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Symbols on the hand and their meaning. Small signs on the palm

It's no secret that the interpretation of the lines on the hand is the foundation on which such a major trend in esotericism as palmistry is based. Any person who intends to master the art of reading fate using the lines on the palm must first become familiar with what lines exist and what information about a person they can carry.

However, in palmistry there is such a concept as “rare lines”, which, although they occur infrequently, can have no less significant meaning, no less accurately reveal character traits and innate temperament person, no less reliably indicate possible events that await a person in his later life. This article is devoted to describing the features of rare lines in palmistry.

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Widow's line on the hand

Many people who turn to palmists for help are interested in the issue of relationships - love, marriage. We all want to know where a relationship with this or that person will lead us, whether we can build a successful marriage, whether there are any warnings of fate that we should keep in mind when building our personal lives.

And one of these omens is the widow’s line on the hand. The widow's sign is a fairly rare line. In many cases, it is acquired and can form in women after any severe mental trauma, a break in a relationship with a loved one, divorce, and so on. The widow's mark is a line that runs around the base of the little finger and is more common on the left hand.

But one should not assume that the presence of a widow line is a death sentence, since one should first pay attention to other lines - the line of fate, marriage, the line of the Heart. In addition, the presence of a widow's line on the hand does not necessarily mean a predisposition to losing a spouse at an early age, in some cases it means that the woman will outlive her husband (which happens quite often, since women's life expectancy is on average higher than that of men)

Fame line on the hand (celebrity line)

The line of glory on the hand, or as it is also called, the line of Apollo, is considered one of the most favorable in palmistry and endows a person with such a line with optimism and joy throughout life, a talent that helps him achieve success and fully realize his potential. This line rises from the top of the Mount of the Moon, and stretches, without interruption, towards the ring (Apollo) finger. The life of a person with such a line is filled with harmony and light; he does not meet life path any tragic trials and all his endeavors lead to success.

In addition, these people have charisma and charm, which allows them to achieve fame in their chosen field. The longer the line of fame, the more powerful the impact it will have on a person’s destiny. However, it is not always possible to say that a person with the Apollo line will spend his entire life carefree and joyful.

It is worth paying attention to the characteristics of the line itself - success is guaranteed if it is straight, does not intersect other lines and segments, is not broken and is the same in depth. Well, if it ends with a star, then this means that its owner will most likely gain world fame and recognition.

Line of clairvoyance (intuition, psychic)

There is also such a rather rare line in palmistry as the line of clairvoyance, indicating that a person has pronounced extrasensory abilities. This line is present in people who have a developed sixth sense, can predict the outcome of upcoming events, feel people well, see prophetic dreams.

The line of clairvoyance describes a clear semicircle from the Mount of the Moon towards the Mount of Mercury. People who have it have enormous potential in the field of clairvoyance and it needs to be developed. U different people the line of clairvoyance has different properties, which also need to be paid attention to.

For example, the presence of a cross on it indicates that a person has a tendency to dive deeply into himself, and, closing himself off from others, seems to live in another dimension. However, such people can become either great clairvoyants or go crazy, depending on where they direct the energy and potential they have. Sometimes there is a triangle on the line of clairvoyance, which also indicates that a person has every chance of becoming a great master, provided that he develops his psychic abilities.

There are such concepts in palmistry as “empty hand” and “ full hand" By “empty hand” we mean a palm on which only the main lines are present and the secondary ones are almost absent. From the outside, people with such palms may seem balanced and somewhat indifferent to what is happening around them. However, in reality, under the guise of calm, such people have a variety of feelings and emotions raging, which the person does not give an outlet for, suppressing them within himself.

That is why, having crossed the line of middle age, such people very often face many health problems, since suppressed emotions find a way out in the fact that they begin to affect physical body. People with this type of palm are incredibly stubborn, try not to let people get close to them and rarely live a bright, rich life.

In terms of interpretation, such palms cause almost no difficulties for palmists, but we must not forget that even a barely noticeable and, as it may seem, insignificant line on an “empty hand” can have a colossal impact on a person’s fate.

Line of voluptuousness

The line of voluptuousness is considered one of the unfavorable ones. It means that a person is prone to base desires, has a weakness for physical, bodily pleasures, as well as money, and all his innermost desires are aimed precisely at this. Such people are not interested in spiritual development and in most cases live their lives exclusively in the material sphere.

This line characterizes people with high sensitivity and passion, who need to beware of bad habits, such as alcohol, since there is a high probability that a person will become heavily dependent and thereby ruin his life. The line of voluptuousness, sometimes called the line of Neptune, the Milky Way, is a loop that connects the Mount of the Moon (the beginning of the line) and the Mount of Venus (the end of the line). The unfavorable influence of this line can be neutralized by the straight line of the Head, since in this case a person is more inclined to make reasonable decisions and more rational behavior. People who have a line of voluptuousness on their palm need to develop willpower, beware of bad habits and engage in spiritual development.

The monkey fold is an extremely rare phenomenon, characteristic of only 3-4% of people. In such people, the heart line and the head line are connected into one clear line that horizontally crosses the entire surface of the palm and is called the monkey line, or the simian line (which means “ape-like” in English).

It is called “monkey” because it is extremely similar to the pattern on the palms of some primates. Very often, people with the Simian line have thoughts and emotions intertwined, and they cannot clearly distinguish where feelings end and common sense begins. For this reason, various kinds of problems and difficulties in relationships with others are possible in their lives.

These are most often very assertive and stubborn people who will stand their ground to the last. This feature allows them to pursue their ambitious goals to the end, at any cost, sometimes even to the detriment of themselves and others.

You should pay attention to the position of the line on the palm - if it is shifted closer to the fingers - this indicates that a person is more influenced by emotions, but if the position of the Simian line is such that it is shifted closer to the wrist, then such people are more controlled reason. If the fold is located exactly in the middle of the palm, then we can say that the ratio of common sense and emotions in such people will be relatively balanced.

Most often, the monkey fold is found on only one hand. For example, if a line runs along the left hand, but there is no line on the right, then such a person can be characterized as quite unpredictable in unusual situations. Under unusual circumstances, such a person may behave completely inappropriately. Such people have a high degree of anxiety and excitability. They often remain misunderstood in society, and therefore often become outcasts.

Simian line on both hands

Simian Line

If the Simian line is very rare on at least one hand, then cases when it is observed on both hands are even rarer. According to medical sources, the Simian line on both hands often appears in people who have a predisposition to various mental disorders, including in people with Down syndrome.

However, this does not mean that those with a monkey-like palm will necessarily have any mental health problems. Proof of this is the huge number of famous and influential people who have the Simian fold.

