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Alexander Alexandrovich Fadeev – author famous novel"Young guard". It describes the actions of the secret organization of the same name that existed during the Great Patriotic War during the occupation. This took place in the Ukrainian city of Krasnodon, which became famous after the publication of the novel.

The first edition of the novel was released a year after the war. Fadeev A.A. went to the city where the events took place, talked to people. He was greatly inspired by the courage of the young people and quickly wrote a book. However, it was criticized and considered ideologically harmful for the reason that the role of the Communist Party was practically not described in it. Five years later A.A. Fadeev released a revised version, which took into account all the necessary requirements.

The writer made the main characters real-life people, and also added fictional ones. The events that are presented to the attention of readers are partly real and partly fictitious. The author mentioned that he wrote fiction novel to reflect main idea, and therefore some individuals in the book did things that they did not do in reality, and vice versa, some of their exploits are not described. Thus, the novel is an interweaving of real and fictional events, which in no way detracts from its value, because the author managed to convey the most important thing.

The members of the secret organization were mostly young people who had recently been children. Girls and boys wanted to protect their families and their native land. Their organization was divided into several groups, each of which performed its own functions. All of them were aimed at destroying the enemy's plans. There were traitors in their group; there were people who lacked courage. But for the most part, these guys showed an example of deep patriotism, courage, and the desire to save not only loved ones, but also their homeland. They fought until the end, until last minute own life. Their names will forever go down in history, their exploits will forever remain in the hearts and memories of people.

The work belongs to the Prose genre. It was published in 1943 by the publishing house Children's Literature. The book is part of the "Russian Classics (Eksmo)" series. On our website you can download the book "The Young Guard" in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. The book's rating is 4.24 out of 5. Here, before reading, you can also turn to reviews from readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinion. In our partner's online store you can buy and read the book in paper form.

War is beautiful. These words may sound cynical, but what could be more beautiful than pure dedication, heroism and humanity? Of course, a sea of ​​blood and human grief will not give you aesthetic pleasure, but that is not the beauty of war. In war, the hands of cruelty divide actions into only two categories, and the person you may meet here is friend or foe. Nothing superfluous and nothing unnecessary. Only the task, its implementation and the result. War gives birth and takes away the best, because a coward will not commit heroic deed, taking risks own life. War mercilessly and rightly discards the superfluous and the superfluous. Find out its many secrets. Download the e-book “Young Guard” by Alexander Fadeev in fb2, epub, pdf, txt for free on the website

July 1942. Under the scorching Ukrainian sun, units of the Red Army are retreating along the Donetsk steppes. The command hoped to cross the Donets River, but its hopes were not justified - German troops had already reached the Donets. The Soviet soldiers were in confusion. Among them: Vanya Zemnukhov, Ulya Gromova, Oleg Koshevoy and Zhora Harutyunyants. Not everyone left Krasnodon, located among unfriendly nature. There are more than a hundred non-transportable patients in the local hospital, who are beginning to be placed in city residents’ apartments. An underground secretary of the district committee and a group of intelligence officers were left in Krasnodon. During the day, the Germans entered the city, and at night their headquarters was burned. Koshevoy, together with his new comrades, begin their long journey - the path to establishing permanent contact with the underground and expanding intelligence connections. Meanwhile, the activities of the Krasnodon underground workers are expanding, doubling the number of sabotage acts against the German military. In the “weeds under the barn” a meeting takes place, the result of which is the end of the unification of the local underground...

Now a full-fledged underground organization called the “Young Guard” operates in Krasnodon. But what fruits will her activities bring? The latter can hardly be called exclusively successful, because at times the Germans take partisans prisoner or another underground action is on the verge of failure. Some underground fighters are betrayed by hidden enemies of Soviet power, some are caught in safe houses. One day, the Germans execute two members of the Young Guard by burying them alive. Meanwhile, a new fighter arrives in the partisan detachment - Lyubov Shevtsova. She successfully completed the airborne courses, and then the radio operator courses. Lyubka has many goals for herself. She organizes communications with the underground headquarters, walks with the Germans, introducing herself as the daughter of a mine owner repressed by the Soviets and extracting important intelligence from them. Feel yourself in the shoes of an experienced intelligence officer by listening to an audiobook in mp3, reading online or downloading the e-book “Young Guard” by Alexander Fadeev in fb2, epub, pdf, txt for free on the website

The work of the Soviet underground continues. They steal German propaganda materials, undermine the morale of enemy soldiers in every possible way, hang policemen from lampposts and deprive the occupiers of important resources. The Young Guard is expanding - now its formations operate on all roads in the region and far beyond its borders. Difficulties are difficulties, but the Krasnodon partisans do not forget their duty to their homeland. Despite frequent arrests, searches and punitive actions, the underground continues its noble cause.

