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Russian writer Natalia Tolstaya has died. Fat Natalya. Books online Natalia Tolstaya read online

Wife. How to be loved and the only one

You are a happy wife, and it seems that you will always be this way. You are 100% confident in your spouse’s love. Alas, my dear, love is a perishable dish, it needs to be prepared anew every day. I was a little late, forgot, was lazy, and now the place next to your rightful one is occupied by the one who turned out to be more agile.

This book will help keep such “agile” ones away from your husband within a cannon shot. She will become a kind and wise adviser in difficult times. A practicing psychologist, certified doctor and famous writer Natalya Tolstaya will tell you how to prevent betrayal, how to return your beloved husband to the bosom of the family, revive the former intensity of feelings and live happily ever after, or... how to part with dignity (it happens that this is the only right path).

All the “secrets” are presented clearly, cheerfully and unobtrusively, so you can easily learn simple rules that will help you become a happy wife and maintain this status forever.

Mistress. How to stay desired and happy

You are a lover. This word is like a two-in-one shampoo: it combines the happiness of being with your loved one and eternal uncertainty about your position. After all, “he has a legal wife.”

There are no long discussions about morality and morality in this book; there is only a desire to help a woman who finds herself in a difficult situation - the position of someone’s mistress. Practicing psychologist, certified doctor and famous writer Natalya Tolstaya will frankly tell you what awaits you on the difficult path of a mistress. He will warn about possible mistakes in relationships and hint at what steps to take in order to remain loved by Him and not go crazy from jealousy and resentment. Examples from life will remind you of the honor and dignity of a proud word...

In St. Petersburg, at the age of 68, after a serious illness, the writer, translator and philologist, Dovlatov Prize laureate Natalia Tolstaya, sister of Tatyana Tolstaya, died.

She was born in Yelabuga, where her family ended up during the years of evacuation. Natalia Nikitichna Tolstaya was a talented and extraordinary person. Her main activity was related to philology. The granddaughter of Alexei Tolstoy, Mikhail Lozinsky and Natalia Krandievskaya, Natalia Tolstaya graduated from Leningrad University and until the end of her life she taught at the Department of Scandinavian Philology, was an associate professor and the author of a Swedish language textbook.

As a candidate of philological sciences, she conducted serious research activities as an assistant professor in the department of Scandinavian philology and taught Swedish. The first literary searches of the future writer were connected precisely with this language.

She began writing stories in Russian later, but they immediately won the attention of critics, writes Rosbalt news agency. She published three books of prose: “Sisters” and “Two” (together with her sister, writer, publicist and TV presenter Tatyana Tolstaya) and “One”. Natalia Tolstaya was a regular contributor to Zvezda magazine.

Natalia Tolstaya is a laureate of the Dovlatov Prize, awarded by Zvezda magazine. In 2004, she was awarded the knighthood degree of the Swedish Royal Order of the Northern Star for her contribution to the development of contacts between Sweden and Russia.

Boris Zharov, head of the Department of Scandinavian Philology at St. Petersburg State University, shared his memories of Natalia Tolstoy. The writer, translator, and specialist in Scandinavian literature died on June 16 at the age of 67.

“I remember Natalia as a student, then as a graduate student at Leningrad University. Then we became colleagues,” Zharov told RIA Novosti. “She was a teacher of the Swedish language, the author of a textbook and scientific articles, wrote a PhD in Swedish, but her interests were broader than philological ones - she was interested in the culture of the Scandinavian countries. She wrote a lot about translations of Swedish literature into Russian and vice versa, and Natalia herself not only translated, but also wrote prose directly in Swedish."

According to Zharov, Tolstaya adored the subject of her scientific work: “The Scandinavian countries were Natalia Tolstaya’s real passion. She often traveled to Sweden, where her friends lived, and to Finland, where she also had Swedish-speaking friends. Probably a passion for philology and literature passed on to her from her grandfathers - the writer Alexei Tolstoy and the legendary translator Mikhail Lozinsky," Zharov said.

The Royal Order of the Northern Star, knighthood degree, was awarded to Natalia Tolstoy, a teacher at the Department of Scandinavian Philology at St. Petersburg State University. According to the Consulate General of Sweden in St. Petersburg, the order was awarded in recognition of the invaluable contribution to the development of contacts between Sweden and Russia.

The Order of the Northern Star was established by the Swedish King Frederick I in 1748 to reward outstanding statesmen, scientists, artists and clergy. In 1999, the director of the Hermitage, Mikhail Piotrovsky, was awarded this order.

Professor Natalya Tolstaya has taught Swedish at St. Petersburg State University since 1966, conducts special courses on Swedish culture, history, modern vocabulary, and has been a translator of works by Swedish writers into Russian.