The common feature that unites all these people is constant internal tension, nervousness and inability to relax. Focusing too much on a goal can be detrimental to their physical and emotional health.

In addition, they often find it difficult to express their feelings and emotions. In general, the life of people who have the Simian line on both hands is often accompanied by significant shocks, losses and extremely extreme situations, but their inner strength allows them to cope with the trials that fate sends them.

Maniac line

There is also such a line in palmistry with a rather scary name - the line of a maniac. Even if we ignore the esotericism, we can find a scientific explanation for the relationship between the presence of certain lines (which in palmistry are called the Maniac Line) and a person’s manic tendencies.

This dependence has long been proven by specialists who deal with criminology and examine the palm prints of mentally unstable criminals. Returning to the esoteric meaning, it should be noted that, of course, these lines do not mean that a person who has a maniac line will necessarily become a particularly dangerous criminal.

She says that in the lives of these people there will be many difficulties, adversities and trials, and in general their fate will be quite difficult. As many people know, those who become maniacs are those who in life, most often in childhood, experienced terrible adversity and received some kind of severe psychological trauma.

This is exactly what special marks on our palm warn about, and they also indicate an unbalanced human nervous system, his aggression and cruelty. The maniac line most often manifests itself as an overly broad and deep Life line. Intricate designs at the base thumb, scars on the Mount of Venus and Mars, as well as a violation of the line of the belt of Venus are also referred to by palmists as “maniac lines”.

Travel line

According to palmists, what kind of travel is destined for a person can also be determined by the drawings on the palm. The lines on a person’s right hand will help tell a lot about how a person’s fate will develop regarding travel and trips. Travel lines are located on the edge right palm, near the Life line, and can be located either on the hill

Moon, or a little higher. Travel lines usually reflect exactly those trips in a person’s life that will have a significant impact on his destiny. That is, a person can travel to different countries of the world, and this will have virtually no effect on his worldview, then these lines may not be on his palm.

Or he can make one trip, perhaps not even very far, but at the same time fateful, then this will definitely affect the person’s hand. The travel line will be clearer and longer, the greater the impact the trip has on the person. In addition, palmistry allows you to determine the approximate time of the journey - the closer the line is to the wrist, the sooner it will happen.

Based on the nature of the lines, it is also possible to determine the approximate geography of past and future trips. Sometimes there are additional marks on the travel line, the meaning of which should be heeded. The square that can be seen on the travel line is a favorable sign; it tells us that the trip will be successful and will not bring any negative events.

Another sign indicating that the journey will not only be successful, but will bring a fateful acquaintance, which can subsequently lead to a move, is a vertical line perpendicular to the travel line and intersecting it. Well, marks such as a circle and a cross warn a person about the danger that awaits a person on a trip.

The line of attachment on a person’s hand is located closer to the edge of the palm on the Mount of Mercury. It is located near the heart line, below it is the health line. The line of attachment accurately reflects the emotional state of a person throughout his life, as well as the heartfelt affections that will be encountered along the person’s life path.

Depending on the location, the line will indicate how successful a person’s relationship with a partner is: the higher this line is (that is, the closer to the fingers), the more favorable the circumstances will be in this area, and vice versa: if the line gravitates closer to the wrist, then the person will face trials in his personal life.

Such people tend to look at their partner through rose-colored glasses; they give much more and do not know how to receive, which leads them to disappointment and suffering.

Destination line

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The line of destiny is also known in palmistry as the “line of fate.” It originates at the base of the palm and, depending on its further trajectory, one can judge how a person’s fate will develop in different periods his life. Firstly, it should be said that the deeper this line, the more a person is susceptible to the influence of fate, that is, in order to change what is destined, he will have to make a lot of effort. Secondly, the discontinuity of the line of destiny suggests that during the entire period of a person’s life, a wide variety of changes in his destiny are possible, which are mainly associated with external circumstances.

If the line originates adjacent to the Life line, this indicates that the person realizes his destiny quite early. Such people will achieve success on their own, without outside help. The line of destiny, starting from the thumb and crossing the Life line, indicates that a person will have very powerful support from friends and relatives throughout his life.

To all those who are interested in palmistry, who want to look into the future by studying the unique patterns on a person’s palm, I would like to remind you that the presence of one or another line on the hand is not a death sentence. We are all born with certain talents and inclinations, oddities and characteristics, and we are all destined for certain circumstances, events and trials.

But this is not something predetermined once and for all. Our life flows and changes, and we can always consciously change its course if we really want it and make the necessary efforts. Our destiny is in our hands, and if we begin to engage in self-development, then we will not need to be afraid of major losses and bitter disappointments that are “written” on our hands.

As we change, our lines on our palms change. Palmistry allows us to find out where our strengths lie and where we need to be careful and vigilant. Knowing the features of the lines on the hands, including those rarely found, we will be able to look behind the curtain of fate, learn its secrets and everything that is hidden from our eyes.

Wealth can be considered as monetary security or as the totality of a person’s spiritual qualities, the range of capabilities of his mind and body. All this is true. However, in this article we will define wealth as the number of all possible material assets, which contribute to a comfortable life, allow a person to spend money on pleasures, various benefits and luxuries.

When studying the signs of wealth on a hand, a palmist always considers wealth in relative terms, not absolute ones. For example, the hand reflects that a person’s income will increase, but by how much? Here you should not say: “This year you will receive 2 million rubles!” and even more so, ask the person who addressed this question to the palmist about his income in quantitative terms. It would be more correct to note: “Your income will increase by 30% compared to the current one.” Each of us, knowing our income at the moment, will be able to calculate its growth in the future in absolute units.

The palmist identifies and determines on the hand the following main ways/paths of wealth generation:


    real estate investing

    implementation of a business project


    wealth by birth

    successful marriage

    winnings, etc.

It is important to know that there is no such thing as a wealth line. Answering the question about material well-being, the palmist examines the totality of marks, signs on the lines of the palm, studies the features of the shape of a person’s hand and fingers, which reveal the nature, character and volume of material wealth.

Let's consider the main signs that may indicate material well-being. The figure shows the main lines, signs and marks indicating material wealth.

Sign 1. Long little finger

People with a long little finger (the finger above the bend between the upper and middle phalanges of the Apollo finger), as a rule, are intellectually developed and sociable people, and have excellent organizational and commercial abilities. If Mercury's finger is short, then the chances of getting rich drop sharply. However, in my practice there were people with high level income having a Mercury finger below the above fold. As a rule, they all had a low placement of the Mercury finger, indicating poor origin, and they earned their capital through their own hard work. This fact was confirmed by other signs and lines on the hand.