One day, the Young Guard manages to destroy a German truck filled with Christmas gifts for the military. This is a great achievement and the partisans are celebrating it. But soon arrests, searches and executions begin. One by one, members of the underground organization find themselves under the supervision of German intelligence services. The activities of the Young Guard are in question. Will the organization be able to fulfill its mission and hold out until the arrival of Soviet troops? Find out this.. Reviews and reviews about the book.

Feb 15, 2017

Young guard Alexander Alexandrovich Fadeev

(estimates: 1 , average: 5,00 out of 5)

Title: Young Guard
Author: Alexander Alexandrovich Fadeev
Year: 1943-45
Genre: Books about war, Literature of the 20th century, Soviet literature

About the book “Young Guard” Alexander Alexandrovich Fadeev

There are probably no people who have not heard about the book “Young Guard,” which describes the feat of the Krasnodon underground organization during the Great Patriotic War. Before writing this amazing novel, Alexander Fadeev visited the homeland of teenage partisans and learned all the details of this story.

Indeed, in Krasnodon there was a secret organization called the “Young Guard”, which was discovered and destroyed by the Germans in early 1943.

After the liberation of the city from fascist invaders From mine No. 5, located nearby, several dozen corpses of young children, who were only 15-20 years old, were recovered. In his work, the writer left the real names of many heroes.

Reading the novel “The Young Guard” is very exciting - young guys, who have their whole lives ahead of them, doom themselves to mortal danger. Having united under the leadership of Oleg Koshevoy in an underground organization, they are trying their best to help their fathers and grandfathers who went to the front. Alexander Fadeev very clearly showed the self-government bodies and the entire structure of this organization - you are amazed at the responsibility and composure of the Young Guards, the clear distribution of responsibilities, their loyalty to ideological principles, determination, enthusiasm and enormous faith in victory. A little later, the reader learns another side of the guys, which will give you goosebumps more than once - the resilience of the teenagers and their willingness to accept death in the name of saving their country, despite the terrible torture to which each of the captured heroes was subjected.

The “Young Guard” consisted not only of young men - there were also girls who worked equally with the boys. The iron endurance and strong spirit of all the heroes is amazing. There was also criticism within the organization. It is immediately clear that this is a close-knit team, where everyone else is responsible for each member.

For the first time, the book “Young Guard” was published immediately after the war, in 1946, when it was necessary to talk about the feat of teenagers and show strength and power true patriotism. This work is no less relevant today. First, we must always remember our heroes who gave their lives for our well-being.

Secondly, the modern generation must learn from the Young Guards love for the homeland, the desire to fight for a better future, the ability to see clearly moral guidelines and follow them without hesitation.

“The Young Guard” is a book that tempers the soul. Alexander Fadeev immortalized the great feat of young fighters who significantly influenced the liberation of Krasnodon.

On our website about books you can download the site for free without registration or read online book“Young Guard” Alexander Alexandrovich Fadeev in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. Buy full version you can from our partner. Also, here you will find last news from literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers there is a separate section with useful tips and recommendations, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

Quotes from the book “Young Guard” Alexander Alexandrovich Fadeev

Look around, too, young man, my friend, look around, like me, and tell me who you offended in life more than your mother - wasn’t it from me, wasn’t it from you, wasn’t it from him, wasn’t it from our failures, mistakes and Is it not because of our grief that our mothers turn gray? But the hour will come when all this will turn into a painful reproach to the heart at the mother’s grave.

Perhaps this was the most she could do in this conversation: to finally let him understand that their relationship was not an ordinary relationship, that there was a secret in this relationship.

Kayutkin spoke to Ulya so carefully, as if he were holding a light in his palms; his face was hard to see in the dark, but it was serious and soft, and there was no fatigue in his eyes - they sparkled in the dark.

But a person must have something sacred in his soul, something that, like one’s own mother, one cannot laugh at, speak disrespectfully, or mock.

And those who left felt so heavy, and confused, and painful in their souls, as if a raven was clawing at their souls.

Mom, mom!.. Forgive me, because you are alone, only you in the world can forgive, put your hands on your head, like in childhood, and forgive...

If you expect girls to come to you on their own, you are guaranteed a lonely old age!

Yes, this is happiness - standing still, not retreating, giving your life - believe my conscience, I myself would consider it happiness to give my life, to give my life for guys like you! - the major said with excitement shaking his light, dry body.

It is very strange to read some reviews of “Young Guard”, those reviews in which Fadeev is accused of excessive Soviet propaganda. Guys, do you seriously think that somewhere there is a society without state ideology? Therefore, it is very funny for me to read how, with the help of cliches and clichés of modern propaganda, Soviet propaganda is denounced, and even with such a funny ambition - we, they say, are modern people, critically thinking, and do not fall for such bullshit.