Nikitichna Tolstaya, sister of the presenter and writer Tatyana Tolstaya. There is almost no information about the latest information on the Internet. Unlike her sister, with whom there are interviews, detailed bibliographic information, and portraits in different poses and settings. And Natalya didn’t even have a photo. Only Wikipedia modestly reported that Natalya Tolstaya is a writer, a teacher of Swedish at the Department of Scandinavian Philology of the Faculty of Philology and Arts of St. Petersburg State University.

Now, actually, about the stories themselves. The most remarkable thing about them is the author's intonation, very intelligent and soft. There is also humor - sweet and a little ironic, without anger, without strain. The themes of the stories are all roughly from the same series - the everyday life and thoughts of a woman in the humanities, so to speak. Somehow I formulated it awkwardly, but oh well, you understand me, I hope. Thoughts about life, work, love, men and family, homeland and abroad, Russians and foreigners, their past and present, home and parents, students, study and teaching, dissertations, university, foreign languages, literature.

Natalia Tolstoy's prose is highly appreciated by critics, as are her literary translations, ? for example, a collection of poems by the Finnish-Swedish poet Edith Södergran. Natalya Tolstaya was the author of a Swedish language textbook and a regular contributor to the Zvezda magazine.

Natalya Tolstaya is a practicing psychoanalyst, candidate of medical sciences, member of the International Psychotherapeutic League. She has patented methods for treating children, which are actively practiced in Italy. Studied at the Czech Academy of Information Science. Natalya also draws and writes books. Natalya is the author of the best-selling books “Male Infidelity” and “Mistress or Beloved.”

As a child, like many girls, Natasha dreamed of being an actress. But then she decided to continue the family dynasty: her father is a surgeon, and her mother is an obstetrician-gynecologist. Medicine became her life’s work as a child. Now in her books, Natalya answers burning questions regarding love relationships - how to love, be loved, and remain yourself. She analyzes many life situations and offers options for solving them, cites cases from her own practice and describes the main mistakes that each of us faces. Her advice is followed by the entire capital's elite - businessmen, actors, pop stars, politicians and athletes.

Natalya says about herself: “I am a maximalist and this does not bother me. I am who I am, and I try not to bend to circumstances, but to change the life around me.”

Regular guest of TV programs (“Private Life”, “City of Women”, “Domino Principle”, “Mirror of Life”, “Five Evenings”, “Weather in the House”) as an expert and psychological consultant. Her participation in TV programs helps to popularize the profession of psychoanalyst. She hopes that soon more people will turn to professionals with their problems.

Books (14)

Men's secrets

Men's secrets that you need to know before living happily ever after.

As a rule, in the relationship between a Man and a Woman, grievances and disappointments, mistakes and delusions, complexes and psychological problems stem from misunderstandings. We will not discover America if we say that women's and men's heads think differently. And there's nothing you can do about it. You just need to know that a woman interprets a man’s action in a feminine way, and a man, accordingly, in the opposite way.

In this book, practicing psychologist, certified physician and famous writer Natalya Tolstaya will help women look into a man’s head and get acquainted with the male point of view on difficult problems of intimate relationships that are very important for any couple.

What they are silent about in bed. Psychology of intimate relationships

“What People Are Silent About in Bed” - this book is written for women and men.

It will help us understand what we do to make us feel good in this very bed. And what would we rather not do at all? The “corporate style” loved by readers from Natalia Tolstaya and Semyon Chaika is a heart-to-heart conversation, without embellishment or formalities, about everything that worries them. Searching for answers to age-old questions: “Do they love me?”, “Do I love?”, “How to be happy?”

The secret code of happiness in the family

The secret code of happiness in the family, or Dear, do what we need!

Are there any tricks or secret words that you can use to make a man do what you want? Do you really think that you can somehow construct a phrase in a special way, say a mantra, press a special point, and the man turns into a robot waiting for your orders?

There is no such way! But there is still an opportunity to get what you want: the attention of your loved one, compliments, flowers, adoring glances. What women want every day without a break for weekends, vacations and holidays. And many women have already successfully applied this method in practice.

Love Rescue Service

Love Rescue Service, or Don't Let Your Prince Turn into a Goat!

Eternal history! There was a handsome prince on a white horse, but he became...

Well, in general, you yourself know who many of them become literally the next day after the wedding. Why do men change so much, and is the transformation from a cute bunny into a goat inevitable? If you suddenly discovered that instead of your loved one there is a strange creature next to you who is rude, does not pay attention to you, throws things around, in a word, does not want to be a handsome prince, then you urgently need to read this book!

Here you will not only find answers to all the “how did this happen” and “where were my eyes”, but you will also receive invaluable advice that can turn your little goat back into a prince, and at the same time you will become a young, beloved and desired princess that anyone the man will carry it in his arms.