Sign 2. No gap/gaps between fingers

If there are gaps/cracks between your fingers, this means that your money is “flowing away”, you do not know how or cannot manage it correctly, so it does not stay with you. And vice versa, when your fingers are tightly closed and there are no gaps, you manage your finances competently, you know how to not only receive them, but also increase them.

Sign 3. Developed lines on the hands

The development of the main lines will show the best way for you to obtain material wealth. For example, if your Mercury line is more developed, it is better to earn money with your knowledge; Apollo line - to receive money for realizing your talent and creative approach to work; the dominant line of Saturn will show you that it is important to fulfill your destiny and then you will be rewarded for your hard work. The characteristics of the Life and Head lines reveal the physical and mental potential of the owner of the hand, which he possesses and can effectively use to increase his well-being.

Sign 4. Vertical branches from the Life line

The Life Line, according to tradition in palmistry, belongs to the main lines. If it is deep and long, then the owner of the hand has every chance of getting rich and has confidence in his own abilities. The most successful time for the implementation of projects will be calculated according to the vertical branches from the Life line going to the hills on the hand, according to the time scale. It is very important to check the strength and nature of success along the line of Fate, which should tend to the Mount of Jupiter at the time the project is implemented.

Sign 5. A pronounced line of Fate

The line of Fate is of great importance for determining the possibility of getting rich. This line may appear, break and disappear throughout a person’s life, and in some people it may be absent. If the line of Fate on your hand is clearly expressed, and at the same time smooth, deep, without breaks, intersections or islands, and the palmar hills are well developed, then this characterizes you as a person who knows how to set goals and persistently strive to achieve them. Of course, these qualities are extremely important for people who intend to reach financial heights. In this case, the line of Fate should tend to the center of the Saturn finger, but not touch the base of the Saturn finger and not enter the phalanges of this finger. The positive meaning is greatly enhanced if the line of Fate moves toward the Mount of Jupiter as it moves. Two or three lines of Fate, located closer to the Mount of Jupiter, will tell the palmist about a person’s inner strength, his enormous potential and the versatile abilities that he intends to realize. These are additional efforts of a person on the path to financial prosperity and material benefits that a person can successfully use. A trident or fork at the end of the Saturn line means prosperity and wealth in adulthood. Branches from the line of Fate are also of great importance, for example, a branch to the hill of Apollo indicates income as a result of the disclosure of a person’s creative abilities and talent, to the hill of Mercury - to income from commerce or scientific activity.

Sign 6. Clear line of the Head

At the psychological level, the Head line reveals information about a person’s way of thinking, his intellectual capabilities, memory and ability to concentrate on achieving a goal. The direction of the Head line reflects the human mentality.

A straight line of the Head without breaks, breaks or displacements indicates a practical person who actively uses his intellectual abilities. The Head line with a smooth bend and direction towards the Mount of the Moon is characteristic of people with good creative potential. If there is a small distance between the Head line and the Life line at their beginning (no more than 2-4 millimeters), then this indicates a balance of mental and physical energy, which allows a person to quickly make the right decisions. The branches from the Head line will tell you about the opportunity to receive and increase your financial potential. Branches tending upward (not intersections!) indicate an improvement in financial situation thanks to a person’s mental activity and efforts. The nature of these efforts is considered in the context of the hills to which the branches are directed (the hills of Jupiter, Saturn, Apollo, Mercury, Upper Mars). Branches directed downwards - the decisions and intentions of a person made at the age of the beginning of the branch will ultimately not be crowned with success and are inherently wrong for this particular person.

Sign 7. Money triangle or wealth triangle

This is the first thing you should pay attention to when studying material well-being. It is located in the center of the palm and represents a triangle formed by the main lines - Head, Fate and an additional line that closes this triangle. This triangle should be a geometrically correct figure with clear vertices and have no breaks or “cracks.” Rule: the larger the triangle, the greater the wealth, however, it does not indicate the absolute amount of money. For example, for one person a million rubles is wealth, and the money triangle will indicate this; for another, tens of millions will be an indicator of his financial success, that is, the amount of wealth is determined based on the needs and requests of the owner of the hand. at this stage his life. If the triangle has a “gap”, then it is through it that money will flow out. Perhaps a person has an increase in income, but at the same time this money is spent on other, usually not his own, purposes. This conclusion should always be checked along the line of Fate.

My practice has shown that rich people have not only a closed and correctly formed money triangle on their hand, but also special marks that characterize them as owners of strong energy and intuition. These people know how to magically attract money into their lives and spend it at their own discretion, and not forcedly.

Sign 8. “Money wind”

It represents many vertical lines on the Mount of Saturn, standing close together and running parallel to each other. These lines indicate a person’s ability to “make money out of thin air,” but big money"money wind" does not work.

Sign 9. Doubled or tripled Life Line

The Life Line is always considered at two levels: on the physical level, it reveals the general state of a person’s health, and on the psychological level, it allows one to judge a person’s abilities for intellectual and spiritual development. A long and undamaged Life line on both hands gives a person a large supply of vitality, and a double or tripled one indicates enormous vitality, optimism and support from above, including in the field of material well-being.

Sign 10. Star in the center of the Mount of Jupiter

The star consists of several crossed lines, at least five lines. This is a very good sign on the hand, indicating a person who has power and money in his hands. It is desirable that the Mount of Jupiter have a convex shape, which will characterize a person’s ambitious thoughts and desire for recognition of his achievements.

Sign 11. Triangle on the Life line

If a triangle appears on your hand, with its apex facing the thumb, and its base is the Life line itself, then you can expect to receive so-called “easy money”. Using the timeline of the Life line, you can calculate the time of receiving such unexpected wealth. The palmist should carefully study other signs on the hand that may indicate the source of this money, for example, successful marriage or receiving an inheritance. In any case, a person with such a sign is considered the darling of fate; it is only important to wisely manage such an unexpected gift.

Sign 12. Short vertical lines on the Mount of Mercury

Small vertical lines, but no more than three, on this hill (not to be confused with the lines of the Samaritans!) indicate constant small cash receipts. By the way, the talent of a businessman can be indicated by a star located on this hill, but the star can also be interpreted as success in science or politics, so you need to check the meaning of this sign for the owner of the hand using other signs and lines on the hand.

Sign 13. A clear line between the Little finger and the Apollo finger

Such a line is interpreted as a line of inheritance, and the age of its receipt is determined by the line of Fate.

Sign 14. Line of Apollo ending in a trident

If the Apollo line ends with a trident, then this characterizes its owner as a person who has achieved great success in realizing his capabilities and talent, especially in the field of art. This ending of the Apollo line can be found in famous people creative professions. This is a very good sign, but does not “work” as a sign of wealth in all cases; its exact meaning should be checked by other lines and signs on the hand.