Well, well, the groan about the over-ideologization of Fadeev’s novel is written as a carbon copy, almost in the same words. Yes, the novel is ideological and propaganda, but so what? In general, any statement, if it is addressed not to the wall or to voices in the head, but to real interlocutors, by definition can be considered propaganda. And secondly, it is appropriate there. These guys really were Komsomol members, but not from the generation of our parents, who sat their pants at boring meetings and grumbled that they were being sent to grow potatoes. This is a completely different generation. Their parents, farm laborers and poor people, themselves fought for Soviet power during the Civil War or were even in hiding, like Viktor Petrov’s father, and instilled the corresponding attitude in their children’s families. At school they were brought up by the October, Pioneer and Komsomol organizations and they were brought up in reality, and not formally, because the slogans had not yet worn out. And therefore, Radik Yurkin really joined the Komsomol secretly, in an occupied city, because he considered it his duty and honor for himself. This is a fact, even if it is unpleasant to someone. This is still the red mining Donbass, and not Western Ukraine. Read the diaries of the Young Guard members, read the quotes from the books that they wrote out in their personal secret notebooks - well, who is more wrong here, Fadeev with his propaganda or the modern reader who does not understand that mass consciousness changes from era to era? They also accuse Fadeev that he is a bad writer and that his novel is poorly written. Yes, of course, Fadeev is not Simonov or Sholokhov. AND lexicon poorer, and the images are paler, and the Germans are all as good as choice, even physically unpleasant, and the heroes in conversation sometimes go astray, and Oleg Koshevoy becomes too ideal in places. It's all true. But Fadeev’s goal was not to create a masterpiece of high literature and an example artistic style. Yes, “The Young Guard” is a journalistic essay created in hot pursuit. Yes, you can find a bunch of factual inaccuracies in it, but this is not important. Even, no matter how blasphemous it may sound in relation to the memory of Viktor Tretyakevich, in relation to his parents, it does not matter whether Tretyakevich-Stakhovich was a traitor, because the point here is not in a specific underground organization, not in the fate of specific Seryozhka, Ulyana or Lyubka . “Young Guard” is a monument to all underground fighters on occupied Soviet soil, legendary and unknown, those for whom there was no Fadeev to perpetuate their names. And Fadeev coped with this function of perpetuating. His novel awakens curiosity. After reading it, I climbed into the Internet and found a site dedicated to the Young Guard. There are archival documents and memoirs - you can also find things that did not fit into the novel, not because the novel is bad, but because. real life always more than a book. And if such sites are created and people visit them, then the writer’s work was not in vain. And Fadeev’s novel also awakens thought. I sat down to read The Young Guard solely out of the realization that it was indecent that I had not read it, and the book unexpectedly turned out to be emotionally strong. I saw and understood how different this generation was from mine. They read other books, sang other songs - pre-war Soviet and folk, they even spoke a different language, as if they lived on another planet. Fadeev amazingly describes the geography of Krasnodon, all these Eight Houses and Shanghais are cute local names, known and understandable only to locals, native districts-quarters, which include Germans. My city was not occupied, it was not even a front-line city, it was always in the distant rear, accompanied soldiers to the front and received evacuees, and I suddenly tried the occupation on it, on its streets and parks, on its place names that were understandable only to locals. And I realized more clearly than before how much I don’t want war to ever come to these streets. I looked at school photographs of Young Guards and remembered my grandmother’s album. She also has the same photographs, the same pre-war ninth grade, the same boys in simple jackets and caps and girls in homemade dresses. Grandma's classmates were lucky. They worked in factories, fought at the front, among their own people, they had no need to go underground. And if everything had happened differently, which of these smiling and serious girls would have become Ulyana Gromova, who would have become Valya Filatova, and who would have become Vyrikova? I saw the occupation and its horror, expressed not by the atrocities of the Gestapo, but by the constant everyday heaviness, fear, and inability to live normal life, curfew and radio broadcasts from under the counter. This is the part of the Great Patriotic War that is least reflected in fiction, and in personal stories in my rear city, but it seems to me that Fadeev managed to convey this heaviness. And I saw the Young Guards. For us, after more than seventy years, their whole life was concentrated in one moment on the edge of the pit of mine number five. And until recently they did not know that they would be heroes and lived the life of ordinary boys and girls. And their parents did not know what awaited their children. The reader knows that happy ending will not be and not at the whim of the author, but because he did not exist in life, the reader knows how many other underground organizations were also destroyed, how many people were tortured. But while you are reading, you are desperately hoping that everything will work out, that the guys will leave the Germans and cross the front. You want to shout to them in a year, so that those who remained in Krasnodon leave while there is still time, they have already accomplished their feat and have the right. But they didn’t leave, there is no time machine, it’s impossible to change the past, and Fadeev simply tells us about the facts, about how it was - how they came to arrest in front of their parents, how parents carried packages, knowing that they would not see the children alive, how they extracted disfigured bodies. Yes, it is not Fadeev’s merit, but his mother’s, that the novel turns out to be so touching, but Fadeev did the main thing - he preserved this memory and brought it to us.


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