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How old are Klimova and Mesha? Klimova and Meskhi showed funny photos of their daughter. Children of Ekaterina Klimova

I have already shared most of the information about the life of the popular actress Ekaterina Klimova. Today I will tell you what I left as a snack - the story of her current love.

2013 turned out to be difficult for Katyusha. In her marriage to Igor Petrenko a huge crack formed that could not be repaired((As Igor later admitted, his legs could no longer carry him home... And Katya saw that they could not even discuss ordinary everyday issues calmly. For a whole year the couple hid from the public that they were no longer a couple The divorce in 2014 put an end to it forever.

Ekaterina Klimova

New love of Ekaterina Klimova

Only a year has passed since the official breakup, and now this attractive actress is married again. Katyusha's third husband was a sexy brunette Gela Meskhi, whom she met on the set of a historical film "Wolf Sun". This actor is eight years younger than Klimova... But can this be a hindrance for love?

Ekaterina Klimova and Gela Meskhi on the set of the series Wolf Sun

Ekaterina Klimova and Gela Meskhi in the series Wolf Sun

The burning handsome man quickly won the artist’s heart. And already in 2015, the lovers exchanged wedding rings.

Ekaterina Klimova and Gela Meskhi on a walk

Wedding of Gela Meskhi and Ekaterina Klimova

For a long time, the artists did not advertise their relationship. Klimova went through a divorce for a long time Igor Petrenko and didn’t want to let strangers into my personal life. After a large amount of gossip, speculation and discussions appeared in the tabloid press, Meskhi convinced his beloved to tell everything to journalists. In an interview, Katya admitted that summer 2015 he and Gela got married. Klimova was prompted to make revelations by her already visible pregnancy with her fourth child.

Katya has worked on the set more than once in an interesting position, and she does it wonderfully. Only in difficult and dangerous scenes of the film is she replaced by stunt doubles.

The artists performed the wedding without preparation or wedding dresses, because Katya had practically no days off. On June 5, a “window” appeared in her schedule, and the lovers rushed to the registry office. Without flowers, balloons, congratulations or sentiments, they happily put rings on each other. The older children of the actress willingly accepted Gela into their family. Klimova said that they are already big enough to react correctly to what is happening.

Ekaterina Klimova with her son and husband Gela Meskhi

Ekaterina Klimova became a mother for the fourth time

On October 2, 2015, a lovely daughter was born in a Moscow maternity hospital. Ekaterina Klimova and Gela Meskhi. Photo their crumbs can already be seen on Katya’s pages Instagram. The actress posted her first pictures quite recently. Before your first birthday Bella(the couple gave their daughter such an exotic name) the happy parents did not want to show her to strangers. In her blog, the actress admits that the baby is an exact copy of her father.

Daughter of Ekaterina Klimova and Gela Meskhi

Daughter of Ekaterina Klimova

In preparation for Bella's appearance, Katya, her husband and children moved to Moscow from a country house. The actress explained this by saying that the children need clubs, sports clubs, communication with friends, and it’s easier to get to school if it’s nearby.

Ekaterina Klimova with Bella

Ekaterina Klimova with her daughter Bella

Beauty secrets from Ekaterina Klimova

Ekaterina Klimova- a woman you want to imitate. Just two months after her fourth birth, the 38-year-old actress appeared on screens, impressing viewers with her supermodel figure and chic appearance. How does she manage to do this?

Ekaterina Klimova in nature

Ekaterina Klimova never used diets to lose weight.

After reading numerous interviews Ekaterina Klimova, I learned that she is a very collected and purposeful person. In her family, the morning begins with her favorite oatmeal. There is always a liter bottle of clean drinking water in your bag. The actress also often consumes cottage cheese, seafood, dried fruits and nuts. In moments of fatigue, she helps herself to recover with the help of a massage prickly mat, which improves blood circulation.

Ekaterina Klimova monitors her health

To keep her tummy flat, Klimova works out her abs on the way to work. In moments of weakness, when you want to eat ice cream or a cake at night, Katya always remembers the Olympic champions, their efforts to achieve the coveted awards... And... she goes to bed hungry) What endurance!

A few simple recipes from Ekaterina Klimova’s blog:

  • do all housework with rubber gloves to preserve the beauty of your hands;
  • regularly resort to the services of a massage therapist;
  • select body and face care products only with the help of a professional cosmetologist;
  • find time to visit the pool?
  • in rare free moments, alternately squeeze and unclench the muscles of the abdomen and buttocks to make them elastic.