Sign 15. Phala Rekha - rice line

This sign is given Special attention Indian palmists. “Phala rekha” - “rice line” or “grain of wheat” is located on the bend between the first and second phalanges of the thumb. It indicates the conditions and quality of a person’s life. Accordingly, the larger this line, the more material wealth a person owns. My practice has shown that a person who has a “phala rekha” on his thumb is happy in marriage; in difficult economic times, he will always have money, albeit small, allowing him to calmly survive financial instability.

Magic signs located on the palms indicate a certain gift that a person possesses. Someone is endowed with the gift of clairvoyance, someone has the ability to heal people.
Let's get acquainted with the main magical signs on the palms that are responsible for extrasensory abilities.
1. A clear cross on the upper phalanx of the index finger– predisposition to clairvoyance, willingness to engage in esotericism (i.e. the person is ripe for this).
2. Triangle on the middle phalanx of the middle finger- extrasensory perception.
3. Vertical lines without breaks or intersections on the lower phalanges of the fingers - personal charm (gift of charm, charm), optimism, sociability.
4. Samaritan Lines(almost vertical lines on the Mount of Mercury, if there are more than three of them) - the gift of healing, extrasensory perception (in combination with the previous one, it speaks of white magic: healing and harmonization without the use of personal will and personal power).
5. Island(a small additional line in the form of a tubercle) on the belt of Venus (the line that unites the middle and ring fingers like a ring) - clairvoyance, highly developed intuition.
6. Ring of Solomon(an arced line encircling the index finger) - exceptional talent in the field of telepathy, clairvoyance and, in general, extrasensory perception.
7. Cross on the Valley of Mars(in the center of the palm) – sensitive person with much developed intuition, he often has true premonitions and prophetic dreams; interest in occult sciences.
8. Line from the positive mount of Mars in the space between the index and middle fingers - great magical power.
9. Cross inside a rectangle on the Mount of Jupiter - a master, clairvoyant; a person who can get out of critical situations thanks to help from above.
10. Isis Line(straight line running from the Mount of the Moon to the negative Mount of Mars and passing along the edge of the palm) - the ability to clairvoyance, telepathy and, in general, extrasensory perception.
11. Line of Intuition(line running from the mount of the Moon to the negative mount of Mars) – the ability to anticipate future events.
12. Magic triangle(a triangle of the lines of Head, Fate and Health with a right angle at the intersection of the lines of Head and Health) - any psychic ability(including clairvoyance).
13. Double Life Line– extrasensory perception, strong energy.
14 Circle at the bottom of the Mount of the Moon– clairvoyance, telepathy, and in general – extrasensory abilities.
15 Triangle at the bottom of the Mount of Neptune– extrasensory perception, clairvoyance.
16 Well developed colliculi as well as finger joints– experience and wisdom, occult knowledge. 17 Red and white spots on the palm with developed hillocks- these are the places where energy exits from the palm chakras, evidence of the ability to heal, charge objects with the hands and, in general, for any energy work with the hands.
18 The upper phalanx of the little finger is elongated and inclined towards the ring finger(see photo) – altruism; the thoughts and deeds of such a person are aimed at helping people and society (these are priests, monks, altruistic individuals).
19 Cross on the Mount of Saturn (under the middle finger)– mysticism and the desire to do evil using occult sciences. If a person does not understand the occult sciences, then the cross on the Mount of Saturn is interpreted differently: an obstacle that needs to be overcome, temporary financial difficulties, a tendency to get into dangerous situations, possible dangers from transport.
20 Mesh on the upper phalanx of the little finger– a tendency to black magic (causing direct harm at the will of the magician, without taking into account the will of higher powers).
21 Triangle on the Mount of Saturn- interest in the supernatural, ability to occult sciences, scientific approach to esotericism (if there is also a star on the lower phalanx of the middle finger - a special ability to comprehend occult secrets).
22 The upper phalanges of the fingers are ovoid in shape(with thickening towards the end of the finger) – a tendency to deep thought, philosophy, the ability to solve any, even the most complicated problems; the desire for Truth, logical thinking, the need for religious, social and political freedom.
23 Pronounced philosophical knot (upper knot (thickening) of the joint) on the fingers– a penchant for analysis and balanced thinking; critical thinking (doubts and strict logic).

Some notes and rules

To be sure of the presence or absence of magical signs on your hand, you need to remember the rules:
The palms should be clean and free of skin diseases or abrasions.
It is advisable to watch in good lighting, without rushing.
Lines and signs on the hands must be without breaks or intersections (any intersection or break weakens the strength of the sign).
The presence of only one sign does not indicate esoteric abilities - for this there must be several such signs, plus, preferably, well-developed hills and joints.
On lumpy (hills) and knobby palms (joints), the effect of magical signs is enhanced.
If there are magical signs on the left hand, but not on the right hand, then the person from birth had the corresponding abilities, but did not develop them and could lose them.
If there are magical signs on the right hand, but not on the left, then the person acquired these abilities during life (for example, with the help of special techniques).
There may be signs on the hand that weaken or even block magical signs, so in order to accurately say about the presence of an ability (or a predisposition to it), these signs must be taken into account; but this is already in-depth palmistry, so we won’t dwell on it here.
This article does not describe all the meanings of these signs, but only their magical and basic context.
Having looked at your hands and found magical signs in yourself, you may want to take the path of improvement and helping people, but take advice: do not rush to apply your abilities on yourself and especially on other people. In the absence of professional skills, you can sometimes get completely the opposite result. It's easier to do damage than to fix. In addition, in some cases, you can drag other people's problems onto yourself. You need to start with self-improvement, and it is very important to find an experienced teacher, and not a charlatan posing as a master - after all, we are talking about access to very strong and dangerous energies, which should only be used by professionals who know how to protect others and themselves from negative influence incorrectly put into operation energy. Since ancient times, knowledge of paranormal phenomena has spread only among a narrow circle of dedicated people. The ability to use these exceptional abilities imposes enormous responsibility on a person.

Signs on the hand- in palmistry have a special meaning. Hands often have many signs on the hand and on the lines, or no signs at all. People who are familiar with palmistry know that in addition to hills and lines, they are very important signs on the hand, which are capable of radically changing the situation of events determined by a person’s hand.

Hand signs can be located on different parts of the palm, and with their presence they almost always correct the course of events. Most likely, the question naturally arises in your mind: what do hand signs mean? what do the signs of death look like? changing the action of tubercles and lines. It is worth paying attention to the marriage line - the signs there will indicate events that await you in love affairs and relationships in marriage with loved ones.