Wife, lover, beloved

Natalya Tolstaya continues to write about one of the most painful topics that can ever happen in family life: women and betrayal - they have been talking and arguing about this for centuries.

The author does not give the “correct” psychological answers and advice, but together with the readers he reflects and jokes, worries and offers help: “How difficult life is for a woman whom Fate has brought together with a married man. And if she is married, or both have families, and love becomes a secret, a problem, a pleasure, it is not easy for people in love. It’s not for us to talk about morality and rules, it’s not for us to judge and pass sentences. The truth is known to no one except God.”

Wife. How to be loved and the only one

Wife. How to be loved and the only one.

You are a happy wife, and it seems that you will always be this way. You are 100% sure of your spouse's love. Alas, my dear, love is a perishable dish, it must be prepared anew every day. I was a little late, forgot, was lazy, and now the place next to your rightful one is occupied by the one who turned out to be more agile.

This book will help keep such “nimble” ones away from your husband within a cannon shot. She will become a kind and wise adviser in difficult times.

Mistress. How to remain desired and happy.

You are a lover. This word is like a two-in-one shampoo: it combines the happiness of being with your loved one and eternal uncertainty about your position. After all, “he has a legal wife.”

There are no long discussions about morality and morality in this book; there is only a desire to help a woman who finds herself in a difficult situation - the position of someone’s mistress. Examples from life will remind you of the honor and dignity of the proud word “woman”.

Protective book against quarrels and betrayal

A real woman's winning strategy.

Oh, how difficult it is to be happy! Everything seemed to be in order, but suddenly it seemed, I imagined, I thought... Or maybe he has someone? What if I'm not the only one anymore?

And then all the late phone calls, absences, business trips and even casual glances will be pulled out into the light, carefully examined, analyzed. What then? Running through friends, ambushing people at work. How far are you willing to go?

Right now it is important to stop, advises practicing psychologist, certified doctor and psychotherapist, author of many bestsellers Natalya Tolstaya. Because there is another way to deal with suspicions and the possibility of betrayal! For your joint happiness!

Golden key to a happy home

The famous Moscow psychoanalyst, candidate of medical sciences, journalist and writer Natalya Tolstaya wrote a book about happiness, or rather, about how to live in prosperity and in harmony with oneself and others.

In the book “The Golden Key to a Happy Home,” the author reveals to the reader ancient, sometimes unexpected and deeply hidden knowledge, thanks to which the experience of the centuries-old wisdom of our ancestors became a real “golden key” to a long, happy family life.

Beloved or mistress. The Road to Calvary

Natalya Tolstaya continues to write about one of the most painful topics that can ever happen in family life. This is not about why and how people cheat on each other, but about women. What is it like for her, loving a married man? Is it easy to maintain relationships “on the side”? Why is adultery becoming commonplace?

The author does not give the “correct” psychological answers and advice, but suggests to a woman whose life has included betrayal: “Let’s think together about the man who has become a lover, about your families, about the stages of relationships with such “forbidden” love. It would be a good idea to think about your loved ones: how to protect them from stress if no one is going to change anything in their lives.”

Love. From dusk to dawn. Resurrection of feelings

Natalya Tolstaya is a famous Moscow psychoanalyst, candidate of psychological sciences, TV presenter, journalist and writer. Her advice is followed by the entire capital's elite - businessmen, actors, pop stars, politicians and athletes.

Positive psychologist, practicing psychotherapist and sexologist

To get a consultation

Natalya Tolstaya is a positive psychologist, practicing psychotherapist and sexologist. Among her clients are famous people: theater and film actors, influential politicians, businessmen, and athletes. In addition, Natalya is a public figure, journalist, television and radio presenter, and constantly acts as an expert in the field of relationships in various television programs, including on federal channels.

Today Natalya is a loving wife, a caring mother and just a happy woman. This allowed her to create her own trainings for women, which gained enormous popularity, because the topic of harmonious relationships and femininity has always excited, excites and will continue to excite.

Natalya Tolstaya has developed a unique concept of female happiness, based on her own life experience and many years of psychological practices. She argues that these cycles are directly related to psychological aspects in the field of relationships between men and women.

There are five great moments in a woman's life that cannot be swapped.

  1. “I am” - first of all, you need to love yourself. If you don't take care of yourself, you won't be able to take care of others. According to the same principle, in an emergency situation on an airplane, it is recommended to put an oxygen mask on yourself first, then on the child.

  2. Professional identification. You should always know that you can feed yourself and your children, no matter what.

  3. Love. A woman needs to love and no one can stop her from doing this. But at the same time, no love should stand above you and your calling!

  4. Children. They should not interfere with love or work, and certainly cannot dislodge your “I” from the pedestal.

  5. Parents. Your entire family does not dare to stop you from giving birth, from loving, from hindering your career growth, or from humiliating you with statements that you are worthless.




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