That's all I wanted to tell you about this amazing and talented woman. I really hope that the union Ekaterina Klimova with Gela Meskhi will have a long and happy life. Maybe at least this actor will be able to keep and save their wonderful family! I will believe in it...

Ekaterina Klimova and Gela Meskhi on a walk with their daughter

Gela Meskhi is a Russian actor with Georgian roots. He became widely famous for his work in the series “Physics or Chemistry,” where he played a high school student in love with a teacher, and the serial film “Son of the Father of Nations,” in which his hero was Joseph Stalin’s son Vasily.


Gela was born into an international family, his mother is Russian, his father is Georgian with Spanish ancestors in his family tree. The parents spent a long time choosing a name for their son; among the options there was even the unusual “Rocky Junior”, but they settled on the name Gela.

The boy's parents were far from creativity: his mother worked in the housing office, his father was a civil engineer. However, they were and remain the most important critics of each of his son's works.

In his childhood, the boy divided his free time between football matches in the school yard and classes in the school amateur group. The final choice between sports and theater was made only at the end of school. Having received the certificate, Gela submitted documents to the Moscow Art Theater School, for the course of Konstantin Raikin.

The teachers noticed the talented student almost immediately, and while still studying, Gela received roles in productions of the educational theater of the Studio School: “The Valencian Madmen,” “The Kidnapping of Sobinyaninov,” “Silence is Golden” and “Hamlet.”

Great interview with Gela Meskhi

In 2009, his studies were successfully completed, and now certified actor Gela Meskhi became a full member of the troupe of the Stanislavsky Theater, where he was involved in the plays “7 Days Before the Flood,” “There Will Be No Trojan War,” and “Romeo and Juliet.”

Actor career

In the same year, Yuri Kara began filming the film “Hamlet. XXI Century". Both well-known actors (Dmitry Dyuzhev, Alexey Serebryakov, Konstantin Kryukov) and recent students applied for the main role. Yuri Viktorovich visited the Moscow Art Theater production of Hamlet and appreciated the performance of 23-year-old Gela, who played several roles at once: Rosencrantz, Osric, Bernardo, Marcellus. After the performance, the director called all the actors in turn; He suggested that Meskhi audition for the role of Rosencrantz.

As it turned out later, Kara intended the young man not for Rosencrantz, but for Hamlets, but still had doubts and asked the actor to read the famous monologue of the Danish prince. Gela's tears in the middle of the monologue convinced the director that Meskhi would cope with the role of Hamlet better than anyone else. The correctness of Yuri Viktorovich’s choice was also confirmed by members of the jury of the VIII Amur Autumn Film and Theater Festival, which was held in Blagoveshchensk - the young actor was awarded the “Best Actor in Film” prize.

Gela Meskhi: Hamlet's monologue

In 2010, Gela was involved in several more films: the comedy “An Adult Daughter, or a Test for...” (another name is “The Young Master’s Adult Daughter”) and the film-plays “Comedians” and “There Will Be No Trojan War.” Working with experienced actors Dmitry Maryanov, Olesya Sudzilovskaya, Igor Sklyar and Sergei Gorobchenko was not in vain for the talented actor.

In 2011, he starred in a film that made him famous throughout the country - in the melodrama about school everyday life “Physics or Chemistry”. The role of a high school student in love with his teacher brought him widespread popularity and new roles. In 2012, Gela starred in three films: the film almanac “Astra, I Love You”, the melodrama “It’s Simple” and the social drama “Emergency Situation (Emergency)”.

In 2013, Meskhi was offered the main role in the historical drama “Son of the Father of Nations.” The role of Vasily Stalin became a real challenge for Gela, because during the filming he had to learn new skills, for example, driving a car, riding a horse, shooting a gun, and also gain 10 kilograms. The strain was not only physical, but also emotional, because Gela’s hero lived a difficult life, in which there were both loud victories and deafening defeats. To better understand his hero, Gela even wanted to meet with the eldest son of Vasily Stalin, but still did not dare to disturb him.