Rare hand signs, such as the Star sign, signs which are also Points, Islands,Lattices, Triangle and Square are the main and sometimes rare signs of the palm and fingers.

Signs and symbols located on the palm can be either a permanent sign of the hand or temporary, which in turn warn the owner of the hand about various dangers. Not permanent signs - they can subsequently disappear and appear again over time. One of the special and mysterious signs of the hand is the presence of a mystical cross on the hand, which is usually located in the center on the throne of the palm. This sign is usually found in people actively involved in occult practices.

Star sign on hand - meaning

Star sign- can predict in the palm of your hand both a good event and a completely bad one, - however general meaning the sign is interpreted as follows:

This is an event that does not depend on a person’s free will; it has the character of a suddenness, an outbreak. Usually the sign is found on the tubercles and hills of the palm. Often a sign can be seen on a line where the star carries a completely bad meaning.
Located on a line, a star always means some strongly unfavorable event that could end a person’s life, a violent celebrity, depending on the location of the sign.

An unfortunate location for the star sign (1) is the Mount of Saturn - the life of such a person will end in great misfortune, he will become famous due to his terrible fate, especially if the sign is located under the Mount of Saturn.

Star on the Hill The moon (2) is a bad sign, it symbolizes hypocrisy, a tendency towards betrayal, emphasizes the baseness and pretense of a person, it is better to avoid people with such a sign on their hands, especially when several stars are found in this space. A star on the hand usually brings misfortune, and in particular a star on the Mount of the Moon, misfortune caused by the imagination. The sign increases the likelihood of drowning in the water.

If Star located on the hill of Mars (3), - can threaten violent death, - often means murder, a threat to health from fire, fire, as well as a gunshot wound. A star in this place symbolizes resistance, active action, a fierce struggle for life, and, as a rule, bodily harm. The Star sign in the lower part of the tubercle of Venus (4) indicates the suffering and misfortune of the owner of the hand, which was caused by individuals of the opposite sex.

Star sign which is located on the hill of Apollo (5) - indicates prosperity and universal recognition, however, wealth is unhappy, it is not inspired by positive emotions and a true sense of happiness. If the star on this hillock has a line, then it indicates a celebrity, often violent, but accompanied by great talent.

If the Star is located on the Mount of Jupiter (6), this placement of the sign is the most successful - this indicates that the person will have, or perhaps indicates that he already has, powerful power over other people and recognition. The sign symbolizes inner satisfaction and pride. It is not uncommon for such a sign to be a mark of a lucky person in love, but for this there must be additional symbols.

Star sign on the Mount of Mercury(7) indicates certain abilities of the subject, and depending on other indicators on the palm, it may indicate the gift of eloquence, the ability to correctly express the essence - this is also a sign of no small success in science and commercial affairs. However, in conjunction with the fact that on a corrupted hand, on which one can see a clear expression of the negative aspirations and characteristics of a person, such a sign means a nimble mind, capable of committing deception and dishonor in order to achieve set goals and profit.

Trident sign on hand - meaning

Trident sign- this is a very rare sign that is found on the hand, - it is formed by diverging branches in different directions from the connection of the line of the hand, as shown in the example photo picture. The trident sign should not be mistakenly confused with the similar fork sign, which is a much more common sign. Such a sign necessarily has a clear pattern and usually completes or begins one of the main lines.

The most good location trident in the palm, there will be an option when the trident is located on the hill of Jupiter (1), this is evidence and a guarantee of the social significance of a person and his ideas. If he chose locations on the hill of Apollo (2), it will be a sign of public glory, and simply fantastic, incredible success. This is undoubtedly a happy future.

Cross sign on hand - meaning

Sign Cross- is generally considered bad sign and a bad omen. However, here you should remember the main rule when interpretation of the cross on the hand. If the cross has the correct shape and is well folded - that is, when its mutually intersecting lines of the sign are of the same length - it is considered a "good" sign, especially if it is located on a bad line.

If the cross is ugly, it carries a bad meaning, especially on a good, beautiful line. Below is the meaning of the cross on various parts of the palm.

The Cross sign on the Mount of Jupiter (1), as well as the star, is a good sign - this is an indicator of successful happy marriage, it is only necessary that it be clear and distinct.
When the sign is on the Mount of Saturn (2), it carries special meaning, this is a disastrous sign of mysticism, fate itself threatens here - “Rock” - note that even any line descending from this tubercle down is a harbinger of a serious accident, not to mention other negative hand signs.

Cross sign on the tubercle Apollo (3) indicates delusion and soaring in art or wealth, this sign denotes stopped success, which is not destined to be reborn. On the Mount of Mercury (4) cross sign, reveals an dishonest nature, predisposed to deception and theft - we note again that the more incorrect the symmetry of the sign, the more clearly the negative qualities of the sign will appear. For example, if you see a Cross on your hand, which is located on the marriage line, it predicts an upcoming break in your marriage.

The cross located on Venus (5) means the only fatal love, but its meaning can be changed by an additional cross on the Mount of Jupiter - that in combination these two signs mean the only happy love all my life. This is how the interpretation of the cross signs can change dramatically.

On the Mount of Mars (6), the cross speaks of the arrogance of its owner, this is a subject who likes to argue even if he is wrong. Such people are capable of extremely thoughtless actions and have a peculiar disposition. But if the cross is on positive Mars, such a sign can indicate events associated with violence, both psychological and material, in particular, as practice shows, the cross sign can indicate operations undergone by a person.

Although a person undertakes such a thing completely consciously, the human self-preservation system does not understand such an intervention in the body as an operation, and considers determining when they invade the body or cut it as violence, and accordingly the event is recorded.

Cross on the hill Moon (7), will indicate a person capable of deceiving - sometimes the subject can get so carried away that he does not notice how he deceived himself. Any signs in this place are unfavorable, for example, 2 short lines on the hill of the Moon, forming a right angle with each other, mean the sign of a drowned person. The cross sign, if it is located between the lines of the heart and head, and stands separately from the lines in the center of the hand, such a sign is called a mystical cross, it indicates a person intensely interested in occult sciences, or capable of manifesting himself in this direction, it often happens that a person and does not suspect that he has hidden talents.

It should be recalled once again that crosses on the palm are deciphered as follows: when they are well made, and the hands on which they are located are harmonious and proportional, then in palmistry- these are most likely good signs. But if signs made poorly, incorrectly and in poor shape - then they are especially unhappy.

Island sign meaning island

Sign Island usually located on a line - there it expresses unfavorable periods of life, always worsening with prediction, often islands are a shameful thing of the line on which they find themselves. For example, an island on the line of Fate (3) indicates immoral behavior and often adultery.

