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Why blue thread on clothes? A thread will tell you how the day will go

There are many signs, both good and not so good, and they relate to almost absolutely everything that surrounds a person. Animals, birds, dishes, meteorological conditions can foreshadow many events. Even the threads that stuck to our clothes were there for a reason. They are also harbingers of many different events.

In childhood, adults jokingly say to children “to the groom” or “bride,” taking into account the gender of the child. And by winding the stuck thread around your finger and listing the entire alphabet, you could even find out the letter with which the name of your future other half begins.

The meaning of the sign about a thread stuck to clothes

This sign has several meanings. For example, for unmarried girls a thread on clothing promises a meeting with a future lover. In this case, they looked at the color of the thread. If the thread is dark, the husband will be brunette, if it is light, he will be light brown or blond. If a girl wanted to find out the name of her future husband, she would wind the thread around her ring finger. Each turn around the finger corresponded to a letter of the alphabet. Whichever letter the thread ends with, the beloved’s first or last name will begin with that letter.
Using the same scheme, one could find out whether a young man loves a girl. To do this, you also need to wind a thread around your finger and say: “loves - loves not.” Which option the thread ends on, these are the groom’s feelings towards the fortune-telling girl.
You can also diagnose your energy state by looking at the thread on your clothes. If a thread sticks to your clothes, it means the Universe’s attention is on you. This means that you are attracting something. This can be both negative and positive. If in Lately If you are haunted by failures, it means that everything bad sticks to you. This is a sign that means you need to change something in your life. Consider the old saying: like attracts like. In this case, get rid of the thread - burn it with the words:
“everything bad comes from me, everything good comes to me.”
There is another interpretation of this folk sign. You can tell your future by a thread stuck to your clothes. To do this, you should pay attention to its color.

Black thread means trouble.
White - to an unexpected meeting.
Green thread - for money.
Blue thread - to tears and disappointments.
Brown thread - for a serious conversation.
Yellow - good luck.
Red thread - for love or a date.
A multi-colored thread promises changes for the better.

The thread that you removed from your clothes should not be thrown away. If you predict something good from it, then it is better to save it until the prediction comes true. If a folk sign predicts trouble for you, then you should throw away this thread and forget about what it told you. Because it's better to believe in good omens!

18.07.2017 10:14

Each of us has situations when we notice that a thread has accidentally become attached to our clothes. What does it mean?

Signs and superstitions say that a stuck thread is a sign telling you how your day will go. And the clue is the color of this thread.

What thread stuck to you?

White the thread promises a meeting. You should walk the streets, go shopping, go to a social event - there you can meet an old friend or girlfriend, and this meeting will make you happy.

Blackthe thread is associated with bad events. She warns you that you can easily get into conflict situation, and even a harmless conversation can end unpleasantly. Therefore, now it is better for you to communicate with people to a minimum.

Red The thread promises you romantic events and declarations of love. After all, red is the color of love! Therefore, be prepared that your chosen one will be in a lyrical mood, and he will tell you about his feelings. Even if you are married and there has been no romance in your relationship for a long time, your husband will want to create it and surprise you.

Yellow the thread promises separation from a loved one, because yellow is the color of separation. But don’t be alarmed - it’s not at all necessary that this separation is forever. Most likely, your loved one will go somewhere - for example, on a business trip or to visit relatives.

Blue a thread that clings to your clothes is a symbol of trouble. It is possible that someone from your environment will treat you unkindly, and you will have to be nervous because of this.

Green the thread is a wonderful sign. The day promises to be successful, something good will definitely happen to you - for example, good news, a surprise, a gift or pleasant communication.

A brown the thread is considered a symbol of everyday life. If a thread of this color is attached to you, it means that your day will go as usual - there will be a routine around you, and nothing new will happen.

It is believed that if a thread is stuck to clothing, it means something. If you believe folk superstitions, then every little thing is worthy of our attention, since it is a kind of sign of fate. What does the sign mean - a thread stuck to clothes?

The meaning of the sign about a thread stuck to clothes

This sign has several meanings. For example, for unmarried girls, a thread on clothes promises a meeting with a future lover. In this case, they looked at the color of the thread. If the thread is dark, the husband will be a brunette; if it is light, the husband will be light-haired or blond. If a girl wanted to find out the name of her future husband, she would wind the thread around her ring finger. Each turn around the finger corresponded to a letter of the alphabet. Whichever letter the thread ends with, the beloved’s first or last name will begin with that letter.

Using the same scheme, one could find out whether a young man loves a girl. To do this, you also need to wind a thread around your finger and say: “loves - loves not.” Which option the thread ends with, these are the groom’s feelings towards the fortune-telling girl.

You can also diagnose your energy state by looking at the thread on your clothes. If a thread sticks to your clothes, it means the Universe’s attention is on you. This means that you are attracting something. This can be both negative and positive. If you have been haunted by failures lately, it means that everything bad is sticking to you. This is a sign that means you need to change something in your life. Consider the old saying: like attracts like. In this case, get rid of the thread - burn it with the words: “all the bad things come from me, all the good things come to me.”

There is another interpretation of this folk sign. You can tell your future by a thread stuck to your clothes. To do this, you should pay attention to its color.

  • Black thread means trouble.
  • White - to an unexpected meeting.
  • Green thread - for money.
  • Blue thread - to tears and disappointments.
  • Brown thread - for a serious conversation.
  • Yellow - good luck.
  • Red thread - for love or a date.
  • A multi-colored thread promises changes for the better.

The thread that you removed from your clothes should not be thrown away. If you predict something good from it, then it is better to save it until the prediction comes true. If a folk sign predicts trouble for you, then you should throw away this thread and forget about what it told you. Because it is better to believe in good omens. After all, everyone knows that what you believe in happens! We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

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