In the same year, Gela Meskhi was cast in the leading role in two more projects. In the series “Wolf Sun” (released in 2017), Gela played a security officer who must prevent an attack by White émigré troops on Soviet Russia, in the sports drama “Shot” - one of the sportsman friends who, through numerous difficulties, strive for their cherished dream - Olympic gold medal. The roles turned out to be complex and multifaceted, but Gela, according to the audience and most critics, coped with them brilliantly.

The following year, the actor worked on several projects that were released in 2016: the crime drama “Bouncer” with Dmitry Maryanov, Nadezhda Markina, Konstantin Yushkevich, as well as the detective story “Black Cat” - a new version of the well-known film “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed” "with Igor Petrenko and Mikhail Boyarsky. Gela played the leader of the criminal gang “Black Cat”, who is caught by Petrenko’s hero, investigator Karatov.

Also in 2016, fans of the actor could see him in the historical film “Men and Women,” which told about the difficult times of collectivization and dispossession in the 20-30s of the last century. In addition, Gela appeared in the mystical series “Guardian,” in which he worked on the same set with his beloved wife Ekaterina Klimova. Meskhi's hero is a ghost who is trying to protect his investigator wife.

Personal life of Gela Meskhi

During the filming of the spy film “Wolf Sun,” Meskhi met Ekaterina Klimova, who at that time was married to Igor Petrenko, ironically, Gela’s future partner in the series “Black Cat.”

Spouses do not sleep together due to terrible snoring of their stronger half

Spouses do not sleep together due to terrible snoring of their stronger half

Her many fans follow the personal life of 38-year-old Ekaterina Klimova with curiosity. First, she divorced Igor PETRENKO, from whom she gave birth to sons Korney and Matvey, to the delight of her daughter Lisa from her first marriage to jeweler Ilya KHOROSHILOV. Then the actress had a whirlwind romance with the young actor Gela MESKHI (he turned 30 on May 18), which ended with a wedding and the birth of another child - little Bellochka. At the same time, there are a variety of rumors surrounding Catherine’s current marriage.

Just last fall, friends and colleagues Klimova doubted the sincerity of feelings Gely Meskhi in relation to Katya. They said that the temperamental Georgian, star of the series “Son of the Father of Nations,” lived for his own pleasure, without particularly burdening himself with everyday life. At this time, Klimova carried everything on herself and, even after becoming pregnant with her fourth baby, she did not stop filming, managing to go shopping during breaks, and carried heavy boxes when moving from a country house to a Moscow apartment.

Katya was able to enjoy peace and get a good night's sleep in Thailand, where her husband took her for his 30th birthday. Photo: Instagram.com

However, despite all this, Gela and Katya got married. Exactly four months before the birth of their common daughter.

The couple’s friends were inspired: there was hope that fatherhood would awaken new feelings in Meskhi, make him more responsible and calm.

With the birth of her daughter, Gela really changed,” Klimova’s friend, a costume designer, rejoices for the couple Larisa Chukhrai. - If earlier he could not spend the night at home for a week, he allowed himself frivolous photos with fans, but now he tries to control himself and, as soon as he has free time, rushes to his daughter. Katya said that it was he who chose the baby’s name. At first, however, he wanted to name her after himself - Gella (the female variation of this name is written with two “l” - A.V.), but then, apparently, he considered it immodest and chose a consonant name - Bella. If completely, then Isabella Gelovna Meskhi- Beautiful, is not it? He also began to treat Katya more carefully: in May he finally arranged a honeymoon for her - he took her to Thailand. It’s okay that almost a year has passed since the wedding, the main thing is to retire and relax. You won’t envy Klimova: while she’s redoing her homework with the elders, then she’s taking the boys to boxing and football, she’s neglecting Liza in French and English, and there’s practically no time left for herself.

After the Georgian feasts that MESKHI periodically hosts at home, KLIMOVA and her sons Matvey (left) and Korney rush to get the fat into the pool. Photo: Instagram.com

Meskhi took upon himself not only caring for the baby, but also cooking. He, like a real Georgian, does best with meat.