Often the island sign indicates a period of life in a difficult financial situation. All in all Islands are interpreted as - clutter, obstacle or obstacles that will inevitably occur if no action is taken.

On the Heart line such a sign (1) shows problems with circulatory system, heart disease, and may also indicate periods of doubt in feelings, adultery. On the line of Life (2), big Island- threatens a decline in vitality, limits a person’s mobility, that is, indicates future periods spent in illness, and is an extremely unfavorable sign in this place.

Island on the line of Success - if it is small island- this means there will be difficulty, loss of good social or official position. When the island is on the line of Mercury - deterioration in health, liver disease and, as a consequence, possible bankruptcy. On the head line (4), the island sign can become evidence of a psycho-emotional breakdown, mental illness of a person, and can also be a sign of insidious plans.

Square sign- A square, or as they also say a rhombus or a rectangle, are considered signs of protection. These are signs that weaken the threat from damaged lines and soften the blows of fate. A square is a favorable sign on the hand - it gives a person a sound mind, a correct outlook on life and cold energy with the help of which the owner of the hand will be able to get out of a difficult situation.

Squares are undoubtedly a good sign on the hand, and are a protective and softening sign; various broken lines are often enclosed in a square (2) - and often completely bad signs, can be deprived of their negative effect and neutralized squares.

But if the square sign is located near the life line, on the Mount of Venus or adjacent to the life line (1), then it indicates a limitation of a person’s free will throughout its entire length.

Usually such a square is interpreted as imprisonment, but this does not always happen. Any limitation of the will can be expressed by a square - be it military service or study in closed institutions, long-term illnesses that confine a person to bed, and looking at the other signs of the hand, one can accurately determine the meaning of the sign.

Large square-rectangle

The large quadrangle is otherwise called the “Hand Table”. It is formed by the main lines and intersections with each other: the line of the Mind, the Line of the Heart, the line of Fate and the line of Success. He usually has far irregular shape geometric rectangle - beveled corners, far from straight, or the absence of some of the sides. However, it will be good if it is more or less correct - large and expanding towards the Mount of Jupiter. This speaks of good health, directness and breadth of nature, honesty, kindness, and pleasant character.

If a large rectangle is generally defective in appearance, then this reveals a person who is indecisive, weak, with a cowardly character, and a selfish nature.

Sign Dot on hand line

Points on lines- these are signs that mean sudden shocks, events in the corresponding influences of the planets, a point on the heart line - a sharp or sudden grief, a point on the Saturn line - an incident that amazes in the course of fate with its unexpectedness, and here it is a very bad sign for a very impressionable person.

White Dots are not a particularly good sign, but relatively empty. Points on the head line can predict minor nervous or brain suffering and can be a sign of sudden discoveries. On the heart line is a sign of love victories. On the Life line, points predict injuries or illnesses, but illnesses acquired most likely by chance, that is, depending on any circumstances, and not due to one’s own poor health.

Dark Dots - serve as an indication of serious disasters, for example those caused by force majeure, and the location of the dot on the life line indicates the date of the events. Often small dots on the lines of the arms are hardly noticeable, and in order to see the point on the line, the skin of the arm should be stretched.

Circle Sign

The Circle sign, the ring is a very rare sign on the hand, - Circle sign on tubercles palms, is a halo, it indicates fame and success in the area where it is located and there is a good sign on the hand. But if it is on the line of the head or life, then as legend says, then this is the loss of an eye, two circles, the loss of both eyes, as you can see, the sign is located almost in the wrong way, and can instantly turn into a very scary sign on the hand.
I would like to emphasize that the influence of any sign on a person, in to a large extent depends on the type of hand on which the sign is located, and can be reflected in events to varying degrees.

Triangle sign on hand meaning

Triangle- a good sign, a sign of great ability and inclination towards science, knowledge, and mental work. But unfortunately, this rule is not without exception; it, just like a circle, becomes a big threat if it is not positioned correctly.

On the mount of Jupiter (1) the sign is triangle, it indicates great diplomatic abilities, but with huge ideas. A triangle on the Mount of Saturn (2) is interpreted as a sign of a master in occult sciences, based mainly on black magic, and also indicates abilities or inclinations towards spiritualism, magnetism, and hypnosis.

On other parts of the palm, the triangle takes on its own special meaning. So on the hill of Apollo (3) - it means the ability of pure art with strict science, - on the hill of Mars (5) - skillful calculation, great abilities in military affairs.

On the hill of the Moon (6) - penetration into the secrets of art, mysticism. On the Mount of Venus there is a triangle, if it is on the Life line (7), this is a bad sign, - it threatens to suffer from a fire, - if the triangle is located near the life line, then a person can suffer financially from fire, but not physically.

In other cases, the location of the triangle on Venus marks the application of pure reason to the art of love, which means that calculation in love affairs is above all.

The meaning of lines in pictures




Line Rosetta

Lattice sign on the hand - meaning

Lattice- a sign on the hand is meant as small figures, most often quadrangular in shape, consisting of frequent, closely standing and intersecting thin lines, which appearance resemble a lattice. Most often, the Lattice signifies extremes, passions and obstacles. Barred hill Venus (1), means a great desire for sensual and sexual pleasures, perversity that does not honor a person.

On the Mount of Jupiter (2), the lattice sign means satanic arrogance, real delusions of grandeur, the desire to shine no matter what, as well as gluttony and superstition, and is a sign of human stupidity. If the lattice is located on the Mount of Saturn (3), then it indicates misfortune, gloominess and a disastrous difficult existence or life.

On the Mount of Apollo (4), the meaning of the sign indicates insane pride, stupidity, talkativeness, and sometimes madness, loss of productive power, envy, sophistry and the paradoxes of a liar. On the Mount of Mercury (5) - crime, theft, deceit and lies, treachery and hype and pretentious ignorance, in general a negative sign in this place, you should be careful when encountering people who have such a sign on their hand.

Hash mark on the tubercle Mars (6), which according to legend is the god of war, gives rudeness to a person, anger, injustice and incommensurable insolence, sometimes even a thirst for blood, a certain tendency to tyranny, and can also mean violent death and a great risk of dying at the hands of a murderer.

There is a lattice on the hill of the moon(7) - this is an indicator of the eternal sad mood of the spirit, the sign is a mark that reveals a capricious personality with frequent mood swings, indicates lethargy, anxiety, and possible nervous attacks.

On a woman's thin hand - this is an indicator of hysterical nature, eternal discontent, incessant desires - emphasizes the fallibility of man and, to some extent, fanaticism.

