name) lose him forever. Let him bypass me too. Only love under the Moon enters the world!”

Tie handkerchiefs on tree branches and say these words. The first one is male, on one of those standing next to each other. Say:

“May you (name) be next to me, your Lord’s wife!” The second - on a neighboring tree, with the words: “I (name) should be next to you (name). The Lord will judge, love will not forget! Amen!"

The third one is on the one that stands at a distance. Words read these words:

“Leave, villainess (name, if you know) the Lord’s couple. You won't make a fortune here! Amen!". Now let's go home quickly.

Look, if you have a bright and joyful dream that night, regardless of the plot, then you have done everything successfully. If you sleep poorly and are anxious, you will have to repeat it again. But be sure to go to the same place the second time. Wait for the moon to shine brightly and go. And you definitely need it the next day. You can just say “Hello!” say, or look into your eyes. This way the energy of the conspiracy will act faster. And if he doesn’t return after the ritual, then you know that this person is “not yours.” Soon everything will pass like smoke.



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