Gela loves to experiment and often indulges in homemade recipes “from her head,” Larisa continues. - He'll fry it, steam it, put it on plates, decorate it with herbs - you'll lick your fingers! Katya, by the way, eats everything her husband cooks. She doesn't go on diets, but still manages to stay in amazing shape. You can't relax with a young husband. Fortunately, with the birth of her daughter, Gelya has no time to do nonsense - there are more important things to do. However, now they have another problem. Katerina recently complained that her husband snores. So much so that the windows in the bedroom begin to rattle! Like, she already doesn’t get enough sleep because of the baby, and then there’s this “trombone” under her ear every night... In general, as a result, Katya decided to move Gela to another room. At first, of course, she persuaded him to go to the doctor, try acupuncture, spray or special inserts in the nose, but he categorically refused, assuring that all Georgians snore and there was nothing wrong with it. Maybe it is so (I heard that Vera Brezhneva also complained that Konstantin Meladze harasses her with his snoring), but sleeping separately is also not an option. Katya and Gela have just gotten used to it - they can’t let snoring ruin their marriage.


Scientists have found that because of their husbands' snoring, women lose up to two hours of sleep every night, which leads to chronic sleep deprivation. 39 percent of homemakers make up for lost time by periodically spending the night in another room, and every ninth married couple constantly sleeps separately.

– an incredibly charming and beautiful woman, a talented actress with excellent vocal abilities. At 39 years old, she looks beautiful, many young girls follow her example, and men admire and idolize her.

Klimova's new husband is actor Gela Meskhi

Klimova’s personal life interests many fans, but the girl herself tries not to advertise the details. Even the wedding with her new husband was quite modest.

Personal relations with Gela Meskhi

In 2015, the popular actress began dating Gela Meskhi, her partner in the series “Wolf Heart”. The young people played a couple in love, after which the feelings moved into real life. The Georgian actor is 8 years younger than Catherine, and many believed that their relationship would not last long. Despite negative opinions, Klimova and Meskhi decided to get married in the summer of the same year.

After 4 months of marriage, the couple had a daughter, who was named Bella. Ekaterina became a mother for the fourth time (three other children are from previous marriages). The actress continues to work, delighting fans with new roles in theater and cinema. Plus, she is an exemplary wife and a wonderful mother.

Wedding of Ekaterina Klimova and Meskhi

Ekaterina Klimova’s new husband beautifully looked after his chosen one, but by mutual decision the lovers did not organize a magnificent wedding ceremony. In addition, the acting activities of both are very busy, which did not allow them to prepare well for the celebration.

Meskhi proposed several times - in New York and in the most romantic city in the world - Paris.

On June 5, 2015, Ekaterina and Gela got married. Due to the lack of days off, the young people had neither chic outfits, nor balloons, nor a large-scale banquet.

Wedding rings and vows of eternal love were enough for them. Klimova’s children reacted adequately to the appearance of a new pope, Meskhi got along well with them.

Video of Ekaterina Klimova’s fiery dances with her husband

Former husbands of Ekaterina Klimova

In 2015, Ekaterina married for the third time. After a sensational relationship with Petrenko, the girl decided to celebrate the wedding in secret. She and her new husband are raising four children together.

Catherine's first husband - Ilya Khoroshilov

While still in high school, Ekaterina Klimova began dating businessman Ilya Khoroshilov. It was he who became her first husband, proposing marriage to the young girl after graduation. After 4 years, they formalized their relationship. In 2002, their daughter was born, who was named Lisa.

As employment and career success increased, scandals occurred more and more often in the family.

The husband tried to smooth out the conflicts by beautifully caring for Katya and giving her luxurious gifts, but the relationship did not improve. A serious impetus for the divorce was the girl’s meeting with a friend from college. It was Igor Petrenko, with whom the actress worked on the sequel to the film “The Best City on Earth.”

Igor Petrenko - history of relationships

Catherine did not want to continue her relationship with, but a year later the young man called her, and it became clear that feelings flared up with renewed vigor.

Photo: Instagram @igorpetrenko77

The actress took her daughter and ran away from her husband, who, in a fit of jealousy, promised to shoot Igor. The young people began to live together, and in 2005, before the New Year, they got married.

The lovers did not celebrate the ceremony, they were late for the painting, forgot their wedding rings, quickly signed and left to celebrate the beginning of 2006.

That same year, Petrenko and Klimova had their first child, whom they named Matvey. Two years later, another boy was born - Korney.

They all lived happily together for almost 10 years. Their union was compared to the relationship between Pitt and Jolie. In 2014, Catherine announced that she was divorcing her husband. Petrenko, like a true gentleman, takes most of the blame upon himself, explaining that it is difficult for a woman to accept when a man is immersed in his inner world and does not open up to anyone.