Small signs are not mandatory: they may not be on the palm at all, or only a few are present. In their regard, we can paraphrase the saying: small is the sign, but dear. We all have main lines, this is what unites us. Small signs are more individual. They are the ones who carry information about events, so their correct assessment is extremely important.


One of the most powerful small signs, often having a fatal meaning. Marks a major event, bright, unexpected. Figuratively: a star is a flash, an explosion. As a result, something new and positive is created if the star on the hill is beautiful, well formed; if it is torn and uneven, it indicates destruction. A star on a line often indicates danger. In any case, the star is a mark.

On the Mount of Jupiter - great honors, success, wealth, triumph.

On the Mount of Saturn - high fatality, great misfortune, capacity for crime, tendency to suicide. There is an opposite opinion - happiness, luck, high achievements.

On the Mount of the Sun - a brilliant position, wealth, talent, fame.

On the Mount of Mercury - success in business or science.

On the mount of positive Mars - honors as a result of hard work. But also fire, threat from fire, wound, injury.

On the hill of negative Mars - fame in the military field, heroism. But also danger from a stranger, aggression.

On the Campus Martius (in the middle of the palm) - a serious accident, wound, injury.

On the Mount of the Moon - fame due to imagination. But also danger from water, difficult childbirth, madness, suicidal tendencies.

On the Mount of Venus - success from the opposite sex, or danger from the opposite sex, up to sexually transmitted diseases (depending on the outline).

On the Mount of Venus under the thumb and family chain - an unsuccessful marriage.

In a large quadrangle - a sign of generosity and sincerity. A clear sign of a star, especially if under the hill of the Sun - happiness.

In the center of the palm, bright and beautiful - the Magician star, paranormal abilities

On the line of life - trauma, tragedy.

On the line of life at its end there is unexpected death.

There is an injury on the head line.

At the end of the head line there is a stroke.

On the line of the head descending low on the hill of the Moon - madness, suicidal tendencies.

On a broken line of the head - weakness of mind, mental illness.

On the broken line of the head under the finger of Saturn - violent death.

At the intersection of the head line and the health line - nervous illness, childlessness.

On the heart line - a flash of passion, shock or dangerous heart disease (vice, rheumatism, heart attack).

On the fate line in the lower part - a mistake of youth with serious consequences.

At the end of the broken line of fate there is a tendency towards suicide.

On the line of Mercury or close to it - an operation.

On the lines of Rosetta under the Mount of Venus - misfortune for women.

On the ring of Venus - a crime of passion or venereal diseases.

On the line of affection - the sudden death of a partner.

On the fingers there is either happiness or danger in the area for which a given finger is responsible, depending on the star pattern and other indicators of the hand.


Sign of danger, obstacle or defect. Mostly negative meaning, with the exception of its location on the Mount of Jupiter. At the beginning of the line it delays its manifestation, in the middle it indicates an obstacle, at the end it indicates an unfavorable outcome.

On the Mount of Jupiter, especially double - high social position, wealth, happy family life- social success in all its forms.

On the Mount of Saturn - broken hopes, exposure to accidents, especially from vehicles. If near the heart line - a fatal connection.

On the Mount of the Sun - disappointment in trying to achieve fame. Teacher's influence.

On the Mount of Mercury - dishonesty and duplicity, a tendency to steal.

Between the hill of Mercury and the Sun there is a computer cross.

On the hill of Mars - enemies, quarrels, conflicts, injuries.

On the Mount of Venus in the upper or middle part, a large one is the only, possibly fatal love.

On the Mount of Venus in the lower part or two crosses - inconstancy in love, failure, notoriety.

On the Mount of Venus near or adjacent to the life line - quarrels with relatives.

On the Mount of Venus in the upper part there is an uneven “lying” cross – sexually transmitted diseases.

On the Mount of the Moon - the fatal influence of imagination, a tendency to self-deception, poverty in old age.

Two crosses on the hill of the Moon - the likelihood of drowning.

On the plain of Mars - defeat in the struggle, meaningless conflicts.

On the wrist - misfortune at the beginning of life.

In the large quadrangle there is a large cross from the intersection of the processes of the lines of the head and heart, as well as the process of one of them with the line of fate - Mystical cross, ability for the occult, prophetic gift, superstition.

On the life line at the beginning there is a life full of difficulties: bearing the cross.

On the life line anywhere - illness or misfortune at this age, surgery.

Crosses and asterisks between the line of life and the head (even and beautiful) - Chain of happiness, great success.

On the head line - failure, illness, disaster, dangerous injury, head injury.

On the line of the head under the middle finger - a threat to life.

On the line of the head descending to the Mount of the Moon, at the end there is mental illness.

On the heart line - failure in love or heart disease.

At the beginning of the line of fate there is opposition from other people.

On the line of fate there is an obstacle, a difficult period.

On the health line there is a threat from liver disease.

On the line of art - an obstacle to success, loss of fortune.

At the end of the line of affection - the end of a great love, perhaps as a result of the death of a partner.

On the upper joint of the thumb - a tendency to intrigue.

On the middle joint of the index finger - the ability to take advantage of influential people through flattery and pretense.

On the lower joint of the middle finger - possible death in war; in women - infertility.

On the upper joint of the little finger there is an innate tendency to steal.

Square (quadrilateral)

A sign of protection, protection, eliminating or mitigating a disadvantage or danger. On hillocks it improves their value, on lines it blocks troubles. Its second side is also important: if there is protection, then there is also danger.

On the Mount of Jupiter - pedagogical abilities; protection from excessive ambitions; happy marriage, if the square includes the heart line.

On the Mount of Saturn - salvation from major troubles, even death.

On the Mount of the Sun - respect and wealth.

On the Mount of Mercury - protection from the financial crisis, mitigating the restlessness of the Mercury.

On the Mount of Venus - protection from troubles associated with passions. It may be a sign of “constipation” of feelings.

On the Mount of Mars - the ability to avoid conflicts.

On the hill of the Moon - danger to life from loved one, a sign of dropsy.

On the wrist (mountain of Comet) - a person has been insured against troubles since childhood.

There are several squares on the Champ de Mars - help in crisis situations.

On the Field of Mars near the line of Saturn - restriction of freedom, imprisonment.

On the life line around the gap there is a dangerous illness with a successful outcome.

Adjacent to the line of life - isolation from the world, isolation, loneliness (hospital, prison, monastery).

At the junction of the life line and the head line - salvation from violent death.

On the line of the head - protection from accidents, accidents.

On the heart line - salvation from love troubles. Patronage of a lover. On a bad hand - gigolo.

On the line of fate there is a long limitation of opportunities.

On the line of fate, a break or movement of the line is sealed - a restored marriage; returning to your previous job or place of residence.

On the travel line - possible misfortune on the road and avoidance of it.

On the line of affection - ardent but short-lived love; wealth from the wife.


Blocking sign: obstacles on the path to success. On the hillocks, it reduces their positive influence, dissipates energy, and aggravates the health defects characteristic of these places.

On the Mount of Jupiter - a precarious social and property position, pride.

On the Mount of Saturn - misfortune, loss of fortune, hard life, depression.

On the hill of the Sun - insane pride, vanity, censure by society.

On the Mount of Mercury - dishonesty, unreliability, losses as a result of one's own activities.

On the hill of Mars there is constant anxiety, sometimes a sign of violent death. Deprivation.

On the Mount of Venus - secret vices, debauchery, sexual complexes, venereal diseases.

On the Mount of the Moon - lethargy, anxiety, frayed nerves, hysteria. Morbid fantasies, sexual dysfunctions. Frequent change of place of residence.

On the wrist - the extreme degree of a person's fall.

On the upper joint of the thumb - quarrelsomeness, grumpiness.

On the middle joint of the little finger - deep or deceptive nature.


It means illness, difficulties, failures, obstacles, weakening of vitality. Worsens the meaning of the line, carries a bad omen. Sometimes indicates heredity.

On the Mount of Jupiter - self-doubt, shame, career collapse.

On the Mount of Saturn - suspiciousness, difficulties at every step.

On the Mount of the Sun - changeable success, unfavorable social relationships.

On the Mount of Mercury - damage to yourself.

On the hill of Mars - weakness of the soul, cowardice.

On the Mount of the Moon - apathy, weak imagination, health problems.

On the Mount of Venus - separation from a loved one, disappointment. If the island is on some line on the Mount of Venus, it is a shame because of love.

On the life line - illness and weakness at a particular age; temporary difficulty.

On the life line at the very beginning, one or several clear islands can indicate a secret birth, illegitimate origin, or miscegenation.

On the head line there is a tendency to mental stress and brain diseases.

On the line of the head there is a chain of islands - nervous diseases.

On the heart line - heart failure; difficulties in love, blocking of feelings.

On the line of fate - inconstancy, adultery, separation.

On the line of art - vain aspirations, danger to the eyes and face. Opportunity to get rich thanks to illegal connections.

On the health line - liver disease.

On the line of attachment there is a temporary serious discord in family life.


Rare sign. In some cases it has a positive meaning, in others it has a negative meaning. The lines show a period of difficulty: the person seems to be walking in a circle.

On the Mount of Jupiter - honor, glory.

On the hill of the Sun - success, high position, fame, but also scandal.

On the Mount of Venus - indifference to everything except sensual pleasures.

On the Mount of Mercury - failure.

On the hill of Mars - cowardice; wounds.

On the Mount of the Moon - interest in extrasensory perception; danger of drowning.

On the line of life, on the line of the head - weakening of vision, especially for a person of the Apollo type. If there is a dot nearby - blindness.

On the line of the heart is heartlessness.

On the line of fate there are constant worries.

On the marriage line there is a sign of a bachelor.

Concentric circles of skin patterns on the first knuckles of all fingers are a convincing indication of success in money matters or receiving a rich inheritance.

Concentric circles on the high hill of Saturn - isolation, pessimism.

Concentric circles on a well-developed Mount of Mercury - eloquence, ability to trade, enterprise. Elongated circles represent trickery and deceit.


A dot (depression, depression, speck) is a sign of suddenness and temporaryness. Sudden illness, temporary illness, etc. The meaning varies according to the color of the dot and its location.

Dark spots:

On the Mount of Jupiter - failure in marriage, professional difficulties, loss of position in society.

On the Mount of Saturn there are constant problems in the family.

On the Mount of Mercury - losses in trade matters.

On the hill of the Moon - disappointment.

On the Mount of Venus - sexual disorder. Hearing impairment.

The wrist is a common disease in childhood.

On the plain of Mars - failure. Intestinal dysfunction.

On the life line - sudden illness, loss of strength. Several points - diseases of the spine.

On the line of life at its end there is sudden death.

On the line of the mind - a strong blow to the head, several points - headaches.

On the line of the head and mind at the end - injury, brain disease.

On the heart line is a weak heart.

On the heart line, a deep black dot under the little finger is misfortune from children.

On the line of success is an obstacle to progress.

On the line of fate - an obstacle to happiness, a temporary stop in development.

On the health line - poor health, especially problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

a deep red dot is a dangerous wound.

White dots:

On the head line in the middle is a brilliant mind, an important discovery.

On the heart line - luck in love, victories.

Red (brown) dots:

On the Mount of the Sun there is a predisposition to eye diseases.

On the life line - anger, rude character.

On the line of the head is the sign of a killer.

On the heart line - physical or moral shocks, sudden grief.

On the health line - liver disease.

On the travel line there is a danger to life on the road.

On the marriage line - sudden widowhood.

Dot in a circle or in brackets:

On the Mount of Saturn - deliverance from a death sentence.

On the hill of the Moon - deliverance from danger on the water.

On the Mount of Mercury - failure due to your own fault.


Very favorable: a sign of success and harmony, a combination of opposites.

On the Mount of Jupiter and Mercury - diplomatic abilities, success in managing people.

On the Mount of Saturn - a penchant for the supernatural, the ability to hypnosis, concentration of thought.

On the hill of the Sun - practical use talent in art.

On the Mount of Mercury - business acumen.

On the Mount of Mars - high ideals, composure, protection from injury.

On the Mount of Venus - calmness and calculation in love, the desire for the ideal. Fine arts ability.

On the Mount of the Moon - the scientific method in imaginative thinking. Ability for music.

On the rosette, the first line in the middle with a cross - fabulous wealth, high social position, happy old age.

There are several triangles on the life line - receiving an inheritance.

There are several triangles on the head line - a penchant for science

There is one bright one on the life line - a comatose state, after which phenomenal abilities are revealed.

Rod (trident), arrow

A very happy and favorable sign: fame, wealth. A distinctive sign of leaders and statesmen. On the hillock it emphasizes these qualities in a person; on the line it marks success in this area of ​​life.

On the Mount of Jupiter - success in ambitious plans.

On the Mount of Saturn - success in the sciences, in comprehending the secrets of the world.

On the Mount of the Sun - an outstanding position in art, wealth.

On the Mount of Mercury - comprehensive abilities.

On the Mount of Venus - outstanding love qualities.

On the hill of the moon - famous poet, traveler, clairvoyant.

On the hill of Mars there is a famous warrior.

In the Chain of Happiness - the Egyptian Rod, an excellent career, a high state position.



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