Children of Ekaterina Klimova

Klimova’s eldest daughter Elizaveta (father – Ilya Khoroshilov) turned 15 this year. Children from Petrenko - boys Korney and Matvey - are 9 and 11, respectively.

In October 2015, Ekaterina gave birth to a daughter, Bella, from Georgian actor Gela Meskhi. The parents did not show their daughter until she was one year old. Now her photo can be seen on her mother’s Instagram page. Catherine believes that the little princess is very similar to her father.

Before the birth of their fourth child, the family moved to Moscow from a house outside the capital. Klimova explained this by saying that it is more convenient for children to go to school and attend sports clubs. The boys go to football and boxing classes, the eldest daughter is actively studying foreign languages, especially French and English.

The popular actress is self-sufficient and happy, despite the fact that many consider her new marriage a mistake. She receives incomparable pleasure from working and raising children, and Gela supports her in all her endeavors.

Age difference - 9 years

Ekaterina Klimova met the young actor Gela Meskhi during a difficult period: she was going through a divorce from Igor Petrenko, with whom she had been married for almost ten years. This union seemed ideal, but alas. Ekaterina met the cheerful and charismatic Gela on the set of the series “Wolf Sun”. Gela immediately drew attention to the star and began to show signs of attention, but the development of the romance was hampered by the age difference. However, it quickly became clear that the actors could not live without each other.

On June 5, 2015, Ekaterina Klimova married Gela, and in September of the same year, the actress gave birth to her fourth child, a girl named Isabella. Now the couple is raising a common daughter and three children of Klimova from previous marriages. Viewers will be able to see Gela on the screen in the near future: on May 7, NTV will air the series “Embassy,” in which the actor played one of the main roles.

Yuri Kolokolnikov and Ksenia Rappoport

Age difference - 7 years


Yuri Kolokolnikov is a dark horse. The actor has never been officially married, but his name is closely connected with the name of 44-year-old actress Ksenia Rappoport, with whom Kolokolnikov sometimes breaks up and then gets back together. Yuri is raising a daughter, Taisiya, whose mother is unknown, and a daughter, Sofia, whom Rappoport gave birth to in 2011. Ksenia also has an eldest daughter from her first marriage, actress Aglaya Tarasova.

In 2014, the couple seemed to have finally broken up, and Kolokolnikov even started an affair with St. Petersburg model Dayana Ramos Laforte. However, at the premiere of the film Ice, where Aglaya Tarasova played her first leading role, Ksenia and Yuri posed together. It is also known that Yuri gave Ksenia a house on the coast in the Italian town of San Felice Circeo.

Hugh Jackman and Deborra-Lee Furness

Age difference - 13 years

Hugh and Deborra-Lee met in 1995 on the set of the TV series Corelli and got married a year later. The happy marriage was marred by the lack of children - the couple could not conceive a baby. But in May 2000, the couple adopted a boy, Oscar Maximilian, and in 2005, a girl, Ava Eliot. Hugh Jackman calls his wife the best mother in the world and is happy to reveal the secret of a successful marriage. As the actor says, he and his wife never separate for more than two weeks and make all important decisions together.

Alexander Nesterov and Nonna Grishaeva

Age difference - 12 years

Actress Nonna Grishaeva says that her husband’s character is similar to her father, which is what attracted her to him. Initially, Nonna did not look at the young man as a future husband, but Alexander managed to convince the actress that he was her destiny. The couple is raising a common son, Ilya, born in 2006, and Nastya, Nonna’s daughter from a previous marriage. A couple of years ago, gossips revealed a secret affair between Nonna Grishaeva and actor Dmitry Isaev, but the husband forgave the actress for betrayal and proved that he was ready to be there for both joy and sorrow.

Sergey Makovetsky and Elena Demchenko

Age difference - 18 years

The couple met in the 80s in the corridor of the Odessa film studio. It all started with a joke: Sergei, still a young artist who starred in the film “I, Son of the Working People,” ran along the corridor, and Elena called out to him: “Young man, will you marry me?” “I’m getting married!” - Makovetsky looked at the woman, smiled and ran on about his business. In 1983, the actor kept his word given as a joke.

Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes

Age difference - 7 years

The actor has always preferred older women. He dated Sandra Bullock, who is 19 years older than him, Rachel McAdams and Jamie Murray, who are a couple of years older than Gosling.



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